Chapter 122: Luma Awakened

I landed in the same spot I initially left. FEAR disabled and I felt ill. I was not expecting the battle to be like that, but sure enough I completed two more of my requirements, and I gained the Devoured power of a demon general.

Gabriel flew over with Erica.

"Rose, are you okay?!"


"What happened?!"

Then he noticed the positioning of the blood. While there was some blood on my back, it was coalesced on my mouth and hands.

He shivered.

"What happened, Rose?"

"I have two more requirements fulfilled."

"How did you win?"

"I teleported us to the one place any demon becomes weak."

He looked at me in shock.

"You didn't…"

"Do you know any other place that fits that description."

He put his head in his hands.

"Go home, Rose."


"Just for now… let me process this."

I could understand his shock and fear. Demons were Angels. Even if they were enemies, I ate one of his kin.

"Wait for me!"

Erica ran up.


"I cleared it with my parents, they're good with you keeping my wonderful help."

"So, inform Dallel that production will continue to be in the negative."


Then she looked at me.

"So, that's how the battle ended?"


"Mr. Gabriel?"

"What is it, child?"

"Please don't hold it against her, she hates that side of FEAR as much as the rest of us do."

He calmed a bit.

"Thank you for telling me that."

I warped me and Erica back to Selethon.

"HOLY ****!!!"


"Rose, why would you warp directly into the guild hall?!"

Then they noticed the blood.


"Yes, it's the other guy that isn't."

"Oh… who was it?"


"On Earth?"


Jalad noticed my look.

"Why do you look sad?"

Erica sighed.

"It was an insanely high leveled demon, so she had to go FEAR, and… she won."


"Gabriel wasn't too happy with what happened to one of his kin."

"Ah, so she ate the demon?"

I nodded.

"I understand where Gabriel came from… Thanks Erica, for telling him that."

"I didn't want him to think that you were a heartless monster."

"What did she tell him?"

"That I don't like the eating mind."

"I see. That is something good to clear up."


"What level was the demon?"


Their eyes widened.

"How did you beat such a high-level demon?!"

"I knew of a place that makes all demons virtually incapable of fighting properly."

"That's incredible!"

"Yeah, it is."

Jalad saw my sadness.

"You wanted to beat the demon fairly… didn't you."

I nodded.

"You know you wouldn't have been able to… right?"

"Yeah, but the way I did it… it was just evil… I don't want to be evil."

Jalad hugged me.

"I don't know everything that happened there but listen. You aren't evil. Sure, you did something not too good, but… you can still do better, right?"

I nodded.

"There we go. You just-"


"Did you se-"

I fell asleep.


I woke up at the table with a wine in front of me with a note from Jalad.

"Dear Sleepyhead. Have a wine."

"What happened?"

"You fell asleep while Jalad was comforting you."

I blushed.

"I did?!"

"Yeah, it was hilarious. He was about to start saying something cool, then you just started snoring."

I put my head on the table.


After a while I got up and got ready to face the day.

But first, a bath. I was still covered in blood.

I paid Silas for a ticket to the bathhouse.



It felt good…

There was so much muck that I didn't notice.

Hell was very dirty. Right Kala?

Right… she wasn't here… not anymore.

[I'm still here.]

"WOAH… Luma, you scared me… you can hear my thoughts?"

[When they are that loud, yes.]

"I… I just miss her."

[I do too… I have an idea…]

"What is it?"

[We are both beings that are near gods in our respective realms, correct?]

"Your point is?"

[The main reason I can't help you is because I'm bound to the core…]


[Please create me a body.]


[Please crea-]

"I heard you, but how? I'm pretty sure any body I make would crumble under your power."

[Of course, it wouldn't hold all of my data, just my core.]

"Can I create something that strong?"


"Right now?"

[Could you?!]

"I could try?"

… wait.

"Did you wait for me to grab that much power before asking me?"

[It wasn't entirely my intention, but I did plan on waiting longer before asking… but you got power I didn't expect you to get.]

"Neither did I."

[So, please?]

"Of course."

I began using creation for the first time without Kala, or any of the other shards.

Light echoed and energy spiraled around the room and circled me.

[What's GAAH!!!]

I realized what was happening. To make a body for her, I needed to pass her through my mind so I could make a suitable casing. It just happened that at that moment, the entire system went dark.

In that moment, I saw everything. Since the beginning to now. All was before my eyes.

It was… too much…


The lights kept flickering and massive energy shone.


Then it all stopped. The system went back to normal, and I was collapsed in the bathhouse.

"I am so thankful that this place is soundproof."



I looked up and saw a floating pale girl with ash white hair. An aura of power emanated from her.

She had pale skin, and blue lines moving over her. They centered into her eyes which were a bright blue.

She was very small. Almost a full foot shorter than I was then.

But her face was that of a woman's. A queen. Youthful, but powerful.

Wings of a pure blue energy shone from her back.


She smiled before landing and hugging me.

"Thank you."

"No problem, Luma."

I smiled.