Talismans In Fast & Furious PT4


Leon and I were just putting the interior back together after welding in the steel tubing for the roll cage.

When Dom and Leon entered the shop looking like they'd just gotten bad news.

"We just got our date moved up, Jesse. I'm going to need you to find the best target with the most value before our buyer moves on.

After this we'll all take a long vacation and relocate for a while, our deadline is six weeks." Dom said while looking at me seriously before looking at the car and nodding seemingly agreeing with my choice to keep what was already there.

"Sure thing Dom, will we still be going to Race Wars? We are the headliners after all." I replied to which Dom, Vince and Leon all bobbed their heads yes to.

"Race Wars wouldn't be Race Wars without us after all we started it." Vince said in Dom's place as Dom looked like he was reminiscing in an unpleasant memory when the memories came to me that Race Wars were formed the night Dom raced Jakob.

'That's right, turf wars, disputes, everything among the underground racer crew's is handled at Race Wars on the stretch of black top.' I thought to myself as Jesse's memories continued to sync up with mine even now.

"She's looking good Jesse." Vince said as he came over, giving the 300zx a little whistle.

"Thanks, just have a few things to button up and then she'll be ready for tuning and maybe a paint job." I replied as I went and grabbed a head unit, door speakers, tweeters, subwoofers, amp and subwoofer box, to install into the car.

"Hey Jesse my car keeps dumping in third you mind taking a quick look at it?" Vince asked while Leon rubbed his stomach looking up at the clock on the one wall.

Looking around I noticed Dom had already left.

'He's probably going to check the books at the store and see if he can find a way to launder more money through the store without drawing any more attention to himself.' I thought to myself as Vince pulled his Maxima into the garage.

"REV IT UP." I hollered to Vince while paying attention to the sound of the engine and right at peak RPMs I could hear what it was doing.

'She's definitely dumping too much fuel into the cylinder's at higher RPMs.' I thought to myself while grabbing my laptop from the bench and an OBD2 plug to hook up to the car.

"Let's take her to the store and get some lunch." I told Vince as I got into the passenger seat and handed him the OBD2 plug to plug in for me while Leon got into his car following us out the door and to the store.

Watching the air/fuel graphs closely, switching the fuel administration from open to closed loop so I could get a better idea. Of what I'd have to do with the tuning to eliminate the issue.

'Compression ratio also looks a bit weak on cylinders four and one.' I thought to myself as I switched through a couple of charts and graphs while also reading some trouble codes seeing that the car was throwing a knock code more often than it should with the previous Jesse's tuning job.

Pulling up to the store spotting the red Ford Lightning.

'Damn this motherfucker is back, guess my little warning didn't work as well as I thought it would.' I thought to myself as l heard Vince let out a pissed off snort at seeing Mia smiling and flirting with Brian, making my stomach turn slightly.

"This, faggot is back again." Vince said as he angrily put the car into neutral and angrily ripped up the E-brake until it locked into place.

'Stop it, are you really going to take the words of two cheaters to heart, and lose trust in the girl you shared the knowledge of your powers with?

NO! No I won't, if I can't trust her I can't trust anybody plus any healthy relationship requires trust.' I thought to myself while looking at Mia who spotted me her as shining as she did so as one of her brighten any room smile's lit up her face.

Brian put his money down on the counter but I was too busy catching/hugging Mia.

To pay any attention to him as Mia proceeded to playfully kiss my lips.

And l just barely managed to catch Vince, out of the corner of my left eye angrily grabbing Brian's money off the counter.

Before following after him like any other half decent attack dog.

'Hahahaha, that's right Vince is Dom's attack dog.' I thought to myself wondering why that epiphany was only dawning on me now.

I was a little too preoccupied with cupping Mia's ass cheeks and returning her kisses to pay attention to what was being said.

But I was somehow able to hear, watch your back, start playing as someone was bounced off of a vehicle.

"Dom get off your ass, and get out here, I'm tired of this shit." Mia angrily yelled after snorting balefully at having our kissing session interrupted.

"What did you put in that tuna?" Dom jokingly asked with a big smile on his face making Mia roll her eyes and let out a disgruntled snort as Mia signaled me to put her down, so that I could go help Dom with breaking up Vince and Brian's little love fest.

"Dom, get out there." Mia replied with a hand gesture making me look over to see Vince grappling with Brian on the ground.

"I don't know, it's pretty entertaining to watch." I replied only to receive a slap on the arm and an unimpressed look on Mia's face.

"Fine." I replied feeling like a 1st grader that found out there were no longer nap times at school.

I hadn't even noticed Letty getting to the store or already being there but looked up and over when I heard her laugh at my plight.

Letty shot a smirking smile at me as I followed Dom out of the store being followed by Leon and Letty who brought up the rear.

Dom quickly pulled apart Vince and Brian. Dom pushed Vince towards Leon and past me.

"Hey man, he was in my face!" Brian expressed only pissing Dom off more.

"Now I'm in your face, what are you gonna do about it?" Dom replied back in a rumbly voice.

"Jesse the wallet." Dom asked, holding out his hand for Brian's wallet.

"Again with this shit." Brian muttered reminding me that I gave him a warning.

'Going to have to visit Harry's tonight to get my message through to him.' I thought to myself as I planned to rearrange the pretty boy's face.

"You work for Harry right?" Dom asked while sounding fed up.

"Yeah!" Brian replied, sounding confused as to why Dom was asking.

"You were just fired, now get out of here and don't come back." Dom said while pointing at Brian before shoving the wallet into his chest.

Brian peeled out of the driveway.

Dom looked at Vince and me and just shook his head in what looked like disappointment.

Looking over at Mia remembering how she was with Brian I made my decision for what our relationship would be.

'Its for the best, us being friends with benefits is better for the both of us in the long run anyways.' I told myself as I planned to tell Mia what I wanted and expected from our mutually beneficial relationship separate from our familial ties.

'This way neither of us gets hurt if the other messes up, we'll get to keep our close bonds intact. Even if they might become a little strained by us getting with other people.' I continued thinking to myself, while observing Mia who was looking at me while toying with a notepad. A little quirk to her lips as if she'd discovered something to tease me with.

Pushing together two four seater tables taking a seat at a wall corner chair so i'd have more of a backrest and zero chance of someone coming up behind.

"Jesse, this is really good." Mia finally said as everyone including Dom sat down at the tables I put together. With his hands full of large trays which were filled with french fries and chicken tenders along with an 18 pack of ice cold long neck bottles of Corona beers.

"Let me see." Letty suddenly said as she snatched the notepad from Mia's hands making Mia look at me with a sorry expression on her face while shrugging her shoulders in a non committed manner.

"A Vampire, Werewolf, Wizard Trybrid and I thought I was a mutt." Letty joked while humming to herself completely zoning out to what was going on around her, so much so she never even heard Dom asking her to say grace.

"More please." Letty finally said as the rest of us finished eating lunch. While offering me the notepad to take by waving it in front of my face only for Vince to take it from her and start reading it.

"Not really my speed, I'm more into Tolkien." Vince said while passing it to Dom who started looking through it nodding it and shaking his head while looking through it.

"Not bad, But, it needs some work though." Dom said as he passed the notepad off to Leon. Who took it and also started to read it.

"Thanks, it was just something I wrote out of boredom." I replied as I awkwardly scratched the back of my head.

Though from the looks Mia and Letty shot me they didn't believe it for a second.

'Women's intuition can be scary sometimes.' I thought to myself as I shrugged off their looks.

"So who wants to hit up the races tonight? After the mad genius here gets my car running right." Vince asked while stretching his arms out.

"I'm sitting out tonight, I want to finish up the 300zx and establish a baseline for a tune." I quickly put it out there since I didn't feel up to it tonight.

'I also want to go check on Sisi and Tony to make sure they're doing alright.' I thought to myself as I watched the rest of the crew agree with going, Mia looked at me with a questioning look and I just shrugged while signaling it was up to her. Mia gave me a confused unsure look before shaking it off.

"I'm in too." Mia finally replied, making the whole table cheer except for me l just smiled at their antics.

It would have been a unanimous agreement if I had agreed to go but since I didn't they'd be going a crew member short.

"Aright Vince let's finish straightening out your ride so you'll be pullin nines for tonight." I said to Vince as I got out of my chair moving to get into his car.

"Coming brother." Vince replied and I could hear the wooden chair scraping against the concrete floor as he rushed to stand up.

'Don't do it.' I jokingly told myself.

'Come here boy, come here good doggie. Hahahaha, you did it.' I mentally called Vince like the dog he was after telling myself mentally not to getting a laugh out of it.

