Chapter 146: The Level 999

I stood in front of the army next to the Ruler, his presence dominating the battlefield.

"Well, he should show up soon, are you prepared?"


"You are quite blunt, you know that?"




"Okayyy then…"

Then a gate opened to the front of us, demons stepped out, smiling.

Then Lucifer stepped out, he somehow looked like a full angel despite his rebellion.

His blond hair flowed down his back, and his golden wings shone.


He looked and started laughing.

"Goodness, even you are here, your majesty."

His mocking bow caused angels to yell in outrage. Lucifer only laughed.

"What are you even doing here? You won't stop me from winning, we are only a single level apart."

Now, that caught everyone's attention. We all had differing levels of shock on our face, and he laughed more.

"Oh, please, don't tell me you thought he was super different, he's a 1000. I'm a 999, of course, the power difference is quite major, but I can still fight against him efficiently."

That explained why he didn't flee upon seeing him, but looking at the ruler, I was shocked to see a pure hatred in his eyes.

"Lucifer, our battle ends here."

"No, it doesn't. I'll fight until this one awakens finally."

"Is that why you sent Asmodeus to die?"

Then something shocking happened.

"Do you really think she was unaware of that?"

My eyes widened.

"She was supposed to throw the battle, but I'll admit, even I was caught off guard by Rose's teleport to Hell."


"Oh, please, all of us are banking on your awakening. It's the only way we can beat that man. If you don't awaken, we all lose."


"Have you not witnessed his power? He can rewrite reality with simple words. It is foolish to hope that we can beat him without a total denial of his power. That is what the awakening is. It denies his power to the peak, not even Luma could touch you at that point."

"So, you hope to awaken me to fight him, but why can't you?"

"Because he can still control me to some degree. Even all of your people can't resist him if he truly tried. You think he sees you as a threat? No, he sees you as a fun toy to mess with."

"Then he is a fool, which I doubt."

That surprised everyone, even Lucifer, he looked at me in confusion.

"What do you mean, sister?"

"He has shown high levels of intelligence that I only countered by finding a minor hole in his power. Also, I don't think siccing the supreme faction on me is indicative of me being a toy. He actually wants me gone at this point. I can fully deny his manipulation and get others to as well."


"He has shown many signs of intelligence, so if he sees me as a mere toy to mess with, then he is a fool that I shouldn't pay a second thought too."

There was silence, then Lucifer burst out laughing.

"Incredible, I never anticipated that you would be that bold. That man certainly would be a fool to discount you. I love it, tell you what, join my faction, leave these fools. I'll awaken you and we can crush that man easily."

Then the final point.

"If you do that, then your city won't burn."

He raised his hand and suddenly I felt hundreds of illusion spells disappear as I turned around to see hundreds of thousands of demons with flaming swords flying over the city. A single one falling would cause the city to alight, and the fire is too hot for even Thalia to handle.

He had us in a checkmate. Or so he thought.

"I won't join you and abandon them."

"Oh, how cute, burn it."

All of the demons dropped their blades, then I spoke.

"Hyperversal Movement: Move Item."

Then all of the blades stopped, causing both angels and demons to gawk.

"Return to sender."

Then the blades, faster than most could see, shot back into the demons, about half caught them, the rest were killed and launched to the battlefield.

This was the first time Lucifer was at a loss for words.

"H-how? How did you do that?!"

"Simple, I got interspace movement to 10, evolved it, and bam, this beauty of a skill."


"As long as I can visualize the item and where it is and where I want it to go, then I can move it."

I smiled.

"There are limitations of course. If it's held, I can't move it, if it's living I can't either, so a simultaneous release of swords was just perfect."

I started laughing as Lucifer's face filled with shock. Then he smiled.

"Incredible. Incredible! I knew I was right to select you. From a simple shard of a human soul to this level of strength and intellect. And in only two years. Oh, even he couldn't have predicted this."

He smiled, and I smiled right back.

"Come on, you came here to fight, right? Don't grow cowardly on me, now."

He laughed, then he turned to his men.

"It is time! ATTACK!!!"

Thus, the battle begun.