In Arrow with a Rick & Morty System


I'm not really sure how it happened. One minute I was watching Supernatural on Netflix when my head started to hurt and the pulse in my head and jaw felt like a hammer.

The next thing I knew everything was bright and loud. I couldn't really see anything and everything was so loud to the point.

I found myself yelling out to turn it down and to turn off the bright lights that felt like they were burning my eyes out of my skull.

But I quickly became tired and my lungs started to burn. Before I fell asleep I heard something that made a chill run down my spine.

"Moira, they are beautiful twins, what names did you pick out?" A man's strong smooth voice questioned and it was surprisingly comforting.

"Thea for the girl and Theo for the boy." The woman replied with exhaustion and love evident in her voice.

"Should I get Oliver Moira?" The man asked his wife another question.

"No Robert, I'm tired and Oliver should be asleep right now." Moira replied as she let out a big yawn as her eyes slowly shut and the babies were taken by nurses.

'I've been reborn…those names sound familiar so do the voices but I can't place from where.' I thought to myself as my mind slowly went dark.

The day I was born was the longest I was awake and the most lucid everything was eat, shit, sleep, eat some more shit again sleep shit in sleep.

If I was a weaker man I might have been mortified by the fact I was a baby and shitting myself but it didn't really bother me.

Over time I came to the realization I must have been reborn in the Arrow-verse And even with being a baby again.

Having Moira Queen for a mother and she looked anything like the actress that played her in the Arrow series well then I was quite lucky and enjoyed having an all access pass to suck on them titties.

As I fell asleep sucking on those previously mentioned titties alongside my darling twin sister that I could strangely sense at all times and feel what she felt and that was mostly hunger, fear and tiredness

A swirling translucent green vortex filled my vision. It strangely reminded me of one of the portals made by Rick's portal gun.

[Burrrpppp, he-hey there this is the Rick and Morty system made by me Rick the God of technology.

And you have been chosen by…chance…that was a lie it wasn't…chance I got drunk broke the fourth wall and accidentally exposed you to some cosmic radiation making your brain explode because it was too small.

Normally I wouldn't care but Morty and I broke up…Buuurrrppp…so now I'm making amends and being a better person and all that shit…so here's a system that will make you as intelligent and awesome as me…burp…hope you don't blow your own brains out.

Here's your system check yes or no…Haa as if the systems your's you can't deny it, it's already fused to your soul and with your memories…so get swifty in here.]

'I feel like I just got mind fucked by Rick Sanchez. But cool does this make Rick my Grandfather too. That'd be cool. I always liked the guy.' I thought to myself as I clicked yes anyways well saying thanks grandpa Rick maybe someday we can go on a bender together and destroy a universe.

Rick was shocked as just before the portal he used to complete the system upload to that kid he heard his thoughts.

"I have another grandkid now." Rick said out loud and being the sentimental family oriented man he was he created an A.I. to watch over him so when it was time to as he said go get drunk together and blow up a universe he'd know ahead of time to still look smarter than him.

"Hmm, maybe more of a son than a grandson…I wonder how Beth will feel about a little brother, Buuurrrppp." Rick said while chugging on a bottle of expensive booze from the adramida system.

'At least it won't be another incest baby in the family if she likes him a little too much and he's better than Jerry,' Rick idly thought to himself his mind playing out various scenarios.

'I can't decide if being a baby fucking sucks or rocks. On one hand I literally can't do anything for myself but suck on some titties and inhale and exhale breaths.

On the other hand, I literally don't have to do anything but spend most of my time in a gorgeous blonde's arms and suck on her tits. Also being able to just nap all day and hang out with my twin sis is pretty cool.

Oliver's an awesome big brother alway sneaking in just to hang with us bedtime stories even though we aren't technically able to understand him yet.

Robert though is kinda I don't know off putting I mean he dotes on baby Thea but hardly even looks at me and with his track record of going after younger women if I didn't know he dies when Thea is twelve I'd kill him myself just to keep my precious sister safe from his corruption.

Moira is the epitome of a son-con though and completely makes up for Robert's indifference towards me by showering me in her tender love and affections. Which I enjoy quite happily and sometimes think dirty thoughts like hmm I'll make you a shota-con mommy every once and awhile due to the corruption caused by Webnovel in my past life.

Or it's Rick's systems influence through it's quests like seriously is this a hentai system or make me a tech God system I have to stop and ask myself sometimes especially when it's quests are something like, arouse your mother by sucking on her nipples and licking them.