Vince and I got into his car at the same time and I fired up my laptop double checking the information from earlier.

"There's a knock on cylinders one and four, I'm going to lengthen the injector pulse for those two cylinders while shortening the pulse on two and three while also down tuning your Nos so we don't have to tear down your engine." I told Vince as my fingers blazed across the keyboard with the car instantly showing a difference with idle being noticeably smoother.

"She already sounds better, it's awesome now good you are at this stuff Jesse." Vince said in a way that made me worry he might start humping my leg.

"Thanks Vince." I replied awkwardly since this seemed so natural to me thanks to mine and Jesse's synchronization.

"Now lets do a few pulls and then a long cruise so I can make sure you won't be having any more problems with daily driving and still be able to pull nines all day long, and to also make sure you're putting good gas in the tank, not the cheap shit." I told Vince who agreed by roasting his tires and taking off at a fast clip.

'I am all for burnouts but damn these guy's go a little too overboard with it, I mean shit these tires are 250 dollars a tire.' I thought to myself asmVince seemed to feel the need to show off to me by roasting his tires every chance he got.

'You sound like a cheap oldman.' I thought to myself as Vince pulled up to the shop.

"This new tune seems stable. Vince, really test her out tonight and get back to me in the morning on how she performed." I told Vince as I got out of the car.

"Will do Jess. Hey Jesse, you and Mia. Are you guys serious or is it?" Vince readily agreed before he blushed while asking what mine and Mia's relationship status was while handing me back my OBD2 port cable .

"I don't know, we haven't talked about it yet…but Vince. I mean this sincerely as your friend and brother, you need to put your feelings for Mia behind you, and move on with your life." I told him while shutting the car door before he could say anything back in protest.

Entering the shop just taking a moment enjoying the smells of a shop between the used motor oil and the multipurpose grease. The rusted brake rotors along with the slightly stale air.

'This place brings back fond memories.' I thought to myself as other automotive chemicals and cleaners made me relax as I set to work on the 300ZX.

Looking around making sure the coast was clear before I activated superspeed, finishing the car in seconds rather than in a few hours which it would have taken at my earlier speed.

"Now it's time for the fun part." I said out loud to the car as I ran my hand along the body of it before getting in the car and driving it onto the Dyno machine.

Hoping out of the car, going over to the computer terminal of the Dyno, starting the program while setting up my laptop for system control while also hooking it up to the OBD2 port in the car, to get the best, most accurate data while running the test.

Getting back into the car hitting start.

(Vroom tchhh vvvrrrooommm tch VVvvvrrrooommm tchh)

'Not bad zero to sixty in 3.7 seconds, stock for these car's is 5.0 seconds.' I thought to myself while I started combining over the data and felt the car's shaky idle and unhealthy sounding chugging sound.

'Let's see if I can't shave her 0-60 time down to an even three seconds.' I thought to myself while making some adjustments through the laptop and then running the Dyno all over again.

After playing around building multiple custom tunes and installing a tune moder with the new tune programs uploaded to it. Making it so I could use the pop-up stereo deck screen to change the mods with.

Looking out the shop bay door seeing that it was already sunset.

'It's probably okay to go check on Sisi and Tony, it's only eight pm.' I thought to myself as I grabbed racing stripes decals and put them on the car.

"Should have driven the car off of the Dyno first, before trying to put decals on." I said aloud as I bit back a curse, while looking at the crooked racing stripes.

"Fuck it it's good enough for union work, plus I plan on giving it a new paint job anyways." I said aloud, patting the car gently before hopping into the driver's seat before pulling her out of the garage.

Returning to the inside of the shop putting away all the tools I used after wiping them down with a clean shop rag. Looking around the shop making sure I didn't miss anything when I caught a glimpse of something that flashed in the dimming sunlight.

Walking over to the place where I saw the reflection of light running my fingers over the seam of the shelf and wall feeling a very small tab that I pushed in.

Clicking sounds came from all away around the frame of the shelf that was like the grocery shelves in a store. Suddenly the door moved forward a quarter of an inch.

Pulling on the shelf it swung open on rusty noisy hinges revealing a door sized cutout that led to a ladder that went downwards into a dark abyss.

Activating the pig Talisman scanning for heat signatures finding there were some reds and oranges showing me something was pretty hot down there.

'Hmm, it could just be hot water pipes but this little cutout was painstakingly hidden so it must lead somewhere important.' I thought to myself as I used the Rooster Talisman abilities to lower myself down into man and a half sized hole into the floor that went down ten feet, finding a metal door that would be at home on a military naval vessel.

Turning the circular wheel handle until the door became loose pushing it open fluorescent shop lights thrumming to life revealing.

'Wow, this looks like a spy's secret base, there's the weapons rack and over there is a bomb building workbench. And look at these, these frickin computers and communication devices are on an early 2000's level even though they look like something out of an Incredible's movie.' I thought to myself as I looked around finding some documents and partially burnt camera film strips.

The bits of paper that I could piece together read.

"Jack Toretto, your mission should you choose to accept it." I was able to make out through the blackened paper.

"Is to infiltrate a rising threat named…

They have already been linked to the…of stolen Agency infor…your friend Frank. (Aka Mr.Nobody).

"Holy shit! Mia and Dom's dad was or is a spy, that makes Jakob being one make so much more sense." I thought to myself as I moved to exit the room only for a monitor to come to life showing Mr.Nobody on it.

"You're not Jack." A younger Mr.Nobody said while inspecting me.

"I'm not, I'm family though…adopted by his oldest son." I replied back to him to which he nodded in reply.

"Listen Jesse, can I call you Jesse?" Mr.Nobody started to say and then asked me if it was okay to call me Jesse even though I never told him my name.

"Sure, Frank." I replied with a smirk and a smirk broke out on his face as well.

"Haha, I like you Jesse, so I'm going to offer you two choices, one you come work for me, two I seal off this room and you slowly asphyxiate to death." Mr.Nobody replied while still smiling.

"Interesting proposal you have there, Frank. But, what would you want with a loser high school dropout?" I asked while crossing my arms across my chest.

"Actually, Mr.Lincourt, if you had finished high school we would have tried to recruit you for your computer skills and engineering abilities." Mr.Nobody replied, shocking me to the core.

'They've been watching me, well Jesse for a long time and most likely the rest of the crew.' I thought to myself as I felt my back break out in a cold sweat wondering if they had footage of me using my talismans.

'Wait I already knew this Aims was watching footage of their earliest robberies in the Fast X.

FUCK, I SHOULD HAVE BEEN FUCKING SMARTER AND DITCHED THE TORETTO'S, FROM THE FUCKING BEGINNING OF THIS SHIT ! ! ! ! ! !" I thought to myself as I tried to show little to no reaction externally.

"I need a decision Mr.Lincourt, things to do, a world to keep spinning." He joked somewhat flamboyantly.


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"I need a decision Mr.Lincourt, things to do, a world to keep spinning." He joked somewhat flamboyantly.


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"I accept, as long as I have full autonomy and any surveillance and evidence on me and my illegal operations are destroyed. My records including my juvenile one to be expunged.

I'd also like a new identity. Let's go with Jace Logan, yeah Jace Logan sounds good. I'll handle faking my own death in six weeks. How do those terms sound to you Frank?" I replied while putting down my own terms while still wearing a calm look on my face even though my back was drenched in a cold sweat.

'Yes, I have the powers of the Talisman's and the mask, but withstanding an agency that has the backing of multiple nations with billions of resources. It wouldn't take long for me to be captured and ground up by them.' I thought to myself while figuring, taking a job as a spy getting spy training and using it to help in establishing myself as a powerful person.

"I'm liking you more and more Jesse, you even gave me a perfect time frame to accomplish all of this in, and make your new identity as solid as I can.

There is one little thing though you'll have to enroll in high school again but this time in a place called Mission City. Your mission will be to get close to this girl Mikaela Banes by any means necessary.

Her father is part of a large underground crime syndicate with a connection to the organization Jack Toretto infiltrated, and has only recently gone dark from within." Mr.Nobody said before the screen went dark signaling to me he was done blackmailing me with my life.

'Fuck man, Megan Fox I'm down for that but that name and city, those are from transformers. Is this universe not solely Fast & Furious? Shit, man, just a little bit ago I was letting my own insecurities get to me over Mia. Now I feel like shitting bricks in excitement over the possibility of there being Transformers in this universe.' I thought to myself as I exited the little spy gear place sealing it back up nice and tight before flying back up out of the hole shutting the shelving door.

