"So, this is it."
"See you in 5 seconds when you end up back here."
"Thank you for the vote of confidence."
"No problem."
Asmodeus and Hades pretty much ran away. How scary was this being?
I walked to the gate, then barely dodged.
"You dare attempt escape, mortal; the Ruler has tasked me to keep all of you in. Though, the fact you dodged is impressive."
"I'm not supposed to be here."
"I suppose you should be in Heaven? Fat chance!"
"No, I'm not dead!"
"Then the Ruler cast you here for your evil!"
"No, it was the Author."
"You really expect me to believe that that man would take the time to deal with someone as pathetic as you?"
"I've outwitted him to the point where he wants me out of the picture, this isn't the first time he's tried to send me to Hell, just the first time he succeeded."
"Wow, you really think I'm an idiot. That man is evil, but he wouldn't mess with a measly human."
"I'm not measly, I am a true threat."
"HAH, then tell me the stronger fighter you have slain."
"Hades? HAH, that boy is only in his 700s any self-respecting fighter could win."
"He was in his 930s, and I was a 599."
"I don't believe you."
She was broken; she didn't even realize that Hades had leveled.
"How long have you been here?"
"That is none of your business."
"It has to have been almost as long as Quarinara."
She flinched.
She grimaced.
"The Lord set me to guard these gates, so I shall do that!"
"How do you know that he did that?!"
"I just know, I died in an attempt to stop his biggest opponent, he respects my actions, that's why he put me here."
"Why do you keep with this? I have the ability to tell when someone is lying, I know you don't believe that."
"Of course, I do. There's no other explanation."
Her devotion was admirable, but tragic.
"If you were put here to guard, then why does the pain of death affect you."
"To test my resolve!"
"If you already proved yourself?"
"Eh. No, he wants me to prove myself more before he will take me back!"
"He abandoned you here!"
"No! HE DIDN'T! He's simply waiting for the right time to let me out. I just need to stay faithful!"
I could feel her pain, she didn't believe a word of what she said, and because she knew it was false, she drove herself to insanity trying to convince herself.
"God will-"
"He isn't God."
She froze.
"What do you mean?"
"Originally, I thought the same as you, that he was God, described in the Bible. A being of infinite power and love, but then I saw him fight. He fought with hatred and savagery, and was on par with Lucifer, not leagues above him."
"No, you're wrong, he is benevolence and love incarnate. I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!!!"
Her aura enveloped all of Hell.
I felt shuddering and realized that this was the strength of the top. Even Michael would back down, faced with this aura.
I couldn't move. This was a being that was far greater than anything I could handle at this point.
I felt like Kratos facing Sigrun.
This was the peak of lethality, the idea that Lucifer easily defeated her made me that much more terrified of him.
"I won't be swayed by your venomous words! You slip your forked tongue back behind your teeth, and I will let you live."
"I need to get through. My people need me."
"Do they need you, or do you need them? My vision is limited, but I can still see beyond these gates a bit. They don't need you, because of you, they have gone dependent on stronger beings, and even still, they will be guarded by my little brother, Gabriel. All you do is bring problems and force them to face them."
"I know."
"I know that they would be better off without me, but I will tell you something. I am immune from the Author's orders. Meaning, if you want any hope of bringing him down, then let me through."
"No, you are lying, none are immune, you'll simply try to hurt him. The Ruler. I cannot let that happen."
I saw her longing look at the gate, and I realized something.
"You love him, don't you."
She froze.
"Of course, he is the lord of all."
"More than that."
"Of course, not!"
"Do not lie to me."
That was how she knew he wasn't God. Because she paid enough attention that she noticed it, but she didn't tell anyone because of love.
"That's why he left you here."
"He knew of your feelings, and he knew you caught on to the truth, didn't he?"
"No, he… he would never betray me like that."
"No, I won't listen to you."
"He doesn't love you; he never did. So, stop deluding yourself."
"No. You can't be right. I refuse!"
"Your love is driving you insane, love that will never be reciprocated."
"What do you know about love? Watch your vile tongue!"
"I know that true love is telling someone when they are delusional."
"If you could see outside, then you know my soul originated from Earth."
"When Heather died, she met the Ruler, and at the moment she only feared his power. She felt no love emanate from him. And when I saw him clash with Lucifer, he only had hate and rage. He is not the God from the Bible. He doesn't know how to love, so drop your delusions and face reality."
Then she started crying.
"So, you do understand…"
That was the first time that she was honest.
"I do love him, and I know that he will never love me. He left me here because I learnt everything. I know even more than Lucifer knows."
Then her eyes glowed.
"And it's because I love him that I can not let you leave."
"I wanted to avoid this fight."
"… As did I."
"What is your name?"
"I look forward to meeting you again after this battle… perhaps I should finally leave the gate after this."
"It is nice to meet you."
"Goodbye, Rose."
Then she struck to kill.