Calista and Clawdia…

Chapter 341



The dangerous energies being emitted from the wide chasms caused by Zargoroth were slowly dispersed before they eventually reached a point where one could cross over.

And that was all that Calista needed as she crossed over and headed in the direction of the black dome.

'Big Sister…' She thought with a doleful aura surrounding her.

It had been over two years since Calista had seen her sister… Over two years since she had been 'abandoned'.

Did she blame her sister and father for leaving her behind?

Yes, she did.

But that was only for the first year.

Such thoughts of hate and blame faded away the moment she met a certain, overly handsome man.

A man who invaded her life and took her feelings and emotions through an intense roller coaster as they traveled all around the Luminous Grounds.