Talismans In Fast & Furious PT2


"Why are you always sleeping on the couch now Jesse?" Mia asked the sleeping man on the couch who was clutching the backpack he was using as a pillow tightly.

Mia unconsciously found herself moving some of his shaggy blonde hair away from his eyes feeling a little flutter in her chest as she did so.

'Jesse, how could you make me feel this way?' Mia asked Jesse in her mind as she just watched him sleep for a few more minutes before leaving to attend her classes at the local community college.

"Yo man wake up !" Vince shouted as he kicked Jesse's foot.

I jolted awake feeling an impact on my foot flipping myself up off of the couch leg sweeping whoever was in front of me.

Hearing a solid thud and a curse.

"Jesus Fuck Jesse what the fuck has gotten into you lately." Vince cursed out a question as he sat up rubbing the back of his head.

"The fuck with you hitting someone while they're sleepin, fuckin jackass you're lucky you only ended up on your ass." I cursed back my own reply while offering him a hand up. 'Cause his knees are weak, his palms are hairy. He's got vomit on his fishnet sweater but he looks calm and ready to drop bombs.' I jokingly sang in my mind while looking at Vince since he fit the song so well right now.

"Fuck you." Vince said softly as I pulled him up to his feet.

"Nah, bro I don't swing that way but I heard Lance Nguyen swings that way. Maybe you can ride bitch on his little crotch rocket." I playfully replied back to Vince making him laugh and punch my arm in report.

'Man, that leg sweep was pretty fluid, natural even. Maybe the goddess also gave me martial talent similar to that of Adventures Jackie Chan?' I wondered to myself as I grabbed my bag from the floor where it'd fallen during my jump scare.

'I should get some real martial arts training though something that could go toe to toe with former mossad, whatever Deckard Shaw was…I want to say he was in the special air forces or something like that kinda like US seal teams, or green berets. But who to go to to get that kinda training is the question.' I thought to myself as I stretched out my body.

"Bro, why do you keep sleepin on the couch? I heard you had Tia and her cousins last night, I'd be sleepin on those bitches if I were you." Vince asked sounding salty as fuck but probably because he was simping over Mia along with me but where I was getting pussy he was going through a dry spell.

'All these horny bitches around and Vince ain't gettin none because even if they're looking for a quick hard fucking ain't nobody wanna mess with a nigga that be calling out Mia's name and crying as he's fuckin you…like damn bro get over her even I'm not that much of a simp.' I thought to myself as the memories of more than hearing one chick gossip over Vince's simpitude.

'I mean yeah Mia is a great girl no woman…but she definitely ain't no goddess or saint.' I thought to myself remembering how Mia was dressed to fuck last night.

'Hey, stop that she has every right to dress up or down as sexily as she wants without it being for getting Dick, don't develop that kinda mindset just cause you're in a new world…even if that was actually the reason.' I told myself because it truly wasn't right to think about all women that way since some just dress that way to feel sexy since they lack confidence in themselves and their body.

'Ahhh." I mentally sighed to myself realizing Jesse's own mindset might be bleeding into mine from the slow memory synchronization.

"The smell of skank was too strong I couldn't sleep and not worry about one of them pulling a trick riding my dick while I'm asleep to knock themselves up so they can sit on their asses and do nothing with their lives for eighteen years but take more dick an pop out more kids." I replied back since that thought did wriggle in the back of my mind since I knew ghetto bitches that pulled that kinda shit in my old life.

But the real reason I couldn't sleep is because I kept thinking about the kiss with Mia and how she deepened it and then pushed me away a full like four seconds after sticking her tongue in my mouth.

'Didn't like it, can't do it, it's wrong my ass.' I thought to myself as I could still feel the phantom touch of Mia's hand on the back of my head as she pulled me into it further in the first place.

"Damn Jesse." Letty suddenly said as she popped up in the living room giving me a happy smile like she'd hoped I'd realize a bitch like Tia was bad news for a long time now as she walked over to give me a hug but wrinkled her nose as she smelled something bad.

But I quickly closed on the hug making her let out a disgruntled sound. "Ahh no you smell like a dirty skank, let go hahahahaha." Letty half shouted as she laughed when I let her go.

Quickly sniffing myself and finding that sour scent feeling my face scrunch up unconsciously from the stank.

"Yeah I'ma go grab a shower." I told the two as I took off upstairs walking into my bedroom finding the hoe's gone, letting out a sigh of relief since I really didn't want to deal with them as I grabbed out a clean pair of boxers from a dresser drawer and some of Jesse's other clothes.

'I know it shouldn't feel weird but wearing a dead dude's clothes even if I am that dude now just gives me bad vibes/feelins.' I thought to myself figuring I'd burn Jesse's old wardrobe as a memorial service to him. since it's not like I can burn our body on a funeral pyre.

'Well technically I could do that but I'm not gonna burn myself to death that's just fucking crazy though I could use the Sheep Talisman to jack someone else's body…

Maybe a more attractive one…nah that also feels fucked when I could experiment with the Money Talisman and try to shape shift myself into a better looking Homosapien…

The show didn't show whether or not the Monkey Talisman could be used that way and only stated to be able to turn into animals.

And since no normal human being would ever think of themselves in this way but I do, and that is that we are all literally just animals with a few advantageous mutations and few disadvantageous mutations.' I thought to myself as I moved to get in the shower getting in feeling a bit let down as the uneven water pressure and the unstable hot/cold water hitting my body wishing I was at my Papermill taking a shower.

(Knock knock)

"You can come in, I'm in the shower curtains closed." I replied back to the knocking.

I heard the door quietly shut after I gave whoever knocked permission to enter before I heard the toilet lid being put down.

"You and Mia kissed last night." Letty said and I could feel it was just as much of a question as a statement.

"We did…but she didn't like it and stopped it, I thought that was the end of it." I replied back only to hear Letty let out a soft snort and mutter something along the lines of still our brainless genius.

"Do you really still have those kinds of feelings for Mia still? I know back when we first started hanging out at races while Dom was gone…you had a crush on her but then Tia came along…" Letty asked while trailing off and made me freeze up a little.

"Yeah." I replied back shaking off my moment of shock and stupidity of the thought that Letty knew about my past crush on Mia but it took less than a second for me to realize she was talking about Jesse's past crush on her and not the five-six year old me, watching The Fast and The Furious for the first time on VHS after begging my mom to rent it for me since it had a cool car on the front of it.

"Good." Letty said, throwing me for a loop.

"Huh?" I replied while dropping the bottle of Seabreeze body wash.

"Hahaha, you and Mia have always had great chemistry. I think it'll be good for both of you and then we don't have to worry about either of you ending up with someone bad." Letty replied with a laugh before her voice became serious.

"Letty…like I said Mia didn't like the kiss this talk is pointless, besides she's got it bad for the blondie that works for Harry." I replied as I bent down to pick up the soap.

"Come on Jesse I know you know Mia only reacted that way because she's afraid of losing anymore family. I know even if things didn't work out between you too you wouldn't leave us things might be a little awkward for some time but you'd both get over it and fall back into your old feels with each other." Letty said as heard her stand up to leave.

"Jesse, you gave me advice because you care about my relationship with Dom and love me like a sister. I love you like that little annoying brother I never wanted but now never want to lose. If you love Mia or think you love her, go after her with everything you got." Letty said as I heard the door shut once more and found myself leaning back against the shower wall angling my head backwards so the water could hit directly against my face while keeping my eyes shut.

'Fuck.' I let out a mental groan hoping Letty kept the kiss between Mia and I between the three of us since Mia couldn't keep the kiss solely between us.

Lathering my hair and body up with some of the cheap soap that surprisingly had a pleasant smell and cleaning power leaning back under the spray washing it away shutting off the water.

'Damn the towel is way over there.' I thought to myself seeing that my towel was against the wall across from the shower four feet away from me and out of reach.

Getting out of the shower soaking wet water running off of my body and onto the floor when I heard the door and a floorboard creak looking at the door finding Mia standing there biting her lower lip, a light blush spreading up her neck making her caramel tanned skin even more delicious.

"Hey." I greeted with a smile and a lazy waive as I walked over to get my towel.

"H-hey (huuum) I could have handed that to you Mia said as she seemed to have to make a conscientious effort not to stare at my now only exposed upper body.

"Didn't know you were back from classes yet or at the door." I replied with a shrug as I used my previously discarded boxers to mop up the water on the floor.

"Would you mind covering the store for me tonight? I have to do a work study at South Central Hospital tonight." Mia started to ask and explain why she was asking.

"Of course I will, I don't believe Dom and them need my help with anything for a few more days, so I'll cover tomorrow too so you can catch some rest." I replied to her cutting her off before she could try and back out of her asking for help and take everything on herself like she usually does.

"You don't have to do that. I know you probably want to work on the 300ZX we won last night." Mia replied while crossing her arms over her chest rubbing the right one anxiously.

Walking over to her standing in her personal face, our faces inches apart.

"It's fine I can play around or chop it whenever, your education is important to you and you're important to me. Take tomorrow off to get some rest and relax a little." I replied as I lifted Mia's head up so I could look into her eyes by using my index and middle fingers underneath her chin.

