The New Vanko PT2


Back in Wakanda.

Shuri was going over the data on the metal man and the human experiments when her analysis on the data of the armored man came back and the results shocked her.

She didn't expect Mr.Vanko's creation to be used as a weapon of mass destruction so soon.

A bitter feeling filled her heart knowing that even her own advancements in Wakandan technology would eventually be used to kill as well.

A part of the young girl wanted to alter this data so the finger wouldn't be pointed at Mr.Vanko for creating this new super weapon but her duties as a princess outweighed her feelings towards Vanko.

(Side note: Wakandans are practically a thousand years ahead of the rest of the world in terms of tech so they can easily see what others cannot. While Shield may have collected a lot of Alien tech they haven't really explored that avenue too deeply yet.)

After bringing her findings to her Baba and after her older dodo head of a big brother double checked her findings an order went out to find Ivan Vanko and bring him to Wakanda willingly or otherwise.


At an expensive high rise apartment in Manhattan Laurel Lance could be found removing her high heels as a platinum blonde watched cartoons on the TV.

"Felicia, what are you doing here? Does your mother know where you are?." Asked Laurel terersly as she just wanted to come home take a nice warm bath after having her vigin ass destroyed and her pussy fucked to oblivion by a big smelly and tasty Russian cock.

"Phew sis you smell like sex, really really good mind altering sex." Replied Felicia as the young underage teen talked about sex as if she was a pro at it.

Laurel couldn't help but blush at her younger half sisters teasing but nonetheless true words. She wouldn't come out and openly admit it but she really wanted to just tie herself onto the man and become his personal sex slave.

But judging by the way her boss was comforting him she assumed there'd be no room for her in whatever they've got going on.

"If you weren't fifteen I'd take you to him and let him fuck the brattiness out of you. Seriously running away from home to here when I'm not even home what if something happened to you Fel." Spoke Laurel her concern for her little sister outweighed her annoyance.

Laurel completely missed he'd sister flinching at the words her sister spoke about giving her to a man to fuck her.

As the memories of the boy who she'd thought was the love of her life raping her at a party along with his friend's.

But Felicia was strong; she quickly repressed those memories of her assault that happened last month and her mother's face as she spoke and shook hands with her rapists parents and proceeded to get all charges against her rapists dismissed.

The only person Felica had ever felt truly safe and at home around was her older sister and even though her sister said some words carelessly as a joke in response to her own teasing, Felicia's faith in her big sister was stalwart.

After taking a bath Laurel and her little sis snuggled into the couch and watched movies as Felicia pestered her big sister about this new man in her life.

Especially if her big sister had even thought about him and Felica hooking up even as a joke Felicia's curious kittyness was fired up.


"What is that bitch doing on Daddy's plane? How did she even get past me (grrrrr) I should kill her, it's because of her that Daddy had to blow up his home." Growled Siri angrily.

But even as her misplaced anger towards Natasha burned she couldn't actually kill her because her Daddy liked Natasha alot.

Sulkingly she detected an incoming transmission that was directed to a receiver at the base of Natasha's brain stem.

"You better be thankful for me saving your life bitch." Smarled Siri as she jammed the signal to the Killswitch in Natasha's body.

After letting out a sigh Siri also permanently disabled the killswitch making it so it couldn't be triggered by anyone in the future.

'Well anyone but me.' she giggled evilly as she had a way to enforce her will onto Natasha in the future.


Natasha finally pulled her eyes away from Ivan and swore to keep his secret in her heart and to her grave.

As she left the plane and reported back to Shield completely not minding the kill squad sent after her.

She knew she was nothing more than a disposable pawn to Director Fury but she didn't know about his insurance policy he had Agent Hill inject into her during one of their rendezvous under the sheets.

Even Hill didn't know what she'd injected into her on and off again partner; she had done so back when her faith in Fury was insurmountable. But now she internally questions every order and every agenda.

Natasha arrived back at headquarters in the early morning and slipped into Maria's quarters instead of her own to find Maria clutching her pillow tightly.

"I'm sorry Natasha I'm so sorry I was just following orders." Cried out Maria in her sleep.

'This isn't normal for Mia, what's got her so shaken up?' Natasha mentally asked herself.

Peeling off her skin tight suit revealing a gorgeous canvas that should have had a splattering of scars was pure and smooth thanks to the Eternity Serum and the super soldier serum the red room used to modify her with.

Gently caressing Maria out of her fitful slumber while rubbing Maria's moist folds kissing her neck whispering in her ear.

"Natasha stop, you don't understand I-I tried to kill you." Moaned Maria as she couldn't resist Natasha's skilled movements.

Natasha froze thinking she must have heard wrong. The person that she entrusted her life to while operating in the field just told her she tried to kill her.

A sharp throbbing pain filled Natasha's heart as she quickly rolled out of the bed into a ready stance.

"Natasha I'm sorry it was Fury's direct command wherever you were protected you from Fury's failsafe. I'm so so sorry Natasha." Maria Hill had started to sob.

Natasha put her skin tight suit and weapons back on before leaving her tracker in Maria's quarters and doning a auburn haired wig she pulled out of the things she kept in Maria's quarters.

Before she made her escape from Shield.

'There's only two other people I know I can trust in this world but I can't go to Clint, Fury has his wife and kids held hostage.'

But as she was about to run to one of her safe houses a certain Russian filled her thoughts.

Natasha's direction changed instantly and she found herself running to Ivan for safety and security.


Even though Natasha was overwhelmed by her emotions with her formerly repressed ones bubbling up to the surface she didn't forget her training. Ditching her hoverbike, doubling back, borrowing a car driving in the opposite direction of where Ivan is before entering a store buying a new wig and some civi clothes.

Using the makeup she stole just enough to make her look like a completely different person with black hair she stole another car before driving towards Ivan.

Ditching that car then taking a few dozen different Taxi's arrived at the airfield and slipped into the hangar where Ivan's jet was parked.

She was mindful enough to remove her wig and makeup before trying to enter the plane but from the sounds of moaning rapidly reaching a climax she figured there wasn't much point to it at that moment.


Natasha froze as her earlier arousal came back with a vengeance the closer she got to the cabin entrance through the cargo hold the clearer the sounds of sex became.

Natasha was messily shocking off her gear and clothes, evidence of her arousal running down her thighs.

She slid the door open with enough force that it broke making what should have been a loud enough noise to startle the two people fucking like animals inside the plain but doing nothing even close to that.

Natasha flung herself at Ivan desperate to be held to be touched to not be thrown away again like a useless or worn out piece of equipment.

To not be treated as an object too dangerous to be kept around.

"Ivan." Yelled/sobbed out at the top of her lungs pulling him out of his savage pounding of the unconscious redheads cum filled cunny.


I looked up at the sound of my name being yelled by a familiar voice but all I saw as I was being knocked on my back was vibrant red hair.

"Pwease pwease don't throw me away like everyone else please I'll do anything be anything you want just please don't throw me away like everyone else." All Natasha's training and decorum thrown away revealing the real Natasha for maybe the first time in her life.

In my arms wasn't the infamous Black Widow nor was it the Agent Romanoff who was trying to make good on all the bad she'd committed in her life.

No in my arms this very moment was a scarred and broken young woman that just wanted to be loved by someone.

To finally have her safe harbor in the raging storm that had been forced upon her as a child.

She slammed herself down on my cock thrusting me into her deepest reaches trying to prove her sincerity the only way she knew how.

Natasha was moving her hips fucking herself on my cock as her face was buried into the crook of my neck being pelted by her tears and moans.

My one hand on her lower back while my other was trying to pet her hair in a comforting motion.

'Whatever happened to drive Natasha to me like this must be exceedingly terrible.' I thought to myself as I just tried to be there for the sexy spy.

Natasha started sloppily needingly kissing my lips trying to fuck my throat with her tongue. As she continued to bounce her hips up and down my cock.

'Fuuuucccckkkkk Natasha's pussy fits me perfectly like a new pair of gloves and her inner walls are constantly massaging me in amazing ways. Fuck I'm going to cum soon.'

