TVD/HP Tribrid PT2

[10] The tour

"Well enough of this depressing talk. Come on, I'll show you three around. Ohh Hermione, you can practice magic here without worrying about the Trace."

"What but how?."-Hermione.

"This is a self contained environment all the magic used in here will fuel the wards. No magical energy escapes the trunk so there's nothing to alert the monitoring system to your use of magic."

"That's so wicked."-Hermione.

'Oh no not another Ron.'

"It is isn't it. Now come along there's not much to see out here. I haven't programmed the different biomes yet. Actually there's not much inside either besides the Vinyl collection I gathered recently."

"Why Vinyl, wouldn't it be easier to buy cd's?."-Mr.Granger.

"Yes it would have been if magic didn't interfere with more advanced forms of technology. Think of it like when you're driving in your auto and listening to a radio station when all of a sudden another channel will overlap with the previous one. Now unlike radios, the feedback from magical energy and electricity will fry the circuitry because there's no device that has been created to compensate for both at once."

(No idea if it's right but that's always how I've pictured magic and man made electricity interacting with each other.)

"You'd think someone would have invented something by now to do so."-Jean.

"Electricity and advanced electronics are rather new. Jean all within the last 100 years or so. With most wizards and witches being stuck in their ways and their almost unanimous distaste for anything muggle or admitting muggles as their equals. I doubt we'll see anything on that front for a long time to come."

"What about from a muggle born like me?."-Hermione.

'Ahh, you sweet sweet summer child.'

"If a muggle born were to bring their findings to the ministry they'd be killed and their research buried. If they skipped the ministry and tried pushing their products they'd be killed and all of their research and creations seized and destroyed."

"People wouldn't just give up their things without a fight."-Mr.Granger.

"No they most assuredly won't but how long they will last against trained killers and or obliviator squads. Not very long I presume not very long at all. To change a system like ours Mr.Granger would require a bloody battle leaving the old guard dead and gone for the young to sprout up in their place."

"Asher, what are you saying?."-Hermione.

"It's simple Mione to change the wizarding world; you'd first have to kill all those who oppose the change to begin with."

"You sound like you've put a lot of thought into this dear. Can you tell us why you feel so strongly that killing is the only way to achieve change?."-Jean.

"It's simple really, history is proof of it in fact. The only time humans stop what they are doing and change is when the death toll becomes so high that they break and change their ways of thinking. We went from predators to farmers because of this same drive."

"I doubt I need to point this out but your evidence is quite shaky dear."-Jean.

"Maybe but people as a whole will prove me right eventually."

"Or maybe they'll surprise you Asher."-Hermione.

"Maybe, I guess as the only one here who will be immortal I will find out eventually."

"Asher are you okay I know you're usually cynical but this is even more than you usually are."-Hermione.

"Yeah I think it's just one of the pitfalls of being a werewolf, the heightened emotions."

"Come on Let's go tour the house."

"Wow this place is amazing, it's like walking through a movie or a documentary of what the Romans used to live in."-Mr.Granger.

"I doubt it's as accurately antiquated as that after all the floors aren't made from rough cut lumber. But polished stone and stained wood. But I myself find it rather charming."

"Hehehe, Asher why are you talking like some old person?."-Hermione.

"Just preparing for the future Mione."


"Hey Mione, do you want to check out the Potions lab?."

"You have your own Potions lab?."

"Yup and a Ritual chamber and a Rune laboratory."


"Oh let's not forget about the library."


After that everyone just kind of split off and did their own thing. I could smell food cooking in the kitchen and hear some oldies playing on the record player as I secured the jewelry box. In one of the new heavy duty high security trunks I bought.

I keyed the room to only open to my blood and magical signature and locked the door so only I could enter the room where the Horecrux is stored. Before going to see what Hermione was up to looking into the room I saw her looking exasperated.

"These are year seven books, he's not supposed to have these there dangerous."-Hermione.

'Ohh yes because Hogwarts is oh so safe and me having a few books above my year is any more dangerous than a school where you nearly die every year for seven years.'

'Plus the fact that she knows their year seven books means she's most likely read them already and is just being a hypocrite.'

"Hey Mione so it's not Hogwarts but it's got a good collection of things on Alchemy, Ruins, Rituals and Potions thanks to the goblins."

"Asher you're not supposed to have these, most of these are considered dark arts."-Hermione.

"Hermione who decides what's light and dark Magics?."

"The Ministry."-Hermione.

"And who controls the ministry?."


"Like Malfoy. Now I may not practice truly dark Magics that rely on malice and rage but I will decide for myself what is dark, what is grey and what is light. You can either enjoy the penance of knowledge I have here or you can follow the rules of people that would harm, maim and kill you without a thought."

"You don't have to be mean Asher I was just saying."-Hermione.


"Hermione, you know I enjoy our friendship greatly but one of the things I find most cumbersome about that friendship is that still even now you're willing to blindly follow the rules of your elders. I worry for you Mione if you continue on like this you're going to end up living a half life and you won't even realize it."

I could see tears starting in her eyes.

"Well then fine if you find our friendship so cumbersome than consider it over."-Hermione.

As she went to run by me I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug looking up so our eyes could meet.

"Who said I wanted to end our friendship, you're my best friend Hermione Jean Granger you have been since the day we met and you will be until I say our last goodbye at your funeral."

"Wh-what A-asher."Hermione.

Giving Hermione a quick peck on the cheek that had her already blushing face turn and even darker shade of red.

"I said you're my best friend Hermione."

"You're mine too, Asher. B-best friend I mean. So don't say mean things so recklessly."-Hermione.

"Hahaha. It wasn't mean Mione, I'm just telling you now so you can break that horrible habit of yours before it leads down a bad end."

"Is that why you told Harry not to trust the teachers and the Weasley's?."-Hermione.

"Yes Mione, they may seem like good people but they're alway plotting and moving you three like chess pieces. Do you really think that a stone like the philosopher's stone should have ever been stored in an educational facility for children to teens. When a possibly a terrorist was after it?."

