Chapter 29: The Mystery

Officer Li did not look at Qiao's strength, but asked Qixia: "I do have a thing, about Han Yimo... Did you just say something? What does Han Yimo's death represent? What does that sword mean?"

Qi Xia narrowed her eyes and looked at Officer Li carefully: "Officer, you are good at criminal investigation, I am good at fraud, and now you ask me about the case, isn't it strange?"

Police officer Li helplessly bowed his head and said: "Have come to this kind of ghost place, how can" criminal investigation "be useful?"

After listening, Qixia was silent for a while, and decided to tell him the clue that came to her mind: "Officer, I can only say... It is possible that Han Yi Mo knew the sword."

"Know?" Officer Lee frowned, then nodded slightly thoughtfully. "You mean he's seen the sword before?"

"Those are not your questions anymore." Qixia said, "You should be concerned about your own situation."

'What do you mean?

Qixia sighed and turned to go, but was pulled by Officer Li.

"Don't go, what kind of" situation "am I in?"

"Police officer, Qixia doesn't want to talk about it. I'll tell him. There are two places where you should be careful," Lin said quietly, covering her mouth and nose.


"Yes, first, can easily lift the great sword, only the crazy female shop assistant, her strength is very big, in other words, if Han Yi Mo is really killed, then the female shop assistant is the biggest suspect." Leave this place as soon as possible."

Officer Li nodded with a heavy face and asked, "Second?"

"Second, your teammates. They don't seem trustworthy."

Officer Lee's lips moved as if he were thinking of something.

Now on his side, there is a child teacher Xiao Ran who is affected by emotions and does not look smart, there is a lawyer Zhang Chenze who is indifferent to everything and only looks at pros and cons, and there is a doctor Zhao who has confronted himself and is somewhat self-centered.

Will the four of them be able to trust each other in a life-threatening situation?

After a long struggle of thought, Officer Li finally said, "Qixia, anyway, I will use the convenience store as my base camp and explore several nearby areas, if you have any information... Or you can come and trade with me."

Qixia did not promise nor refuse, a light look at him, turned and walked away.

The others did not know what to say and followed.

Officer Li looked at the back of the four people in a trance for a while, and Doctor Zhao, Xiao Ran back to the convenience store.

He did not know that the four men outside were more trustworthy at the critical moment, but they were going to collect the Tao, in other words, they were looking for death.

It's not safe following them either.

Now, if you want to survive smoothly, you can only find a base area first, and then consider the long term.


Qixia with a few people continue to move forward, and soon came to the square that came yesterday.

He wanted to be here to confirm something.

It was the sound of a huge bell in the morning.

Here, as it was yesterday, was a large electronic display in the center, and a brass bell hanging above it.

When Han Yimo was assassinated, a huge bell rang.

Ringo blinked her eyes. "I seem to have heard the bell ring several times."

"Several times?" The Joes gasped and asked, "When?"

Ngo Lin's eyes twirl slightly. "You still remember... The man whose head was smashed by the "man-sheep" when we first woke up in the room? The bell seemed to ring when he died."

Tian Tian seemed to understand something: "Can you say... Every time someone dies, a bell rings?"

Several people nodded their heads, feeling that the direction of this guess should be correct, and the copper bell in front of them seemed to be a death knell, informing everyone of the number of deaths.

"No." Qixia shook her head, "The corridor we have been through has at least thousands of rooms, and at the same time we are experiencing the" game ", there are dead people in every room, if this thing is the death bell, we can't only hear the bell twice."

"This..." Sweet think Qixia said also makes sense, but since this is the case, what is the condition of the bell ringing?

"Huh?" Ringo peeped up at the blank screen. "I remember there was a line on it yesterday."

The crowd looked up, and the words had indeed disappeared.

"It seems... Reverberate..." Qiao Jiajin touched his chin and said, "I echoed the disaster?"

"I heard the echo of 'catastrophe.'" Qixia said.

"Ah yes..." Joe nodded vigorously, "What does that mean?"

Qixia shook her head.

This is not something you can know by "guessing", they know too little about the city.

What is the disaster? What is the reverberation? Who am I?

"Forget it, go and look somewhere else."

Qixia turned around, just about to go, but suddenly froze.

Before his eyes was a withered, smiling face.

The face had appeared behind him at some point and was staring at him.

Qixia pupil movement, quickly backward two steps.

The other three were also frightened, and in front of them was a withered old man, who stood on tiptoe, his body bent like a dead tree.

"I thought..." The old man smiled, showing his only remaining tooth. "The question you asked me, I think of it!"

Qixia was stared at by the old man, and only felt cold behind her: "You are talking to me?"

The old man pressed his chapped lips: "Young man, I know the answer! It is "gambling life" ah! Just bet your life and everything will be fine!"

He stretched out his hand with dirty nails and tried to grab Qixia.

"We are so close to getting out! If you are willing to risk your life..."

Qixia frowned and took a few steps back, although he did not understand what the old man was saying, but he said that he wanted his own life, it was too strange.

"Hey! Who are you, old man?" Qiao Jiajin opened his mouth a little incredulously and asked, "Have you seen Qixia before?"

The old man moved and turned to look at Joe's house.

He opened his mouth with a mixed expression and asked, "You don't know me?"

"Why should I know you?"

The atmosphere was a little silent for a while, and the old man's cloudy eyes kept flashing. After a long time, he finally thought of something: "So... You guys I've already seen the Dragon..."

"Dragon?" The four men looked at each other.

"There is no hope..." The old man shook his head and slowly turned his back. "We can't fight him... We're lost here forever... No wonder the "zodiac" is back again..."

He walked away while chanting, his back looked very lonely.