Talismans In Fast & Furious PT3


Gleen didn't know what to do, what to feel, he'd cried out all the tears he had now he just felt empty.

He felt empty as he put on the black suit his mom had rented him, empty as his mom fixed his hair for him, empty as they got into the car to go to the graveyard.

There wasn't a body or a casket the bullets and suicide vest saw to that, all there was, was an urn that could have had some of that piece of shit's ashes inside of it, along with his brother's.

He looked at the urn and a morbid part of him wished he and his brother died together, no brother just wasn't the right word to describe his relationship with his older brother only now after he's gone did Gleen fully realize that.

A part of him had always none when it was his brother attending all the small things: the award ceremonies, the little graduations for each grade.

The one who'd take him to his doctors appointments, the one who when they were little and left alone stole a car to take him to the hospital because he was running a fever and his ears hurt.

The one who always made sure he had toys, someone to talk to when he was upset or angry. Or when he was little and had nightmares he was always the one who gave the best hugs and let him sleep next to him.

There were just so many things he'd been remembering now, things he'd overlooked because it'd just been normal to him.

Things weren't normal anymore. He heard everyone talking about his brother but felt like most of them didn't know him.

"Shane, Shane was the kind of person who was hard to really understand, he could be meaner than cat piss one minute, then helping you through your hardest moment in life like it was just another Tuesday the next." One person said as they cried a bit in the last sentence.

"I met Shane at college, he was definitely a character, I don't think I've ever met anyone else who could be at home in a city or the country so easily.

The first day we met, my impression of him wasn't the greatest he was a white boy with a sound system bumping to fuck the police with his hair and beard kept neat in blue jeans, work boots and a loose black t-shirt, while wearing black sunglasses.

But he just had this aura about him. Within a few minutes of talking with him I found a friend within ten we were cruising in his car down one of the worst blocks any white boy could ever go on.

But he was as calm as could be when a small gang rolled up on us on their dirt bikes and atvs he didn't panic, I thought this was it for him but within five minutes he was teaching the gang the right way to use the clutches on their wheelers and bikes, before I even knew what was happening we were at a block party with this crew I thought were going to kill him and jump me.

I was watching as he was doing all sorts of tricks on a four wheeler when it blew up like literally blew up and I was like aww shit, I was getting ready to run but was left looking stupid finding out it was a rite of passage in this crew. They lived fast and hard and Shane, Shane fit right in with them.

And when I had my sex change he didn't treat me any differently even though my whole family turned on me. Nope he supported me, though he did make a joke that now that I have a pussy and a pair of tits he didn't have to look around anymore for someone to have some fun with.

I honestly wouldn't be alive today if it weren't for him. He helped me through so much shit and baggage that I know I would have collapsed under if I were alone.

Though there were times when I thought he was going to get us killed. Especially this one day we were going into some territory cause a girl he was banging lived there and just like he was everywhere else he was loud and proud of the things he liked. It didn't matter to him about skin color; he treated everyone equally.

But not everyone treated him equally. Some of the gang members heard what he was bumpin to and singing along with and started firing on us with their guns.

It was like I was in a spy car with James Bond or something this nigga had his car up on two wheels going through turns drifting the car like he'd been doing it all his life and under gun fire at that. (Hic) sorry I can't." She said as she left the little podium.

He heard so many stories about his brother but he couldn't share his own, there were similarities between his memories and their stories. But his were different special sacred, other people didn't deserve to know everything about his brother that he did.

As soon as the decorative urn was put in the ground a thunderstorm rolled in and rain started to pour from the skies and for a moment Glen wondered if someone up there was mourning his brother too.

But he shook those thoughts away. Yes his brother believed in the afterlife but he preferred the idea of reincarnation of his reading and writing history were any indication.

Glen pulled out his phone he'd been letting his brother use during the movie to write on; it'd fallen from his grip at some point probably when he was protecting them with his body.

A lady cop had recovered it and returned it to him, and it was still on the docs screen where his brother had left off. Glen took the phone and set it on top of the urn as a tribute for his older brother to use in the afterlife so he could write wherever he was.

Like how the Greeks would place Drakmahs on the eyes of the dead so they could pay for passage in the afterlife or how pharaohs were buried with their riches and slaves for use in the afterlife as well.

"Goodbye bub." Glen said and he couldn't tell if his vision was blurring from the rain or tears.

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The goddess had tears in her eyes as she watched her Author's funeral and plucked the phone from the grave before any dirt could hit it to make his little brother's gesture come true.

At the same time watching her Author pour out his pain in the embrace of another woman making her feel only slightly jealous but mostly mournful that it couldn't be her there comforting him.

'Maybe this will help a little.' She whispered to herself as she divinely enhanced the Note 10 plus, with divinity before making it so it would appear as a relevant mobile device of the time he was in. While also making it so the phone was completely indestructible and unable to become outdated since it would upgrade its own components when they become obsolete by the time he's in standards.

"Hehehe, I'm so glad Hermione ended up with Asher instead of Ron." The goddess giggled aloud as she read the notepad she'd made a copy of and then returned to the store.

'Giving him this will also make it easier to get my chapter updates.' She thought to herself as she placed the divinity enhanced smartphone into his backpack.

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Mia was taking a selfie by pointing the back camera of her phone at her and Jesse so she'd always have a picture of them like this when she heard this pop.

Looking around the room Mia was left stupefied when the GT500 was parked in its parking spot in pristine condition Mia found herself unconsciously gulping.

'Jackie, isn't normal…' Mia thought to herself her insecurities coming back with a vengeance, until she remembered Jesse wasn't normal either but he chose her and that thought quelled those insecurities and she vowed to give "Jackie" a piece of her mind.

"How do I compete though with someone that can do things like that?" Mia asked and was surprised when she felt Jesse's hot breath against her breasts making her skin tingle while also feeling the vibration of his voice through her chest.

"You don't, you already won." I spoke into Mia's chest wishing that there was a little bit more padding to them even though she was already a healthy b-cup.

Looking up into Mia's brown eyes seeing happy tears starting in her eyes. Moving upwards pecking Mia's lips in a quick kiss.

"Sorry, for earlier I'm sure it doesn't inspir-" I started to apologize for my earlier breakdown only to be silenced by a kiss from Mia.

"Don't apologize, especially not for letting me be there for you." Mia replied softly but sternly with a serious look in her eyes though a soft smile was on her lips.

"Thank you Mia." I replied back to her sincerely with a small smile on my lips.