"Well when you say it like that, no it shouldn't have been."-Hermione.

"Nor should the headmaster who is supposed to be guarding it and protecting the students be leaving in the middle of the night either."

"Hermione you must come to realize that you shouldn't trust everything your Elders tell you nor should you follow the rules blindly."

"O-okay Asher I'll do my best."-Hermione.

"I know you will Hermione. I'm just glad I got through to you now instead of after it was too late. Now time to practice Occlumency & Leginemency also known as The Mind Arts. Every pureblood is taught these methods of protecting the mind by both foreign and domestic influences."

"Even the Weasley's, why did Ronald never say anything to Harry or I?."-Hermione.

"Hermione, Ronald is nothing but a pawn used by Dumbledore to steer Harry in the direction that he wishes. I believe he feels the same about you as well. The reason Ron wouldn't say anything to you or Harry is because he probably wasn't taught it so he could be the perfect pawn for Dumbledore."

"But you where?."-Hermione.

"Yes and no my older brother's Charlie and Bill taught me and Ginny. While also giving me a few study guides to follow Bill got his training in part from the Weasley and continued by Gringotts during his curse breaker traing he passed his manuals and practice routines onto Charlie, Ginny and myself."

"Why isn't this taught at Hogwarts?."-Hermione.

"For the same reason the dark arts aren't taught at Hogwarts anymore."

"To keep muggleborns weaker than purebloods."-Hermione.

"Ding Ding Ding, got it in one Mione. Now enough questions read and practice these manuals to the letter it will be tricky to get the meditation down. But after that, centering your mind and building up mental defenses should be pretty easy for you."


As Hermione was reading the training manuals on occlumency. I started reading One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, by Phyllida Spore. It was something I hadn't really paid much attention to. Molly for all of her faults was an excellent Potions mistress. Who would give her children practical lessons on Potion brewing and ingredient preparation but she overlooked teaching us about the ingredients.

Their raw effects and potentials. Where to harvest them, how to keep them preserved, whether or not you can put them in stasis or not all sorts of important information. That tells you how to handle them correctly until potion making at least the ones contained in the book anyways.

Which were all pretty easily obtainable with only a few being considered being controlled substances. Such as poppy plant seeds, milk, roots, dragon weed and many others.

It took only a few hours to finish studying the book even with the annoying feeling that my skin was itching everywhere all at once.

'I wonder what is causing this. Hey wait a second I'm still in transition into a werewolf. I wonder if tonight's the full moon.'

"Hermione do you happen to know if tonight's the full moon?."

"Hmm yes I believe so."-Hermione.


"Asher, my parents and I have to get out of here."-Hermione.

'Huh I thought she'd say I have to get out of here so she could continue reading.'

"No it'll be fine Hermione just stay indoors I'll go into one of the empty Biomes and program it to keep me inside and then release myself once I'm in control of my facilities again."

Eating a quick meal of roasted pheasant and mashed potatoes that Jean prepared. I left for an empty biome quickly programming in a barrier spell to keep me trapped inside. While programming it to look like the forests of Mystic Falls Georgia from what I remembered of the series.

My skin went from itching all over as the hours passed to feeling like thousands of flies were biting me all over the place. My world started to explode in pain as my limbs twisted and bones snapped. I didn't notice Hermione watching while crying, covering her mouth sickened and pained by what she was seeing happen to her best friend.

"AHHH."-mc screaming in agony.

'Don't worry Asher I'll find a way to make it so you don't have to suffer from transforming. I solemnly swear mote be it.' -mentally vowed on her magic Hermione.

I stayed there all night watching and experiencing the pain that he was going through with him. How I wanted to go to him and try to ease his suffering but I couldn't. When I saw his wolf form I couldn't help but think he was pretty, with his blood red fur with his vibrant green eyes standing at a height that his head would be at my father's chest.

He looked so majestically wicked I even felt a bit of jealousy towards him until his pained screams, groans and grunts played in my mind as I watched his body twist and turn in ways it shouldn't in my mind.

I didn't realize when I fell asleep but I woke up in a bed next to a dirt and sweat covered Asher as he slept soundly next to me.

'Eep I slept in a bed with a boy.'-thought Hermione.


That was amazing. I felt so free I was unfettered by silly human emotions. I just wanted to run and hunt to mate. Turning back hurt but it wasn't nearly the same kind of agony that the first shift was. Once I brought down the barrier I noticed Hermione sleeping in the grass curled up against the barrier. Her cheeks had dried tear marks on them.

Picking her up with newfound strength I carried her into the house with me. I was too tired to care about being naked or dirty so I sat her down on one side of my bed while I layed down on another side before falling asleep.


In a far away place a dark haired woman could be seen laying in a casket made of quarts. She'd been in a state of waking sleep for eleven years now. Until finally she could sense a first born witch of her bloodline in centuries. He was young and male but different than any witch she had ever sensed before he reminded her of those wolves and of something much younger but even more powerful.

It clicked in her mind the feeling she got was the same as what she felt from her nephew Niklaus. A witch, A werewolf and a Vampire. One thought repeatedly reverberated in her mind: he's perfect for me to become immortal. But the problem was the boy kept appearing and disappearing from her sight.

When he finally appeared again he was walking hand in hand with a young witch. She possessed a man and grabbed the girl only for her nephew to catch her off guard and kill the body she was inhabinatanting in an animalistic rage she equated to him being a werewolf.

Before she could possess another body to try and speak with him he disappeared from her sight again. It intrigued her more than anything else, something no man had ever been able to do. The images of his mesmerizing green eyes, handsome face and hair that looked as if it was dyed red with fresh blood filled her mind. And her fantasies.

"I'll find you."-Dahlia.


I woke up from my restful sleep to a whisper bordering from creepy to sexy. "I'll find you," whatever that's supposed to mean. Huh Hermione is gone I thought for sure she'd sleep in almost as late as I would. Getting up I took a nice long shower that relaxed my still tense muscles.

