Chapter 155: Archangel Milel

We clashed, and Hell shuddered. I knew that she was far stronger than me. I never understood, until that moment, the difference between each level after 800.

She launched me back and struck faster than I could see, but my instinct made me leap, causing her to cut me in half instead of decapitating me.

I reconnected and struck, but she blocked as though it were the easiest thing in the world.

We went back and forth, but I got slower and slower.

She grabbed me and threw me into the wall, causing a cave in.

The ceiling began falling in on me, so I shifted into a dragon and bashed it off. It then regenerated as I charged.

She was shocked by my size. As I didn't have a convenient city to compare myself to, I wasn't sure if I had grown, but my size definitely made it harder for her to hurt me.

Of course, I was also a bigger target. And her attacks still hurt a lot.

And given the restrictive confines, I couldn't move to dodge.

Then she kicked me, and I launched through the roof.

I was then in a massive orb, and Milel flew up to face me.

But now, I had enough room to move. I saw that this layer was unbreakable, meaning that smashing me through the wall was now impossible. It was pure skill v skill now.

She was confused by my angelic wings paired with my draconic form.

Then I realized that I shouldn't have this. I was a human, and I did not possess my draconic body, so how was it that I could still shift.

Then a voice. One so familiar, it caused both me and Milel to flinch.

How dull, you do not even understand why you are a threat? How have you caused this much trouble?

""The Author.""

We both said the title with revulsion.

Ah, I always love how people say that title.

"Let me guess, you want us to continue to fight?"

Of course, not that your feelings matter anyways. Milel darling, kill her.

Then Milel attacked with a new savagery, her mind fully melded by the Author's command.

She mocks your love, considers you a fool, and expects you to listen? Don't even bother with her evil.

Milel attacked in a rage, causing me to narrowly dodge, my larger form allowed me to be faster, but it came with the cost of her ranged attacks being more precise.

She then launched into melee, and I tried to dodge, but she kicked my jaw, causing me to flip.

I snarled and backed up, she took more steps forward before flying at me faster than a flash.

I was knocked back. It wasn't a fight; it was a decimation.

But I wouldn't go down so easily.

I roared and released my aura, causing her to shake as Hell experienced a massive earthquake.

I took a chance and leapt for her, but she dodged, then she made a single mistake.

She leapt to kick my jaw again, but, this time, I was ready.

I was way larger than her, so I simply opened my mouth, and she flew in.

I clamped it shut before she could reangle.

"Let me out, NOW!!!"

She caused a massive headache as I felt her sword stab into my upper mouth, but I was still too big for her to cause enough damage.

I then did a risky move.

"Wait, no no no. I'M STILL IN HERE!!!"

No aura, just panic.

Due to my size, the core of an inferno was much worse, but I wouldn't die from simple fire. But the panicking archangel that only stood 6 ft as opposed to my miles… her and her feathered wings were quite flammable.


I clamped my mouth shut and swallowed as the fire came up. This resulted in two things.

First, the flames shot up my throat.

Second, Milel was thrown directly into the core of the fire. And, with my mouth shut, it was like a furnace.

I could hear her inhuman screeching and feel my own mouth getting minorly burnt.

Her screeching was so loud I wouldn't be surprised if Asmodeus and Hades are freaking out.

Finally, when the fire blast was done, I checked to make sure, and sure enough, she was alive. So, I spat the simmered angel out. Her wings were little more than bone, and her flesh was almost ash.

I shifted back into a catkin and held my fist next to her throat, at this point, the slightest thrust would kill her. I had conquered death's invulnerability.

"I win."

"So, you do."

"I will save you on one condition."

"What is that? Even in the invulnerability of death, I am useless. Any condition you give can't hurt me more than I've already been hurt."

"Swear loyalty to me."

Her eyes widened.

"You wish for me, to serve you? Preposterous."

"I am an administrator with the ability to even harm the dead. I am also the biggest chance everyone has to beat the man who controlled you into fighting me."

"So, what happens to me if I do swear loyalty? You leave me here, I rot, but now having nothing to hold onto my sanity for."

"I will level this skill, Universal Dominance, then I will let you out the moment the number of deceased I can summon is three."

"Why not your friends?"

"Because they are in Heaven, and even if the Ruler isn't God, Heaven is still Heaven."

"You want them to have peace."


"Admirable, very well. I accept your condition."

[The Administrator Milel has sworn loyalty to you.]

"You're an administrator?!"

"That's the main reason I was able to keep my delusions, because he didn't take it."

[As the faction leader, Milel, has sworn loyalty to you, her subordinates follow suit.]

Then a universal announcement.

[The Higher Faction, Milel's Blade, has merged with the Middle Faction, Garden.]

[The Owner, Rose Hood, has now gained dominance over another administrator. Her Rank has increased.]

"The Owner?"

"What does that mean?"

"My skill is system owner, but this is the first time I've been referred to as the Owner."

Then I healed Milel and made her wholly independent. As thanks, she opened the gate for me.

Milel, Kill her now!!!

"Nah, I don't feel like killing my new master, get lost, Author."

Then she smiles.

"I think I finally understand why he's so scared of you."

I waved as I exited back into the in between.