"Haaa, I always seem to get myself into deep shit one way or another." I sighed aloud while pulling out a smoke, lighting it and taking a drag exhaling a large cloud of smoke.

'I still have to track down some high value shipments for us to steal, also where are my Shadowkhan they should have reported back by now.' I thought to myself, reminding myself that I have crew work to do. As Shadowkhan morphed out of my shadow and presented me with a mirror that showed me that the contact Dom had and was selling to was none other than Queenie Shaw.

'Gilf in the house.' I mentally joked to myself as I nodded to the Shadow ninja who then handed me a scroll with dozens of names and their purposes in Queenies operations.

"Infiltrate and take over her organization but don't harm her, keep her safe. There's a good chance she'll be my mother in law in the future." I told my loyal Shadowkhan minions before the thought came to me to have them infiltrate all plot major crews and collect information and evidence on them.

Summoning more Shadowkhan and dispensing orders, deploying them to the places I wanted while also sending some to collect information on Makaela Banes.

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There's something relaxing about washing dishes.' I thought to myself as I washed the pan I used to cook the bacon and potatoes in.

'I wonder if things ended up playing out like they did in the movie last night, or if things were thrown off by me not being there?.' I mentally wondered as I put the skillet in the stainless metal drying rack before drying off my hand and grabbing out another smoke.

"What am I supposed to do for the rest of the day?" I asked aloud without any expectation of an answer.

'I guess I could practice using my other power some more, since I kind of zoned out earlier in a hissy fit and did everything through anger.' I thought to myself while kind of remembering how I utilized the Talisman powers.

"Haa, might as well practice while I can." I sighed aloud as I set to work training my superspeed granted to me by the Rabbit Talisman and even though I was moving at speeds at an upwards of 200,000mph I wasn't affecting my surroundings or even causing sonic booms as I moved stopped and performed hairpin turns.

'I think I'm still faster than Young Justice Kid Flash.' I thought to myself while remembering Wiki pages info and feats from the shows.

'I wonder if FTL is possible with the Rabbit Talisman? If it is I could travel around like the Flash. Haa, so many possibilities.' I thought to myself before moving on to practice with the levitation powers of the Rooster Talisman.

lifting up the big rolls of paper making them fly around each other circling and swooping along with other aerial maneuvers almost like they were dog fighting.

'I've got a good grip on The Rooster and Rabbit Talisman powers.' I thought to myself as I wondered which Talisman powers I should practice with next.

(Ring Ring Ring) my phone started to buzzing while inside my jeans pocket.

Pulling it out of my pocket seeing Dom is calling on the little screen letting out a sigh as I answered the call.

"Hey Dom, what's happening, somethin goin down?" I asked him through the phone.

"Hey Jess, I need you to run a background check on Brian Spilmer,...I plan on bringing him into the team,

You should probably know this Mia seems to be showin a lot of interest in him.

Also, have you made any progress on that thing I asked you to do yesterday at the shop?" Dom greeted me before quickly transitioning into wanting me to do something for him relating to Brian. and then moving onto how Mia is interested in Brian before pretty much demanding to know if I found any shipments for us to jack while he put a lot of emphasis on his question.

'This fucker.' I thought to myself while suppressing the urge to tell Dom to get bent. Since it felt like he was getting a dig in at me for not being there last night when he had to run from the cops which led to Brian to get even closer to getting into Mia's pants.

"Yeah I did, and sure I will. Also Mia's a big girl Dom she doesn't need you spreading her business around behind her back." I replied back to him as I hung up the phone.

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Dom couldn't wipe the smirk off of his face fast enough after Jesse hung up on him, he could hear it in Jesse's voice.

That he already knew about Mia's interest in Brian. I looked up when I heard the front door slam against the wall hard enough to dent said wall.

As if it'd been kicked open or hit with a battering ram, seeing Mia come through the door with red puffy bloodshot eyes as she completely ignored me and marched up the stairs to her bedroom.

While Letty followed behind her entering the house through the still open door a few seconds later.

"What happened?" I asked Letty who rolled her eyes and let out a sigh.

"Dios Mio! He did to her what she was about to do to him before she had the chance to, now she's crying about it." Letty answered my question before shaking her head and walking into the kitchen coming back with a bottle of patron and two shot glasses in one hand and a gallon of chocolate ice cream in the other.

"So, they're over this quickly. I thought they'd at least last a month, even with us dropping money wrenched into their relationship before they broke things off." I replied to Letty with no small amount of surprise shining through my voice as I grabbed my beer off of the stand next to my recliner.

Letty shrugged off my comment before opening her mouth to reply.

"They'll probably keep hooking up, but things will probably be strained around here and between them for the next while." Letty told me before kissing me and moving to start up the stairs.

"Jesse, does he do for you what I can't?" I found myself asking without actually wanting to know the answer feeling a deep shame for not being able to satisfy my girls sexual needs that made it hard for me to look Letty in the eyes.

Only for Letty to nod in reply as she continued on her way to spend time with Mia and I found myself collapsing into my favorite chair.

'Fuck.' I mentally sighed while feeling thankful that Jesse could and was helping Letty and I through our issues in our relationship by doing this while also wanting to go knock him out for making Mia cry.

'I don't understand why I can perform fine with everyone but Letty lately, I mean I still think she's one of the most beautiful women I've ever met but I just can't seem to get hard for her and when I do I either blow way too soon or I go soft on her.' I thought to myself as I rubbed my head feeling like shit about not being able to take care of my girl and having to rely on another man to do it.

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Sending an email with Brian's doctored up undercover file that included his juvie records. Tacking on a note at the bottom of the email telling him that it seemed like it had recently been altered.

Since I was now a highly skilled coder and programmer that made slipping into L.A.P.D's systems easy and spotting discrepancies in their digital paperwork even easier.

'Ooo, I should pull off Lethal Weapon and rob the L.A.P.D.' I thought to myself and proceeded to nab their impound and evidence manifests so I could pull off a massive heist before I left my identity as Jesse behind, while I was perusing and pilfering their systems.

Looking over Brian O'Connor's real file for shits and giggles I could see that most of what was in Brian's Juvie records were true and he was caught boosting cars.

And shows a deep disrespect bordering on hate towards male authority figures probably due to his daddy issues.

'Hmm, why is he so respectful to Dom then?' I mentally asked myself while a memory of a clip I watched once and some gay journalists theory came back to me about Brian and Dom being secretly gay and repressing themselves because they were always told it was wrong and disgusting.

'You know, Naa... don't go down that rabbit hole even if Mia does seem like an unnecessary plot device in Brain and Dom's bromancery.' I thought to myself while shaking away those thoughts as I pulled out and lit another smoke taking a long pull of it.

'Also, there's a chance that there's transformers in this universe, I should see if I can find any mention of them or Sector 7.' I thought to myself as I leaned back on the kitchen table chair I was sitting in letting the cig dangle between my lips as I put my hands behind my head tipping the chair backwards looking up at the cement ceiling.

'Actually it's probably easier to find Bumblebee using the Whitwickey artifacts. since the autobots and deceptions have been here since at least the 1920's if this is a Bay-verse mixed with the new T-verse...Haa, I really wish I got to see Glen's graduation in person and the new Rise of the Beast's movie. That I'd wanted to take him to see as a graduation present.' I thought to myself as I let many different thoughts flow through my mind.

'It'd be awesome if some of the Transformer's Prime bots were here as well like Black Arachnid. Stop it don't drool over robots...But Arcee though.' I thought and then joked to myself thinking about Arcee and Black Arachnid who I spent more than anyone should ever admit to making deposits into the spank bank over.

'Let's not forget June Darby and Miko Harashi. I also made a lot of deposits to the spank bank over them to the milf and the tiny but spunky asian girl, and let's not forget about Makaela Banes Aka Megan Fox.' I thought to to myself as I thought about another time and what almost felt like a different person now.

"I am happy to gain all of Jesse's skill, knowledge, whatever. But this feeling of distance between the me when I first got here and the me now...is a little off putting." I sighed aloud to the empty warehouse as I picked up my phone from the table opening up docs and starting a chapter on HP/TVD.

'Hmm, who should Asher bang in Mystic falls first?' I asked myself as I just let go and wrote for myself not dealing with the negativity that came from commenters of Webnovel past, made it easier but the lack of positive commentary, also made it slower and harder since I didn't have a good sounding board.


"Mikaela, I." Nikita wanted to tell Mikaela about Jace about what kind of life he led the age gap between them but stopped herself since it wasn't her place and she didn't want to blow his cover either.