Her deep dark brown eyes that you could lose yourself in if you weren't careful. Widening at the sensation of my touch against her skin, her body tensing in preparation of bolting off like a prey animal that had spotted its apex predator.

"I I'm important to you?" Mia asked while sounding timid and unsure.

"Of course you are." I whispered as I grazed my lips over hers, her hands coming up to rest against my chest but not to push me away.

"Jesse…we shouldn't…I don't want to worry about losing what we already have together." Mia replied back her voice barely above a whisper but the emotions behind them were enough to move mountains.

"Even if we don't work out Mia, you'll never lose me or our status as a family. But I'd rather not spend the rest of my life wondering what we could have been if we both just put aside our already established relationship and tried something more with each other." I replied back making things up to reassure her as I could feel myself starting to react to her touch against my bare torso.

"Jesse." Mia said in a way that told me she also wanted to explore whatever new feelings towards me that had awoken.

Resting my hand on her hip wishing there weren't light blue scrubs in the way of feeling her supple skin.

"Mia." I replied as I tilted my head slightly to close the distance between our lips when suddenly Mia cell rang.

(Early 2000's Verizon ringtone.)

And just like that whatever trance Mia and we're in was broken as she spun around reaching into her back pocket pulling out her phone and bringing it up to her ear.

"Hello Doctor Sarazu, yes I'll be right there." Mia replied as she started to quickly walk away.

'Damn, maybe the universe is trying to tell me this shouldn't happen.' I thought to myself as I hung the towel up to dry on its wrack before grabbing my clean boxers I had previously set on the back of the toilet.

Putting on the clothes I'd previously laid out on the bed going downstairs to find the house surprisingly empty.

Since there's usually at least one person here at all times I felt a little put off by that but also happy that Jesse's memories seemed to be synching with my own fluidity.

'Ehh, everyone probably has their own shit goin on.' I thought to myself as I slid into my work boots as I opened the front door to leave the house.

Getting inside the Impala when it dawned on me I'd left my backpack behind in the house.

'I shouldn't need the Talismans to man the store." I thought to myself as I turned the key making the beauty of a beast roar to life.

'On second thought, the house is always unlocked and open for anyone to come and go as they please. The only reason bad shit doesn't go down all the time is that this is Torreto's family turf. Just about everyone in this little area is related by blood.' I thought to myself as I went back inside and grabbed my bag returning to the Impala and driving the distance of a few blocks to the store.

"Hi Jesse, Happy birthday." Greeted Sierra Toretto Dom and Mia cousin who is 37 and a single mother with a five year old son named Anthony but everyone calls Tony.

"Hey Sisi." I greeted cheerily as I accepted the hug from the chesty Latino/Italiano woman with long brunette hair and a maternal air to her with her heart shaped face and warm maternal attitude/aura.

"Wait birthday?" I asked her in surprise.

"Oh dear did you really forget your birthday again this year?" Sierra asked as she dotted over me fixing my messily put on clothes.

"Yeah, I guess I did." I replied back awkwardly scratching the back of my head while feeling embarrassed since it'd only been a couple of days since I got here and overlooked the birthday on all of Jesse's documents.

"(Sigh) I thought, (haa) we taught Mia better, after all it's her job to keep the house in order." The woman sighed as she shitted on Mia who already had so much going on in her life, making any good feelings I had towards her immediately go cold.

"Mia is very busy with her studies so it's understandable she forgot, plus my birthday doesn't really matter it's just another day anyways." I replied back not letting my new indifference towards the woman show through my friendly facade.

"(Humph) As if I'm not busy, raising my five year old son, on my own, while working three jobs. Yet I was still able to remember your birthday and wish you well, Mia should at least be able to do that." She shot back at me immediately burning up what little patience towards her I had left.

"I have to get work on running the shop Sisi, I'll talk to you later. I said before I did or said anything I'd regret later.

"Okay, I have a few things I need to pick up, which is actually why I'm here." Sierra finally said must be sensing my new attitude towards her after insulting Mia.

"Sure thing, just give me a couple minutes to get everything set up for the day." I replied while opening the garage door that blocked off the large main entrance into the medium large store.

Flipping on the lights powering up the cash register while counting out the days starting, change making sure I had at least 500 hundred in the drawer of various dominations.

Sisi walked up the counter carrying a bunch of frozen kids dinners and a couple bottles of tequila and I did my best not to make an outwards reaction at that.

'My family wasn't perfect, between my single mom that thought she could still be a party animal, until she got knocked up by her cheating, abusive, scumbag boyfriend. My alcoholic dad, who preferred his business and time at the bar over spending time with me, unless I was making his life easier by being a cheap manual laborer, almost free labor really.

My mother's parents, my grandparents were great to me at least from what I can remember, they'd always taken care of me. Or taught me how to care for myself when they couldn't, like how they both made sure I could cook my own meals by four years old.

Somethings in my memories were spotty after an incident I had in the winter of 07 I'd been clinically dead in limbo for a few seconds before the EMT's were able to resuscitate me ever since then. I hadn't really been the same person. My emotions and personality altered a bit.

I couldn't remember certain things anymore but I just ended up agreeing with whatever people said because I didn't want them to worry about me, especially not my little brother.' I thought to myself as I absent-mindedly rang everything up with errant thoughts here and there that I wished she was buying actual food and teaching the kid how to cook instead of drinking her free time away like the bottles of Tequila implied she was doing.

"Fifty-six dollars and seventy-three cents." I told Sisi, whose eyes widened in surprise a little at the price of her purchases, almost like she wasn't used to paying for everything when she came here to get things.

"R-right." She replied as she handed me a credit card that I swiped only for it to be declined.

"You got another card or any cash on you Sisi?" I asked her while eyeing her tits that had seemed to become bigger and less concealed at the same time the card was denied.

"I-i don't." She replied looking mortified by that revelation.

"Do you have any food at home for you and Tony to eat?" I asked even if I did need to be cold to be who I wanted to be in the future didn't mean I'd let a kid go hungry today, especially not when I remembered what it was like when, my mom would run outta food stamps, with mine and my little brother's dad sniffing our mom on child support a few months at a time, so I'd go out and steal food so nobody went hungry.

"Not enough…can we work something out?" Sierra replied as she emphasized her breasts while making her intentions obvious with how she was pushing out her cheek with her tongue.

Sighing at her shenanigans before replying. "I'll cover these things, and a bit more, like say a big jar of peanut butter and a couple loaves of bread, this time but you owe me a favor in the future, that'll I'll cash in at any time." I replied to her making a relieved yet unnerved smile appear on her lips as she gratefully walked behind the counter and gave me a hug.

"You're such a good man Jesse if only you weren't just turning nineteen I'd snatch you up for myself." Sisi said in my neck her voice slightly muffled.

"I wouldn't mind." I jokingly replied making the woman giggle into my shoulder even as a few drops of wetness soaked into my shirt.

"Don't tease me Jesse, it's not nice." She half joked in reply as she pulled herself away from the hug and wiped away a few tears that were there.

"Sorry." I apologized sincerely since making her cry was never my intent as I grabbed a few tissues from the box kept under the counter for her to dry her eyes with.

"It's okay, God I hope whatever lucky girl ends up with you knows just how good she's got it, and appreciates you." Sisi said as she almost started to cry again as I went and grabbed her a couple loaves of bread and a large jar of peanut butter returning to bag up her groceries.

"Thanks Sisi, I hope you find a man that's good to you too." I said softly as I rested my hand on her shoulder giving her an honest look even if I was angry at her earlier for her attitude towards Mia.

"I don't need no man." She replied, but I could tell she didn't mean it. She was a lonely single mom under a lot of stress and her desire for somebody to support her was obvious.

"You don't, doesn't mean you don't deserve one." I replied back to her placatingly, making her smile a pleased smile.

"I better go Tony was hungry when I left." Sisi said while looking like she wanted to remain here and have some more adult company.

"Hahahaha, tell him I said hi." I told her as I double bagged her groceries for her which she took quickly and rushed back home with a hurried goodbye.

Adding up the bill from the groceries I'd just given away before putting the money in the register so it wouldn't come up short when Mia balanced the books.

'I'm really too damned soft to be a crime lord.' I thought to myself as I let out a sigh before sitting on the stool behind the counter looking at the clock, seeing that not even thirty minutes had passed since the beginning of my ten hour store running duty.

'What did I get myself into?' I asked myself before going to get a large notepad and a pen to write out a few chapters of a fanfiction nobody would read for possibly twenty more years or until Webnovel is created.

By the time a certain tuna on white, no crust walked in I'd gone through two notes pads and one pen.

"Where's Mia?" He asked while looking around like a lost puppy.

'How the fuck do I compete with a guy like that? He's beautiful..while I'm fugly.' I thought to myself feeling like I really got the short end of the stick.

"Like seriously, why couldn't I have been Brian Spoolman/O'Connor?' I complained to myself in my mind.

"She's at a place called nunya business white boy, you here for the tuna still?" I asked while looking up from my notepad page.

