Chapter 132: A New Administrator

"Rose… she's dead, but I didn't get the message."

Gabriel began shivering.

Then we felt it too.

[Welcome a new administrator. Individual Rose Hood, Level 399 has achieved Administrative status.]

Even Luma was shocked.

[An administrator has lifted the ban on the Junior Faction led by Rose Hood, it has now advanced to a Minor faction.]

[A name was selected.]

[Please welcome the new minor faction. Garden.]

"Rose's Garden."

Gethel looked at the corpse with confusion, but then we heard a cough behind him.

"Why are you slashing at my corpse?"

He spun in shock, and lo and behold, there was Rose in her Purity form. She walked to her body and entered it.

"Life eruption."

Then she stood up and smiled.

"Don't tell me you actually thought I died."

Everyone was unable to speak. I could just feel the absolute growth of power. Her old strength was like a candle compared to the wildfire of her current power. Once, she was on par with the commanders, now she was in another league.

"An administrator… her?!"

Gabriel was in shock. Luma was as well, I understood why. The only administrators were the archangels, beings way beyond anyone else, and she was now one.

She smiled.

"Yep! I'm an administrator now. I just need to complete the new list of requirements, then I get even stronger."

Gethel stepped back, realizing that she had reached the league of the higher factions.

She smiled.

"Come on, where are you going?"

She smiled then leapt at him.


Gethel POV

I barely blocked. She actually did it. She became a higher being.

An administrator… it made no sense.

She was too strong. I was fighting a beast way beyond me.

Yilan struck to kill, but the dragon simply caught his hand and crushed it before leaping and splitting his throat in two.

Then more and more of them died.

Only me, Marcus, and Kalgero remained.

Her Fear form was refined to a new height. I knew that we wouldn't win.

"Rose, I want to make a deal."

She stopped and I held up my hand to signal for Marcus and Kalgero to stop.

"I want to fight you one on one."



He went silent.

"And if you win?"

"Then you give us back Halla, release the contract on Celia and others and we make peace and go our separate ways."

"I like that."

"And if you win, then God Slayers will assimilate with you. The remaining members will join you."

Marcus and Kalgero both shouted.

"Sir, why are you-"

"Because I won't win."

They stopped with looks of shock. I smiled sadly.

"This is where I end my path. We cannot win this. That is obvious. It was obvious since the supreme faction came to their aid the first time. We were simply to foolish to see it."

"But sir…"

"Kal, Mark. I'm dying either way, the least I can do is make sure my remaining people don't."

I looked at Rose, the beast- no person who would take me down.

"Are those conditions good to you."


I smiled.

"Thank you."

Then she smiled.

"I shall remember you. I will add you to the names I hold in honor of strength."

"Heh, that sounds almost fun. Though I have one last question. About something in Falsel…"

"Thalia is caring for the egg."

I smiled; my son would live a good life then.

"Thank you."

Then I began the last fight I would ever fight.


Me and Gethel clashed, causing the world to shake. We fought with everything that we had, both knowing that any less would dishonor the other.

It was a decimation, within 10 seconds of the start of the duel. Gethel had a hole in his stomach, and he fell on his back.

"Heh, well… that was shorter than I expected."

"You fought well."


Then he smiled.

"I'm going to Hell, I know that, but I can't help but feel happy."


"Because I'll finally get to see her again."

Then he laughed, tears streaming down his face.

"I'll see them all again."

He looked at Marcus and Kalgero.

"I give you one last order. Live."

And with that, Gethel's light faded and I received the message.

[You have slain level 609 half-deity, Gethel, you have gained experience. It will be awarded after your next ascension.]


Marcus nodded.

"Yeah, his mother was a human, but his father was the king of a fallen world."

"Fallen world?"

Gabriel explained.

"When a world receives too much stress, or all humanoids are killed, the world falls. It's an insanely rare occurrence. Even rarer for there to be survivors."

Then Luma gave the announcement.

[The minor faction, God Slayers, has been destroyed by the minor faction, Garden. The remaining members have sworn loyalty and assimilated.]

Kalgero fell to his knees and sighed.

"Well, now we… we have no guide."

Marcus smiled.

"Nah we do have a guide again."

He looked at me.

"A new chief."

Kalgero sighed.

"I suppose it won't be too bad. I could use a break to the bloodshed."

It seemed, however, that fate had different ideas.

[The middle-class faction, Haven, has declared war on the minor faction, Garden.]

Marcus looked at Kalgero annoyed.

"Come on man, you just had to raise a flag."

"What does that even mean, and how is it my fault that a middle-class faction declared war?"

I grimaced and people took notice.


"It seems that they weren't too happy about me refusing to contract myself to them."