"I know, I know about you, the Agency, Jace told me everything after I kissed him. And told him I wanted to be with him." Mikaela told Nikita after sensing what the kind woman had been wanting to tell her.

"He did what?" Nikita asked in shock while looking up her breaks on the highway nearly causing an accident.

"Well good at least you know I kept things from my Fiance and he died because of it, I kept things from Michael and he died from it. So I'm glad he's told you everything." Nikita replied as she started driving again, a few tears sliding down her cheeks at what she hadn't said.

'I kept things from Alex now she's in the claws of that bitch and wants me dead.' Nikita thought to herself as she thought back to that little girl who she saved that was hiding underneath her bed as her house was burning down around her.

"Are you okay Nikita?" Mikaela asked in concern for the older woman who looked like the weight of the world had just fallen on her shoulders.

"I-I'm not fine, when Jace is around it's easy to put aside everything and just concentrate on him while putting aside my own personal problems but. But when I'm alone everything just comes rushing right back." Nikita replied while having girl talk with someone who knew but at the same time didn't know being cathartic for the spy woman.

"Jace, he likes you a lot and not just for your body and the whole femm fatale thing you have going on. He did a lot of digging on you and even has that girl Alexandra Udinov's father as an employee. Granted he wants to rip your clothes off and fuck you to the point you're ruined for any other man but to also ruin any other man for you. He also just wants to hold you and let you finally mourn what you've lost and support you through the healing process whatever that may be." Mikaela told Nikita while looking out the window missing the woman's stunned expression as she was just told massive amounts of information and had a few of her own ideas about Jace confirmed and a couple of suspicions about that hit on Nikolai that just didn't make any sense to her but she couldn't put it together because she didn't have all the pieces.

"Wait Nikolai is here and he works for Jace?" Nikita asked Mikaela to confirm it anyway.

"Yup." Mikaela replied while popping the p of the yup.

"Why didn't he tell me?" Nikita asked while feeling a little betrayed by her new protege and eye candy.

"He wants to be sure he can trust you with his plans before bringing you into the fold…plus he wants to have sex with you and has been more occupied during that bs you guys call sparring which is basically just both of you copping feels of the other and grinding against each other." Mikaela replied with more than a hint of jealousy in her voice making Nikita bite her bottom lip since Mikaela wasn't wrong there had been sexual tension building up between them since the moment he tried to fight back against her with a blade against his neck.

"Mikaela I'm sor." Nikita started to apologize, feeling guilty over the dance she and Jace had been dancing while Mikaela was told to wait.

"Don't apologize, I-I actually find it really hot and just imagining you two together. I play with my pussy so hard and cum like you wouldn't believe unless you saw it. I'm okay with you two getting together actually more than okay I want you to get together I want you to give Jace what I can't because I'm not ready yet." Mikaela turned to Nikita for each of their gazes to meet as Mikaela confessed to fantasizing about a relationship between Nikita and Jace.

"Mikaela, you don't have to do that…" Nikita replied while trailing off.

"Do what?" Mikaela replied in surprise while looking towards Nikita questioningly.

"Lie to yourself like that, I get that you're afraid. That since you're not ready to go all the way with him yet, that he'll lose interest in you and move onto someone else.

You also don't need to be so accommodating, if he loves you the way I think he does. He's quite alright with waiting for you until you're ready. Whether you know when you're ready or not is another thing." Nikita replied leaving Mikaela dumbfounded was it true? Was she really lying to herself to come to terms with the fact that Jace would take other lovers while he waited for her to make up her mind?

"Thank you Nikita for making me realize I was lying to myself." Mikaela replied as her fingers twitched for her Katana to remove Nikita's head to take her off the board permanently.

"What are girlfriends for? Besides setting their friend's straight." Nikita replied with a smile leaving Mikaela stunned since she'd never actually had a girlfriend before, only fake friends in her life before Jace walked into it.

"What other things do girlfriends do?" Mikaela found herself asking.

"While let's see they help you through breakups, they get you out of your comfort zone, they're a shoulder to cry on when needed for non-break up things." Nikita replied in a humming tone as she tried to think of the things girlfriends did for each other besides helping to take down a rogue spy/assassination organization.

"C-can we be girlfriends." Mikaela found herself asking shyly since she was quite excited by the prospect of having such a close friend who could maybe help her get over her insecurities about not being good enough for Jace.

"We already are." Nikita replied with a smile feeling that maybe having a friend will help her move on from Alex's betrayal and Michael's death. Also Mikaela was a bit adorable and really needed a mother figure in her life.

"Can we go get our hair and nails done?" Mikaela asked Nikita shyly since girl time sounded very pleasing to her and she wanted her hair to look pretty for Jace even if it'd just get messed up working for him at the garage.

"I have a better idea, especially since you're dating a spy." Nikita replied with a smile while planning to give Mikaela some firearms training.

Returning to her home pressing a button in her Range Rover that made the garage floor start to lower into one of Division's former bases.

"Jace didn't tell me about this." Mikaela said in a gasp.

"He doesn't know, let's just keep this between us girls." Nikita replied with a smile as she enjoyed the look of wonderment that was displayed on Mikaela's face.

"I can't lie to him though, you already agreed that keeping secrets from the man you love is bad." Nikita was left with her own mouth hanging open at Mikaela's quick jabs.

"I did, didn't I?" Nikita replied while hanging her head slightly.

"Come on, let's teach you how to use a gun and some basic self defense." Nikita continued with a smile as she exited the Range Rover.

"Ha ha ha haa, How are you so good at all of this you're better than me and Jace even with his ungodly natural talent." Nikita said as she was drenched in sweat while being laid out on the padded mat.

"Ohh well umm, you see Jace has a group of Ninjas that work for him and they've been training me…" Mikaela replied a bit awkwardly as she pulled the scrunchie out of her hair and ran her fingers through it.

"Why does Jace need me to train him then?" Nikita asked while feeling unnecessary all of a sudden.

"Hahahaha, He's kinda overlooked the fact that he needs training and is probably only training with you because A he likes you and thinks you're hot as fuck, B because his ninja don't use firearms." Mikaela replied as she offered Nikita her hand up off of the floor.

"How could he overlook the fact that he needs training to be a spy?" Nikita asked while putting away all the information Mikaela was giving her for later use.

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"Thank you for helping me _____?" Arcee said as she finished stretching out her lithe yet curvy form.

"Jace, my name is Jace and yours?" I replied telling her my name while asking hers.

"Arcee, my name is Arcee. Thank you for saving my Jace, I have to get going the Decepticons might be tracking me here as we speak. I did lose a lot of energon." Arcee replied as she made her way towards the open bay door.

"Don't worry about it, this place is heavily shielded. You can at least rest for the night. I might have healed your body but you're still battle fatigued." I told her as I took off my shirt that had been stained with her energon.

"Y-you were exposed to energon but you're fine. Are you really human?" Arcee questions and I noticed her looking at my exposed upper torso quite closely.

"I'm human, I'm just special is all. You're free to stay here as long as you need Arcee." I told her as I threw the shirt into the metal waste bin while planning to burn it later.

"I will take you up on your offer." Arcee replied as she transformed into her vehicle mode and tried to send a signal to Ratchet back at base and finding the shielding of this place prevented her from doing so feeling surprisingly safe around the mysterious human Jace as she watched the way his muscles moved underneath his skin.

'If only he were a bot this show would be much more pleasing to my optic sensors. But I can appreciate the visual image of him like this.' Arcee thought to herself as she watched him disappear up into a loft area before shutting off her optic sensors to get some sleep.

Waking up in the morning looking down from the open loft area finding Arcee still in her vehicle form resting I got ready for the day.

'I don't have anything to offer her to eat.' I thought to myself feeling like a dick but shook it off it's not like it was my fault I didn't really believe their were Transformers in this world until last night.

(Transformer transforming noises.)

"Thank you for letting me rest here, could you open the door for me please." Arcee thanked me before asking for me to open the door.

"Sure thing." I replied fishing the door remote from my pocket oped the door.

"Thank you." Arcee replied while turning around and bending over to transform, which got a very nice view of her very human shaped ass that had an almost g-string like strip of metal running down her ass crack.

"Hey, if you ever need anything you know where to find me even if it's just patching you up again." I told Arcee making her look over her shoulder and inspect me with a calculative gave before she nodded and transformed driving out of my home and life as fast as she'd come into it.

'I know I probably shouldn't but I did just get done healing her and she was worried about the Con's tracking her due to the trail of Energon she left.' I thought to myself as I turned invisible and followed behind her through the air.