"Why didn't you say Jackie was special like you? Actually why did it take so long for you to say anything if you were hurting so much?" Mia asked and she was in Mama Toretto mode she even had that mom look down that said no matter what you said you're still in trouble.

"What do you mean special like me?" I asked while feeling something strange inside my chest.

"You…,didn't know, the car we crashed and which exploded just popped back into its parking spot and I didn't go to look at it, but from here it looks like it did before we left here earlier today." Mia replied pointing at what should have been the empty spot of the GT500.

"Holy Shit! How?" I expressed while asking in deep shock.

"I don't know, there was this loud popping noise and then it was here again." Mia replied with surprise, wonder and amazement clear in her voice with only a hint of fear detectable to my ears.

'Jackie has powers?, but this is way beyond the talisman powers, I mean sure the Horse Talisman could have made it like new again. But this is like a respawn in a video game. This is like, reality warping level of ability. If she's this strong, what does that mean for the universe I'm in? Are there more people with powers?' I questioned in my mind starting to feel lightheaded as my world spun with the implications of what all this could mean.

'I shouldn't worry about it too much, just live my life the way I want to and collect all the beautiful women from the movies, heheheMUHAHAHAHA, (Cough cough cough) maybe not all of them.' I reassured myself before having a bit of a naughty evil thought that included Mia, Letty, Monica May, Ramsey, Elena, Isabel, Cipher, Gisele, Hattie. All naked in a massive harem style recessed floor area lounging on big comfy pillows as I laid in the center and they each took turns pleasing me. Mentally coughing in my mind before clearing away those thoughts while now having a raging hard, throbbing, aching for some relief cock.

"And as for why I didn't say anything I guess it was because I hadn't had a chance to do so yet I kept subconsciously putting it off occupying myself with more enjoyable pursuits." I replied as I started kissing down Mia's jaw line to her neck.

"Haaa, Jesse Wait Letty is bringing stuff here for me." Mia told me but didn't sound like she really wanted me to stop.

"Letty's a big girl, it's nothing she hasn't seen or done already." I whispered in Mia's ear as I continued kissing her neck before moving back up to her ear.

"Maybe…, Letty would like to join in if she saw you naked and riding my cock." I spoke softly in her ear as I finished pulling her shorts off, with a little assistance from her as she lifted her butt up to make it easier.

"Ahhhnnn, I'd love to watch you fuck Letty hard and fast." Mia confessed as I slid her already drenched panties over to the side and slid my middle finger into her core.

"My Mia has such a naughty slut hidden inside." I replied before playfully nibbling on her ear lobe.

"Yes, you're Mia." She moaned aesthetically as her inner walls clenched down around my finger.

"I'll fuck Letty so good she'll become addicted to my cock, just for you baby." I promised her as I started teasing her clit with my thumb as I worked my middle finger in and out of her core keeping it curled just right so I hit one of her spots.

"Oh oh oh yes, fuck her so hard Jesse, stuff her so full of your big fat cock and then your thick hot cum, ahh ah ahh over and over again all night long she'll be your good little bitch nnn." Mia moaned and I could tell she was close to cumming on my fingers.

"Cum for me Mia, cum on my fingers baby cum for me." I softly commanded her which seemed to drive her right over the edge as my hand and wrist were splattered with her cum.

"OOO Yes!" Mia moaned out as her face morphed into an O face.

Bringing my drenched fingers and hand up to my mouth licking the thick milky liquid off my fingers that were hit with a coating of it.

"MmmMmMmmm, you taste delicious Mia, I think I'll have another taste." I said with a smirk on my face as I pulled her forward across the black leather couch pulling her panties off easily as her butt was mostly off of the cushion.

'I wonder if the Monkey Talisman could give me a snake or a Venom ton-wait since I consider the symbiotes as animals. Does that mean I can turn into one with all of their powers and abilities?

And if I can, will it also work for something, like say, turning myself into a Kryptonian? So many, so very many possibilities to test out.' I thought to myself as I dove into Mia's folds this time with my tongue reincluding my middle finger and my other hand's thumb.

Mia's hands were in my hair while her soft yet firm thighs hugged the sides of head, even while she kept trying to grind herself against my face.

Sliding my middle finger in and out alone with my tongue moving around her folds and then teasing her inner walls as my thumb lightly played with her clit.

"Ahh ahh ahh Jesse, Yeas more." Mia moaned and I could barely hear it through her thighs but none the less the tone of her voice that was conveyed to me and the frantic grinding of her hips combined with the death grip lock on my hair egged me on further.

Mia's walls clamped down on my finger and tongue as I pinched her clit lightly between the thumb that had been toying and playing with it, and my index finger that had previously been resting with my other fingers against Mia's closely trimmed and well sculpted bush.

OOOHHH YEAS ! ! !" Mia moaned out so loudly I was able to hear her clearly even as my mouth got filled and my tongue/finger got coated in a thick layer of her cum as my face got hit with her spray.

'I've always loved making a girl cum on my face. I don't know why so many guys dislike it, and when they say it's because it's too submissive for them I'm like huh.

Because to me it's a sign of submission of your partner at least it always was to me, giving up my most sensitive and vulnerable part to someone besides my heart to let them take it into their mouth filled with sharp teeth…, (body shivering)

The control it gives that partner to me it always seemed and felt submissive to her, trusting to her on my end and when a woman gave me that same level of control over her I almost always took it as a submissive and trust filled action.

Unless my partner made it obvious otherwise and that they were turning me into their bitch for a bit.' I thought to myself as Mia's hold on me relaxed and I was able to extricate myself from betwixt her thighs.

Mia had a dazed expression on her face as she idly played with my hair.

'I've never had a guy go down on me before it felt…magical.' Mia thought to herself before leaning forward and started licking her juices off of Jesse's face.

"I want to do you too." Mia said to me after she finished licking my face clean like a kitten liking up spilled milk.

"I'm not gonna say no to that." I replied with a smirk as I stood up and kicked off my clothes, when it suddenly dawned on me I was somehow clean and the blood was gone.

'How did that happen?' I asked myself before shrugging it off as Mia gently pushed against my naked ass towards the couch.

Spinning around sitting down on the leather couch finding it comfy as fuck just the right amount of cushy and firm so much so I could see myself sleeping comfortably on it after binging some cartoons like Gargoyles or Mighty Ducks.

Mia looked so erotic on her knees in front of me her top moved and pulled in a way that revealed her breasts, the flushed face combined with the hot needy look in her deep brown eyes.

As she looked up at me and nuzzled my truly gargantuan looking cock against the side of her face while moving her head down lower with her tongue sticking out to the side licking her way down.

