Chapter 13: A Rain

"The positions of 'Ningxia' and 'Shandong' can be connected in a horizontal line," Qi Xia said while trying to turn the table.

"Inner Mongolia", "Sichuan" and "Yunnan" can be connected into a "skimming"."

"And the four points of" Guangxi ", "Guangdong", "Shaanxi" and "Jiangsu" can be connected into a square, which is the word "right"."

"No matter where Han Yimo's hometown is in the end, as long as it is either Guangxi Province or Taiwan Province, it will form the word 'Kou', so the answer is determined from the beginning."

They all accelerated the action in hand, while showing strange eyes.

Qixia's thinking is too jump, but it opened the mystery twice in a row, which can not help but let everyone begin to doubt it.

Qixia himself also understood this, so he opened his mouth and said to everyone: "Don't misunderstand, if the next game is to abandon you to survive, I will also resolutely let myself survive."

Hearing him say this, the crowd could only be silent, and turned the table with clenched teeth.

Nine people sitting around the table, constantly fiddling to the right.

"How many laps?" Qiao Jia Jin asked.

"Twenty-six laps." Cystoids replied.

"Can you count that, too?" Qiao Jia Jin blinked his eyes, "This table looks the same."

"I counted it by looking at the blood on the table." "Counting is important to us therapists," Lin says earnestly.

Qixia frowned: "Less than thirty circles, we have to hurry."

Then they became quiet and quickened their hands.

But the more difficult it became to move the table, it seemed that the internal chain was getting tighter.

"I lost, what happened?" "Said Joe, gritting his teeth." This is too heavy."

"Come on... Maybe it's connected to a door!" Sweet also grinned and said.

Her words let everyone see a glimmer of hope in the despair.


If this room can be made out of thin air, why can't it be made out of thin air?

Everyone's arms were a little sore, but they still turned the table round and round.

"Don't give up! Five laps to go!" Ngo shouted.

Everyone at this moment is clenching their teeth to make strength, no one dares to relax.

"Kara, Kara."

As the final lap ended, it was clear that the table had been set into something.

Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the pain in their arms gradually emerged.

It's only three minutes to a quarter past one.

"And the door? " Joe's family let out a cry of great anxiety.

The walls around him remained unchanged, and the cold glow of the icy harpoons could be seen in the dark void.

"I lost it! There is no door!" There was a hint of despair in Joe's strong voice.

"Wrong! We guessed wrong!" Xiao Ran screamed, "You should turn left, right? ! We shouldn't have trusted that liar! We're all going to die here!!"

Qixia frowns slightly...

A mistake?

Waiting for everyone to react, the clock in the center of the table suddenly began to look different.

It wobbled a little, then fired eight lasers.

Eight laser beams emanate from the clock and gradually move to the edge of the table.

In the confusion of the crowd, the clock divided the table into nine equally sized slices as accurately as pizza.


There was a loud bang and the table fell apart.

The central clock now stood on a small stake.

Time is so tight, everyone is scrambling.

"What is it? Han Yimo exclaimed, "Why is the table broken?"

Officer Li now noticed that there were handles on the back of each fan-shaped table, and years of professional experience made him understand what was happening in an instant.

"It's a shield!"

He picked up the scalloped table top and held it in front of him.

"We can use this shield to stop the harpoons!"

Hearing this, the crowd also raised their tables.

But it only took a few seconds for everyone to figure out what was wrong.

"How do we stop it? " Lawyer Zhang Chenze rarely showed a hint of panic, "If there are harpoons on all sides, we can only block one direction ah."

"Be cooperative." Qixia recovered her voice and said, "We formed a circle and covered each other's backs."

After listening to the crowd quickly adjusted the formation, quietly waiting.

All they could hear was each other's breathing.

Nine strangers now become teammates, indispensable.

Qixia inadvertently looked back at the writer Han Yimo at this time, and found that his face was full of fine sweat, and he was shaking all over, and he looked particularly nervous.

A bell rang again in the distance outside the room.

"Are you all right? Qixia asked.

"Nothing, nothing..." Han Yimo shook his head.

"Hey! Dr. Zhao, turn your desk upside down!" Zhang Chenze suddenly opened his mouth to say.

'Why? Dr. Zhao looked at the table in his hands, his sharp head at the bottom and his broad head at the top.

"You can't stop my legs like that!" Zhang Chenze said nervously, "I will be shot!"

"I can't cover my head upside down!" Dr. Zhao is not to be outdone, "Is the head important or the leg important?"

Some people heard the quarrel between the two people and felt that Dr. Zhao's words were quite reasonable, and they actually turned the fan over at the moment.

Pointy head down, broad head up.

This creates a strange situation.

That is, the harpoons coming from all directions will only get caught in the top half, and everyone's legs will be broken.

"Is that really right?" Xiao Ran froze for a moment, "Even if we can hide our legs in the pointy end and block the front, but what about the harpoon flying behind us?" What about the harpoon flying from the sky?"

"I'll block the top!" Officer Li held up his desk. "Come closer, I'll protect you."

"Let's give each of us the chance to shuffle off the shelves," Lin said, musing quickly.

"Yes! That makes sense!" Qiao Jiajin also echoed.

"No." Qixia interrupted the two people, "If everyone's table is perpendicular to the harpoon, it is too easy to be penetrated..."

"Pretty boy, what do you say?" Qiao Jia Jin asked.

Qixia's eyes rested on the sheepskin mask on the ground.

"Why are bamboo shoots not afraid of rain?"

The last hint made Qixia think.

"Wait, wait... Just give me more time." Qixia frowned.

The crowd held their breath as the minutes ticked by, and there was only one minute left before the harpoon was launched.

"Never mind him!" Doctor Zhao gave a cold drink. "Let's give it to me randomly according to what Lin has said."

"Keep your voice down!" Qiao Jiajin also shouted, "I believe what the liar said."

'You! Doctor Zhao gritted his teeth and swallowed back the words.

"I got it! Qixia suddenly widened her eyes, "Everyone pointed up!"

There was some suspicion, but most people's minds were blank and they had to do it for the time being.

Doctor Zhao thought for a moment and turned his pointy head upside down.

"Everybody bend down!" Qixia continued, "Move the prongs back and lean together. Officer Lee, you don't have to block the top anymore. Come with us! "

Under the command of Qixia, all the fans were slowly juxtaposed to form a cone.

No one could have imagined that all the fan segments were so tightly closed that they blocked the space in all directions and directly above.

From a distance, the vertebral body is like a bamboo shoot, waiting for the arrival of a heavy rain.

The nervous heart of the crowd in the dark space "thumping" straight beat, only the sound of breathing echoed between the people.


Qixia heart calculate time, open a whisper.

The next second, they only heard the wind burst, an invisible thing hard hit the table in the hands of Qixia.

Then the noise came from all sides like a storm.

The force of the harpoon was surprisingly large, and they only felt their arms were shocked and painful, and they were about to hold the table.

Fortunately, everyone's tables were now pushed together, creating a delicate balance.


The table in front of Xiao Ran was suddenly pierced by a harpoon, making her scream.

Qixia looked back and found that the harpoon stopped only two or three centimeters away from Xiao Ran's eyes.

Fortunately, the table was hard enough, or Xiao Ran would be dead by now.