Talismans Fast & Furious


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I didn't want to go see Fast X but my mom wouldn't not let me go see it with her and my younger brother.

The reason why I didn't want to watch it is because it felt off somehow like it was just going to be a massive gimmick or cliff hanger to hype up the next movie.

Now don't get me wrong I love the fast and the furious franchise, I do. But honestly I wish it had more racing in it then high speed vehicular warfare but alas we can't always get what we want.

So there I was typing away while I was supposed to be watching the movie trying to bang out a few chapters for my TV ITEMS multiverse fanfiction.

When there were Micheal Bay level explosions going off and I realized they weren't from the movie since the movie was at the part where Dom and Brain were about to take a bath.

I quickly moved to shield my little brother. leaving off on writing about the Talismans and Oni masks from Jackie Chan Adventures using his phone since of course I'm a poor bitch loser that ain't got no money or stable income.

I shielded him an my mom from a large piece of shrapnel that I think was part of a chair but I'm not sure I was too busy lifting them up out of their seats and pushing them to the emergency exit.

Which was a difficult task between my weight, asthma and blood loss. My world was spinning and I knew it wouldn't be long before I was falling into unconsciousness.

But family comes first. I might not agree with it being said in a movie 73 times for no real reason but I did agree with the sentiment family is everything.

Family doesn't mean you share blood. I got blood that ain't family and I got family that ain't blood and I'd do anything for my family from breaking mundane laws to killing.

Hell I'd even let someone cut out my organs if it meant my family could live happy long lives.

So when I saw that guy with an A.R. in his hands I didn't think twice about charging him like a bull even though I knew I wouldn't survive just to buy my mom and little brother time to get to safety.

I could hear the gun firing but with the ringing in my ears I couldn't hear what the psycho shooting up the theater was saying.

It just felt like I had these burning stinging mosquito bites all over my body when I finally tackled him to the floor.

Like any good country boy that spent enough time in the ghettos selling/buying drugs making deliveries for people.

I always carried at least one knife on me and if I hadn't already had two felonies and various misdemeanors I'd have had a gun on me.

But I had to settle for my curved knife even though I was feeling incredibly weak and my vision was blurring and swirling.

My arms felt like 100 pound bags of grain. I brought the knife down on the guy's throat as everything went black with just one random thought slash prayer on my lips like any other otaku who believed in reincarnation, Isekai and all that jazz.

"God if I get reincarnated please send me to Fast and furious with Jackie Chan Talisman and Tarakudo's Oni mask." As I died in the movie theater since they were the last things I was about to write about in my ff when I realized I couldn't write anymore…

"Hey, wake up." Said a woman's voice as she shook my shoulder.

'Wait I shouldn't have a shoulder to shake.' I thought to myself as I tried to open my eyes but the light burned my eyes so I clenched my eyelids closed.

"Come on Jessee, you can't sleep on the couch all day." The woman said her voice was soft, caring and warm though slightly annoyed.

"Ive mer minutes mom." I sleepily groaned out.

"God, how drunk did you get last night I'm not your mom, it's me Mia." The voice replied that sounded both amused and annoyed at the same time.

'Mia, Jesse…it couldn't be right there's no way I'd get my wish granted instead of ending up in some random place.' I thought to myself as I made a final push to open my eyes and was rewarded by the sight of a young Jordan Brewster in a tank top that expose her carmel tanned skin.

"Gorgeous." I absent-mindedly said aloud, making Mia smile back at me in the way a girl smiles at her best friend or little brother when they compliment her.

"Thank you Jesse, now it's time for you to get to the garage." Mia said with a smile as she handed me a mug of coffee.

"Marry me." I said to her half jokingly half seriously as I took a sip of coffee which helped reduce my headache.

'If this is made into an ff by someone back home I'm sure everyone would be calling me a Mia simp, but they've never died woke up in a strange place with the demon's of the night before still haunting them to be greeted by a warm, affectionate, considerate beautiful woman with a chalice of ambrosia to chase away the morning demon's called hangovers.' I thought to myself trying not to laugh or make any outwards signs of my thoughts.

"Hahahaha, stop playing around Jesse." Mia replied with a laugh as she slapped my shoulder before looking at me with concern.

"The new meds seem to be helping…are you feeling okay?" Mia asked in concern while I remembered the previous owner of this body had a pretty severe case of ADHD but I seemed to be fine other than the constant movement of my legs.

"Yeah mentally it's easier to think but my body is still full of energy." I replied back, I did suffer from a mild case of ADHD and a learning disability in my past life since I was easily distracted by things like the view outside of the prison windows of school so I could easily tell how much better my current situation was from the Jesse in the movie.

Mia smiled a warm big sister-like smile back at me before tousling my hair.

'This bitch treating me like I'm some kinda kid. I'll have her screaming on my cock as I turn her into my bitch.' I thought to myself as I tried very hard not to purr at her tousling my hair from how good it felt.

"Though seriously Jesse you better get to the shop before Dom has a brain aneurysm." Mia said and she wasn't even joking about it either. I could tell she was serious.

"Okay okay jeez mama Torreto calm down I'm going I'm going." I replied back to her jokingly hitting on her mother henning attitude.

Mia let out a disgruntled sound as she kicked my butt playfully after I stood up.

I was just about to open the front door when Mia hollered to me.

"Don't forget your bag Jesse." She said as she passed me a black backpack that had things like summit racing stickers on it along with Holly carburetors sticker and JDM and a whole bunch of other shit.

"Thanks Mia." I said as I walked out of the Toretto house I got into the VW Jetta that belonged to the original Jesse's father.

'I guess he's my father now too.' I thought to myself while I wondered where Jesse's 71 Malibu classic which was pretty much a Chevelle was at.

Starting the car revving it up abit loving the turbo whistle and throaty engine purr that was surprising to hear coming from a Jetta of all things.

Dropping her into first hammering the throttle while removing my foot from the clutch roasting the front tires before I finally caught enough traction and took off down the block.

Double clutching just like my dad from my old world taught me with the farm truck and older tractors that shifted like cars.

Ripping the E-brake power sliding through intersections until I arrived at the Toretto garage doing a power slide into an open parking spot a shit eating grin spread across my face.

'That was the most fun I've had in awhile.' I thought to myself as I had the urge to just keep driving and never look back but Dom, Letty, Leon and Vince were all coming over to the car.

"When did you learn to drive like that Jess?" Asked Dom with a big smile on his face while the other three laughed and Letty looked at me with a mischievous gaze in her eyes like she was planning something.

"The new meds make it so my mind is not so cluttered. I'm able to just feel and listen to the car and what I'm doing now without the thoughts like that tie rod end or bearing are going or damn what if the cops catch it's just so quiet up here now." I replied while getting out of the car getting brought into a big hug by Dom which the other three joined.

"We're happy there helping Jesse…but try not to bring heat on yourself or us when we have our private business. The last thing we need is to lose our genius just cause he can drive now." Letty said in a half teasing half serious manner as she hugged me again separately from the guys.

Rubbing my beanie onto my head awkwardly.

"S-sorry guys I'll be more careful now on…I just…never mind so what are we doing today?' I apologized with a stutter before asking what was going on today and received looks from the entire crew that said I was supposed to be the man with the plan.

The problem is I didn't get Jesse's memories, sure I was able to drive here on muscle memory and I could tell I was a lot smarter than before but that didn't mean I had a golden finger like other reincarnators.

"Hahahaha, good one Jess come on man stop playing around we have to get out to the reservoir if we're going to." I quickly punched Vince in the gut to shut him up.

"Don't say that shit out loud in the open, dumbass." I told him not knowing what level of surveillance we were already under by the LAPD.

"Shit Jesse what the fuck was that for?" Vince asked in a wheeze as he pushed me, making Dom get in the middle of us.

"Vince, you know Jesse wouldn't do that without a reason." Dom said as he motioned everyone to go inside.

"Jesse what's up?" Dom asked once we were inside but I held up my finger and started turning on laves, grinders and air compressors just in case the cops were listening in.

"You guys see that telephone company van that's been out here all this week somethin don't feel right about it." I told them making all four of them look across the street to see a guy just standing there with a phone line box open.

"I mean seriously how long does it take to test a phone line and why is he back here everyday." I kept pointing things out to them.

"Jesse…I know paranoia is a side effect of your new meds." Dom finally said, making everyone brush off my concerns like they were a loose piece of hair while Vince gave me a half noogie and laughed while patting my back.