"Uhh, nah I'll hit Fat Belly Burger, Thanks man." Brain replied as he walked back to the Ford Lightning looking like a puppy that just got told no with his head down and his tail not wagging as he got back into his truck and drove off,

'This fucker, maybe I should test out my Shadowkhan by having them go turn Briam into a Eunuch.' I thought to myself as I smiled like a devil.

'Wow, I've managed to write twenty chapters in ten hours and that is with being spell checked and proofread by myself, thank you goddess for giving me a better brain.' I thought to myself sending out a soft prayer of thanks to my patron goddess who'd actually proven her existence to me by sending me here.

Looking up at the clock, seeing I still had a few hours left until 9 O'Clock realizing I hadn't seen any of the crew since early this morning.

The last few hours seemed to fly by and I was only able to get a couple more chapters before Mia pulled up in her blue Integy. (slang for Integra or used to be)

'What is she doing here? Didn't she say she had work study? I asked myself as I watched her graciously and sensually get out of her car wearing a pale orange spaghetti strapped top that left both the tops of her breasts and midriff exposed while wearing a very small denim jean skirt while wearing a set of platform shoes that really helped show off her legs.

"Hey Jesse, I came to come get you." Mia greeted me before saying her eyes held some mischievousness in them as she eyed me.

"Came to get me for what? I thought you had work study tonight." I asked in response while also taking on a veiled question pretending it was a statement.

"Mmmhmm, come on let's go." Mia tactically avoided answering my not a question, that was actually a question about her work study as she went around the store closing things up emptying the register tallying up the profits for the day before putting them in a bank deposit bag.

Powering off the register before grabbing my hand pulling me along behind her only giving me enough time to grab my bag.

As she quickly closed up the store and then looked between our two cars before turning to look at me holding out her hand that wasn't holding mine.

"Keys." She said simply making me dig my keys out of my pocket and hand them to her.

"Thanks." She replied with her usual sunny smile that could light up a room and make other people unconsciously smile along with her.

"Sure." I replied with a shrug making her arch an eyebrow at me most likely hearing the annoyance in my voice at having one pulled over on me.

"Don't skulk, remember I'm important to you." Mia said in a way that pushed all my buttons as she put herself into one of those sexy smoky looks while looking into my eyes.

"You are, but you didn't have to lie to me about having work study if you wanted a day off from the store." I replied back honestly I would have covered it for her without the excuse and then the fake phone call from Doctor Sarazu was a bit overkill.

"It'll make sense in a bit." Mia replied looking slightly regretful as she rested her hand against my bicep.

Smiling back at her not wanting to make her lose the energy that she had so I replied with. "Well come on then I ain't got all night you know, I got a store to run in the morning." My reply partially teasing as I cupped her chin, my thumb grazing over her lips.

Mia smiled back at me radiantly even as she started to flush deliciously and in a moment of adventurousness Mia licked my assaulting finger.

And if how red her ears got was any indication Mia didn't even think about it before doing so as she quickly entered my Impala and started it.

Smirking to myself as I got in the passenger side.

'This game is surprisingly fun.' I thought to myself as the image of Mia naughtily/playfully licking my thumb and then blushing like some innocent maiden before rushing to her safe spot.


'Ahhh, what am I doing? I just licked his thumb, what is wrong with me?' Mia let out a mental scream before questioning what she was doing.


'Wait a minute Mia is dressed up, Sisi said it was my birthday and my license confirmed it…The crew has been surprisingly absent all day. What could they possibly be doing? That's it. They're throwing a surprise party.' I thought to myself while looking over at me who was constantly stealing furtive glances at me.

'Yup that has to be it, Mia is not the type of girl to lie about her education just so she can get out of work.' I thought to myself feeling right about this all being a setup to get me out of the way to get a party situated.

Mia pulled up into the driveway of the Toretto House passing by the crew's cars that were parked on the street making it seem like everyone was tucked in for the night especially with the lights off inside the house.

Not only that Mia just could not stop smiling as she shut off the beautiful beast of an Impala.

"Come on." Mia said in excitement already blowing the surprise to anyone with a lick of common sense, since no girl who looks like her gets dressed up like that and picks up a guy to take him home after work to a quiet empty house.

'On second thought that could happen but I don't think Mia and I are at the stage, and may never even get to that stage. Since if I were her and I had to choose between the Beautiful Blondie or the Fugly Blondie I'd choose the beautiful blondie.' I thought to myself trying not to let the feelings of inadequacy over power me.

Opening the front door for Mia letting her go in first while I entered behind her only for the light to flash and every member of the crew to yell.

"SURPRISE." As the sounds of party streamers were popped off and birthday whistles were blown.

"Happy birthday Jesse." Mia said in a much softer voice as she kissed my cheek and rested her hand that wasn't working the light switch against my abdomen for a lot longer than would be socially acceptable for just friends.

"Thank you Mia." I replied back sincerely as I caught a look from Vince that screamed jealousy.

'When was the last time anyone celebrated my birthday like this? Never my birthday has always been a quiet affair just like any other day passing with me occasionally, maybe getting a cake involved.' I thought to myself enjoying my new family and their not so quiet appreciation of the day I was born.

'It's not really your birthday though is it?' I asked myself in the back of my mind as I hugged everyone back and thanked them for the surprise finding I couldn't decide whether or not it was or wasn't my birthday.

I started to realize there were a lot more people than just the crew or rather team/family like Hector was here along with a posey of senioritas and a couple boys.

Tia and her cousin that I had a threesome with were there and they both looked like they wanted a birthday delight but I wasn't feelin it towards them so they were shit outta luck.

The music was bumpin the booze was flowin and I found myself dancing with Mia. She was shaking her ass against me while sliding up and down. I was moving my hands along her exposed skin.


"When did that happen?" Happen Dom asked Letty who was sitting in his lap while he sat on a kitchen chair, tilting his head towards his little mad scientist brother and his little sister.

"(Snort) It's always been there, Dom, they're finally just realizing it." Letty replied as she smiled at two of the people she loved the most in the world after Dom.

"Should I stop it?" Dom asked, while feeling protective towards both Jessie and Mia after all Mia only just turned twenty one a few months ago and Jesse turned nineteen today.

"Come upstairs and give me a massage." Letty replied to Dom's question by wiggling her ass in his lap.

"But." Dom replied not really wanting to leave the party.

"I said come upstairs and give me a massage." Letty reinforced this time while at the same getting off of Dom's lap and making her way towards the stairs with a sexy walk.

Smirking as she saw Dom jump out of his chair to follow her quickly taking a look at Mia and Jesse and feeling her heart sore at just how sensual and together the two of them looked while dancing together.

Especially with the way Mia's hands were now at the back of Jesse's head as she worked her booty against him and the way one of Jesse's hands squeezing Mia's breasts making her moan out as his other rested more towards the front of her right hip and could easily be slid down to.

Strong hands broke Letty out of her little musings as they picked her up and proceeded to carry her up the stairs making her forget all about Mia, Jesse and their bullshit.


Mia and I's dance became less of a dance and more of an impromptu groping session that had us both going outside panting and thick with sweat.

As soon as we were alone outside I didn't give Mia any chance to back out of what had started in the house as I pressed her up against the Impala's door.

Fisting my hand into her long brown hair that was damp with sweat from our earlier activities. While keeping my other hand on her hip as I initiated a kiss this one started off fiery and filled with a searing passion, on both ends Mia's hands wrapped themselves around the back of my neck as we both lost ourselves in each other.

Our kiss broke only for Mia to look at me in the eyes with so much need for confirmation and support that it made me melt.

"Tell me how important I am to you, tell me that no matter what happens from here on out, we'll always stay as a family." Mia pleased with her eyes and voice as her body was giving into her desire for more.

"You're my rock Mia when the world around me is turbulent and chaotic, you're my rock, my safe place, that I can go to to understand the world around me and make it not seem so scary.

There is nothing that can break our precious bonds Mia no matter what. I'll always be here for you and for our family no matter what, always and forever." I whispered back to her as I kissed her lips this time with every drop of feelings I had towards her trying to convey my sincerity.

"Jesse, take me somewhere else. I don't want it to be here." Mia whispered as she pushed me forward just enough to open the drivers door and slid herself along the bench seat.

Quickly getting in after her only for Mia to glue herself to my side kissing up on my neck running her hands along my body removing my shirt for me before I could even start the car.

(RRRRRTTTTT, horns honking obnoxiously.)

'Fuck that was a close one.' I thought to myself as Mia biting my neck had distracted me and I drifted a little too widely onto the short quarter mile stretch of blacktop that led to the entrance of the Papermill and almost hit a car with the ass end of my Impala.

I was just pulling into the Papermill when Mia had finally decided she'd waited long enough and said that much as well.

"I've, we've waited long enough Jesse, just park the car." Mia purred into my ear making my spine tingle and my already hard cock jump in happiness while still inside my pants.

I found myself flipping the toggle to close the bay door and shutting off the engine at a speed that would make many think I was using the Rabbit Talisman if they were to see me.

While spinning around on the bench seat, lift Mia up into my lap as she reaches down, slid her purple thong off before freeing my cock from its denim prison.

