Killing The Monster Emperor ‘Zargoroth The Dreaded'

Chapter 340


Zargoroth traveled for hundreds of thousands of miles before he abruptly stopped and looked around him.

Assuming that he had lost the human, he let out a sigh of relief before he thought about his next course of action.

But before he could even properly formulate his next step, his vision blurred as his vision changed a little.

"Was the world always this way around?" He asked with a perplexed expression.

And unfortunately for him, those were the last words he'd ever be able to speak, as his life died out right then and there.


An ocean-sized amount of blood gushed out of the place where Zargoroth's head was once connected.

Following such an action, a dry and deep voice uttered, "You really thought you could just come and go whenever you pleased?"

His expression was filled with nothing but disdain as he watched the country-sized body fall to Asterion.