"I expected it to happen at some point, but not so soon, however it's good that I was prepared! Now, I will explain why I have six corpses in my hotel room."
"I took the antidote, so I no longer needed to wear the suit. Initially, I wanted to sleep in the bed, but I realized that a day had already passed since the accident on the ship, and these people are very good at finding people. One of the things that led them to me was the GPS system built into the suit, I couldn't take it off, so I decided to set a trap for them. I placed a bomb in the suit that was electromagnetic and worked within a radius of about 2 square meters, in such a way that I wouldn't be affected. Of course, I didn't stay near the bed where the suit was; I chose the closet instead. It wasn't very comfortable, but better that than dying so quickly."
"Surprisingly, their suit was very resilient. Besides the bomb, I even had to intervene myself."
"The first time they entered, I thought I was imagining things, but they speak a different language from ours. However, the suit had an automatic neurological translation system that transmitted a signal directly to the brain in the native language, regardless of which one it was. That's how they were able to communicate with us and others from different universes."
"I needed to get rid of these corpses to avoid raising more suspicions. Yesterday, when I went to buy the ingredients for the antidote, I also bought some parts for a personal project that seems to be helpful now! Before that, I took the rest of their equipment along with other parts that could help me in the future, I won't need the suits anymore."
"I have created three very useful devices. The first device, which I implanted directly into my left bionic arm, is a technology far superior to anything I have created so far. One could say it is my best creation. It is a device that, on command, uses a disintegration laser at the molecular level, leaving no evidence behind. This device will be very helpful in battles.
The second device is one that transforms matter into energy, which I mentioned as a backup source of energy in case of anything unexpected. With the help of these corpses, I can obtain a good energy source.
The third device was not exactly built by me, rather I remade it in a smaller version. I reconstructed the same translation system from the suit but in the size of an earpiece to wear on my ear. It attaches directly to the ear so it won't fall off."
"Now that I have gotten rid of the corpses, I need to return to my main goal. I need a ship!"
"Oh, I have explored this city so much that I regret not building a teleportation device. Finally, I arrived at a huge ship store, these ships were often bought by those traveling to other universes but they can also be purchased by humans."
"Oh no! It seems that one of my greatest fears has materialized at this moment. The person selling the ships was a girl, but not just any girl. She was exactly my type! Neither too short nor too tall, with shoulder-length blonde hair. She had an angelic face."
"I, the great survivor of my race, the last human from my universe, will not fall prey to such a small fear!"
-"Hello!" I said with the most serious expression possible to appear mature.
-"..." I panicked and forgot what else to say.
-"Do you want to buy a ship?" She asked, with a surprised look on her face.
-Indeed. I replied.
-What specifications are you looking for in it?
-To be blonde!
-The ship should be blonde?
-"Oh no! I meant yellow! But any color is fine. I'm interested in something affordable that gets the job done!"
"Darn, I almost said what type of woman I wanted..."
"The cheapest ship is 5300 Reko."
"Reko is the currency they use. To give you an idea of how expensive the ship is, the device for traveling to another universe costs 1,200 Reko."
"Even if I sell everything I have I won't be able to afford this ship."
-Hands up! This is Erzo! "Erzo is like the police for us"
"Huh? I don't have any tracking devices, and they shouldn't know what I look like. Why is Erzo here?"
-It seems I couldn't escape from you guys. You're pretty clever to have found me here!
"Wait a minute! Those words weren't said by me. Is Erzo after the girl?"
-Elena Lionhard, you are under arrest for the magical powers you possess!
"Oh, so her name is Elena Lionhard..."
-Wait! Magical powers? Isn't this just advanced technology?
-Please step away from her sir! She is from a universe where magic exists and is quite powerful!
"Magic? A step toward my success!"
"They started shooting at Elena, but it seems she has a very fast speed. Is it speed magic? Or wind magic to move more quickly? I'm very curious about this magic!"
"Despite how fast and skilled in combat she was, the number of people didn't favor her. Even though she tried a few spells on them, they used their technological barriers to defend themselves. It really depends on the individual, but I don't know if magic can beat technology."
"It seems she lost the battle. They put some pretty harsh cuffs on her. Her hands weren't behind her back, they were positioned at her nape. They placed them in such a way that if she tries to use any magic, she would hurt herself first!"
-Hey Elena! If you take me to your universe, I can get you away from those guys!
-Hey, watch what you say ,these words can easily be used against you!
-Just say yes or no!
-Yes, please.
"At that moment, the bionic arm was activated and the electromagnetic pulse was used! After all the soldiers were thrown into a strange state, not knowing what was happening because their suits were no longer functioning, I used my molecular disintegration device on them. Sometimes I regret how easily I can kill, but my dream is more important!"
"The bad part isn't after I kill them, but before, hearing their final screams and seeing their desperate looks to survive. I do hope they end up in a better place."
-Good job, kid!
-Kid? I'm turning 19 this year.
-In front of me, you're a kid. I'm 127 years old.
-127? Are you from the elven race?
-It seems you have some knowledge in this area!
"It seems that books and games with mythological creatures are helping me now!"
-Well, as I promised, I will take you to my universe. I had to return anyway, since I couldn't stay here any longer. Thank you for helping me!
-You're welcome! But I have a question about magic. Does everyone in your universe have it? Even the humans there?
-Magic is everywhere in that universe. Everyone can use it if they learn how. However, going to a universe without magic like this one can reduce the magic you use, limiting it to what you have within your body.
-If you were going to ask me whether you can use magic, unfortunately it's impossible because you don't have a core. This is something every living being has from birth.
-That remains to be seen!
-If you really manage to get a core, I will teach you how to use magic.
"We boarded the most advanced ship, where Elena set the coordinates for her universe. It didn't take long for it to take off toward that universe. I hope I don't throw up this time!"