Two Seekers which are the Decepticons air force flew by me and started paying down a blanket of fire turning visible to pull their attention off of Arcee firing laser beams from my eyes shooting the one fighter jet steering tails feathers off making it go into an uncontrolled spin and hit it's partner only for ground forces to surround Arcee on the ground and box her in.

'He is definitely not a human.' Arcee thought to herself as he cut a handsome figure from his place in the sky with gold-ish red colored eyes that fired beams at the Cons surrounding her.

Arcee transformed part of herself revealing her arms and upper torso he hands and forearms turning to blasters and started firing at the Cons that were boxing her in and looked bad ass and sexy as hell doing it.

Suddenly her blaster arm turned into a hand and she threw something at me I caught it and looked into my hand seeing an Autobot medallion that seemed way too high tech looking just to be a tag.

And just missed Arcee driving through the ground bridge leaving behind a bunch of dead Cons as blacked out suvs pulled up followed by dump trucks and heavy machinery with a badge on them that said Sector 7.

I felt the badge fighting against the grip of my hand like the emblem that the old knight transformer gave to Cade Yager as it crawled up my arm and latched onto my bicep.

There was a quick burning sensation and when I looked it seemed like I had an Autobot tattoo on my arm.

"I knew you weren't human." I suddenly heards Arcee's voice in my head.

"I am human, I'm just special is all. So what's this thing…do? make me an honorary Autobot or something?" I asked Arcee while speaking out loud.

"It has multiple functions but yes it makes you an Autobot, I'll contact you if I'm ever in your quadrant again and if I need help and if you need help you can contact me." Arcee replied before the line went dead.

'Well this was unexpected.' I thought to myself as I turned invisible and returned back to the Papermill and set to work on my custom f-100.

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"Arcee, you cannot be serious, stop pulling my leg strut." Ratchet said while hooking her up to the scanner knowing she had been hurt badly from the spark data uplink he had with all the scouts that work out of mount Jasper including Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Arcee and himself.

"Bahh, A human repairing an Autobot to like new." Ratchet continued as he ran various diagnostics on Arcee finding that she'd been completely healed to peak health.

"I couldn't have repaired you to this level even with the most advanced medical resources back on Cybertron before the war broke out, not even Alpha Trion could do something like this." Ratchet continued as he couldn't believe his various scopes that he'd cobbled together with small bits of cybertronian technology with the majority of it being earth technology.

"Yes, whatever he did…he replenished my spark and energon with only a touch, Ratchet if the Cons found out about him." Arcee replied with concern for the human she'd just met and given her medallion to clear in her voice.

"I will contact Optimus and inform him of this unexpected encounter. Be prepared to be deployed as a Guardian though you know Prime's and their all life is sacred ideology." Ratchet told Arcee as she removed the diagnostic equipment from herself and went to her stasis pod to get some sleep.

Arcee was assaulted by visions of herself being manhandled and taken by the human Jace over and over again waking up drenched thighs and an ache in her reproductive port.

"A two wheeler and a human could never work out.' Arcee told herself even as she cupped one of her exposed breasts and toyed with her hardened pleasure node, while her fingers toyed with reproductive ports sealing lips and her thumb circled her lower pleasure node that was located just above her lower sealing lips and covered by a dust cover.

"Ahh ahh yeas yeas probe my port oh oh oh, YEAS ! ! !" Arcee moaned and cried out as she made herself cum fantasizing over Jace probing her reproductive port with his flesh rod.

Her entire body glistening in lubricant as her back arched a powerful jet of clear fluid shooting out of her lower node leaving the two wheel bot panting as she slowly recovered from her powerful release.

"There's something about the forbidden, impossible aspect of a human bot relationship that makes my spark flare." Arcee whispered to herself, a romantic at spark. A part of herself she'd buried after losing Tailgate, her Sparkcé and her triplet sisters.

(Bang Bang Bang)

"Hey Arcee, Bossbot is on comms and he wants to hear about this human from you." Bulkhead said through the door after pounding on the door.

"Tell him I'll be there in a few ticks Bulk." Arcee said through the door wishing she had some more time to herself but she knew better there was a war going on and if the big boss bot wanted to talk to her she had to be front and center.

Letting out a sigh as she put on her armor plating from her subspace a place located inside herself feeling the hardened metal plates sliding over her metallic flesh sighing softly not even being able to remember a time when the armor plating wasn't necessary.

"Maybe I'll live to see the end of this war." Arcee said softly to the empty room as she headed for the comm relay to talk to Optimus Prime.

After a very long conversation with the boss bot, Arcee wasn't sure whether to be angry, happy or upset for being assigned as a Guardian to a human.

"Hey Arcee heard you got assigned to babysitting duty." Cliffjumper, who rarely visited base, rubbed in making Arcee's left eyebrow twitch in annoyance at Cliff's antics. Yes, she loved him like a sibling but sometimes she wanted to snuff out his spark.

"Jace is important." Arcee found herself replying and wanted to palm smack her forehead and reignite her problem solving circuits for creating a new thing to harp her on.

"Jace the fleshie has a name, is our little Arcee having naughty thoughts about an eather, hmm." Cliff teased Arcee and never saw it coming when he was put on his back with a plasma cannon pointed at his face.

"Hey hey, I was only playing Arcee calm down." Cliff tried to appease Arcee before muttering is it that time of the rotation again already which Arcee heard and retaliated by kicking the back of his leg strut harshly making Cliff grunt out in pain before he started laughing.

"So this human really saved your Spark?" Cliff asked Arcee as she helped him up from the floor of the repurposed missile silo while nodding and answering.

"He did and he saved me from being captured by the troops that Shockwave sent to track me down on my return back to base." Arcee replied as she picked up a canister of Energon taking a sip of it.

"Sounds like a badass for a human, too bad the boss bot didn't assign me to him, we could have had some fun kicking Con ass together." Cliff joked as he took the other canister from Arcee.

"(Snort) He doesn't seem like the type that plays well with other men." Arcee found herself saying as she imagined Cliff and Jace being at each other's throats by the end of the first ten minutes together.

"Hahaha, if I were him I'd prefer a lady bot lookin after me too, call me if you need me Arcee, I'm going out to look for energon." Cliff said as he stood up and transformed into a muscle car and drove through a ground bridge while Ratchet signaled to her that her bridge was now ready to.

Arcee hoped Jace would accept her becoming his guardian protector; she knew he could protect himself if he needed to. She'd seen that for herself but she also knew that the Con's had almost limitless numbers to throw at him until he succumbed to their onslaught.

A shudder ran through her thought matrix at images of what Shockwave would do to him to discover his secrets.

'Even if he doesn't want me he has me to watch his back. (and his front.).' Arcee thought to herself while a small voice inside her spark tacked on a little extra.

As I was just finishing the bodywork on the f-100 the quest chime went off thinking it was Mikaela, I opened the bay door with my remote I kept on me at all times after finding out it was magical.

Only to be surprised when a blue motorcycle pulled up near me, a hologram of a rider disappearing before said blue bike transformed into Arcee.

"Back so soon?" I asked while feeling surprised since I figured she has a lot more important things to do than hang around with me, like fighting a war.

"Yes, I told my commander about how you saved and he altered our leader Optimus Prime and Prime assigned me to be your Autobot protector.

'That's all well and good I guess, but who is going to protect you from me?' I thought to myself while looking at the Cybertronian woman wondering if the rest of her underneath those blue plates were as soft as the right cheek of her face.

"Okay, make yourself at home then do you need anything to live here permanently, like food or a bed or something?" I asked Arcee while looking into her softly glowing blue eyes.

"Y-yes." Arcee replied and I could tell she thought that I would deny her while she had no idea she was a sheep in a wolf's den about to be eaten whole.

"Can you lower your shielding for a moment to allow me to make contact with the base so I can retrieve my things?" Arcee asked and I was about to shake my head no when the remote buzzed in my hand a new button appearing on it that looked like a flash image of a ground bridge from Transformers prime.

"Sure thing but as soon as you're done the shielding is going back on." I told her and she nodded while contacting Ratchet who opened a ground bridge in front of the bay doors while Arcee walked through it and came back later with a large bot I recognized as Bulkhead.

"Nut-uh, Sorry bro you just look clumsy as fuck there's no way you're entering my home, I'll help her move that around." I said, shocking Bulkhead as I easily lifted the large almost coffin-like contraption Arcee was bringing into my home, setting it up away from my vehicles and workshop area for her, giving her her own little area to have to herself.

I looked to see Bulkhead with his head lowered and shoulders slumped as he stood at the edge of the ground bridge as Arcee took boxes from him.

