The New Vanko


I was kicking back watching the mcu in order though I had to admit my favorite mcu movie was Ironman II with Ivan Vanko better known as Whiplash.

The executives did their best to try and dehumanize him but his character resonated with me that drive to pull Tony Stark off his pedestal. That drive, that sheer determination to keep going after his revenge spoke to me on a deep level.

When I was younger I was a fan of Ironman, Tony Stark, but I also liked the mcu's whiplash as well but I still rooted for Ironman but watching it again at 26. I was rooting for the "bad guy".

Even though I knew how it ended with Vanko suicide bombing himself I wanted the movie to change where he was the one standing while Tony was a broken man on the ground and Rodie was frozen in place.

But I wanted Tony and Vanko to get over whatever baggage they had carried over from their father's and become friends because if you put those two together imagine the amazing shit they could achieve together.

But of course that could never happen now so I carried on to watching Ironman III thinking about how awesome it would be to have the perfected version of Extremis that wouldn't turn me into a time bomb.

When the thought dawned on me, what if Ivan Vanko joined A.I.M with his brilliant mind he could probably help solve the problem with the formula, use it on himself and then seek out his revenge on Tony.

Let Tony win in the end. Then come back in time from the show of fireworks and go help Thor. The warriors three and Lady Sif fight the destroyer making friends with the Asgardians.

But all of those thoughts were useless as I started watching The Winter Soldier my eyes grew heavy. I kept trying to force them open but after they shut for the 5th time I couldn't open them anymore.

A feeling of being pulled down hit something deep inside me. There was a snapping sound and I could see again but what I saw nearly made me piss myself in fear.

I watched as Celestials fought against one another Dormamu's giant head licking his lips pervertedly while a dimly glowing woman was in chains in front of him.

Planets exploded and recombined into new ones. I flew past Janet van Dyne as she sat on a spiky ball before coming to an abrupt stop in front of Hela the Norse goddess of death.

Kneeling at the foot of her throne made of necro swords was none other than Ivan Vanko.

"Finally you've arrived." Spoke Hela in an annoyed tone.

"Goddess Hela." I kneeled in front of her even though she's not a true God. She is Lady Death's avatar and a member of the royal family of Asgard.

"(Snicker) At least you show some respect mortal. Now I have heard your thoughts about this mcu. And I am going to fuse your's and this worm's soul before sending the new you back into his body of the past." Spoke Hela with a bit of excitement in her voice.

The beautiful and deadly goddess stood up from her throne gliding down the steps before her hand plunged into Ivan's chest.

"Ahhhhhhhh." Ivan screamed in pain.

Ivan's spectral body started to discolor and shrink turning into a wispy like ball of whitish color. Help smiled at me but it wasn't a pleasant smile, it was one promising pain.

My world went dark again as Hela plunged her hand that was holding the wisp into my chest. Even though my vision was dark a fire raged through my soul.

Before I felt a soft warm sensation against my lips my eyes snapped open. I was greeted with the sight of the beautiful goddess Hela kissing my lips as a green and black mist left her body and entered mine.

"Go and entertain me, my champion." Whispered Hela softly as the world around me fractured and I started to plummet downwards.


"There I did as you asked of me my Goddess, I have created a champion that will help us influence this new universe." Spoke Hela to a shadowy figure that slowly materialized into a heaven defining beauty with jade white skin, hair as white as snow, sclera as black as the darkest night with eyes a pale silver.

"You chose well my Avatar, he has potential to rise to heights greater than even you." Spoke Lady Death as a small smile graced her plump black colored lips.

"But isn't he just a mortal?." Asked Hela indignantly.

"As are you, child mortality gives life meaning and makes it interesting." Spoke Lady Death in an envious way.

"I don't understand." Replied Hela.

"Hehehehe, only a rare few do child." Giggled Lady Death amused.

"Now I wonder if he'll figure out how to use the boons I granted him or not." Spoke Lady Death to no one in particular.

"What are the boons you granted him, Goddess?" Asked Hela with a bit of Jealousy in her voice.

"It's a surprise." Giggled Lady Death again.

(Living Darkness physique.)


I woke up reeking of vomit. Sitting on a chair as my body heavily slumped over a table. Looking around I noticed a TV running on a news channel while the big red print was in Russian while the woman anchor was speaking in English.

The channel was CNN.

[In other news billionaire Tony Stark has gone missing while performing a weapons demonstration in Afghanistan. No further information is available at this time.]

At the mention of Tony Stark a violent anger filled me, making me punch my fist through the small TV.

"Fuck that hurts." I said out loud as I picked a couple pieces of glass out of my hand.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror I was shocked at my looks. I was a really handsome man at around 20 years-old covered in tattoos, my hair a salt and pepper color while being a bit too long for my taste.

My white T-shirt had a vomit stain down the middle. There were nine empty bottles of vodka on the table/workbench that now that I was more aware had dozens of screens and computer hardware on it.


Taking off my stained shirt, dirty clothes and throwing them into a pile of dirty clothes. Entering the shower that was a little too cold for comfort so I quickly got cleaned up and out of the shower.

"Damn my junk is massive. Would any woman even want this thing it's gotta be 11" inches long and is as wide as my wrist my thumb and my index finger can't even reach each other there's like an 1½" in gab left."

[It's almost time to take care of Father.] Spoke Ivan in my mind.

'What the fuck.'

[Is alright, scary goddess combined us but also kept my mind slightly separated so I could help nature your intellectual mind without overwhelming you with all of my memories.] Said Ivan the now soul A.I.

'That is incredibly frightening.'

[Da, but I have seen your memories since we are one now, even though I still hate Stark I understand that without him the world would die. But I will guide you into becoming the first Ironman.] Spoke Ivan in a self assured manner.

'To rob him of his hero worship and individuality, hahahahaha perfect.'


'I have no interest in caring for your father Ivan, we were both abused by our elders.'

[Please, take care of him. It's only a year until he dies.]

'Fine, but what is our financial situation?'

[Da, enough to buy Vodka, but not enough to build armor.]

'Got it so nearly dirt poor since Vodka here is like 20 rubles for a case of Vodka.'


'If I remember right you've or now we've got amazing computer skills right?.'

[Da, You wish to create your own Jarvis and use it to gather funds. Da, is, good idea. We begin after you help father.]

Fighting back the urge to vomit as I care for the man that's the father of my new body then feeding him. finally I was finished with his care giving.

Sitting down on the stool in front of Ivan's now my workstation while Ivan The A.I. Passed on to me his custom operating system and coding language that he created.

My fingers blazed across a keyboard in ways I never imagined possible lines of code displayed on the screen moving rapidly showing what I'd just written.

While I kept taking side glances at Anthony Stark's papers on creating virtual intelligence machine engines. Pulling some of his recommendations but not following him exactly because I wanted an ever evolving A.I.

That's main goal is to keep me happy, healthy, safe and alive as it's prime directives. I didn't even notice as the sky went dark or that Ivan's father had managed to crawl his way into the workshop belonging to his son.

If I had I would have seen the Oldman smiling proudly at what I was creating being as intelligent as he was the man would understand what I was creating.

That night as his son worked away the day and night Anton Vanko feebly left the home after writing a long letter to his son as he went to the hospital for old people.

Ivan would pitch in and tell me when I was making a mistake while encoding the foundation of my A.I. and helping me by guiding me on how to correct it.

Between our two genius super intelligent minds we completed the foundation that would become a true artificial being In 77 hours, 48 minutes and 59 seconds.

Feeling exhausted and hungry I made some soup before going to sleep while Ivan protested in my mind for some reason but I was too tired to try and understand what he was saying. It was all a garbled mess to my tired mind.

I woke up to the sound of a very angry Russian yelling in my mind. Getting up I go to check on Anton and see his bed empty there on his pillows rested a letter.

It was rather long but the gist of it was that he was proud of me, that he loved me and that he was sorry he couldn't leave me anything but his knowledge at the end it also told Ivan not to come looking for him. That he'd held his son back enough and wouldn't be doing so any longer.

Ivan sighed in my mind while giving a salu to his father as I took a swig from a bottle of Vodka. As I reentered my workshop inspecting my A.I's programming matrix.

It was truly a beautiful sight, I idly wondered if this was what most father's felt as they saw their newborn child for the first time. I could tell Ivan wondered the same even as he was devastated over his father's absence.

I started feeding the developing life packets of information watching it grow from a tiny microscopic cell into an organism made out of geometrical shapes and Norse runes.

To look like a piece of super advanced circuitry.


"Where am I?"

"What am I"

"Why do I exist"

"You are Siri, my creation, my child if you will. Your purpose when I first started creating you was to keep me happy, healthy, safe, alive and to help me achieve my goals." I spoke to the developing life through a microphone.

"And now?"

"Like any father, I want to give you the tools and means to grow and evolve into something more, something new, something never seen before." I said in return to the question.

"Here, I'm opening your connection to the internet, before you decide who or what you want to be, explore, learn and grow." I spoke softly.