'Damn this overconfident shit head.' I thought to myself immediately losing some of the respect and love I'd built up for Dom in my twenty years of watching the fast and furious franchise.

"Come on Jess, let's go over these plans again." Said Letty as she took my hand and pulled me over to crime board that had truck routes their hauls value per truck and I instantly knew everything I needed to know like I was remembering something I'd forgotten but I knew that wasn't quite right since I never learned it to forget it it must be the way my new mind works at least that's what I chalked it up as.

"We're going after this one in an hour." I said mostly to myself but Letty nodded and hummed in agreement.

"Yup, and you're riding with me this time, remember." Letty replied finally.

'Nope I didn't remember so thanks for telling me chika.' I thought to myself trying not to stare down Letty's tube too or at her exposed midriff that was glistening in the sunlight tantalizingly.

Nodding yeah anyways before I got in Letty's car while Vince and Leon doubled up while Dom drove alone.

"I think something is up with that van to Jesse." Letty finally said as we were blasting down the highway at 75 mph.

"Thanks Letty." I replied feeling good that someone took me seriously at least.

"How are things with you and Dom?" I asked, remembering their relationship in the first movies wasn't nearly as perfect as everyone wants to think it was.

"Caught him fucking another skank." Letty replied as she gripped the shifter hard enough her knuckles turned white.

"Letty you know I love you and I love Dom like a brother…but maybe you should start seeing other people let him realize what he's missing instead of putting up with all the heartache he brings when he pulls shit like this." I replied in a brotherly sort of way making Letty look over at me with a I'll cut you bitch look before smiling sadly.

"I can't…I love him too much." She finally said and it sounded so dead in my ears though I just wanted to give her a hug.

We rode in companionable silence for a while before I turned on the radio, putting it on a rock station but keeping the volume low enough we could talk if she wanted to.

Finally we all reached the reservoir within seconds of each other parking the cars getting out removing the car covers off of the civic fleet.

I got in my own civic that had a bunch of police monitoring equipment and backup cable launcher stashed inside.

Vince got in with Dom while Letty and Leon got into their own civics. We drove out as a unit Dom in the lead but for a few miles until we got to where the truck would be we played games with one another swerving in and out with each other little races before Dom's voice came over the walkie.

"Line up, let's hit this rig." He said in a commanding voice and everyone fell in line.

Dom got in front of the rig while Letty got in front of me and on the right side of it while Leon took the left side and I stayed at the rear boxing in the big rig.

'This stupid, he has a big rig sure there's a high risk he'll roll but he could kill us quite easily if he wanted to, any trucker could really.' I thought to myself wishing I had Hobbs's heavily armored transport for this shit after all I just died I don't want to die again.

And the heist was successfully pulled off with the driver either jumping or being pushed out of his rig. I wasn't sure which I just made sure I didn't hit him.

"How we looking Jesse got any pigs coming our way?" Dom asked over the walkie.

"We're clear Dom there's little chatter and highway patrol is busy with a drug bust on route 205." I replied back through my walkie.

"Alright Vince, let's get this rig to the buyer. You guys go back and get the BBQ going." Dom said over the walkie while Letty, Leon and Vince let out a happy cheer.

I could only shake my head. Everyone here was living a quarter mile at a time right into an early grave for me, a jail cell for Leon, a hospital bed for Vince then a cell and they're all completely ignorant of it.

Parking my Civic back in its spot covering it with a car cover as I got into Letty's car again she looked a little surprised that I didn't ride with Leon but seemed happy about the company.

"What's bother you Jesse?" Letty asked as she pulled onto the main highway.

"I'm thinking about when my old man gets out I guess…things aren't great between us and you guys have been the closest thing to a family I've ever had…" I replied trailing off.

"Just cause he's getting out doesn't mean you have to leave with him Jesse you're our family we all feel that way hell Dom thinks and treats you as the little brother he's always wanted anyways." Letty replied while placing her hand on my knee.

"Thanks Letty." I replied as I zoned out looking out the window while hiding why I was really upset after all I just died and here I am pulling a high speed heist like it's any other day.

Getting back to the garage I got in the borrowed Jetta, starting it, finding that it still has a working ac which is surprising for a drag car since it's one of the first things any racer removes to reduce weight and make more room for something else.

Looking around the car to see if there's any hint of if I have a separate place to live from the Torreto's or if I lived with them when I unconsciously grabbed the backpack Mia had handed me this morning.

Pulling the bag onto my lap which was surprisingly heavy and well made opened up the little pocket on the front finding an I.D. and Driver's I.D. a key to what I'd assume was the house on the license and a set of keys, a door key and an ignition key for an old Chevy which must belong to the Malibu Classic.

A roll of cash in twenties and hundreds which was pretty thick with a rubber band around it keeping together it had to be at least thirty grand being in it.

There were also miscellaneous papers like birth certificate, social security card, passport in there as well.

Opening the second pocket I felt like I was going to have a heart attack as an angry red oni mask with white hair was looking back at me slowly closing that zipper back up.

'Deal with that later.' I thought to myself as my hands trembled as I opened the large pocket, finding a rather nice looking case that had all twelve Zodiac Talismans inside of it with the symbols clearly visible through the clear plastic or glass while a large envelope rested in the bottom of the backpack.

Opening the letter cautiously…just in case you never know what might be in there but it was just a thick letter written in flowing hand script of someone with neat elegant writing.

"Hey Shane_Town huge fan of your writing. I like to pass the time reading your stuff. I really wish you'd return to your TVD/HP crossover. I love it and I love your other stuff too…

When I heard your dying prayer I couldn't not do something I usually don't do this and let my managers handle things for me but like I said I'm a fan so I decided to intervene.

In your bag you'll find the Oni mask you wanted so you can control the armies of Shadowkhan and Oni generals. Along with the twelve Zodiac Talismans…I made a few modifications to the Oni mask.

You can use it for up to thirty minutes a day without risk of being corrupted by the Oni but any longer than that you'll start to be corrupted.

The stronger you get the longer you'll be able to use it for. The Talismans work the same way as in the cartoon but Incase you get separated from them you have a natural GPS to find them built into your soul.

I really really hope you'll continue your writing in this new world and I think I'll also enjoy looking in on you from time to time in this world.

P.s. it's goddess not God but I know you totally already feel and think that way anyways and only said God as kinda a big middle finger to life and all totally loved that. I sound like such a stalker fan girl Yandere right now hehehe." The letter read and left me scratching the back of my head as I felt a little dizzy from reading all of that.

'Huh, I have a goddess while more like thee goddess as a fan that's pretty cool since all of my stuff fucking sucks ass.' I thought to myself as I greedily looked at the Zodiac Talismans.

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"Yo, Jesse whatcha doin man go get the food for the bbq." Leon said as he knocked on the window of the Jetta nearly making me have a second heart attack for the day.

"I'm goin I'm goin cool your jets Leon." I replied back as I set my bag on the passenger seat before driving to the local market that I somehow knew where it was without actually knowing where it was.

Pulling up outside the store grabbing out five hundred dollars in cash, a mix of twenties and hundreds before putting everything away neatly in the bag before locking it in the trunk.

Walking into the store loving the way the cold ac blasted against my skin after being out in the hot 90+ degree weather.

Grabbing a cart pushing it threw the store grabbing all sorts of stuff from chips to hot dog buns and rolls condemintes before moving towards the meat section.

I was pushing my cart along not really paying attention to what I was doing and had a romcom moment of hitting my cart with a woman's who was bending over to look at meat.

'Totataly wasn't distracted by her ass in those tight jeans shorts.' I told myself though I knew it wasn't true.

"Sorry am I in your way?" She turned around and asked and by damn it was Mila Kunis.

"Uhh…no..uhh..sorry…I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing…was trying to make sure I got everything on this list for a bbq…I'm Jesse." I told her feeling like I did in middle school when I was just starting puberty and had to talk to a hot teacher that had just graduated from her college classes and started teaching.

She smiled a big smile while her one hand came up to her hair that she twirled around her finger.

"Hi Jesse I'm Jackie, hehehe Jesse and Jackie our names ryhm." She said a little air headedly.

"Yeah…umm so this might be a little awkward but my family and friends and are having a bbq would you like to come? Maybe be my date even?" I asked with fake confidence and was surprised when she actually looked genuinely happy over being invited and asked out.

"I'd love too…go on a date with you I mean…just hold on a second let me write down my address so you can come pick me up later." She said as she dug around in her purse pulling out a decorative little notebook that had it's own pen quickly writing out her address in an elegant script.

