As Jeremy Gilbert

[1] Waking up a Jeremy Gilbert while getting head from the druggie skank.

I woke up to the sight and sensations of Vicky Donavon blowing me, like she was a professional pornstar kinda blowjob, but I guess that's what happens when your mom starts pimping you out at 5 to her loser boyfriends. Or was just too drunk or high to care when they took advantage of her daughter.

'I think it's safe to assume I'm either Jeremy or Tyler, at least I hope so anyways.' I thought to myself as I put my hands on either side of Vicki's head running my fingers through her hair before letting out a groan.

"Yea Vick, your mouth feels soo fucking good." I moaned out my pleasure and encouragement which caused Vicki to show more enthusiasm than before as she started deep throating me.

Vicki pulled herself from my cock locked gazes with me as she continued to double fist my cock.

"Hurry up and cum Jair I gotta get to the grill for my shift." Her urgency over needing to speed things up to get to work coming through loud and clear.

Smirking at her, while I took full advantage of my grip on either side of Vickie's head to force my cock into her mouth before going all out on fucking her throat hard and fast as if it were her cunt.

Enjoying how tears were leaking from her eyes as she tried and failed to suck in some air. Felling that tingle in my balls I rammed myself all the way into her throat and started shooting load after load down her tight throat.

'Mmm I'm cumming from Jeremy being so rough with me, he usually treats me like a princess. But sometimes I just want to be treated like a whore, like how Tyler treats me. I was going to stop pitty fucking Jeremy, even with the perks of getting a free high everytime. but if he's going to keep treating me like this I'll become his bitch only.' Vicki thought to herself.

'Hahahah, I'm Ghost banger Jermey Killbert.' I had my suspicions of who I now was confirmed by Vicki Donovan.

Vicky went to stand up but I bent her over the dresser and rubbed the head of my cock against wet cunny lips.

"Ahhnnn Jerm no I ngh haaave to go."-Vicky.

"You only get to leave when I say you can leave."

'Ohh fuccckkk yes daddy.'-Thought Vicky.


"Ahh yeah daddy I've been such a bad girl, spank my ass."-Vicky.


Elena couldn't believe what she was seeing her stoner little brother was dominating her ex's older sister and it was so H 0 double T HOTT. She couldn't help but pull down her tight little booty shorts and finger her tight little cunny like a mad woman.

'Ohh my God his dick is fucking huge he's at least 9" long and as thick around as my wrist, god I want my little brother's cock inside me. No bad Elena, you have to be the role model, the Adult. But that cock though my horny little pussy needs it so bad.'


(Pah, Pah, Pah, Smack Pah, Pah Pah.)

"You love my cock don't you bitch."

"Yeash I Wuve Yur Cock."-Vicky.

Reaching around I squeezed both of Vickie's perky tits while pinching her hard sensitive nipps.


"Are you ready bitch I'm about to breed your whore cunt."

"Yeash Jermay fwill me up."-Vicky.

'Ohh fuuuccckkk yeash Jeremy fill my pussy.'-thought Elena.

Ramming as deep into her cunt as I could pushing into a soft flesh door I started pumping my cum into Vickie's druggie womb.


Jenna could hear he nephew fucking the second sluttiest Donavon bitch she's ever known to oblivion. As she fingered herself on the couch imagining herself in the slut's place calling Jeremy master.


After filling Vicky full of my cum I layed down on my bed and took a nap as she hurriedly got dressed and left. Waking up around half an hour later to Jenna yelling dinners ready. I got up and put on a pair of basketball shorts before heading down stairs.

'Dinner ended up being Chinese delivery. Jeez I'm going to have to start cooking around here.'

"Jeremy I hate to be that aunt but if your going to be having sex with girls like Vicky you need to be wearing condoms."-Jenna.

I didn't miss the venom with which she said Vickie's name. Elena came down the stairs looking pretty frazzled, her hair wild and messy, her tank top half on and her booty shorts a bit lower on one side of her thighs than it should be.

'Well well it seems Elena is a bit of a Voyeur.'

After eating I excused myself returning to my room and started doing push-ups. After doing 50 push-ups I started doing sit-ups. After I was good and thoroughly exhausted I took a cold shower. Getting dressed in a T and shorts I went for a run listening to some tune on an Ipod throwing in some weak shadow boxing. Nothing too, just two miles and two miles back for a total of four miles.

'Damn for a stoner Jeremy is pretty fit. Well I guess I am now I got all of his memories and experiences but I don't feel like I'm him.'

Returning back to the house I was met with the astonished and inquisitive gazes of both Jenna and Elena.

"What ?."

"Nothing, it's just surprising to see you do more than light up a bong."-Jenna.

"Haha what can I say I have a few reasons to get into shape."

"More like one reason."-Elena.

"While either way I'm glad Jeremy has picked up something else to occupy some of his time."-Jenna.

"Well goodnight aunt Jenna, Elena."

Taking a nice hot shower and drying off I climbed into bed and fell asleep. Waking up to the early morning sun shining in my eyes I got up and went downstairs making a pot of coffee and some pancakes, bacon and scrambled eggs.

"Jeremy, you're naked."-Jenna.

"Huh I guess I am sorry aunt Jenna. I must have had a brain fart or something."

"It's okay Jeremy I've had those moments before myself too. But hehem you should probably stop posing and go at least put a pair of pants on before Elena wakes up."-Jenna.

'Ohh my god he's so big and sexy, where's my cute little Jerm?.'-thought Jenna.

Heading back to my bedroom I put on a pair of basketball shorts and went back downstairs to see Elena and Jenna whispering to each other giggling while chowing down on my breakfast. They barely left me any breakfast but it was enough to hold me over throughout my workout.

"Hey Jenna."

"Yeah what is it Jeremy?. By the way, this breakfast is amazing."-Jenna.

"Yeah Jeremy I didn't know you were good at anything besides drawing and getting high."-Elena.

