Percival Going On The Prowl

Chapter 386


Clawdia knew that she was likely to get left behind in terms of strength, and she didn't want Azmond to leave her after they'd only known each other for half a year!

She wanted to spend more time with him! She wanted to hear more of his quips! She wanted to see his dazzling smile! She wanted more…

And it wasn't until a few minutes ago, during Azmond's talk with her dad, that she realized what she truly wanted.

She wanted Azmond!

So if Clawdia were to be asked if she would change anything about what she did, she would immediately reply, 'Hell no!'.

That was just the type of person that Clawdia was! She was headstrong! and she was stubborn!

But most of all, when she knew what she wanted, she would acquire it, no matter the cost!

Although that 'cost' was her sister's trust, she believed that time could mend all soured relationships.