Impaling herself on my length making her bite her lower lip as her eyelids fluttered rapidly while I bit down a moan at having my throbbing aching length sheathed in her molten wet core.

'Best birthday ever.' I moaned in my mind as Mia immediately after recovering from her impalasion started bouncing herself up and down my length while partially sitting in my lap.

"Jesse Jesse Jesse Jesse Jesse." Mia moaned out with every movement of her hips while her hands rested on my shoulders.

"Mia." I moaned back in reply as I moved her top so I could get at her breasts.

Taking one of her erect light brown nipples into my mouth as I molded her breasts in my hand while toying with her other nipple under my thumb as I rolled the one I was sucking on around with my tongue.

"Ahh Jesse yeas." Mia moaned out in appreciation of my attentive actions towards her breasts which I'm sure she was lacking confidence in because of their small size.

Releasing her nipple with a pop and a groan.

"Mia I'm about to cum." I moaned out as she pulled my head tightly back to her breasts as her inner walls started to twitch and spasm erratically.

"Ahhhnnn itsh okay I'm on pill cum inside." Mia moaned in ecstasy as her hip movements became more frenzied.

'If this was anyone else, I wouldn't trust them, when they said that they were on the pill and that it was okay to let it go inside.' I thought to myself, while the thought of having a kid after finally being freed from being a father figure to my little brother after taking on those responsibilities.

That no eight year old kid should ever have to take on and then stick to them for eighteen years. So it was understandable that the thought of becoming a father again so soon terrified me but also gave this moment an even more erotic feeling.

"Mia." I moaned again in warning as I could feel the first shot flowing through my penis only for Mia to force her tongue down my throat and then persist to silently scream into my mouth as we both were pushed into a mutual orgasm her's most likely being caused by the combined sensation of my first shot of hot seed. Being shot inside of her and my tweaking of her right nipple as my left hand pushed down in the small of her back and I pushed my hips upwards to make sure our connection was as deep as it could get.

"Haa haa haa." We both panted as we looked into each other's eyes, both of us in this moment loving that we took this step off the edge of the cliff.

"That was amazing." We both said at the same time before sharing a soft tentative kiss.

"That was the best sex, I've ever had." I told her honestly not remembering the last time sex ever felt this good, making a very pleased smile that was already plastered on her lips widened even further.

"It was pretty amazing." Mia replied as she wiggled her hips still feeling my hard cock inside of her.

"You're still hard." Mia replied as she let out a soft disbelief filled moan.

"Mmm, we're just getting started." I replied softly with confidence but while also making sure there was a questioning tone in my voice leaving Mia with the feeling of safety and control.

"Hmm." Mia hummed pretending as if she was actually making a decision on whether or not to continue even as her hips started to slowly gyrate.

"Where are we anyways?" Mia asked me without halting the movement of her hips.

"My place." I replied back to her honestly.

"Your place is our place 1327." Mia replied in a hot sigh.

"It is, but this is my separate place. You know a place where I can go when I need to get my head clear, and have some me time." I replied as I gripped Mia's ass.

"Or a private place to bring the prettiest girl in the world to." I continued while giving Mia a slightly cheesy smile.

"Where she at? I'll cut her." Mia playfully growled while knowing it was her I was referring to.

"Can't, I won't let it happen, she is my fam." I replied back honestly and Mia swooned before she initiated a loving kiss before proceeding to start bouncing herself up and down my length again.

"Mmm ahh, you know there's a bed, and I'd really like to lay you down. To show how much, I appreciate you, and all you did for my birthday." I whispered and moaned as our kiss was broken by Mia's own moans.

"Just-one-haa-hmm-more-nnnn-time like this, car-ahh-sex-Oh-is-SOh-so hot, and-nnn-it's-haa-your-nnn-birthday." Mia replied while moaning and sighing as she moved on to kissing, licking and placing love bites along my neck.

I was left entranced as Mia moved her body up and down my length, her small breasts bouncing rhythmically as her one hand was up in her hair and the other on her ass as mine supported her on her hips.

One thought entering my mind was. 'How is she doing this when the sealing is so low?'

"Ahh-Jesse-nnn-you're-mmm-close again I can-ahh feel it." Mia moaned snapping me out of my trance like state making me lean forward planting kisses along her collarbone.

"I am." I groaned through my kissing her body.


The Goddess watched her author and Mia Toretto connect and she was quite happy at this turn of events until she heard him say that Mia was the one to give him the best sex of his life and not her.

Before overreacting and letting that comment cut her too deeply she looked into his heart and mind and saw that she was actually equal to Mia.

Which didn't improve her sour mood but also made her less upset but it was when she saw and felt why he actually said what he said it was because of the pain he felt waking up and finding her gone.

And that the letter and all the cars or money in the world couldn't fix the kind of heartbreak he felt from her absence.

'It's not like it didn't hurt me too.' She thought to herself as a tear of pure divine energy slipped from her eye and she granted him the wish of not having to worry about fatherhood until herwas ready for it by granting him the ability to control the fertility of his sperm with will alone.

The radiant drop of light falling passed through any and all obstacles that could halt or impede its travel if it were a true tear drop as it fell onto his head, her author's head.

'There.' She thought to herself as she bestowed another divine gift onto him besides the cars and a safe place that only he and those who only have good intentions towards him with no negative feelings in their heart can find.

Everyone else would get turned around and forget where they had been heading if they tried to reach the Papermill.


At some point Mia and I left the Impala and made our way to the bed. I wasn't really sure how, everything had kinda become a blur around the second time Mia and I came together and it felt like a drop of water landed on my head.

Now I was looking down at Mia who just looked beyond words I knew to truly describe and express how I felt.

She looked with her long brown locks splayed out behind her head like a flowing crown that contrasted beautifully with the stark white sheets and pillow casings.

Her olive/caramel toned and tanned skin glistened in a thin layer of sweat, her hand running across her flat tummy, sliding down between her widely splayed legs, that were up in triangles as she spread her lower lips. With her index and middle finger showing off that her lips were already stained white with my cum that had leaked out from her depths while also managing to look like a delicious Connolly stuffed with cream filling.

'The thought of being a father is terrifying, but if Mia is going to look like this then there's no way I can resist the urge to creampie her every time we're together.' I thought to myself as I slid myself onto the bed running my hands along her long beautiful legs, my head coming up to just below her navel.

Leaning downwards licking her navel, planting feather light kisses around it loving the way Mia squirmed and moaned under me as her fingers threaded throughout my hair.

"J-j-Jesse ahhnn." Mia moaned sensually in need as she closed her thighs around my lower torso.

"Mia." I devilishly whispered back to her calling out my name in need.

Kissing my way up along her body while my hands led the accent upwards quickly and harshly squeezing her breasts making her let out a gasp before releasing them as.

I licked and kissed the underside of her breast before moving up the small valley between them planting kisses all the way moving further upwards hitting her collarbone pressing my hard cock head against her waiting entrance.

"Jesse please put it in me." Mia pleaded in an ecstatic yet agonized voice that was filled with pleading.

Letting out an evil chuckle as I bit down on her neck and buried myself in her depths at the same time making her scream out in pained ecstacy.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH-JE-SSS-EEE! ! !" her inner walls clenching around me as she came on my cock from the buildup and I let go releasing another load inside of her.

After that the night continued to blur and I found myself spooning Mia from behind. My semi-hard cock snuggled between Mia's soft thighs as her head rested on my bicep while my other arm was swung over her middle and being hugged against her chest.

Nuzzling my nose into her hair as my eyes slowly became lidded.

Mia was half out of it in a haze and falling asleep rapidly when she felt Jesse kiss the back of her head before his breathing became steady.

'Maybe, we have a chance to find happiness together.' Was Mia's last thought as she fell asleep in an embrace that filled her with feelings of safety, security and a warmth she hadn't felt since losing her father and her brothers.


Waking up to morning rays of sunlight shining into the room, feeling hairs tickling against my face, along the warm soft body of a woman in my arms, I let out a breath I hadn't even realized I was holding onto.

Taking a deep breath through my nose made it crinkle instinctively as the sour smells of sweat and sex cloyed in my nostrils along with the faded smell of Mia's perfume.

But that still was not enough to make me want to get up out of bed when it felt good laying in bed with Mia.

'This is much better than waking up to an empty bed. Even if my arm is numb.' I thought to myself as I nuzzled my face into the crook of Mia's neck before falling back to sleep again.

Mia's eyes cracked open and if it weren't for the strong arms wrapped around her and the big fat cock still between her thighs she'd have thought last night was a dream.

'I just hope I don't mess things up, maybe it would be best to tell him that it's just sex and now that we got it out of our systems we should just go back to being friends, best friends, family.' Mia thought to herself even though her heart ached at the thought of losing the feelings she fell asleep to last night.

So she decided to bask in his embrace for as long as it lasted falling back to sleep minutes later.

I felt Mia stirring beside me, making me let out a soft groan as I felt the loss of the soft embrace around my morning wood. While my bladder threatened to burst.

"Sorry, for waking you up I really have to pee." Mia said as she looked around and saw the bathroom through the open door.

