Fourth World: Wandering Ghost.

2 weeks passed and now Xiao Dan was preparing for his scene where Tian Li will do something bad to the school flower which will make his Uncle Wang appear. His scenes will be finished in 3 days but the other actors still need to stay for their left scenes.

Xiao Dan is currently reading his script in the recliner with Xiang Yin beside him.

"Xiao Dan let me join you guys on reading scripts. I'm still confused on this part." Qing Ting said and pulled his own recliner beside him. Qing Ting was trying to be familiar with them. Xiao Dan doesn't know what changed this guy's attitude but if he dared to do something he wouldn't back out.

"En, Then let's start."

As the three of them started to read down their scripts Xiao Dan agent Fang Jing came up with a strawberry juice and gave it to Xiao Dan."Here drink this to prevent your throat from being dry." He heard him say Xiao Dan nodded his head and thanked his Agent who then left and went to Hui an to remind him.

Xiao Dan casually sips on his strawberry Juice with his happy atmosphere. This isn't the first time that Shu Ying gave him something while he's working on the set. That's why he becomes happy when the man gives him something today again.

"Oh... It's the same strawberry juice Xiao'er where did you able to buy that i was trying to find the store were you buy that drink and couldn't find it." Xiang Ying said with a disappointed look, Xiao Dan gently smiled at her.''Sister Ying i didn't buy this."

The actress was surprised and her eyes showed an admiration as she stares at Xiao Dan who's drinking his strawberry juice."Then are you the one who make it?."

Xiao Dan shook his head and answered her with a visible laugh in his voice."No, I didn't make this either."

Xiang Ying wanted to ask more but Director Yuan called the three of them to prepare for their scenes, She then eventually forgot about it but not Qing Ting who's listening to their conversation besides him.


Xiao Dan immediately grasped the right emotion of Tian Li as he positioned himself to the right angle of the camera, His good temper changed into an arrogant, overbearing air around him causing the people around him to be scared and distant.

When they heard the Clapperboard, Xiao Dan suddenly laughed as if he heard a funny remark from Fei Lin who's glaring at him.

"What did you just say? Me? liking you? Are you crazy?"

Yes, Fei Lin told him to stop bullying others for her sake if he likes him then confessed which makes this arrogant student feel funny to his heart.

"Tian Li! I didn't mean it like that. I just want you to stop bullying these students don't you feel ashamed? Didn't your parents teach you good manners?!" Fei Lin shouted as her neck turned red as she tried to make her voice loud.

Tian Li's boastful eyes changed into a cold one. He kicked the table with strong force, making the crews and Director Yuan surprised that everyone had the same thoughts about him 'this kid had a lot of strength'.

"Don't ever mention my parents, Fei Lin!." He yelled that the student's around them had an amusement on their eyes as they watched their School flower not give a flinch with the sudden outburst of Tian Li.

"Why did it rub right to your wound?" Fei Lin mockingly asked, making the self-conceited male bully tick off who suddenly laughed angrily, his cheeks flushed with ire making everyone who saw feel awed by his appearance.

"Fei Lin, do you really believe that everyone likes you? do guys who want to be close with you... Do you know what do they want to you?." His dim eyes had mocking emotions blending with it he stick his tongue before he added a word."To do you."

Director Yuan raised his eyebrows when heard the change of line. Even if Tian Li is arrogant it doesn't mean that he's unmannered without his parents. There's still Uncle Wang who didn't get tired of teaching him and this young actor carefully studies the character's conduct and behavior, even its temperament.

The script writer Jun Li couldn't hide his happiness when the young actor played Tian Li well! 'This is what Tian Li would choose to say!'

"Tian Li! What are you saying? mind your manners we are at the school and everyone is watching." Fei Lin said as she looked around and saw the students watching them as they were standing in the center of this cafeteria.

"Oh aren't you the same person who told me that I am an unmannered person, Fei Lin if I heard from your mouth my parents again or else." Tian Li warned and he leaned closer to her ear to whisper"Just be thankful that I can still recognize you as a girl or else you're already on the ground with blood."

He moved away with a cocky smile playing on his face and walked away in the cafeteria where he bumped into Shen Li which made him scoff and bumped the other with force making him almost fall.

