Fourth World: Wandering Ghost.

Of course the two didn't give the old director a heart attack, they told him that they have a friend-boss relationship together. Director Yuan can finally feel at ease when he hears it.

"Xiao Dan Qing Ting, be ready for the confrontation!" Director Yuan yelled.

Xiao Dan stop his conversation with Shu Ying and walked not far away from the camera as he grasping the emotions of Tian Li, His eyes were red as he sniffled quietly his tears threatening to spill from his doe eyes

"Action!" When the clapperboard sounded he moved his feet and every step he took was heavy to passerby sight.

He's going behind the school building where no one could see his weak self. As he reached the back he climbed to the old tree that he always sitting at whenever he felt weak. This is where he could only let out all of his emotions from his heart.

A solemn single tear fell down his cheeks. His body looked calm compared to how tangled his mind was only when he couldn't handle it anymore his tears spilt over and flowed down his cheeks like a river escaping from a dam.

'If only Uncle Wang are not selfish'

'No he shouldn't blame his uncle it's all his fault if only he could show what he truly feels'

'Unce Wang, was this the reason why you give up on someone like me?'

'Uncle Wang do u know what i feel when you turn your back at me to leave and never look back to come back?'

When everyone from the crew saw this scene the displeasure from their hearts for Tian Li disappeared. The girl from the crew couldn't help but to say 'How could i hate this broken child, i'm too heartless!' everyone think so.

Xiao Dan acting brings everyone to the story without them noticing but Shu Ying is different he knows it, hence when he saw the young man acting for the first time and how he easily grasped the emotions of Tian Li and how he easily played with it without having a sweat with it.

Shen Li followed the arrogant student behind the school building after he listened to the school flower. He couldn't hide the resentment from his heart when he remembered how the girl he likes cried in-front of him.

When he saw the familiar figure of that guy

He could not contain his fury and didn't dawdle anymore he went to that guy sitting above. He was surprised and felt helpless when he saw the always arrogant student with flushed cheeks as his tears flowed down his cheeks.

"You..." Shen Li clenched his hands and gritted his teeth when he remembered Fei Lin's pitiful look; he ignores the crying look of the arrogant guy."Get down here."

Tian Li looked down and frowned when he saw Shen Li standing below the tree he was sitting. He then hides his weak self and covered himself with arrogance before he decided to jump and face this guy.

"What do you want?"

"What did you say to Fei Lin?" Shen Li asked in fury Tian Li scoffed when he heard that question.

"Did your coquettish girlfriend complain?, eh? I just told her the truth. Does she really think everyone likes her? They only like her because of her body, not because they like her from the heart, aren't you too?." Tian Li said in a cocky manner as Shen Li heard those words and saw the smug look on his face. It tickled him off and punched the guy on his face. Tian Li didn't even bother to fight back; he's physically and mentally deadened.

(The make up artist went closer to them and put a fake bruises on Xiao Dan's face with a fast manner and the scene continued)

"Are you done?" Tian Li Cooley as if he wasn't in pain from those punches he received."Btw is that even counted as a punch? You punched like a girl." He provocatively said that Shen Li felt that he was stepping on his ego.

"Tian Li you can really talk, let's see if you still can talk after this" Shen Li said as he was being successfully provoked by this arrogant guy and continued to punch him on the ground while sitting above him.

Director Yuan didn't yell for a cut which made everyone feel amused by the two actors acting together.

Xiang Yin character was needed for this scene and the guest actor Feng Qi for the role of the principal and the students so Director Yuan motioned them to be ready for the scenes.

Xiang Yin with the old actor Feng Qi went to the scene followed by the students who then acted like they were shocked when they saw the two guys one being pressed on the ground the other sitting above him. Not sexually!.

"What are you doing! Grabbed Shen Li, don't just stand there!" Feng Qi who acted as the principal Shu Qing 5 students went to Shen Li to hold his arms and the other stood in-front of him to prevent him from getting closer to Tian Li who's standing without letting someone to help him.

"What do the two of you think you're doing! This is school not something you would go to start a fight, School is for studying not for fighting!." Shu Qing said in fury he even felt that his hair would start to fall and he would be bald because of these two!.

"Tian Li started this, he told Fei Lin something that isn't true!." Shen Li said with hatred his face was flushed.

"I didn't ask who started this first! Go to my office!" Shu Qing said and left the scene and the students started to gossips as they looked to Tian Li who had black circles beneath his eyes that had become bruises a tiredness could be seen but as he blinked the tiredness on his eyes disappeared as if .

Tian Li put his hands on his pocket as he followed the principal without any emotions in his eyes.


Shu Ying who's sitting on Xiao Dan's recliner chair disappear Xiao Dan were confused and wanted to asked Hui An but Director Yuan called them again to shoot the next scene

They all went to the principal's office and stood outside.