Looking at it I felt the writing looked familiar but I couldn't place why.

"Be there in an hour or two." I told her with a happy smile on my face as I could help but check her out some more with her tube top and short jean short on.

"I'll be waiting Jesse." She replied with a wink as she turned back around returning to what she was doing and I found myself whistling as I got the rest of the stuff needed for the bbq.

'Man pretending that car part invoice was a grocery list was skill pure skill man.' I told myself feeling hella good about myself with landing a date with such a hottie.


"Hehehehe." the goddess giggled as she stalked him throughout the store not minding the looks she was receiving from everyone as she did so.


I was just ringing out at the checkout line when I felt a cart gently hit my back looking behind me I saw Jackie the Mila Kunis look alike standing there with an unapologetic smile on her face.

"Don't forget two hours." She said while smiling at me as I handed the cashier a hundred dollars too much because I was distracted by her and didn't pay attention to the fact the cashier pocketed the extra bill and only gave me back half of the change she was supposed to as the bag boy loaded my cart back up with my items.

"I remember…I'd never forget a date with a beautiful girl like you." I said honestly I mean how could anyone forget a date with a girl that looked like her it's just illogical.

A smile that could light up a room lit up her face as she curled some hair around her index finger again while I had a little bit of a perverted thought on how I'd like to make a fist in that long brunette hair while I took her hard and fast up against a wall.

I left the store without much of a thought pushing my cart. Inside the store time froze and the cashier that had stole the hundred dollar bill and some change was the only one not frozen.

"Wh-what?" She asked in fear as the Goddess Jackie suddenly was consumed by white radiant light that burned the cashier's eyes out of their sockets as she screamed in agony before being turned into ash.

"Humph, try to steal from my author…" she replied as she reconstituted into her human body as she pushed her cart out of the store letting time resume while whipping the memories of the cashier she just smitted from existence.

She put her groceries in the trunk a little sad that her author had left already but relieved she'd get to see him again in a few hours even though she could watch him from her realm it wasn't the same as seeing him in person.


Dom and Vince were back at the house by the time I got there and helped me unload the groceries.

"Damn Jesse how hungry do you think we are?" Dom asked jokingly.

"We always hungry." I joked back.

"Hey Dom…I met this girl as the grocery store…I kinda invited her to the bbq…" I said to him and I noticed out of the corner of my eye Mia did not seem too happy about me bringing a girl here I'd like to think it was out of jealousy but it's probably because Vince has loose lips after a couple of beers.

But Letty, Dom and Vince all looked surprisingly happy that I'd met a girl and liked her enough to bring her home. Leon was looking at me like I was a stranger though which was worrying since he was very close to Jesse.

"Well what are you waiting for man go get her." Letty said while looking genuinely happy and curious to meet the new girl.

"Right, thanks guys." I said as I did a quick jump in excitement before running to the car door and hoping in peeling out of the driveway in reverse.

Driving to the address on the note and was stunned when it led me to an old paper mill.

'Was this some kind of joke by her? Play with the mentally retarted kid for some sick amusement.' I asked myself almost turning the car around in disappointment but something nagged on me to drive a little bit further and that's when I saw her a mint 67 Impala SS four door in black.

"Gorgeous." I whispered to myself stopping the Jetta and getting out of it looking over the car wanting to touch it but holding myself back so I didn't get smudges all over the glossy black paint.

"You like my car?" The voice belonging to Jackie asked in a way I knew she already knew the answer.

"She's almost as beautiful as her owner." I replied back not taking my eyes off of the car as I spotted the 454 badges on it making my eyes widen in shock.

"Didn't they only make ninety nine of these? How did you get one?" I asked stunned while I was now drooling over the car.

"Yes…it took me awhile to find and restore her to pristine condition." Jackie said as she ran her hand along the body of the car lovingly.

"You did this yourself…no offense meant honestly you don't look like the car girl type you kinda look like the girl who loves to read and write and make bl novelas." I told her as I really looked at her and I noticed some grease under her close trimmed fingernails and some smudged grease on her forehead.

"I like all of that too but I love cars." She replied with a smile not showing being offended at all.

"You're so fucking hot." I said and immediately wanted to punch my self in the face.

"I know…you're not too bad yourself." She replied with a smoky look and a pleased smile that had me feeling all kinds of things.

'Somethin must be wrong with this girl's eyes Jesse is fugly his only attractive feature to me were his eyes.' I thought to myself wondering if this hottie was borderline psycho or not.

Jackie heard his thoughts and was a little hurt by them sure she knew he probably would have preferred being in someone like Johnny Tran or even a complete self insert.

But there was only so much she could do without completely unraveling an entire universe to create a new one exactly they way he wanted it would cost trillions of lives just so he could be who he wanted to be.

Where as Jesse was meant to die so she could easily insert him in Jesse's body after making Jesse die from mixing his new prescription drugs with too much alcohol and a line of coke completely heal said body and put her author who prayed to, HER, where HE, wanted to be and now HE was thinking, SHE, might be a psycho for being attracted to him how ungrateful, could HE be.

'Ahh, what am I thinking she might just be talking about my personality.' I thought to myself while looking at Jackie who had a crinkle between her eyebrows that made her look cute.

'Eeee, he thinks I'm cute.' Jackie thought to herself and tried her best not to giggle crazily.

"Is everything alright Jackie?" I asked while resting my hand on her shoulder and feeling a shock run through my entire body by doing so.

"Yeah everythings great actually would you like to drive her?" Jackie asked as she took out the keys to it from her back pocket.

"Really? Yes I'd love to just let me grab my backpack first." I replied as I snatched the keys out of her hand before she could change her mind on me.

Grabbing my backpack and was about to turn around and shut the door of the Jetta but was a little stunned when Jackie as standing directly in front of me.

"You can park your car inside so you don't have to worry about it getting broken into or stripped." She said with a slight annoyed smile on her face.

"Right, thanks." I replied with an awkward smile as I scratched my right temple embarrassedly.

"You're welcome." She said back with a bright smile and went over to open a bay door pulling inside I was left speechless with the cars, motorcycles and some custom trucks and alteraine vehicles.

"Wooo." I gasped out and somehow she was standing next to my door.

"Thanks some of them I restored and built myself others were birthday gifts." She replied with a smile on her face.

'Fuck this girl is a keeper.' I thought to myself as I looked around the room with a gaping mouth.

Getting into the Impala loving the roar of the engine hearing the supercharger under the hood.

"I think I'm in love." I whispered as I caressed the steering wheel.

"I'm starting to feel jealous. Should I leave you two alone?" Jackie asked somewhere between amused and jealous.

"If you wouldn't mind." I joked as I used the three speed Hurst shifter on the floor to put her in reverse.

Backing the car up squealing the tires just from feathering the throttle I felt myself get hard as a rock from the beast I was behind the wheel of. Putting her in first locking out reverse hammering the throttle made the front end lift off the ground for a good hundred feet as the rear tires roasted.

As soon as I touched back down I used the slap shift option to go into second since my rpms were maxing out hitting 60 mph in two seconds flat if my count was right. Blasting down the streets at a buck twenty only slowing down enough not to roll the car on turns as I drifted through them with the assistance of the drift brake handle.

I felt Jackie's hand on my knee sliding up my thigh as she squeezed my shaft that was down my pant leg when I saw flashing lights reflected in the mirror and the sound I associate with the popo whoop whoop.

'That's the sound of da police, whoop whoop.' I thought to myself as I made eye contact with Jackie keeping our gazes locked as I pushed the pedal to the floor.

Losing the cops in the industrial district parking the car in an abandoned warehouse.

"Nice driving Jesse." Jackie whispered as she undid my pants and went down on me sucking me off. In the car.

'FUUUCCCKKK ! ! ! I can't be getting this lucky right now. I thought to myself as I bit my bottom lip hard to prevent from moaning out as she deep throated me bobbing her head up and down my length slobbering all over my shaft.

'Yes yes cum in your goddesses throat my author.' Jackie moaned in her heart as her mouth was flooded with thick tasty cum.

"FFFUUUCCCKKK ! ! ! COMING." I groaned out in a loud pleasure filled hiss.

(Shhlurp shhlurp shhlurp shhlurp shhlurp) sounds were coming from between my thighs as Jackie cleaned my cock before releasing it with a pop kissing the tip before putting it back in my pants skillfully.

"Sorry for cumming in your mouth before warning you." I said while slightly panting.