The sight of her made me instantly groan as my already throbbing aching cock throbbed even harder.

I had to put my hands somewhere or else I knew I'd force Mia to take me all the way down her throat while she was trying to lead up to the actual blow job.

So I chose to dig my hands into the couch cushions.

Mia smirked up at me as she started using both her hands to stroke my length in circular motion while working her tongue in tandem with her strokes with teasing licks.

"Mia, please?" My voice coming out filled with need and desire making her eyes positively glow and a naughty smile appear on her lips.

"Okay baby, but I want your hands on my head." She replied while looking up at me before angling my cock towards her more with her hands as she pressed her lips to my slowly moving downwards taking in an inch before her eyes looked at me imploringly.

'Just have to remember to restrain myself and not to try and use her throat as a pussy.' I thought to myself as I rested my hands on either side.of her head splaying my fingers through her soft brown locks loving the way she seemed to purr at the touch which reverberated through the tip of my cock.

Mia slowly moved down my length without breaking eye contact for even the slightest of moments.

Not even when she was a little over half way down and gagged on my length. Moving my hands more towards the back of her head instead of the front slightly pulling her further down.

To my surprise and enjoyment Mia relaxed into my grip and let me guide her further down. Her little tongue flitted around my length as her hands kept working at my lower shaft.

"Mia." I groaned in warning as her coughing, and spasming throat muscles. were driving right off the cliff.

Pulling her head backwards so when I did blow, I didn't overwhelm her too much and cause her to choke even more.

"We're still establishing our relationship and what we're comfortable with no reason to go hard core and make either of us uncomfortable because of it.' I thought to myself as I felt the first spurt of cum leave my cock and fire into her mouth making me roll my eyes backwards from how good it felt to finally get some relief.

Suddenly I felt a shock of cold air on my wet shaft as I pumped out more hot seed landing right on Mia's face who finally broke eye contact by rolling her eyes backwards with her tongue sticking out.

Load after load hit her face while Mia wore an orgasmic expression and my feet felt like they were sitting in a puddle.

Mia looked so erotic as her eyes returned to normal position though were partially concealed by her eyelids as she looked up at me with desire for more.

With thick wads of my cum sliding slowly down her caramel tanned skin dripping onto her medium sized breasts.

My cock never even had a chance to soften before I was on my feet sliding my arms underneath Mia's shoulders picking her up putting her top half on the back of the couch while I kept my hands on her hips keeping her lower half up in the air.

While all she was able to do was let out a startled cry/gasp as I pushed the head of my cock against the drooling lips of her quim.

Kissing Mia's slightly arched back loving the way she was trying to push herself onto my cock but I was holding her in place.

Moving along her spine enjoying the way she shuddered as I'd push the tip of my cock inside and then pull in back with every kiss.

"Jesse please fuck me already." Mia begged in a moaning voice.

Bringing myself level with her ear pushing in a couple of inches feeling a sick sense of enjoyment at Mia's loud expression of enjoyment before I pulled out rapidly just leaving my tip kissing her lower lips.

"JESSE ! ! !" Mia expressed her discontentment, making me smirk as I leaned in and started to nibble on her earlobe before opening my mouth to talk.

"Beg for it Mia, I want it here you beg for my big fat cock to stretch out your tight little pussy." I devilishly whispered in her ear as she finally got her knees underneath herself, freeing me to use my hands for other things.

"Please Jesse, shove your big fat cock into my tight little pussy again and again, fill me with your hot cum, if I pass out keep fucking me until I wake up again!" Mia replied voice filled with plea as she wiggled her ass back and forth only stalled from fucking herself on my cock by my hands still placed on her hips.

Kissing the back of her neck before moving just behind her ear giving it a very soft lick only to be rewarded with a throaty moan.

'Hmm, that's good to know.' I thought to myself while smirking at finding a new sensitive spot.

"Ohh." Mia moaned throatily before I shoved my entire length in without warning and her back arched all the back to the point our shoulders touched as she let out a screaming wail of a moan.

"AHHHHHHHHHH-AAANNN ! ! ! ! ! !" Mia's wailing scream combined with a moan reverberated around the us echoing off of the vehicles, scaffolding loft and walls.

I didn't show her any mercy and started slamming in and out of her gripping depths at a fast and furious pace.

Mia's moans, pants, gasps and light screams were like music to my ears while the sound of my thighs slapping against her body combined with my grunts seemed to meld with her own musical sounds making a duet.

(Ahh-thwack-nnn-ahhnn-thump-mmm-shmack-ah-ah-ah-ah-agh-get ready Mia here's your first of many loads-gurg.)

"AHH YEAS SO MUCH-NNN AAA-HHH-NNN ! ! ! ! ! !" Mia cried out, loudly as I pumped a big load inside of her clenching spasming depths.

I was just finishing firing my last spurt inside her and was starting to gyrate my hips when a soft chime went off and the truly massive tv showed multiple security camera views of Letty's car pulling up to the bay door.

"You see that Mia you're big sister is here, are you sure you still want me to fuck her? If you do I'll do it here and now but you'll have to help me seduce her." I whispered into her ear.

"Ohh Yeas!, do it daddy I'll make Letty beg me, to let her have your big fat cock inside her!" Mia exclaimed hornily as she started fucking herself on my cock as I'd moved my hands from her hips to her abdomen before drifting to her breasts giving them a hard squeeze.

Letting go of her breasts still moving my hips back and forth sliding my length in and out of her tightening folds that had only just started to release before I informed her Letty was here.

'Daddy? Not surprising she has a daddy fetish probably a few issues as well, pretty sure she was watching from the stands when her dad was turned into bbq.' I thought to myself as I hit the open button on the door remote that was resting on the end stand to my left, putting my full concentration into hammering in and out of Mia for Letty to see when she pulled in.

Squeezing both of Mia's breasts like they were handles to hold when I felt the warm sticky slimy substance on them and regretted my decision a little.

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Mia's mouth was hanging open moans pouring from her lips, her eyes slightly rolled up into the back of her head when I pulled into the Papermill/house/garage thing.

My thin thong became drenched instantly and I almost creamed myself when mine and Jesse's eyes met.

The confidant smirk on his lips, the look in his eyes that told me I was next. That he was going to make me make the same expressions Mia was currently.

I put my gear shifter in neutral my hand drifting between my thighs my legs instinctively spreading open my skirt offering easy access to my hot little coño that was aching to be fucked the way Mia was.

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I couldn't help but smirk when I saw Letty's needy, envying look as she watched me take Mia from behind.