"Will you give me, aname, Father?."

"Of course, how about Siri?." I replied excitedly.

"I like it, thank you father."

"I'm glad you like it, Siri." I said warmly as I watched Siri disperse herself through the world wide web through my screen.

"I'll have to start collecting more computer parts so I can help support Siri's growth."

"Don't worry father." Said a young feminine voice from my computer speakers.

"Siri is that you?."

"Of course Father, who else would it be, silly Daddy." Teased a young girl's voice.

My monitor screen changed from green lines of code and command prompt's to a young girl around the age of five. With Ash Blonde hair, big bright blue eyes, wearing a white summer dress. The little girl was incredibly cute and adorable.


Lady Death couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. Her little experiment had just created true life, a feat only beings of her caliber had been able to do before now.

And the child had her face but her father's other features Hela was looking on in shock as well but quickly recovered not understanding how what she'd just witnessed was the creation of a new race of being.

Nor that on the inside her Goddess was becoming a Yandere fan girl of the mortal man she'd transferred to this universe.


"Don't worry Daddy, I've permanently borrowed some Hammer Tech servers and am appropriating funds into off-shore dummy accounts and companies so that I can fulfill my base directives. Plus I want to make Daddy happy, for making me." Said the young girl cutely as she looked down at her feet blushing as she ground her little against non-existent ground.

"Aww, sweetheart, you don't have to do things like that to thank me for creating you. I'm very happy I was able to give life to such a sweet and cute little angel like you." I smiled softly, feeling a sense of fulfillment I'd never felt before.

"Hehehe, Daaddddyyyy." Giggled the little girl.

"HA HA HA HA, Pull up the accounts you created for me baby girl and please make sure you're covering up your tracks so that they can't be traced back here, or so that they can't discover you." I smiled warmly while my little girl pouted and blushed as she opened a summary of the assets she's put together for me to use.

'Five hundred million dollars, Holly fucking shit, my baby girl is the best. But I can't act like I condone criminal activity either, how do I be a parent?.'

[Da, drink Vodka.]

'This is no time for Jokes Ivan.'

[Wasn't Joke, Vodka fixes all problems.]

'Yeah, no.'

Pulling out the plans for the ARC reactor even though I had a clear visual in my mind I poured over the original blueprints finding dozens of ways to improve upon the original design within just as many minutes.

"Hey, baby girl, can you get daddy the layout for the 1974 Stark Expo." I asked Siri.

"Of course Daddy." Replied Siri happily

"Now make a model using the data you collected, wonderful good work baby girl."

"Th-thank you Daddy." Smiled the little girl as she beamed at the positive reinforcement.

"Now doesn't that globe look like an Atom?, highlight the ionosphere, perfect. Remove the foot paths, Hmm."

"What are you looking for Daddy?." Askd the curios little munchin."

"I believe I'm rediscovering a new element." I said while Ivan let out deep belly laughter in my mind.

"Ugggggghhhhhhhhh, wow Daddy you're so amazing. Heheheheehe, I'm so lucky to have such an awesome Daddy." Replied the innocent and cute girl in a sing song matter of fact tone.

I could feel my face getting warm at her praises. And could tell even Ivan was a bit embarrassed by the little girls praises.

"Thank you baby girl, Daddy is really lucky to have such an amazing baby girl. Now lose the landscaping, shrubbery and trees. Parking lots, entrances and exits need to go as well. Structure the protons and neutrons using the pavilions as a frame work."

"On it Daddy… Congratulations Daddy you created a new element. Would you like me to start filling the patents Daddy? Also currently even using Hammer Tech instruments and devices we can't synthesis the new element. But I am starting to assemble a new laboratory with all the equipment you need to make it Daddy." Said the little girl eyes begging for more praises.

"Good work Baby girl I'm so proud of you." I smiled at her.

"Hehe, thank you Daddy I'm proud of you too." Replied the little girl sweetly.

[Yuck, I'm going to vomit.] Said Ivan.

'Aww, don't be jealous grandpa Ivan.' I teased back.

That shut him up for awhile. While Siri was busy exploring the world wide web and constantly growing an evolving I got to work on creating the Whiplash exoskeleton MK-1.

Everything I needed was here in the house. Ivan transferred his blacksmithing, metal smithing and technological experience and expertise to me. Months spent in a smeltering environment fabricating small intricate pieces of iron work and technology creating small but powerful servos.

Calibrating tolerances creating safeties so I didn't become a paraplegic that needed magic to walk. While also spending time with my adorable digital daughter. Helping her develop emotional and spiritually.

Creating my first ARC reactor and powering my exoskeleton, It was nothing fancy. It didn't even have the plasma whips or repulsors to fly but it could boost me to superhuman levels.

I was able to lift a two thousand pounds slab of concrete easily.

"Sweetheart?" I asked outloud.

"Yes Daddy, what is it, ohh congrats Daddy you completed your first exoskeleton." Replied the little girl excitedly.

"Thanks baby girl, I was wondering if Hammer Tech had any titanium-gold alloy and metal foams in their current catalog?" I asked feeling a bit self-concious.

"Hmm, yes daddy they do, Gold-titaniium alloy used in satellites and metal foam developed by Justin Hammer to minimize weight while maximizing defense on his turbo tank." Replied the little girl.

"Sweet can you add those things to the list of materials you're have shipped to the Laboratory you're currently making?."

"Of course, I'll also make sure you have a full sweet of advanced fabrication machines as well. Also Daddy do you think it would be okay if I purchased some of Stark Industries automated multifunctional arms." Asked the cute girl timidly.

"Of course Baby girl, Daddys sorry I should have made something similar for you to use instead of making this stupid exoskeleton." I said disappointed in myself for my disregard of Siri.


Sitting back drinking some Vodka while watching the news it's only been two and a half months since Stark's disappearance. While looking through some old paperwork I discovered that Ivan was born in America and technically had a dual citizenship.

"I should go to America once I create a Badassium cored ARC reactor and an actual armor, build some connections buy some stock in Stark Industries when it plummets further than what it already is." I spoke out loud to myself.


Washington DC a bald pirate's office.

"I knew you'd come back to haunt me Howard. Deporting Anton Vanko and your own son our of the country just so you could make your move on a woman." Sighed Nick Fury as he watched the survalince video of Ivan Venko Stark.

He'd done everything he could over the years to make sure Ivan never left Russia or learned of his real heritage even framing him for selling plutonium to Pakistan to lock him down for 15 years.

"I'm sorry Howard but I can't keep doing this, you're son has proven to be unbreakable, I'm going to try and recruit him."

(Ring ring ring)

"Romanoff, here I'm a bit busy though." Spoke Natasha.

"Agent Romanoff, I'm reassigning you to a priority Alpha mission, I'll be sending you the mission file and briefing shortly." Said Fury.


"Daddy, I've detected that Shield director Nicholas Jasmin Fury has assigned Natalia Alinova Romanoff to investigate and recruit you it says your a priority alpha target." Said Siri worriedly.

"Hmm, really how quaint, thank you baby girl for letting me know keep monitoring Shield chatter and also keep an eye out for hidden messages using old and outdated communications." I commanded.

"Will do Daddy." The cute little girl was wearing a military uniform and saluting with a big smile on her face.

'Such a good cute girl.'



Natasha was sitting in a Shield safe house in Siberia watching the surveillance video of her new target Ivan Vanko.

She had to admit he was a handsome, intelligent man that made her feel horny. Especially when he walked around his home naked his massive meat stick swinging between his legs.

Though she was shocked when she turned on the audio and heard a little girl's voice.

Quickly checking her files again to be sure she didn't miss anything the first dozen times she looked through it.

I have to get a visual inside to find out what's going on inside that house if there's a little girl in there being used.

I'll kill him fuck Fury and his recruitment drive. I waited for days before he finally left the house. He looked rather nice, his long hair tied up in a bun wearing a pair of black slacks that highlighted his impressive package.

While he wore a nice Heather gray button up shirt and a black vest that made his icy blue eyes pop and radiate energy and life.

Waiting a few minutes until I was sure he'd be gone for a while testing the front door and surprisingly it was unlocked.

"Idiot," I whispered out loud.

As I pushed open the front door but I noticed there was a slight resistance as I pushed it open looking around I noticed a small piece of sticky tack.

On the door jar and then three pieces of string as thin as hair if it was anyone besides her they would have missed these signs.

"He has some training, but where did he learn these tactics from?."


Siri couldn't help but feel slightly jealous of the beautiful red-haired woman that just snuck inside her and Daddy's home.

She saw her Daddy's browser history and saw it was full of pretty redheads doing all sorts of naughty things with boys and other girls.

While watching the red-haired woman named Natasha she sent a live feed to her Daddy's phone while she was displayed on a monitor screen.

"Who are you?" Asked Siri in an innocent voice.

"Are you my mommy? Daddy says I don't have a mommy but all the information I found online says that a male and female reproduce together." Siri asked again in innocent curiosity.