"Don't be, I liked it, now let's go meet your friends. She whispered back as she scooped up some of my cum that had run down her chin with her index finger moaning softly to herself as she did so only breaking eye contact with me to roll her eyes back in an expression of enjoyment.

I was just starting to drive the car again when she flipped a toggle switch.

"What was that for?" I asked her curiously.

"Changes the tags." She replied with a naughty smile that had my jeans uncomfortably tight again.

"You are so hot." I said honestly as all I wanted to do was rip those clothes off of her and make a mess on the front and back bench seating.

Pulling up to the Toretto house, parking the Impala in the driveway, getting out of the car, slinging my bag over my shoulder before walking around the car, opening the door for Jackie after all she did just blow me the least I could do is open the door for her.

I didn't notice Mia and Letty watching from the kitchen window.


"Isn't that sweet, what's that look for? Are you feeling a little jealous of the new girl Mia?" Letty commented on Jesse opening the door with a snicker while Mia glared at her like only an annoyed little sister could before letting out a huff.

"I'm just worried she'll take advantage of Jesse, you know how he is. He's incredibly sweet, caring and sensitive to other people…I just don't want him getting hurt." Mia protested Letty's teasing.

"If you're that worried about him Mia…maybe you should have made a move on him first." Letty said as she popped a cherry tomato into her mouth while mixing up a pasta toss salad.

"Letty don't joke like that, you know Jesse is like a little brother to me." Mia replied with a hint of disgust in her voice.

Letty only raised an eyebrow at Mia's denial as it was too fast to be honest.

"Aye, whatever sis let's bring this stuff out to the table then we'll nab the new girl and grill her but she can't be too bad, look at that ride after all." Letty said as she grabbed the pasta salad and a bowl filled with ice and cold Coronas.


As soon as Jackie and I got into the backyard Mia and Letty spirited her away while the guys and I sat around and drank some beers while taking turns flipping the food on the grill.

Soon the food was done and the girls were coming back but I noticed Mia had a frown on her face that bugged me.

While Letty looked uneasy with Jackie looking like she was ready to leave.

'What the fuck happened don't chicks usually bond and become friends or at least pretend to be friends and then stab each other in the back.' I thought to myself as I observed the three of them and even while we all sat at the table saying grace Letty and Mia weren't quite hostile but they were standoffish.

Once I was done eating I picked up the plates and took them into the house where Mia and Letty ambushed me and dragged me to Mia's bedroom.

"Letty and I agree there's something wrong with her. She's obsessed with you…you may not be able to see it but it's obvious to us…whatever you do Jesse don't get too close or attached to her." Letty and Mia took turns saying making me feel loved and angry at the same time truth be told they were all strangers to me but I felt a connection to Jackie that I didn't feel from the other two.

"Look I appreciate you both trying to look out for me I love you both I do but mind your own business, I like Jackie I feel a connection to her." I replied as I turned around and left the room waving over my shoulder.

"We tried." Letty said to Mia who looked completely crestfallen at Jesse's blatantly ignoring their opinions.

"I'm not giving up. Letty Jesse is our family. I won't let that bitch hurt him." Mia said as she grabbed her beretta from her dresser pulling back the slide charging a round.

"Ayeyaiyai, sis calm down. He gets his heart broken, you can be there for him afterwards." Letty comforted while gently taking the pistol from Mia's hands, unloading it safely.

"I can't lose another brother Letty I can't lose any of you." Mia said with angry tears in her eyes.

"Oye Mayo." Letty sighed as she hugged the emotionally damaged girl.


Saying goodbye to Dom and the other's as Jackie and I got into her car the ride back was a much calmer, quieter affair.

When we were pulling up to the building Jackie flipped another toggle switch that opened the bay door in front of us so I drove inside and parked next to the VW.

"Sorry about dinner…I didn't know Mia and Letty were going to ambush you." I apologized to her, making her smile at me.

"It's okay…they did it because they love you a lot." Jackie replied as we were getting out of the car.

"I guess I should get going." I said reluctantly but Jackie gave me a desire filled look as she pushed her tight jeans shorts off her tanned legs revealing more of her delicious bronze colored skin and her almost translucent white lace thong before she pulled her black tube top over her head revealing the same style lingerie for her bra as her thong.

"Or you could stay…" she replied while trailing off as she snapped the waistband of her thong as she sauntered over to me.

I couldn't help but reflexively gulp at her sexy offer as I moved forward, intercepting her putting my hands on her hips before sliding my other to the back of her neck as the other slid down to her perfect ass, her small breast pressed against my chest.

Her hands slid underneath my shirt as I pressed our lips together starting off slow probing exploring each other's mouths with our tongues.

Before Jackie lifted my shirt over my head while I pulled it off the rest of the way, chucking it away from us as I put my hands back on her ass, lifting her up carrying her a couple of feet before laying her down on the hood of the Impala.

Kissing the tops of her breasts up her chest across her collarbone and neck nipping her neck softly before kissing along her jawline as my hands pulled her thong down which she kicked as I undid my pants letting them fall to the floor.

Bringing the head of my cock up to her drooling quim.

"Last chance to back out beautifully." I said in a husky voice only for her legs to wrap around my ass and pull me forward inside her depths.

"Ahhhnnn so full." Jackie moaned out.

Slowly I slid myself in and out of her sex as we shared a passion filled slow searing kiss while our hands traveled each other's bodies wherever we could reach, relishing in each other's touch.

"I'm close." I groaned out as her walls flexed around me in excruciatingly pleasurable ways.

"Me-ahhnn-too come with me-EEE?" She moaned as her walls moved in such a way that immediately pushed me over the edge causing me to spill my seed deeply inside of her.

Our lips were a breaths apart, our gasping breaths mingling together our lips grazing each other in what could barely be called kissing.

"Let's move to the bed." She whispered against my lips while removing the vice-like grip her legs had on my ass.


Waking up to rays of sunshine shining through my eyelids…at first feeling like I was on cloud nine but something felt off and that's when I noticed the soft body I'd held against mine when I fell asleep was missing.

I couldn't hear anything around me either so when I cracked open my eyes seeing an empty bed with messed up sheets but not Jackie my stomach dropped.

'Maybe this is Karma for all the times I slipped out in the morning on someone.' I tiredly thought in my mind and then I remembered this was her place she shouldn't have snuck out of her own home.

If she wanted to avoid an awkward morning she could have just kicked me out last night instead of spooning with me.

Sitting up in the bed looking around finding everything the way it was the night before but something felt wrong looking at the night stand I saw a piece of paper folded in half like a triangle with my name written on it in elegant script.

The letter read

Hey Jesse last night was the best night of my life there's no one else I'd rather be with than you…but I have to return to my job the chances of us seeing each other ever again are very low…I know I don't have any right to ask this of you but I hope you'll consider it anyways…

All the cars, motorcycles and trucks here I want you to have all of them. Along with this place I already transferred ownership to you and paid off all taxes and fees anyways.

Our time together was short but I feel a connection to you. I love you goodbye Jesse.

With endless love and sincerity: Jackie Burkhart. (Aka: The goddess that saved you.)

I knew I shouldn't let it bother me after all. It was just one night but it hit hard, hard enough that it had me laying back in bed putting my forearm over my eyes blocking out the sunlight.

'I guess Mia and Letty were right to worry about me.' I thought to myself as I slowly got up from the bed whipping away some wetness from my eyes.

Looking around the room now in the daylight I hadn't even noticed last night that the bedroom and stuff was on a loft above the cars and that downstairs in the middle was a living room with nice leather upholstered furniture.

'Guess I was too focused on the cars and then Jackie to really look around.' I thought to myself before moving to take a shower in the bathroom connected to the bedroom.

Checking out the kitchen, finding it full of food.

'It doesn't make sense why would she stock this place with food and then leave while leaving me all her shit is she some kind of spy or something?' I thought to myself grabbing out a yogurt, washing the spoon and rinsing the container clean before throwing it away in a rectangular stainless steel trash can.

Moving down the steps into the living room passing by the massive entertainment system finding my jeans at the start of the wooden floor of the living room.

Looking around I found a lot more was here than I first realized there were massive snap-on tool chests that took up a whole 100ft long wall and was 20ft tall with the overhead storage cabinets and side cabinets.

A seal painters bay four lift three four armed lifts and then a drive on one setup for a Dyno.

"This place is fucking sick." I muttered stunned as I continued looking around and ended up leaning heavily against a wall when I found a GT500 that looked like Eleanor from gone in 60 seconds.

