"Nearly 7 months have passed since we departed for Mars. Fortunately, the ship is very large, and we managed to stock up on plenty of supplies to last us for approximately another 10 years. Aside from that, we also have some areas on the ship where edible plants are growing."
"The long-awaited moment, are there people on Mars?"
"The first 20 from Team S1 descended to provide all the details if everything was okay, and of course, I was among them. Each person had the bionic suit alongside weapons that hadn't existed on Earth until now. They were newly created during these 7 months on the ship. These were like the ones in the movies with laser guns, but not exactly the same. These weapons managed to emit a kind of laser with the help of fire, which was then shot like regular firearms. Their speed was very high but not as fast as the speed of light, at least not yet."
"After the ship reached a sufficient altitude for us to descend safely, all 20 of us set foot on Mars. The first humans to accomplish this.Who would have thought that we could reach Mars so easily if we all put our heads together? Well, I had an important role too, as I've been studying how technology works for almost 3 years now. I was the one who came up with the idea for the weapons."
"Our suits allowed us to adjust the gravity to feel like we were on Earth. With their help, we could easily patrol the area where we landed on Mars, but unfortunately, at least in that area, there was nothing to be found."
"Could this be a wasted journey?"
"That thought crossed my mind until I saw something in the distance, it had a distorted shape, and I couldn't figure it out, so I went to check. I didn't announce that I was going because it could be the only chance I'd get to see it, so I hurried."
"As I got closer, I felt an increasingly strong fear within me. It wasn't just a simple creature, it was a large one...no, a very large one. I didn't realize it because I was far away, but it was over 7 meters tall."
"I began to approach slowly with the weapon in hand, but that creature didn't move. Could it really be a creature?"
"When I was close to it, an even stronger fear gripped me. It was indeed a horrific extraterrestrial, with 6 eyes and a very wide mouth with very large claws, standing on 4 legs. It didn't move because it was no longer alive ,it was frozen. It seems it was a very powerful device that could freeze such a large creature."
"I gently touched the creature, but unfortunately, even a light touch resulted in thousands of pieces of ice."
"Fortunately, I was sure that there were other creatures, so I went to inform the others to investigate the area. But on my way back to the ship, I realized that it was frozen because it was an inferior species. They were for them as dogs are for us, just pets."
"They weren't as horrific as their animals, but it was evident that they were an advanced species because even though they weren't much taller than humans, they had more advanced technology."
"I wanted to talk to them, but a sixth sense, intuition, or at least something of the sort, warned me that the conversation would not lead to anything, so I shot at them with the weapon, without hesitation."