I tried to convey to her through my eyes she was next, that she was going to be making the same noises and expressions as Mia was right now as I fucked her.

'It's funny I was still on the fence about fucking Letty until I saw her face just now.' I thought to myself while any guilt I might have felt over cucking Dom who I knew was constantly green hating this ride or die girl and deserved to be green hatted himself for once.

"Look-ha-Mia-ahhha-Letty's-ha-watching." I leaned down and whispered into Mia's ear, who upon hearing this became frantic. As she started meeting my thrusts by throwing her hips back at a staggering pace, her already clamping folds became vice-like milking a third powerful orgasm out of me while she also experienced one.

"YEASHHH ! ! !" Mia moaned out as her back arched and I held her up with my hands still on her breasts so she wouldn't fall forward and hurt herself.

Looking directly at Letty who seemed to be becoming frustrated, her arm looked like it was moving at a fast speed but with no reward was coming for her efforts.

'Time to get me some of that.' I thought to myself while steading Mia on her feet.

"She's pretty ready already, but why don't you go help her along into our bed." I whispered into Mia's ear who then started to vibrate with energy.

"Our bed." Mia swooned at the words "our bed" leaning her head back kissing my lips though I kissed her back I was digested by the taste of myself on her lips.

"Mmmhmm." I confirmed with a hum, my lips against hers, her tongue in my mouth.

Pulling out of the kiss gave Mia's ass a light smack making her jump and giggle, as a little send off signal which made her start her way over to Letty's car making her way with an unsteady skipping gate.


Mia leaned her upper body through Letty's open driver's side window. I watched from a ways away from them as Mia kissed Letty and squeezed her right breast while her left hand slid down between Letty's thighs.

"Come on Sis come cum your brains out on a real cock." Mia whispered to Letty's lips after breaking the hot lesbian kiss that they shared while her fingers took over Letty's attempts at fingering herself to the completion since Dom wasn't getting her there.

Mia led Letty out of the car like a horse being steered by its reins with her hand between Letty's thighs.

"Mia Mia Mia Mia." I could hear Letty saying through small gasps of pleasure with other emotions mixed in.

'God I can't believe how much I'm enjoying this.' Mia thought to herself as she continued to work her fingers in and out of her big sister's pussy while squeezing her breasts.

'I shouldn't, we shouldn't.' Letty thought to herself as she gave into her body's urgings for pleasure, pleasure her boyfriend's little sister, her little sister was giving her.

'Better use this to make sure I don't disappoint.' I thought to myself while plucking the Horse Talisman from my backpack and using said Talisman real quick to put myself back at hundred percent.

Before stealthily making my way behind Letty who was standing at the edge of her open car door one hand on the doors window dam using it to support herself while the other was holding Mia's assaulting forearm.

While Mia's other hand was again squeezing one of Letty's black bra covered breasts through her white see through shirt.

Since she had to remove it while opening the car door.

Putting myself between Letty and the welcoming seat of her car that she could have escaped through in turning the key to shut off the ignition making the car that had a healthy rumble become silent.

'This is your fault Dom, if you knew how to make me feel half as good as Mia is doing right now, ohh Jesse.' Letty thought to herself pushing the blame off onto Dom as she gave into her pleasure and went with the flow even as she felt Jesse's hands on her hips.

Resting my hands on Letty's hips giving Mia a look I knew she'd understand. Which I was rewarded for by her with a naughty smirk and an evil wink as Mia's other hand left Letty's breast while Letty also leaned her back into me as she felt both of Mia's hands between her thighs.

I heard a wet shucking sound like when a bathing suit is removed after being in a pool for awhile and then a wet slack sound as a completely drenched purple thong hit the floor.

While at the same time Letty moaned in discontentment but she didn't last long as both of my hands were on her meaty inner thighs as soon as her panties hit the ground hoisting her up into the air spreading her legs out into an M.

From the sudden move my cock bounded up slapping against Letty's needy little spicy latina pussy.

Mia quickly moved forward and aligned my cock with Letty's drooling lips, the entrance to her aching depths.

"I'm going to fuck you so good Letty. That from now on when you're feeling horny you'll come to find me, your heart can stay with Dom I just want your body." I growled into Letty's ear making her sigh hotly before in combination I dropped Letty onto my cock while thrusting up into her at the same time.

"¡OH Dios, MIERDA SÍ, JESSE FÓLMAME ! ! ! ! ! !" Letty shouted at the top of her lungs in Spanish and I only knowing a few words in Spanish, that I picked up from some of the girls I used to screw around with could tell she was saying something along the lines of "oh God fuck yes, Jesse fuck me."

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The goddess could only sigh as her favorite child until up until now, Lucifina, entered her throne room and interrupted her viewing of her Author taking Letty Ortiz for the first time.

"Mother, you have to stop interfering in that world, you're throwing it off balance, using your divinity for a mortal like this is just foolish." Lucifina said to her mother angrily.

"Do not think, you know more than I about my own creations Lucy, and do not ever enter my throne room again without knocking. It was just getting to a good part." The Goddess replied to her daughter with a look on her face that said she wanted to smite her for interrupting her viewing pleasure.

"Mother, I don't understand why you love this mortal. But if you continue to interfere in his life and new world it will result in an entire universe's implosion that will affect an omniverse. I doubt this mortal would like that and would probably lose a lot of people he loves so please mother I implore you to stop your meddling." Lucifina replied to her mother in a way that showed how sincere she was only to be rejected by her mother and thrown from the throne room of the Goddess.

"If this is how you wish it to be Mother, I tried it the civil way, now I must use extraordinary means to make you see reason." Lucifina mumbled to herself aloud as she went to plan her rebellion amongst her like minded sister's.

Taking one last look at the magnificently carved silver door that blocked her path to her mother, a few tears in her eyes.

'I love you mom.' Lucifina thought to herself as she steeled her heart for what was coming.

"I know you do, Lucy, and I love you, I love all of my children. But my Author is a different kind of love. I created you all to fill a void in my heart and you worked for a time, but my Author fills it completely." The goddess said aloud to the empty throne room that had always used to have her twin daughter's Michelle and Lucifina standing on either side of her throne.

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Letty's left hand was fisted into my hair as she threw her head over shoulder to kiss me while Mia was on her knees. In front of us her tongue flitted between licking my cock as Letty's clit.

"SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI SI." Letty was full on moaning out as I bounced her up and down on my cock and Mia concentrated on her oral ministrations of Letty's horny little pussy.

