I Think I’ll Go And Meet This Playboy Myself…

Chapter 331


"!?" "!?"

The two maid sisters didn't understand the words spoken by their Queen.

Was she not supposed to be infuriated at their failure??

However, it didn't take long before Marina herself answered their doubts.

"I hoped you could succeed," she began with a tired expression. "But if my daughter was anything like I was when I was younger, then she had surely gone after a man who was beyond exceptional."

Her eyes gazed off into the distance before she continued, "And it turned out that my fears had come to fruition…"

"What do you mean, My Lady?" Sapphire asked with a puzzled look on her face.

Had their Queen expected them to fail from the very beginning? Then what was the point of them even being sent out?

"..." Azure had similar thoughts to her sister as she waited for an explanation.