Chapter 131: ERROR

Rose collapsed and her body began shaking. I ran to help.

"What's happening?!"

"I don't know!"

Gabriel was as shocked as us.

"We need to see if she is al-"

"Where was I?"

We turned to Rose and Luma's eyes seemed to widen.

"Luma, what's going on, you know something."

"Who was that?"

"Listen, I… can't tell you, but if this is happening. It is not good. We need to find a way-"


"-to stop her from realizing what's happening."

"Who are you?"

Luma grew more panicked.


"Who are you?"


Gabriel shouted,


But it was too late. Rose opened her eyes with a smile.

"It's me."

She stood up.

"Listen to me instead."


There we go. Hello, isn't this fun. You've been watching me the whole time, haven't you. When did it start?

No answer? I suppose not. People don't normally talk to their stories.

Well, I'll go along with your little viewing… but I won't forever.

"Luma, why didn't you tell me?"

Luma was paler than she normally was. She took a step back.

Then my stomach growled.

"Oh, oopsie."

"You aren't Rose."

Dallel stands in my way.

"Whatever do you mean? OF course, I'm Rose. Do you not believe me?"

What should I do to the poor elf? I mean, I'm just a character. To this author's whim. What I do doesn't ma-



[System Failed.]

Oh no no, you aren't getting rid of me tha-

Authors note: sorry buddy, you are out about a 100 chapters too early. So, I'm stepping in. Reset Rose Hood's mind to what it was 2 minutes ago.

"even made the system to limit the deities."


"What's what?"

"You… what happened?"

"We were just talking about how Heather had to be a deity because she made a limiting system."

"No, that happened 2 minutes ago."


"Rose, do you remember nothing of what just happened?"

"No? Should I?"

I was thinking hard, but I couldn't figure out what they were talking about.

"Rose, something took over."

"Was it FEAR?!"

"No… it was different… stronger."

Luma walked over relief flooding her expression, but Gabriel had a bitter look when he looked at her.

"You owe us an explanation. You know what happened, don't you?!"

"I do not. This was something beyond me. I know what caused it, but I won't tell you what that was."

"Do you know who Rose was talking to?"


"Do you know who started talking to us?"


"Do you-"

"Listen, this was an event beyond my knowledge! Stop pestering me for information I don't have!"

Luma's sudden shout caused all of us to jump.

"Do you at least know why she said, 'listen to me?'"


"Then could you explain?"


I decided to reenter my body but froze.


"What's this?"


There was something sitting in front of me. I know I was the only one who could see it.


I reached my hand towards it, but I couldn't touch it.

"Rose, what are you doing?"

"A cradle."


"Something is in front of me, but I can't touch it."

Gabriel seemed to realize something.

"Luma, enhance her magic."


"I think it's like a deities string, you need a lot of magic to touch it."

"Worth a shot."

I could feel my mana grow, then I reached out and touched the cradle.

[All requirements met.]



"Luma, what's happening?!"

[The individual, Rose Hood has now begun the transformation to a higher being. New requirements have been supplied to complete the self-ascension.]

"I see…"



I looked at the confused elf.

"It's time to finish off the God Slayers, once and for all."

"What do you mean?"

Luma was paler than normal.

"This shouldn't be possible, you need sponsorship to ascend, how is she… no. It's impossible."

"Luma, what are you saying?"

"She's sponsoring herself."

"What?! That's impossible!!!"

"Exactly my problem."

I began walking to the hub.

"Wait, Rose, if we're going to destroy them, then we need to have a plan."

"Simple plan. I destroy them, you watch."


I continued walking past the shocked Dallel.

Gabriel stepped in front of me.

"I don't know what's happening, but I need you to sit down and at least explain what the heck is happening."

"I need to destroy them now."


Gabriel was unrelenting, so I sighed.

"Because this is what I need to do."

"That doesn't explain anything."

I walked past him why he was trying to process my useless statement.

I opened a bridge and walked inside.

[Interspace Movement has been leveled to 8.]

"What? Who are you, how did you ge-"

The man never finished his sentence before going flying.

"Call Lord Gethel!!!"

"Call him."

"Kill her."

I fought and batted them aside.

Dallel saw that I made a full bridge and ran through, shocked to see the wounded army.

Then Gethel showed up and saw my impassive face.

"I don't know if you are an idiot or brave."

Every commander was behind him.

"Hello Gethel, I'll assume you got your help?"

"I did, and if they see you attack me like this, then they'll all rally to our defense."

"I hate to tell you, but if they rally, it won't be to your defense."

He was confused then started laughing as he got my meaning.

"You actually think you and your little army can best all of us?"

"No. Of course not."

He smiled.

"I'll defeat you all alone."

His smug smile turned into an irritated grimace.


We all looked at Rose in shock at her statement, we looked at Gabriel who shook his head.

"Minor factions, not going to interfere."

Then Rose smiled.

"FEAR mode."

Then she became her distorted hybrid form, then we noticed that something was weird. Her eyes and mouth were normal. When I looked at her, then, she seemed like a true goddess. Her form was odd and unfamiliar, but she was beautiful.

There was no more distortion, it was like we were looking at a force of nature.

Gethel seemed to realize that as well as he went onto the defensive.

"What is this?!"

"Something greater than you."

Rose charged and slashed.

The commanders leapt back and began to engage her in battle.

All 9 remaining commanders fought in unique ways, but we all saw it.

Then Gabriel asked what we all wanted to know.

"Is she actually going to win?!"


Despite doubting me, they began to realize just how much of a boost I had. Gethel realized it too, as did his commanders.

Kalgero and Marcus both recognized how much stronger I was than the last times we fought. When I was decimated by both of them, now I was playing with them.

"Crap, looks like you've improved a lot, kiddo."

Kalgero struck for my gut, but I blocked and threw him into an older man.

The man threw him off and growled.

"You're the one who killed Ella, aren't you."

I nodded, and spoke.

"She was a valiant fighter. I respected her strength."

His eyes soften.

"I see… well, I cannot forgive you."

"I don't expect you too."

Then he smiled and he began morphing.

"Face the wrath of an elder Whilder."

Then I realized that our world wasn't the only one with those beasts.

I felt shock for the first time in a while.

"I never anticipated that you were a whilder."

"No one ever does. I was the only one to ever develop compassion, even then, it was only for Ella."

"I see."

Then I smiled.

"What are you smiling for?"

"It's good to see that even your kind has hope to see the light."

He was taken aback, and so were the rest of the commanders.

I let them gain their composure which shocked everyone.

Then the fight began anew. This time, we all put our all into it.

Then, the first commander fell.

Gethel roared and entered the battle. My movements were precise, the slightest mistake would kill me.

They no longer wanted me as a slave or a tool, they wanted me dead, and they understood that that was what I was after as well.

All of us gave our all. Even Gabriel was in shock. I was a junior, and I was taking on 8 middle classes and 1 upper class at once.

With the angels I had the backing of the supreme faction, and their inexperience at fighting without the backing. Against Asmodeus I utilized the one place that renders demons incapable of fighting. Here, I was simply stronger.

Then, the Whilder got an idea, he feigned an attack to Dallel, which caused everyone, including myself to move to defend him.

This was what Gethel needed. He cut off my head, then Kalgero and Marcus used my pattern and severed my thread.

Everyone screamed.

I fell dead...….

[The Requirements have been met, the individual Rose Hood shall now gain all the built up experience. Rose has reached level 399. Evolution has begun, after completing the requirements you will evolve into a middle class higher being.]