Heading Off To Emperor Cockoff's Castle

Chapter 355


If summed up in one word, the Twenty First Floor was like a 'Paradox'—a paradox that existed as something unique but also not unique.

It was a hard concept to grasp, and the way that such a place was formed was an even more convoluted topic, but regardless of all the oddities of the Twenty First Floor, it was still home to trillions of monsters!

Trillions of monsters that barely anyone in Asterion even knew existed...

And yet they did.

Furthermore, not only did they 'exist', but they thrived and developed like a highly advanced civilization.

There were spaceships and weird-looking land vehicles traveling all across the hundreds of millions of miles that made up the Twenty-First Floor. And in those vehicles, monsterkin of every variety went about their days, heading in a plethora of different directions.

The Twenty First Floor truly would be a safe haven for all races alike!