Chapter 153: A Way Out of Hell

"So, he is worst enemies with the supreme faction."

"Yeah, according to Lucifer, those two had been enemies since the first world was made."

"So, why did Lucifer rebel?"

"He thought the Lord was too lax on the Author. He felt that if he truly wanted to, he could defeat the Author, then he later learned that the Ruler was simply a level 1000, which meant he was finite, and the Author could use him."


"He was always less susceptible to the changes, and him rebelling caused a blip in the Author's perfect order. So, he sicced the Supreme faction on him, of course, there are numerous angels that change their mind."

"So, why does Lucifer seek to fight me."

Then Hades spoke up.

"Lucifer fought for millions of years, on both fronts, he could never be sure of who would be made to betray him, so finally, when he was about to give up, the soul of a human was split, and one of the shards contained a unique skill, a truly unique skill."

"Savage Beast?"

"Yes, it was unlike any other skill. It didn't show in any registry, and the only one able to touch it, was this mindless shard."

"Then I got named."

"Indeed, that's what made you a living being. Royce and Damien naming you caused a shift, allowing for you to think for yourself, and even stand against fears."


"Not to mention that, but the human that split was also called the Evil God. This allowed you to get a proper body, putting you above a few deities."

"I see."

"Then, not only were you that, but you've accomplished every single challenge. Every mission. You are quite incredible.

"So, what does this have to do with Lucifer?"

"Simple, he feels that you will win."


"Think about it, a hyper powerful being with a body, or an angel who can barely stand against someone a single level above him."

"But I am not the only one able to fight."

"Correct, but if Lucifer is correct, which he usually is, then when you awake, you can stop him.

"That makes sense."

"Now, how do you plan on exiting Hell?"

"What if I just leave?"


"Like I warp."

"That… may actually work."

I focused. I focused until I felt like my blood vessels would pop.

"Welp, that sucks."

"Yeah, especially because now I have a killer headache."

"So, what's an alternative?"

"Heaven has a gate, correct?"


"Does Hell?"




"Then why not I go there and leave through that?"

"There's a bit of a problem."

"What is it?"

"A former archangel guards it."


"You're strong, but even you can't kill the dead, especially not an archangel."

"Then why don't I convince the angel to let me out?"

"She guards the gate as she deceived herself into thinking that she's in Hell to prevent anyone from leaving, alive or dead."

"How strong is she?"

"Well, she died as a 989, so I doubt you could win."

My eyes widened.

"That means that she was stronger than Michael."

"Yep, she was killed by Lucifer, when she tried assassinating him to return to the Ruler's good graces."

"That makes sense, I don't think even a 999 would be able to beat Lucifer normally."

"Yeah, he's kinda like you."

"Why do you say that?"

"Like you, he had absolute ridiculous requirements, of course, starting life at 600 mean he had it a bit easier, but yeah, he had to kill 900s for his 800 requirements."

"While I had to kill a 900 for my 600."

"Yeah, you're a bit more ridiculous, but Lucifer is on a whole other level when it comes to strength. Though, I do think that once you get to 999 you could beat him."


So, Sona didn't hate me, it was just because I was absolutely ridiculous.

"So, I think that I should try the gate."

"If you manage to do it, then I'll be impressed."

"Then prepare to be impressed."

I gave a smirk.

"And I'm already scared."

Asmodeus pointed in the direction that the gate was, so I went in that direction without blinking.

"She's dead."

"Oh, absolutely."


"She's still not back."

"What's taking her so long?"

"Can we start worrying, yet?"

"Yeah, I mean, it's not the first time she's gone to Hell, but I'm more worried about the fact that she's still there."

"Could she be trapped?"

Amanda gasped.

"She can't warp without her body!"


"She told me that when she was trapped on earth, without a body, she can't gather enough energy."

"So, she's stuck there?!"

"No, we can war-"

"No, we can't."

We all looked at Gabriel in confusion, so he explained.

"Hell is a universal prison, if someone living goes there, they will lose movement, and die the moment they succeed in movement. If someone dead is there, they will feel eternal pain. Now, I know that Rose is something special, so I'm not writing her off, but going there is suicide."

"So… we can't help her. I can't help her, again."

Why does this keep happening. I try so hard to keep the promise I made, but I'm useless, I was no help against the archangels leaving Rose to defend me and fight them. I let the Author get close enough to manipulate the battle, killing her temporarily.

"Dallel, this isn't your failing. You made a promise, and you strive to keep it, but Rose is currently at a caliber that even I see as ridiculous. You cannot blame yourself for failing to keep up."

Luma's words shocked me back into myself.

"… thank you."

"No problem, frankly, whenever Rose goes about picking her commanders, I fully expect you to be her top one, even if you are one of the lower levels. Everyone here is ridiculously powerful, she's just moreso."

"So, all we can do now is hope."

"Pretty much."

Gabriel sighed.

"There is one way that she can escape Hell, but I doubt even she could do it."

"What is it?!"

"The gates of Hell, but it is guarded by a fallen Archangel."

"Isn't Rose comparable to you in terms of strength?"

"Yeah, but this angel was not far behind Lucifer in levels. She was stronger than Michael, and knowing her, she is too stubborn to weaken, even in death. Besides, Rose has no way to kill the dead, especially when they are already in their final destination."

"So, we really can only hope that she can sneak by or somehow manage to convince this crazed angel to let her through."

"Yes. Her calming aura will help, but I don't know how much the angel's mind has deteriorated."

"I see."