"Ha-Ha, very funny Elena. To answer your question aunt Jenna I had a crush on my Home-eq teacher and had her class for four years and spent every free period and lunch break learning from her. Plus I would pay attention to everything mom did when she cooked and well Ms.Bogan seems to think I'm a natural and could really have a future in cooking."

"Wow, Jeremy I'm glad we have someone in the house that can cook or else we'd get fat from all the take out hehe. What did you need?."-Jenna.

"If you have time can you pick me up a big jug of whey protein shake powder and a couple gallons of whole milk. Also you might want to pick up an el chepo blender and a couple sports cups for me."

"Sure Jeremy I can get that stuff for you. So what are your plans for the rest of summer break?."-Jenna.

"To get in shape there's a month and a half until school starts again. I'm hoping to have some good gains until then."

"What brought on this urge to get fit Jeremy?."-Elena.

"Ahh I want to enroll in an MMA program that's partnered with the school and I want to have a solid foundation."

"Ohh yeah I remember Care saying something about that. I never really thought it would be your speed so I didn't mention it."-Elena.

"Yeah it wasn't before but I need something to help me take my mind off of mom and dad. That isn't drugs and slutty chicks that are fucking other dudes besides me."

"Cough cough cough, heehem Jeremy that's not a good way to talk about women."-Jenna.

"It's true though Vickie is a whore."-Elena.

"So what's going on with you and Matt, Elena, are you ever going to stop keeping him on the hook while looking for Mr.Badboy?."

"I don't know what you're talking about Jair."-Elena.

"Sur you don't."

"Well I have to get going. I'll be back around seven tonight so order a pizza or something."-Jenna.

"Be safe love ya aunt Jenna."

"See you later Jenna."-Elena.

"Thanks guys love you too Jeremy, bye."-Jenna.

"Bye Jair, I'm going to hang out with Bon and Care."-Elena.

"See you Elena, have fun."

'Wow Jair is just so nice today. I've missed this.'-thought Elena.

Once Elena was gone I rinsed the tableware and cookware off, before putting it all in the dishwasher and putting the detergent in before turning it on.

'Now I know the Gilbert's had a small armory at the lake house but what about here in the house.'

Entering the dead parent's bedroom I started searching for false panels and floor boards, false bottoms in dressers and the such. I struck gold in both the separate Mr. & Mrs. Dressers both had a collection of well made stakes and small handheld crossbows along with glock 19's with magazines filled with wooden bullets and small vials of Vervain.


Unscrewing the cap of one of the vervain vials that had a medicine dropper cap I dropped two drops into my mouth. That stuff tasted absolutely fowl but if it saves me from compulsion until I can activate the Hunter's mark it's worth it. Though I wonder if it's poisonous, I mean most weeds and plants are to humans. I hope I'm not killing myself in the long run by drinking it.

Putting the dressers back together the way they were while keeping the glocks, loaded magazines and vervain. I went back to my room and stashed one under my pillow while the other. I put it along the bedframe and covered it with my sheet and comforter.

While storing one mag tapped on the underside of my desk and the other in my nightstand drawer.

'Time to search the basement.'

Once I was downstairs in the basement I noticed something that neither Elena or OG Jeremy realized. The basement was too fucking small for the house like literally if this was the house's actually basement it would have collapsed by now. Since all the walls had deceptive paneling I had to feel up the walls for a good amount of time until I found what I was looking for.

The false wall pushed in like those old entertainment stands with the glass doors used to. Before popping back out so you'd be able to pull them open without breaking the glass. Walking inside I was struck dumb by what I saw instead of the low budget armory Julia Plec had in the show the Gilbert's had. A straight up Blade looking arsenal custom made pistol that shot stakes. Shotgun shells that had wooden BB's sitting in what looked like ravaine.

High tech versions of Rick's fist stake launchers. Trang darts filled with Vervain, a fridge filled with Elena's, mine and their blood. A small operating table and hospital cot. Gas masks and vervain lased tear gas grenades along with straight up homemade vervain grenades and hand grenades. 40mm grenade launchers and different grenades even one that was just a big ass stake to be shot at something.

'Damn the Gilbert's were preparing for war.'

Looking around I noticed a desk with two letters on it. One read to our Jeremy and another read to Elena. Opening my letter and reading I was surprised when I noticed my tears hitting the paper smudging the ink slightly.

Pretty much it was a quick explanation that Vampires are real, that they love me and that if I'm reading this it means they're dead. That they love me more than the entire world, that Elena isn't my sister but my cousin and that John is her birth father.

They wrote about the Gilbert Journals and how reading them they would explain everything. That they're sorry they won't get to be there for me anymore and now that I know I have to be prepared. I found myself sitting on the floor resting my head against the desk crying.

It hurt so much to read this letter I wished I'd never found it. I didn't understand why it hurt so much since I'm not really Jeremy but it did.

Pulling myself together and drying my eyes I sealed everything back up and started working out to take my mind off of things. Using Saitama's patented exercise routine I was soaked in sweat and my mental state felt a lot healthier.

Taking a quick shower getting fully dressed I got on my Dirt bike while grabbing one of those military shovels troops are usually given to dig fox holes. I think they're called I rode to the place Gissepi Salvatore was buried.

'Fuck this sucks they make it look so easy in the movies.'

After the laborious task of digging out Gissepi's coffin I broke it open and spent a good five minutes puking my guts out from the smell. Before grabbing out the Bennett Grimoire throwing the dirt back into the grave covering up nice and good while reciting a prayer as my apology for grave robbing.

I threw away the cloth the grimoire had been heavily wrapped in before putting in my bag and tying the shovel to the bike.

Driving back home I was riding across the road to continue on the trail when a sky blue prius being driven by Bonnie. With Elena and Caroline as passengers nearly hit me as she came speeding around the corner singing along to a blaring radio.

Bonnie locked up the tires and swerved not away from me but towards me bumping into the rear tire of the bike which threw me off the bike.

"Ohh my God I'm so sorry ohh no it's Jeremy Elena call an ambulance."-Bonnie.

