Chapter 14: After the Rain

"Hold on! Officer Li shouted, "The number of harpoons is limited, hold on a little longer we will survive!"

Before they could answer, another scream was heard.

Turned his head to look, was sweet.

She was not as lucky as Xiao Ran, and the penetrating harpoon pierced her palm.

Sweet lost strength for a while, and the table in front of her was also knocked sideways by the whistling harpoon.

'Be careful!

Qiaojia strength a bite, reach out to grab the table in front of sweet.

In this gap, a harpoon accurately flew in from the gap, through Han Yi Mo's shoulder.

Han Yimo cried out in pain, but his hand still held the table tightly.

'Don't panic!

Officer Li reached out his hand to help Han Yimo, then separated his hands and held half the table for him.

Qiao Jia strength also made a quick decision, hand for sweet hold the table.

Fortunately, these two men were very strong, and the whole formation began to stabilize again.

As the noise of the collision gradually subsided, everyone understood how reasonable this formation was.

If, as Officer Li and Doctor Zhao thought, the table was placed in the hands of the people, then the table and the harpoon would be vertical and extremely easy to penetrate.

Now the "spring up after a rain" shape will make the contact surface of the harpoon in five directions and the table board become inclined, and the penetration force of the harpoon is greatly reduced.

In particular, the harpoons flying from the top have changed their course because of the conical nature of the moment.

After a while, there was no sound outside the table.

"Is it over?" Han Yimo gritted his teeth and asked.

"Just one more minute." Qixia answered.

They held up the table and waited for another minute, and found that there was no movement outside.

Joe gingerly moved a gap and looked out.

"I lost..." He was instantly stunned by what he saw.

They also slowly moved the table and found that the ground and the table were almost filled with harpoons.

And the two bodies on the ground is even more terrible to see, now like two hedgehogs, densely filled with thorns.

Each harpoon was connected by a rope, and the other end of the rope was connected to the hole in the wall.

Doctor Zhao decided to roll up his sleeves, came to Han Yi Mo side.

He's in critical condition. The harpoon is through his shoulder and needs immediate attention.

Han Yimo slowly sat down and gave a bitter smile: "Just now I was thinking that I would not be so unlucky, I did not think that I was really caught..."

Sweet expression is very guilty, she quickly apologized to Han Yimo.

But everyone knew that this was not a sweet problem, she was also harpoon pierced the palm.

"Hey, pretty girl, come here." Joe beckoned, "I can wrap it for you."

"Huh?" Sweet one stunned, "You will bandage?"

"A little bit."

Qiaojiajin tore off a suit cloth from the dead goat head, and tore the cloth into two pieces.

One was tied tightly around the sweet arm to stop the bleeding, the other carefully wrapped around the wound.

"I used to get hurt a lot when I was on the street, so I learned to dress myself." Qiao Jiajin said.

Sweet slightly nodded, no words.

After coming here, everyone is rarely quiet, as if they have temporarily escaped the shadow of death.

But there was still no door around, and the damn room kept them trapped.

What the hell is this place?

What's outside the room?

In less than a minute, a sigh came from Dr. Zhao's direction.

Qixia turned to look, is to Han Yi ink wound treatment zhao doctor at the moment unexpectedly a face difficult.

'What's the matter? 'Officer Li asked.' Are you badly hurt? '

"It wasn't badly hurt." Dr. Zhao shook his head, "Only I can't get the harpoon off."

The people moved forward and found that the problem was indeed very difficult.

The tip of the harpoon is a barb, and pulling it out will cause more damage to the victim.

And the end of the harpoon is connected to the rope.

At this moment, Han Yi Mo is like a fish that has been shot, no matter where it swims, it will be held by this rope.

"Had to cut the rope and pull the harpoon out through the front." Doctor Zhao looked up and said, "But I have no sharp weapon at hand."

Han Yimo's lips are a little white at the moment, and the harpoon running through his shoulder blades makes him painful.

"Just use another harpoon." Officer Li said immediately, "Although the harpoon is pointed, it is also a sharp weapon."

"It's the only way." Dr. Zhao also nodded, "Writer, I want you to choose a most relaxed posture to lie down, we need to cut the rope on your back, you don't worry, take your time." Watch your front harpoon and be careful not to get hurt twice."

Han Yimo nodded and began to move his body with difficulty.

Qixia looked at this scene always feel some sense of violation.

Take it slow?

Is there really time for that on this occasion?

He looked at the rope on the floor, and a sense of foreboding came into his mind.

If they're right, they're still racing against the clock.

"You can't take it slow! Qixia suddenly said, "Take off his harpoon at once!"

He walked quickly to the doctor's side and said to Han Yimo seriously, "You bear with me, I will pull out the harpoon for you now!"

Han Yi Mo some puzzled, but did not refuse.

"What are you doing? " Doctor Zhao tired of pushing a Qixia, "you will make his injury worse!"

'There is no time! He'll really die if he waits any longer!" Qixia also pushed Zhao doctor, from behind a catch Han Yi ink back harpoon.

A terrible cry was heard.

Harpoons with barbs are easy to penetrate, but harder to remove.

'Hello! At this moment, Officer Li also ran over, pulled Qi Xia away and shouted angrily, "Are you going to kill people?"

Qixia was blocked twice, and her face became ugly.

"I understand you want to save people, but if you don't hurry, the harpoon will..."

Before Qixia finished, the sound of the chain around him rang again, as if some huge organ had started again.

Followed by Han Yi ink's heart-wrenching screams.

They then returned to their senses and found that all the harpoons were slowly recovered under the traction of the rope.

And Han Yi Mo on the ground is also being dragged by a huge force at the moment.

Qixia discovered this long ago, the rope on the harpoon is not a decoration, they will sooner or later take the harpoon back.

All the panic followed Han Yimo ran, during the police officer Li tried to pull the rope, against the huge power between the black holes, but in the end it was in vain.

The harpoon table on the ground was gradually torn apart by the harpoon and began to retreat.

This kind of force that can tear wood is definitely not a bare hand.

Although the pain was unbearable, Han Yimo soon discovered another problem.

If you are pulled to the wall, but still not free from the harpoon, the whole person will be firmly nailed to the wall and wait for death.

Thinking of this, he stood up painfully, grabbed Qixia again, and said one word at a time: "Help me take down the harpoon!" Take it off now!"