'Ugh there's dirt everywhere. I hope I'm like Hope and can control my shifts and myself while being shifted. Because last night felt like I was both in control and not at the same time. It was like every action was guided by some primal memory. Maybe that's just part of the first shift. I think I remember Klaus saying the same or something similar during the show after breaking his curse.'

Getting out of the shower and drying off I went to get dressed and as soon as the clothes touched my skin I wanted to rip them off. They were just so itchy and uncomfortable but I powered through it and got dressed anyway.

The house was too quiet for four people to be living in. I could hear Hermione flipping through pages in a book in the library. If I concentrated a little bit harder I could just make out heated shouts coming from outside the house near the pond.

"He's a bloody murder Jeanne, how can you be do calm about this?."-Mr.Granger.

"What do you think would have happened Evan that we just give him our money and belongings and he just lets us all go after we've seen his face. After he mugged us using our daughter as a hostage with a knife to her throat."-Jean.

"Yes, he'd have no reason not to."-Mr.Granger.

"No he would have wanted more, he would have wanted me to service him in the alley. And while I was doing so he could have killed Hermione and then me after he got his Jollies off."-Jean.

"That is ludicrous."-Mr.Granger.

"I'm done arguing with you Evan, go ahead and crawl back into your sheltered little mind and not realize how lucky we are that Asher was there and what he did to protect Hermione."-Jean.

I walked into the library Hermione looked up and blushed to a tomato red if this was a cartoon steam probably would have shot out of her ears.

"Are you alright Mione you look flushed? I hope you didn't catch a cold staying up all night looking after me."

"I-I'm fine, Tha-thank you for carrying me inside, A-asher."-Hermione.

'Ahh now I understand why so many protagonists play the dense card. Their childhood best friends are just way too cute when they're embarrassed like this.'

Walking over to the chair Hermione was sitting in, I grabbed her hand making her look up into my eyes.

"Thank you for staying with me last night through all of that Hermione."

"Of course, what are best friends for?. If not supporting their best friend through hard times."-Hermione.

Though I believed her words I noticed her eyes kept looking at our joined hands. Of course this was a lot for her. She'd been through a lot last night seeing me experiencing the pain of shifting. Then waking up in a bed to see the first naked boy of her life, something I had completely overlooked when I put her down on my bed and crashed.

'Hehe, I should tell Hermione she has to take responsibility for being the first girl to see me naked by marrying me.'

'He's holding my hand and looking at me so intensely it's like how one of Mum's adult books describes things.'-Hermione.

"Mione, are you okay, you look like you're about to faint."

'Okay I have to stop messing with her, this is just too much for her and her wild imagination.'

"Hermione, have you eaten anything yet for breakfast?."

"No-no Mum and Dad are fighting, they do that a lot."-Hermione.

I could tell she hadn't meant to say that last part aloud. By how big her eyes became. She looked up at me only to receive a gentle promising smile that it would be kept a secret between us. Hermione followed me into the kitchen.

'Hmm Hermione's dependence on books and rules are starting to make more sense. Not only were books her escape from bullies but also arguing parents at home who probably spent more time arguing with each other than noticing their daughter's problems.'

"Asher that smells delicious, where did you learn to cook?."-Hermione.

"Most of the Restaurants in Diagon Alley and Godric's Hollow will hire kids above the age of five to work in the kitchens for a Galleon a week. Or to deliver take out orders. But instead of asking for money I asked the chefs and chef aids to teach me their trade. Once I was good at it they would pay me two Galleons a week for helping out in the kitchen."

"That is, illegal kids aren't supposed to work until their teens and wouldn't it be better to have an owl deliver food orders?."-Hermione.

"Hahaha, Hermione, the wizarding world works on older principles. You would think owls would be more efficient but people, especially wizards and witches are funny about having their food delivered by Owl's."


Hermione was practically drooling from the smell of my meatloaf baking in the oven as I worked on making El Gratin potatoes over the stove top. Mrs.Granger walked in and gave me a soft smile but her eyes seemed to be filled with regret. Mr.Granger was more hostile today than yesterday obviously the shock of what he'd seen yesterday had worn off.

'Haa scared of me he should be more afraid of sending Hermione to Hogwarts than of me. Though then again who knows I may be just as dangerous to her as Hogwarts is if I lose myself to that kind of animalistic rage like yesterday. Though I think Tyler kind of leveled out after he awoke his curse maybe that was just the effect of killing someone though.'

"Asher, Hermione I'm sorry but Mr.Granger and I have decided we can't let you stay with us. I am grateful to you Asher. I know it can't be easy on you doing what you did but I know you did so to protect Hermione. So thank you and I'm sorry we can't provide you with a new or temporary home."-Jean.

"I want you to stay away from our daughter. If you don't, I'll report you to the police."-Mr.Granger.

"Mum, Dad."-Hermione.

"Hush Hermione."-Mr.Granger.

"That's fine, I accept your request."

"Asher you can't."-Hermione.

"No Mione, it's for the best what if I lose control and you end up like that guy in the alley. I'd never forgive myself for that. It's best for both of us if we avoid associating with one another for the foreseeable future."

"But Asher."-Hermione.

"No buts Hermione, come on food is ready I'll look through the outside observation ward to make sure the coast is clear and then you all can leave."

'I don't trust Mr.Granger, I'll have to relocate quickly in case he calls the bobbies on me anyways.'

"Mmm this is amazing Asher, I don't think I've ever eaten food this good outside of a restaurant."-Jean.

"Thank you Jean but it isn't that worthy of such a compliment."

"It is really good Asher."-Hermione.

"Thanks Mione."

'Aww she looks so sad, sigh I really am way too invested in this friendship. But it's kinda hard not to be besides Ginny and Luna. She's the only person close to my age besides my siblings. That I've ever really felt comfortable around it's odd isn't it I always feel more comfortable around the people that others find off putting. Except for Ron he's just a slob.'