"All ready on it Bon."-Caroline.

Elena was having a mini panic attack thinking Jeremy had just died because she had turned up the radio and distracted Bonnie by making her sing along with her and Caroline. Standing up after a few seconds of dealing with both Care's and Bonnie's inquisitive hands.

"Jair you're okay."-Elena.

Elena launched herself at me hugging me tightly.

"Jeremy you shouldn't be moving something might be broken."-Bonnie.

"She's right Jeremy you need to lay back down now before you make anything worse."-Caroline.

"Bun-bun, Care I'm fine that's not even close to the hardest I've hit the ground before I'm all good nothings broken."

"Are you sure Jair?."-Elena.

"Yeah I'm sure."

"Hey I thought you promised you'd stop calling me Bun-Bun when I entered high school."-Bonnie.

"Well I did but you hit me with your car so be prepared to have your embarrassing stories told from now on Bun-bun."

"NOOO I should have tried harder to hit you (Humph), but seriously Jair are you okay?."-Bonnie.

"Yeah Bonnie I promise I'm fine. My Dirt bike and your front bumper probably not so much though."

"Okay I called my mom and had her cancel the ambulance but she said you should still got to the ER to get looked at Jeremy."-Caroline.

"Thanks Care."

"No problem Jeremy."-Caroline.

Looking over my dirt bike while Elena clutched my arm tightly I was disappointed when I found the rear sprocket. Snapped and the rear tire rim bent and the tire popped.

Moving the dirt bike off the blacktop and into the woods I got into Bonnie's car after she took pictures of the damage to the front of her car and the back of my dirt bike. Before they took me to Mystic Falls General.

We were met their by a very worried aunt Jenna who acted like a helicopter mom. But didn't berate me or Bonnie about what happened she was just happy her little Jerm was okay which she seemed to constantly remind me about. The doctor that looked at me just happened to be Dr.Meredith Fell.

'The Vampire blood doctor It's amazing how she doesn't get caught or suspected of mail practice.'

"Aunt Jenna could you give me a bit of time alone with Doctor Fell."

"Ugh yeah sure thing Jeremy, excuse me."-Jenna.

"What is it you'd like to talk about Mr.Gilbert?."-Meredith.

"Meredith I wonder what would happen if the Founder's council was to learn about less than ethical medical practices."

"I don't know what you're talking about if you don't have any medical questions to ask I'm going to have to insist you leave."-Meredith.

"Now is that anyway to treat a fellow member of the founding family's?."

"Fine what is it you want ?."-Meredith.

This time she said Mr.Gilbert with a considerable amount of venom lacing her voice.

"I need vampire blood at least two pints of it."

"That's all that I have."-Meredith.

"That's what I call a you problem, get me the blood and I'll keep your secret."

"Okay I will."-Meredith.

As I was about to leave the room Meredith stopped me by asking me.

"What do you want it for?."-Meredith.

"That's my buisness."

"Meet me at my office I'll give it to you there."-Meredith.

"Thanks Doc I know you won't understand but I'm doing this to make Mystic Falls a safer place. I don't really care if you use V-blood to help people but you should be more careful about how you use it. If I discovered what you're doing other's will as well and I doubt they'll be as accommodating as I am."

"Thank you Jeremy for the warning I mean I'll be at my office in 5."-Meredith.

"Is everything okay Jair?."-Elena.

"Yup everything is fine I just have to meet doctor Fell at her office quick and then we can go."

"Good I'm so glad you're okay Jeremy I'm so sorry I hit you."-Bonnie.

"It's okay Bun-bun. I forgive you for trying to run me over. Bwahahaha."


'God it's so embarrassing being called by that nickname again. But being teased by Jeremy gives me butterflies he's so cute and sexy I just want to cuddle with him and ride him like a train rides on the tracks.'-thought Bonnie.

'Ugh why is Jeremy so cute but of couse he's barely even noticing my existence.'-thought Careoline.'


Meeting Meredith at her office after saying goodbye to aunt Jenna she handed the blood off to me. It was in a jar inside a prescription bag.


Leaving the house all I could think about was Jeremy walking around the house naked that big cock dangling between his legs.

He looked so yummy I just wanted to drop on my knees and blow him in the kitchen. The thought of Elena walking down the stairs catching us was such a turn on.

'I have to have him at least put a pair of pants on. If not I might cross the line and I doubt Elena will be happy to see that nice big cock dangling between his legs.'

I couldn't look away from his nice toned ass as he walked away from me and up the stairs.

'God I'm such a horrible person. Having these fantasies about my nephew.'

Elena came down the stairs a bit of red painting her neck and chest. She embarrassedly smiled back at me as she sat down with me at the island countertop.

"Wow Jenna I didn't know you could cook like this."-Elena.

"I can't, Jeremy cooked."-Jenna.

"Hmm I guess all the time Jeremy spent crushing on that Home-eq teacher paid off."-Elena.

"What who?."-Jenna.

"The Home-eq teacher Ms.Bogan she used to babysit us once and awhile I think she's a year or two younger than you. Her name is Zari Bogan or something like that."-Elena.

'Zari huh I know her, we used to toke together behind the school.'-thought Jenna.

After eating I had to hurry up and get to Whitmore for a lecture on Psych. But when I heard Jeremy say he loves me I froze up a little. I said it back while saying an empty see you to Elena.


Why am I so jealous that Jeremy said love you to Jenna and not me?. Driving to Bonnie's house from there we took her car to pick up Care.

"Okay spill Elena what's bugging you?." Caroline.


"Ohh come on El we haven't seen you brood like this since you thought Matt was dating Sarah Mccormick."-Bonnie.

"Sigh, Okay Okay so last night I was using the bathroom Jeremy and I share and his door was cracked. I heard some gagging and choking sounds so I looked in just to make sure Jair was okay and I saw him fucking Vicky Donavon's face. It was so fucking hot I couldn't look away."-Elena.

"What no way Jeremy is fucking that druggie slut."-Caroline.