"It's fine, I have to go too." I replied, only catching a glimpse of her ass as she disappeared into the bathroom leaving the door open.

Getting out of bed and walking into the bathroom.

'Am I breaking some fundamental rule for a new relationship? I mean we've fucked quite a bit and we've seen/explored each other's bodies quite thoroughly. So there shouldn't be any problems with me entering the bathroom while she's peeing, right?' I thought while also asking myself in my mind.

Reaching into the shower feeling the cold glass of the door against my bare chest and the cold chill of the metal shower handle against the skin of my hand as I turned on the rainfall shower my hair became wet with water.

(Toilet flushing sounds.)

"Shower is nice and warm Mia." I told her back up to let her get in if she wanted to.

"Thank you Jesse." Mia replied with a sweet smile on her lips as she wiggled her hips together.

"No problem Mia." I replied as I placed a chaste kiss to her lips and took a few steps to the toilet as Mia entered the shower closing the door behind her.

"HAAAA, That feels good." I groaned as the ache in my bladder went away and my cock started to go soft, until I looked into the shower and saw Mia bending over lathering her long legs with soap.

'I'm sure Mia wouldn't mind sharing a shower to preserve the environment.' I thought to myself as I slipped in behind her pressing myself up against her soapy rump making her gasp.

"(Ghah) Jesse, don't just sneak up on me like that !" Mia said with some heat in her voice as she spun around and smacked my bicep a few times.

Making me chuckle as I grabbed her ass and pulled her tightly against me.

"I'll remember that for the next time I join you in the shower." I replied with a slight smirk at Mia's annoyed but also amused smile on her face.

"Humm, sound pretty confident in yourself saying next time." Mia humphed even as she plastered herself even closer against me.

"Nah, just sure of a good thing." I replied while leaning down to kiss her lips.

'God, how do I do this? How do I tell him I just want to go back to being friends when I love being in his arms like this, to feel his lips against mine, his hands on my body to feel how much he desires and loves me.' Mia thought to herself as she found herself not only giving into the kiss but also stroking his already erect penis that was resting just underneath her breasts against her tummy.

"I should get to the store." Mia said even as she kept up her ministrations of sliding her hand up and down the base of my shaft.

"Dom, can run the store for a change." I whispered as I picked her up, pressing her up against the wall of the shower.

"You know he can't." Mia sighed against my lips.

"The team can help him, we're spending the day together." I reassured her while leaving no room for argument.

"Mmm." Mia hummed.

"You're really stinky." Mia suddenly teased.

"Let me wash you first." Mia continued speaking with a naughty smile on her lips.

Letting Mia slide down my body to stand on her own feet. Only for her to slide down onto her knees in front of me reaching up grabbing the bottle of expensive looking body wash.

Looking up at me from her position on the floor, her deep brown eyes entrancing as she nuzzled her face against my throbbing cock never breaking eye contact, not even as she licked from the underside of my cock from base to the top and back down to the base again.

Before she moved downwards kissing my balls and my thighs as she moved lower still until she started to pump some of the body wash into her hand lathering them together before starting to wash my legs even lifting my feet up scrubbing between my toes.

'Is it wrong, I feel so damn good being pampered like this?' I thought to myself as I tried not to moan at Mia's skillful hands moving along my body.

The way she'd softly plant kisses against my skin in places before washing said places she kissed.

Mia was standing behind me now her front plastered against my back as she was soaping up my front running her hands all across my torso before moving up further to rub my shoulders.

The sliding all the way back down my body where she started to tease my cock again stroking me off from behind.

"You're evil." I groaned out at the pleasurable torture from Mia's constant edging job.

"This is payback, for how you teased me last night." Mia replied putting a specific emphasis on her words that made my skin tingle as she whispered/blew into my ear.

"Mia please." I finally said as I was unable to take any more of her edging.

"Okay." She whispered smokily in my ear, her voice filled with a victorious lilt.

Mia quickly started turning her hands right and left while stroking my cock at a fast pace.

"FFF-UHH-CCC-KKK ! ! !" I groaned slash moaned out loudly as powerful jets of cum shot from my cock strong enough there was a visible flex and recoil with every shot that thickly smeared against the granite tiled shower wall.

My head felt fuzzy as my world spun a little from the powerful orgasm but even through that.

I was still able to turn around and grab Mia spinning her around so her ass was facing me as I pushed her forward and she reflexively put her hands out catching herself against the shower wall.

Moving her legs apart by kicking her feet outwards a little bit.

"J-Jesse wh-what are you doing?" Mia asked with a bit of nervousness leaking into her voice.

'Part of me wants to take her sweet little virgin asshole.' I thought to myself even though I slid into her snug quim that seemed to have conformed to my size throughout our night together.

"OOH Jesse FuCk YeAsss." Mia moaned out as I started taking her hard and fast from behind without showing any mercy.


Hours later after Mia's and my own skin had gone beyond what some people refer to as pruned.

After our many bouts of hot passionate shower sex and of pretending to be cleaning each other off afterwards when really it was all a ploy to continue naughty shower time.

Mia and I found ourselves in the modern looking kitchen, Mia sitting on my lap while wearing a soft puffy white bathrobe while I was wearing an earthy brown one.

My one arm wrapped around her middle while one of hers was wrapped around the back of my neck while our free arms were used to feed each other a quick brunch of cold cuts that were in the fridge.

"Jesse, how did you afford this place and the cars? Everything in here and this building would have cost at least a 100 million dollars, did you steal everything here?" Mia asked me seriously while looking deep into my eyes not breaking the lovey dovey atmosphere but I could tell she was just genuinely worried about my safety.

'Should I tell her Jackie left all of this to me in a letter?...yes, no solid relationship is built on lies, while white lies maybe but this is too big to lie about.' I thought to myself as I mentally prepared myself to explain to Mia that this place and everything in it once belonged to my one nightstand that left everything to me before she vanished.

"This place, the cars and everything else in it belong to me legally,...they were given to me by Jackie…the girl I brought to the bbq." I told Mia and I could see something in her eyes and feel it through her body language.

'How do I compete with a woman that gave Jesse almost every car guy's wet dream?' Mia asked herself as her inferiority complex started to kick into overdrive.

"O-OH I-I should probably get to the store, I can take a taxi, you don't have to take me." Mia said as she started to get up out of my lap feeling like if I didn't do something now to show Mia how sincere my feelings were for her I'd lose her.

"No, I told you yesterday I'd work the store today so you could get some R and R, just let me throw on some clothes and I'll take you back to the house.

"Jesse, you don't have to." Mia replied a bitter taste filling her mouth as she did so not because she didn't want to spend more time with him or anything like that.

She just needed some alone time and some girl talk with Letty about what she'd just found out and was trying to use the store as an excuse to leave.

"Mia, even if I don't have to, I want to, you deserve some time to yourself. Maybe you and Letty could go get your hair and nails done or something making Mia arch and eyebrow at me that said seriously our nails and hair done.

"Hey, I was just using it as an example, I just meant you could have some girl time with your best friend." I continued speaking, most likely putting my foot even further in my mouth.

"Sometimes, you really are just too sweet Jesse." Mia finally said as she gave me a few chaste kisses on my lips, before moving down the steps into the living room towards the Impala probably to collect her discarded clothing from the night before.

Throwing on some clothes quickly before exiting the bedroom spotting Mia who was now fully dressed admiring the GT500.

"We can take her out if you'd like, she's one of my favorites too." I told her from above, looking down at the silver colored mustang with black racing stripes and Rally racing like headlights on the front of her.

"Are you sure? This car has to be worth a million flat out and our neighborhood isn't the safest." Mia asked and even though she was putting up a slight amount of protest I could tell she was dying to take it out.

"What's the point of having such a beautiful lady and not taking her for a long hard drive." I joked trying to relieve some tension that I'd felt from Mia ever since I told her about Jackie giving me this place and everything in it.


After dropping Mia off at home driving the GT500 finding it odd Mia didn't want to drive it at first until I realized it probably had to do with it previously belonging to Jackie.

'Did I make a mistake by telling her that all of this came from Jackie? I thought it'd be better to be honest about it rather than lie about making some good investments recently, or about selling some computer programs I wrote. HAAAAA, why is this shit so hard?" I thought to myself as I repeatedly palm smacked my forehead harshly as I drove to the store, happy that the Torreto's tend to only open up at 11am and close at 9pm.

Parking in front of the store so I'd have a good view of my second baby girl from the front counter. Getting out of the car, opening the front bay door, turning on the lights and cash register counting out the day's starting change.

Returning to the car grabbing out my backpack while sitting down at the counter removing a talisman tracing around it on one of the clean notepads I'd stashed underneath the counter.

Drawing accurate dimensions of the talisman while writing down measurements I was making with a ruler using the metric side over the standard.

'Hmm, now for a temporary solution to keep them on me at all times without having to have them surgically implanted into my body, because that just sounds incredibly painful to have twelve stones just kicking around inside your body with the Horse Talisman constantly keeping you healthy.' I thought to myself as I started drawing up little brackets that would snap onto a belt or something.