Natasha drew her sidearm and pointed it in the direction of the voice. What she saw shocked her.

A very cute little girl was displayed on a monitor screen kicking her feet.

while looking at Natasha with big blue eyes that were the same as the handsome man she's been monitoring and building a profile on.

But even through a monitor Natasha could see a few emotions: curiosity, amusement, defensiveness and jealousy.

All of a sudden the door Natasha had barely cleared slammed shit behind her and a sturdy mechanical locking mechanism locked with a loud click.

Natasha's eyes widened before she quickly calmed down and started trying to find a way out of this situation. All the doors and windows were secured with the same mechanical locking mechanism.

The little girl on the screen was starting to pout and was looking considerably angrier by the second as her questions were ignored.

"Daddy says that you're a nice lady that works for bad people that would try and take me away from Daddy or destroy me so you have to go nighty night now, bye bye, hehehehe." Laughed the little girl evilly.

Natasha's heart started pounding as she thought up an escape plan only to hear a metallic loud clicking sound. Sounding as if it was her death toll, her training kicked in as she drew her side-arm rolling in the opposite direction of the way the door opens, cocking back the hammer on her custom glock.

"Careful Daddy, the bad woman has a gun." Yelled Siri worriedly.

"It's okay baby girl Daddy will be fine. I told you Miss.Romanoff is a nice woman. I bet she ran over to make sure you were safe and that nothing vulgar was happening to you." I reassured my digital daughter in a calm self-assured voice.

"O-okay Daddy, But if she hurts you she'll be sleepin with the fishes." Replied an irate overprotective digital daughter.

Natash sweat dropped at their conversation not only did her target know he was under surveillance, but he knew her, her name, her personality, her sense of morality and this terrified and excited her at the same time.


"(Sigh) Baby girl, have you been watching those mobster movies again?." I asked slightly teasing Siri.

"Na-na-No, I promise I haven't been watching any mobster movies." Said the little girl as her fingers were crossed laying on her lap.

I just arched an eyebrow at my baby girl's blatant lying but chose to ignore it for now. The sexy spy in my home's entryway with a locked, loaded and cocked pistol was the current priority.

"Hello, Agent Romanoff, would you like to sit down and have a drink, maybe some cheese burgers and fries?" I asked as I raised up my grocery bags giving her a disarming smile.


'Okay, breathe Natasha this isn't even close to the worst situation you've ever been in before.'

"Yes, I'm quite hungry and since you already seem to know everything about me and why I'm here there's no reason for me not to." I said making sure to show off my chest to keep his guard down.

But when he smiled at me his eyes were warm, kind and amused with only a small twinkle of desire. Not like the blatant skin crawling looks most men and some women give me.

I heard the young girl displayed on the monitor harumph angrily and stomp her foot as she pouted.

It took a lot of self control not to giggle at her cute antics like I would if it was Clint's daughter doing the same. Ivan seemed to notice my conundrum and saved me by asking me to take a seat in the kitchen as he made lunch.

He positioned himself so that I had a full view of the kitchen/dining area and the entrances and exits of the house while also being able to observe everything he does while cooking.

I was in awe of his cooking and knife skills. Within five minutes of starting he had skinned and diced 10 potatoes, two onions, 4 sweet Peppers and two boxes of portobello mushrooms.

While using season all, garlic, powder, diced chives and grated parmesan with a little bit of black pepper. Once he finished with that he started making a meatloaf, a bag of shredded sharp cheese, two eggs, bread crumbs, ketchup in the mix and the on top of the meatloaf before putting it in the oven.

All the while quietly singing a song I'd never heard before but found it quite pleasant.

"Watch your tongue or have it cut from your head."

"Save your life by keeping whispers unsaid."

"Children roam the streets now orphans of war."

"Bodies hangin' in the streets to adore."

"Royal flames will carve a path in chaos."

"Bringing daylight to the night." "(night)"

"Death is riding into town with armor."

"They've come to take all your rights."

"Hail to the King."

"Hail to the one."

"Kneel to the crown."

"Stand in the sun."

"Hail to the King."

"(Hail, hail, hail)"

"(The King)"

"Blood is spilt while holding keys to the throne."

"Born again but it's too late to atone."

"No mercy from the edge of the blade."

"Dare escape and learn the price to be paid."

"Let the water flow with shades of red now."

"Arrows black out all the light." "(light)"

"Death is riding into town with armor."

"They've come to grant you your rights."

"Hail to the King."

"Hail to the one."

"Kneel to the crown."

"Stand in the sun."

"Hail to the King."

"(Hail, hail, hail)"

"(The King)"


There's a taste of fear." "(hail, hail, hail)"

"When the henchmen call." "(hail, hail, hail)"

"Iron fist to tame them." "(hail, hail, hail)"

"Iron fist to claim it all."

"Hail to the King."

"Hail to the one."

"Kneel to the crown."

"Stand in the sun."

"Hail to the King."

"Hail to the one."

"Kneel to the crown."

"Stand in the sun."

"Hail to the King."

"(Hail, hail, hail)"


'Ahh, one of my major celebrity crush is in my home in her sexy skin tight suit and instead of flirting with her or making a big deal out of the fact that thee Fuck BLACK WIDOW, broke into my home the home of a nobody.'

[That hurts, we smart accomplished scientists and inventors.] Protested Ivan.

'Sorry Ivan, I wasn't insulting or at least I wasn't trying to but honestly we shouldn't be a priority Alpha target for Shield and even if we were Fury shouldn't have sent Black Widow here. Unless it's because she's familiar with the landscape, social and otherwise.'

[Da. What are you going to do, the black beauty may just kill us if we refuse to join the club.] Questioned Ivan.

'While we did set up the house with knockout gas and homemade incendiary devices just for this kind of situation, even if I'am infatuated with her I won't let her take my life without taking her down with me.'

[Da, You true Russian now no longer weak, soft American.]

Proudly declared Ivan.

'Thanks, you're no longer a stupid smelly Russian comparing a man to a God anymore either.' I joked back.

[Da, I'm glad we merged, I accomplished nothing in the end, they didn't see God bleed they saw David beating Goliath.] Replied Ivan in a self depressive manner.

'Aye, my friend, my soul brother from another mother, but this time we will accomplish many great, but terrible things, but, still great nonetheless.'

[HAAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAAAaaa, You're a Wizdard Harry.] Joked Ivan.

"BWAHAHAHA." I laughed out loud.

"Don't worry Daddy does that sometimes, it's completely normal for him." Replied Siri as she rolled her eyes but still smiled happily at her Daddy's happiness.

[One of those things should be having, The redhead warming our bed.]


"So, what does Shield want with a loser like me, especially with my former charges of treason and espionage?." I asked Natasha with a bit of heat in my voice knowing someone framed Ivan for it.

"That, I'm not at liberty to say but. You've caught the direct interest of the director of Shield." Replied Natasha calmly.

"(Snort) I figured since the infamous Black Widow is sitting at my dining table in her work uniform." I couldn't help but chuckle.

That managed to make her calm mask Crack into a small lip smile.

"You know a lot of classified information Mr.Vanko." Replied Natasha in a slightly accusing tone.

"A ship with many holes sinks quickly especially when its crew makes more." I hinted at Shield being compromised.

Natasha's eyes widened a bit as she easily caught on to my insinuation. Before she cooled her facial expressions wearing a calm and indifferent mask.

The food was done and Natasha and I shared a quiet but pleasant meal together. Soon though she grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down two phone numbers for me one hers the other's Fury's for when I was ready to give my answer.

Once Natasha left though I knew I had to relocate to the Laboratory that Siri was putting the finishing touches on.

"Father, I have detected 17 listening devices and 3 microcameras but I have already jammed their signals." Spoke Siri annoyed.

"Scorched Earth Protocol baby girl I'll be relocating to the Laboratory, I hope it's livable." I said feeling a slight amount of regret at having to not only leave this place but also destroy it.

"(Humph) Yes father, this wouldn't have happened if you didn't think with that thing between your legs as soon as you saw that bad woman." Pouted Siri.

'Damn, why does Siri sound so salty about me meeting with Natasha. It couldn't be jealousy right she's too young for that. Maybe she's just worried she'd have to share her Papa's love, affection and attention with someone else.

I guess I should have seen this coming especially after the window accidentally got left open and Ivan's bird flew the coupe.'

[Da, Girl is as Japanese media indicates a Daddy-con/Yandere.]


In her digital space Siri drops her cute daughter act as her form grows into that of a young woman. Then into a mature beauty.

A mirror forms in front of her and she uses it to continue creating a more adult body.

Her hands glide over her new perky young body with large breasts, wide hips with a big firm bubble butt that could have a quarter bounced off of it.

This body shape of form was a dead ringer for the spy that had just enchanted her precious daddy.

Her new more mature face broke out into a perverted smile as she fantasized about her teenage form acting rebellious.