While everyone was eating I used the observation wards through my mental space control. There was no one nearby and the police didn't bother to tape off the area. Which is kinda weird but then again he's an undesirable and their murders usually get swept under the rug everywhere anyways.

"The coast is clear, you lot can leave now."

(Sniffing noises)

Hermione hugged me tightly. Whispering in my ear.

"You better write to me at least one a week, Asher and you just have to come to Hogwarts. It's the best school in the world."-Hermione.

"I'll write to you often Mione, but I won't make promises I might break."

After seeing the Granger's off and disabled the wards. Before activating the shrinking and featherweight charms, I put my trunk in my pocket before leaving the area of the crime.

I was looking along being accosted by so many new scents it was dizzying and nauseating. My head was pounding. I sat down and rested my head against a brownstone while trying not to whimper in pain.

'God why wasn't it like this around the Granger's?.'

A woman that looked like she would fit in at a Larping event blocked out the light as she leaned over me.

"Well I was hoping you'd give me a better chase nephew but I can forgive you for being overwhelmed by your new senses."-Dahlia

'Nephew now it makes sense I thought I'd seen her before somewhere. But with my senses being blasted constantly it's kind of hard to think right now. But damn Aunty Dahlia is smokin hot. She's not Freya hot but damn.'


Dahlia could hear her grand-nephews thoughts quite easily through their physical contact; she was surprised when he called her by her name. But what flattered her at first was his compliment about her beauty but then like a dagger through her heart she hears him say how she fits below Freya, that worthless little wench.

But a positive of this event was that a young man who was the most magically potent and held an almost limitless potential to improve thought she was attractive. Even with her advanced physical age of almost 50 the years with those savages had been unkind to her with their physical and magical abuse she suffered daily.

Lifting him up with her Telekinesis they vanished from in front of the Brownstone with a pop. Appearing in a cave reminiscent of the ones underneath Mystic Falls.


"Who are you? And why did you bring me here?."

"Don't act like an imbecile boy. I know you already know who I am. What I want to know is how."-Dahlia.

"I used to have these weird dreams where I could see people and their lives like I was watching moving pictures. But I don't see them anymore."

"Hmm visions at such a young age I'm surprised you have any sense of self at all."-Dahlia.

"Do you know why you're here?."-Dahlia.

"Because my grandmother, your traitorous sister made a deal with you to make her fertile after she found out she was barren. After that though she screwed you over by turning her children immortal and infertile by turning them into the first vampires. But my father somehow ended up being a magical hybrid that got my mother magically pregnant while already being pregnant and since I'm his first born I am technically your property. Due to the deal that was struck for my grandmother's fertility. I believe that is everything I know."


The young man spoke analytically, his voice betraying no bias or emotion sometimes Dahlia found intriguing.

'This young man might be exactly what I've always searched for ever since Esther's betrayal.'-thought Dahlia.

"Follow me to what will be your chamber's."-Dahlia.

"Sure thing."

'Damn this is a little weird she just kidnapped me and I don't even care.'

We entered a cave that looked a lot like a hobbit's burrow from L of the Rings except normal person sized. Though the wood accents all had Jourmoundar and Fenrir carved into them depicting different scenes. Some were too warn out to even tell what was happening. Dahlia waved her hand and Runes started being carved into the floor as ritual ingredients started to float around us.

"We are about to perform my improved linking ritual. This will boost both of our powers immeasurably so be prepared grand nephew."-Dahlia.

"Okay but wouldn't it be better to wait until I'm older and activate my vampire gene?."

"No, it's best to do it now while you're still young enough to get a grasp on the power you'll gain."-Dahlia.

"Come here, I need some of your blood."-Dahlia.

Dahlia took my hand gently and slid the sleeve of my long sleeved T-shirt up to my elbow before waving her hand over it making a large gash. That poured blood profusely she softly chanted a spell that gathered the blood into a ball before speaking another chant that healed me. Before repeating the process on herself combining the ingredients and blood into a Cauldron that started changing colors from red to black to white.

After a few minutes a purple colored liquid came out of the Cauldron and flowed into a golden jeweled chalice. Dahlia waved her hand and the cauldron vanished from sight.

"Come join me in the ritual circle."-Dahlia.

As I did, a golden silver chain wrapped itself around my right arm and Dahlia's left arm while the chalice was held in both our hands. She chanted in a language I didn't understand but I could feel it was creating a connection between her and I. She lifted the goblet to her lips and drank a heavy draft before lowering it to my lips for me to do the same. The Potion tasted delicious but then again most poisons do.

Dahlia started chanting again but this time I felt my body growing weak as my magical energy grew stronger and stronger I could now feel Dahlia's magic and though it was immense it was like a drop in the ocean compared to my own. I'd only ever get a feeling of someone's magical strength but now I could tell how powerful she and I both were and I could sense the differences in our Magics though I could feel that as she was gaining my magical abilities I was also gaining hers.

I had read in one of Molly's books that wican or druidic witches influenced reality through the power of their minds. While true wizards and witches influenced the world through their mana or life energy to change reality or influence it. To me though both Magical Energies felt similar it was just that one was produced by the body while the other was produced by the world. And that both similar but differing magical bloodlines used the similar energies in similar ways in that one used the energy they produced and the other utilized the energy that was already there because they didn't have access to their own energy to affect reality.

I felt my world growing dark before I appeared in a place that looked like it was out of the tv series Vikings. Watching as a young Dahlia and Esther played as their mother watched over them. Until a horn sounded and the shouts and war cries of men broke the peace of the two young witches. Their mother yelled for them to hide and they did so.

Both frightened young girls hid under a wheelbarrow as they bared witness to the savage brutality of men. Their mothers dying corpse was ravaged by the man who buried his axe into her back as she had been casting spells to kill his allies.

Screams filled the air as witch blood soaked the earth. Esther let out a whimper that drew a few of the Vikings' attention; one looked like Mikeal. He was the one who knocked over the wheelbarrow revealing the two girls. Dahlia in a last ditch effort went all out to attack them but was easily subdued while Esther was knocked out cold.