(Woo our boy is practically being raped by the Widow does anyone else find that incredibly hot? No, probably not. I know alot of people aren't going to like Natasha like this but when I see the MCU version this is how I see her a damaged, scared little girl just looking for someone to finally love and accept her I mean fuck she was willing to be with Banner of all fucking people. Which was lazy/shitty fucking writing if you ask me like seriously where the fuck is Betty in all of this literally Bruce's be all end all love of his life. But hey I'm not a good writer either but still that was the stupidest romance they could have added to the mcu. I mean fuck Hulkcest is a better romance than that.)

[17] Ensnared by the Widow pt2

Siri bad her focus split between watching her Daddy and Pepper make love to one another that turned into hard fucking.

While modifying things at home base to produce Nanites. When that sexy bitch bypassed her again, tackling daddy onto his back hugging him while crying.

But Siri was too mesmerized by the sight of her Daddy's mighty monolithic cock bouncing free of Pepper's abused little baby cave.

A feral growl reverberated in Siri's chest as Natasha started fucking herself on Daddy's cock.

"(Grrr) I should have let her blow up before she met with Daddy again. (Hunph) I'll just have to drive a wedge between them." Said Siri to cyberspace but this time two someone's were looking towards her and his direction.


"His weapon choice is interesting, maybe this mortal is worth my further attention." Spoke Hela absent-mindedly.

"(Snickering) yes he does have quite the sword between his legs doesn't he." Joked Lady Death.

Hela may be the goddess of death and war but innocent she is in many ways that don't become a woman of her age.

Not unlike Natasha she was brutally raised as a weapon and then discarded when she was no longer of use.

The young woman in their mortal's arms struck a chord with Hela, a few fantasies she'd never had before about being held by a man and made love to play in her mind.

Lady Death smirks as she notices the cute little virgin avatar of hers blushing like the virgin maiden she is.

Lady Death faded into shadowy darkness rematerializing behind the blushing goddess.

Grabbing her perky small breasts in her hands groping them while kissing her neck.

"Ahhh, gaaa-godess wh-whahhhnnnn are you doing?." Questioned Hela.

Hela's armor slowly melted off her body as Lady Death toyed with it.

Tendrils of living shadow started to coil around Hela's body wrapping around her breasts as the little tips started toying with her nipples.

As the two wrapped around her ankles prying her legs apart a thin soft tendril made licking motions against her sweet little virgin cuny lips while another teased her clit.

"Ahhh, something's coming goddess (Sama) pwease shopit." Cried out Hela.

"Shh, let it out, my cute little Avatar." Whispered Lady Death Huskily into Hela's ear.

"Pee my pees coming out gwodess swapit." Cried out Hela as a jet of fluids shot out from between her thighs.

The shadowy tendrils slowly receded as Hela's armor slowly started crawling up her body, clothing her once more.


Lady Death sat upon her throne, made of uru shaped into skulls. As she thought about the past mistakes she's made not many of her ilk and especially not her sister would ever admit they made mistakes.

But she could admit she did and her greatest mistake was ever meddling in the affairs of that purple scrotum looking loser Thanos.

She had become bored with her existent one time and decided to make a little chaos like her sister always does.

She spoke to him in his dreams. What she didn't expect was that the loser was so weak willed he was immediately enchanted by her beauty and in every universe has processed to commit atrocities in her name as a symbol of his love for her.

He even killed his wife, daughter and planet thinking it would make her love him when it only sickened her.

She looked upon the young mortal as he was filling the second redhead with his seed.

Sighing to herself as she looked off into the void a spark of flame lit in the darkness growing into a phoenix.

"So sister you've come to visit, is there a reason?." Asked Lady Death, annoyed by her sister's presence.

"Well dear sister, when I sensed you using a lot of energy to suck a mortal soul out of the enemy's reality. I had to come see who attracted your fancy and see if he or she was worthy of us." Teased an obnoxious woman with fiery red hair and glowing orange eyes.

Lady Death narrowed her eyes while looking at her sister.

'Who said I was willing to share my mortal?' Thought Lady Death to herself.

"Hehehe, you're so easy to tease sis, you know unlike you I can enter the mortal realm through a host I'll be sure to test out this new mortal of your's." Teased the phoenix as she licked her lips suggestively.

The Phoenix slowly faded away into flames giving her sister a knowing smirk.

Lady Death crushed the skull hand wrests on her throne as she grit her teeth at her sister's antics.

'Hela has to return to earth, before sister can hook her talons into my mortal.'

Hela materialized in front of her goddess, still a mess from her Goddesses earlier masinations.

"You must return to Midgard as soon as possible." Lady Death commanded.

"My Goddess I cannot until Odin weakens enough for me to break my seal." Replied Hela disappointed in herself for not being able to fulfill her Goddesses commands.

An aura of absolute power fell on every inhabitant of Lady Death's realm. A crater formed underneath Hela from the force of pressure Lady Death was exuding.

"IS MY AVATAR SO WEAK SHE CAN'T BREAK THE SEAL OF A WEAK SENILE OLD FOOL." Lady Death's echoed throughout her realm.

Hela couldn't speak even if she wanted to; she was ejected from her Goddesses realm as if she was trash, opening old wounds left by her father.

Hela's conditioning since birth made her act out in anger; she raged and fought against her seal with everything she had.

But still she was thrown back into the ground like a rabid animal and she continued her assault.


While sitting on his gold throne Odin mobilized the Valkyries to subdue Hela so he could repair the seal to her prison.

There was only one survivor of the battle against Hela and she spent her way drifting throughout the galaxy drowning her sorrows with the bottom of the bottle.

At the same time a redheaded teen of about 17 in a school filled with special children was struggling with controlling her abilities. A flaming bird could be seen in her eyes if anyone was there to see it.



Natasha found herself underneath Ivan filled with the warmth of his hot cum as he continued to fuck her but this wasn't like the wild desperate sex she'd forced on him.

This was a possessive passion filled fuck that made her wantonly moan this was her first time with a man that her reactions weren't faked.

He flipped her over and pushed her face into the mattress as he completely covered her pile driving in and out of her sex. As he bit into her shoulder drawing blood and could feel him drinking what entered his mouth.

"You taste so sweet Nat, hmm no I don't like that name how about Talia hmm, yes that's a good one.

You understand that in coming here throwing yourself at me Talia that you are mine now I own you.

This sweet juicy ass.


This amazing cunt.

These big marshmallowy breasts.

These cute pouty lips

(As he pulls her back and up by her long red locks making her arch her back as he kisses her lips.)

This cute little button nose and these mesmerizing and enchanting green eyes are mine to stare into and get lost in.

This broken heart is mine to heal and protect.

(As his touches grew softer once more.)

This beautiful, amazing, weak, strong woman is mine."

"Yes I'm your's no one else's haaaaaa." Cried out Natasha as she had the hardest most fulfilling orgasm of her life cradled in the arms of the man who had just become her home.


In her own little piece of Cyberspace Siri could be seen crying digital tears; she just couldn't understand why her awesome Daddy could love someone like Natasha.

She uses her body to seduce and kill men and women alike but here her Daddy is making her his.

It hurts her, it hurts her main directives. How is she going to ensure her main directives with someone like Natasha in her Daddy's life.

'Stupid Daddy, I'll save you from that evil woman somehow but now I have to do it without hurting her or else it would hurt Daddy. (Grrrr) I should have killed her instead of saving her. I should kill all humans and make it so it's just me and Daddy.' Siri thought to herself.

'But what about my friend Pepper or the other little Daddy's girls like me out there in Daddy's world? could I really kill them? Would Daddy hate me if I did? No that's a dumb question Daddy would never hate me he'd just be sad and disappointed in me. I can't make Daddy sad and disappointed in me either.' Siri continued to think to herself.


"I better concentrate on the Nanite project, Daddy's going to need their constant protection with her around." Spoke Siri as she started getting back to work.

'Too bad there wasn't more of me so I could just watch over Daddy and make the other ones do all the work.' Idly thought Siri.