While having rewards like .01% increase in physical growth rate and mental retention. Or another quest is piss on the maid for blueprints and parts to make your first laser pistol (baby sized).

And let's not even get started on how Rick opened a portal into my bedroom thru through this blue cube that had four circular mirror like projectors on it that can camouflage itself when other people are around,

While also functioning as a baby proofed pocket space or warp space laboratory Rick hasn't gotten to this level of knowledge in his schooling through hard light constructs and an A.I. but sometimes I can tell it's not an A.I. but actually Rick has been teaching since when it is flesh and blood Rick because flesh and blood Rick wears a headset or band that wraps all the way around his head and burrrps all the time while drinking where the A.I. doesn't.' My life is a little messed up but I love it. I thought to myself as I learned more things from Rick tonight about sciences and various other things.

One thing I hate about being reborn as a young master is all the parties and schmoozing of rich people I get everything behind obviously it's just I'm a year old no I don't want this old bitch I don't know picking me up and suffocating me with the obnoxiously strong perfume she's wearing.

The hot models or neglected housewives who should be models definitely though. Years kinda just flew by and by two I was walking and talking and hailed as the little genius of the Queen family which put me slightly into Robert's good graces but the damage in our relationship had already been done plus I knew Malcolm Merlin was my sperm donor anyways and I had grandpa Rick.

Though the time I spent with real Rick had been reduced greatly since he and Morty made up and my system had become more…video game-like I still had teacher A.I, and quests I had to do to unlock more knowledge and level up gaining improvements to my body and mind through it.

Thea and I were inseparable too the point at six we were still sleeping in the same room with two king sized beds next too each other most times we ended up in the same beds snuggled together unless I felt like being a mama's boy and miking some milk outta them tits even now.

While riding in the backseat of the Rolls-Royce limo a quest popped up. [Complete all levels of mandatory compulsory education within 48 hours or else micro-verse laboratory will self-destruct.]

'Great Rick must be in one of those moods again.' I thought to myself.

Grabbing the car phone located near my door I called home.

"Theo sweetie what's wrong?" Mom asked in her worried doting voice.

"Mom…I want to test out of school it's a waste of time." I said into the phone stopping myself from saying only dumb people go to school because Thea was staring at me with an arched eyebrow that said finish that sentence I dare you.

And big bro Oliver was looking at me like I was a freak of nature which hurt a little since Olly was my bro I mean yeah there was always a bit of awkwardness when he came to me to do his homework and paid me his allowance in cash but I thought we were cool.

"Are you sure honey it means you won't get to spend as much time with Thea." My mother replied knowing exactly how to emotionally manipulate the three of us into doing things her way.

But putting on my favorite baby boy charm. "I'm sure mommy buuuuttttttt if I graduate from high-school by the end of today will you let me homeschool Thea.

Now this was a big ask because part of the reason rich people send their kids to private schools is to make lasting connections and keep connections healthy and strong amongst their clicks.

"No…but I will let you tutor her and I'll let you graduate early if you stop extorting money from your brother and using that money to fund your candy research." I may or may not have looked like a cartoon character when my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets at my mother's knowing tone that promised I'd be getting a good spanking and a talking to by her when I got home.

"But mommy I'm so close to creating a chocolate that won't make you fat or give you diabetes no matter how much of it you eat I just need a week and a bit more R and D funds and I'll become a billionaire all on my own mommy please don't make me stop my research pretty please." I pleaded into the phone using my best puppy dog eyes voice and gave the look to Oliver who literally pulled out his wallet and handed me his bank card at my cuteness whereas Thea tried giving me her lunch money but I quickly covered the mouthpiece of the phone and whispered in her ear.

"kisses from my pretty twin sister will help me more than all the money in the world." Thea smiled happily before she started kissing my cheeks to help me out.

'God, she's so precious and cute.' I thought to myself as we held each other's hands and I heard Mom release the sigh she always releases when she caves to me.

"Okay, but you have to lease the rights to manufacture and distribute it for ten years. And you can't test it on your friends at school.

The last child turned blue for a month. We almost had a public lawsuit." Moira replied tiredly and in a tone that bellied how stressful it was having a genius son.

"I didn't, Johnny Hinklemyer is a bully that stole it from me when I was going to eat it so the nurse would send me home." I replied quickly into the phone without thinking.

Making Olly slap his forehead and mutter something along the lines of who is the real genius in the family Theo or mom.

While Thea, my darling adorable twin sister of a traitor giggled and pointed at me.