While also making a drawing for arm bands like they had in the cartoon the golden dragon which Jackie Chan Adventures was pretty much a knock off of.

Hmm, only three can really fit on each band without making them look trashy, so I'd need leg bands and arm bands this way, three on each limb. Could work until I figure out if there is a laser powerful enough to destroy the Talismans and have their individual powers transferred over to my body.' I thought to myself as a certain Blondie started to enter the store and was about to leave until he saw me sketching away on the note pad.

'Thank the Goddess, Jesse was a skilled artist and I inherited his skill for it along with his brains.' I thought to myself also glad that the Horse Talisman cured my new body of its neurobehavioral disorder and budding lung cancer.

"That looks pretty cool bruh." Brian said as he sat down on a stool across the counter from me.

"Thanks, you want something?" I asked him with an indifferent attitude.

"Yeah, Tuna on white, no crust, and some chips." He replied with an infectious smile.

'Besides his looks, I can see why Mia fell for him so easily in the movies, besides it being a plot device.' I thought to myself while looking at him and pointing at a wall clip with small one serving sized bags of various chips, pretzels and other snacks hanging off of it.

"Grab the chips you want." I told him as I grabbed out a couple nitrile food grade gloves, putting them on before grabbing out a couple slices of bread, applying the tuna/mayo spread onto the bread, grabbing the sharp knife out of the wooden knife holder, quickly removing the crust and cutting the sandwich into triangles.

"What's this thing man?" Brian asked while picking up the Sheep Talisman that had been resting in the notepad I was sketching on.

"Family heirloom, I'd appreciate it if you didn't touch it's old." I replied as I set the paper plate down in front of him.

"Sorry." Brain said as he gently set the stone back into the notepad he'd picked it up from.

"It's not that big of a deal, you didn't know." I replied to him while thinking in my mind that it was a good thing he didn't activate it by accident.

"So, is Mia okay?" Brain asked while looking like a worried puppy.

"She's fine just taking some time off, you know bruh you're coming off as a massive creep slash stalker. The kinda guy that disappears and is never seen from again around here." I told him while making a cold hard look appear in my eyes.

Brain's mouth hung open and he was starting to move his lips but no words were coming out as he started to flail his arms around.

"Your license, hand it to me. And before you try and say no any business in California that sells alcohol has the right to card anyone entering the premises whether they're buying or not under the Jacksom case of 1997." I made up some bullshit to get his license.

Brian handed me his card while still trying to come up with some kind of excuse.

"Brain Earl Spilner, you a rapist or a serial killer brain, doesn't matter your name sounds like it could belong to either. You're banned from this store if you come back. I'll inform law enforcement and have a restraining order placed on you for Mia's safety.

If you come around again after that, you'll vanish, now get the fuck outta here." I told him as I finished writing down all the information on the card and flung it out the door just in time for the crew minus letty to pull up in front of the store just as Brian was picking up his license.

Brain slipped past everybody getting into his Ford Lightning and driving off with a look on his face that said he's in deep shit and pissed off as he squealed the tires driving off.

"What was that about?" Dom asked while looking at me seriously and I could tell by the look in his eyes he had something he wanted to seriously discuss.

Noticing Vince looking at me with a betrayed expression while also at the same time looking like he wanted to give me a high five and cave my head in.

Leon was looking at me like I was an alien to him and seemed to be keeping his guard up towards me. As the three of them sat down at the counter.

"That guy, the phone company van there, you know the second phone line van that is also sitting across from a place of business belonging to us, it's all just wrong Dom…that guy is a cop." I told them seriously while meeting Dom's quarter mile stare head on with my full mile one as I wrote on a fresh page of the notepad I was using to sketch on.

THEY ARE ONTO US ! ! ! Was written on the notepad in big bold capital letters.

Tearing off the note, lighting it on fire with the zippo I grabbed out of the clothes I woke up into this world in along with a pack of Newport cigarettes before dropping the burning sheet of paper into the sink letting it burn to ash.

"Jesse, it's probably just your meds." Talking Dom finally replied back to me again disregarding what I told him.

Felling a wave of anger I grabbed the napkin holder and smashed it on the counter completely crushing the napkin dispenser.

"GET IT THROUGH YOU'RE FUCKING THICK SKULL, THEY ARE FUCKING ON TO US ! ! ! ! ! !" I angrily shouted before taking a deep calming breath.

"Dom they are onto us, I'm sure they've narrowed it down to us or Johnny Tran, this is serious Dom, it's not paranoia induced by meds okay this shit is real." I continued talking in a much calmer tone of voice too calm even for someone like Jesse.

"Calm down Jess, I have a friend on the force, we're still in the clear they're only suspicious of us, and going off of circumstantial evidence being that the civics that are hitting the trucks are using Mashimoto ZX tires.

Just trust me Jesse, I don't ever want to go back just like you don't, I'd never put our team in any more danger than we can handle." Dom did his best to reassure me in a voice and way I'd used many times myself as a big brother.

"Yeah, see Jesse we're good." Both Leon and Vince tacked on, as while Dom and I were having our stare down they'd moved to either side of me probably in preparation of a rage attack that some people with neurobehavioral disorders suffer from.

"Sorry Dom, I didn't know about your contact." I replied honestly with a slight feeling of regret towards doubting Dom's commitment to his family.

'Wait, if Dom has a guy on the inside how does he not know that Brain is undercover? Something ain't right about this. Dom knows how smart Jesse is, so he should know Jesse won't buy his bullshit for long.' I thought to myself as I started to again doubt Dom's loyalty to his family while reminding myself that this isn't family Dom yet this is a couple years out of prison party animal outlaw Dom.

'Maybe I should distance myself from the Torreto's after this next job…well not all Torreto's, just Dom since he's on this bullshit.' I thought to myself while the thought of distancing myself from Mia caused a hard to describe feeling in my chest.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Mia ran into Dom's room jumping onto the bed next to the lounging Letty who was smoking a cigarette.

"Dois Mayo, Mia what are you doing? !" Letty asked in shock as she quickly picked up the cigarette that she'd dropped.

"I slept with Jesse last night." Mia said with tears in her eyes as she was looking to Letty for either comfort or a chastising.

"How was he?" Letty asked with a co-conspirator look on her face and a naughty smile on her lips.

"LETTY, this is serious." Mia yelled Letty's name before bringing her voice back down to an acceptable level.

"It is, I want to know all the deets, then we can do damage control and I can knock some sense into you over trying to talk yourself out of being with such a great guy." Letty replied as the sheet slid off her body revealing she was still very naked in bed.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Listening to Mia blatantly brag about Jesse's massive cock, his amazing skills in bed and the big loads of cum he seemed to be able to release endlessly.

I had to try very hard not to touch myself while imagining myself in her place.

During her full in depth telling of not only what they'd done the night before but also this morning.

Listening to how in love Mia sounded when she described how safe, warm and loved she felt when she fell asleep in Jesse's arms.

And here Mia is coming to me crying over finding a guy who can fuck her senseless, and treat her like a queen while I'm in love with a cheating guy who can't even get me off.

Mia wants to end things before they get too serious because she's afraid if she gets too attached to him to the way he makes her feel she'll lose him.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

"Mia." Letty said to me in a way that made me feel like a stupid child throwing a fit over nothing.

"You've been through a lot, first losing your mom, then your dad while Dom got locked up so you ended up in the system for a bit before I was able to get you, and then getting both your brothers back only for one to go ghost on you.

You're scared you're going to lose Jesse but sis if you push Jesse away now out of this fear, you're going to lose him anyway, maybe not from him leaving or anything but…he'll find someone else someone who'll realize, what they have and never let him go you'll have to watch her be happy with him and constantly wonder what it would have been like if it were you.

Mia, you have to give it a chance, a real chance, I get that it's scary I do, you know I do." Letty replied and told Mia in a way that conveyed a lot of suppressed and concealed emotions that she'd only ever share with her little sis Mia.

"Letty, I'm scared." Mia said as she and Letty shared a hug.

"I know." She whispered as she rubbed the back of Mia's head.

"Thank you Letty." Mia finally said as she pulled out of the hug her eyes drawn down to Letty's naked body before looking back up at her face.

"Did you actually?" Mia asked in a way that showed she was curious and concerned about something but also a little disgusted by the idea of hearing the answer to the question she'd asked.

"No." Letty said in a voice that bellied a deep sadness.

"We'll just have to keep trying, we can't keep living this way and we can't abandon the guys to take the heat while we run off to Mexico." Mia replied, her voice breaking as she imagined Jesse in cuffs being loaded into a cop car.

"You know Dom doesn't plan on letting Jesse take the fall, especially not now that you're together, together with him." Letty comforted Mia.

"Letty, we never actually talked about what we were to each other. Jesse could just be telling me what I want to hear to…" Mia started to express while her voice became slightly worried.


"Ow, what was that for?" Mia questioned Letty who'd slapped the back of her head.

"You know why, if Jesse just wanted sex he could have had Tia and Tamera, heck he probably could have had anyone else at the party too, but he chose you Mia, that boy has always chosen you and neither one of you have ever realized it. Dom isn't the reason he came or stayed Mia you are." Letty told Mia in a way that told her that that was final and this part of the conversation was over.

