"It seems that light was coming from a bulb in an isolated room. They removed my suit and incarcerated me in this room, where all I can see is a bed, a bathroom, and a mirror."
"A voice began speaking from the corners of the room, it seems there were speakers for microphones there."
-It looks like you've woken up!
"They could hear me all the time, but I could only hear them when they wanted me to."
-What do you plan to do with me?
"First, we're going to test you in different areas to see the difference between your type of 'human' and ours for research purposes. Then, we'll do the same thing we've done with the others ,we'll transform you into one of these creatures!"
"It seems those creatures weren't always like that, they were genetic mutations performed on humans."
-I have one question, how much time has passed since I came aboard the ship, and when will you test me?"
-You realize we are not obligated to answer you?
-This is the last thing I'm going to ask you.
-Approximately 7 hours have passed since you arrived, and in one hour, the tests will begin.
-Why would he need an hour? Will he try to escape? As if they could! "The people whispered, not realizing the microphone was on"
-You should know your microphone is on!
-Fu... "That was the last sound heard from that microphone."
"It seems almost an hour had passed, so they came for the tests."
"There were three in suits and three without, it seems there were three soldiers and three medics."
"They placed me in three different rooms where they conducted test after test on me, but so far, they haven't checked my DNA or body. What could those tests have been for?"
"It seems that in the fourth room came the DNA test to see if it was similar."
"Some soldiers began running through the hallways, there was chaos."
"It seems it has started to take effect!"
-Huh, it seems they have two types of DNA. How is that possible?
-You made two mistakes when you chose to take me.
-The first is that my humanity suffered from a virus that takes over your mind and makes you kill, and the second is the simple fact that you chose me, Osamu Akira.
"From that moment on, I returned to my old name, leaving S1N12 as just a memory."
-Oh, and you should have tested my body first, because my left arm isn't real ,it's a bionic one I made for myself, designed to emit an extremely large magnetic energy pulse, a very advanced electromagnetic pulse that can take over the entire ship.
-Now it's far too late for you to do anything! EMP! "I shouted, and then my arm reacted to the voice command and emitted an electromagnetic pulse, causing their ship to experience a major malfunction, their weapons to fail, and most importantly, the mutant collars to fall off their necks."
"Even though I haven't taken the antidote, unlike them, I've learned to control the virus much better, but I still need to find things to keep myself from losing control."
"My only remaining goal on the ship was to find the device or devices that transported them to another universe."
"Getting past the three guards was easy because my bionic arm still worked, while their weapons didn't."
"After taking one of the suits from the three guards, I started walking down the hallway to look for the device. I didn't take the suit to blend in with them, it was for protection because they had already started killing each other. Screams echoed from every corridor, and blood was almost everywhere. I had to fight off a few mutants and guards to reach the device, but I finally made it. How did I realize it was the device? I restarted the suit with the help of my bionic arm and used their navigation system to locate the device."
"I took the device, it was small, about the size of a hand. I looked at another device's circuits to see what it was made of, choosing to examine another while holding the first one so as not to accidentally damage it. It seems it's not very complicated to create, but the people on my planet haven't yet reached the technological level needed to conceive it."
"I looked back, it was a long hallway, where they had started killing each other the most. I looked into the distance and saw how easy it was to lose your life. What they didn't realize is that humans should never be underestimated, no matter what universe they're from."
"I pressed the button on the device, it seemed that it could take you back to the coordinates from where the device was conceived or to unknown coordinates."
"I chose the first option to see where these people come from and to create a ship for myself. Now, only luck could help me!"