A Distraction!?

Chapter 385


Dragoth turned his aged face toward Grommash before saying, "We won't need to worry about them, since we'll be going in the opposite direction of where they are coming from."

"In the end, the Void Worms are only after the core of Asterion, so the likelihood of them going out of their way to chase us and the Behemoth Abomination is unlikely," he added.

"..." "..."

Grommash and Vorkath thought over his response for a second before Grommash asked, "What will we do about the human race and the other race's interferences?"

"..." Dragoth thought the question over for a moment.

However, it looked like Vorkath got to it first, as he said, "Can't we just use a 'decoy' to keep them distracted long enough for us to slip away in the chaos?"

"..." "..."