"What Bonnie, it's true."-Caroline.

"I know but still she was our friend."-Bonnie.

"Well that's not all that happened Vicky went to stand up to get dressed to leave for the grill. And Jeremy was so dominant and sexy he bent Vicky over his dresser and was like "you don't leave unless I say you can leave." And started fucking her pussy so hard."

"Ohh that's so sexy little Jair-bear is all grown up."-Bonnie.


"What Elena, it's true."-Caroline.

"I know but still you guys are my best friends."

"This coming from the girl who got off watching her little brother fuck a slut."-Caroline.

"Hehehehe, I bet she'd like to watch if one of us started sleeping with Jeremy too Care."-Bonnie.

"Hehe she'd probably join, it's not like we don't know each other intimately."

"You two Stop it ! ! !."

'But that's such a hot thought the three of us together with Jair mmm I want to make myself cum so bad now.'-thought Elena.

A good song came on the radio and I wanted to change the topic from Jeremy so I got Care and Bon singing along with me.

"I put your picture away this morning."

"So I don't have to see your face no more."

"Ohh my God Bonnie look out."-Caroline.




The ride back to the house felt pretty tense. Caroline kept looking at me smirking. But then she'd frown cutely while Bonnie kept looking at me through the rear view mirror.

'It seems big sis has a big mouth.'

Bonnie pulled up outside the house.

"Thanks for the ride, Bun-buns."

"Jeremy Gilbert, stop calling me by that nickname or else."-Bonnie.

"Bring it on Bun-bun."

'God what is wrong with me, I'm getting wet from this back and forth with Jeremy.'-thought Bonnie.

Elena didn't get out of the car which I was relieved about because I honestly didn't want to put up with her bullshit responsible parent act.

Instead of going into the house I went to the garage and got in Miranda's 2010 Honda Ridgeline which didn't even have a thousand miles on it yet and drove to get my dirt bike.

Loading it into the back of the truck I got a text from Vicky.

"Hey, want to come hang with me and some friends in the cemetery."-txt Vicky.

"I'd rather you come over and we have a repeat of yesterday."-txt mc.

"😍🍆🍑💦"-txt Vicky.

"Please, I want you to meet my friends."-txt Vicky.

"Sur, be a bit though, have to take my wrecked d-bike back to the house. I'll raid the liquor cab though."-txt mc.

"Kay Jeremy see you soon 😛💦🍆."-txt Vicky.

Getting back to the house putting my dirt bike on the bike lift. I went into the house and went to the master bedroom and grabbed Miranda's bottle of prescription sleeping pills.

Before stopping and grabbing some liquor bottles out of the cabinet, crushing up some pills and pouring them into the bottles.

Grabbing the vampire blood I filled a few medium sized syringes. Going up stairs and grabbing a glock and spare mag along with a couple stakes from the basement and a few blood bags I was ready to go. Putting the blood in a cooler and stashing it inside the center console of the truck.

Driving to the cemetery I met Vicky at the entrance she hopped into the truck.

"Wow Jair nice truck."-Vicky.

"Thanks it was mom's she had only gotten a week or so before the accident."

"Jair I'm sorry I didn't realize."-Vicky.

"Don't worry about it Vick."

I was a bit disappointed in myself when I heard the sadness bleed through in my voice. But it quickly went away when Vicky freed my cock from its confines and started jerking me off.

"Let me make you feel better Jair."-Vicky.

Sliding my seat back I parked the truck on one of the turn off trails to the crypts. Vicky wrapped her pink pouty lips around my hard cock and started bobbing her head up and down. She wasn't taking me all the way down; her hands were working my balls and the base of my cock.

"Yeah Vick I'm getting close."


Fuck Vick I'm cumming."

(Gulp, Gulp, Gulp.)

"Haa, Jair you cum so much and it's so thick and tasty."-Vicky.

'Wow okay.'

"Did I make you feel better Jair."-Vicky.

"Not yet I think only your pussy can make me feel better."

Putting my seat all the way back Vicky stripped out of her skinny jeans and black lacy thong. And slid down my rock hard cock her pussy was incredibly tight for such a slut.

"Ahh Jair you're cock's the best."-Vicky.

"Haahnn Jair how's my pussy?.'Vicky.

"It's good Vick."

"Do you love me Jair?."-Vicky.

'Nope but I'm about to tell you I'am.'

"I've been in love with you since I was five, nothing changed for me except now this is happening in more than my dreams."

"Haa haannn yea Jeremy."-Vicky.

At my words Vicky picked up her pace and when she went to say something else I kissed her. Just to shut her up. And started fucking up into her while smacking her ass making her moan even louder.

"Fuck Vick I'm about to cum."

"Fuck yeash cum inside me Jair."-Vicky.

Vicky fell down onto my chest panting her juices staining my jean shorts. I kind of just want to open the door and push Vicky off of me. It's not like I don't like her. I have Jeremy's feelings for her but I know I don't feel the same way as he did. This was just sex for me and I wanted to hit it and leave not make love and cuddle.

After a few minutes Vicky languidly pulled herself off of me and put her clothes back on. While smiling at me that smile a girl shows when she's decided that it isn't just sex she wants.

'Ohh fuck no this skank better be on the pill.'

"Hey Vick umm I've cum inside you the past couple times we've had sex. Not that I don't want kids and all but I'm definitely not ready to be a dad."

"Hahahaha, You're cute when you're nervous Jeremy don't worry I'm on the pill and I'll take a plan B when I get home just in case."-Vicky.

"Haa, That's a relief."

I noticed Vicky was smiling mischievously at me. I realized I'd played into some sorta trap and managed my way through it to the other side without ending a physically beneficial relationship for myself.

Arriving at the party spot I handed the drugged bottles of booze off to Vicky as I drank a beer. While I took a couple hits from a bull that was passed off to me.

"Yeah bro thanks for the Jack."-cannon fodder 1.

"Yo pass the bull bro."-cannon fodder 2.