"So why don't you tell me the reason…you're doubtin yourself." Letty told her to which Mia told her about the Papermill filled with classic and modern sports and muscle cars, motorcycles, trucks and even a few recreational vehicles and how they were all left to him by the mysterious Jackie.

"DOIS MIHO ! ! !. That is a lot to take in." Letty replied in shock, wanting to see the Papermill for herself.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Jackie was watching both Mia's conversation with Letty and her author's drawing designs for Talisman holders when she received a prayer from him making her coo in happiness.

You're welcome my author, my love.' She thought in her mind while putting her attention back on Mia and Letty wanting to make sure she didn't miss anything with Mia so she could make sure her author didn't have his heart broken or if he did she'd create a true ride or die bitch for him that would heal his heart and keep him loved and safe in all the ways I want to but can't.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

"Vince Leon, why don't you guys head back to the shop ahead of me, I want to talk to Jesse alone for a bit." Dom finally said after eating the sub I'd put together for him while Vimce finished up his chicken nuggets and french fries, while Leon drank a protein shake.

"Sure thing Dom." The two hopped to their feet and left without any resistance though Vince never lost that look of betrayal on his face and in his body language while his eyes told me he was still trying to figure out what he wanted to do to me.

Once Vince and Leon were gone Dom let out a big sigh. "Jess, don't think I'm not happy that you and Mia are doing whatever you're doing, with one another, just be careful. I don't want to see either of you getting hurt or end up driving a wedge between the rest of us if things go down." Dom finally said not giving me the same talk as he did Brain or the threat no he just gave me a warning and raised another flag.

"Thanks Dom, but it's Mia…I don't think I have anything to worry about with her." I replied honestly because the Mia that I remember from the movies and just from Jesse's memories really did seem like the kinda girl who you could trust with anything.

The look on Dom's face though after I said that told me he didn't think so, which planted a seed of doubt inside me towards Mia.

"So, we have a job planned that we'll need your help with early in the morning." Dom finally said as he got up from the stole and pulled me into a bro hug from the other side of the counter.

"I'll be there." I replied while patting his back, while thinking okay you can let go of me now.

"Good, and Jesse if you break her heart I'll break your knees." Dom said after releasing me from his too long to be an acceptable bro hug, while standing inside the open door of his car looking at me with a serious face.

"I know, Wouldn't expect anything less,…I won't go down easy though Dom, so you better bring everything you got." I replied with a cheeky smile while semi-joking with him.

"Hahaha." Dom laughed as he got into his little red RX-7 and drove off either back to the shop or to check on the civics and start the prep work for the job.

Looking down at my sketches for different holding/carrying methods for my Talisman's, I couldn't help but wish I was a dragon sorcerer like Shendu so I could just absorb my talismans painlessly.

'Or if I had some magical way to do it.' I thought to myself as my backpack fell over and the Talisman case half slid out making me pick up the bag and the case separately and that's when I felt it through the fabric.

'The Oni Mask, I've been so busy with getting into Mia's pants and playing around with the Talisman's that I've neglected to even think about this.' I thought to myself as I removed the Oni Mask from the bag looking at the angry red demon face with wild white hair.

'Could the Shadowkhan? Nah, that'd be crazy right there's no way a goddess would give me such a cheat right? I mean especially if the Tiger Talisman is inside me, and I use the Oni Mask even without her modifications the chance of being corrupted is pretty much zero.

But all of that would hang on whether or not the Shadowkhan can magically install the Talisman's into my body like by using their shadow or darkness manipulation abilities.' I thought to myself excited to give it a try and find out.

'It's not like there's usually all that many customers, I could probably close up shop and go try out my idea.' I thought to myself as I had an itch to go through with it.

Resisting the urge to go immediately follow through with my idea and instead putting away the Sheep Talisman inside the case before storing the case back into the backpack.

Idly imagining myself pulling a Clark Kent and sweeping a girl off her feet with a flight through the sky but quickly threw it away because of how dumb it actually was.

'That'd be just plain stupid, between satellite imagining, the cold and yeah there's just so many things wrong with that, maybe if I was able to turn both of us invisible maybe, but if say the NSA

saw us through thermal imaging they'd think we were a warm pocket of air.' I thought to myself while also reminding myself that we're only a few months away from 9/11 happening.

'Ahhh, if only our country didn't train a bunch of terrorist cells, so well just so we could get access to a fresh untapped oil field.' I thought to myself trying not to lose myself in conspiracy theories.

Looking up at the clock on the wall, watching for a minute or two until it felt like time was at a standstill because I was doing so. Which was making my body pulsate with need to do something, anything but tap my feet against the floor or bounce my knees up and down rapidly.

Looking around, feeling like I was going to jump right out of my skin, due to my impatience to get back to the Papermill, So I could test out my idea of using the Shadowkhan to implant the Talisman's into me, and then use the tiger Talisman which is for spiritual balance to counteract the effect of the Oni Mask, I grabbed the notepad I'd been writing on the day before and picked where I left off when Mia interrupted me.

'Hmm, Asher is getting ready to leave the UK and head to America, Mystique Falls to be exact. When Hermione bursts into his room through the door, and throws herself at him kissing his lips pushing her tongue into his mouth, the tearing of fabric reaches Hermione's ears. But she doesn't care this is what she wants, she wants to be with Asher she doesn't care that Asher and Ginny have a secret relationship or that Luna is looney for Asher's cock, no none of that matters to her in this moment it's just her and her best friend taking the next step as he slowly enters her virgin cunny inside his private dorm room.' I thought to myself as I wrote constantly making little changes to the words used to make it sound better adding in more details here and there. By the time I was done I felt like I had another good chapter for my TVD/HP crossover.

'I wonder if she'll like this?' I asked myself as I pulled out a cigarette feeling the menthol tingling against my lips even though it was only the filter. Haa, I've missed smoking.' I wondered in my mind, before sparking up my cig feeling that nice cool burn filling my throat and my lungs.

'Healing Talisman plus Immortality Talisman means I can drink and smoke as much as I want with no ill effects and I can still get totally wasted.' I thought to myself as I looked over at the hard liquor shelves eyeing a bottle of Jameson's Irish Whiskey.

'Hello there, my old friend, we meet again.' I joked to myself while stopping myself from going over to get a bottle off the shelf.

"Best net start down that road again." I whispered to myself as I pulled my eyes away from the liquor shelves and just enjoyed my smoke.

'Probably shouldn't be smoking at the counter, but fuck it, used to do it at the Pizza place.' I thought to myself as I ashed into the ash tray under the counter to the right of the cash drawer.

'looks like Mia is a naughty girl, secretly smoking.' I smirked to myself as I found a little bit of blackmail evidence.

'Or it's the ashtray Jesse would use when here.' Realizing it may not actually be blackmail material for me to use but instead for her to use against me.

After four hours of zero customers, not even the kids who come in to try and steal candy, I was ready to close up shop.

When little Tony came running into the shop with tears in his eyes running straight for me his little fists rubbing his eyes before he spread them out wide impacting me with all the force his little body could muster.

"Bwig Bwother Wesse Dad is hwittin Mommy." Tony cried as he rubbed his tear streaked snot nosed face against my abdomen.

'But he took off, why the fuck would he come back?' I thought to myself as I put my hands on Tony's shoulders gently pushing him back while kneeling down so that we were eye level.

"Tell me slowly what's going on little man." I told Tony, while keeping my voice on the calmer side but with a serious tone that showed him I wanted to quickly help his mother.

"W-we saw Daddy with his new baby, and Mom got angry and started yelling at him about me and child support and then daddy handed his baby to it's mommy and started slapping my mommy she's fighting back." Tony told me through tears but being the champ that he was he was able to get everything out.

"Where are they buddy?" I asked softly while ruffling his hair gently.

"The park over there that has the playground." Tony replied while pointing to the one of four parks with a playground that isn't used by drug dealers.

"Okay buddy, I'm going to call auntie Mia to come stay with you, you'll stay here like a good boy for me right?" I asked him seriously while quickly grabbing a few candy bars and holding them in front of his face.

"Okay." Tony replied as he snatched the candy bars from my hand and ran to the back office to sit in the chair at the desk to eat them.

(Ring ring ring) I dialed Mia's number as I quickly shut the stores door and got in the GT500 starting her up roasting the tires in reverse, jacking the wheel, before putting her in first roasting the tires some more as I clenched the flip phone between my ear and my shoulder.

"Hello, Jesse." Mia answered the phone, her voice sounding happy and worried at the same time.

"Get to store asap, Tony there alone candy." I managed to say as I started driving on the grass of the park quickly finding where Sierra and I think his name was John or something like that.

Making the car slide to a stop a few steps away from the fighting pair using my door as a battering ram hitting Tony's father in the back with it.

Knocking him over while Sierra managed to stay on her feet. Looking at Sierra, it was like I was a ten year old kid again looking at my own mother who'd just been hit by my little brother's father and I snapped.

Bringing my foot down hard on his leg not even registering the crunch of bone as I did so just doing it again and again.