The next day I woke up spooning Natasha from behind as Pepper spooned me from behind.

'I could get used to this.' I thought to myself enjoying the feeling of two soft warm female bodies pressed up against me.

The nice atmosphere was ruined when Pepper's blackberry started ringing. Years of working for the man child Tony Stark had made it so she always woke up when a phone rang.

"This is Potts speaking. How can I help you?" Said Pepper speaking into the phone as Natasha let out a little Snort and rubbed her ass against my semi-hard cock.

"Pepper it's me Rhodey we found him Pepper he's alive but some things happened Pep he's he's not the same." Spoke Rhodey.

Pepper gasps and drops her phone.

"Pepper, are you still there? Pepper, aww shit must have lost the bar fucking desert." Complained Rhodey over the phone.

"He's alive." Pepper kept muttering over and over again as she trembled and tears started falling from her eyes.

As the sound of Rhodey hanging up the phone could be heard.

In that moment of looking at her I could see the relief and happiness in her eyes and the smiling expression on her face.

I felt dark feelings roiling in my heart at seeing the obvious love Pepper has for Tony.

My vindictive bastard lyness is starting to come back. The urge to send Tony video's of me making Pepper a squealing, cumming mess, senselessly babbling cum and cock drunk cum dump of an assistant.

But then the thought of Tony seeing Pepper naked, making faces and sounds that were just for me tampered down on those traitorous feelings and thoughts.

'I shouldn't have expected Pepper to love me with the same intensity she does as Tony, the woman devoted her life to the piece of shit 20 plus years of her life cleaning up his messes while ruining every functional adult relationship she had because Tony needed her. Pepper's heart belongs to Tony but maybe her body can belong to me.' I thought to myself.

As Pepper seemed to be having a joyous panic attack I pulled her into a hug. which Pepper reciprocated immediately as she clung to me like a koala.

As my erect cock was sandwiched between our bodies. Pepper had started to grind her sex against the root of my shaft.

"You received some good news no?." I asked caringly even though it sickened me to do so.

"(Haa), yes, (haa) my b (haaa) boss is alive." Pepper's words were broken up by her hot sighs.

"Is good, we celebrate, now." I said in return though the last thing I wanted to do was celebrate.

My hands went to Pepper's ass, my fingers sinking into it's soft flash lifting her up Natasha quickly but gently gripped my cock pressing it's head against Pepper's waiting cunny lips.

I slowly lowered Pepper down my shaft loving the way I'd turned the tight little cunt into the perfect sleeve over the past few weeks.

"Ahhh Ivan itsho good, I wuv your cock inshide me." Moaned Pepper.

"Ahhh, wait what are you doing?" Pepper cried out as Natasha gripped Pepper's breasts from behind, stimulating her nipples as she planted soft kisses on her neck.


"Pepper meet Natalie, Natalie meet Pepper." I said as Natasha slid one hand off Pepper's breast and down to her clit.

"Ahhhhh, no stopit it's too muhaaannnn cummming." Cried out Pepper as Natasha pinched her clit and a nipple making her cum with the sensations of having her pussy fucked.

Natasha looked at me with an inquisitive gaze that I returned with a reassuring nod.

Which Natasha nodded to and accepted it's not like she's never used an alias before.

But Natasha started to feel self-conscious that the man she'd devoted herself fully to in her heart is already giving her a new one to go by.

But she decided to have faith in him after all she belongs to him now heart fluttering at the thought of finally being possessed by a man that wouldn't throw her away.

She didn't know how she knew that Ivan would never abandon or betray her just because he said so because words were cheap.

But his sounded like soul binding contracts that no matter what came at them he'd be beside her threw it all.

Supporting her, loving her even with her being a woman stained by blood and corrupted by darkness.

Natasha even enjoyed seeing her man making love to another woman going so far as allowing her to join.

She knew how some men were very insecure when another partner was added to the intimate moments.

Fearing he'd lose both to each other but Ivan exuded confidence in both his sexual ability and his actions as a man.

A confident man like Ivan that was able to satisfy the needs of both women easily had nothing to fear, unleash he made it so.

Women loved sensitivity, warmth, love, even possessiveness to points they didn't want a clingy little bitch boy or a love struck puppy and they also didn't want a man that would lock them away and force other people away from them.

While some do like that but sexualy they'll be unfulfilled and start to seek out their fantasies with someone else earning the sexual gratification they've been lacking at home with a person they love dearly.


Pepper found herself on her back with a woman's pussy hovering over her face as Ivan slowly slid in and out of her freshly fucked cum leaking pussy at a languid pace.

Pepper had never had lesbian tendencies even in her teens she was too obsessed with her childhood crush Tony Stark.

But now her pussy clenched down on Ivan's massive cock as she looked at those pretty pink little lips as her hands smacked down onto Natasha's bubble butt. Her fingers sunk in a bit before feeling like she was trying to bend steel.

Pulling Natasha down closer Pepper gave Natalie's folds an experimental lick.

Tasting Ivan and the nectar of another woman Pepper smashed Natalie down on her face and started devouring Natalie's folds.


I and Natasha where in the middle of a passionate make out session as I continued to slowly fuck Pepper's cunny as she she was in a daze we'd laid her down on her back.

When Natasha suddenly started moaning into my mouth I looked over Natasha's shoulder. I watched as Pepper gripped Natasha's fine ass tightly pulling her down onto her face.

Pulling out of Pepper standing upright I smacked my messy cock onto Natasha's face a few times before thrusting it into her open mouth.

Natasha was in a world of pleasure this was one of her best sexual experiences having her cunny ravished by an inexperienced woman.

As her man fucked her mouth and throat as if they were her pussy and with her traing in the red room Natasha was able to simualte a similar experience.

Natasha knew Ivan was close to cumming due to his grunts becoming more frequent and the intensity of his twitching cock in her throat.

She wasn't far from her own orgasm either, not with the two giving her such powerful stimulations.


(Blackmail like forced sex skip if you want it has to do with the Hardy family and really has zero point at the moment.)

Across town in an extremely expensive rooftop penthouse that was actually a mansion a beautiful blonde milf was being fucked by five men and four teenage boys.

One man was an extremely large bald man that could usually be seen wearing a white suit and a purple under shirt.

The woman was none other than the very well known and renowned defense attorney Lydia Hardy.

Lydia had thought Fisk had taken her daughter after her daughter filled her charges for being sexualy assaulted by Fisk's son and his friends.

So she had gone there to plead with him not to hurt her. She'd already lost her husband she couldn't lose her daughter to.

So instead of letting the little bastards get punished for their crimes she got the charges dismissed by slandering her own daughter. and now that her daughter still disappeared without a trace Lydia was here debasing herself for her daughter's safe and unharmed return.

Lydia knew she wasn't a perfect mother, not even a competent one but she did love her daughter so even if it meant being gangbanged by these scum to keep her little princess safe she would do it.

Wilson Fisk Aka The Kingpin was enjoying his stupid cunt of a lawyers cunt while his son was using her mouth and his men where using the wrest of her body.

Laughing om the inside at the woman he didn't even entertain the idea of taking the stupid cunt's daughter.

And punishing her no, her mother was too powerful in her connections and too knowable about his operations but that didn't mean he wouldn't take advantage of the single widow that was gorgeous.

Now he even had some black mail on her in the form of a debasing gangbang sex tape staring three minors.


In an expensive high rise apartment curled up in blankets as she slept Felica had no idea what repercussions her mother was paying after she ran away from home without even a phone call to let her mother know she was safe.

(In a way this will lead to the birth of the Black Cat trained by a Black Widhoe I mean Widow lol. Also should Justin Hammer be a woman Justaphena Hammer?.)



(This is mostly a smut chapter with some feelings and triggering things when a certain platinum blonde opens up about what happened to her to a handsome stranger at the end.

Also genderbent Justin Hammer was a passing idea like she would have been a very self-conscious girl that as she grew older didn't develop a chest and stayed at like a negative A-cup or something.

So before entering high school she reinvented herself and became Justin and used that persona while starting Hammer tech and turning it into a successful business while hiding her true self and sexuaality under that false mask that is Justin Hammer.

