You Ready To Go Infiltrate The Nightmare Council?

Chapter 257



Boundless woke up with a lethargic look on her face as she took a cursory glance around. And the first thing she noticed was...

"Yo, sleepy head~"

Azmond had already found his way back to the 'camp' he set up, as he wanted to be there right when the sleeping beauty woke up.

|Azmond!| Boundless jumped up and swung herself around his neck before eventually landing face-to-face with him.

And that was when it hit her!

All the things that she and he had done over the past day came back to her like a tempest of memories.


And such an abrupt recollection put a deep blush on that flawless face of hers—a blush that Azmond noticed right away as he grabbed her by her round ass and brought her to eye level.

"You are mine now, Boundless~ You understand that, don't you~?"

He spoke such honeyed words with a growing obsession building inside of his eyes.