Flying up to face level with him.

"Look man I'm sure you're a great guy…Bot, however you guys refer to each other but all of my stuff is extremely valuable and rare and if you were to accidentally trip you could crush anywhere from one to three at a time and they…I'd be able to fix them wouldn't I." I started to say and then slapped my own forehead since all I could really easily remember from Transformers Prime was Ratchet say, yelling and crying Bulkhead I needed that and the crunching of metal.

"Come on in Bulkhead, sorry about before. Sometimes I forget what I'm capable of." I said to him while moving my arms gesturing for him to come inside.

"Thanks little human, but I have to join Bee in a recon mission of an Energon mine." Bulkhead said though he looked happy at being invited in.

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Mikaela Pov

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"So what's it like on Cybertron?" I could hear Jace asking someone as I heard loud footsteps just from the open bay door of the Papermill but couldn't see inside.

"It's turned into a barren wasteland. In most parts there's really only Autobot city and Ka-on still standing from the war." I heard a female voice reply and her protective instincts flared to life since if this was a certain female autobot motorcycle she knew she'd just gained another competitor and enemy for Jace's love and affection.

"That sounds horrible, I'd really like to visit Cybertron someday though maybe if I use my power to fix things I can help restore it back to its former glory and give you back your home." Jace replied to Arcee and I could feel the sincerity in his words but also the hidden intent behind them too.

'Humph, hasn't even taken my virginity yet and now he wants to try some interspecies relationship with a tin can, pervert.' I found myself thinking to myself while pouting.

'Its all that AUTOSLUTS FAULT FOR SEDUCING MY JACE WITH HER CURVES AND HORSEPOWER, KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL KILL.' I thought to myself while screaming in my mind as I felt my Shadow-Queen powers washing over me and I let out my darker thoughts and the image of my blade removing the Autosluts head that dares to try and seduce my Jace.

"Hey Mikaela." Jace greeted me from inside the Papermill snapping me out of my Shadow-Queen form and murderous thoughts just before he walked outside shirtless, his hard muscles glistening with a thin layer of sweat in the late morning light.

"H-hey Ho-Honey." I found myself greeting him loving the way a teasing smirk made its way onto his lips as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me tight against his hard hot body kissing my neck making my heart flutter and my body heat up in need of more.

"You're late my Queen." He teased as his hand came down hard on my ass making me squeak before her grabbed my ass with both hands giving me a squeeze making me let out a breathy moan.

"S-sorry, I had a fight with my father a-and I ended up staying with Nikita the night before, then going to see that social worker from the hospital on my day off yesterday, the one we met the other day yesterday at the hospital to help me file emancipation documents." I found myself replying as he kneaded my ass cheeks through my thin nylon shorts.

"It's okay I've been busy helping Arcee move into the Mill with me, she's been assigned to protect me by the Autobot leadership." Jace whispered softly in my ear and the words helping her move in with me played over and over again in my mind and my murderous feelings towards the robot, I'd only seen in his memories came flaring back to life but they went away just as fast when I felt his teeth lightly teasing my earlobe.

"Have you eaten anything yet?" Jace suddenly asked me and I could feel his hard thing pressing against his jeans.

"No, will you make me something to eat? My king." I found myself asking in a small voice since I loved Jace's cooking. It was so delicious, especially watching the care he put into it.

"Of course, anything for my Queen." He teased as he nipped at my neck and I felt my knees give out as all my weight came to rest against him and I could feel the throbbing heat coming from his thing through his jeans. His need to have me and it made my weak knees completely give out as my legs turned to jelly.

"Carry me." I said to him softly as I buried my burning face into the crook of his neck and saw Arcee for the first time and I was surprised by how human she actually looked from her face to her expressive eyes and then there was the body that looked almost like she was wearing a metal bikini and yoga pants.

'She does look pretty for a robot but how would she and Jace even…I have nothing to worry about you can pine over what's mine forever, hehehehehe.' I thought to myself while giggling realizing I had nothing to worry about since even with Jace's abilities it registered to me as impossible for anything to happen between them.

"Are you my Queen or my little Princess?" Jace teasingly whipped in my ear even as he lifted me up by my ass that he was still playing with while I wrapped my legs around his middled feeling his hard abs through the extremely thin material of my shorts as they rubbed against my rapidly wettening pussy.

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"Mikaela this is Arcee my Autobot protector, Arcee this is Mikaela my wife and 1st Queen Mikaela." I introduced the two women while Mikaela clung to me tightly while her whole body flushed and put off a heat that was even hotter than a pair of acetylene cutting torches well feeling that way at least at this moment as I felt her hips start to gyrate against my bare abdomen and become wet with moisture that was soaking thru Mikaela's very very thin shorts and thong.

I felt like if this were an anime or a cartoon a beam of lighting would be firing from the gazes and fighting for dominance between the two but to cut off their staring match I gave Mikaela's perfect ass a little pinch making her jump in my grip a little.

"Hi Arcee, like Jace said I'm his wife." Mikaela said the words I'm his wife like they were competition to throw down.

"Hi, human I'm Arcee Jace's protector." Arcee replied and you could hear small amounts of disdain as she said the word human while staring pointedly at Mikaela making me feel like a headache was coming.

"Arcee I know you're here to protect me…but I'd prefer it if you prioritized Mikaela's safety and well being over mine. If something were to happen to her it'd be worse than death." I said aloud looking both woman in the eyes while forcing an Olive branch between them with very little subtly and I could see in Mikaela's eyes that she was reluctantly accepting of said Olive branch while Arcee looked like she wanted to deny my request but accepted with a nod.

"Good, thank you Arcee for being so understanding." I replied to her nod as I carried Mikaela up into the loft and set her down on the island counter sliding my hand in between her thighs rubbing her pussy through the thin clothes she was wearing as she bit her lips to stop from making to much noise as I felt a spray of her juices wet my hand.

"Haa haa ha haa, that felt so good Jace. I don't think playing with myself will ever make me feel good again now." Mikaela told me in a panting voice as the hands that had dug into my shoulders relaxed their grip.

"Mmm, good you're mine to play with anyways." I told Mikaela in return and I could have sworn I saw hearts in her eyes for an instant.

"I-I can help you too." Mikaela stuttered cutely as she became very shy very fast as I let her off of the counter top and she almost instantly slid to her knees while looking up at me face so red I thought she would pass out as her hands trembled violently as she brought them closer to undo my belt, button and fly.

"Mikaela it's alright if you're not ready for that yet." I told her softly as I ran my fingers over her head massaging her scalp and combing her hair.

"I can do this." Mikaela replied while our gazes met her blue green one filled with steel and determination.

"Okay then." I replied with a smile on my lips that immediately made her return to a shy expression.

'So cute, even while doing such naughty things while looking sexy as fuck this girl could give any Black Widow a run for their money, and she's all mine, forever.' I thought to myself as she shakily wrapped both hands around my cock after it sprung up and hit the underside of her chin when she pushed my jeans down.

"D-does it feel good?" Mikaela asked me while looking up at me but also trying not to make eye contact at the same time.

"It's not bad but you should spit on it so there's less friction, and also turn your hands like this while stroking. Yeah baby just like that." I directed her and had to bite back a groan as Mikaela followed my directions exactly giving me not only pleasure but also something more.

'Niki said I should use my tongue until I'm ready to suck it.' Mikaela thought to herself as she remembered Niki's very insightful training and demonstration with a cucumber.

'Jace is a lot bigger than Niki's cucumber, but I have to do this. I want to do this. Jace is mine and I have to keep him interested in me.' Mikaela thought to herself as she kissed the tip of Jace's cock and flicked it with her tongue, tasting a sweet and salty taste that made her mouth water.

Feeling him twitch against her lips and hearing the soft moan that left his lips as his hands made a firmer grip on her head.

'He likes it, he likes it. I'm doing good he won't leave me like mommy did.

Thank you Niki.' Mikaela thought to herself as she started to feel warm and fuzzy became even more enthusiastic as she took him further into her mouth.

Inch by inch disappeared into her mouth even as she felt it hit the back of her throat she didn't stop.

Especially not after hearing Jace say her name in a loud pleasure filled moan as she had to remove her hands from his enraged throbbing pulsating cock as they came to rest on his thighs.

She felt his hands wrap in her hair as he pushed her the rest of the way down his length and felt herself cum at his strong grip and presence.

His big strong hands dominated her making her feel like a little girl as his hips started to move as he held her head in place making her experience another orgasm that had her eyes rolling up into her head.

She could feel her vision darkening from not being able to breath as Jace totally and unprecedentedly dominated her.