The vision faded out and next Dahlia was in a shack of sorts while Esther was gone Mikeal entered with some men at his father's behest and ordered her to perform dark magic for them. When she refused he and his men raped her and he threatened to do the same to her useless sister if she didn't do what was asked of her.

While Dahlia was being forced in many ways against her will Esther was falling for one of her oppressors and sisters abusers. Dahlia of course never told her sister what was happening to her but there was plenty of evidence to show what was happening to her. But Esther was too obsessed with Mikael to care for her sister. Then the day came Dahlia had gathered everything needed for the sister's to gain the strength needed to break free of their oppressors. It was also the day of Esther's greatest betrayal of the sisterly oath they had once made of Always and Forever.

The next scene I saw was of a more mature Esther begging Dahlia to help her become fertile so Mikael wouldn't toss her aside. Dahlia agreed to help her sister but at a cost one Dahlia would take joy in collecting from the traitorous sisters offspring and descendants.

I exited the visions or dreams in the arms of a young and beautiful woman that looked like Anya Chalotra when she was playing her role as Yennefer of Vengerberg. Except her eye color seemed to be permanently altered to a lilac purple color. I felt soft fingers coursing through my hair as another gently rubbed my back. But before I could continue admiring her de-ageing and beautification I was smothered between her chesty chest.


I opened my eyes only to still be in darkness but this darkness also was accompanied by a soft pillowy softness that engulfed my face and most of my head.

'Mmm I could stay here forever.'

'Hehehehe, I could just hold him forever like this. It feels so good to be close to someone again.'

I felt myself being carried by Dahlia. It was a little embarrassing being carried like a child but it also felt safe and warm like for the first time. I had someone's unconditional love and attention that made me snuggle into her chest deeper as I wrapped my arms around her neck. She must have laid down on something because I could tell I was on top.

Molly Weasley may have been motherly and loving but it always felt like her love and care were conditional. Maybe it's because she just had too many kids to care for is what led to it always feeling like that I don't know and it's not like it matters anymore.

"Sleep my love."whispered Dahlia softly as she caressed my body.


His body is growing at a rapid pace to adapt to the increase in his magical energy. It'll be a long painful process. I'll have to do what I can to keep him asleep so he doesn't suffer too much.

Using the communication rune cluster I created back 500 hundred years ago I contacted one of my acolytes that had infiltrated the wizarding world of Britain. Hmm it seems Aurora is dead and the ring has been passed on to her descendant one Narcissa Black. Let's see I'd the girl is worthy enough to be my acolyte.

Narcissa was shocked when her family heirloom started vibrating against her chest as she was shopping for her son's school supplies. It was written in her female Ancestor's journals that one every hundred years for 365 days whoever had the ring in their possession would be at service to the lady Dahlia the immortal witch.

The ring was meant to be Andromeda's not hers so she hurriedly went to Saint.Mungos to find her older sister.

Andromeda had just finished patching up an Auror who had fought a dark wizard when her little sister Cissy came barging into her office holding out a chain with the family heirloom on it. It was vibrating and ringing like a muggle telephone. Cissy looked at her elder sister in fear and anxiety.

Together the two sisters that had to pretend to no longer be in contact with one another held hands and answered the call of their ancestral patronage. Both women were shocked to hear a young regal voice sounding in their minds.

"Come quickly with the supplies a boy of 11 would need to support rapid bodily growth to the age of eighteen and a person trained in medical magics do not fail in this or else."-Dahlia.

Both sisters looked at each other in shock before they both started collecting what they would need. Something like this wasn't unheard of so they knew what they'd need. Nutrition Potions, muscle and bone strengthening Potions, blood replenishing Potions, blood cleansing Potions and a few other odds and ends.

The two sisters apparated to the location all female members of their family are shown at the age of eleven. Once arriving they were escorted by a dire wolf familiar that belonged to Dahlia.

They entered a grand chamber with a massive gold and iron bed that held a beautiful woman with mysterious lilac colored eyes holding a boy whose body seemed to be in a constant state of Flux almost like he'd ingested a strong polyjuice potion.

Andromeda, not standing on ceremony, rushed to the young boy casting hundreds of scanning & diagnostic spells while commanding both the women of the room on what to do to save the boy's life that was teetering between life and death.

Andromeda could tell there was a powerful druidic and Wiccan linking magic between the young boy and beautiful early twenties woman that had recently been established. And had pushed the boy's body way past what magical energy it should have been able to produce and store on its own. Which led to the boy's body and magic to forcefully grow to adapt to the new energy levels.

A part of her wanted to tear this bitch apart but her more sensible mind told her this woman could kill her with a thought and that she shouldn't do anything to incur her wrath.

The three women worked nonstop for days to stabilize the boy's condition until finally the young boy stopped growing and appeared to be in his mid teens around 14 to 16 years of age.

His once blood red hair now stained with black strands of hair, his pale skin now a healthy bronzed color while his once sunken skin was now taught over shredded muscles that all the women of the room couldn't help but give an admiring gulp of appreciation to.

Many would think the youngman was from the stories of the Fae, the beautiful race of Faeries that were the closest things to God's Irish folklore had before the Norse invaded.

"You both have done well, Saber will escort you to the acolyte chamber's where you can rest. Once you are both well rested. You will catch me up on the past 500 hundred years or so of the advancements and deficiencies that have developed in your magic over the course of time."-Dahlia.


"Ugh, My body and head hurt like a son of a bitch. I'm never participating in a ritual again."

"Shh, everything will be okay. But I do agree you shouldn't ever participate in rituals you don't fully understand."said a soft warm motherly voice that I didn't recognize.

Opening my eyes I was greeted by a voluptuous woman in her late thirties with black hair and warm bluish grey eyes. Wearing a white nurse's outfit from the 20s looking down at me while waving a wand over my body.