"Hey handsome how bout you and I go into the mausoleum and you give me the same treatment you gave icky Vicky."-girl cannon fodder.

Vicky and her cannon fodder friends slowly started falling asleep. Before they were out I grabbed the V-blood syringes and started shooting V-blood into their mouth and making sure they swallowed it all. Before curb stomping their neck breaking them while putting Vicky back into the truck.

The first one to wake up was the girl and I force fed the blood bag down her throat until she vamped out and I stacked her. The two guys woke up at the same time the curse mark appeared on my hand at the same time. Throwing the blood bags to them they viciously started tearing into it I started shooting them full of bullets.

Before charging them both and stacking one in the heart while the other I punched in the throat while pulling my stake free from the other. Dragging the bodies closer to the fire and pouring bottles of booze onto them before lighting a stick on fire. And letting out a little laugh as they all went up in flames.

'It was so kind of them to have this nice fire going and collecting firewood for me.'

It was pretty late so I drove Vicky home and texted Matt to open the door for me.

"Hey Jair, what's up with Vick?."-Matt.

"I think the weed was laced or something she took earlier kicked in. Cause we were partying and she fell asleep and wouldn't wake up. Her breathing and pulse are fine so she should be good."

"Hey thanks for being there for her Jair, but you should give up on her man. I love her and she's my sister but she'll only keep dragging you down man."-Matt.

"Thanks Matt, you know she's really helped me get over my parents, she's the only good thing or thing that brightens my days up so while I appreciate you lookin out for me go get fucked in the ass by the football team man."

"Hahaha, I miss hanging out with you Jair. Maybe you could come over and play some video games with me when you're free."-Matt.

"As long as this isn't some secret plot to woo my sister then sure I'm down to kick your ass at Mario Kart loser."

Matt went to play box me but I reacted faster than him and dodged before accidentally knocking him on his ass.

"Damn Jair, you've been working out like crazy or something."-Matt.

"Yeah when I'm not getting high I'm working out or going balls deep in your sister."

"Yo that's my sister don't tell me that I'll have to tell Elena."-Matt.

"Damn sis has still got you whipped. Anyways goodnight man let me know if anything happens with Vick."

"Yea I will Jeremy get home safe man."-Matt.

After leaving the Donovan's I started on my way back home. It was close to midnight so I figured I'd get chewed out by Elena for staying out late. Pulling into the garage parking the truck before walking into the house finding Elena curled up sleeping on the couch. Picking her I carried her to her room and tucked her into bed.


'My plans were expedited beyond belief today but when opportunities present themselves it's best to take them. Now that my Hunter's mark is activated I'll have to start training myself to the maximum. And not only physical training but also mental training to resist the urge to stake every vamp in sight.'

Going back downstairs I made a quick PBJ sandwich while noticing the basement door was ajar. Walking down the steps I could hear soft moans just over the sounds of a drier running. Once I was far enough down the steps I saw aunt Jenna sitting on the drier using a dildo to fuck herself.

"Mmm haa yes yes Jeremy fuck this naughty aunt's pussy ohh fuck yes."


Turning back around and going to my bedroom I turned on the radio and listened to the local rock station. While eating my sandwich.

'Hopefully Jenna doesn't spend all night down there. I want to wash these clothes in some bleach before throwing them away.'

Taking a quick shower I put on a pair of shorts and went down to the basement. I didn't hear Jenna masturbating anymore so I figured it was safe. But as I got downstairs I noticed Jenna on all fours with her upper body leaning into the drier as her perky sexy ass swayed back and forth hypnotically.

Her wetness glistened on her cheeks and thighs while she hummed a catchy song that sounded a lot like poker face. I freed my hard cock and started jerking off to the sexy sight.

'Hmm I wonder if I act like she's Vicky and I start fucking her if she'll run with or stop it hmm. To bone or not to bone?. Bone it is.'

Walking up behind Jenna rubbing the head of my cock against her wet lips.

"Damn Vick, how long do you plan on keeping me waiting."



"Haaa damn Vick this must really be turning you on you're tighter than usual."


'Ohh fuck Jeremy is about to fuck me while thinking that I'm Vicky. I should stop him. I know I should but I don't want to. Ohh ohh yeah his cock is stretching out my neglected pussy.'-thought Jenna.

"Ahhnnn mmmm Nnnggghhh."-Jenna.

"You love being fucked like this don't you Vick. I bet you'd love it even more if aunt Jenna or Elena would walk down here and catch us reenacting a porno."

Jenna's pussy clenched down hard as she cummed squirting like a super soaker pumped up to the max. That pushed me over the edge, making me spill my seed in Jenna's hungry pussy. That extended her orgasm and made her shout out her euphoria.

"When you're down washing your cum covered clothes. Come to my bedroom, you need to clean up the mess you made on my cock."


Putting my dirty clothes in the washer and pouring a good amount of bleach and detergents in with them I left a twitch aunt Jenna half in the drier.

'Haaannn, my nephew's cock is so good I feel so warm and full inside. I've found a new master and I know this time he loves me and won't abuse me like that asshole professor did. I better get ready to go serve Jeremy in his bed.'-thought Jenna.

I grabbed my bag containing the Bennett Grimoire off of the hook at the bottom of the stairs. Pulling it out as I ate my sandwich, the old leather bound book looked well cared for even though it was entombed with a rotting corpse for over 150 years.

Turning on the snake light that was clipped onto the post of my bed I opened the book by untying the securing pieces of leather.

'I honestly didn't think it would let me do that. I figured it'd only open for a Bennett witch.'

The ink on the paper started to move and form letters. To my descendants I leave my knowledge of Witchcraft, use it wisely and don't involve yourselves with The Creatures of The Night.

'Does this mean somehow I'm also a descendant of the Bennett Witches?. I guess it's not that hard to believe since Emily and ancestor Johnathan Gilbert were in love. It kind of makes sense in a strange convoluted way; there's no way the Bennett witches on the other side would allow Bonnie to bring back a non- Bennett as easily as they did. I wonder if this means I can use magic along with the Hunter's abilities.'