Using her mouth and throat as if she was a cheap whore as she experienced multiple orgasms completely ruining her shorts and creating a large puddle on the floor beneath her that she was now kneeling in.

"Mikaela I'm cumming." I groaned out as I felt the first of many ropes to burn it's way out of my cock and down Mikaela's throat.

Feeling Mikaela cough around me even as I was becoming light headed I managed to pull out of her mouth and throat after hearing her try to cough and feeling her throat muscles convulse around my length.

As I pulled out of her mouth and continued to fire rope after rope of thick hot cum all over her. Experiencing my longest knee weakening orgasm to date as my own eyes rolled up partially into my head as if I didn't have a hold on Mikaela I might have fallen over.

Looking down at Mikaela who was completely plastered in my jizz, a thick layer on her face, some dripping down onto her breasts my cock not even having a chance to partially soften.

Lifting her up with the power of the Rooster Talisman ripping her clothes off with a flex of will bringing her into my arms flying into the bathroom. and then the shower rubbing my cock against her pussy lips before pressing the head against her entrance teasingly.

"Are you ready to go all the way?" I asked her in a pleading voice that I should be ashamed of but I didn't. I wanted Mikaela too bad to feel any shame.

"Promise this is for real and that you won't ever leave me like my mom did." Mikaela whispered and I could hear just as much desire to continue in her voice as I felt but also the fear of abandonment was clear to hear in her voice.

"I'd die before abandoning you, and I can't die babe. You're my Queen for eternity and beyond." I whispered to her as the shower washed away my cum from her face and I was kissing her lips.

"Haa, I'm ready." Mikaela sighed against my lips and I pushed inside her depths making her cry out in happiness as she completely clung to me.

"FFF-UHH-CCC-KKK, Mikaela you're so tight." I moaned out loudly as I felt Mikaela's walls hugging me in almost a crushing grip as I felt something dripping down my length.

"J-AAA-CE." Mikaela cried out as I felt her burst around me just from insertion.

Pressing Mikaela up against the glass out lips centimeters apart as we moaned and gasped against each other's lips as Mikaela's chest was pressed tightly against my chest.

Wet smacking sounds and moans drifted out of the bathroom making Arcee's thick robotic thighs wet wondering what it would be like in the human female Mikaela's position.

"Mikaela." I moaned against her lips.

"Jace." Mikaela moaned against my lips as we continued to make love for the first time ever in the shower.

"Mikaela I'm close." I moaned against her lips.

"Mee too letsh do it together." Mikaela replied softly as she rested her chin against my shoulder as I did the same, her nails clawing at my back stinging pleasantly as the claw marks healed nearly instantly.

Slipping over the edge together hearing Mikaela's moans directly in my ear as I filled her and she exploded around me.

"Haa ha haa haa, I love you Jace, I want to get married for real." Mikaela whispered against my shoulder.

"I love you too Mikaela. Will you marry me?" I replied to her and asked as I carried her to the bed and laid her down with my one hand just above her ass on the back of her thigh as my other underneath her head as I kissed her breasts and lightly nipped her hard dark colored nipples. Kissing my way up her chest along her collarbone as I started moving my hips back and forth slowly fuckinh her again as she moaned.

"YES." Mikaela moaned out, so much carried within that yes.

Our hands slid along each other's bodies exploring clawing as we both left love bites along each other's necks.

Time lost all meaning until we laid spread out across the bed both covered in a thick layer of sweat.

"Hahaha, that was amazing…but I don't think I can walk, I can't feel my legs anymore." Mikaela laughed even as her sweaty form rolled over and rested against me and I found myself running a tickling touch along her spine just basking in the afterglow and the pleasant tingling I felt across my exposed skin as the cool air current danced across my skin.

"I could always heal you." I said in a teasing tone as I grabbed her right ass cheek.

"Don't you dare, I earned this pain. it's a symbol of our love and connection." Mikaela replied with a very serious voice and a scary look on her face.

"Okay." I submitted while not even bothering to try and understand her logic and just enjoying her warm soft and deliciously muscled body pressed against mine. As I sent an order to my Shadowkhan to present us with all the expensive high end rings and wedding bands. We liberated from the L.A.P.D when I had a different thought of us getting engagement and wedding band tattoos.

"W-was I better than Mia, Letty and Sisi?" Mikaela asked tentatively as she nuzzled her cheek against my left breast.

"What we just shared. don't…compare to them, Mikaela." I told her seriously and I could feel her tense against me before relaxing.

"Okay." Mikaela replied in a pleased sounding voice and I could only mentally shake my head that she was doing exactly what I told her not too.

'Haa, this girl.' I mentally sighed as I kissed the top of her head.

"Mikaela do you want actual rings or would you rather get tattoos on our ring fingers?" I asked Mikaela softly as I continued to knead her ass cheeks. I just loved playing with them so much I couldn't resist.

"C-can we do both?" Mikaela asked me shyly while her eyes looked up to meet mine.

"Of course, anything for my girl." I whispered as I learned down and she leaned up kissing my lips.

'His girl hehe, my man kukuku.' Mikaela thought to herself as a shadow fell over her eyes as they started to glow with a soft red light.

"Let's go tomorrow, make it a date of sorts, maybe catch a movie, get some dinner at a flashy restaurant or something." I continued talking while Mikaela seemed to be laughing evilly in her mind.

"Mmm, shopping sounds good but… I'd rather come back here, have some pizza and cuddle on the couch to watch movies." Mikaela replied while nuzzling against me while looking extremely cute.

"Perfect date to me." I replied with a smile as Mikaela smiled and kissed my lips again with a soft smile on her lips before I rolled over and used the Rooster Talisman to flip her over onto her stomach.

Spreading her ass cheeks looking at her little rose bud spitting on it pressing the head of my cock against her puckered little bud.

"We're not done with our first's, baby girl." I whispered in Mikaela's ear as I leaned over her back slowly pushing into her virgin ass.

"J-Jace b-but that's m-m-my." Mikaela stuttered and groaned as it was already too late for her to protest and was forced to let out yips and groans.

"Fuck baby your ass is even tighter than your pussy." I groaned out as I started thrusting in and out at a rapid pace loving the way her ass felt as she Mikaela made cute sounds mixed with soft moans into the pillows.

Cumming in her ass as I laid bodily on top of her back breathing hard as I cupped her breasts from above.

Kissing Mikaela's neck as I pulled out of her ass and lifted myself into the air looking down at Mikaela's cream filled gaping asshole.

Looking at her face, seeing her eyes rolled up into the back of her head with the pillow between her teeth.

Going into the shower cleaning myself up before drawing a warm bubble bath for Mikaela carrying her in my arms sinking into the water as she laid against me.

"Ooo this feels so good." Mikaela moaned out in the hot water as I used the bath scrubby to wash her back and legs through Telekinesis.

"A girl could get used to this, You know you could have given me some warning before fucking my ass. You jerk." Mikaela continued without any heat in her voice as she nipped my earlobe gently then kissed where she nipped before moving on to my cheek and stopping at my lips.

"I could have, but then you could have denied me. Better to ask for forgiveness than permission." I joked as she kissed me again while rolling her eyes and letting out a soft noise against my lips.

"You're lucky it's me." Mikaela snorted.

"I'm sure Nikita wouldn't have minded if I took her up against a wall without asking." I joked and smacked Mikaela's ass softly while enjoying the way she pouted at me.

"Way to kill the mood." Mikaela whispered and looked the other way though I could tell she wasn't serious as her hands were stroking me off. While I slowly channeled the power of the Horse Talisman into her only healing her to just a certain point that she couldn't complain about taking something from her but also making it so she could move around more easily.

"Why don't you ride me this time babe." I said to Mikaela as she looked perplexed that I wasn't cumming from her handjob.

Mikaela didn't verbally reply to me; she only smirked and moved herself and slid down my length rapidly burying me deep within herself enough to the point she let out a cry.

Water was slopping over the edge of the tub as Mikaela wildly rode me with everything she had her hands shaking out her hair as mine cupped her bouncing breasts and I used my Telekinesis to hold her steady as I unleashed another load deep inside of her and she let out a scream.

Mikaela fell against my chest gasping how she didn't manage to suck in sudsy water. I have no idea.

After a good ten minutes of her catching her breath Mikaela looked up at me her blue green eyes half lidded in sleepiness.

"Can we get a hot tub? I want something bigger if we're going to do this every night together." Mikaela said as her eyes slipped shut and she started to snore softly.

