Chapter 30: Mouse and Man

"冚 home shovel, crazy again." Qiaojia strength to the ground spit a mouthful, "always feel here for a long time, we will go crazy."

Chia was upset by the old man.

"Qixia, are you all right?" Ngo asked nearby.

"It's all right." Qixia fixed his mind, "These people can't stop me, I'm going to participate in the" game ", you don't have to follow."

"I'll come with you." "Whatever games you play, I'll go with you," Ringo said.

Hearing these words, Qixia slowly stopped his pace. He turned around and looked at Ringo coldly.

The look at me was so cold that it frightened Ringi deeply.

'What, what's the matter?

"What's your motive, Ringo?"

"Motive?" "What motive do I need?" Lin asked, puzzled.

Qixia stared at Ringi's eyes again. "Why did you approach me? By all means, shouldn't you be with the other team? The three of us are not the same as you, let alone companions."

Ringo smiled at Qixia's question. "I've told you I'm interested in you. I want to know what you think."

"I want to go out." Qixia said without thinking, "I have said many times, I want to go out to see my wife, she can't live without me, do you understand?"

"I got it," Ringo replied with a wink.

"My wife is called Yu Nian Ann, she has suffered for me, suffered for me, is all I want in this life, so I want to go back to her, this is all I want, is it clear enough?"

"Clear enough."

"Now you know what I'm thinking, aren't you ready to leave?" Qixia cold words said.

"I'm sorry. I still can't go because of some reasons," she answered after pondering for some time.

Qixia frowned at the Chinese ngo NGO NGO. Although he did not feel the danger or the lies from her, he still did not understand her purpose.

"Whatever you want..." Qixia see dont make sense of this woman, can only turn around and move on.

Qiaojia Jin also followed Qixia went up, opened his mouth and said: "Deceiving boy, we said good, you have the brain, I have the strength, we cooperate."

"Do you have a reason to go out, too?"

"Yes." Joe nodded, "Although I don't want to die, but also don't want to sit still."

"Cooperation is fine, but let me say yes first." Qixia took a look at Qiao Jiajin and continued, "I have no friendship with you, if only one person can go out in the end, I will not hesitate to abandon you."

"I lost... Have you no sense of loyalty?" Qiao Jia strength helpless shook his head, "really not pleasing."

Hearing several people talking, Tian Tian lowered his head in silence.

Everyone seems to have a clear goal.

But compared with them, what are they doing?

Let's say she does, against all odds, get out of this hellhole.

If she really returned to the real world and returned to her original life, she would live a bleak life again, hugging those dirty old men passionately.

Come to think of it this way... Maybe "dying here" would be a good destination.

"Sugar, what's wrong with you?" Cystoids asked.

"It's nothing."

Leaving the square, the crowd came to the other side of the street.

Unlike the convenience store street, it seems to be a series of small residential buildings, a series of low houses staggered, I do not know whether anyone lives here.

After a few steps, the four men saw another animal mask.

The man was standing at the door of an old room with his hands folded.

Chia walked right up to him.

When I got closer, I found that the man was wearing a huge mouse mask and emitting an unpleasant smell. But the man was small and not as strong as the animal masks we had seen before.

Qiao Jiajin opened his mouth and asked, "' Rat man ', right?"

The Mouse-head finally noticed the four people in front of him, smiled, and said, "I am not Mouse-Man, I am Mouse-man."

She has a nice voice. She's a girl.

It must have been the first time anyone had encountered a woman behind an animal mask.

"Pouncing on the street, you also pushed your nose on your face..." Qiao Jia Jin said angrily, "I care what you are?"

"A mouse is a mouse, and you can get in trouble if you call it wrong." The girl smiled and said, "It is rare for someone to patronize me here, do you want to participate in the" test "?"

Qixia looked at the house behind the mouse and asked her, "What rules?"

"Rats" test, ticket a "way"." Man Mouse is like a very patient shopper, gently introducing to several people, "You can hardly find such a low difficulty" test "in other urban areas."

"So what game is that behind you?" Qixia asked again.

The Mouse and the man turned back and opened the door and went inside. It was a small warehouse.

"My game is called 'Warehouse Search', now there is a 'path' in this room, only one person can enter, find the 'path' in five minutes, you win, and the 'path' is yours."

Feeling a little wrong, Qixia asked again, "What if we can't find it?"

"Can't find it?" The rat and the human being laughed out with a "plop", "If you can't find it... If your ticket is cancelled, you have lost a "way".

"Lose a Tao?" Qixia a stunned, "That's it?"

"What else can you do?" Man and mouse looked at Qixia in doubt.

What's going on here?

Qixia frowned and thought about it carefully, ticket a "way", win a "way", lose a "way".

This game is against peace and sounds like it will neither gain more Tao nor kill you.

In that case, what is the purpose of participating in these games?

"Isn't this a good opportunity?" "We take this opportunity to participate, so we can better understand our situation," Tian said.

"But..." Qixia still some doubts, even if the game won and can represent what?

"I can try first." Sweet turned back to Qixia said, "dead is OK."

"What do you call that? The sweetness doesn't ring true for Ringo.

"Really." Tian Tian calmly said, "I just figured it out, I feel like I go out or I don't go out, it doesn't make any difference."

After saying this, she asked Qixia to pass a "Tao" and handed it back to the mouse.

"Is that all right? Sweet asked.

"Yes, the" ticket "has been received and the game will begin as soon as you enter the room." The mouse nodded enthusiastically, "I repeat the rules of the game, now there is a" road "in this room, if you find and bring it out within five minutes, this" road "is yours."

"Ok, I see." Sweet nodded again.

"Are you ready?" 'asked the Mouse.

"Ready." Sweet nodded.

"Very good." 'said the Mouse.' Let the game begin. Good luck. '

Then she closed the door.