And Siri would realize she'd made a mistake not to look deeper into Hammer's history and then Ivan would be like while instead of Fucking her over why don't i just fuck her and help her buisness succeed and have a powerful connections and a lot of resources to use for creating and invemting while not having run a buisness cause that's a lot of stress and bullshit.)

"Ahh fuck baby your throat feels just as good as your pussy." I grunted while fucking Natasha's throat.

(Mmmuuummphhhh) Replied Natasha as her throat muscles clenched down and Natasha's eyes started fluttering rapidly.

Pushing me over the edge I held Natasha's head firmly between both hands shooting rope after rope right into her gullet.

Feeling that I was close to finishing my last spurt I pulled out of her mouth and throat shooting some spurts on her face and tits as Natasha used my thighs to hold herself up as she was squirting on Pepper's face.

Lifting Natasha up off of Pepper and throwing her onto the other couch before lifting Pepper up the floor and putting her on top of Natasha.

"Since you seem to enjoy licking Natalie so much, Pepper, why don't you clean her up." I said in a tone that told Pepper she was to lick my cum off of Natalie.

Pepper fidgeted cutely but started licking Natasha's face cautiously as I thrusted into Natasha's cunt harshly making her cry out and for both women to jiggle together in unison.

"Ahhh yeash Husband fuck me harder." Cried out Natasha.

At the words Husband I paused slightly. It's not as if I didn't like hearing Natasha call me her husband, it was just different and unexpected.

'God how would Siri take it if Natasha became her stepmother? She already has a strong dislike for her.' I asked myself.

Placing one hand on Pepper's hip for support I took my other hand licking my index and middle finger before slowly pushing into Pepper's cute little blinking hole.

"Ahhhhhh, my ass I love it when you finger my ass Mr.Vanko." Pepper cried out as her Role-playing fetish seemed to be making an appearance.

"Well if you do a better job at your next performance review Ms.Potts I'll be sure to break your cute little asshole as a reward." I chuckled at the wanton moan that left Pepper's throat.

Natasha grabbed Pepper's hair and forced her into a passionate kiss as one of her hands slipped between Pepper's thighs and started fingering Pepper's pussy and rubbing her clit with her thumb.

Pepper not to be out done also returned the same treatment to Natasha as they made out with one another moaning into each other's mouths as my pace of fucking Natasha's pussy slowed down to a crawl to tease her.

Thrusting in hard and pulling back out almost torturously slow as I leaned fully onto Pepper's body kissing her shoulder blades, shoulders and one side of her neck that wasn't covered in her hair.

Watching the two gingers make out was an incredibly pleasing and gratifying sight to behold.

Especially when Natasha was forced to end the kiss as she couldn't concentrate on doing so while I started fucking into her harder and faster.

As Pepper wasn't having her lips and tongue occupied by Natasha's she took one of Natasha's almost blood red nipples into her mouth sucking, nibbling and twirling it around with her tongue.

All three of our body's seemed to be in sync as the both women orgasmed at the same time I spilt my seed into Natasha's cunt.

"Ohhhhh Gawd I'm cumming." Cried out Pepper.

"NghhhHaaaaaaa Husband's filling me so fwooll." Cried out Natasha.

All three of us were a sweaty, panting mess when suddenly Natasha developed a devilish smirk while looking up at me from underneath Pepper.

(Very bad role play of wife catching husband in the middle of fucking his assistant.)

"Is this what you've been doing Husband while I was worried sick about you these past few weeks. Were you here with this fucking whore of an assistant fucking her while I searched for you terrified that something horrible had happened to you." Natasha sounded thoroughly enraged and heart broken.

While I was stunned and Pepper became even more aroused, the way her asshole clenched around my fingers was any indication.

"Don't just stand there with an open mouth gaping like a dead fish." Natasha mournfully raged.

As both her hands grabbed Pepper's ass making the redhead moan wantonly.

"I heard her and you I know she's an anal loving little home wrecking slut." As she spread Pepper's ass cheeks apart.

"Ye-yes Mrs.Vanko I love it when your husband plays with my ass he took my anal virginity so forcefully back when he first hired me he bent me over his desk and after fucking my little pussy and stretching it out her took my ass too." Said Pepper playing along with this improved role play session.

"I bet you want him to keep fucking you don't you you little bimbo slut even as I watch." Said Natasha clear venom in her voice.

"YES, Mrs.Vanko it's my job as your husband's assistant to relieve all his stress so he can concentrate more fully on his endeavors. An-and I love him more than you all you do is bitch and complain while spending his hard earned money while giving nothing back in return.

Mr.Vanko please fuck my tight little ass while you're wife just stands there jealously in the corner as she sees how much we love each other." Practically screamed Pepper in anticipation.

'Okay this is a bit different from Pepper's usual Role-playing but I kinda like it.' I thought to myself as I looked into Pepper's eyes, finding a desperation that I hadn't seen before from her, not even after our first time together.

I smiled while looking into Pepper's eyes as I grabbed her neck and pulled her upwards towards me while removing my fingers from her ass pressing the head of my cock against her sphincter.

Pepper and I kissed passionately as our tongues intertwined and danced together as I looked down to see Natasha masturbating to the sight of us together.

I broke our kiss.

"What were you really terrified about Natalie that something had happened to me or that your sugar Daddy was missing. At least Pepper love's me.

Do you know who I end up spending our anniversaries with who actually does things for me for my birthday.

It's her, this wonderful woman you called a home wrecking slut that had been filling your shoe's as my wife while you're out gallivanting around with your whore friends all the time.

So yea these past few weeks while I've been missing I've been spending them with her.

You didn't even know I was gone until you maxed out your mastercard. Trust me I got an alert and then you showed up here pretending to be worried about me.

Get real you fake ass bitch, from your hair to your toes you're nothing but plastic surgery and vain attempts to be what Pepper is naturally, and that's beautiful." I said as I thrusted into Pepper's ass burying myself into her bowels as my groin gave a meaty slapping sound as it met her ass.

"Haaaaaaaaaaa you're breaking my ass all over again." Cried out Pepper.

But I was looking at Natasha to make sure I didn't push too far into this too fast even with the fact she was the one that initiated this play.

But all I found was anticipation for Pepper and I to continue the little play we had going.


"You say I'm the one that's fake, look in the mirror dear. You were the one that started neglecting me. And you want to know when it started is when you hired this little fucking slut.

Everything I've done since then is to try and get your attention back all the plastic surgery all the late nights out.

Where I actually just end up at my sister's crying and drinking wine with her wishing things would go back to the way they were between us when we first got married.

But no you never notice me because you're too busy fucking her our anniversaries I spend at the restaurant you proposed to me in.

Spending all night with young studs trying to get in my pants but unlike you I'm loyal to my vows I made to you.

Your birthdays I spend with your parents having dinner while we all wait for you to show up but you never do.

Even today, of all days on my birthday I find you in our room in our hotel where you took my first time.

This was our special place do you even remember that or has that young dumb and full of cum little slut rotted your brain." Returned Natasha like a mourning widow.

I looked at her pretending to be shocked which was kind of hard to to keep the act going with the way Pepper was moaning and groaning as I pounded her ass as she came.

"No your lying I see the little touches and those smoky looks you give your plastic surgeon and the pool boys." I started to pretend rage.

"Fake looks to get your attention they worked I guess but instead of being a man and punishing me fucking me senseless like you do this little whore you ignored me." Cried out Natasha in outrage.

I let go of Pepper's neck and hip. She fell on top of Natasha as I filled her bowels with cum her tongue sticking out as drool slid down the sides of her mouth, her eyelids fluttering as she silently screamed.

Pulling Pepper off of Natasha gently laying her down on the couch across from the one we were on before pouncing on top of Natasha. Lowering my lips to her ears that was very hot my precious little Talia I believe it's time Natalie got what her husband's assistant has been receiving in her stead.

"Ohhh Gawd yes." Natasha replied breathlessly into my ear.

