Is That Clawdia!?

Chapter 332


Although Azmond gave Calista all the sushi and fish he had stored away, nothing seemed to alleviate her opinion of the twentieth floor.

But luckily for her, he had something different to tell her this time around.

"You lucked out, Calista," he began with a few head pats before he continued, "according to Ember, what we're looking for is right over there."

Following his words, he pointed out into the distance, and what they all saw was some sort of... door?

|Why is there a large door in the middle of nowhere!?| Boundless asked with a perplexed look on her face.

Azmond looked up as he saw Boundless's assets hanging over his head before he asked, "Aren't you the embodiment of the Boundless System? Shouldn't you already know everything?"

Boundless's body jiggled a little as her eyes darted around before she responded, |That is too much work... Hehe~|


"Don't 'Hehe~' me, you blockhead!"