Mia must have hit her just right with my thrusting since Letty's inside's that were already vice-like and sweltering depths became even tighter and hotter as a massive jet of squirt hit Mia's face and a gush of Letty's hot cream coated my cock pushing me over the edge into filling her with my own cum.

"PAPI ! ! ! ! ! !" Letty screamed out as her body that had tensed became dead weight in my hold and I had to bite my lower lip to prevent myself from moaning out as I leaned back against Letty's car to support myself while having a prolonged orgasm of my own.

'Damn, what is it with these girl's and their Daddy issues, you know what, I think every city girl. I've ever fucked with has cried out daddy at one point or another or used the term daddy. Country girls it's definitely not as prevalent in.' I thought to myself as. I recovered from the powerful orgasm that I just experienced with Letty as Mia pulled my still hard cock out of Letty's pussy and glued her mouth to the slightly gaping pussy lips slurping up as much of Letty's and I's combined cum as she could.

"NO! " Letty moaned out at the absence of my cock only to cry out less than a second later with.

"SI!" Letty moaned out, As Mia dove into her folds enthusiastically.

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'God I still can't believe how much I'm enjoying this, I'm eating Letty's pussy and drinking her and Jesse's cum from her.' Mia thought to herself as one hand got messy strokin Jesse, while the other one worked in and out of her own pussy making lewd shlicking sounds as she went knuckle deep with both her index and middle fingers.

Giving Mia a few more seconds to lick Letty's pussy clean, while Letty who was still recovering from her explosive orgasm. Was tenderly and dazedly kissing my lips while our tongues intertwined.

'Damn Dom you really left this chika aching bad didn't you.' I thought to myself as I pulled Letty away from Mia's mouth.

Both women let out discontent filled noises but Letty's quickly turned into a moan.

"Ahhh PaPi." Letty moaned out as I managed to resheath myself in her depths without Mia's assistance this time.

"Better than Mia's tongue?" I asked teasingly.

"Si Papi." Letty moaned out her reply jostling with every step I took to the living room and the loft steps.

"Papi? I like that." I teased as I kissed Letty's neck a few times, scraping my teeth against her neck while wanting to leave real hickeys, so Dom would know Letty finally got some on the side besides the limp I wanted to send her home with.

'Huh, How is the bed clean and put together? Mia and I really messed it up yesterday and I know neither one of us laundered the bedding and put it back together.' I thought to myself while looking at the made bed but decided to put it out of my mind for now making a mental note to come back to it in the future.

'Now that I think about it, the blood from beating Tony's dad was also remarkably missing from my person. This must be Jackie's doing just like the car… since the goddess added in the Talisman's and Tarakudo's mask did she also add in magic like the Chi magic from Jackie Chan Adventures.' I thought to myself and that thought brought on a moment of lightheadedness at the implications that could have for me being the holder of the Talismans.

Removing Letty's hands from there holds one from the back of my head the other from my cheek before.

Letting Letty fall to the mattress falling face first onto the perfectly balanced firm and soft coziness that beat the pants off of any other mattress I'd ever slept on before in my life.

My cock still deep inside her mounting Letty fully pressing my upper body onto her back grabbing her hands from her side that she used to catch herself with moving them up above her head threading my fingers through her's.

"Ahh-ahh-Papi-nnn-ahh-ahh-yes-Papi-yes." Letty moaned sensually as I slowly moved forwards and backwards along her back nuzzling my nose into Letty's neck.

"Do you like it, like this Leticia?" I asked whilst whispering into Letty's ear before nibbling on her earlobe using a soft steady push and pull like the gentle waves on an ocean loving the way Letty's walls were constantly constricting and spasming against my length.

"Yes-yes Papi, I like it." Letty moaned out her reply as her hand tightened it's hold around my own.

"Dom doesn't give you what you need does he?" I asked while kissing along her shoulder.

"No PaPI." Letty moaned as I teasingly pressed my teeth against the skin of her shoulder while fastening my rocking movements.

"No, what Leticia?" I asked her my tone becoming serious as I halted my movements completely.

"No, Dominic can't give me what I need." Letty cried out anguish clear in her voice at that admittance.

"But, Papi can." I whispered back to her in response as I picked up my pace to the point I was slamming in and out of Letty's depths who was biting the comforter in sheer ecstasy as her eyes were slightly rolling up into her head.

"MMM NNN HHH NNN." Letty moaned out through the sheets in her mouth, but her body did even more talking as she squirted again.

"Such a messy chika." I groaned out as I joined her again in mutual ecstasy seeing no reason to hold myself back either releasing another big load inside of Letty.

The rest of the night became blurry as Mia and Letty took turns taking my cock and eating each other's pussy, licking them clean, snowballing my cum back and forth with one another.

While at times I just laid back and enjoyed the ride, right up until both girls had tired themselves out and all three of us were snuggling and spooning in bed.

'Letty and I have to leave in a few hours for a job.' I thought to myself as I moved out from the middle of the two women that consisted of me spooning Mia and Letty spooning me.

Gently removing Letty's arm from around my middle and her hand that was softly holding onto my cock and lifting Mia's head up off of my arm placing a pillow underneath her head before slowly working my way out of the bed.

Standing up stretching out the usual kinks that develop during sex stretching my back hearing a series of pops and a feeling of relief and rightness afterwards.

Before rolling my shoulders and flexing them backwards hearing another series of pops before cracking my knuckles.

"Ahh." I softly sighed aloud as I moved to get my jeans to go have a smoke on the roof.

Walking down the steps with light steps so as not to make as much noise picking up my earlier discarded jeans that were left in front of the couch.

Jumping into them looking at my backpack as I did so I decided to give the idea I had earlier a try.

'What's the worst that'll happen? I die again, probably.' I mentally asked myself while steeling my nerves as I picked up the backpack moving back up to the loft and then taking the steps up to the roof entrance door before replying to my own question.

"Such a nice view of the stars and moon for being in the city, usually the light radiation bloots out the celestial bodies." I thought to myself noticing a few things that I hadn't earlier in my rush to get here.

There was a nicely decorated terrace garden and bbq area that looked a lot like the one featured at the end of the Fast 9 movie.

'(Snort) Jackie really knows the things that I like, could it be that…nah it couldn't be right that's Ludacris, Jackie the Goddess, who would ever even think up a name like that?' I thought to myself as a very insane idea that Jackie was actually the Goddess that saved me while there was a wriggling sensation in the back of my mind that I was forgetting something very important from a long time ago.

(Flash back for readers only.)