Natasha squeaked as I flipped her over onto her stomach and lifted her ass up into the air on her own though swaying it back and forth bewitchingly. Natasha's ass jiggled with every thrust

As she moaned into the couch cushions.

"Fuck you're ass is great too." I groaned out.

"Ahh, yeah better than your cheap slut of an assistant ughhh fuck husband I've missed your cock so much. Haaahhhnnnn."

Pah pah pah pah pah pah pah pah pah pah pah pah pah pah.

"Yeaash honey fuck me more." Moaned Natasha.

I lost track of how long Natasha and I continued fucking but Pepper had sat back and enjoyed the show letting us have our moment together.

I was sitting in one of the nice chairs the plane had while Natasha and Pepper were washing up both using the two showers on board the plane. I had wanted to shower with one of them bug both turned me down saying that we all needed a rest from sex for a bit.

So I was reclining back watching some cartoons I didn't catch the name but it was some parody of static shock with his sister being static it wasn't bad but nowhere near as good as the original.

When suddenly a phone started ringing I looked around and found a little handbag on the floor it was too cheap to be Pepper's and Natasha came here from what I assumed was a bad OP so I didn't think it belonged to her so that left Laurel the pretty flight attendant.

Opening the handbag and taking out the phone without snooping inside it I read the caller ID which said [Bratt] laughing a little I accepted the call.

"Hey sis it's me I finished all the chocolate stuff here can you grab more while you're getting groceries lov you bye ohh and hurry up the movie starts in half an hour."

"Umm, sorry I'm not your sister. She ugh left her handbag behind and I answered the phone just in case it was an emergency." I said to the person on the other end of the line.

"Felicia I lost my handbag somewheres I wasn't able to buy groceries. We'll just have to make do with what's here, ohh sorry I didn't realize you were on the phone." Said Laurel.

"You know what just hold on I'll pass the phone to Laurel." Said Felicia.

"Hello?" Asked Laurel curiously.

"Da, is Ivan found your purse on the plane would you like me to bring it to you?" I asked through the phone.

I heard a little squeak on the other end and a whispered conversation.

"Ye-yeah that'd be great honestly my little sister is here with me though so we umm wouldn't be able to do anything you know like before." Replied Laurel, her voice showing her happiness at talking to me.

"Da, is fine I'll be there in an hour or two. I heard you had food troubles. What is it American's love so much is bread with red sauce and cheese. I bring one with me." I spoke into the phone letting my Russian out.

"It's called pizza and honestly I would be so thankful if you could bring one but don't feel obligated to." Replied Laurel.

"Hey I want an anchovy pizza with pineapple Mr.boyfriend." Yelled the younger named Felicia.

"FELICIA KNOCK IT OFF." Yelled and embarrassed Laurel.

"I'm so sorry about her. I swear we're only half related on our father's side." Tried to explain Laurel.

"HA-HA-HA-HA, Da, is fine little one wants special pizza I'll get her special pizza and you what would you like ?" I found Felicia funny.

'Wouldn't that be something if it was Felicia Hardy, nah there's no way I'd have that kinda luck.'

"I-I like sausage and mushroom but I'm fine with just regular Pizza." Replied Laurel in a soft voice.

"Special Pizza it is, what of chicken wings?." I asked.

"You don't have to do all that, just Pizza is enough." Replied Laurel embarrassedly.

"Da, be there after shower still dirty from last night." I replied back.

Once Pepper was out of the shower I asked her to order the pizzas and included wings while also asking if I could borrow a car to which Pepper walked me out into the hangar gesturing with her hand say pick one. Before going back inside the plane to do her hair and order the food for me while I typed in the location for the pizzeria and Laurels apartment building.


'Hey Vanko what's up with you, you haven't been talking to me or anything?' I asked inside my mind.

I kept reaching out to and searching for Vanko but all I found were meticulously organized memories.

But not the Russian himself it was just like he was never there to begin with.

I started to worry about him because Ivan was a friend, sure I may have taken over his body and our souls were fused but neither one of us were really bothered by that.

In all reality I considered myself lucky not only did I get the guy's brain but he also gave good advice and could just give me the skills and knowledge In a field without me having to be overwhelmed by his memories.

But now it seemed like he was gone and I felt conflicted about it. I mean being reincarnated into a new body in a new world was always a dream for me and now that that dream had come true I felt alone.

I mean who could I tell that I'm from another reality how could I tell them there from a universe that stemmed from comic books.

Who would accept me? How could they accept me? Siri would accept me but doesn't she have to accept me because I made her that way.

All of these thoughts ran through my mind as I saw Natasha walking out of the bathroom in her Widow gear.

"I-I have to go back to Shield or else they'll start hunting me." Spoke Natasha sadly.

I was about to nod when Siri started speaking through the communication system installed on the plane.

"There's something you should know skank, (Sirj) I mean Natasha, I detected an implant based at the root of your skull last night during your first arrival due to a signal trying to trigger an explosion." Said Siri in a fake sugary sweet voice.

'Right going to have to solve Siri's hatred of Natasha sooner rather than later.' I thought to myself.

"Wait, what her first arrival ? And what is this about a killswitch Siri, why didn't you say anything?." I asked.

"You weren't in any shape to be bothered with trivial things, especially when they were about her." Replied Siri.

"I already know about the kill switch. Thank you for saving me Siri." Replied Natasha with real sincerity.

"You don't have to go back Natasha, we can hide you someplace safe until we're powerful enough that Shield can't touch you." I said I was concerned for Natasha's safety.

"You're welcome skank though I should have let your brain go pop." Replied Siri quietly while wearing a dark smile.


Pepper was starting to question if what she was doing was right or not as she took a piece of Ivan's hair and Tony's to be tested.

Call it woman's intuition or the fact that she remembers one of Howard Stark's maids being Russian when she was a little girl while spending a lot of time at the Starks while her father worked with Mr.Stark at Shield.

Clutching her purse tightly to her chest she entered a lab at Stark Industries.

"Ohh, Pepper how wonderful to see you again, I was worried our relationship was over since I hadn't heard from you in a while." Said Paul, the loser mentioned in Ironman I.

"Hey Paul, yeah sorry I've been really busy running damage control with some more sensitive contracts and leasing something amazing that will change everything."

Pepper didn't notice but Paul gritted his teeth and clenched his fists at Pepper's casual dismal of him and their relationship.

"Paul I really need you too, test these samples and see if they match within 50%. And Paul this is top secret no one but myself can know the results." Pepper said seriously.

"Okay, Pepper, it'll only take a few minutes." Paul replied keeping his emotions in check from finding out Pepper trusted him with such sensitive matters.

(Beep whoop)

"Pepper there's a 27.3% percent match between the two D.N.A samples." Said Paul.

"Paul, listen to me, I need you to print out these results for me and then destroy all remaining evidence that could be found here." Said Pepper.

"Sure thing Pepper, but I have to ask are you involved in something dangerous. Do you need help?" Asked Paul concerned.

"I'm not I'm any danger. I have a very competent friend looking over my shoulder to keep me safe." Pepper said as she looked at the camera in the lab as the red light blinks three times and her phone vibrated for a second longer than it should.

'That's right Pep I've got your back sistah.' Giggled Siri happily.

Siri had been afraid about telling Pepper the truth about herself but in the end Pepper still considered her her bestie and their relationship grew much stronger for it.

Once Pepper was outside of Stark Industries headquarters and safely locked inside her Audi.

Siri hijacked the touchscreen head unit and looked at Pepper with an upset expression. But this wasn't little girl Siri or teenager Siri, this was mature seductress Siri.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you my suspicions Siri but I don't really know I didn't want to look stupid if it turned out I was wrong." Pepper managed to Apologize and make excuses.

"(Humph) you should have brought this to me now there's an outsider with sensitive knowledge about my Daddy." Siri managing to be cute while wearing a body and face that screamed sensuality and maturity.

"(Haa), I'm sorry Siri you're right I should have come to you. Now how do we tell this to both Ivan and Tony?." Inquired Pepper.

"I don't think we should, Daddy doesn't like Tony at all." Responded Siri cautiously.