Soft knocks on my door sounded so I closed and tied the Grimoire shut before putting it away in my nightstand. Shutting off the light I lightly but still loud enough to be heard at the door said.

"Come on in, Vick, you've kept me waiting long enough."

Even though the lights were off Jenna walked into the room with her hair covering her face. She lifted the shirt up over her head before she started crawling her way up the bed. She started nuzzling her head and face against my cock and balls kissing them lovingly well melwing cutely. When I wasn't expecting it she took my cock in her mouth and down her throat.

"Ohh fuck Vick."

Aunt Jenna was easily taking me all the way down her throat. So I just put my hands behind my head and enjoyed the pleasant feelings of her worshipping tongue and her twitching throat muscles. From the sensitivity of all my previous orgasms it didn't take longer than 10 minutes for aunt Jenna to make me cum with her mouth.

As I started to go soft Jenna pumped my cock in her hands while licking it. Bringing it back to life before she mounted me and started fucking herself on my cock. I reached up and pulled her head down into a passionate, loving kiss.

"Haa, Jeremy."-Jenna.

Jenna whispered as she fell down asleep on my chest after we both came together a second time. I pulled the comforter out from underneath me and covered us both wrapping my arms around her while running my fingers over her back. Feeling a bit of shock when I felt raised bumps underneath my fingertips.

'Scars?. But how, I'll worry about it in the morning, it's time for some sleep.'

I woke up to the gentle rays of light filtering in through the window looking at the alarm clock. It showed it was only 5 in the morning. Jenna and I had rolled over into a spoon position in our sleep so I got a good view of her back. Which is covered in a patch work of scarred tissue with a tramp stamp the read Property of Professor Deaton.

I felt a cold feeling in my veins at the sight of the brand. It was a brand not a tattoo. Softly slipping out of bed, I did a search for Professor Deaton at Whitmore College. Finding put he was a Professor of psychology that was let go for having abusive sexual relationships with his female students. After an hour of searching I found his new address and mental health practice location.

'I'm going to torture you for marring my beautiful aunt's once flawless beauty. First I'm going to break every bone in your body and heal you with V-blood then I'm going to peel away your flesh and douse you in saltwater. Before repeating the process over and over again.'

I went and stood in the shower with it off, not really sure why I did so but just feeling like it was a good place to hang for a bit. A hand reached into the shower through the curtain turning on the water. A sleepy groggy Elena got into the shower her back facing me.

"Ahh"-said Elena as the warm water hit her face.

Walking a few steps forward rested my now hard cock between Elena's perky ass cheeks. While my arms wrapped around her waist I started planting soft kisses along her neck.

"Mmm Heremy moore."-Elena moaned sleepily.

Sliding one hand up her tight tummy I grabbed her breast in a firm grasp. Slipped between her thighs and started rubbing soft circles against her tight cunny lips.

"MMMMMM."-moaned Elena.

Slipping my middle finger into her tight insides my finger felt like it was being sucked further up inside while being massaged.

While my other hand alternated between her breasts Elena's hands cupped my head as she fully leaned into me grinding her ass against my cock. Whispering in her ear.

"Kiss me Elena."-soft whisper in her ear.

Elena tilted her head back with her eyes heavily lidded puckering her lips as moans from getting her body played with escaped her lips. We shared soft probing and exploring kisses as I slipped a second finger inside her tight cunny while rubbing her little pleasure bean.

"Jeremy, I love you. Please fuck me."-Elena said lost in her fantasy.

Pulling my fingers free of Elena's hungry and gripping cunny I turned her around in my arms. Lifting her up with one arm under her ass as she wrapped her legs around me.

"Are you sure Elena?. Are you sure you want your little brother's cock inside your pussy?."

"Mmm yes I want it Jeremy."-Elena.

Kissing and sucking in her neck I slowly started stretching out her insides with my hard member making her moan louder.

"Wait Jeremy ngh."-Elena.

"What sis, you said you wanted this I won't stop now."

"I do ngh but you have to stop seeing Vicky. She's bad news Jair, start dating Bon or Care."-Elena.

"Okay Elena I'll stop seeing Vicky I don't really care about her anymore it's just sex. I really just wanted it to be your I was with."

"Ahh, Jair you're filling me so full I love your cock so much. It's way better than Matt's."-Elena.

Elena and I had slow love filled sex in the shower that resulted in her womb receiving a few deposits of incestuous cum. On the first one she realized her fantasy was real and became a more active participant.


I woke up in my bed after a hot shower sex dream with Elena there was a fading warmth in the bed next to me.

'What the fuck was that?. It felt so real, like it was really happening.'

Getting up with a hard on I went to my laptop and looked up this Professor Alexander Deaton. All the information was the same as what I saw in my dream. His separation from Whitmore College for having abusive sexual relationships with his female students.

The picture of aunt Jenna's scars and the brand on her back the way they felt against my fingertips. That Icy rage returned in full force. Waiting a few minutes I heard Elena get into the shower and the vivid dream I had hit me full force.

I started working out to put my horny mind at ease. I was able to complete the Saitama exercises like they were nothing, so 100 became 200 and 250 exercises was my limit.

Feeling the burn from exercises and Elena was still in the shower on I went for a run. I ran 12 miles before deciding I'd had enough. I was exhausted and drenched in sweat with muscles past burning to the point of agony.

'Damn Captain America has this kind of stamina. Poor Sharon must have been put through the ringer.'

Returning to the house I found it to be empty, cooking up half a dozen eggs for myself while also making pancakes.

Wolfing the hotcakes down right out of the pan while mixing in a pound of extra sharp white cheddar cheese.

Making cheesy scrambled eggs after eating breakfast I went up to take a shower and noticed Elena left her clothes on the floor I was picking them up to put them in the hamper.

When my fingers touched a wet sticky spot I noticed it was her panties and couldn't help but smirk.

Taking a deep whiff of Elena's girl cum my cock became rock hard.