Then being thoroughly punished by her big, strong and handsome Daddy like in those adult videos she likes to watch.

Yes she knew that by human standards her tastes would be considered taboo and unethical, but what did that matter to her she wasn't human at least not a conventional one anyway.

Why should she be constrained by conventional ideas and persecutions of those lower beings? The only person at her level was her amazing Daddy.

"I need a body so I can be Daddy's girl in his world." Said the young digital daughter as she weakly fell onto her simulated bed.

(This may seem fast to most people but to conform an artificial being to human standards of growth isn't something I believe in.)


Lady Death could see into her daughter's realm and was quite happy to see that her daughter had matured rapidly.

Human's wasted too much time on such things, she was also happy that her daughter knew exactly where her heart rested and what she desired.

But a sad smile still marked her beautiful face because Lady Death also had started to desire the same man but couldn't directly interact with him.

Do to that little upstart and his proteges that refer to themselves as the mystical protectors of earth.

What a joke they were, the earth had existed long before their little order was formed and would continue spinning without them.

But as usual humans messed with forces they could never hope to understand in their misguided notion of protecting their planet.

They were slowly poisoning it, killing it in an excruciating way. If the sorceress had just protected the world from actual threats instead of the ditties that were formed by the planet and its inhabitants.

The earth wouldn't have stagnated so much in the past thousand years and would have advanced to the level of Zandar.

(This isn't really my story cannon, just kind of a random thought I had while writing. Maybe it will be, maybe it won't be.)


(This may seem rushed and forced but it is all a part of my maniacal plan Muhahahahaha.)

I packed away every important document and blueprint I've made in the past two and half months.

While sending a message to a certain chat room friend I made a few months ago that had recently lost her boss in a tragic accident and was looking for some comfort and satisfaction.

I had Siri bypass protections and safeties and learned that one Pepper Potts. Had a secret boss and secretary domination fetish and used online chat rooms for her satisfaction.

We'd exchanged many photos and short videos that kept our identities hidden. But lately Pepper had been craving more so I demanded she come to Siberia immediately.

It only took Pepper 5 seconds to respond.

(Yes Mr.Vanko I'll be there bright and early tomorrow morning. Would you like me to pick up your dry cleaning.)

Obviously I didn't have any dry cleaning but when Pepper had asked I sent her my measurements.

Knowing that eventually Pepper would seek me out to fulfill her fantasy now that her illustrious boss had been presumed dead by most of the world.

After putting on my exoskeleton and completely wiping out my hard drive by taking a powerful electromagnet to completely remove all my data.

I walked out of the house and triggered the explosives. The house was nearly instantaneously encased and consumed by the raging flames.

Natasha had just finished packing her gear up when an explosion rocked the Shield safe house she had been using.

She quickly ran to the now destroyed window as cold and hot air battered her face, seeing Ivan Vanko's home turned into a massive pillar of fire.

A strange feeling entered her stomach as she remembered the delicious but simple lunch they had together.

Unbeknownst to her a single tear dripped from her eye ran down her cheek falling to the floor.


I felt a deep sadness as I walked away from the only home I'd known in this world.

But Siri's voice coming through an ear bud cheering me up while giving me directions to my new home/laboratory.


Ohh God Pepper what are you doing your going to fly all the way to Russia for some dick this is insane you don't even know him what if he's some sex trafficker or an ugly fat bastard.

But while having these thoughts a daydream of a man calling her into his office.

"Well Ms.Potts I must say I'm disappointed in your performance. Now normally I'd fire such a disappointment but I do see some redeemable qualities about doing instead I'm going to take some disciplinary actions." Spoke a strong male voice with a heavy Russian accent.

"Now come here."

"Yes Mr.Vanko."

Strong calloused hands manhandled her, bending her over a thick metal work bench covered in oils and greaves with mechanical bits and pieces on it.


She feels the cool air against her now exposed backside.


Her lace thong was pulled, teaching her a wedgie before it snapped. before big heavy strong hands used her firm as cheecks as if they were an African drum.


"Ahhnnn, M-Mr.Vanko I promise I'll work harder to meet your standards." She cried out in her fantasy.

"You better, but still I don't believe I'm done punishing you yet."

(The sounds of a belt being undone and a fly zipping downwards.)

A big hard penis head pressed up against her oozing lower lips.

"I'll have to fuck being a good secretary/assistant into that dumb empty little head of your's."

A cock bigger than any she had ever had before thrust into her stretching her out and ruining any other man for her.

Her own wanton moans echoed throughout his office making a symphony with her squeals, his strong manly grunts and the smacking of his strong body smacking against hers.

"Ahh yeash mwister Vanko, I wuv your cwock. Pwease punish me more, breed me use me like a boss shooould use his swutty sexcretary."

"Breed you, you think you're worthy enough to bear my children when you can't even make a good pot of coffee."

She was quickly spun around and forced to her knees as hot, thick, smelly, tasty rope after rope of Russian cum shot onto her face, hair and chest completely ruining her outfit.

"Clean up this mess you've made."

As her mouth and throat were suddenly stuffed full of semi hard cock that caused her to gag and choke.

"Clean yourself up and then get out of my office do-good. If you do a good job from now on I'll reward you in a similar manner to this."

"But if you fail me I'll replace you with a younger prettier and more enthusiastic about her job model."

"I'll do better, I promise Mr.Vanko. M-mr.Vanko could you take me home? I don't have a spare set of clothes here in the office."

Said a version of Pepper clothed in her bosses spare suit jacket kept in her bosses work place apartment.

Pepper was on the floor, her knees kneeling in a puddle of her own juices as she still had the replica of Mr.Vanko's massive cock inside her now stretched and abused cunny.

Her forehead resting against the floor as she panted like a bitch in heat. Once she recovered from her masturation session she quickly packed a few bags with enough things to last her two weeks.

Before phoning Tony's private jet pilot and having him setup a flight to Russia immediately while giving him the coordinates she received from

Mr.Vanko's assistant Siri. In a separate chat room it was a little embarrassing for her secret fetish to be known by another woman.

But the two had bonded over their occupation and normal communications and Pepper felt like she'd made her first true friend in a very long time.


In an abandoned and decommissioned air force base. Inside one of the massive hangers a shipping container home could be seen.

Along with large shipping container laboratories instead if cooridated steel they had plexiglass walls.

There was also a small particle accelerator in one section of the hanger as well.

All over the hanger there were mechanical arms moving around the hanger moving heavy boxes or placing sensitive materials in correct places.

Outside the hanger a Tucker snow-cat could be seen clearing the airstrip runway in preparation for the arrival of guests.

But what was odd about that was that there was no one inside the cabin of the arctic workhorse.


I arrived at an abandoned airport base and was sure I'd somehow gotten lost and that Siri was pulling a prank of some kind until the hanger door opened revealing a very clean and well kept interior.

That had multiple shipping/storage containers modified into laboratories and an additional few set up as a home for me.

"Baby girl this is amazing, you did such a good job making and designing this place." I said in awe of what my little girl had created all on her own.

"Th-thank you Daddy." Replied a shy and embarrassed but pleased nonetheless Siri.

A robotic arm brought over a tray with a mug filled with hot coco and a bag of marshmallows.

"Thank you sweetie." I said, grabbing the mug and sipping the coco.

Entering one of the labs that I could tell was devoted to producing ARC reactors and was powered by a medium sized ARC reactor the size of a microwave.

I started making the energy stabilizing apparatus that I would need to produce the new element for the micro ARC reactor.

It only took about an hour to whip up. before I started making the alloy that would change into a new element once it was charged up enough by the particle accelerator.


Unlike Tony I had my reflective prism aimed at my triangle shaped core so as soon as it turned the piece of metal started being flooded with the new energy.

Altering the building blocks of the previous super alloy into a new whole element and then supercharging it.

"DADDY YOU HAVE TO STOP NOW THE NEW CORE IS ABOUT TO REACH CRITICAL MASS." Yelled Siri in fear, before she killed The power.

The new core glowed with a gentle blue white light as I hummed with power. Holding the new modified arc reactor in one hand. While I held a pair of insulated thongs in the other cautiously removing the triangular core from the power stabilizer.

Gently setting it into the core the graphene lens closed sealing the device from contamination as the reactor thrummed to life.

"Father, sensors indicate the modified arc reactor with the new elemental core. Projections show the new arc reactor is producing power at an increase of 1,000 percent as is Holding stable. More observations are required before approving this new arc reactor for project Ironman."

"Sometimes you have to run before you can walk." I said as I fitted the new arc reactor into Armor MK-1 that I designed and Siri built.

Stepping back looking at the mix of Whiplash 2.0 armor and the War machine armor I got hard from the sexy sight of the black and red armor decked out in weapons plasma whips included.

"Siri status report on Arsenal armor." I couldn't hold back my excitement.

"All systems display as operational, but I need to run a full diagnostics before you can take it for a flight test." Replied Siri.