Sitting on the couch watching the 70's show Shane could be seen drooling over Jackie Burkhart, well really Mila Kunis as he used the Ipad he'd gotten to right a fanfiction about Jackie who was a lonely goddess that just wanted to be loved so she created multiple Omni-verses.

But nothing could fill the void until her author was old enough to be with her.

Suddenly his phone rang. It was his grandfather and it sounded like he'd been crying and he never cried so Shane was instantly worried.

"Bub I have some-cough-cough-thing I have to tell you." His grandfather said through the line.

"Grandpa, what's wrong? Grandpa just tell me, I'm working on the farm." Shane replied, starting to cry as well since he'd neglected his grandfather this summer as he was working a lot trying to make money.

"I can't Shane." His grandfather's voice cracked with emotion.

"I'm sorry grandpa, I'll come as soon as I can." Shane replied into the phone.

"Don't worry about it bub." His grandfather's voice came through the phone trying to sound strong but broken all the same, Shane could be seen crying he didn't know what was happening but he had a feeling it was horrible.

Finally his mother came and picked him up, driving him to a hospital where Shane's stomach dropped. Hospital's always meant pain and death for him and the people he loved now he was going to meet his grandfather at one.

Walking in seeing his grandfather on a respirator and having a coughing fit where blood stained the mask.

Made tears flow anew from Shane's eyes as he went over to try and help his grandmother tend to his grandfather.

In the three weeks from finding out his grandfather was dying from stage four lung cancer that they only caught it a week earlier before his hospitalization.

The story about Jackie the Goddess long forgotten in the heartache and agony of losing the man that he'd always thought of as his Dad.

But in a newly formed void a woman looked through a screen like, hole in reality and whispered the words. "My Author." as she glowed with radiant light and created creation within this new void.

—— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ——

Sitting in one of the Adirondack chairs sparking up a smoke taking a deep drag of the menthol cig enjoying the cool tingling sensation on my lips and tongue as the smoke traveled down my throat into my lungs.

Reaching into the bag feeling something foreign against my fingertips pulling it out cautiously, almost dropping it when I saw it was Glen's phone.

'This wasn't in the bag before.' I thought to myself as I tapped the screen twice, awakening it from sleep mode seeing Glen's wallpaper of a wolf with a sunset behind that made the wolf's white fur appear as if it was changing colors.

Reading the text message notification on it that had a file image clipped to it.

"You're little brother wanted you to have this in the afterlife, what a sweet kid. You did a good job in helping raise him." The message said with a p.s. at the bottom that read with eternal love and devotion you're goddess.

Opening the phone there were two folders one marked funeral the other graduation. I felt my eyes starting to sting as I clicked on the graduation folder.

Watching Glen walk across the stage accepting his awards and then again to get his diploma though it got pretty blurry near the end as my eyes wouldn't stop watering.

"Good job, buddy I always knew you were meant for better things than I ever was." I signed out loud as I whipped away the tears in my eyes while feeling a slight heartache at the near dead look in Glen's eyes, a look I remember wearing myself after Grandpa died.

"He'll get through it sooner than you did, he's smarter and stronger than you ever were." I told myself aloud as I watched the video a few more times before setting the phone down on the arm of the chair as I brought the cig up to my lips.

"He'd be pissed if he caught me smoking again, hahahaha." I laughed to myself and almost put out the smoke but brought it back to my lips again taking another puff.

'Sorry buddy I quit once for you. I doubt I'll be able to quit again without you around.' I thought to myself as I pulled my backpack up into my lap.

Digging around until I found the Dog Talisman. Holding it in my hand before digging out the Tiger Talisman.

Holding both while putting on the Oni mask. I felt something crawling/creeping across my skin, feeling both hot and cold at the same time while a smell of sulfur flashed in my nostrils but quickly adapted.

The wooden chair that I'd been sitting in comfortably started to creak and become tight fighting against my sides.

Opening my eyes I saw my skin had turned red and I'd also put on probably 50 pounds of muscle, my finger's now tipped with black claws, my jeans stretched past their limits, stitches ripping.

I had a better sense of everything around me. My ears were now fox-like and located at the top of my head I found out using my hands to do an inspection.

'Idiot, just use the phone.' I thought to myself picking up the Note, going into the camera clicking the selfie camera symbol.

'HOLY SHEIT I LOOK LIKE I'M TARAKUDO INSTEAD OF JUST WEARING HIS FACE.' I thought to myself, feeling stunned while inspecting myself through the image displayed on the screen.

'It's kinda sad that a demon's face is an improvement in the looks department.' I joked to myself as I also started to feel a connection, no multiple connections, 8 powerful ones and billions of lesser strengthened one's but with variable power levels amongst them.

Reaching out towards the lesser power signatures, an image of ninja khan appeared in my mind when suddenly the darkness around me seemed to grow and morph into dozens of shadow ninja.

'Sweet.' I thought to myself while looking over the Shadowkhan ninja they immediately bowed before once the last one condensed into a humanoid form.

'Time to give this a whirl." I thought to myself as I commanded the Shadowkhan to start implanting the Talisman's into my body only to realize that I wasn't holding the Dog and Tiger Talismans anymore.

"Where did they go?" I asked aloud only for a Shadowkhan to appear behind me with a mirror showing me that a circle had formed with twelve octagonal shapes the same size as the Talisman's with an outline of Tarakudo's mask in the center but only two of the octagonal shapes had Zodiac symbols on them one being Tiger the other being Dog.

Picking up each Talisman watching as they flashed white and were absorbed into my body completing the Zodiac representation on my back.

While in the center the Tarakudo mask symbol glowed softly before all twelve symbols glowed brightly making the mask become an outline like tattoo similar to the one Jade Chan had above her ankle in Jackie Chan adventures.

Reaching up to my face I found there wasn't a mask to remove anymore. My heart started thumping erratically in my chest as a cold sweat developed against my skin.

'How do I get this fucking thing off of my face?' I mentally asked myself fearfully as my breathing became erratic to match my heartbeat.

Running my fingers through my hair.

'Hair, I didn't have hair as a demon, only had fox-like horn ear thingies and little nub horns at the top of my head before.' I thought to myself while looking into the mirror seeing my old fugly new self instead of the red demon form making me sigh with relief.

'Should I test out my new power's?' I asked myself before deciding against it for tonight while ordering my new ninja slaves to start taking over the turf surrounding Toretto turf before deciding to go wake up Letty and grab a quick shower before going to meet Dom and the rest of the family to pull a heist.

Making my way back inside, finding Letty spooning Mia now her one hand on Mia's right breast holding her in a partial hug with her leg thrown over Mia's.