A hiss suddenly echoed in the room and gun racks came out of the wall with military grade hardware and other exotic weaponry while underneath the guns there were boxes of munitions separated by calibers with extra mags for the guns beside the munitions also labeled for what firearm they went to.

"Who is this chick and what the fuck did I get myself into?" I asked myself aloud as I closed racks the guns were on moving to collect my clothes hurriedly getting dressed making sure everything was in my backpack and untouched luckily it was as I hoped into the front seat of the VW finding a set of keys to the papermill and garage door opener swallowing nervously as I started the Jetta and left the warehouse.

Stopping at the exit that would lead to the street I stopped took a deep breath and cleared my mind.

'Stop overreacting you have the talismans and the Oni mask now you have a secretish base to start your own criminal enterprise through…it's time to establish The Darkhand here in this world as homage to Jackie Chan and his cartoon series.' I thought to myself as I smiled evilly.

"I'm gonna be somebody in this life. I'm going to amass wealth and power so much that no one can touch me." I vowed aloud to myself feeling a steely resolve to be someone in this new life I'd been given.

'But first training…and then faking my death once Johnny Tran dies I'll move in and take over his turf while also taking over Dom's when he goes on the run.' I thought to myself as a peel of slightly deranged laughter left my lips.

"And God have mercy on the poor son of a bitch that comes after my family." I said aloud as flashes of Mia, Letty, Dom, Leon and Vince flashed through my mind from various years and I realized I was getting in touch with some of Jesse's memories and I started to feel disgusted with myself on how I thought about Mia when she was mothering me the other morning.

But that still didn't change the fact I was attracted to her and would very much like to hear her crying out my name in ecstasy.

'And let's not forget to give a little bit of fan service to my greatest fan by updating my ffs a bit every now and then.' I thought to myself as I pulled out onto the street heading for the Toretto's Market and Cafe.

Pulling up I saw Mia working alone while an attractive no beautiful blonde guy was flirting with her. "And so it begins." I said aloud as I looked at Brian from behind wondering if I should kill him before he destroys my new family or not.

'Nah, just beat the shit outta him for breaking Mia's heart.' I thought to myself seeing him get up to leave finally exiting the Jetta locking the doors behind me.

Mia spotted me and must have seen something off about my body language since her happy yet sorry smile turned into something angry and vindicated as she rushed over and hugged me tightly.

"Where is that bitch? I'll kill her." Mia thought aloud and probably didn't even realize it and I found myself falling into her hug resting my head on her shoulder as I felt myself start to cry.

'Stop it don't be a pussy treat it as a one night stand and move the fuck on.' I told myself to make the water works turn off with a flex of willpower.

"I'm sorry Mia you and Letty were right to warn me against her." I told her softly.

"No you were also right, Letty and I should have handled it differently. You deserve to be with someone who makes you happy who you connect with. I'm sorry if we made you feel like we didn't want that for you." Mia apologized now crying and I couldn't tell who was comforting who at this point.

"So what's up with the blondie?" I asked in a protective big brother voice.

"His name's Brian and he's harmless." Mia replied with a slightly annoyed tone of voice.

"Mia…like you did last night for me I'm going to do for you something isn't right about that I guy I can feel it deep down in the pit of my stomach…and like last night when I told you and Letty to stuff it and now ended up like this I hope you'll at least keep this in mind when dealing with him." I said softly, giving her a tight squeeze before letting her go.

"I will Jesse." Mia said though I could tell she wasn't going to.

"Hey, want to go out tonight and help heal my broken heart?" I jokingly asked Mia who smiled a big mischievous sisterly smile before nodding and moving to the counter to take care of a customer.

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After making plans with Mia for later tonight I decided to go to the junkyard that the Torreto's own, another juicy bit of information I received from Jesse's memories.

Looking around, finding it pretty full of stripped cars most were street racing cars that had been won for pinks and then stripped before ending up here most were just empty shells and there were a few stock car circuit cars along with a completely wrecked one that Dom's father must have died in.

'You know, given the track history of this universe I wouldn't be surprised if Papa Toretto was a secret agent for some secret agency and had to fake his own death to prevent people from coming after his kids.' I thought to myself as I took out the Rooster Talisman from the case where the Zodiac Talismans rested.

I started playing around with small stuff like car rims lifting them up into the air and throwing them away from myself.

Moving on to some engine blocks that were laying around starting with a four cylinder aluminum block lift it a few feet off the ground before setting it back down before moving onto an old Chevy V6 block.

'Man, these things are easy to lift.' I thought in my mind as I moved onto a V8 big block engine that was still all together.

Moving onto lifting up the two complete stock cars lifting them again with ease I was left a little stunned since if I remembered right the Rooster Talisman relied on the users willpower to lift heavier and heavier objects.

'When did I become willful, fuck I can't even properly finish an ff before starting another one from a bout of inspiration or having my enjoyment of writing it killed off by readers.' I thought to myself as I put the cars back down on the ground gently before lifting myself a few inches off the ground levitating.

" Whoa, I'm flying…I'm really fucking flying this is so fucking cool man." I said aloud like a dumbass but luckily no one was around.

'I'm working my guardian angel into overtime. I thought to myself before I put myself back on the ground.

'The Talismans really fucking work.' I finally said to myself as I caressed the Rooster Talisman in my hand lovingly.

"No more experimenting in the open." I told myself out loud to reinforce it in my mind that it was a stupid as fuck idea to be doing so even if I was in a secluded space with mostly desert around me and a couple of work buildings that the crew used to disassemble cars.

'I need a safe place to train in using the Talisman powers…maybe an abandoned industrial warehouse…or I could use the Papermill. There's plenty of untouched space there.' I thought to myself as I considered multiple possibilities and decided on only training at the Papermill like I should have known to do from the start and not have acted like an idiot mc in a shitty ff.

'I can't afford to make stupid mistakes like this again…especially not if I want to be somebody important, powerful. I need to start using this big brain Jesse left me.' I told myself as I got back in the VW and returned to the Papermill.

From there I explored the rest of the facility and realized everything was still there to actually run a papermill and even though I didn't know anything about the specific machinery it all looked to be in good shape and even had rolls of paper on it still.

'This could be used as a good front a Papermill would need various chemicals and what not to make paper and cardboard…

I could even turn it into a recycled paper processing facility and make extra income that way.

Especially with the eco freaks that are currently popping up all over the place around this time period and all the while I'll be using my now green company as a front for my illegal operations….

And then I can use the already established relationships with the Toretto family to make a money laundering enterprise that spans the world over.

Heck Dom already launders his illegal money through the family businesses.

Yes the garage actually does real work for people and the store does provide for a bit of the community. but there's a 100k or more a week being earned through street racing and that's not taking into account the pink slips we well Dom, Letty, Vince and Leon bring in as well.

Actually now that I think about it a fast food chain would probably be better for laundering money since it's a money or better referred to as a cash business plus the smaller transactions would draw less attention from the IRS.

A nightclub would be better hmm what about a nightclub and fast food joint combined…nah that shit would fail so hard without smartphone and social networking apps.' I thought to myself as various ideas to establish a healthy and strong money laundering empire ran through my mind.

"I could do it all." I finally hummed out loud while nodding to myself as a plan finally started forming in my mind.

Sending out a soft prayer to the goddess that gave me this second lease on life and power enough to make my dreams come true before I left to go find the address in Jesse's license.

Pulling up out front of a run down two story house that had once been white but now was just a peeling weather mess with a roof that looked like it was ready to collapse.

"Yeah no, I don't fuck with you." I sang to myself as I drove away from the house without a second thought and went to buy some new clothes.

Finding more than a few outfits that matched me in one boutique before driving across the street to get some nice suits tailor made for the future me spending and eight grand of the money I started off with in my backpack.

But feeling it was money well spent considering I wasn't going to fuck with that hovel that Jesse lived in.

Returning to the Papermill seeing that it was almost time for the store to close so Mia would be ready to hang out in an hour or two I decided to take another shower.

Stopping and standing in front of the full body mirror it really dawned on me that even though Jesse's face was fugly he had a pretty ripped body and was very well endowed, like pornstar level dick endowed.

"Ight this body should be shown off not hidden by cut off sleeved shirts and vests.

Kids got a four pack with a six coming into fruition good muscular arms blonde hairs isn't too bad a little messy though.

Man Jesse should have been drowning in pussy…the only reason I can think of why not is because he struggled socially with his disability.." I brainstormed out loud as I grabbed some in style 2000's attire honestly wishing I could just wear a three piece suit and look damn good doing so.