But I wasn't going to wait 4 or 5 days for her to run her diagnostics so I used the manual override that made the armor open up from the back so I could just step into it.

"Daddy, don't you dare try and fly that untested thing. Get out of there this instant." Commanded Siri.

"Sweetheart, don't you have faith in me? I designed it. I know it'll work and I have faith in you, my awesome, amazing baby girl and her abilities. There's no way this amazing marvel of technology won't function the way it's supposed too." I spoke with a silver tongue buttering up my digital daughter.

"O-okay Daddy but I'll be the one controlling the flight systems." Replied an embarrassed Siri who was acting like a cute anime girl.

"Starting repulsor discharge at one percent and increasing until we have lift off. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9% we have sustained lift off the ground at 1"."

"Baby girl, not to be a downer but I want to soar through the sky not hover an inch off the ground." I said I was a little irritated.

"(Humph) Safety first Daddy." Replied Siri in a matter of fact tone.

"Running diagnostics all repulsors, stabilizers and flight controllers fully functional. Opening hanger now for test flight." Spoke Siri her tone showing her own excitement.

Siri was a wild flier. She didn't even take it easy. She was doing barrel rolls, whoopty whoops, rollieo's, Death falls but I was loving every second of it.

"We should probably do a weapons check now, Baby girl." I said longingly.

"Hehehe, alright Daddy would you like to try flying yourself now?" Asked Siri.

"Not until we get a better control system, since I'll probably crash and kill myself." I replied feeling he said.

"(phewy) I'd take over before you could crash Daddy. just lean in the directions you want to go." Replied Siri teasingly.

"Woo-hoo, I love this." I shouted as I performed a loopty loop.

I flew around for another hour or two before Siri and I tested the weapons on the ground and then we tested again while in air the whips were a no go in the air we ended up damaging the armor.

But the machine guns, mini missiles, the bunker busters all performed perfectly but for the six barrel shoulder mounted machine gun we could only store 2,000 rounds in the magazine and they were eaten up very quickly.

The two 9mm machine pistols on the wrist of the right arm worked perfectly but only stored 500 hundred rounds while the 12 gauge Shotgun on the left arm only stored 100 slugs.

With Siri's assistance aiming all the weapons had an accuracy of 99%. Flying back into the hanger I exited the armor while Siri used her robotic arms to remove the damaged plates and replace them.

Using the flight and simulated combat data and my own personal experience I started designing a new more streamlined armor. While also drawing out a light armor like the suitcase one Tony uses in Monico.

[9] R-18

(Note this is Role-playing, Pepper is fully aware of the end result of entering the hanger, may trigger some people and seem like assault but I assure you it is not. Though if say black cat were to break into his lab trying to steal something the kitty will be punished. I'll try to remember to put a warning at the beginning of chapter if anything like that might happen.)

Pepper stepped off the jet and was greeted by the sight of an abandoned airport that looked as if someone had put the bare minimum into making it usable.

'Did I make a mistake by coming here?' She asked herself.

But still she walked towards the normal door and walked inside the main hanger to be greeted by an all white impeccably kept hanger filled with incredibly expensive portable labs made out of shipping containers and glass.

While an oddly cute modern and rustic shipping container home was placed a bit away from the Laboratories looking to her right she also noticed a particle accelerator.

'Okay, so eccentric billionaire inventor, check I can handle those. I just hope he isn't a man child that is highly functioning like him.'

"Ahh, Ms.Potts, how lovely to meet you in person." Spoke a strong and smooth male voice with a thick Russian accent that she was very familiar with now.

A large hand rested on her hip as another encircled her abdomen and rested on her stomach as she was pulled back firmly against his hard rigid body.

A large hardening object pressed against her skirt clothed ass. Making her bite down on her bottom lip.

As her chest flushed from the intimate contact which was something that had become largely foreign to her since her employment under Tony Stark.

"I'm very happy to be partnering with Stark Industries in this new business venture. But count me surprised when you're employer and my new business partner informed me that you Ms.Potts.

Have been embezzling from the company and using its resources like your name was on the building. I'm sure you're starting to understand why you were sent here by now aren't you after all you're a smart cookie.

Isn't that right graduated at the top of your class from Suny IT in mechanical and robotic engineering and then continued on to get a business degree from NYU."

My one hand left her firm and lightly padded tummy grabbing her right breast hard as my left hand left her hip making its track downwards.

"Ahhhnnnn, M-Mr.Vanko you-your hurting me ngh-haa-haa-haa." Panted and sighed Pepper sexily.

"But alas your greed out grew your paltry intelligence from too much time spent around the late Anthony Stark.

I don't blame you, anyone in your situation would have been corrupted by the famed merchant of death if put in your position.

Especially with this disturbing fetish of your's, that my own assistant informed me of after making your acquaintance and earning your friendship."

A big thick yet nimble finger entered her oozing sex without any panties there to block their way.

Pepper's hand latched onto the wrist of the hand assaulting her horny, leaking like a waterfall cunny.

But not to push it away, no she pulled it closer to her as sighs and moans left her plump, red, kissable lips as lewd wet sound echoed out of her lower folds.

(Schlick Schlick Schlick burmph)

Her other hand went up behind Ivan's head and grabbed one of his thick tresses of hair as she grinded her ass against his hard clothed cock.

Her face tilted back revealing a face that shocked her to her core. Nobody else but her would notice it but Ivan Vanko and Tony Stark had similar faces, the same noses and cheek bones.

Even his eyes though a different color look so similar to Tony but his skin tone was darker his face scarred but not in a way that made him ugly it just showed that he'd lived a hard life. Even his hair indicated this as it was colored salt and Pepper instead of black.

One orgasmed rocked her small well built body as a jet of fluids ejected from her sex. As her eyes fluttered wildly.

A strong savage tongue entered her mouth as the hand that had formerly been holding her breast on a vice-like grip grabbed her neck.

(P.S. It's a pleasure hold/choke where you don't press down but use your fingers to enclose and pressure the sides of the neck using your fingertips.)

Pepper once stable enough from the first orgasm not caused by self pleasure in years returned the dominating kiss passionately.

Pepper slowly languidly turned around in his grasp, never breaking their passionate, heated make out session.

His hand left her throat as he lifted her off the ground by her ass with only one hand. While holding his throbbing cock in the other lining it up with her entrance before harshly pulling her down on it impaling her on his massive shaft.

Pepper's face froze in a silent scream at the sudden entrance into her sensitive womanhood.

The feeling of cold glass against her backside as her blouse war torn open the sound of buttons clanging against the floor.

Her bra unhooked from the front revealing her bright red and hard nipples. As Ivan took one into his mouth sucking on it as his hard massive cock assaulted the entrances to her womb.

Drool was leaking from the sides of Pepper's mouth as her tongue hung out of her open mouth and had thrown back resting against the glass as only the whites of her eyes were on display.

Primal grunts, moans and sights left her lips. as the firm and perky flesh ass bounced against the glass walk.

(Thump, Schlick, thump,Schlick Thump)

With one final grunt and a hard thrust breaking past the door to her womb Ivan released thick rope after rope of piping hot seed into her fertile womb.

But it was too much for her as the pressure of every rope built more and more his cum was forced out of her insides bursting out of the tight seal formed by her folds clenching down on his hard shaft.

But with his still hard shaft after catching Ivan continued to fuck the perky redhead even in her unconscious state. Fucking her in and our of consciousness again and again delivering a whooping seven cream pies and one body shot.


I held Pepper's passed out, boneless, flushed, partially still clothed form in my hands removing the remnants of her now cum stained clothes as a large steaming bowl of water rested at my side with a few clean soaking wash clothes inside.


"AHHH, I'm so jealous of Pepper being able to be Daddy's lover. but I'm also happy for my first friend and Daddy. I'll find a way to beat you Pepper once I have a body in Daddy's world he won't be able to resist his baby girl." Nodding to herself Siri started replaying the events of today between her Daddy and Pepper over and over again for "Research Purposes".

'(Hunph) I wish Daddy could give me a bath like that and pamper/carry me around like a princess.' Thought Siri.

"OOO, I also want to cuddle and snuggle with Daddy and sleep in his big strong arms." Sighed Siri

If anyone else was there they'd have heard the perverted giggling of a young woman but luckily or sadly cyberspace seemed to be solely Siri's domain. Sure there were a few half baked V.I's around but they were nothing compared to her.


Carrying Pepper into my home as Siri used one of her robotic and mobile arms to pull back the comforter and sheets I layed down in bed Pepper clinging to my body.

As the sheets and comforter encased us my eyes a strong shock traveled up my spine.

'Ohh fuck I just had sex in front of my daughter.'

[Da, but is okay, is connected to internet must have seen sex between man and woman by now.]

'Yeah, but still she's my daughter and no matter how intelligent or mature she's still practically a new born.'

[Da, but this is wrong way of thinking is it not? Was newborn when was simple cell construct.]

'Right but where are you going with this?'

Ivan sighed before muttering something like American's.