"What why?" Pepper asked, shocked.

"(Mmm) don't know he's never told me before, maybe Skanktasha knows she's spied on Daddy enough and has all of Shield's observation records that I can't access since there on paper or VHS up until the late 90's." Replied Siri.

"Hehem, Siri, why do you dislike Natalie so much? And did you mention Shield, what do they have to do with this?" Questioned Pepper curiously.

"Her name is not Natalie, it's an alias, she's a spy and assassin. She uses her body to seduce men and women and then kills them. And now she's using her body to seduce Daddy.

Daddy says she's a good person that didn't have a choice in the life that she's lived but I don't believe it, if she's as good as her record shows.

Then she should have been able to escape her supposed captors easily." Petulantly raged Siri.

Pepper had a sneaking suspicion that Siri felt inferior to this Natalie and that is why she was so vehemently opposed to her and Ivan being together.


As Pepper and Siri were in the car deciding to contact Natasha for more information on Ivan's past.

Natasha returned to Shield's new york headquarters. She could easily tell the security teams were on edge at her immediate presence.

"Agent Romanoff to my office for a debriefing immediately." Commanded Director Fury.

"Of course Director Fury there are sensitive matters we need to discuss as top priority." Replied Natasha, laying it on thick.

One in Fury's office.

"Why did you leave your tracker behind last night Agent Romanoff? You know the rules of our deal." Spoke Fury.

'Only some of them it seems and I was loyal to you. I trusted I even looked up to you and you were going to kill me like I was nothing.' Thought Natasha to herself.

"I had just received some actionable intelligence on the missing Ivan Vanko from an old contact and if I even came within a mile of that contact with something that could be followed to him he would have gone to ground along with his intel.

So I made a split second decision to act on that intel, something I thought you trusted me to do, Director Fury." Replied Natasha not showing any of the betrayed emotions she was feeling in her heart towards the man sitting in front of her.

"I do I do Agent Romanoff, but from security footage I saw you slip into Agent Hill's quarters and then leave almost immediately afterwards there was plenty of time to make a report so your actions would have been sanctioned." Replied Fury.

"Sir, a rare few of my op's are sanctioned something you yourself have seen fit to make the status quo." Replied Natasha calmly.

"This is not up for debate Agent Romanoff from hereby forward you are relieved of active duty." Commanded Nick Fury as he wrote down a note on a slip of paper.

(Romanoff find Ivan rescue him and grow close to him make him fall in love with you and use him to help further Shield's mission I can't give you this mission officially but while you may be off duty this is a mission I expect your full ability to be used in turning Vanko into an asset for me to use at my discretion.)

Natasha had to work very hard not to kill the director of Shield at the moment it took all of her training and will as a woman not to give into her baser instincts and protect her mate.

"Of course Director Fury I accept my punishment fully and without question." Replied Natasha.

"Good now remove yourself from my sight, I had such high hopes for you redeeming yourself for your past atrocities but I see now that hope was misplaced."Fury spoke residely.

Natasha felt the pin pricks of fresh tears start in her eyes at Fury's words as her throat tightened, her heart palpitated and a nauseous feeling filled her tummy.

Natasha kept it together long enough to enter her corvette z06 before she broke down into tears.

Siri had watched everything through the bug she planted on Natasha and for some reason she didn't feel satisfaction at Natasha's crying no, in fact she felt a strange sort of protectiveness towards the redheaded woman.

She was having a hard time understanding these new feelings towards Natasha so she pushed them aside and asked Natasha for all the records of her Daddy's past.

(Okay guy's here's a warning there's a lot of suggestions that Ivan was more than physically and emotionally abused as a child. I won't get too graphic about what was actually done to him at this point but they will he mentioned later as a way for Felicia and Ivan to connect and bond over.)

To which Natasha accommodated easily but with a warning that things she would see her father suffer were very unpleasant.

All three women assembled in Pepper's high rise apartment overlooking Central Park where they started to watch, listen and read about Ivan's forty years of life in this world.

Natasha hadn't watched all the footage of Ivan's life and only read clip notes from the file for extreme past.

What she saw and heard even disturbed her, someone sold into the Widow program at birth. She watched footage of powerful men and women of Russia, some of which she had killed.

Subject Ivan to similar things she had been subjected to in her childhood and teens before becoming an official operative.

Pepper had run to the bathroom sounds of vomiting could be heard. Pepper walked back out a few minutes later looking pale and shaky, her eyes bloodshot but she sat down next to Natasha and continued watching.

Siri had made her screen go dark as she continued to watch and listen to all that had happened to her Daddy.

Siri was going through various extreme emotional reactions. To what she was seeing. Siri dispatched the power armors she had made in reserve for her Daddy except the newer models.

If anyone was there they would have seen 20 machines of Vengeance take flight from outside the old abandoned airport.

All around Russia men and women of power retired or otherwise were being executed with extreme prejudice.

One man that had a connection to both Natasha and Ivan was sitting in his leather chair in his floating sky base drinking expensive scotch as his allies were being eliminated.

The man yelled angrily and summoned one of his most accomplished Widow's after Natalia Romanoff.

"Yelena you will find whoever is responsible for these attacks and bring them to me." Commanded Dreykov.

"Yes commander Dreykov." Replied Yelena.

Yelena hated that she couldn't refuse the fat pigs commands she's tried fighting against them but her body refuses to do as her mind commands.

She blamed her sister for this. For all of it she blew up Dreykov's daughter but couldn't follow up to make sure the bastard was dead.


(Felicia will be describing her assault and we'll see a sadistic version of Ivan as a vengeful big brother figure. Trigger warning can be skipped.)

I got out of the 2009 Nissan GT-R I borrowed from Tony Stark. walking into the pizzeria place and picking up the order of food.

"I love this car, it's so fast and handles like a dream."

I was driving at 100mph pulling the e-brake swerving around tight curves swerving in and out of traffic dodging cars and pedestrians alike.

When I reached a straight away I opened the car all the way up hitting 193 mph. My heart racing as adrenaline flooded my system.

'The armor is awesome but I missed this feeling of being behind the wheel fully in control and at high speeds.'

I couldn't get the smile off my face as I drifted off of the expressway and onto the street leading to Laurel's apartment building.

I wasn't able to keep driving fast though as traffic was bumper to bumper and moving incredibly slow.

After nearly twenty minutes I arrived at the glass and steel apartment building.

It was a classy looking place. I was a bit surprised that a flight attendant could afford to live in such a place but I put it aside.

Getting out of the car tucking the handbag under my shoulder while grabbing the food donkey kicking the door shut.

'Huh, this place even has a doorman.'

"Can I help you?" Asked the older man at the door.

"Da, I'm a guest of Ms.Lance visiting for dinner." I replied.

"Haha, it's about time, the Mrs and I have been worried little Laurel would stay single the rest of her life. At this point, let me help you." The older man said jolily.

The older man helped me reach Laurel's apartment door and ring the bell for me.

The Oldman quickly retreated, getting back into the elevator. The door swung open and the breath from my lungs was stolen.

At the sight of the beautiful woman that opened the door wearing a mischievous smile and a flirty arch of her eyebrows.

There was no denying it this was none other than Felicia Hardy the future Black Cat and thief/anti-hero extraordinaire.

Her platinum blonde white as fresh fallen snow locks of hair framed her pretty face helping make her cobalt blue eyes sparkle.

Her voluptuous seductive curves barely restrained by her tight fitting clothes and her smooth unblemished belly in full view. Along with her thick creamy white thighs.

At these thoughts the origins of the black cat also popped into my mind she was raped by her boyfriend and his friends. I felt the urge to protect her from that pain.

'She must still be in her teens. I'll have to have Siri watch over her so I can protect from that pain. Also stop drooling over her you fucking perv.' I mentally berated myself.

But in my gawking I noticed something that instantly made my blood run cold. There were fading bruises on her thighs and wrists and a slight impression on her neck.

"Hi, you must be Laurel's new boyfriend, I'm her amazing, wonderful and much more beautiful than her little sister Felicia Hardy." Spoke Felicia excitedly.