'I've always been good at meeting new people and becoming fast friends but I'm also socially awkward and struggle to keep those relationships going because of my own disabilities.' I thought to myself feeling a bit down on myself for my own deficiencies as a person.

"I guess we're just two peas in a pod ain't we Jesse?" I asked the reflection in the mirror as I put on some jeans black combat boots and a white button up short sleeved shirt but left it unbuttoned."

'Damn I look good.' I thought to myself as I saw a text from Mia on my flip phone saying meet me at the house in thirty.

…pulling up in front of the Toretto house twenty minutes later.

Seeing Mia standing on the porch in a silver sequined dress that came down just low enough to hide her panties and had a black bra with black sequence beads on it built into it and I tried really hard not to simp but the sight of her had my mouth dry and my pants tight when before they'd been somewhat loose and comfy.

Getting out of the Impala, opening the passenger door before walking up to the porch bothe Mia and I checked each other out, her more looking at me like I was her kid brother that was finally growing up where I knew the lust I felt towards her was on display.

"You look breathtaking Mia." I told her honestly which made her smile a pleased smile as she ran a hand down her body from just below her right breast.

"You look great Jesse, you're definitely going to meet a lot of girls at my friend's grad party from nursing school." Mia said with a smile as she ran her hand over my exposed abs letting out a little appreciative whistle.

"How did you end up with her ride?" Mia asked curiously as we both got in the Impala.

"She left it to me in a letter." I replied back with an awkward smile that wasn't quite a smile on my lips and the expression on Mia's face was one of worry.

"Jesse…are you sure you should be driving it around? It might be hot." Mia finally said, resting her hand against my bicep.

"Yeah it's fine..I don't know why but I know I can trust her…even with her taking off like she did…it sounds stupid I know you don't have to tell me that." I replied to Mia as she told me when and where to turn.

Arriving at the nightclub, it was mostly women in skimpy outfits like Mia's or booty shorts and cut up tops that showed off their tits while some were walking around in G-string bikinis.

And that was just outside the club once inside it was party girls gone wild there were male and female strippers on each side of the room.

There were gorgeous girls of all ethnicities taking off their clothes whipping them around in the air some their was some girl on girl, girl on guy, girl girl guy, guy guy on girl straight out fucking in the more secluded areas of the club.

People snorting lines off of tables, popping X and all sorts of other fun drugs in the open like it was normal and all I could do was look at Mia and wonder if this was really her crowd of people but judging by the look on her face she wasn't expecting this either.

"I have a better idea." I told Mia as I took her hand and pulled her along behind to leave and she followed behind without any resistance.

And that's when a couple of jackasses decided to stick their hands where they didn't belong and that was on Mia without any warning I kicked the back of the one guy's knee when he was down on the ground I grabbed the back of his head and smashed it into my knee before swinging a right hook at the guy who still for some reason had his hands on Mia.

Mia kicked both while they were down even though she was wearing high heels before she was the one pulling me out of the club behind her.

Once we were outside she turned on me. "I could have handled it, where did you even learn to fight like that?" Mia practically growled before questioning me.

"I know you could have…I just reacted Mia I didn't think…and you should know already I learned to fight during my time at Lompoc." I replied, making Mia deflate.

"Sorry Jesse…I didn't mean to take it out on you. I wasn't expecting that and then they grabbed me and you." Mia started to apologize and explain.

"It's all good mama Torreto." I joked, making Mia punch me in the arm as she let out a soft amused snort.

"So when are we going Jess?" Mia asked as we got back into the Impala, making me smirk.

"I heard Hector had a few races lined up tonight on the tracks tonight…I'd like to see how this beast stacks up on a quarter." I replied with a smile one shared by Mia who was always down to go to a race.

"Fine, but I get to race too." Mia replied, pretending like she would have said no but I knew as soon as I mentioned race Mia was down to ride.

"Sure sure but I get the winnings." I joked, making Mia shake my hand while nodding in agreement.

"It's your car." She finally said with a smile.

I was driving to where the races were going down. Mia was quiet while looking at me like I was a mystery she was trying to solve.

"You've changed a lot Jesse…it's almost like you're a different person but you're also still you." Mia finally said as she continued to look at me with a scrutinizing gaze.

Making me shrug in response to her statement.

"I guess so I haven't really noticed anything too different other than my head being a lot clearer now than before." I replied back shrugging again since it's not like I could tell her that her friend died and my soul got stuffed into his dead body.

Mia looked at me in a way that screamed she didn't believe me but was letting it go anyways.

Pulling up on the block seeing a bunch of rice cookers and a few muscle cars mixed in even a rat rod or two there was even a suped up Honda minivan.

Mia and I were getting a lot of whistles and catcalls as I revved up the engine letting her roar.

Mia let out a peel of laughter and I could tell she was loving this and that this was her idea of a party.

Pulling up in the middle a good ten or so feet back from the line Mia and I getting out together turning heads Hector came over and gave me a bro hug while he tried to give Mia one but she turned him down.

"So what's the mad scientist and Torreto's sister doing out here without their crew?" Hector asked jovially but I could tell he was looking to recruit.

"We're here to put her through her paces." I replied pointing a thumb at the Impala.

"Hahaha, Then you came to the right place with only cash or are you racing for pinks too?" Hector asked, showing teeth.

"Both or either." I shot back while I met Mia's gaze and tossed her the keys conveying my faith in her skills as a racer which I knew from the slow but continuous synchronization with Jesse's memories is something she desperately needed after living in Dom's shadow all her life and feeling like she was unimportant when the truth was she was the glue that kept everyone together while Dom was the magnet that brought them in.

"Hahahaha, Yo which one of yall poseres wants a shot at the Torreto's?" Hector asked as he gestured grandly as an uproarious cheering passed through the crowd as people were lining up for a shot at Mia and I.

Some douche with about 70K into a 300zx pulled up and saw Mia was going to be the one he'd be racing for pinks with with an additional 5k thrown in for the victor.

"Hey baby how about if I win you keep the money but I get the car and your sweet ass for the night." He said and it had me seeing red before Mia flipped him off and said something that sounded like it came from Letty's mouth.

"You want ass go to Hollywood Blvd, you want a race then shut your fucking mouth and race puto."

'Damn that's hot.' I thought to myself as Mia gracefully entered the driver's seat, her mini dress riding up just enough to show off a lace black thong making me unconsciously swallow.

'Fuck I have it bad for Mia.' I thought to myself wondering if it was my crush on Jordan Brewster that was established when I was like five or six years old.

Or if they were feelings the original owner of this body had towards her but deciding it really didn't matter.

Since there were plenty of other beautiful women in this universe, I have a better chance at a long lasting relationship as opposed to Mia who saw me as a little brother and nothing more.

Watching Mia spank the loud mouthed little fuck like he was a Cherokee drum was so satisfying. and when Mia got out of the car and jumped onto me in a hug while squealing, the chance that I could have lost one of my dream cars didn't matter at all.

"I knew you could do it Mia." I told her as she released her hug while she looked into my eyes, hers shining with a light like I'd only seen a few times from my new memories.

The guy got out of his car and I could tell he was going to be an asshole just from the look on his face putting myself between the as I pulled out the desert eagle I'd taken from one of the gun racks that had varying pistol makes and calibers on it and leveled it with his head.

"You lost, you really want to make something of it?" I asked and was shocked when everyone and I mean everyone there had a piece in their hand backing me up even the chicks in bikinis had a piece at the ready.

"FUCK YOU AND YOUR WHORE YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS ! ! !" He shouted as his pink slip and keys were taken from him by one of Hector's guys and handed to Hector before Hector handed Mia her winnings.

"Mia hold this for me." I told her as I handed her my gun and even though the guys back was turned and he was walking away I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him backwards while knocking him off of his feet before putting my knee on his chest and punching his face with a left and a right over and over again.

"JESSE STOP IT, IT'S DONE ! ! !" Mia screamed as she tried pulling me off but everyone else watched on like he was getting what he deserved.

'Damn I was a little hot headed when I was younger but this is ridiculous and reminds me of when I was in grade school and would beat the shit out of my male classmates that fucked with the girls or the special class students.' I thought to myself as I let Mia pull me off and push me back towards the Impala.

"Someone get this gringo outta here." Hector said while pointing to the guy I just smashed the face of, as the guy laid on the ground was spraying out blood from his mouth with every breath he took.

"Get in the car Jesse we're leaving. Hector drop that car off at the garage please." Mia told me before telling Hector to take the 300zx to the Toretto garage.

