Chapter 133: The Rogue Administrator

"I'm going to Tortura."


"Because I agree with Kalgero, I don't want bloodshed."

"I'll come with her, so don't worry."

"Luma, I hate to say, but it would be a lot better if you didn't show up."


Gabriel left back to handle Earth, and now we were trying to figure out what to do next.

"They would be terrified if you were there. I'll just take Dallel."

"What, so you two can kiss?"

"Thalia… now is not the time for teasing."

"Every time is the time for teasing."

Me and Dallel were blushing.

"Let's just go."

I nodded and me and Dallel walked off.

"No fun."

We walked towards the hub with irritated expressions.

I opened a portal and walked through it with Dallel close behind.

Frall stood at the gate.

"Hello Rose, quite bold of you to come here."

"I want to talk diplomacy."

"Why would anyone want to speak diplomacy with a group that slew two factions before even entering middle class."

"It's not our fault that they attacked us."

"Besides, we gave you a choice."

"Slavery or death, wonderful choice that is."

"It was a contract. Not slavery."

"For dragons there is no difference."

"Still, you made your choice."

"So, can I talk to your leader or not."

"You have no business to do that."

"When your faction declares war on mine entirely unprovoked, that means I do have business thank you very much."

Others froze and looked in shock at Frall who merely looked annoyed.

"You are correct, we are at war, but it wasn't unprovoked."

"How was it?"

"You threatened me."

"You attempted blackmail, and I didn't even threaten you, I just said that blackmail isn't a good look."

"Either way, as we are at war, you are lucky I didn't kill you the moment you entered that portal."

I smiled.

"I think the proper thing is that you're lucky you didn't try."

My declaration caused some to look at me like I was a suicidal idiot, but others who saw me take on the angels understood that as a 399 I may just be able to edge him out.

Frall seemed to understand this as well and sighed.

"I'll contact my leader, if you do anything, you are dead."

"Perfect. I fully understand."

Frall picked up a phone and keeped an eye on us. Most people around us were in a state of shock. Haven prided itself on being impartial, for them to unprovokedly declare war meant that something was wrong.

Of course, everyone here saw the announcement that God Slayers was defeated and assimilated. So, many were likely scared of what I could do. The top of the minor factions was defeated by someone who entered the system that year.

Then a wolfkin exited the city, he had a massive scar over his left eye, and I could tell that he was the leader. He was a 700 at least.

"So, you came here expecting negotiations?"

"Or at least an explanation, and that haphazard one that Frall attempted to sell everyone fell flat."

He sighed.

"I told Frall that that wasn't a good explanation."

"So, what's the real reason."

He sighed.

"Follow me."

I sensed no aggression coming from him, so I signaled for Dallel to follow and Frall stepped aside to let us in. He had a somewhat apologetic look.


We were sat in a palace. Dallel and I both showed proper court etiquette somewhat surprising most of the commanders sat around.

Me and Dallel realized quite quickly that he put us in a position where he had the power.

"So, I feel as though we owe you a bit of an explanation."

"You do."

My boldness caused another look of shock. I was supposedly on par with Frall, but so were many people here.

"My name is Vitilio. As you probably guessed I rule Haven."

"Yes, I did guess that."

"Good, well, I have had the opportunity to become an 800 for a long time now, but I had an administrator stagnate my growth."

Dallel showed shock.

"What? Why?!"

I raised my hand in a stop position, before looking back to Vitilio.

"To remain as a middle-class faction."

He nodded, confirming my guess.

"As you figured out, when a faction is named, the leader doesn't name it."


"Haven refers to the fact that we wanted to be a place of peace. I'm not sure what Garden refers to, but I'm sure we all have our guesses. But, to remain a place of peace, where even juniors feel safe, we remain a middle faction."

"Did someone threaten to undo the stagnation."

"No, I felt that some backstory would help explain our reason to declare war."

"Please explain."

"An administrator… I don't know which one. He threatened to destroy everything if we didn't."


"Not us, we are a high enough level to stand even against an administrator."

"But those you protect…"

"Indeed, and we protect many."

I felt anger at this unknown administrator. Then an idea popped into my head.

"What if we kept the image of having a war, but remained allies."

"Administrators can see all wars declared."

"Who said we need to undeclare war."

He caught on.

"So officially stay at war."

"Indeed, the God Slayers rarely made assaults, so I assume that it wouldn't be too odd if you don't spam attack us."

"Yes, but how would we solve the problem."

