Initial Stages Of The Fifth Cataclysm Tribulation Transcendence Realm

Chapter 339


Azmond went on to explain that they wouldn't die and that he was strong enough to stop Zargoroth; however, even after he thoroughly explained it to them, the monster queen's still left open the option of 'one last time before we die'.

He eventually gave up on changing their warped way of thinking as he could smell the liquids leaking out of their holy caves, so he simply looked toward Ember and said, "Can you take care of this woman until I get back?"

"???" Ember was a little confused over why she would be asked such a thing, but she wasn't one to deny a chance to prove herself, so she responded, "Yes, I can take care of her."

A slight tinge of disappointment welled up within her when the man she liked asked her to watch over another woman, but she wouldn't let such things get to her.