Chapter 143: Peace Returns

Gabriel POV

I was kneeling in front of the throne. Sitting on it was the Ruler.

"Gabriel, do you know why I have summoned you."

"No, sire."

"Well, you have seen Rose Hood, and her manipulation, but still… you want to help her. Why?"

"I don't know, Lord. I just… I don't think she killed Raphael."

"And why not?"

"Because… it was too out of nowhere. She just suddenly turning out to be a violent monster doesn't add up to anything. Plus, her mentioning of a man… I don't know why, but it feels familiar."

"Do you think that whoever he is, that he managed to manipulate us."

"I… don't know, but wouldn't you be able to verify if the Raphael that showed up is actually Raphael?"

"I… suppose. Invite Rose to Heaven for peace negotiations, have her bring him."

"Yes, my lord."

This was interesting.

"You can now bypass the ban."

"Thank you, Lord."

He truly was merciful.


I was limping around, but everyone was happy to see me. For some reason, FEAR wouldn't rescind.

I checked and it had leveled to 6, maybe that made it passive?

Of course, that didn't mean I was blind.

"Calm down, Rose. I'm not here to fight."

I pinned Gabriel to the wall; my blade was a simple jab from killing him.


"You aren't lying, so why are you here?"

"The Ruler wants to discuss peace."


"He agrees that it's a possibility that we were tricked."

"I see."

"He wants you to bring the Raphael guy so he can verify whether he is real or not."

"Raphael, are you real?"

"I think I am."

I snickered and Gabriel gave me a tired look.

Then he was out of my grasp and next to me.

"Are we going or not?"

"We're coming, don't worry."


Heaven was much as I remembered it. Golden, pretty, and big. We traveled and a lot of angels froze and stared at Raphael.

"Is that actually him?"

"How is he here?"

"Could we have been tricked like Gabriel suggested?"

"I heard that two angels joined her after learning we were tricked."

"Is that Rose?"

"She's tall."

"I thought she was supposed to be pretty."

"I thought angels were supposed to be polite."

The angel who said that froze and started sweating as I replied.

Gabriel turned to me.

"By the way, why are you in FEAR?"

"Funny story."

"Of course, it is."

"Ever since we battled, it leveled to 6, and… I can't turn it off."




Gabriel didn't say anything and just walked off. We followed him as I smiled shyly.

Then we saw a palace that I remembered from Kala's memories. God's hall.

Inside was a great power that made me shiver.

Gabriel led us inside and kneeled at the throne, Raphael did the same.


"Why do you not kneel?"

"Because we, even if this is speaking for peace, are currently at war. If I kneel, that is an admission of submission, and I don't do that."

All of the Archangels gawked at me.

Michael's rage simmered but the Ruler lifted his head and laughed.

"I suppose that makes sense."

"So, you've seen Raphael, do you now see that he is indeed real?"

"Yes, it seems this man is quite powerful. To be able to trick us, but he did die, so how is he here?"

"That is a secret I would rather keep."

"I see, then I won't pry… Thank you for bringing him back."

"It is no issue; I wouldn't want to see my friend dead either."

"Now, Raphael, I know you are the rogue admin."

That caught the other angels off guard. I raised my brow.

"That man removed that information?"

"Likely to amplify their anger."

"I see, that makes sense."

"Raphael, what can you tell me about this man?"

"Not much, I'm afraid."

"Since you were working with him, I assume Lucifer knows more about him?"

"Yes, but all I know is that it is related to why he left your service."

"Perhaps he figured that something like this would happen."


"Do you believe that you would be able to bring him here to discuss?"

"No, I went to the battlefield, the only place I can actually speak to him, but he said that while the man is desperate enough to kill an archangel just to eliminate one threat, then he needs to lie low until it he calms down."

"Then maybe I should go to the battlefield to speak with him."

"Lord, I doubt he would reveal himself if you were there."

"I see, then why don't you ask him?"

"I have, Lord."


"It's a dead world that used to act as a battleground between angels and demons."

"I see. That makes sense."

The Ruler thought for a moment, then he seemed to have an idea.

"Then Rose, why don't you ask him?"


"Listen, I will make peace with you, then you figure out what this man is from the person who seems to know the most."

"That makes sense."

Then Luma made an announcement.

[The Supreme Faction and Garden have made peace.]

"Now that is over, I must apologize for what happened. This man is quite manipulative."

"It is alright, I was just lucky I managed to make Luma immune before his killing of Raphael."

"That would certainly be good."

"Indeed, I'll go to this battlefield and meet with Lucifer. I hope I can find out more."

I turned and traveled to the door before turning.

"We will win this."

Then I left and warped to Battlefield.