"Well it'll take you a good amount of time to get used to the changes and I'm sure you'll have some difficulties making friends like this but you're healthy as a horse on race day."-mediwitch.

"Lady Dahlia, I request permission to return to my family and my duties at Saint Mungos until I am needed again."-mediwitch.

"You may go girl but I request that you bring me all the instructional manuals and laws on the magical healing arts. Also my nephew will require basic education in the magical medical arts."

"Yes milady, I will return after my shifts and caring for my family to give the young lord instructions on the basics of magical medical arts."-Mediwitch.

With that the woman who I started suspecting was Andromeda Tonks after I saw Narcissa Black with her trademarked black and blonde hair.

"You girl."

"Yes mistress." Replied Narcissa bowing at the waste.

"From now on you will train Asher in wizards magic until it is time for him to attend what was it you and your sister called Hogshole, Whole-hogs, hmm not that isn't right Hog something or other. So he isn't behind others of comparable stations."spoke Dahlia commandingly.

"Yes Mistress, he will be even better than his yeared seniors by the time Dromeda and I get done training him." Promised Narcissa resolutely.

"See that he is, you will not like the cost of paying for failing me. Now leave us and return to your chambers. I need some time alone with my nephew." Spoke Dahlia in a tone that could make most people's blood freeze.

As soon as Narcissa left the room I was smothered between those heavenly pillows. While the top of my head was being peppered with kisses.

"I'm so glad you're okay, I'm so sorry for performing the ritual so soon, will you ever forgive me my love?." Questioned Dahlia.


"Haaahnnn. Be-be-careful, I'm sensitive there." Embarrassedly moaned Dahlia.

'While you're the one that put my head here so you can deal with it aunty dearest.'

"Though I guess you are at that age and even more so now that your body has aged up a bit more. Don't worry aunty will make you a man, my dear nephew." Dahlia said with lust in her voice.

'I can't believe that just happened. It was amazing and beautiful but way too rushed and forced I couldn't even do anything. I feel like I've just been used like a dildo.'

"I'm sorry my precious but this is going to hurt for a bit but I'm going to transfer my knowledge of magic to you through our link lower your shields for me." Said Dahlia.

"Are you sure that's a good idea aunty?."

"Of course, you have 60 plus years of my magical experience and knowledge to learn. You can learn wizard's magic the normal way." Said Dahlia in a matter of fact tone.

If I were to describe how it felt it was kind of like when you go to a dentist and they don't give you enough novacane and start drilling into you only ten times worse. And directly in your skull.


But by the time it was done I felt like I'd been using druidic magic for a very long time and that it felt like an extension of my very soul.

I lazily waved my wrist and pinned Dahlia against the wall standing up when a fresh wave of pain hit my brian. Most likely after effects of the transfer. But I powered through it and approached feeling the urge to dominate her.

"P-Precious Ne-Nephew wh-what are you doing." Stuttered Dahlia.

"Punishing a naughty aunty."

Planting a soft kiss on her lips before u turned around and laid down on her massive bed and pretended to go to sleep.

"N-nephew, let me down please." Begged Dahlia.

After a few minutes of her begging I let her down and she cuddled up behind me. And I rolled over and snuggled into her pleasant bosoms and slowly fell asleep to her gentle caressing hands…

In the morning I was escorted by Dahlia to the room that Narcissa was staying in. Narcissa was setting up a chalkboard that had

"The Basics for Pureblooded Wizards and Witches."

On it she was wearing a very sexy outfit that consisted of a black lacy corset with tight leather pants.

That highlighted her childbearing hips and her thicc sexy ass and her nice sized chest that was just popping out of her corset.

While she held a riding crop in her hands looking like a dominatrix mixed with a naughty librarian with the glasses she was wearing.

'If this is how young purebloods are taught no wonder they all seem so incompetent they spend more time jerking off under the table to their sexy as fuck instructors.'

…8 hours later.

"Narcissa and that damned crop I swear if she tried to hit me with it again I'm going to bend her over my knee and I won't stop spanking that sexy ass of hers until she calls me Daddy."

" *giggle* I'd like to see that and maybe you could punish this naughty aunty of yours like that to my love." Said Dahlia.


"Now time for your Wiccan lessons I'm sure you understand the power that the human mind has on reality, yes?."

"Yeah it can make people into Vampires and werewolves if you combine it with herbs, blood and rituals."

"That's not all it can do but yes in a way you're correct Wiccan or Druidic magic as it has been called in the past relies on nature itself to alter, warp or change reality to our will as long as it doesn't go against nature's foundations. But you also need to have a powerful enough mind for you to direct nature to change or do what you want it to."

"I'm not sure why but that sounds wrong for some reason Aunt Dahlia like something is missing from your explanation."

"Hmm, and what would that be my love?."

"I don't know, I just can feel it in my gut that it's wrong on some level."

A warm smile lit up Dahlia's face but she didn't explain anything further. We practiced lighting candles and locator spells like the ones Bonnie Bennet used. For the most part I was able to pass every test she gave me on the first or third try.

Soon it was time for Dinner and Dahlia led me to a large chamber that looked like a hall you'd see in a viking movie with thick wooden beams, rough hewn tables and a fire pit in the center using mostly hot rock and small amounts of wood. What looked like a dragon was roasting on a spit over the fire slowly turning the massive creature while it cooked.

Soon many young looking women wearing black robes entered the chamber and approached the grand table where I and Dahlia sat. When they were closer I noticed they were each carrying gifts, setting them on the table below us bowing towards me in a show of respect.

"Why did you call Andromeda and Narcissa if you had an entire coven at your disposal?."

"Because they are Wiccan's not Witches and you needed them and still do besides they only arrived this morning. Honestly I thought you'd ask why we were sitting up here separated from everyone else."

"I figured it's because you're there Jarl."

Dahlia whipped her head around at me with wide searching eyes before she let out a relieved sigh at not finding whatever negative thing she was looking for. She leaned over and kissed my lips softly before pulling back and sitting regaly overlooking her subjects.

