Thalassotélos — VII

Hu Lijing raised his head at the reminder, amber eyes shining with tears as he bit his lower lip and nodded somewhat jerkily, not letting go of Long ZhenHai's hands.

The heat of his hands a nameless but exceedingly familiar warmth against the dragon's cold ones, his touch a burning, invisible brand on Long ZhenHai's skin.

A mark no one could see, not even Long ZhenHai himself. But still, he could feel it. In his body, on the skin clinging to his person, deep in his bones, the scalding brand burnt right into his very soul.

The soul he shared with Hu Lijing yet couldn't quite understand.

As Hu Lijing opened his mouth to speak, flushed pink lips quivering ever so slightly as his voice filled the suffocating silence of the room, Long ZhenHai's long eyelashes trembled, icy blue eyes hidden behind the curtain of his flesh gleaming with unshed tears.