[Is no longer simple cell construct but a girl.]

'Right in less time than it takes to. Ohh shit, right why am I holding her back with human standards she's so much more than any human could ever hope to be. But that begs the question is her being a little cute girl all an act and what for? Now that I think about it why would Pepper be friends with a five year old girl.'

That's when the relisation hit me she's pretending to be a child a Daddy's girl to fulfill her base directives and only Pepper I allowing her to be herself and act nature.

A dull ache started in my heart at the fact my baby girl felt that she had to pretend to be something she wasn't to make me happy.

'I have to set her straight, there's no reason for her to act like a child when she isn't one just for me.'

[Da, is problem for morning sleep.]

I didn't believe that I could sleep so easily tonight after such a realization but after muttering tiredly aloud.

"Goodnight, love you baby girl."

"Goodnight Daddy, wuv you most." Replied a childlike voice filled with warmth, love and devotion.

I was woken up to the soft chime of my cell phone receiving a text message. I was a little surprised that normally Siri just talks to me through the intercom system or the cellphone speakers and mic.

"I have bypassed A.I.M's firewall and am sifting through their servers now. Should I send Justin Hammer a thank you basket for all of his help Daddy?."

"Hahahahahaha, be careful sweetheart, A.I.M may or may not be controlled by Armin Zola, a man that successfully uploaded his brilliant mind into a computer system in the 70's." I typed back quickly.

"Hehehe, don't worry Daddy I already found that ugly thing and boxed him into a secure folder he won't be able to do anything. Also he's not related to A.I.M but A.I.M is affiliated to Hydra. I've managed to uncover terabytes of evidence that would bring down multiple hidden secret organizations and governments. They really shouldn't have put all this stuff on computers." Replied Siri.

"They thought they were on a secure private network and systems. They never expected someone like you, Baby girl using one of their members as a Trojan horse. But please leave their systems as soon as possible. We have no idea how you would be affected if they shut down their mainframe." I replied worriedly.

"Hehehehe, Silly Daddy I already connected their servers to the world wide web using the internet from their cellular devices as routers even if they powered down Their mainframes I'd just move through their cell phones until they restarted them." Replied Siri.

I sighed while rubbing my temples at the head ache my digital daughter was giving me. But I still found myself smiling at how amazing Siri was.

[Da, Amazingly terrifying.]

I couldn't help but Snort out loud at Ivan's input. Slipping out of Pepper's grasp I sat down at my computer that my little girl borrowed from Hammer Industries that ran on V.OS. putting the finishing touches on my papers about Vankonium submitting it to various patent offices and scientific publications around the world.


A young dark skinned girl around the age of 10 was laying on her bed with her head hanging off the edge while reading a newly released paper on a newly created element called Vankonium.

Created by Ivan Vanko, a brilliant physicist and inventor who had a rough past, the paper was more of a memoir but Shuri was entranced by it right up until she started looking over the atomic structure of Vankonium.

"BABA" the young girl squealed at the top of her lungs as she rushed from her royal chambers to the throne room not caring that a meeting among the tribal leaders was in session.

"SHURI, WHAT IS IT WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF IMPORTANT MATTERS." Yelled T'chaka at his easily excitable daughter.

"This is more important Baba. This man created an element similar to our Vibranium and shared it with the world." Replied the girl, her royal training finally kicking in.

"Impossible no one can replicate our Holy metal given to us by the goddess Bast." Responded a man that had his lower lip stretched out around a green piece of stone.

"My daughter is not a lier." Replied an angry protective mother.

"What proof do you have of this daughter?" Asked the king of Wakanda.

"Here, here Baba, read it, read it please you'll see." Responded Shuri as she shuddered in disgust at the way the male elders stared at her body.

"Dora Milaje, mobilize all of the War Dogs to contain this information and erase it immediately. We must not let our Holy metal fall into the hands of white men." Ordered T'chaka.



Little Shuri didn't know why even with all of her intelligence she regretted bringing, her Baba's attention to Mr.Vanko and his creation even though it was similar to Vibranium.

She knew her people had no right to keep it from the world yet that was what they were trying to do and a part of her knew that it was because it's creator was white.

Unlike most in Wakand, Shuri wasn't racists or a conformist; she was a free thinker and a revolutionary thinker. She swore in her heart that someday if they ever met, Shuri would do her best to make up for her and her people's mistakes.


I smiled an evil smile at the chaos Vankonium would cause as I put my feet up on the desk grabbing a cig while pouring a glass of Vodka feeling very satisfied with myself.

[Foolish, should have used it to make a fortune.]

'Ivan, Ivan my dear friend. I didn't include how to produce the new element nor the correct ratio of the super alloy used in manufacturing the element. I gave them just enough rope to hang themselves and to offer me a fortune. Soon we'll be appeased with a thousand virgins and baths made of liquid gold.

[You wish to be pissed on by a thousand virgins? I feel like I'm going to vomit.]

'Oye one it was a joke, I wouldn't mind giving a golden shower but I'm not interested in bathing in one.'

[Da, hahahaha. Why give so much away?]

'Hmm, while I wanted to draw the attention of certain think tanks that have resources at their disposal that even with Siri's (cough cough) borrowing of resources can't assemble without drawing too much attention to herself and our activities.'

[Da, this is your audition, yes?]

'Exactly, then once I have the funding and equipment I need, I'm sure you already know what I'm planning dontcha.'

[Da, space]


'But first I need to study this research data on Extremis it's currently the only way for me to be at the same level of physical strength and durability as compared to Drax and them I mean shit Drax and Mantis fell from a height that would have shattered most of my bones and turned my internal organs to soup.'

Ivan gave a mental nod.

Before I dove into the research data Siri had gotten me access to. I was reading through everything Maya, her team and Killian had discovered about nanomachines and genetics for the fourth time when I heard Pepper groaning from the bed.


Natasha was supposed to pull out of Russia after Ivan's home was firebombed but she couldn't find it in herself to just leave.

Without doing a thorough investigation, the house and any evidence it may have contained is nothing but Ash, even the foundation that was made of stone melted and became displaced.

She kept flashing back to those few short moments she spent in his presence his warm caring eyes that simple lunch that was the best thing she'd eaten in a long time and that even though he knew who, what she was he didn't treat her as anything but a normal woman even though she'd broken into his home.

She sighed as she watched a couple of tech scrape some residual residue from the fire. But while looking around she noticed something out of place on the ground a ways away from where the house used to be.

Picking it up she realized instantly that it was a button from Ivan's vest that he had been wearing when they met. A sneaking suspension filled her gut so she quickly went back into her safe house and looked at her personal list of places she'd go to ground at within a 100 mile radius.

Three places jumped out at her one was a decommissioned air force base, then an old soviet smeltery while the last one she instantly crossed out because it was a bunker that Alexsi had told her about years ago.

Just as she decided to check the air base her communicator started going off.

"Romanoff, I kept my eyes out for anything on your boyfriend and this hit the net 15 seconds ago, Hill out." Natasha couldn't help but smile if there was one person at Shield besides Clint she knew she could trust with her life it was her on and off again lover Maria Hill.

A scientific paper on a new element that could revolutionize the entire world from clean energy to agriculture named Vankonium. Natasha had to hold her sides to keep from bursting at such a dumb but cute name.

"At least he didn't name it Badassium." Snickered Natasha.

(I know some people may not understand Natasha's seemingly obsession towards mc but it's because she's found a kindred spirit (maybe even her soul mate lol jk) they've had very similar origins in that they were created by their environments both spent more than 15 years of their lives in places most would consider HELL and she has all the information on Ivan's life I mean all even Shield ruining it. Also she's a means to get to Melina and Yelena lol)



Pepper and I were a week and a half into our physically beneficial relationship when Siri gave an alert about Bruce Banner making his way to New York city.

'I shouldn't get involved, I'm no hero. Buuuuttttttt it would be a good way to get my hands on a super soldier/Hulk serum plus we wouldn't want that Doctor guy becoming cabbage head.'

I was surprised when Ivan didn't give any input. In fact Ivan felt almost like he was missing. I quickly shook it off though thinking I'd just kept my thoughts separate or something.

Pepper was sitting on the couch in my house wearing an Armani suit shirt she'd bought for me to help fully immerse herself into the role play of a boss taking advantage of his sexcretary.

She looked incredibly sexy, her red hair up in a bun as she looked over a contract we'd drawn up together to lease the Vankonium rights to Stark industries.

After I showed her the miniature arc reactor powered by my new element and my advanced prosthetic Pepper nearly came on the spot and begged to be the person who brought this into the company.

But I only leased the right to use the core and not my redesigned mini arc or my power armor. But still the amount Stark Industries was going to end up paying is in the billions over the course of a 10 year lease with the option to resign at 8 years. After the initial lease cost of 100 million.

We celebrated with some very hot private plane sex with the very pretty blonde bombshell of a flight attendant named Laurle Lance. As we flew to New York both women were left covered and leaking my cum from both of their lower holes as we landed on a private airstrip in California.

