Chapter 110: Lower than Dirt

No one POV

"Come on, babe. I can get you nice things."

"I'm not a *****. I won't go with you."

"Come on, I'm a higher being, don't resist me."

The man grabbed the woman's shoulder, and the next moment his head slipped off of his neck.

The woman began to scream, but childlike hands covered her mouth.

"Don't scream, I don't want them to notice yet."

The woman nodded. Then she took a double take at the cat ears

"Who are you?"

"Do you have the system?"

"No, I'm only a 10 in this worlds system."

"Well, I'm Rose Hood."

The small catgirl smiled.

"I'm here to kill every member of God Slayer present."

The woman smiled.

'Hope has returned to Dareu.'


After helping the woman, I snuck along the way,

"Sir, do you think that we should have a guard out?"

"What for, you afraid the boogeyman will be a 400?"

"Sir, I just have a really bad feeling."

I walked in looking tipsy.

"Ohh~ Well aren't you pretty."

"This isn't the inn~ Oopsies. *hic*."

"Hey, lady, wanna go to my place?"

"Why? You got ale?"

"Uh yes I do."

"Well, you wanna know something?"


The man smirked at the paranoid man, so I smiled.

"You should have listened to your man."

I beheaded the prideful sergeant and impaled the nervous guy before either could react.

"Goodness, higher beings are really easy to catch off guard."

I saw an inn with a sign.

"Higher beings only."

I put on my tipsy act and walked in.

"Is this the bar?~"

"A random lady? She seems drunk."

"She's kinda short."

"Hey, why don't I bring her to my place?"

"Bro, jeez, she's drunk. Don't take advantage of her like that."

I made a note of that one. He would be spared.

"Come on, don't be a coward, someone as pretty as her could be sold for a high price."

"No, here, come with me Mam. I'll guide you to wherever your home is."

"Thank you, kiddo."

"Heh, she's calling you kiddo."

The guy brought me out.

"Goodness, the nerve of some people."

"Thank you for that."

"Hmm? GHK!!!"

"You'll be spared from the onslaught."

I jabbed his neck and hid his unconscious body in an alley.

Then I walked back into the inn.

"Hey, she's back."

"You got ale?"

"Here, take this."

She drugged the drink; I could tell that much. The guys around her looked at me with perverted glares.

"Ah, thank you."

I grabbed it. Then I smashed it into her face and lopped her head off.

Their eyes widened, but they couldn't react before another 10 of them were dead. Their shock was their demise.

"What did you do to Mark, you monster?"

"If it was the nice guy, he's taking a leisurely nap in an alleyway. For his kindness I'm sparing him. For the rest of you, death will do."

I crushed the head of the asker.


It only took 10 minutes to clear out the rest of the beings in the inn.


Mark POV

I woke up in an alley with a raging headache.

"Crap, that woman tricked me, but why? I should go back and tell them to keep an eye out for her."

I stopped in his tracks. The inn was burnt to the ground and corpses were everywhere.

"What happened?"

I saw a woman picking up speed.

"What happened here?"

"A woman acting tipsy killed everyone there."

"Why am I alive?"

"I heard what she said. It was because you were the only one in there who protected her."

'So, she respects morals.'

"What do you think is happening?"

"I shouldn't tell you."


"Salvation for the people of Dareu."

I knew exactly what that meant. She was of an enemy faction.

"But she isn't a higher being?"

"I don't know more than that, please don't kill me."

"I won't, don't worry, but I'm sorry that I'll have to kill that salvation of yours. As the resident 400 I can't just let her run wild."

"I understand."

Then we both froze as the announcement opened. And a familiar female voice sounded.

"Hello? Hello? Check check. Okay, this is working! Nice. What's up people of… Dareu. Is this world's name? Nice. Anyways, for the people of God Slayers, there are 5 of you left. I spared you because you showed at least some morality, but while I am merciful, I don't let you go free. After all, I'd rather not have your headquarters know of this."

"She already killed everyone?"

Both me and the woman were frozen as shock.

"Now you're thinking, how is it merciful if I won't let you go? Well, I have a deal with 5 slots. Swear absolute loyalty to me, and I'll spare you."

This plan had holes, it would be way too easy to esca-

"Oh, I'm sorry if you mistook escape as a loophole as this unfortunate soul did, but now our number is at 4."

Oh, so no. We couldn't leave.

"Oh, we have one slot filled. We still have 3 left to go!"

It was either this or death, I was fully aware then that I couldn't beat her.

I swore loyalty to her in my mind.

"Wonderful, now we only have 2 left to decide."

"That confirms that."


"This woman has a skill that can assure our loyalty."

"Did you just…"

"Yes, because I don't particularly want to die."

"Alright that's all the slots filled. Minus one. I can introduce myself now."

The name she gave made me understand everything that had occurred.

"The name is Rose Hood. Now I have a few ground rules. First, you cannot harass people weaker than you. Second, as of now until you have 10 people who honestly forgive you for you actions, you are lower than dirt. And the last rule…"

I was prepared for a condemnation for my deeds and one that would make it impossible.

"Live happily."


I heard everyone in the city say it at the exact same time.

"I'm a conqueror, and a bit of a monster, but if you sign on with me, I don't want my people to be in pain. As long as you follow the first two rules, you can be as much as one of my commanders eventually. Currently you must atone, but eventually you can be one of my direct citizens."

I was almost in tears.

"I understand what being evil is. I used to be part of what was called the Evil god. I know what regret is. If you learn and want to be better, then I will hold nothing against you."

I fell to the ground.


"No, just Mark. As of now, I'm lower than dirt."


I didn't know why, but I threw away my pride.

"I want to be one of her commanders when she finally breaks the threshold."

"Here, I can help you."


"My name is Ally; I'll help you with atoning if you'll let me."

"Thank you."

I didn't see her, but I knew that she somehow saw me. And I could tell just by instinct, she was smiling.