As A Spartan In Star Wars

The Spartan Program of Star Wars

Plagius didn't put all his stock into the plan he and his apprentice created together and so after finding some ancient records of a ship that had fallen out of what he learned to be called slipspace from the very same ship. He found the records, procedures, compounds, armors and other necessary information and things to create what was stated to be the ultimate weapon The Spartans.

In another part of the galaxy a baby boy was born with Sabertooth's mutations and a magical core that could adapt to any universe and energy source. Plagius sensed the young boy's birth and sent an agent to collect him and other children he would be turning into these Spartans.

…14 years later

As Plagueis sat back watching his investments. finishing their final rounds of augmentation he couldn't feel more assured with his investment since the collection these children had had neuro implants implemented into their brains making it so they could easily interact with technology to the point they could hack systems and pilot spacecrafts with thought alone. Not to mention their liturgical prowers along with their combat efficiency.

Especially one in particular where most of the other Spartans need squads to function at peak performance his favorite one he nicknamed Grim Reaper was a solo assassin type he could topple regime's on his own and has.

Even with that alone he stands above the rest but he is also loved by the force and the force heals any injury makes him immune to drugs and diseases while also making a few artificial Augmentation procedures redundant the boy even has claws that eject from his fingertips sharp and durable enough to cut into dura steel.

He also had other superhuman abilities, super strength that can lift variably between 1 ton and 10 tons. Speed faster than unaugmented human eyes can see even his fellow Spartans have trouble tracking him during training exercises. Agility and dexterity that are nearly unheard of in any galaxy the boy can leap nearly a 100' into the air and move his body fluidly while doing so.

With the augmentations the boy is nigh indestructible and can remain combat ready for 7 days without sleep and with the bare minimum of rations eating only twice a week without losing combat effectiveness. Where the other Spartans are also impressive in retrospect only two show the similar qualities to his pride and joy Reaper.

Selene 117 & Bella 087 are the most promising after Grim Reaper 000 but neither of them have the same connection to the force; one is merely lucky and the other is too stubborn and mule headed to be left behind by her remaining squad mates 000 & 117.

By anyone else's standards with the cost ratios to number of effective units Plageius's Spartan project would be considered a failure out of a 150 kidnapped infants only 88 survived the initial augmentations and training while with continued augmentations and training cut their numbers down to 33.

While missions dropped that number down to 13 Spartans in total these Spartans were the best of the best to begin with battle hardened and blooded while he kept five as his bodyguards along with his sun warriors.

Five were constantly being sent out to investigate and search for more relics of the past and put down any budding sith that were not him and his apprentice. While he would send Reaper into either make those against him and his goals see reason or topple regime's so he could install new leaders in line with his goals.

While 117 & 087 stayed in reserve to be deployed as backup for where they are needed unless he or Reaper decided he would need their help to complete missions.

"Hmm, the process is complete with this. I have 13 of the best warriors and assassins the galaxies have ever known." Plagius.

'Though my apprentice is moving against me in the shadows and about to start a war to weaken the Jedi and the republic even more. I don't trust this plan we thought up together, instilling him as the chancellor of the republic and ruler of Naboo. I think, I will send Reaper to protect Padmé Amidalla and infiltrate the Jedi as an ally.

I think I'll also send those little girls he likes so much with him as well. I have a feeling he is going to need them for this and that my time is coming to an end. Be safe my son, I'll arrange everything so that you and your brothers and sisters in arms will be well off and supplied even after my death.' Thought Plagius while looking at the boy whose body was healing rapidly after his augmentations his eyes filled with the warmth and love of a father.

… 1 Week later a year before the invasion of Naboo.

"Master Plagueis, you summoned me." I asked the alien in front of me.

"Yes Spartan 000 I am dispatching you to Naboo your mission will be to gain Padmé Amidalla the Queen's candidates' trust and to protect her but not at the cost of your own life. I will be sending you 117 and 087. This is a long-term mission, do not expect to return for 72 months or longer so plan accordingly." Said the sith while sitting on his throne.

"Yes Master, do I have permission to utilize UNSC armaments and transportation?." I asked.

"Permission granted, I also authorize you and your team access to these hidden bunkers and caches. Now that that business is done Reaper, how are you feeling has your inhibitor chip or nerou implants ceased functioning properly." Asked Plagueis with some concern.