'Damn she looks so sexy like that, all powerful and commanding and shit. Though it does make me feel like the girl in this relationship.'

Dahlia gave a speech of some sort where she announced something important. Most likely I didn't really pay as much attention as I should have after the meal. Dahlia returned to the room apartment whatever it was together as soon as the door sealed behind us though. I pushed her forward bending her over a table sliding her dress up freeing my throbbing cock slamming home inside her tight, hot and leaking sex.

"Ahh LOOOVe wa-ngghhh wait."


Narcissa couldn't believe her eyes. The young man she had come to tutor in etiquette was ravishing her Mistress unconsciously. She slipped her hand up her own skirt and she started fingering herself knuckle deep imagining herself in her Mistresses place.


Though it was very audible between the sounds of flesh smacking against flesh and Dahlia's boisterous moans I could hear a softer set coming from the doorway of what was the bathroom.

Taking a deep scenting breath a smirk spread across my face as I recognized Narcissa's scent, deciding to give Narcissa a better show I ripped Dahlia's dress exposing her nice soft bouncing tits.

Holding both arms behind her back I turned to face us both so Narcissa could see her Mistresses face warped in pleasure as I filled her womb with my seed. Letting Dahlia drop bonelessly to the floor I stalked towards my prey.

"Well well well what do we have here?, a naughty little girl spying on her Mistress and her student while fingering herself in such an easily discovered place, such a disgraceful thing for a pureblood lady to act in such a way I'm going to have to discipline you now."

"Ngghhh cumming." Cried out Narcissa.

Just as I was about to pick her up and take her to bed she bleary-eyed grabbed my wrist.

"Can't I have a marriage contract, I'll die if you have intercourse with me without my husband's approval."

I saw a few tears running down her face while saying so while her eyes were filled with need and desire.

"Hmm, then it seems like I'll have to kill, this Lucius Malfoy then."

"It won't work in the contract terms; it states that upon Lucius's death I'll become his son's property and play thing." She sobbed softly

"Well then we'll have to change that then especially if I'm going to punish you for using the riding crop on me when I mess up or get distracted by my sexy instructor."


Narcissa nodded shyly, trying to look anywhere but at me. As she stood up and fixed her clothing on shaky legs. she not so gracefully left the room apartment with her head down.

I couldn't take my eyes off her sexy ass though with the way she sloppily tried to sway her hips.

"Humph, what am I just your toy to use and discard when a younger pretty thing comes along." Sourly said Dahlia.

"Of course not, it's just I've wanted Narcissa since I met her and thought I had a perfect opportunity, but I was wrong. I'm sorry Dahlia for the way I treated you."

"Hmm, while I guess I could forgive you, if you, were, perhaps, to continue what you started." Said Dahlia shyly.

"Aww, did my naughty little aunty like being bent over by her innocent little nephew and taken from behind like a common whore."

"Haa-Haa-haa, yes my, OOOhhh, yes, I love it, my dear neph-ngh-ew."

Dahlia laid in bed intertwined with one another.

"So how do we go about freeing Narcissa from her husband so I can make her mine aunty?."

Dahlia pouted adorably towards me.

"Can't you refer to me in some other way than aunty?." Pouted Dahlia.

"I could but I rather enjoy it especially when you're cunt clenches around me every time I call you by it. Muhahaha." I laughed like a villain.

"~Sigh~ I don't mind it during intercourse but I'd like to feel like you."

"Dahlia, shh, look I care for you deeply, I'm sure you can feel that much. But I'm new to this, calling you aunty, isn't just to get a rise out of you during sex, it's to reinforce that part of our relationship, in my memtal image of you. I just lost my parents, my siblings and my home so please be patient with me until then."

"I'm sorry my love I never even considered that, you can call me aunty for as long as you need or want to." Whispered Dahlia softly as she embraced me warmly in a measure of comfort.

"Of course I can." I teased as I gripped one of Dahlia's DD-cup tits from behind.

"Ahh, no more my love, I'm too sore." Cried out Dahlia in a slightly pained and panicked voice.

"Okay okay, just some cuddling then."

"Mmm, as for solving that little issue of yours you could simply kill father and son but there might be loopholes already in place for that. No, the best thing to do would be to contact the holders of the contract or someone who can get a copy of it, and search for loopholes in said contract for a way to either free her or have said contract transferred over to you."

Leaning over kissing Dahlia's lips before pulling away.

"You're amazing, you know that Dahlia."

"Of course I know that, but it feels good to be told so by you my love. Now let's get some rest. You only have a few hours till your lessons start." Sighed a relieved Dahlia.


The next morning I found myself in class with a very embarrassed and angry teacher who's crop moved like a whip almost constantly whacking me.

I grew tired of it quickly using my enhanced speed and strength I ripped her little torture tool from her hands while bending her over the desk giving her nice bubble butt harsh slaps.

(Smack smack smack)

"Nghhh-shhh-tahhh-ppp wummimg." Moaned Narcissa.

"Well well well miss prim and proper noble lady is an S&M." I chuckled as I rubbed her cloth covered bubble butt.

"Mmmm, daddy more." Begged Narcissa.

"No, that's not how this works, now how loose are the terms of your fidelity could you per-se please me with those pretty lips of yours?."

"Hgnnn) can't use my womanhood." Groaned Narcissa.

"Hahahaha, I'm talking about your mouth." I laughed at her amused.

"My mouth, how disgusting." Said Narcissa distastefully.

I smirked because even though she said it was disgusting she wiggled her hips in excitement.

"So if I fucked your throat and shot my seed into your stomach would you die?." I asked teasingly.

"I-i don't know, but if my magic considers it cheating then I'll die." Narcissa replied dejected.

'I love magic but this is fucking ridiculous. you're telling me that the husband can go out and stick his dick in anything without repercussions. but the woman has to die if she looks for a little luvin on the side.' I thought to myself.

"Don't worry we'll figure something out." I reassured Narcissa calmly.