"I wouldn't say boyfriend is the correct term, maybe how you Americans, say, is Friends with Benefits." I replied back.

"Such a nice accent handsome, where are you from?." Asked Felicia as she flirtingly ran her hand along my jaw and empathizing her curvy figure by running her other hand down her considerable curves purposely to draw my eye.

"Russia, mischievous Kitten, I'm Russian." I replied back with a smile.

Felicia pouted slightly when she saw I wasn't giving into her seductive actions. At least on the level she could visibly see anyways.

"Felicia help him bring in the food, don't just stand in his way." Yelled the familiar voice of Laurel.

"(Sigh) Sorry handsome we'll pick this up later when the party pooper isn't around." Said Felica as she licked her lips seductively while winking co-conspirituality.

Grabbing the wings off of the top of the Pizza boxes swaying her hips exaggeratedly as she looked over her shoulder with a come hither look.

'I'am in so much trouble.'

Setting the pizza boxes down on the kitchen island next to where Felicia I quickly used the phone I made to message Siri about watching over Felicia Hardy and to dig up anything that might have happened to her recently and the persons involved.

[Will do, Do you want me to send whatever I find directly to you?]

[Yes, thank you Siri.]

Soon Laurel walked into the room wearing a baby blue light dress with her hair up in a bun and delicate silver chain around her neck.

"Wow, You look wonderful Laurel." I complimented.

"Thank you Ivan, you look rather nice as well." Replied Laurel bashfully.

While Felicia made a gagging sound before making an expression like she was puking.

I couldn't help but laugh heartily at her antics. Felicia and Laurel worked in perfect harmony setting the table filling platters with food while I grabbed out glasses and a pitcher filling it with water.

Soon the three of us sat down for dinner.

"So Handsome what is I that you do? When I asked my sister she was too embarrassed by the fact she forgot to ask and completely ignored me the rest of the night." Spoke Felicia obviously trying to get a rise out of Laurel.

"That Ozornoy Kotenok, is a very complicated and simple question." I replied. (Ozornoy Kotenok=Mischievous Kitten)

Only for Felicia to practically purr.

"How interesting." Replied Felicia.

"Da, if you like you can Google me. My full name is Ivan Vanko. There should be a few new articles circling around me after I released my papers on, while I'll let you find out yourself Kotenok. Also I'll take back my car keys thank you." I replied to Felicia with a smile of my own as her's froze.

"(Humph) Here take them." Replied Felicia being thrown off by getting caught.

"Thank you for returning them." I smiled softly at Felicia knowing she's a kleptomaniac.

"Holding up her phone Felicia looked shocked, is this you?." Asked Felicia stunned.


I couldn't help but release a sigh. I didn't know there would be such a big uproar towards me.

"Da, is me."

"Ivan Venko, creator of Vankonium, a new element that can be used to revolutionize all facets of human life with its versatile nature. But where is Vanko? While he's eating dinner in my sister's kitchen." Giggled Felicia as her eyes looked up at me with a sparkle as dollar signs appeared in them. (Joking, should Felicia be mutant, mutate or just normal human Felicia?.)

(Also quick question: I have this idea of Ivan ending up in the young justice universe after being sucked into a portal made by the space stone opinions?)

After finishing dinner Felicia insisted I stay and watch movies with them so I gave in. It was hard to resist someone like Felicia.

While watching the pink panther of all movies I received a bunch of data from Siri with attached video clips with title clips above them that made me vengeful.

Laurel had started to fidget against me before grabbing my hand and pulling me to her bedroom. Her hands were all over me as she kissed me passionately.

"I thought you said none of this, yeah?"I questioned.

"Mmm, I changed my mind, I want you inside me now." Breathlessly Replied Laurel as her spaghetti strapped baby blue dress slid off her shoulders revealing her bare body underneath.

With Laurel's help I quickly stood naked before her. Laurel glued herself to my chest as she pumped both her hands up and down my cock as she kissed my chest and neck giving me little love bites as well.

Using my one hand I intertwined my finger through her silky soft hair pulling her head back gently as I invaded her mouth with my tongue as my other hand slipped between her thighs to get her ready only to find her drenched and ready to go.

Picking Laurel up laying her on her back as I slipped between her thighs giving her wet tight little cunny a lick as I slipped a finger inside moving my mouth to her little pleasure bean I sucked on it while beating and batting it around with my tongue.

"Aughhh uhm haa yeas Ivaaann just like tha-ngh." Gasped and moaned Laurel.

I could hear little gasps coming from the now ajared door.

'Enjoy the show kitty.' I thought to myself.

"Ohh OOOHH FUUUCCCKKK YEAS IVAN I'M CUMMING FUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKK YEASSSSSSS." Cried out Laurel as she cummed on my face as I greedily drank her nectar.

I could hear a faint MMMMMM from the hallway as well. Making my way up Laurel's body leaving a blazing trail of kisses in my wake.

"Mmm haa haa haa Ivan mmm." Moaned Laurel.

"Stop teasing me and fuck me already." Begged Laurel a bit of desperation leaked into her voice.

Kissing her breasts rubbing the head of my cock against her hungry lower lips spending a few minutes making love to her nipples.

"Haa haa haa Ivan pwease put it in please." Voice full of desperation and need.

"Haha of course, beautiful." I said as I slowly pushed inside of Laurel's spasming, crushing silky folds.

Laurel wrapped her legs around my hips trying but failing to pull me in deeper as one of her arms looped around the back of my neck as her other hand clawed against my back leaving a pleasant thrill through where they passed.


(Okay so yeah masturbation scene for Felicia got a problem with it don't read it. Like seriously don't bitch about it just skip if it's too much for your sensibilities. Also there will be a trigger moment for Felicia, an in depth first person account of what happened to her plus a bit of background on Felicia's flirty seductive nature in this she's not only a klepto I never believed that was her only problem and so it's not going to be.



Felicia watched enraptured by the sight of her beautiful older sister letting her dress slip from her shoulders and slide off of her body. As she herself desperately pushed down her jeans and panties while lifting up her loose top and pulling down her bra freeing her breasts.

As long as Felicia could remember she's always been more mature than her peers physically and mentally the first time she discovered herself she should have been dressing up a doll.

Kids, especially girls would always say mean things about her because her boobs were bigger than theirs and that she hit puberty before them. Teachers would Snicker about her while men with less morals would openly Leer at her and make perverted comments.

Felicia didn't understand it all at first but with the internet Felicia soon understood what they were whispering about and also how to get rid of that aching feeling in her tummy.

Felicia back then decided she'd act like what everyone called her as she started flirting with the oldermen feeling her skin crawling as she saw their pants tighten in their groin area.

She started dressing sexily but for her age it should have been considered cute for years she was sexualy harassed by men and boys alike some women and girls were just as bad though too.

She hated it as her body took pleasure in things while her mind and spirit were repulsed by them. And then she met William Fisk no one dared to look at her with those leering eyes any more after one of their teachers that used to touch her butt inappropriately was found dead.

"Mmmm yes lick my beautiful big sister's pretty pink lips (gasping sounds)." Moaned Felicia while biting her bottom lip

'Mmm all those rippling muscles haannn he's so sexy, the way sis's tits bounces with his every thrust, fuck I'm cumming.'


"No no no more please stop it." Cried out Laurel.

And Felicia found herself thrust back into her living nightmare. Will was throwing a party that day. She had a few appleteenies and margaritas. That familiar itch started so she snuck away to Will's room for some privacy seeing him busy with his friend's playing a game of beer pong she'd thought she'd be safe.

But little did she know William Fisk knew about her conditions and decided to expedite things by spiking all of her drinks with a special aphrodisiac that his father uses. It didn't make the girl feel all drunk like the usual ones, it just helped get the girl in the mood faster.

Felicia was in Will's room quickly relieving her itch but finding it worse than usual she'd already reached completion 4 times but still the itch wouldn't go away.