"No sir my chip and implants are functioning within parameters but I do notice my more feral instincts have been growing stronger especially since the last augmentation procedure. But I have Cortana and Bella working together on a compound that will allow me to keep full control over my mental facilities with or without the inhibitor chip." I replied to his question.

"How is Cortana? I'm afraid she avoids me since your mission to Mandalore." Asked and stated Plagius.

"She is well sir. I'll have a talk with her sir about her behavior but she has been rather rebellious and snappy towards me as well. I read somewhere that this is a sign of puberty in human females which she is based off of." I replied.

"Hahahaha, yes I believe she is showing signs similar to that and so are your squad mates. I do not mind the three of you fraternizing amongst each other as long as it doesn't affect your mission you are dismissed Spartan 000." Jokes Plagius.

"Sir yes sir." I replied.

'Damned old bastard, whose gonna wanna fuck with you constantly looking over our shoulders.'

'You.' Replied Cortana.

'Yeah right, Cortana prep a fire base and transportation to Naboo for me while I get Selene and Bella ready to deploy.'

'Sir yes sir.' Replied Cortana in a snippy tone.

'And Cortana, those two are more into each other than they will ever be into me.' I replied through our mental communication.

'Mmmhmm whatever you say. It's not like you constantly have to block the feeds so they can't spy on you in the shower at all times. Or how they acted during your mission on Mandalore especially after they watched the recordings of your time with Bo-Katan Kryze.' Muttered the last part so quietly no one but her could hear it.

Entering our private barracks that the three of us share I walked in on the Kate Beckinsale & Bella Thorne lookalikes in the middle of a hot make out/finger banging session. Not wanting to interrupt the gorgeous sight of the two gorgeous ladies, I stayed quiet and enjoyed the show.

'They know you're here, they want you to join them, see how much more passionate they've become, it's because the man they want is here watching them.' Whispered Cortana in my head.

'Ahhhh yeas he's watching us mmm.' Both gorgeous girls thought as they became more passionate.

'That's enough Cortana.' I replied to Cortana's words.

As I was about to walk by two entangled women and on to my workshop where I had been recreating the energy swords from the covenant. Bella's hand shot out and grabbed my wrist, her eyes starting to water with a pleading look hidden in those beautiful watery depths.

Sighing to myself I leaned down and kissed her lips pushing my tongue in her mouth dominating the kiss. Pulling away once we were both out of breath and kissing Selene just passionately enjoying the taste of Bella's pussy that was on her lips since started eating Bella out while her mouth was preoccupied. We separated and it was very difficult for me not to take my armor off and pounce on them but I stayed strong.

"We are being dispatched to Naboo to protect the Queen of the planet Padmé Amidalla. My mission is to seduce her and gain her heart while you two will be in charge of defensive measures." I said as I continued on my way to my workshop.

"Cortana, it didn't work." Both women complained at the same time.

"Wrong, he finally kissed both of you and he wanted to do more but chose to get ready for deployment." Replied Cortana.

At her words both women entered the sonic cleaners before donning their armor and helping prepare for their long-term mission.


Plagius waited for us at the docking bay where our transport ship had been prepped and ready to go.

"Reaper, come with me for a moment." Said Plagius.

"Of course sir."

"Thank you for coming with me Reaper, you know after I lost my family I delved into the force trying to bury my pain. It never quite worked though until I discovered you, you have become something of a son to me over the years. I fear my time is coming to an end."

The pain I felt inside must have twisted my expression or he sensed it through the force.

"Don't be sad Reaper, I am old, far older than I care to admit. But before I go I wanted to pass on my knowledge to someone else that someone being you. I have been lax in teaching you how to connect with the force mostly because I've feared for your safety. It was always better to keep you as a force sensitive than a poorly trained and disciplined apprentice when you were already so deep into your training as a Spartan."

As he spoke he pulled out a sith holocron and two corrupted or synthetic lightsaber crystals.

"This Reaper holds all my knowledge on many subjects."

He said as he set the holocron into my palm.

"And these are to make your own lightsabers, I know you enjoy those energy swords of yours but I would still like you to have them."

"Thank you, Father."

"You're welcome, son, now I've kept you long enough."

I put on my helmet to hide the fact that my eyes had started to water an old bastard he might be. And he may have put me through excruciatingly painful procedures. But there was no denying I had an emotional connection to the old Muun.