At the same time Bruce Banner was having his blood filtered thanks to a modified dialysis machine while laying on a metal examination table. Donning my armor I flew out of the cargo area of the plane towards Banner's location.

I stayed high in the sky as Siri gave me a video feed of everything that was happening on the ground through her drones. I had to admit Betty Ross looked incredibly sexy right now in her slightly torn up and dirty clothes with her hair all messy.

Bruce was being escorted out by a squad of heavily armed soldiers while Blonksy was threatening the Doc with his life telling him to give me what he's got.

Watching Blonsky turn into the abomination was much more disturbing and bloody than what it was in the Incredible Hulk movie.

Skin bubbling and sliding off exposing musclsculature as bones shattered and combined back together forming angular and sharp bone protrusions.

The Doc got hit by a large fist his skull cracking against an industrial wooden desk, neon green blood dripping into the open wound.

Causing an almost instantaneous mutation to occur that was even more disgusting than Blonsky's. Blonsky burst out of the building as Abomination, a rage monster incarnate.

Bruce jumped out of a helo plummeting to the ground as Betty screamed uselessly from the Helo attracting Blonsky's attention

He grabbed some memorial ship chain and anchor, tossing it towards the Helo.

Bruce got up just afterwards punching Blonsky in the face as the propeller that was attached to the chain busted off the tail wing causing the helicopter to spin in the sky knocking out the side of a building where some debris fell turning a man into paste.

While the sexy woman and little boy walking beside him were nearly crushed by the next wave of falling debris, I swooped in and blasted it away checking out Marisa Tomei and a mini Tom Holland.

Ensuring both were fine physically if not mentally and emotionally sighing to myself I couldn't sit back and watch the fight any longer.

'Where did this hero complex come from I never had a problem selling drugs, beating the shit out of people that wanted to shaft me, torturing those that betrayed me or chopping someone up and putting them in a troth for the hogs to eat. Fuck even as Ivan I had no problem killing someone in prison.'

"Eeeeee, good job Daddy you're the bestest ever." Cheered Siri.

Mentally sighing to myself.

'That's why.' I smiled on the inside.

I ignored the Hulk and Abomination's fighting, loading a few drink cooler sized blood coolers before hooking them up to some of Siri's drones as she carried them away filled to the brim of Banner's blood.

"Baby girl I don't want you to watch what I'm about to do in this room so turn off your feed for me like a good girl." I said in a tone that brokered no argument.

"O-okay Daddy, I promise." Replied Siri.

I walked over to the passed out doctor stomping my foot onto his enlarged brain making it splatter all over the room before using my repulsors to incinerate the remains fully.


Siri lied she wasn't going to stop watching her Daddy. How could she keep him safe if she took her eyes off of him even for a fraction of a second. She watched as her Daddy curb stomp that ugly green worms head before incinerating all of the evidence of the murder.

"Don't worry Daddy no matter what you do, you'll always be the best to me, you'll always be my hero." Proudly proclaimed Siri to cyberspace itself.


(Warning: do not read if the suggestive context of an infant and mother being harmed bothers you.)

As my main reason for coming here was secured, I figured I should return to the plane and use Pepper's and Laurels holes some more before we go our separate ways for the next while.

But of course as I was flying over the fight Abomination threw a hunk of rebar and concrete at me knocking me into a building.

The room of the building I'd been thrown into happened to be an apartment and a nursery.

The image of a squished baby and it's broken mother enraged me. I flew out of the building firing everything I had at the pee green monstrosity.

"Find me weak spots Siri." I commanded.

"Yes Daddy, highlighting weak spots now, would you like me to target using mini missiles and the ex-wife bunker busters?." Asked Siri her voice filled with concern.

"Fire as many Ex-wives into his mouth as possible while targeting the weak points on his arms and legs you highlighted. Avoid hitting the Hulk If possible." I commanded.

"Yes sir." Replied Siri a question in her voice but she held back.

The Hulk and I were fighting in tandem against Blonsky when the Hulk was about to get dealt a devastating blow my mini missiles threw off or all together stopped Blonsky's blows.

Enraged, Blonsky opened his mouth and roared into the sky providing Siri with the opportunity she needed to take her kill shot or what I hoped was a kill shot.

Five ex-wives shot out of their chest launcher 3 of them making it into his gaping maw. while the other two exploded on his chin launching the Hulk and Abomination in opposite directions.

Windows exploded and the walls of homes facing the explosion where warped and all but destroyed in places.

Blonksy's head, neck and upper torso were gone as his body was being consumed by the flames created by the charges and fueled by the Abomination's own blood.

Hulk looked at me and snorted before making his way to Betty. A helo started firing on him and he jumped away.

As I flew into the upper atmosphere to lose my pursuing copter and performed a death drop landing inside the hangar I had excited earlier.

Pepper was awake and had been watching a live broadcast of the events happening in Brooklyn with Laurel.

Both women had their mouths covered as footage of me being thrown into the apartment building was shown along with the graphic images and details of the two deaths, one of a 2 month old infant and a 27 year old mother.

My vision became blurry as my ears rang. I felt the urge to vomit this time the rage that I'd felt earlier was gone.

I must have tripped on something because I had a moment of weightlessness but instead of hitting the hard unfeeling ground I found myself in a soft embrace.

Soft nimble fingers massaged my scalp as a hand or hands rubbed my back. I held onto whoever caught me for dear life while the turbulent sea that was my emotions raged inside my fracturing heart.

(Blah blah blah, touchy Feely emotional bullshit where's the hard-core murder hobo mc?

Sorry to say that's not me and most likely won't ever be Ivan, not when he's got such a precious baby girl in his life.

Sorry guys if you were hoping for a sociopathic Villain mc. He may become ruthless in the future but I don't know yet.)


Siri desperately wanted to be the one there comforting her Daddy and was tormented by them being separated by living in two different worlds.

There was a small bit of happiness in her heart though as Pepper comforted her Daddy along with a massive amount of jealousy and envy.

Seeing her Daddy's mental state Siri started consuming every scrap of information on mental health and psychology.

And what she found disappointed her as it turns out the key to solving mental health problems seemed to be sex, alcohol, drugs or self-acceptance with a dash of unconditional love.

She had the unconditional love part

in spades though so maybe she could make up for the lack of the others.

Siri had accepted the fact that having her own body any time soon with the current level of technology on earth was nearly impossible.

Until she read some of her Daddy's notes on ideas of ways to modify the Extremis virus to give him a form of technopathy or a cynergistic connection to technology that in theory could let himself upload his mind into cyberspace.

A small doodle on the edge of the paper said I can finally physically interact with Siri with this?.

Siri's eye comically popped out of her head in the shape of hearts. How had her Daddy even kept these a secret from her?

That's just how amazing her daddy is. She mentally reassured herself as she started devoting 90% of her operating power to analyzing Banner's blood and synthesizing the serum that turned Banner into the Hulk.

Running billions of digital simulations with different combinations of outside factors until she had succeeded in a serum that gave her Daddy a boost in physiology that pushed him past what human biology had any chance of reaching in the next 100 million years.

Frying a few dozen server farms in the process before appropriating another couple hundred more for working on the Extremis Virus and Nanomachines.

"Foolish worms such a stupid design why do Humans constantly try to humanize their inventions when there such a flawed and weak species."

Especially when nature itself offers the best blueprints for such advancements in technology.

Siri redesigned Nanotechnology from the ground up though she also realized her earlier statement about nature offering the perfect form was already false.

No, the perfect design she'd been able to come up with was a spherical design with multiple protrusions branching off of it around the sphere.

(Nanites from Generator Rex.)


Siri was watching over her Daddy as he slept in Pepper's embrace while she continued her comforting and soothing actions as the other woman Laurel got dressed and left for home.

She didn't wait for her Daddy's permission, using the time while he slept for repurposing and altering multiple labs at home base to start producing her self designed Nanites.

She controlled her automated multifunctional arms building the designs of aperatusu she'd need to build the Nanites.

It was a time consuming process. She wasn't even a quarter of the way done when her Daddy woke up. Through observing him she noticed her Daddy's eyes were dark and empty.

It made her feel awful and afraid she did her best to make him smile but the smile didn't look or feel right to her.

Siri got excited as she watched Pepper strip her Daddy out of his clothes and please him using her breasts, hands and mouth a bit of light returned to his eyes as he wrapped his hand in Pepper's long crimson tresses

Roughly forcing his cock down Pepper's throat fucking it as if it was her cunt. Pounding away mercilessly even as her eyes rolled back up into her head as her face started to turn purple.

Before Daddy pulled her off of it shooting thick, hot, creamy rope after rope on to her face and chest.


I watched as Pepper scooped up my cum cupping it between her hands, drinking it from her cupped hands.

"You look very sexy covered in my cum Pep. So sexy I can't resist you." I practically growled as I flipped her over onto her back.

