Thalassotélos — VI

When they reached Long ZhenHai's living quarters, the dragon stopped, giving Hu Lijing a respectful bow, he clasped his hands in front of himself and murmured.

"I do not have the permission to enter Young Master ZhenHai's residence." He explained, straightening up as Hu Lijing waved at him. "But one of the servants will lead you to the Young Master, Clan Leader Hu. I pray that everything is resolved peacefully."

Hu Lijing nodded at him, as he clasped his hands inside either sleeves and walked through the gate, speaking in a nonchalant tone.

"You have my gratitude for leading me here."

The dragon nodded and watched the divine fox walk further, his amber hair swaying and shimmering as the light of the warm sun fell on him, casting around him a mesmerising glow.

When the nine-tailed fox disappeared from his sight, the dragon smiled with a shake of his head and turned to return to what he had been doing.