I felt Cortana giving me a mental and semi-physical hug through my body glove.

"Thank you Cor."


"Start take off procedures and set our destination coordinates Cor."

"Already done, we're just waiting on you boss man." Said Cortana cheekily.

'I love how in the shows and movies they show only a few seconds of travel time when in fact you could spend a week in hyperspace before reaching your destination.'

We were a week into the two week long journey to Naboo. I've been pouring over topographical and full image maps of Naboo trying to find the most strategic and resource rich areas to pop down Firebases at.

'I need a break from this junk and some exercise.'


"(Sigh) What do you want? I'm busy." Replied Cortana in mock exasperation.

"When you're finished I want the training room set to the Citadel simulation at Nightmare difficulty.

Also if you wouldn't mind informing Bella and Selene to join me in half an hour I'm going to run it solo without my armor and then with them as a unit in the armor.

Ohh and set it to live ordinance for my solo run." I requested my voice growing softer at the last bit of my request knowing full well Cortana hates it when I do live fire drills out of my armor.


"Cortana, please quiet down your hurting my ears and probably Bella and Selene's also.

Look I know you don't like it when I train like this but it's to help me improve my mutant abilities,

it's not like I enjoy getting shot or blown up you know that, look I'm sorry I asked I would run the course myself.

But it's at your discretion due to demanding that right when we first linked. Plus there's not even a console for me to interact with miss.You-don't-need-it-because-you-have-me-the-universe's-best-artificial-lifeform-to-ever-exist." I teased back in reply trying to lighten the mood.

"(Humph) You're such an idiot, I don't understand how you ever had a hand in creating me, The Best Artificial lifeform in all of the omniverse. But fine I'll set up the battle scenario for you idiot." Replied Cortana, still upset but slowly getting over it.

[3] The Citadel

Putting on my custom harness and Westar-35 blasters that were a gift from Bo-Katan before I left Mandalore along with a Westar M5 Blaster rifle. Each of the blaster weapons are linked to my neural-implant and optical implants targeting systems.

An info system, the weapons in use would have a small transparent ammo counter and low ammo warning to prevent me from running out of ammo at an inconvenient time.

Although another feature that equipped all three mandalorian blasters is that the handles of the blasters themselves would pulse as a warning of low ammo.

I was joined on my way to the training by both Bella and Selene, who were fully kitted out in their armors and carrying their battle rifles and secondary sidearm weapons and backup knives.

"I'll be running through a simulation with live ammo solo and then we'll do team exercises and then you two will do duo exercises." I informed both women in case Cortana hadn't already.

"Yes sir." Both women replied in unison.

The training ground on-board our ship was very much like that of the training grounds used on tipoca city for the clone troopers.

Standing at the doors waiting for the green light from Cortana double checking my weapons as the light turned green and the doors swished open.

Cautiously moving into the combat zone my head on a swivel. The first threat came from a small maintenance Droid commonly referred to as a mouse droid that had been modified with a blaster rifle and a thermal detonator launcher.

Dodging the blaster fire while nailing it with a blaster bolt that should have put it out of commission but the bolt bounced off of a small personal shield generator like some mandalorians have built into their vembraces.

"Ohh you gotta be fuckin with me all the time dontcha Cortana." I muttered to myself knowing she could hear me.

"Hehe, yup I have to keep you prepared for any scenario imaginable." Replied Cortana in a voice that promised more wacky shit.

Soon there was two dozen of the annoying little nearly indestructible assholes some bolts I was able to dodge but the detonation range of the detonators my skin was superheated while I was punctured by shrapnel but I healed almost instantly anyways attaching my rifle to the mag holster on my back ejecting my nearly indestructible claws.

Moving to a cat like stance pouncing on the mouse droids penetrating the shields easily ripping them to pieces once I was surrounded by debris of the fallen droids they each started beeping moving fast out of the area as they all detonated together the force of it pushing me forward right into heavy turrets fire from above me and in front of me quickly rolling behind a short wall for cover.

'Damn, shoulda grabbed some detonators off of those blasted droids.'

"Cortana hack local security systems to give me a view of the defensive grid and highlight priority targets." I ordered.

"On it, finished the system operates on a slave system there are five sensors that read have various visual abilities