The Ruler and Lucifer charged and clashed. Their initial blow caused a shockwave that knocked a lot of people over.
"You've grown in skill, child."
"As have you, old man."
The duo clashed as I fought three demons, the commanders seemed to stay back and watch the flanks, a clever move on Lucifer's part. It seemed he already replaced Asmodeus though.
As I fought, I saw adventurers tag teaming demons, while Thalia, Elren, and the elven rangers battled the demons over the city.
Onyx and his dragon kin guarded the city against the fire. They were getting singed, but they were managing.
Dallel and the Kingsguard fought in unison. Since Damien's death, they had only gotten stronger.
Jalad and his men managed to fight against numerous demons with ease. Jalad was unmatched in the blade and his men all had swordking.
And the angels fought on mostly even ground.
The archangels, however, fought with maximum power and seemed unassailable.
Despite them outnumbering us 10-1, the ratio was slowly getting smaller.
It didn't help them that Luma was also in this fight, being the system, she knew every single art of combat, and she'd been practicing this past month.
She fought like an absolute monster, killing demons right and left, even though the battle just started, she had slain more than a hundred demons.
Of course, I wasn't far behind with 58 kills on my belt. I had already gotten another 33 levels. Me and Luma fought on par with the archangels. I finally realized just how hard it would be to level past 600. Most of these guys were 650 and up, and I was only getting a level from half of them.
"How are you so strong?!"
It seems that even though the demons were supposed to let me win, many of them started panicking with how quickly I mowed through them and started using everything to survive.
"No, I was supposed to rule my own army!"
That didn't make a difference as I cut his head off. I was tired of fate telling me my path, so I would forge my own. Whatever prophecy, whatever path. I would punch it in the face, much like that other guy.
Even the commanders entered the battle. Powerful warriors battled with the archangels. There was one in particular who stuck out, as he battled on equal terms with Michael. His potential was obvious, and his skill was greater. It was clear that Michael was only on par due to being a higher level.
The duo kept battling, but neither gained any significant power over the other.
During all of this, the Ruler and Lucifer both sustained decent blows, but it was obvious that the Ruler was stronger, as his wounds healed the moment they were made, and Lucifer began panting.
"Child, I shall finally exterminate you."
Lucifer clashed again, and another massive shockwave unleashed, but this time, I could see the portals start cracking. It was a lot more powerful than what I'd seen before. Both of them were way too powerful to have normal battles.
I wasn't expecting to see such a display, some were frozen in shock, but those ones were killed quickly.
I now could see how Lucifer managed to contest the supreme faction for so long. His power would be unmatchable if he ever completed the requirements to become a 1000.
I battled against mostly lesser demons, but occasionally, a 700 would pick a fight.
I saw more and more men fall. Angels, demons, and others all fell.
Frall and Vitilio battled on common ground, bashing through the lower ranks, but they were being swarmed.
It seemed that they fought with swarm tactics. It's ridiculous when you realized how powerful even angelic newborns were. There were so many demons it made sense how Gabriel was several times older than Kala. Angels existed for such a long time. Still it was absolutely ridiculous.
"I'm getting déjà vu from Dominion."
Same Amy, same.
All of the Earthers fought in unison, Marcus, as the strongest, faced lower demons head on, while the others fought dirty.
Ausar, Celios, and the other deities fought alongside them.
Amy and Ausar used their skill and caused a few demons to leap back in shock.
It seemed that dual possession was almost as rare as reincarnation. They cut down the shocked demons, causing the others to focus more intently.
Lucifer looked at the battlefield with annoyance. He growled in irritation.
Both sides sustained heavy casualties, but with Lucifer's furling brow, I could see that he already lost more than he anticipated.
He seemed to be calculating how he could continue, but he decided on the right thing.
His call caused all demons to immediately start retreating, but I wasn't letting them go that easily.
I stabbed the back of a demon causing me to level to 599.
Then my requirements caused me to freeze in shock.
There was only one.
Kill a level 900 (0/1)
"Lord Lucifer, let me guard our backs."
"Very well, Hades."
A demon, the one that clashed with Michael stepped forward and drew his massive blade.
"Do you really think that you can best a 932 Demon?!"
He stood in front of me, his guard up, he was fully willing to kill me.
I raised my hand, confusing everyone.
"Let me handle him. I'm feeling upper class is a good fit for me."
Hades realized my meaning and grimaced.
"Seriously, it's like the leveling system is trying to kill you."
"I know, right? I swear that my next one is going to be killing a 1000 or something like that."
"It almost seems that way, doesn't it."
"Well, I hope you know that I won't hold back."
"Wonderful, ever since my dirty win over Asmodeus, I wanted to fight legitimately."
"I knew you were someone of honor."
"Why, thank you."
Me and him walked in circles, making sure to not step on any of the dead. I was facing a true warrior. One as such I hadn't faced since Saliad.
"Hades, right? I shall remember that."
We both smiled before stopping and looking at each other. Then, we charged.