Stroking my cock as I continued to smell Elena's musky scent the door to the bathroom opened up and Elena stood there with her mouth open.

Wearing a black sports bra and pink yoga pants I didn't stop stroking my cock though I turned and faced her.

"Like what you see sis? I have to admit I love what I'm seeing."

"J-jair, wha-what are you saying?"-Elena.

"I think that's obvious Elena you're attracted to me and I'm attracted to you. We should explore this attraction between us." I said while giving her a shit eatin grin.

Elena turned a tomato red as she started to step backwards as I stepped towards her while stroking my hard cock. Her eyes glued to my cock while biting her lower lip.

Until the back of her knees hit her bed causing her to fall backwards.

"Eeeeeee." Squealed Elena.

She went to get up off the bed but I was already straddling her stomach as I continued to stroke my cock right in front of her face.

"You're enjoying this, you little cock tease." I joked but Elena didn't deny it.

Lifting up her sports bra sliding my hard cock underneath the band and between her perky tits.

"Open those pretty pink lips of yours and stick out your tongue big sis." I softly commanded as I pressed her tits tightly around my cock slowly sliding back and forth fucking her tits.

"Ahh-ahhh-yeah Jair fuck my titties…Yeaaahhh Jair fuck your mmm big sister's titties and cum in my mouth little brother." Sluttily moaned Elena.

"Your such a fucking slut Elena, moaning like a whore as your little brother uses your body." I said as I viciously twisted her nipples.

"Ahhhhhh I'm only a slut for you Jair unlike Vicky who drops to her knees and panties for a high nghhh fuck Jair it feels so good your hard cock fucking my tits."

"Shut up slut and put your mouth to use." I growled as I slapped one of her tits.

"Ahhhh-mmmmmphhh." Moaned Elena.


I groaned as Elena's cute little pink tongue licked the head of my cock as her lips wrapped around it on my even thrust.

"Hold your tits together tightly slut." I commanded Elena only for her to moan in affirmation.

"Wow, slut you soaked right through your panties, leggings. Do you love my cock that much?." I asked as I rubbed her cunny through the drenched leggings.

"Answer me Elena, do you love your little brother's cock." I growled again as I slapped her cunt harshly.

Only for her to scream and start convulsing as I felt hot cum shooting out of her cunt and through the already drenched material of her leggings like a super soaker.

"Yeaaazssssss." Cried slash screamed Elena as her mouth hung open in a silent scream, her tongue jutting out into the air, her eyes rolling up into her head partially as her back arched.

I couldn't hold back the groan as I started to cum hard thick ropes of my cum sprayed out from between her tits, landing in thick ropes all over her face getting in her hair, some of my thick hot cum even making it into her mouth after hitting her tongue.


Elena was completely dead to the world even though my cock is still rock hard and ready for more resisting the urge to rip her leggings and thong off and just start plowing her silly.

I moved her around pulling the comforter of her bed out covering her up to her tight little tummy before I walked into our shared bathroom grabbing a washcloth of hers wetting it before returning to her bedside.

Wiping away most of my cum from her body covering her up the rest of the way, throwing the soiled cloth into her hamper.

"You're mine now sis." I whispered softly into her ear kissing her cheek.

"Jeremy, Elena I'm home." Yelled Jenna from downstairs.

Walking downstairs my hard cock slapping against my stomach with every step entering the kitchen admiring the view of Jenna's nice shapely ass being hugged tightly in a pair of tights hardly being covered by her skirt.

"JE-JEREMY-W-what are you doing." Jenna gasped loudly.

"Shh, aunt Jenna you wouldn't want to wake Elena up would you?" I teased. As I pushed her up against the door if the fridge hands on her hips.

"Jeremy, mmm." Moaned Jenna as I grabbed her ass underneath her skirt while kissing her exposed neck.

"I knew it was you last night…Jenna." I whispered softly in her ear.

"Ahhn. I-I know." Moaned Jenna.

"You could have stopped me." I said soft as my one hand slid up her shirt underneath her bra rubbing her hard nipple with my thumb as I gently squeezed her breast.

"Ngghhh, I didn't want to stop, I wanted more of you of your love." She moaned as her hands wrapped around my neck one of them sliding into my hair as the other rested limply on my shoulder.

"Of my cock you mean? Did you enjoy your nephew pumping his hot underaged cum inside your hot tight hungry cunt." I asked as my hand left her ass and moved between her thighs and down her pants.

"No panties." I practically growled.

"Fo-For you." Jenna said with desperation in her voice.

"It better be why." I said as I removed my hand from underneath her shirt and pushed down her tights.

"It is I promise Jermey, I love you and only you." Professed Jenna her desperation to be believed rising.

Sliding myself into her dripping wet sex her walls clenching around my shaft tightly as she came at my entrance into her depths her cum splattering against my thighs.

"You're such a slut auntie cumming just from having your nephew put it inside you." I teased softly.

"I'm nhg-ot haa-haa I missed you inside me since last nhaa-ight Jair-my." Moaned Jenna.

"You should have stayed in my bed I would have fucked you this morning." I said as I slowly started pumping in and out of her sex while she kicked one of her legs free from her tights locking her leg behind my hip.

"Mmmhhh Aaa I wanted shiiit to bu-but Elena." Moaned Jenna.

"Don't worry about her, I'm going to make her love my cock." I grunted as I felt my impending climax on the rise.

"Ahh ahhh ahhh Je-ngh-me, you-ohh FuuucccK I'm cumming again." Jenna cried out as her gunt gushed a flood of her juices as her womb lowered, sucking the tip of my cock pushing me over the edge.

"I know Elena's not really my sister and that she's my cousin." I panted into Jenna's ear enjoying the way her walls spasmed and twitched around my still hard cock.

"I'm sorry Jair, they were going to tell you both." Jenna started to make an excuse for them while apologizing for being in on the lie.