"When were you threatened?"

"The day before the God Slayers died."

"Then there is one administrator we can trust."


"Gabriel, he was in Pandora for the last two days investigating my power."

"I see, and would he align with us?"

"He is most likely to."

"Unfortunately, he is on Earth, it will take a while before we can meet him."

"Did you forget something?"


"I'm both an administrator, and a previous resident of Earth. I can get there."

"That… that's perfect. Please do that."

"One second."

[Luma, I am making an unofficial alliance, please don't make an announcement as we suspect an administrator to be an enemy.]

He looked shocked.

"What was that?!"

"I was just making sure that Luma wouldn't administer an announcement as the person would figure it out."

"That's quite smart. I heard the system was a member of your faction, but it's still odd to have it confirmed."

"I'd imagine, well, I should go speak to Gabriel."

"Understood, I'll tell Frall the contents of the conversation, and to let you through while looking bitter. Mumbling about how it's still a hub even during war."

"They certainly would buy that."

"Yes, Frall is a decent actor, just bad at lying."

"Have a good day."

"You as well."

I grabbed Dallel's hand and warped to Earth.

"Rose? What are you doing here? I told you I'm not getting involved in a war between factions lower than upper class."

"Even if an administrator is behind it?"

He froze. Multiple working angels also froze. His aura shone.

"What are you saying?"

Dallel started shivering, but I was unafraid.

"Vitilio said that an administrator threatened those he defended if he didn't start and sustain war with me."

Gabriel's aura faded and he looked shocked.

"Tell him he must have been mistaken."

Vitilio countered.

"I wasn't, he had the card."

"He did?!"


I froze, Gabriel and Dallel didn't seem to realize. Vitilio was here. He had no way to be here. They must have assumed he came in my portal, but I knew he didn't. I played along with the fake Vitilio.

Gabriel wanted specifics.

"What was on the card?"

"He used censor."

"I see, so he only left enough to verify that he was an administrator."

"What card?"

"Oh, all administrators have a card, you may have one."

"Vitilio, what's the incantation to summon it."

"System command: summon card. Why?"

Then a card appeared in front of the fake Vitilio.

"Oh crap."

"There we go."

His eyes widened as he realized I was fully aware of who he was.

Me and Gabriel launched into action at the same time and struck to kill, but he simply slapped our attacks to the side and teleported away.

"Crap, that's not good."

Gabriel was fuming.

"An administrator is supposed to keep peace. Once I find out who that was, I'll kill him."

"Gabriel, what should we do?"

"Now that other administrators are involved. I can get involved. Bring me to Tortura."

"Under- wait… I'm an administrator."

"I mean of the supreme faction."

"Oh… how do we know that this person is of the supreme faction."

"Because there are no other administrators than those in the supreme faction and you."

"Oh, that makes sense I guess."

I portalled directly back to Tortura.

"Ah, Rose, you're already- GABRIEL?!"

"Let us in Frall, we have serious business."

"Um, sure. Let me call Lord Vitilio."

He called and Vitilio rushed over.

"Rose, I thought we were being covert."

"Well, that administrator seems to like to disguise as you."

"Oh… did you fall fo-"

"Those two did. I made him accidentally show his admin card, but then he brushed both me and Gabriel off like we were nothing."

"T-that's impossible."

Gabriel shook his head.

"I am the most open Administrator, but I am also one of the weakest. There are a few who can brush off my middle attacks, and I didn't even put much energy into it to prevent more damage."

"I see, but then, why are you here?"

"Administrators, of the supreme faction, are getting involved. That opens it up for me to get involved, not only that, but abusing your station to threaten innocents is unforgivable."

"I see, so what do you suggest."

"We make a three-way alliance."


"If this administrator knows I am standing with you two then he will back down. Either that or there will be a civil war, and no one in the faction wants that."

"I'd imagine… how do we do that?"

[Are you going to tell me I can't do my job again?]

Luma suddenly speaking caused Vitilio to jump out of his fur.

"Who said that?!"

"Sir? No one talked."

"That was Luma. And no, Luma, you can announce this."

[Thank goodness. That was rude.]


Then a universal announcement was made.

[An alliance has been made between the Supreme Sub Faction, Gabriel's Message, Middle-Class Faction, Haven, and Minor Faction, Garden.]

"That was loud."

Gabriel grimaced while nodding.

"Anything involving the Supreme faction is loud."

"And involving the system."

"That too."

"Well, now what?"