Shen Li frowned when he didn't hear a single apology from Tian Li but instead he bumped him. He squinted his eyes before he looked at the place where Tian Li was standing earlier he then saw the stunned Fei Lin and the turned table and made his way to her.


Xiao Dan took his uncold strawberry drink and sighed in sadness as he was filming his scene. He thought that it would still be cold when he was done; he could only look at it helplessly while feeling dejected.

His phone suddenly vibrated so he took it to see the reason for it and his eyes opened wide.

Mr.Shu:[Is it convenient for you to go outside?]

His fingers tremble a little before he starts to type on his keyboard.[En, I'll be there they don't need me yet]

He put back his phone and went to Director Yun to ask for his permission."Director Yuan, can I go outside? I just need to see someone." Director Yuan heard the usual polite tone of the young actor who he set to his heart and nodded his head."Go ahead, just don't stay there too long, you still have 1 more scene to finish."

"En, Thank you Director Yuan." Xiao Dan fastly move his feet to stepped outside of the school where they are shooting, As he went outside he saw a Pagani Zonda just in one look you can see that it's another expensive car he knock on the window which it's rolled down showing the another expensive that no one could buy, His perfectly sculpted face that could make anyone kneel without any reason.

"Brother Shu, why are you here?" why not go inside, That's what he meant the other understand it anyway.

"I don't want to use my power here that's why i asked you to fetched me so i could used the card of 'visiting a friend'." The young actor couldn't stop himself to laughed when he heard the man's humor.

"I don't expect that you can make a joke Brother Shu." He said and went inside of the car when the man opened it from the inside.

"En, i didn't expect it either." What Shu Ying really doesn't expect is he will make the young man laugh at his boring joke, Fang Jing always prevents him from making a joke back then the first time she hears it so he doesn't joke around anymore.

The car went inside of the gate when the school guard saw Xiao Dan inside of it who waved his hand at him to greet him.

When Shu Ying parked the car he removed the belt on him and went outside to open the car door subconsciously for Xiao Dan.

"Brother Shu, you're such a gentleman! No wonder you're famous with girls." Xiao Dan teasingly said as he went outside.

"I haven't done this to anyone." The words of the man were rigidly being said which made a jarring shock to Xiao Dan.

"Ah? you haven't."

"En." Xiao Dan could only pressed his lips as he stared at the man beside him but he was stupefied when he saw the dead sister of Fang Jing making him pull Shu Ying away from her.

Shu Ying felt surprised by the sudden action of the young man; his breath halted when he noticed that their bodies were being pressed together.

"You... Why did you leave Sister Fang's side?" Xiao Dan asked, making the woman ghost excited."I knew it! You can see me."

Shu Ying straightened his body when he heard that eerie voice he turned around to face it. His dark eyes didn't show any emotions which scared the woman ghost.

XiaoDan: "...Look, even the ghosts are scared of you."

"You-You can also see me?." The woman ghost stuttered as she asked the man who's looking at her his eyes scared her the most. It doesn't show any emotions.


Shu Ying grabbed the wrist of Xiao Dan before he pulled him to go inside of the set while the ghost women were following them.

"Don't get me wrong! I just want to confirm it. I had long noticed these young actors' eyes sometimes, that's why I want to confirm it." She tried to explain as she was floating while following the two.

"En, Later" Shu Ying shortly said but the woman understood it and went to her sister's side while looking towards the two living humans who could see her.

Director Yuan couldn't hide his surprise when he saw Shu Ying pulling the young actor. He felt panicked for the first time this year so he moved his feet to go to the two."You... Mr Shu, I didn't expect to see you here. What did this young actor do?."

The two males saw the panicked expression of the old director and Xiao Dan couldn't help but to feel guilty when he saw it he was going to open his thin lips when the other speak fastly than him."He didn't do anything, I'm just visiting him."

Director Yuan sighed in relief but then a surprise emotion crawled to his heart!."Mr Shu what do you mean by that?."

"Xiao Dan, you didn't tell Director Yuan our relationship?" Shu Ying asked and his displeasure on what he just learned couldn't be hidden.

"Brother Shu... I don't want someone to think that I'm using you for my career." Xiao Dan said as he pursed his lips slightly with guilt emotion can be seen in his doe eyes.

Director Yuan was stupefied on what he was hearing and couldn't even make a word to say.