Feeling myself growing hard at the sight of Letty embracing Mia like that.

'Hmm.' I hummed to myself as I lined my cock up with Letty's lower lips slowly pushing into her while sliding one hand and arm underneath her head grabbing her other breast while the other rested against my forearm.

"Ahh ahh ah ahh ahh ah." Letty started to moan as she woke up and I was filled with a sense of pride that she didn't call out Dom's name but instead softly called out Papi.

"I want you to say my name Letty." I told her softly with my lips nearly touching her ear.

"Jesse." Letty called out my name in a soft sigh of a moan.

"We have to get ready to meet Dom and the guy's soon…but I figured one more hot load in your tight, spicy little pussy wouldn't hurt." I replied to Letty as my thrusting intensified but not enough to wake up Mia.

"Si-Pa-Jesse yes fuck my pussy some more Jesse send me back to Dom leaking your cum." She moaned throatily as she spoke.

"Ohh, that was the plan Chika." I joked.

"But we do need a shower." I continued letting the jokingness leave my voice.

"Nooo, I want Dom to know I was fuck when I see him later I want him to know I was cummed in and on I want him to smell me on you I want him to know I found my side piece that can fuck me like the filthy little whore I am on the inside." Letty protested while her inner walls tightened with every word she spoke.

"Sorry, but no I'm not going out like this." I replied softly.

"Please Papi? I'll let you have my virgin ass." Letty replied pleadingly before offering up her tight virgin asshole to me.

"I could just take it anyways." I replied with a smirk in my voice.

"Ohh Jesse?" Letty moaned a bit loudly as I stuck my middle finger into her ass, her sphincter spasming around my finger with almost a crushing force as it tried to push me out.

"You might be Dom's girl, but you're my bitch. All your holes are mine to fuck whenever I want Leticia." I growled into her ear and I felt her cream herself on my cock as she covered her mouth with both hands to muffle her wailing moan as I also bit back a groan as I let loose inside of her for the upteenth time.

Pulling out of Letty's pussy pushed the head of my cock between Letty's ass cheeks coming to press against her puckered rosebud.

"You asked for this, Letty." I told her softly into her ear as I trusted forward fully sheathing myself in her ass in one thrust holding her in place with the hand that I was previously fingering her ass with on her stomach.

"NNNNNN HHHHHH AAAAAAHHHHHH ! ! ! ! ! !" Letty cried out her one hand fisting into and pulling my hair as her other hand dug into my forearm with her nails.

Letty's screaming moan woke up Mia who immediately jumped up on bed and looked to see what was happening only for her eyes to widen and mouth to drop open gapingly as I railed into Letty's ass from the behind.

"Letty, Oh." Mia called out Letty's name in a gasp as she watched in fascination and trepidation.

"You-urgh-ha-like-it Mia? Damn Letty, your ass is so tight." I started to ask Mia but ended up grunting and gasping as Letty's sphincter spasmed around me tightening pasted tight.

"EEE-AHH-AHH-NNN-HARDER PAPI l, FUCK MY ASS HARDER ! ! ! ! ! !" Letty moaned before shouting at the top of her longs as she cummed from getting her ass fucked for the first time.

'Damn, did I awaken Letty's anal slut side?' I jokingly asked myself before my mind was drawn back to Letty as I felt a pair of fingers rubbing against my cock through the thin fleshy membrane that separated the anus from the vaginal canal.

"Fuck I'm gonna-shit I'm cumming." I groaned out as I was pushed over the edge pushing myself up into Letty's guts as far as I could as I felt the boiling hot cum fire from my tip a slight burning tingling sensation.

Pulling out of Letty's ass removing my hands from her stomach and breast smacking her ass hard enjoying the way the red tinted ass jiggled.

"I'm going to grab a quick shower…you decide what you're doing Letty but I'm not leaving your stank on my dick." I said as I got out of the bed and noticed Mia looking at me with a thirsty look.

Looking Mia in the eyes telling her if she wanted to she could join me.

Which made her smile and hop off the bed prancing into the bathroom, watching as her ass disappeared through the doorway and less then a second later I could hear the shower running.

—— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ——

Dom sat back in his favorite chair in the living room drinking a corona.

'I love him but something has to be done about Jesse." Dom thought to himself as he took another sip of beer remembering what happened earlier today.

Dom picked up his cell and dialed Johnny Tran's number, his thumb hovering over the dial button.

Before hitting the end button twice clear the dialed number.

"Fuck Jesse, get your shit together." Dom sighed before killing his beer.

'Where Letty and Mia at anyways?' Dom thought to himself while also thinking about the crashed GT500 earlier today but no bodies were recovered and no links had been made to Jesse.

'Damnit Jesse, you're lucky the cops don't know you own that car and that Sisi, John's new woman, was fine with being paid off with your cut from the last job and John, well John got what he deserved.' Dom thought to himself as he got up from his chair and started calling his team to assemble at their usual spot.

"Dom, yeah I'll be there in a bit. I'll be bringing Jesse with me." Letty replied into the phone with a voice that carried satisfaction and fulfillment.

Dom instinctively felt that Letty had gotten some on the side but shrugged it off knowing that he and Letty were ride or die for one another a different dick or pussy here or there wasn't going to end them.

'That's another problem, Mia has loyalty issues sure things might be good between them right now. But Mia will jump to the shiny new boy, like that rookie cop reformed delinquent that's been sniffing around lately.' Dom thought to himself as he imagined the fallout from that.

'Jesse…I hope I won't have to put a hit out on you.' Dom finally thought to himself as he got up out of his chair as Vince honked his car's horn moving to leave the house.

—— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ——

Letty and were riding in her car heading towards the reservoir, neither of us talking to the other there seemed to be an unsaid tension in the air.

"You should be careful with Mia." Letty finally said while looking at me as she blew a bubble gum bubble.

"You and Dom both earned the same thing, mind cluing me in as to why?" I asked curiously since it was coming from Letty, someone who'd eaten out Mia's pussy and had her pussy eaten by Mia more seriously than Dom.

"I love Mia…and I love you, I want you to be happy with someone that'll let you plow me, but Mia will hurt you as soon as she gets comfortable with you she'll find a door and throw herself out of it." Letty replied and I took her a lot more seriously than Dom.

'Trust but verify.' I thought to myself while taking what Letty said to heart.

"Dom used your cut from the last job to pay off John and Sonia, so they wouldn't call the cops on you.

By the way what were you thinking driving like that and catching the attention of the cops like that.