As I also grabbed his nappy ass hair wrenching his head backwards and to the side delivering solid downwards hits to his face.

It wasn't enough. Ten twenty punches in I could still see his face. I could see my little brother's father's face and it was pissing me off even more.

I couldn't hear the screams telling me to stop as I dragged him over to the open car door, putting his face in the door jam slamming my hand down hard on the door, in preparation of using it to turn Rex's face into hamburger.

I couldn't feel the hands on me trying to pull me away. All I could do was see that face, the perfectly ugly pristine face of the bastard that I wanted to see smashed to pieces.

'You won't hurt either of them ever again.' I thought to myself as I was about to smash his face with the door when strong hands grabbed me around the middle from behind, ripping me off my feet and throwing me away as two sets of arms grabbed hold of me.

"VINCE LEON GET HIM OUT OF HERE NOW ! ! !" A voice I recognized breaking through my rageful haze I wasn't seeing my little brother's father anymore just a very pissed off and worried Dom, a scared yet satisfied looking Sierra a woman clutching a baby to her chest as she trembled and a guy who looked even worse than the guy who called Mia a whore.

"Dom, I think he's fine now he's not struggling anymore." I heard Vince say as he relaxed his grip on me.

"Get off me." I growled as I ripped myself free of Vince and Leon's grips going over to my GT500 side stepping Dom pulling the guy out from the inside of the door jam while getting into my car driving back to the store hearing police sirens heading in the direction of the park.

Stopping at the store, quickly finding the bay door open slipping inside while Mia and Tony watched Scooby-Doo cartoons in the office grabbing my backpack moving to leave quickly.

Only for Letty who I didn't notice at all to grab my forearm. Our eyes met and she let go.

"Are you sure you want to be alone right now Jesse?" Letty asked and I didn't know so I shook my head no in response as I moved to get back to the car as soon as possible. I was just shutting my door when Mia opened the passenger side door and entered the car.

"Ohh my god Jesse is any of this your's? we have to get you to the hospital." Mia said frantically as she tried to inspect me for injuries without really touching so she wouldn't aggravate any perceived wounds.

"It's not mine Mia, don't touch it, it belongs to a piece of shit. If Dom and the guy's hadn't stopped me I would have killed it." I spat venomously as I gripped the steering wheel and the shifter tight enough to turn my knuckles white.

"Jesse." Mia called out my name softly as she put her hand over top of mine, her fingers sliding in-between my own.

"Breath Jesse, just take a deep breath in, and then let it out, yell it out." Her voice was very soft and tender like she'd done this many times before and at that thought I saw there were a lot of memories of Mia helping Jesse through one of his attacks.

"HHHIISSSSSSSSAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH ! ! ! ! ! !" I yelled out in a breath, finding it actually pretty useful for relieving what I was feeling.

"Jesse, the cops, drive." Mia said to me something sounding like excitement in her voice making me punch the accelerator to the floor which knocked Mia and I back into the seat.

Flying by two cop cars that immediately locked up their brakes and tried to follow us.

'Where to go? Where to go? Where to go?' I asked myself as I drifted in between two cop cars that had tried to make a roadblock while Mia shielded her face slightly.

'The Snake Talisman could turn the car invisible but Mia and I will still be exposed like in the cartoon.' I thought to myself as I started to plan on ditching the mustang even though I loved her since Mia's life was in danger like this since every road chase ends the same way in the movies with the car being a flaming hunk of metal while the person or persons burn to death inside.

"Mia, do you trust me?" I asked Mia while looking into her deep brown eyes and saw that she did trust me fully.

"Always." Mia replied back seriously even as I kept eye contact with her and sped up on a collision course with a police barricade.

"Close your eyes and hold onto me, don't open them until I tell you too." I told her softly, reinforcing my words by looking deeply into her eyes.

Mia snuggled closely against me kissing my cheek before closing her eyes tightly. "Ready when you are." She replied back before missing my neck.

Opening my backpack and then the case grabbing out the Rooster, Snake, Pig and Rabbit Talisman's holding onto the four of them and Mia while keeping the bag slung on my arm.

Thanks to the Rabbit Talisman the world around me was like when the Flash runs in the later seasons of The Flash on the CW. Firing heat beams from my eyes, making a hole big enough for the both of us to fly through the new sun roof.

Turning invisible and flying out of the car into the sky flying might be an overstatement as it was more like floating out until I drew on the Rabbit Talisman at the same time as the other three Mia and I blasted off into the sky.

Time returned to normal as I watched the Mustang impact a police cruiser completely smashing in the front end, I then fired a heat blast at the fuel cell, making the mustang turn into a fireball feeling tears leaking from my eyes at the loss of such a beautiful lady.

Flying Mia and I to the Papermill landing on the roof before super speeding us inside the Mill setting Mia down on the couch.

'Shit, we can't stay here for long since Jackie transferred the property and cars to my name, which will have the pigs coming straight here in a flash, well police response time esqued flash so I might have minutes to years it's hard to tell with the 5-O.' I thought to myself as I leaned in and kissed Mia's lips making her kiss me back while keeping her eyes closed.

"You can open your eyes now Mia, we're safe for now." I told her softly our lips centimeters apart.

"Jesse, whatever that was, it felt amazing." Mia said in a breathless voice, I would have liked to pretend she was talking about our kiss just now but for some reason, I was sure she was speaking about the powers given by the Talismans.

Smiling at her cheesily. "Yeah I am a pretty good kisser." I replied, making Mia giggle against my lips and kiss me again.

"Hehehe, you are a great kisser." Mia continued to giggle after separating from the kiss smiling at me while telling me I was a great kisser.

"But, I think you know that's not what I'm talking about. Don't you trust me Jesse?" Mia asked with a scared look in her eyes a look that screamed she didn't need to know how what or why she just needed to be given the same trust she gave me.

"I know, I-I can do things-things, I can't explain, because I don't know how they work. It started the morning you woke me up on the couch…, I lied about the meds Mia.

They aren't the reason why I've changed so much, I had this out of body experience, Mia…I think, I think I died and then came back to life again." I confessed in a partial truth as I choked on a sob remembering my death and my loved ones I'd never see again.

"Jesse." Mia gasped softly as I truly started to cry, cry for the life and family I'd lost, crying for the pain I'd caused, for the pain I felt, for not only myself but also for Jesse, for the fact he died so that I could live.

Mia pulled me into a hug pulling my face against her breasts as she soothingly ran her fingers through my hair and I found myself clinging to her, as I let out everything I'd been repressing since waking up here that wasn't positive.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Mia didn't know why but holding Jesse like this comforting him when he needed filled her with a sense of completeness, seeing that Jesse was also vulnerable, vulnerable in a way she'd never seen before.

Made her realize there was a lot more to him than she knew, and that intrigued her; it also made her feel even more fiercely protective of him than ever before and that was saying something.

Feeling his soft even breathing against her chest through her open halter top. She could tell he was asleep. The fact he'd been holding so much in that he cried himself to sleep in her arms disturbed her. But it also cemented their relationship in her mind. If he trusted her enough to be this vulnerable around then she can trust him when she needs to be vulnerable.

There was also the fact she remembered that new sensation of being weightless of flying through the air. 'I bet my hair is a mess.' Mia thought to herself while letting out a soft snort at that thought.

'My man is Superman.' Mia thought to herself as her phone started ringing.

(Old Verizon ringtone going off)

Mia quickly moved to get her phone from her back pocket of her shorts seeing that it was Letty who was calling Mia quickly answered it in case something was wrong.

"MIA MIA MIA." Letty yelled through the phone and sounded to Mia like Letty had been crying, while panic was also clear in her voice.

"Letty it's okay, Jesse and I are fine." Mia said into the phone softly not wanting to wake Jesse who looked so peaceful while sleeping, though part of her thought she should make him get off the floor since he was on his knees to do so while she was sitting on the couch.

"Mia…,How are you still alive? I saw what happened to the Mustang, Mia. It exploded." Letty said through the phone but the relief in her voice was palpable.

"I don't know Jesse, he saved us…, we're at his Mill, remember the directions I gave you?" Mia replied into the phone while asking a question of her own.

"Yes, I remember." Letty replied, sounding like she didn't understand why Mia was asking.

"Good, I need you to pack a bag for me with all of the essentials, and then bring it here alone…, Jesse has some issues he needs to work through and I want to help him without anything else getting in the way." Mia replied into the phone.

There was a long pause but Letty finally agreed. "Okay Mia, I'll be there as soon as I can without alerting anyone." Letty replied into the phone the unhappiness of keeping this a secret clear in her voice but she was agreeing to this for her little sister, her best friend, and closest confidant.

"Thank you Letty." Mia replied before hanging up the phone, stalling any conversation between them until they met in person.

'Now how do I keep my superman happy and satisfied?' Mia asked herself as suddenly the image of Letty naked in Dom's bed this morning flashed in her mind making Mia lick her lips seductively.

'Dom and Letty's sex life isn't great, and Letty has been neglecting herself and her needs ever since Dom came home.' Mia thought to herself as she started justifying having her boyfriend fuck her sister and give her what she's lacking in her relationship with Dom, like orgasms.