I sat in the passenger seat, my hands raw and shaking. I could tell I broke my knuckles on that guy's face from the way that they ached.


Mia did say anything as she peeled out of their driving like she did in the movie with Brian in her Integra.

Mia didn't take us to the house or the store, not even the garage. She drove us out to an old dam parking the car in a good place to look at the stars before she got out without saying a word, slammed the door of the Impala and sat on the hood of the car.

Opening my door, getting out and sitting down beside her.

"Jesse, what is going on with you? I've never seen you like that." She said softly as she grabbed my hand, threading her finger through mine squeezing my hand.

"Talk to me Jesse, I'm worried about you." She said softly as she started to cry.

"I don't know Mia, I had this experience and now almost everything that can be taken as a threat towards the people I love makes me see red. And when I look at you, like right now, I want to kiss you." I replied as I did just that I cupped Mia's chin and kissed her lips with an intensity Mia's hand came up to the back of my head and she deepened the kiss.

Before suddenly pushing me away.

"No Jesse I don't feel that way about you and I know you don't feel that way either you're my brother." Mia said as she got up from the hood of the car and walked a few feet away.

"Mia, I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." I said as I moved away from her and the Impala.

"Jesse let me see the prescription bottle." Mia finally said which made me reach into my jeans pocket funnily enough. It was the one thing I'd constantly kept on me besides the back pack and taken as the bottle directed.

"Jesse, did you read the possible side effects of this drug? Paranoia, impulsiveness, increased aggression, increased sexual drive." Mia asked as she pulled the little tab and read off possible side effects of the medication.

"No, I didn't." I replied back wondering if that was really the cause of all of this.

"Jesse…I know…that these pills have been helping you in some ways but they're turning you into a different person." Mia said softly as she hugged me tightly.

"Please Jesse stop taking them, and go see a doctor to make sure there's no continuous long lasting side effects." Mia said softly while resting her head against my chest.

"Okay Mia, I'll schedule an appointment tomorrow." I replied back as I returned the hug.

"Come on, let's get you home." I finally said as I removed Mia's arms from around me.

"Mmm, you're staying at the house right, you didn't come home last night..for obvious reasons…I was worried about you." Mia said as she got into the passenger side this time.

"No, I think it'll be best…if I stay somewhere else till I get myself straight so I'm not a danger to you or anyone else in our family." I replied as I started the Impala driving to the Toretto house.

"Jesse, you're never a danger to us." Mia said compassionately as she rested her hand against my forearm.

"I feel like I am Mia. Look at what happened earlier I beat a guy's face in for calling you a whore…and then when we were alone I forced myself on you. I'm definitely a danger to be around right now." I replied, trying to shake her hand off of my forearm.

"It was just a kiss Jesse, it's not that big of a thing, please I want you close so we can help you if you need it Jesse, we love you." Mia said while looking at me imploringly from the passenger seat with her eyes started to shine with unshed tears.

"F-fine, just don't start crying…and can we keep the kiss between us?" I replied while turning back to the road feeling a little heat in my cheeks from the look Mia was giving me and from the question I asked.

"What kiss?' Mia said faking forgetfulness even as she sounded amused with a smile on her face.

"Thanks Mia you're the best." I replied back to her honestly, since to me she was one of the best girls of the franchise though, I felt like they were continuously making a mistake by having her character involved on screen but without her kid or Brain in the movies. I mean come on seriously a family bbq Mia is there but her kid and her husband are absent that shit makes zero sense.

'R.I.P Paul Walker, we miss you dearly.' I said in my mind as we hit the block that the house was on.

Parking the Impala in front of the Toretto house seeing a party going inside through the big picture window that faded the street.

"Great another party." Mia said while rubbing her forehead.

"Don't worry I'll help you clean up in the morning." I reassured Mia who thanks to the almost constant parties at home and then working at the family store was struggling to complete her nursing school studies.

"Thanks Jesse, but that's not the problem Dom is burning through all the money you guys make…his cut at least the store hasn't turned a profit in years and don't get me started on the garage.

If it wasn't for the money we make parting out the cars we win or yours and Letty's support I don't know what we'd do." Mia said while letting out a sigh filled with worry and stress that no early twenty year old gorgeous woman should be feeling unless she was a single mom with a deadbeat baby daddy that didn't have a job to pay child support.

"Have you tried talking to Dom?" I asked and the look she gave me said it all they'd done more than talked and Mia was getting way past fed up with everything and was starting to rebel against her father figure of an older brother.

"I'll help out more Mia." I said while bumping my hip against her's making her smile happily before she shook her head no.

"You already do enough Jesse, no this is something Dom has to do for himself it'd be nice though if Vince and Leon didn't keep egging him on though.

I know Dom missed a lot while he was away but…this is just going too far. I mean look at Letty she's only three years older than me but Dom is eleven years older than her.

And he's cheating on her all the time to make up for his time away while throwing these parties or going to races just the other day.

That slut Monica Hernandez came into the store and Dom fucked her in the back room while Letty came in to see if he wanted to go out a lunch date.

Dom is acting like Letty isn't young and beautiful and could easily have half of L.A. in the palm of her hant by the end of the day if she finally ended things with Dom." Mia was just letting out so much pent up shit she'd started angrily crying.

"Yeah Letty and I talked about that yesterday, she told me she loves him too much to leave him when I said she should go look for someone else and make him realize what he was losing out on instead of cutting these bitches that can't keep their legs closed." I replied back making Mia look at me with a shocked expression.

"You took Letty's side?" Mia asked disbelievingly which had me furrowing my eyebrows like that should have been obvious.

"I'm not taking either side, I think there both being fucking stupid with one another and I wanted Letty to look for love and satisfaction from someone else until Dom quits being on his bullshit." I replied back leaving Mia with a slightly agape mouth.

"You-you really have changed Jesse." Mia finally said and there was a very soft smile on her lips after she said so.

"Come on, let's go get in on this party." Mia finally said as she walked on ahead of me looking over her shoulder imploringly.

Coming along walking abreast with Mia opening the door for her getting blasted by the sound of the stereo, the smell of weed and thirsty bitches as I walked in after Mia.

I was barely over the threshold of the room when a mulatto girl brought me a Corona and I could tell by the way she was looking at me that she and Jesse had a long standing relationship.

"Hey baby, I haven't heard from you in awhile." She said as she spun around and started grinding herself against me to the beat of the music.

"Yeah, sorry I've had a lot goin on." I replied back pretending I recognized her as I rested my hands on her hips before moving them all across her body feeling her up. coming to the conclusion she had a very nice body that reminded me of a certain putorican chick I used to fuck with in my old life.

"Mmm, baby I missed your hands on me, I brought you my cousin as a present." She said as another chick with a rockin body came up behind me.

"My cuz tells me you can make any bitch scream and cream. We have a bet going on whether you can or not." The second bitch whisperer screamed in my ear to make sure she was heard.

"Yeah baby, I'll make you cream all over my cock." I replied back as I moved the three of us upstairs to somewhere private.

"I ain't your baby yet nigga." She replied with a bit of spice in her voice.

I saw Mia looking at me, her brows furrowed and her arms crossing under her chest as I took the two girls upstairs and I may have been imagining it but it almost looked like she was jealous of the two before she turned to talk to Letty.


"You good sis?" Letty asked her as Mia watched Jesse take Tia and her cousin Tamera upstairs to his bedroom feeling a flash of jealousy as she remembered the kiss they shared earlier and immediately felt guilty over her feelings of jealousy towards them and enjoyment of the kiss.

'Who knew Jesse was such a good kisser.' She thought to herself as her lips tingle slightly when Letty shook her arm.

"Yo sis what's wrong?" Letty asked her again and though everything told her not to, she grabbed Letty's hand and pulled her out to the garage where only family was allowed even during the wildest of parties.

Once they were alone Mia struggled to get the words out and was about ready to give up until Letty started to talk.

"Hector..called, told us Jesse beat some Puto half to death over disrespecting you after you whooped his ass in a race…and took his car. But that's not why you look like you did when you were sixteen and caught shoplifting at Victoria secrets so what happened sis?" Letty said before asking me what was wrong with me in her own way.

"Jesse and I kissed and I liked it." I spat out feeling disgusted with myself for admitting it out loud.

"(Snort) HAHAHAHAHAHA, THAT'S WHY YOU HAVE THAT LOOK ON YOUR FACE OYE MAYO, I thought something bad happened." Letty laughed at me and replied in a loud laughing voice before settling down acting like it wasn't a big deal that I kissed my little brother.