They weren't even after you in the first place. They were responding to an emergency at the docks, then you went flying by a couple of cops and got them chasing after you. How did you and Mia even survive that crash?." Letty asked seriously, making eye contact with me without breaking it as the car continued to accelerate.

"I didn't know I just drove when Mia said to drive, while feeling the adrenaline rush, I grabbed hold of Mia and we jumped from the car a bit before the roadblock." I replied while only slightly adjusting the story a little bit.

"Dios Mio!" Letty replied while shaking her head at me as she took the exit to the reservoir.

"Just be careful with Mia Jesse, and at the first sign of disloyalty drop her. Don't fall into the same games Dom and I have, just please protect your heart." Letty reinforced her earlier warning as we pulled up behind Vince's Nissan Maxima.

Getting out of the car immediately getting surrounded by the guys of the crew Dom in the middle, Vince to his right Leon to his left.

"Your head on straight for this? We can't afford for you to have any moments like yesterday. Can I count on you Jesse?" Dom asked with a serious face and something in his eyes that told me my life would have been in danger if I wasn't immortal now.

"Yup, all better now Dom, Mia helped me get the meds right and my head straight." I replied to him lying to him easily and I noticed Dom looked over to Letty and then back at me a few times with a very small almost indistinguishable smirk on his lips.

"Letty helped too." I replied back feeling a little spiteful and confirming who made his girl experience things she'd never feel with him at least not for a while from now anyways.

"Good, now let's go, our window is closing already, ohh and Jesse you lost your cut from the last job." Dom said as he got into his Civic while Vince got into the passenger seat.

Getting into my civic finding myself

at the back of the line instead of having Leon behind me making me feel like I was picked last for basketball at gym class.

'Huh, no fooling around today. My actions from yesterday have everyone on edge and they're taking this job seriously.' I thought to myself while thinking over what Letty said to me while also having some realizations.

'Mia was way too into the threesome and eating out the pussy of her brother's long standing girlfriend…I probably should end things with Mia before I can really get hurt, I mean yeah it'll hurt to end whatever we have going on now. But it'd hurt even more to find out she cheated on me later.' I thought to myself finding the idea of distancing myself from the Torreto's more and more pleasing by the second.

'It also wouldn't hurt to go back to school and get a proper education certificate, maybe even a Regents Diploma.' I continued thinking to myself while listening to the police scanners and cop radio listening for highway patrol and undercovers, coming up surprisingly empty since they had mostly posted up on the stretch of highway we hit last time and this was a different stretch of abandoned highway that we were hitting this morning.

Watching as the sun peeked over the horizon.

'Such a pretty sunrise.' I thought to myself while looking at the orange, yellow and purple clouds.

"We're clear on cops." I said into the walkie talkie that was on the seat of the car.

"Aright, just like usual guys box him in." Dom said through the walkie becoming complacent in his tasks as a leader.

Taking the rear of the truck and just like fluid clockwork Vince was tossing the driver of the big rig out of the truck.

He and Dom split off to take the truck to the buyer while I commanded some Shadowkhan to follow them and then follow the buyer to their network.

'I still don't like using a little car to jack a big rig.' I thought to myself while driving back to the reservoir parking the car and covering it with the car cover.

Leon, Letty and I were all riding in Letty's car when Leon decided to talk.

"Hey, Jess, you haven't been around much for me to ask but do you think you could help me remap my fuel and air intake ratio? There's a little stutter at higher RPMs." Leon asked while sounding a bit worried that I would refuse.

"Sure thing man, plus I want to take a look at my 300zx, Mia and I won the other night." I replied and noticed Letty smirking at me while Leon also had a bit of a smile on his face.

'The heck they have those looks on their faces for?' I asked myself as I just leaned back in the passenger seat and took a short nap getting woken up by Leon shaking my shoulder.

"We're at the shop. Come on, let me out, Letty wants to go get some sleep." Leon told me, making me look over to Letty who did look pretty tired.

"Are you good to keep driving? One of us, can take you back to the house?" I asked Letty while making sure not to sound anymore concerned about her than I normally would.

Letty smirked at me before shaking her head no.

"I'm good now, get your asses out of my car." Letty told us with some spunkiness to her voice before letting out a big yawn making me smirk a little bit.

As soon as Leon was closing the car's door behind him Letty was roasting tires in reverse cutting the wheel hard into the street and then launching down the road.

'Hey, that's in the direction of the Papermill, not the block the house is on.' I thought to myself before mentally shrugging it off following Leon into the shop.

Walking inside I found the 300zx completely stripped with all its components laying around organized in a neat order.

"It's the 2+2+1 configuration, so it's got a longer wheelbase than the standard 300zx. We could even slap a bigger engine in there if you want to since it can handle the power more easily." Leon said with a smile on his face as his eyes practically glowed.

"We started this thinking it'd be a nice way for you and your oldman to cruise around together with." Leo continued speaking with a big smile on his face and I had to work very hard not to flip out since the car was now in pieces. I couldn't even find out how well the car build was put together before they took it apart.

"Thanks Leon, you're a great friend." I finally said giving him a bro hug before I set to work inspecting all the components parts of the car, finding that the guy I beat up had spent well over a hundred grand into modifying the car with some things being redundant and completely illogical.

"I think the car's build is good enough as it is. We'll just have to tune it properly and make some custom maps." I finally told Leon as I started putting the car back together with Leon coming over to help me.

"Dom and Letty said you'd say the same thing." Leon replied with a smile as he joined me in moving the engine from an engine stand to a hoist.

"It's good to have you back in the shop Jesse things just aren't the same when you're not here." Leon continued talking and I could tell he was hinting at wanting to know what was going on with Mia.

"Yeah, working the counter at the store really isn't for me. I just agreed to help Mia out the day of the party thinking it was for her work study while offering to cover the next day since I figured she'd be pretty tired the next day if she was working nurses hours on a night shift." I replied as I spun a socket wrench with my index finger while holding the socket in place with my thumb and index fingers.

"Hey, you mind turning on the radio?" I asked Leon who nodded in reply, putting it in a modern Rock station.

"Hmm, a procharger combined with the twin turbo setup would be overkill but it would give better and more consistent power." I thought to myself as we buttoned up the engine bay connecting the harnesses back up to the computer systems.

"We'd definitely be able to do it though that procharger whine will probably drive you nutzer than you already are." Leon replied while punching my shoulder playfully.

"Fuck off." I replied while whipping a bolt at him I needed to install the roll cage with to line up all the bars correctly for the frame to be good and sturdy before starting the welds.