Truly Courting Death!!

Chapter 258


The Luminous Grounds of the Nightmare Council.

It was dubbed the 'Luminous Grounds of the Nightmare Council' for reasons that the City Lord wasn't privy to. However, he had been up at the top-most steps when he 'visited' Clawdia Moonweaver. And Eldric could've sworn that he caught a glimpse of what looked to be a large luminescent moon somewhere on the 20th floor.

However, such a profound phenomenon disappeared as quickly as it came. At the time, the Old City Lord thought of it to be nothing more than a dream, as even with his Half-Step Until Form Synthesis Realm cultivation base, he couldn't even gleam the smallest detail from such an ominous anomaly.

All Eldric could tell Azmond was to be careful once he made it to the Luminous Grounds, for there was more than meets the eye to such a grandiose place.