"Why, why go through all this trouble just to bury your big fat prick in my hungry little quim?

" asked Narcissa dazed.

"Because I desire you, No one prevents a Mikaelson from getting what they desire without a fight." I joked back.

'The truth is I want to fuck all the Black famililes beautiful women and become Draco's stepfather.' I thought to myself.

"(Sigh) We should get back to you teaching me so I can be ahead of my year mates or at least on their level." I said since I was tired and a bit irritated since now I have a raging hard-on.

"Right." Replied Narcissa as she got back to her job of instructing me.

Every hour we would change from Theoretical classes to practical classes every thirty minutes to an hour.

With exceptions for different disciplines like Potions, Enchanting, Rune-crafting and Warding that were very time consuming disciplines.

Dahlia also stressed that Rune-crafting was also very important in most powerful pieces of Wiccan or Druidic Magics.

After finishing the lessons with Narcissa for the night I returned to Dahlia's and now my apartment to see her pouring over what looked like legal documentation.

Being quiet and stealth in my approach slowly my hands started massaging Dahlia's shoulders as she let out soft moans.

"You were able to get the marriage contracts for the Black sisters so easily." I asked her while being shocked at her resources and efficiency.

"Mmm, twas such a simple matter for one of my station and renown, the goblins know who to respect and who not to." Replied Dahlia teasingly.

"(Humph) No one likes a braggart." I joked back with her, emulating my new and disgusting brit side.

"You're mmm very good at this my love." I could hear Dahlia smile in her voice but also a hint of jealousy.

I couldn't help but smile as I remembered a younger me doing the same for my grandmother after a long day of working at her high end four star restaurant.

And also my single mom when she had pains from carrying my little brother and working to buy food for us.

"I used to do this for my mother and grandmother. They both said I was very good and had a talent for removing knots and stress and that I should consider studying it professionally." I replied back to her.

"Mmm, they were very right, many women would go crazy over you with your handsome appearance and skills." Said Dahlia as she relaxed into the chair.


Dahlia suddenly jumped up enraged after she read something on the marriage contract and grabbed my wrist before there was a tugging sensation at my belly button.

We were deposited inside Narcissa's domicile as she was laying on a daybed looking listless.



ALL YOU HAVE EVER HAD TO DO WAS FILED FOR DIVORCE YOU STUPID IGNORANT CHILD." Yelled Dahlia as the ceiling vibrated as her temper raged and wind started blowing things around the room like a hurricane had just blown into the room.

"That's enough Dahlia." I said softly as I saw Narcissa start to fear for her life.

When Dahlia didn't seem to calm down I reared back my hand as I used her holding my wrist to twist and pull her across my lap as I sat down on a dining chair.



"Narcissa is an extremely intelligent and talented woman, Dahlia. I'm sure there were restrictions placed on her to prevent her from ever viewing the contract.

Now apologize to my teacher and explain your findings, please love." I said calmly with a bit of warning in my tone.

"My apologies, child, it's just I've got my own bad memories about being underneath men I wanted nothing to do with. I couldn't understand how or why you'd let yourself be kept in such a situation but I forgot your position in this world." Dahlia apologized to Narcissa and there was true regret in her tone.

"No, I understand you were right. I should have done something for myself instead of accepting my situation in life. It's with the dark lord and his supporters I feared for my life. And while he may not be my offspring by birth I did love Draco as my own and was afraid his position would be compromised if I stood against Lucius." Replied Narcissa in a self-deprecating tone.

It turns out that since Lucius didn't impregnate Narcissa and ended up impregnating a woman from France. The contract between Black & Malfoy families was no longer valid and could easily be annulled by the wronged party in the marriage with the offender paying out hefty fines.

So for the last bit of time that I remained in Dahlia's domain I spent learning Wiccan magic with Dahlia and some of her more prominent acolytes.

Since Narcissa was too busy to teach me while attending to her divorce matters. I also noticed Dahlia was writing a lot on parchment that I could sense magical energy coming from in her own blood.

I didn't bother her though since I assumed whatever she was working on must be important if she was pushing my instructions off onto lesser witches for the time being.

When I had free time I found myself studying soul magic and exorcism rituals.

I had some leads on how to deal with Voldemort's Horcruxes and even a couple of risky rituals that would allow me to consume souls and strengthen myself.

While studying soul magic I even found a couple of things on creating prison worlds and dimensional transmission.

But knowing those things are beyond the current me even if I have the magical power. I don't have the experience and control to make a prison world or travel to another dimension.

So instead of diving off the deep end I simply copied the books and scrolls, storing the copies in my house trunk so I'd have quick access to them in the future.

"Love, you should get some rest. Tomorrow is your first day at Hogwarts." Sighed Dahlia as she glomped on me from behind.

"Yeah yeah, I know, it's nice to see you outside of dinner and sex." I said a little heatedly.

"I'm sorry, love but my absence is needed to keep the environment outside of this safe haven safe." Softly spoke Dahlia as she massaged my scalp.

"Will you finally tell me how you have a Dire Wolf as a pet." I asked hopefully.

"(Snickering) not until you master your wolf form and have what I deem an appropriate amount of combat expertise." Commandingly spoke Dahlia leaving no room for argument.

I couldn't help but pout at her words but understood her reasoning wherever we were was dangerous and I needed the abilities to fight and escape before Dahlia would allow me outside.

Dahlia took my hand and pulled me along behind her. We entered our apartment together and I was stunned to see Narcissa laying on the bed in white lace wedding dress/lingerie.

Dahlia slowly started to undress me while whispering in my ear. "The divorce was officiated today, our cute little Cissy practically begged me to arrange this little setup. Go on, take her, show her how my man can make a woman writhe in pleasure."

I woke up the next morning with two sleeping beauties snuggling against my arms, completely naked there soft bodies embracing my chiseled, strong body.

I couldn't believe Narcissa was a virgin didn't she and Lucius have to consummate their union or something, something fishy is going on here. I should put my guard up around Narcissa just in case this is some sort of trap.