"If that's what you want I'll get one for you as long as you promise to ride my cock just like that in it at least five times a week." I replied to the sleeping woman on my chest as I lifted up both out of the tub with Telekinesis granted from the Rooster Talisman and controlled two towels and a blowdryer to dry us off Mikaela surprisingly slept through the whole thing

Carrying her to the bed in a princess carry catching sight of Arcee passed out with her legs spread out in a very compromising M position, her one hand resting between her thighs as damning evidence of what she'd been doing while Mikaela and I had our first time.

'You'll be mine too Arcee.' I thought to myself while picturing a smaller human sized Arcee with blue and pink hair and silver skin kinda like those people from Guardians of the Galaxy two.

'Thanks House for changing the linens for me.' I sent a soft mental thanks to the house as I laid down in the bed with Mikaela sleeping soundly in my arms.

Waking up in the morning to see Mikaela looking down at me with a loving gaze while I was sleeping. And once she saw my eyes open she started peppering my face with kisses.

"Okay okay stop it I'm awake." I replied as I playful tried to push her away.

"I know, Hehehehehehehe." Mikaela replied while giggling as I moved to tickling her sides while rolling over putting Mikaela on her back as she was distracted by her giggling.

Pinning Mikaela's arms above her head looking down at her bare before me looking vulnerable as she looked to the side and blew out a breath as she looked up at me with a pout before smiling.

"Sorry but I don't think we'll be leaving this bed the rest of the week." I said to Mikaela in a throaty growl.

"Humph, I want a date." Mikaela humphed while her face said the last thing she wanted to do was leave the bed.

"I'll give you plenty of dates, so many dates you'll get sick of me." I joked while sealing her lips so she couldn't utter the protest I could tell was coming.

"Ahh Jace I'll never get sick of you." Mikaela moaned out.

3 days later…

"I'm sick of you." Mikaela tiredly sighed even as she clung to me drenched in sweat.

"Are not." I joked in reply.

"Are too." Mikaela replied as she let out a yawn.

"So aren't." I said seriously.

"Okay maybe not." Mikaela replied semi seriously.

'I'm sick of hearing her moans and your lovey dovey talk.' Arcee thought to herself while pointing all of her ire and jealousy at Mikaela.

"Can we go on our date today, pwease pretty pwease?" Mikaela asked me while blinking cutely and sexily.

"Haa, fine." I replied as I missed her forehead.

"Yeah!" Mikaela expressed while fist bumping the air.

"Jace, did you make my boobs bigger?" Mikaela asked while trying to hook her bra and failing to.

"No, I thought you were perfect the way you are." I replied because I really did think she was perfect the way she was and saw no reason to make her breasts bigger.

"Ohh." Mikaela replied while cupping her breasts and even I could tell they were larger than what they were the night before.

"Actually your ass is bigger too, and I think you might have grown and in or two you come up higher on my chest now." I told her and could have palm smacked myself for the almost murderous look that appeared on Mikaela's face.

"Are you saying I'm getting fat?" Mikaela asked as she went full Shadow-Queen mode.

"Even if you were, I'd still love you the same." I replied while going into demon mode.


"I have to protect you. I'm your guardian, that means I go where you go." Arcee protested while Mikaela snickered as she wore one of my suit shirts, a vest and a pair of tight shorts.

"Arcee, I understand that but Mikaela can't drive herself around…legally you can follow behind us but you already refused to let anybody but me ride you." I replied while rubbing my forehead as I took out a cig and was about to light it but Mikaela snatched it from my lips and gave me a death glare before throwing it on the ground and grinding it into the floor under heel.

Arcee was left with her mouth hanging open as Mikaela and I got into a 1935 Rolls Royce Phantom that looked exactly like the one from the Sorcerer's Apprentice movie.

Though she quickly transformed and followed behind us as I drove to the high end luxury district for clothing and then jewelry.

"Jace, these places are too expensive. I'm fine with clothes from Walmart or someplace cheap. I don't need expensive things, just you." Mikaela said as she rested her head against my shoulder and I was reminded of the demonic sex we had and how Mikaela had looked like a succubus when she fully transformed.

"Mikaela I have more money then I'll ever be able to spend and more always coming in, you saw the crime empire I established in L.A. through my memories using the Shadowkhan. There's just one gang there now.

Mine, I'm pulling in millions a week, giving you nice things is nothing but what you deserve." I replied softly as I leaned my head over and bumped the top of her head with mine.

"Are you going to assimilate all the other gangs here into one as well?" Mikaela asked me as we cruised down the highway with Arcee following from behind us.

"Yes, I plan to go from major city to major city here in Cali and then spread out through the west coast then move to the east coast and work my way in from the outside.

I'll move to state after state employing the same strategy I used in L.A. until everyone in the criminal underworld is under my control.

There will be no more gangs, no more cuts, no more familias, nothing but the Shadow empire and once the underworld here in the U.S. is fully under my control and I have the power over capitol hill I'll expand to the greater world will be mine.

I'm going to do away with human trafficking and any one guilty of rape or killing kids will be swiftly dealt with the world will still be dark and bloody but it'll be one I'm a bit more okay living in." I replied to her making good on my plan to be somebody to be powerful even if it wasn't quite the way. I'd originally wanted to do it instead of building an organization from scratch. I found it a much better idea to just take over and revamp the infrastructure that was already pre existing.

'Especially with Queenie's coaching and advice as my mentor and occasional bed partner.' I thought to myself as I continued to drive while Mikaela took in all that I'd just said.

"You're amazing, you know that." Mikaela said softly as she nuzzled her cheek against my my shoulder as my head continued to rest against the top of hers.

"No, No I'm not. Not really I'm just lucky, that I was given such a massive fucking cheat from the goddess that obviously created this mashup of a universe for me and reincarnated me into it." I replied and felt Mikaela playfully biting my shoulder because she didn't like my attitude.

"She gave you the tools, you're the one that utilized them for your own goals and purposes. So you do deserve the praise." Mikaela told me in a very firm way brokering no room for further argument or protest firmly that made my heart soar a little.

"Maybe you're right." I replied non-committedly with a light tone of voice.

Arriving at a high end lingerie store.

"He-hem, why is the first place you bring me to an underwear store?" Mikaela gave a little throat clearing as her cheeks flushed.

"Cause I couldn't wait any longer to see you naked again." I joked, making Mikaela shiver.

"Jerk." Mikaela said softly as she lightly smacked my forearm though a small confident smirk formed on her lips.

"Yup, that's my name don't wear it out." I jokingly replied to her as I got out of the Phantom and walked around to her side and opened the door while offering her my hand to help her out of the car even though she didn't need it.

"Don't be mean." Mikaela pouted at me, making me feel like my joking with her got lost in translation until I saw the flicker of an amused smirk on her lips.

"After this we should go and get a pregnancy test or maybe a store's worth of them. Just to be on the safe side." I told her as I placed my hand on her abdomen and if this were an anime her eyes would be hearts as she covered my hand with both of her and smiled an absolutely breathtaking smile.

"Hey, don't get too excited it could have just been a growth spurt or something that doesn't mean a little Mikaela or me popping out in 9 months." I told her softly and her beaming smile melted away slowly.

"I wouldn't mind if it was. I want to give you dozens of babies, you'll make the best father ever." Mikaela whispered as she pushed herself against me and looked up into my eyes while hers were heavily lidded in desire.

"Cough cough cough, He-hem. Mikaela, we're a little young for kids." I told her though it didn't look like my words made any difference at all.

"Come on, let's go inside." I told Mikaela as I took her hand and pulled her along, shutting the door with a wave of my hand.

"H-hello sir, we usually don't allow men inside." A woman who was wearing lingerie replied as we were greeted at the door.

"We'll take a private viewing room and everything from this season's catalog in her sizes for her to try on." I replied back to her handing her a roll of hundred dollar bills.

"R-right away sir, will you be needing your measurements taken miss?" The woman replied as she took the roll of money that was a 100 hundred dollar bills.

"Yes, I'll be needing measurements. Thank you." Mikaela replied as I felt a dark aura rolling off of her.

"Thirsty bitches better stop eyeing my man or they'll lose their eyes." Mikaela softly growled.

"It doesn't hurt for them to look babe." I comforted Mikaela while eyeing the employees that were modeling lingerie for the female customers.

'That's easy for you to say, when they're looking at you but if guys were looking at me you'd want to cut off their dick and stuff them down their throats.' Mikaela thought to herself as she found herself leaning against him showing all the bitches here her claim and just to feel his warmth against her.


'This human girl needs to be put in her place.' Arcee thought to herself as she observed Mikaela's possessiveness towards her human.