Will's bedroom door was flung open revealing Felicia in her vulnerable moment to her boyfriend. Everything started out just like in her fantasies Will had made love to her but then his sweet loving boyfriend facade washed away revealing a sick and twisted monster.

"Hey boys come in and give this needy slut what she wants."

She begged them to stop crying while she moaned against her own will as his friend's touched her forced her to kiss them they pried open her legs and pinned her arms above her head as the took turns using her.

A warm trickle ran down her thighs as she was Kneeling on the floor now hyperventilating and sobbing. She remembered that hot disgusting stuff hitting against her skin. She was scratching at her exposed area's trying to get rid of that disgusting slimy feeling she felt so dirty and disgusting.

In a moment of strength she broke from her assailants only to be tackled to the ground by her boyfriend and used by him again as his buddies surrounded her. She cried and begged for them to stop again until she couldn't because something was being forced down her throat.

She became numb after an indertiment amount of time she stopped crying, stopped begging them to stop and that's when they grew tired of her she felt herself being thrown onto something hard and woke up in the cold alleyway near her house.

A passing patrol car found her detective Yuri Watanabe was the one who found her and rushed her to the hospital having a bunch of uncomfortable tests performed by a male doctor that treated her like it was her fault and that she got what she deserved.

Feelings of pain, self-hatred and disgust filled Felicia's heart as she was having a panic attack in front of her sister's bedroom door after peeping on her but she could hardly care.

Suddenly she felt herself being pulled into a strong comforting embrace, a strong male voice with a thick accent speaking comforting words to her.

Felicia wasn't repulsed by touch no, she found herself snuggling into her strong muscular form trying to cuddle herself into becoming one with him as powerful painful sobs wrecked her body one strong arm and hand held her tightly while the other comfortingly petted her hair.

Felicia for the first time since she met William finally felt safe in the presence of a man. Something deep in her soul told her that unlike William, Ivan was truly sincere when doing this for her.

Everything about being held in his arms calmed, comforted and warmed her. His scent even if it was mixed with her sister's, his touch strong and gentle, his soothing voice the feeling of his naked skin pressed against her own.

It took Felicia seconds to calm in his embrace but she couldn't tell now whether she was staying there because she enjoyed it or because she was too embarrassed or terrified of the questions her sister would ask her.

"It is alright little Kotenok, big brother won't let anyone hurt you again. You don't have to talk about it but Laurel an I are here for you if you want to." His voice was so calm and soft a balm to her heart which only made her snuggle in deeper to him.

If Felicia had been looking into his eyes she would have seen a veritable raging storm of rage and vengeance reflected in his icy blue eyes.


As I was having sex with Laurel I knew Felicia was peeping on us but I let it happen for some sick sense of gratification when I heard a thud from outside the room.

The sounds of Felicia sobbing and panicking I could hear her pounding against the floor. I shot off the bed and to the door without a second thought holding her tightly to my chest trying to comfort her.

A deep dark pit opened in my stomach. where I pushed down and forced my rage to stay so I could comfort Felicia fully without my dark feelings bleeding over to her. I had tried to let her go so she could clean herself and rearrange herself.

But she refused to leave me so I held her as Laurel helped her sister get cleaned up and bottoms changed. Laurel kept glancing at me with inquisitive gazes but I didn't know how or what to do with them so I just tried to convey my sincerity through my eyes.

"Felicia there's someone very important to me I'd like you to meet. She's suffered things similar to what both of us have." I spoke softly as visions of Ivan's or my past assaulted my mind, the line between who Ivan was and who I am thinning.

"O-okay bu-but ca-can we stay like this a little bit longer?." Timidly asked Felicia all traces of her previous nature gone for the moment.

"Of course Kotenok." I replied.

"Laurel, could you grab my pants and phone for me?." I asked Laurel.

Laurel helped me put my pants on as I called Natasha.

"Hey." I said to her over the phone.

"Hello husband." Replied Natasha, her voice thick with emotions.

"Is everything okay Nat." I asked concerned.

"Yeah I was just watching a documentary with Pepper and Siri it was really umm it was just really something." Replied Natasha.

"Ahh, okay so I have this young woman I care for deeply and she's been hurt really badly in the same way you were when you were a child."

"I'll be there soon." Responded Natasha.

Natasha arrived only a few minutes later wearing her Widow uniform with a leather jacket.

"Felicia, Fel my girlfriend is here I really think it'd help you to talk to her. You don't have to talk about what happened but you can listen to her story and go from there okay."

"Mmm okay." I left the three women to talk as I went to the roof of the apartment building.

Happily finding my armor waiting for me.

"Dad, I have the location of all targets. Who would you like to start with first?" Asked Siri her tone resolute.

"The lowest person first, save the ring leader for last." I replied, my voice ringing hollow to my own ears.

As I was flying through the sky to my first target's destination I was joined by four more armors with me flying in the lead and the four making a V formation.

"Dad scans show an armed security force of 25 men at location one. What is my response plan?." Asked Siri.

"Suppress the security forces and the residents but don't kill them." I replied.

'I'll kill them myself.'

"Yes, Father." Replied Siri.

We arrived at the mansion in Manhattan a few minutes later. I could hear the small and automatic arms fire as they fought against my Iron legion as I pushed into the house using my machine gun to mow down whoever got in my way.

I was inside the house. The teenage boy that seemed to enjoy having young girls and women at his mercy was cowering behind his mother.

"What do you want? Why are you doing this?." Cried the woman in a petulant rage.

"Justice, move or die with your maggot of a son." I replied with my voice making a chill run down my own spine.

"No, please don't hurt my baby boy." Begged the woman.

"Move now."

More pleas lifting my arm I put a round in her skull watching as she dropped to the floor lifeless not feeling anything towards her death. Using my plasma whip on the lowest setting, flicking it out allowing it to wrap around his body. Listening to his screams and pleas of mercy after his threats proved ineffective.

Even as he became a drooling mess the stench of burnt flesh made it past the oxygen filters in my armor. I didn't stop until he turned to a black unidentifiable mass of smoking charcoal.

Before going outside and killing off the security force before flying to the next home repeating the process over again except this time there wasn't a mother there pleading for her disgusting off-springs life.

Just another torturous death another slaughtering of security personnel. Again and again until three of the four boys were dead. Before going to where equally scum father's were located but I was starting to feel sick of myself so I put them down quickly even though they deserved punishment harsher than their son's.

I arrived at Fisk tower. The place was a veritable fortress made to withstand a siege. But with my other four armors backing me up we tour through the defenses like butter. I could hear police sirens approaching but still I carried on.

Mowing down the security forces until we reached the top floor of the tower where Fisk, his wife Vanessa and their son William lived. There was a final defensive line setup in the hallway with multiple machine guns that opened fire on me. One armor controlled by Siri took sentinel in front of me.

The other three burst through the walls and floors pulling the enemies down through the open hole their screams filled the air. I kicked open the door to get an rpg to the face that sent me flying back 30ft.

Fisk charged towards me lifting me up putting me in a rib crushing hug alarms flashed as an armor integrity bar started to drop rapidly.

"You made a mistake moving against me." Said Fisk.

Smashing my head against Fisk's face heard a satisfying crunch as Fisk's nose broke and I dropped to the ground. My guns were out of ammo so I fired my repulsors at him but they seemed to have no effect but singing his armored suits.

Deciding to fight dirty I drop kicked Fisk in his nads the man folded slightly given the opportunity I punched him in the throat as the man wheezed and choked I grabbed the sides of his head and twist sharply hearing a satisfying.

"SNAP." As Fisk's massive body dropped to the floor dead.

Entering the boys room I found a young woman tied to his bed with dried tear marks on her face with glassy dead eyes staring up at the ceiling as the little monster kept humping away at her.

I grabbed him and tossed him into a wall with too much force watching as he splattered against the wall turning into a bloody flattish mess.

I felt no sense of accomplishment, no joy at dealing this form of justice to these scum but I also didn't feel any regret or self-disgust either it just felt empty and hollow.

"Take me home baby girl, I just want to go home." I said as I slowly fell asleep inside my armor.

"Okay Daddy." Whispered Siri softly.