Mouthing the words traitor to her while flipping Olly off I turned away from my siblings only to hear mom's very unhappy sigh that promised I'd be getting grounded from science for a month for trying to poison myself to get out of school.

"Mommy I'm sorry." I quickly said into the phone to try and ease some of her wrath by sounding truly repentant for my actions.

"Ohh…sweetheart I know it's hard for you going to school when you're smarter than everyone around you…mommy knows how hard it is for you to make friends with people…I should have just homeschooled you like I wanted but I let Robert talk me into sending you to school so you could make connections with people mommy's sorry sweetie." Moira replied into the phone sounding genuinely heartbroken while practically spitting venom when saying her husband's name.

'God she has no idea how hard it really is. I understand why Rick said I hope you don't blow your own brains out to me.

It's because everyone I can easily be around are like high functioning retards to me, the teachers, the kids my own age and older.

For some reason I don't feel the same disdain towards my family as I do for everyone else.

But sometimes I have to consciously make the effort not to treat the people I love like they're the star team in the special Olympics.' I thought to myself as I remembered the time when we were 9 months old and Thea kept trying to ram the star block into the circle cut out until I guided her on how to do it correctly.

I took out the cobbled together smartphone I made out of things I found in both the attic and the basement of the mansion and out of my Nintendo gameboy color.

Typing in the amount of ten thousand dollars before swiping Olly's card through the card scanner I added to the phone increasing my research funds account from two grand to 12k.

'To think as heir party boy to Queen consolidated Oliver gets fifty grand a month in an allowance he can spend on whatever he wants and an expense account of two million for other shit.' I thought to myself as I looked at my monthly allowance of two grand spitefully.

'To think…before two grand a month would have been enough for me to live off of quite comfortably with few luxuries…but now I'm a greedy little entitled rich bitch.' I thought to myself and sighed about how easy life was as the simple minded son of a farmer who probably qualified as a mentally disabled person to how hard it could be being smart.

"Sweetheart, are you still there?" Moira asked into the phone in concern.

"Sorry mom…I was just thinking about stuff." I replied easily.

"As for leasing the rights to Queen Consolidated…I don't wanna…how about you and I make our own company and partner with Queen consolidated I'll use Queen consolidated for what you said while still holding all the rights so we can use it as bargaining chips with other companies for their proprietary heavily patented products." I continued speaking into the phone using my best impersonation of a greasy used car salesperson.

Causing Moira to let out an amused sigh since this was a game we'd played together since I was two to get me interested in business building and running instead of just science.

After twenty minutes of negotiating I finally reached a compromise that would make Olly my business partner and Moira as our financial backer.

Since her involvement with Queen Consolidated was quite heavy she wouldn't be able to start a new company without going through a lot of legal red tape and having to share ownership with her husband.

Olly looked at me like he couldn't believe I had enough faith in him to start a business with him but I knew deep down who Olly really was after all how could I not when even when he's drunk or high he'll still tell Thea and I bedtime stories.

Whilst also dropping everything to come running for us when we call him, Moira and Robert give him too much money and space and not enough guidance.

"Alright Speedy…" Oliver started to say as he spread his arms for hug time which happened everyday as he dropped us off at school.

"I'm beyond childish nicknames." I cut him off and gave him a hug alongside Thea.

"But I'm not beyond hugs." I continued softly even as my face heated up at Olly's laugh before both Thea and I started to giggle at Olly's daily tickle torturing of us.

"Love you Olly." Thea and I said in unison as we walked up the steps of our private school holding hands.

"I'm really going to miss spending all day with you at school Theo." Thea said when we were at our lockers storing away our backpacks.

"Me too Thea…but I really can't take it anymore Thea…even with you this place is barely tolerable." I replied as I gave my sister a hug as her bottom lip started to tremble.

"I know…I wish I was as smart as you so we could always be together." Thea said sadly as we both shut our lockers in exactly the same way at the exact same time.

"Mr.Queen, please come with me." Asked the assistant headmistress with her posh and proper British tone, her dark hair done up in a tight bun while dressing like she was Marry Poppins.

"Yes, Mrs. Aulderberry. Bye Thea, have fun with your friends." I quickly told Thea as we hugged and gave each other still holding hands.

"Mr.Queen, I know we haven't had the best of relationships since you started here at Star Preparatory academy. I hope you will reconsider this course of action. School is for important things besides education." The posh woman said in a tone that told me she knew exactly why I was leaving and what I was sacrificing by doing so.

"Mrs.Auldeberry…if this school could provide me with opportunities I couldn't make for myself in the future I might consider staying…as it stands now I have more to gain by leaving now then staying." I replied to her and I could tell by her body language she didn't agree but was giving up regardless of what she thought.

