The Contingency Plan

Chapter 354


"This is not even funny anymore."

"That shouldn't be possible, Amonroth! And you know that just as much as the rest of us!"

All the Monster Emperors roared out with ear-splitting voices, as they were all in agreement on the impossibility of such an event actually coming to pass.

Even the one who was laughing at Zargoroth's misfortune previously had stopped his raucious laughter.

But regardless of their opinions on the subject, Amonroth quietened them all down again as he bellowed, "It doesn't matter what you guys think about the fate of Zargoroth! Just take a look at his life crystal, and you will understand the truth of the matter!"

Following his thunderous voice, he grabbed a large city-sized crystal from an unknown space before he threw the crystal onto the hard surface of the table.


It landed with a loud crash as it rolled around on the table before it abruptly stopped in its tracks.