Chapter 144: Something Other than Fear

It certainly fit the bill. Bodies of angels and demons were strewn as far as the eye could see, it had an emptiness reminiscent of Hell.

"Lucifer, are you here?"

Then a powerful presence shone around then a familiar voice sounded.

"Hello sister."

"… you…"


"You are the one that made sure that I would live peacefully?"

"Yes, away from him, but he already knew you were there."

"Who is he?"

"Someone way too powerful for anyone to handle."

"More specifically?"

"I… can't tell you that."

"Why not?"

"You are not yet ready."

"… not to defend me?"

"No, you are the only one I think capable of defeating him."


"Through his long existence there have been only two people fully immune to his power… Me and you."

So, Lucifer was also immune.

"Why do you think I am more capable than you?"

"You will learn that in the future, once you awaken."


"You shall see, you already did early. But he silenced it, hid it."

"You mean, that thing was what you refer to as awakened?"

"Of course, it's an anomaly. Something even he couldn't have anticipated."

"I don't want to win with that."

"You will, and I know exactly what will make it awaken."


[Lucifer's light has declared war on Garden.]

"After you awaken, you will see why I have to do this, sister."

"No! Why would you go through that much struggle? You sent Asmodeus, you did so much to make sure that I would awaken. Why declare war?"

"You will thank me later. I will be there in 2 days."

The voice and presence of Lucifer faded, but my rage hadn't.

{Don't just leave!}

[FEAR has leveled to 7]

"What… what was that?"

That sounded like domination, but different.

[Warp to Selethon.]

Then I was in the guild, causing everyone to jump.


They noticed my face.

"What happened?"

"Luma, did you not announce it to everyone?"

"Announce what?"

"... what?"

"Rose, what's happening?"

Gabriel entered the guild with a confused and concerned look.

"Lucifer has declared war."

As their faces turned to shock, I drove the nail into the coffin.

"He's coming in two days."

"Rose… do you know what that means?"


"An Archdemon leveled at 999 is coming with an entire army capable of keeping even the entire Supreme Faction at bay."

"So, we are dead?"

"Of all of the problems you have been in, this is by far the worst. Why did he even declare war?"

"He wants to awaken me, he said. He said I'm the only one capable of beating him."

"Then why declare war?"

"I don't know."

"I'll have to try to gather as many as I can."

"Who would we be able to get?"

"The archangels, and maybe the equivalent of one of our factions."

"Is that enough?"


"Then I will face them."


"They are coming for me, then I should be the one they face."

I began walking to the door.

"No, you won't survive even a min-"

{I will defeat them and not a single one of these people will die.}

The silence was deafening.

Gabriel was shivering.

Luma spoke first.

"What was that?"

I simply left.


"What was that?"

Luma spoke first.

Then Rose slammed the door and left.

"What was that?!"

Gabriel was in shock.

"Luma, do you know what that was?"


Her eyes were wide, and her body had reflexively gone into a defensive position.

"But that wasn't FEAR."


"Did none of you see?"


"Her talons were gone. She's becoming more humanlike."

Gabriel stood up, his face filled with determination.

"I'm gathering all of the men I can. We are not letting her fight alone."

We all nodded.

Authors note: Ooh, what fun. The battle is beginning, of course, this won't be the last battle of the war, that would be boring. But wait up, there is way more to come dear re-

"What's that?"

"What's what?"


I could have sworn I heard something.

Authors note: …what?

There it was again. Who was that?

Authors note: … … … I am an ally.

'Interesting, what's your name?'

Authors note: Call me… the Author.


This could be good, if this guy was actually on our side, he could help a lot.

Authors note: I just want to know how you can hear me.

'I don't actually know, could that man have been hiding you?'

Authors note: Maybe.

'Well, let's talk some more, I'm interested in what you know.'

Ask away.

Woah, that got a lot closer.

Of course, now, ask.

What do you know about Rose's awakening?

A horrible idea.


Let me put it this way, do you know that thing that nearly killed you when Rose checked her skills?


That was the awakening.


Precisely. It's far too dangerous to let live.

I'm not killing Rose.

I wouldn't dream of it, but see it this way, if you keep her from awakening in the first place, then everything can work as normal.

I see.

I didn't know everything, but I understood that I couldn't let her awaken.

So, what do you think? Should we defeat the demons?

Are you able to help?

Of course, I can help. I can make sure that our dear, Rose, isn't even harmed.

You can?

"Dallel, are you good?"

"Yeah, I just am hearing from a potential ally. He says that he knows a way to make sure Rose isn't harmed at all."


So, how do we do it?

Already done.

"He said it's already done."

"Let's still go, to keep her safe."

"I'm still bringing my men."

I nodded.

"Of course, this is a new person, we shouldn't trust them immediately, yet."

If the Author was truly as strong as he said, then we had to win. How could we not?

We would find him and destroy him.