"They lied to me for years, you lied to me for years, they favored her over me, everyone favors her over me they died for her because of her. She took my parents from me. The least she can do is spread her legs for me and take my cock." I growled into her ear expressing some of the pent up rage Jeremy had built up over the years as both my hands sunk into Jenna's ass as I started pounding her against the fridge harshly.

"Jer-nghh-my fu-fuck you're breaking me Hermey." Jenna moaned.

"Good, I'll break you and remake you into my perfect sex slave of an auntie." I smirked evilly as I bit her neck harshly.

"Ma-mashter Wearmy." Jenna moaned as the frothy mixture of our cum splattered all over making a mess as her cunt continuously gushed.

"Ma-ma-master you're so gwood." Jenna moaned.

"That's right I'm your master and you're my bitch. My cum dumpster my broodmare my fuck toy." I grunted out while biting her earlobe.

"Yeash yeash yeash, FUUUUCCCCKKKK MASHTER." Screamed Jenna as her eye rolled back in her head as her tongue stuck out of her mouth, drool leaking from the corners of her mouth as her cunt sprayed before she pissed herself.

Letting her slide to the floor stroking my cock a few strokes shooting rope after thick rope on her face blouse and skirt making her moan like a wanton whore.

'I might have gone a little overboard.' I thought to myself looking at the mess I've made of not only Jenna but the kitchen as well.

"I can't believe she pissed on me that's so fucked." I grumbled as I plucked her and her tights from the floor.

"Nnghaa." Moaned Jenna as I carried her in my arms. Going into what was Miranda and Grayson's bedroom.

Entering the master bathroom that had a two person jacuzzi bathtub turning on the water with my foot once it was on I started stripping Jenna's clothes off being rewarded by soft moans and mewling.

Stepping into the tub sinking down into the warm water that eased my tense muscles and made Jenna release a shuddering moan.

Adjusting her so she sat with her back against my chest my cock resting against her stomach. Her head on my shoulder as her face leaned into my neck licking my ear like a kitten trying to get milk from its mother's teat.

Grabbing the shower sponge squirting a large dollop of women's body wash on to it I started washing her body.

"Mmm, it fweels more like I'm yur princess than swave master." Said Jenna cutely.

"What can I say, I'm a loving master." I said back softly as I played with one breast while washing the other.

"Jeremy, you shouldn't get involved with Elena out of hate. It's not fair to you or her and I know you love her even if you've grown apart over the years." Spoke Jenna softly, timidly almost.

"Shh." I replied as my free hand slipped between her thighs from her breast teasing her folds.

"Ngh haa ha haa. No more Jeremy I still have to clean up our mess and start dinner. But I promise I'll come to you tonight for more." Moaned Jenna.

"Don't make me wait too long or else I'll have to punish you for being a bad girl." I teased as my middle finger slipped into her cum filled sex.

"Ohh-oh mmm I love the way you touch me." Moaned Jenna.

"I love the way your pussy milks the cum from my balls." I joked.

"Aunt Jenna." I said seriously removing my finger from her twitching sex.

"What's wrong Jermey?" Asked Jenna her body tensing.

"That tramp stamp and the scars." I said my anger was leaking into my voice.

"J-just leave it alone Jair, it's in the past I have you now." Pleaded Jenna.

My chest rumbled at that. "We're getting it removed as soon as possible and once it's healed you'll be getting one there that says Jeremy's girl and another here above this pussy that says property of Jeremy Gilbert." I growled in possessiveness.

"Ye-yea master." Moaned Jenna wantonly.

"Now let's finish getting you cleaned up." I said softly as I picked her up and spun her around her breasts pushing against my chest as I ran the shower sponge around her back and shoulders and neck.

Grabbing the shower wand wetting Jenna's hair as I threw the sponge onto a receded area of the tub putting the shower wand back as I pumped some shampoo into my hand rubbing my hands together before sliding my fingers through her hair making her purr.

Washing her hair clean Jenna sadly slid from my lab before grabbing a clean sponge and getting to work cleaning me.

While she planted kisses along my body before she scrubbed them clean.

Dinner was a quick and easy, make your own tacos. Jenna received a call at about eight pm to switch places at her work with someone that called in sick and Elena said she was going over to Bonnie's for a sleepover.

Once I was alone I went down to the basement entering the secret armory slash hospital opening some drawers by the armory I found a black skull mask and tactical gear in just about my size putting everything on but the mask and the vest.

I left the room sealing it up grabbing the keys to the truck typing in the address to Dr.Deatons house on the GPS radio unit.

It took a good hour to get them driving by the house a few times looking around like I was lost seeing that there was a decent amount of neighbors but that the end of the house and the back of it faced solid trees.

Driving around some more I found the perfect spot to leave the truck hiking a mile through a somewhat densely wooded area arriving at the edge of the tree line having a nice to the all glass back end of the modern looking house.

I watched as the good doctor fucked a girl from behind while she faced the windows that looked to be in her late teens early twenties.

'Wish I brought a long range rifle with me.'

Waiting until they were done the doctor left her on the floor and it seemed like she couldn't move. Eventually the doctor came back untied her and she ran out of the place without even putting her clothes on.

'Did she just get, or is this some kinda game?' Deciding I didn't really care I put on the mask and moved to the sliding glass door.

Testing the handle and finding it locked using a bit of my strength to pry open the door anyway I heard a snapping sound and the door easily fled down the tracks.

'Shit I forgot to wear gloves.'

Moving silently through the house I noticed some bloodstains and wet carpet in the area where the girl was being fucked. Before moving into the kitchen, grab a cleaver.

Moving up the stairs as stealthily as possible entering the master bedroom finding the doctor in the shower I moved quickly opening the glass door while slamming the cleaver into the top of his head burying the blade in his skull up to the handle.

Checking the bathroom cabinets finding rubber clean gloves bleach and some white towels I moved cleaning my fingerprints off of the handle of the knife and other surfaces as I moved back to the kitchen.

Cleaning my entry point I left the house running into the woods.

'That's what you get for hurting Aunt Jenna douche bag.' I thought as I whistled while running back to the truck.