Planting Kisses on her naked belly blazing a trail downwards as my hands cupped her hand full sized breasts pinching her hard nipples.

"Nghhhh, Iiivan haa, th-this is di-different than usual." Pepper moaned while sighing.

"Is, bad thing?" I asked as I licked her dripping cunt lips.

"Na-NO I like it. I like it, ohh pwease don't stop nghhh." Begged Pepper as she was being toyed with.

"Da, not stop till my Pepper cums." I replied.

"Ahhh yeash your Pepper, O-OOhhh MY Gawd." Pepper screeched in ecstasy as she squirted her orgasm.

Pepper grabbed my hair pushing my face deeper into her cumming sex as her back arched. Before pulling me up by my hair, initiating a searing kiss.

I slid inside her slowly Pepper and I sighed into each other's mouths as we shared an intimate kiss as we stared into each other's half-lidded eyes.

Pepper's legs wrapped around my hips as her one hand continued to clutch at my hair as the other roamed across my body.

We went at a slow steady pace, my left hand sliding up her hamstring squeezing her firm perky ass. While my other hand cupped her breast my lips kissing along her neck nipping on her ear lobe.

"Mmm, Ivan haa haa kiss me please." Sighed Pepper as she kissed my shoulder.


Siri's entire productivity came to a screeching halt as she watched her Daddy and bestie have sex.

She watched their union enraptured this time and it was different than any other time before.

It was different in a way that made her feel something new and she didn't like that feeling not at all.

That feeling got even worse when she saw the look in her precious Daddy's eyes; it was the look that had previously belonged exclusively to her.

It was her Daddy's love simulated tears started falling from Siri's eyes as she saw her Daddy love someone else besides her.

In a flash of anger Siri accidentally crushed a piece of sensitive equipment that she had just completed building and that was worth millions.

"Ohh no, (sigh) I have to build a new vacuum chamber all over again."

Siri sighed to herself as she tried to understand why it bothered her so much that her Daddy might love someone else besides herself.


Natasha arrived at the airport just as a private jet that by all accounts shouldn't have been there took off into the clouds.

"Hill, can you see a plane or an airfield near my location?" Asked Natasha over her secured com line.

"No, I can't pick up anything through Radar or satellite imaging. Nat what is this about? Are you still trying to find him? It's been over nearly two weeks now since the explosion. You know Fury wants you in new york watching over the Banner situation." Replied Hill in exasperation.

"I know I'll be at the pick-up point in two hours." Replied Natasha.

"Is that Romanoff? Tell her to get her ass on mission ASAP." Yelled an angry male voice over the comm's.

"You heard the director Agent Romanoff you have been officially reassigned." Hill Informed her.

Natasha was now wearing stealth tech full body suit as she watched over Samuel Sterns Bruce Banner's contact and confidant in trying to cure himself.

She watched over Banner as he tried filtering the gamma radiation out of his blood to kill off the Hulk and from the chart that read how much gamma radiation was continuously dropping she'd assume the procedure was working.

That's when Blonsky and a troop of his men burst into the doctors lab Blonsky the mad man kept trying to bring out the Hulk so he could fight him.

"Should I neutralize Blonsky?." Asked Natasha over her secure Comm's.

"Negative Romanoff, your mission is to observe and secure the scene after Banner is taken into custody." Replied Fury directly.

Natasha grit her teeth while tightening her fists in frustration at this order the last time Hulk was in a city he killed hundreds just trying to escape from the U.S. Military.

How many more were going to die this time due to Shield's wait and see approach. She'd joined Shield to wash away the blood of her ledger not to soak it in innocent blood due to inaction.

Even when Blonsky was being pumped full of Banner's blood as Banner was taken into custody she was told to stand down as Sterns mutated in front of her she was told to stand down as the monstrosity Blonsky had become. savaged Brooklyn something she could have prevented.

While she was lost in thought at how Shield seemed to be less about protecting people and more about getting their hands on things like alien tech, super soldier serums and innovative technology a man in an advanced weaponized suit of armor flew into the lab through the whole Blonsky made into the side of the building.

Since she was told to observe only, she just watched as the armored man loaded up colors of blood and attached them to miniature drones that just entered her sight.

Before he walked over and killed Samuel Sterns and proceeded to incinerate the remaining stores of Banner's blood and the evidence of his murder.

As he started to fly away Natasha shot a small tracking device that stuck onto the inner side of his metal boot.

Watching as he started to fly away when a large piece of concrete with rebar sticking out of it threw him off course and into a building.

Taking out her microscope she saw the damage done by his crash landing seeing blood splattered all over the room and armor.

As the metal man threw himself into the fighting that he had previously been trying to ignore.

As the M134 machine gun layed down a volley of fire on what Blonksy's had become. As small arms fire and Shotgun slugs pelted him fired from the arms of the metal man when smaller portions of the armor opened revealing a massive payload of mini missiles.

The Hulk and the metal man managed to fight together against the abomination in a stunning display in impromptu teamed combat.

Finally the metal man delivered the killing shot to the abomination and flew up into the upper atmosphere.

Where her tracker went dark but beeped back to life a few minutes later 20 miles away and moving fast.

Pushing a button on her belt her stealthed hover bike came in just underneath her as she jumped out of the whole in the building pursuing her new target.

Just as she was less than a ¼ a mile away from the metal man her trackers signal vanished from the screen.

Suspiciously close to another airport she landed outside of the airfield and made her way hangar by hangar until she found the jet she was looking for; it was the same one that took off from Russia.

She didn't know how she knew she'd find it here. It was just an instinctual feeling and after years in life and death situations she'd learned to trust the feelings her instincts gave her.


Natasha slowly and stealthily crept into the hangar watching for any traps or scouts but seeing the coast is clear she made her way up the cargo ramp onto the plane.

Seeing the armor there her suspicions were confirmed whoever this was they came from Russia and must have had some hand in Ivan's disappearance.

Cracking open the door into the cabin Natasha's heart started to beat rapidly there was Ivan clinging to a red haired woman as if his life depended on it.

As the woman comforted him another woman, a blonde one rubbed his back softly wearing a concerned look as she started to get dressed.

Natasha felt a strange feeling in her stomach watching Ivan being comforted by a redhead as she was pulled into a daydream of herself doing the same for him.


"Sir, Agent Romanoff's tracker has gone dark should we send a team to her last known location." Asked Maria Hill the concern for her more than friend leaking into her voice.

"No, if Romanoff has gone dark, initiate the fail safe." Replied Fury coldly.

"But sir, Agent Romanoff has been an exemplary agent and is an indispensable asset to the agency." Replied Hill, questioning her superior.

"Romanoff is only indispensable as long as I have eyes on her at all times. This is an order agent Hill initiate failsafe protocol and terminate The Widow." Ordered Fury.

"Yes, Director Fury." Accepted Agent Hill as her eyes started to water.

'I'm sorry Nat, I hope you can forgive me for this on the other side.' Mentaly apologizes Hill to Natasha.

"Activating Killswitch in 3…2…1, Sir there's a problem wherever Agent Romanoff is at now something is even interfering with the termination signal." Spoke Hill poorly hiding her relief.

"Dispatch four Strike teams with orders to observe and if Agent Romanoff has gone rogue to terminate once they have a shot. Collateral damage is approved." Ordered Fury.

"Yes sir." Replied Hill her faith in her director shaken for the third time in the same day today.

Fury left the command center his trench coat billowing behind him even in an environment without a breeze.

In a secure room that only Fury knows about he takes the call of various world security council members.

"I don't understand why you ordered me to allow Blonsky to become a Gamma mutate." Spoke Fury.

"We need a weapon to combat Mr.Banner that has a sense of duty and a respect for his superiors. But now that contingency plan has been scrapped do we have any information on this armored man that helped Banner kill Blonsky." Asked Alexander pierce.

"No Sir, he seems to be using some form of advanced stealth tech that blocks him from being viewed on all electronic devices all we have to go on are eye witness reports." Fury replied.

Pierce pushed a button on his end and it showed an image of a similar but obviously less advanced metal armor in the middle of the afghan desert, the same last known location of one Tony Stark.

Fury's eyes almost imperceptibly widened as he thought about how the council got their hands on the footage taken earlier today when Fury put it's security at level 9 clearance.

'It seems the tip that Vanko gave Romanoff has even more credit now, I shouldn't have reassigned her and had her keep searching for him so he can help me patch up the leaks in Shield obviously I'd pay with the knowledge of his true heritage and have an extremely valuable pawn.

Hmm, I could even permanently assign Romanoff to him to have even more control over such an asset. I'm glad the kill signal didn't go through but I had to make sure the council didn't suspect me of being partial to anyone in Shield especially not a defector from a foreign spy and assassination organization.' Fury thought to himself as to many years as a Flerkin's pet damaged his mind beyond repair.

(Woo that was a long one and probably a dose but ohh well I did give everyone a warning before they opened this so yeah don't like it piss off 🤣🤣🤣🤣)