"It seems that three months have passed since I arrived here. During this time, Elena taught me the basics of magic and then had me read books about it. In addition to magic, I trained with the sword alongside her cousins, Arthas and Levis. Levis is still young, at 98 years old, while Arthas is older at 125. Both are very old compared to me, but they look younger. This year I'll turn 20."
"During this time it seems that besides the artificial core, it helped me to create my own core having two now. Magic is connected to the core because it emits something called "mana" which helps you with spells. Magic is structured into several segments, with the five elements: wind, water, fire, earth, and lightning, as well as their sub-elements. In addition to these, there is also light and darkness with which you can heal or curse people. There are a multitude of spells and I can only use small spells like a fireball. Having two cores gives me much more mana than others, but I have to be careful because too much mana in the body can affect you physically and mentally."
"Elena healed my left arm and now it's whole again. It was cut off during the third world war due to the apocalypse, and on the ship I built a bionic one. Even though she healed my arm I still have the bionic arm over it but modified to be more like a bionic glove. The first magic she taught me was healing magic because she was afraid I might hurt myself again."
"It seems that in this world, there is something called a "special ability" which is obtained very rarely. It is said to appear at the right moment, and you need a very strong desire to obtain it. Currently, there are two people who possess it: the chosen hero because of the ability, and the demon lord."
"To summarize everything, just like in the legends from my world, there are two continents here, each governed by the demon lord and a king. Both have their own armies, and the hero is supposed to stop the demon lord. However, here it's not quite like that, or at least it's not like that anymore. Since those from the world that attacked this world, the same ones who destroyed the remaining population where I came from, formed an alliance to protect this world, and now the hero is fighting alongside the demon lord."
"The king's army was composed of humans, dwarves, elves, and angels, while the demon lord's army was made up of demons, orcs, goblins, and trolls. The angels and demons are not the ones from heaven or hell , they are creatures born on this earth. As for the other creatures, dwarves are exactly as you would imagine: small-sized humans with big beards . Angels have an ethereal appearance and wings. Elves, as mentioned before, have larger ears than humans and are very beautiful and can live long lives alongside angels and demons. Demons look like humans but have horns growing from their heads and wings different from those of angels. Orcs are creatures that resemble humans but are much larger and more muscular, and trolls are tall creatures with very big teeth, with the two bottom teeth being particularly large."
"Since I heard that angels exist, I've wanted to be able to create my own wings, but first I need to have contact with them."
"It seems that the captains representing each race, along with the hero and the demon lord, have been summoned to the castle for an important meeting. Elena needs to go, so I will go alongside Arthas and Levis as her guardians. Even though there is no longer a war between us, we still need guardians, and I couldn't leave her to go alone."
"During my time here, I had to repair my translation helmet, so with this chance, I tried to learn some Elvish words. One of my favorite words that they always use is "Aqyrus," which means hope. So let's have "Aqyrus" in our hearts!"
"On the day we had to go to the castle, I woke up and started preparing in the morning because I hadn't had the chance to take care of myself for a while."
-Are you ready? Elena said.
-Just a second, let me shave!
-What hair are you removing? You have baby-smooth skin.
-There's hair there! It's just not very noticeable.
-If you say so. "Elena began to laugh"
-Stop and help me cut my hair, it's gotten quite long.
-The hair on your face? "She said smiling."
-Stop with the jokes... You know I was referring to the hair on my head. It's grown really long, and I don't like wearing it that way. Help me cut it.
-Alright, alright...I'll help you.
"Elena carefully cut my hair, then I dressed, and we were all ready to leave for the castle."
"During the trip to the castle, Arthas explained to me the manners I should have there, not to speak without being asked and not to do anything foolish. Well, curiosity can kill a man because when we arrived at the castle, the first thing I did was go to an angel and ask if I could analyze his wings."
"This led to the guards there drawing their swords on me. It seems that angels don't like their wings to be touched."