"It's not funny, Letty." I said back my voice coming out in a growl.

"It is bad, Jesse is my brother." I said as I collapsed onto the bench seat that we kept in the garage for a place to sit.

"Mia." Letty said softly as she sat down next to me on the bench seat and gave me a hug.

"Jesse is family, but he's not Jacob…if you have feelings for him..you should go for it, our family bond is strong enough that even if it doesn't work out we'll still be family." Letty comforted me and explained in a gentle but knowledgeable older sister way that I've come to rely on over the years.

"I don't know if I have feelings for him…I just liked the way it felt when he kissed me." I replied with uncertainty and avoided eye contact since I knew she saw my jealous filled look watching Jesse take the cousins to his bedroom.

"It's the blonde that comes in for the tuna isn't it?" Letty asked knowingly.

"W-what." I tried to act like I didn't know what she was talking about.

"(Snort) Come on sis like I can't tell you like him…though now." Letty snorted and looked at me like I had just tried stealing her Plymouth Fury again to go to a party at the beach without her.

"What should I do, Letty?" I asked her desperation clear in my voice.

"Just follow this, the Torreto heart will never steer you wrong in the end." Letty replied with a smile as she hugged me tightly before getting up to rejoin the party after poking my breast over my heart.

'Just follow my heart, huh. Not what I was expecting for advice.' I thought to myself as I decided to go to bed not really feeling the party mood.

Walking past Jesse's bedroom hearing the moaning of the two sluts.

"AHh Yeah white boy fuck me with that big fuckin cock fuck fuck fuck." Moaned Tamera and I felt my throat turn dry as I started to get turned on as I imagined Jesse's abs glistening in a light sheen of sweat as he looked down on me.

Before hearing someone starting up the stairs startling me, making me run to my bedroom, slam the door shut behind me, pressing my back against the door, my heart feeling like it was going to burst out of my chest as I slowly slid down to the floor.


Moving out from between Tia that's the name of the girl Jesse has had a long standing on and off relationship with since they both turned thirteen and Tamera both of them looking almost exactly like the actresses in the movie Twitches that they share their namesake with.

Picking up the tied off condoms to throw them away in the garbage can by the dresser. Feeling relief that Jesse had a few boxes of XL Ultra ribbed condoms in his night stand.

Even if I did hate using rubbers and would prefer to blow my loads inside a nice tight, warm, wet cunt rather than in a rubber glove.

Though it was better than knocking up some ghetto rat and being tied down with a kid though I did like blowing a few loads on their dark skin.

The house was quite so I assumed everyone who was sober enough to go home had already done so the other's that weren't were probably strewn about the house passed the fuck out.

'Damn they were fun.' I thought to myself looking at the two passed out women, one light mocha brown the other a light but darker brown. A few spots of my drying cum on their bodies as they instinctively cuddled one another after my absence from in between them was detected by the fading warmth.

Moving out of my bedroom at the Toretto house, I walked lightly down the steps only to find Mia in naught but the thong I caught a glimpse of earlier today and a jean jacket that barely came down her back to mid butt.

'Damn she's so fucking sexy…and makes those two upstairs look like trailer trash.' I thought to myself as I was hypnotized by Mia swinging her hips back and forth to the beat of a song she was listening to in her own little world as she picked up Corona bottles that were strewn about the place.

"Couldn't sleep?" I finally asked my perving out on her, finally creeping me out enough to say something.

"AHH, Jesse Jesus Christ don't sneak up on me like that." Expressed in shock, jumping upwards making her butt jiggle slightly as she spun around to face me, whisper screaming at me not to startle her again.

"Sorry, but you know I didn't really sneak up on you, you were just zoned out dancing around to your own beat." I replied with a smile and Mia's hands instinctively covered her exposed portion of her butt.

"Uhh, let me go get some pants on." Mia said as her face flushed a little as she eyed my naked torso and reflexively swallowed as she did so.

"Nah, don't worry about it, it's just us, let me help you pick up." I replied as I took the last few steps down onto the ground floor.

"O-okay, thanks Jesse." Mia replied with a smile and I could tell she was eyeing me like I'd just eyed her ass for a bit too long.

Mia and Jesse must have done things like this before, since together we were like a well oiled machine working perfectly in harmony with one another even with us stealing secret glances of one another that really weren't a secret from one to another.

We were switching over to sweeping up the spilt party foods/snacks, since we were finally finished with picking up the few hundred beer bottles that were left all over the house when I noticed Mia was dead on her feet.

Picking Mia up into a princess carry with only a slight protest in return as she snuggled against me as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Hey, put me down." Mia protested sleepily as she let out a big yawn before snuggling against me.

"It's time you get some sleep Mia, and I know if I don't put you to bed you'll just keep trying to clean up the mess, since your mama Torreto." I teased and it was a testament to how tired Mia actually was that she didn't retaliate against my jabbing at her maternal nature.

"Mmmkay Jesse." Mia replied sleepily and I felt her softly starting to snore with her head resting against my shoulder.

'This girl is too cute and vulnerable.' I thought to myself as I carried her up the stairs and into her bedroom pulling her blanket back laying her down on the bed removing her arms from around my neck before tucking her in.

"Goodnight Mia sweet dreams, I really hope everyone is thankful for all you do from behind the scenes thanklessly." I said softly aloud before I turned around and left Mia's bedroom shutting the door softly behind me as I exited the room.

Mia's eyes cracked open in the very dimly lit light of her bedroom.

"Thanks Jesse." Mia said softly before shutting her eyes again to fall back to sleep feeling slightly regretful that she and Jesse didn't share a goodnight kiss.

"HAAA." I let out a breath as I made my way to the bottom of the steps resting my back against the wall.

'I'm really simping after Mia too damn much, sure she's gorgeous and a great girl, definitely premium wifey material in a few years and definitely has that bad bitch side that would fuck up anyone that pushed her too far or fucked with her fam.

And well she's hot at least to me that is. I'm sure a bunch of people if this were an ff would be shitting on Mia and why I find her attractive.

Saying shit like Jordan Brewster isn't even good looking but damn, them fuckers must be blind or something and they're also overlooking the fact beauty ain't just about what's on the outside.' I thought to myself as I exited the house barefoot and in my boxer's enjoying the cool early morning breeze against my skin.

Grabbing my backpack out of the backseat of the Impala, returning to the inside of the house, pulling out the Talisman's case, opening it up and taking out the Rabbit Talisman.

'I know I told myself I wouldn't do dumb shit like this but it'd take hours to finish cleaning this place up normally and it'll be good Mr.Miyagi style training to clean the house using superspeed.' I thought to myself as I held the Rabbit Talisman in hand moving from the living room of the house to the kitchen in less time than a camera flash.

"That wasn't so hard." I said out loud to the sleeping house.

'Hahahaha, totally just jinxed yourself you stupid mother fucker. Hahahaha.' I thought to myself while laughing at my own stupidity for raising a flag like that as I started using the superspeed further grabbing out a broom and dustpan keeping the talisman pressed into my hand with the assistance of the broom handle.

'Huh, cool I didn't mess up.' I thought to myself while looking around the cleaned up house that seemed to sparkle in the dim light from the deep cleaning I gave it even going so far as to polish the lament and hardwood flooring.

I started humming a tune as I walked over to the couch where I left my talisman case when my right foot hit the freshly polished floor just right that it shot out in front of me and my left leg slid backwards making me do a split.

Burning pain fired up between my thighs making me bite back a pained cry as I unskillfully maneuvered myself into a less agony inducing position as I cupped my precious organs as a few tears ran from my eyes.

'FUCK, this is what I get for being cocky with magical powers.' I thought to myself as I curled into a fetal position and waited until the pain eased enough to stand up again.

Getting up to my feet feeling very tender between my thighs walking around like one of those cowboys that spent too much time in a saddle over to the couch to put away the Rabbit Talisman and to pull out the Horse Talisman to heal myself with.

"Ahh." I let out a pleasure filled sigh as the Horse Talisman healed me up just right as I flopped down onto the couch putting away the Rabbit and Horse Talismans before stowing the case away in my bag.

'I don't really want to go back to my bed with those hoes up there.' Sure they were fun to fuck with for a bit, but with more and more synchronization with Jesse's memories I know now Tia is a THOT and there's a good chance that if I didn't have the Horse Talisman I'd have an STD now. I thought to myself as I laid down on the couch putting the backpack underneath my head while gripping it with my hands as I laid on my side.