"Xiao Dan does it hurt?" Qing Ting asked there's worried flashed on his eyes but there's also hatred that Xiao Dan could see.

"No Brother Ting was so gentle earlier so I'm not hurt." Xiao Dan said and smiled but his eyes had a provoking sight as if it was trying to stimulate the other's emotion.

Qing Ting's body muscles were tense when he saw that sight, making him bared his teeth.''Ah that's good that you are not." He couldn't let himself be a laughing stock here; he could only walk away with a dark face.

Xiang Yin saw all of it and went to the young actor who still had a gentle smile as he watched the others walk away."Xiao'er are you okay?." she worriedly asked and Xiao Dan ofcourse gave her a reassuring smile.

"Yes I'm okay Sister Yin, he didn't do anything."

When Xiang Yin heard it she sighed in relief but the worry in her heart didn't disappear.

Director Yuan called Xiao Dan to let him stand on the door."Prepare yourself, tell us when you are ready."

"System Yuan, I will give you a task" Xiao Dan said in his mind when he saw the black mist again beside Qing Ting.

[What is it host?]

"Gather all the CCTV Footage where Qing Ting did all of his crimes"

[Okay host i will be doing it now] Yuan systematic sounds disappear leaving Xiao Dan raising his right hand to give them the (OK) Sign.

"Let's camera Action!"

*Clapperboard sound*


Tian Li opened the door without knocking which gave a surprise to Principal Shu Qing who's putting back the telephone.

"Tian Li next time knocked on the door first, Take a seat." He pointed to the chair in-front of him while scolding his student which Tian Li ignored and sat on the chair.

"Tian Li, can you tell me what happened?" Shu Qing calmly said but Tian Li didn't open his mouth to answer him.

"Tian Li, I'm not going to eat you, don't be scared tell me what happened, Why did Shen Li hurt you." Shu Qing asked again.

What Shu Qing doesn't know is that Tian Li was scared that his voice would crack if he answered him. He could only avoid the principal eyes by shutting his.

Shu Qing wanted to push his student to speak but his door opened again Shen Li entered the office together with Fei Lin following him as she scrunched up her face.

"Principal don't believe his lies!" Shen Li shouted while sending glares at Tian Li who had his eyes closed and slowly his lips were forming a mocking smile.

"He hasn't said anything and shouting is prohibited, make your tone low and take a seat." Shu Qing with a displeased stern voice.

Shen Li followed him and made Fei Lin beside him. He was a little bit embarrassed when the principal scolded him, he never had been scolded by the principal which surprised him too.

"Now the three of you are here, let me hear your sides." Shu Qing said with stern eyes."You should explain yourself first, Fei Lin."

Fei Lin felt her heart accelerating when her name was being called she swallowed her own saliva" I... Me and Tian Li had a fight on the Cafeteria he told me that my co-students only likes me because they want to do something with me and kicked the table before he left, Then Shen Li came he asked me what happened and i tell him i didn't expect that he will come to Tian Li ." Her eyes were misty after she said that.

"Shen Li explained yourself." Shu Qing nodded his head and called the guy who had a clear face there's not even a bruise visible.

"I felt agitated when I heard what Tian Li did to Fei Lin, I had been liking Fei Lin for a long time and I didn't want someone to hurt her. That's why I came to Tian Li and punched him." Shen Li explained he was slightly embarrassed when he admitted that he liked Fei Lin, Fei Lin face flushed as she listened to it.

Shu Qing's eyes went to Tian Li who had been silent since earlier."Explain yourself Tian Li."

"Ah? Do I need to?" He sarcastically said and laughed mockingly when he saw the principal face change."Aiya don't be angry Mr. Qing it is not good for your health I will tell you why."

"It is because I don't like her and what I say is true you can look for it on the website." Tian Li shrugged his shoulders after he said it.

"What website?." Shu Qing asked, which made Tian Li laugh.

"Principal i do not support you to look for it it was not good to look at the contents there are a little bit– ah how should i say it." He stopped for a little and crossed his arms before he continued again."explicit, you know what i mean."

Shu Qing's pair eyes widened in shock that students had such a website like that?!.


"Well I already explained my side. Can I go now." Tian Li as he crossed his legs his eyes showed an arrogant and bossy look.

"No you still can't, your guardian Wang Li is coming to get you."

As Tian Li heard that familiar name, his face and eyes went gloomy, Uncle Wang is coming?. Great.

"I do not need–"

"Sorry I'm late, the meeting went longer than I had expected."

Tian Li/Xiao Dan was startled by footsteps coming closer to him."Tian Li did someone bully you?."

Xiao Dan lifted his doe eyes stared brazenly into his dark eyes.