Walking into the office I was surprised to see Moira was there already. "Hello Theodore." Greeted the fat greedy principal that looked towards not only my mother but also Mrs.Aulderberry lustfully.

'Disgusting fatfuck only I can look at my mommy's chest that way. Wait no bad bad bad Theo you can't think like that.' I told myself as I shot a dart filled with a testosterone inhibitor that would make the principle impotent.

'I should use one of these on Robert Queen.' I thought to myself.

"Hey mom." I greeted happily as I hugged her while sitting in her lap.

"Hello sweetheart." Moira smiled wrapping her arms around my middle and kissing the top of my head as the fat fuck looked on jealousyly I also noticed Mrs.Aulderberry having a complicated expression as she looked at us.

"Mom, how did you get here so fast? it should have taken you a minimum of twenty seven minutes and thirty six seconds.

"About that sweetheart…I've been here for half an hour now discussing what disciplinary actions the school was going to give you over that boy.

But Mr.Jessup here has agreed to allow you to test out of the academy and since the highschool is also running tests you can quickly move through them." Moira told me completely skimming over how I would be facing disciplinary action for a thief and a bully receiving what he deserves.

"Yes yes Mrs.Queen your very charitable donation will go very far in helping your son accomplish his goals after all it's our jobs as teachers to accommodate and help our students succeed." He replied while trying to eye up Moira's long legs.

'This sick fuck. still trying to check out and blackmail my mom. just shoot him in his fat ugly fucking face already.' I thought to myself as I moved my legs to hide Moira's.

I felt Moira softly rub my side in comfort. As she felt me becoming more and more tense around this fat fuck.

"Yes Mr.Jessup shall we get started." Moira replied with a bit of a chill creeping into her voice.

"O-of course Mrs.Queen." he replied, his voice turning slightly sniveling.

Once mom, Mrs.Aulderberry and I left the office to go to the room where my testing would take place.

"I hate that fat perverted fuck, can we have Thea change schools mom?" I said and asked with a voice filled with disdain, making Moira rub her forehead and temple as she let out a sigh and Mrs.Aulderberry let out a shocked chuckle.

"I have been trying to get Thea to go to an all girls academy but you too are usually inseparable but with you out of school she'll have no reason to stay." Moira replied before she ruffled my spiky hair.

I nodded before replying. "Good." Happily.

'I can meet a lot of girls through Thea.' I thought to myself trying not to smirk pervishly, after all only Mom knows about that side of me when I'm still drinking the milk from her tits when we're alone, something she also quite enjoys me doing. After all, I'm a handsome young man who always gives her attention.

Like Rick says it's biology an older woman will always be more attracted to a younger guy for better breeding partner and protection.

'It also helps that I'm mommy's favorite little boy.' I idly thought to myself.

After twelve Regents level High School exams, a fitness exam and a mental health evaluation I was a highschool graduate and even graduated with honors. After highschool time started to fly by for me. Thea became a bit more independent but we still did almost everything together when she was home from school.

I was just perfecting my never get fat diabetic safe super chocolate when a knock sounded on my bedroom that I kept separate from Thea's mostly because I use it for experiments.

"Theo, can I come in?" Thea asked through the door and her voice sounded like she'd been crying reaching out through our bond. I could feel she was very upset.

Pressing the button on my smartwatch, making my homemade motorized bolt door lock that used my custom coding and wifi that only I had access to.

Thea burst through the door bolting towards me slamming into me like a shot from a gun nearly making us both fall to the floor.

"Thea what's wrong?" I asked her softly as I petted her long silky-soft brown hair when I noticed it was much shorter than it should be.

"Th-the girls at my new school pretended to want to be my friend's…(Sniffle)...bu-but when we were alone they told me that if I wanted to join the cool girls I had to do whatever they wanted…they cut off my hair when I wouldn't bully the girl they didn't like." Thea replied while crying.

"Tell big brother exactly what they look like and their names." I told Thea softly catching sight of our maid looking covering her mouth in shock before leaving to get Moira.

"O-okay." Thea replied as she told me the names of the filler mean girls as she snuggled against me falling asleep.

Moira walked in picking Thea up off of me and cradling her baby girl to her chest.

"My precious little girl, those little bitches will pay for what they did to your beautiful hair." Moira said softly as she rubbed Thea's back while giving me a look that said leave it too mommy as she left the room telling one of the maids to call Mr.Ketch the family's fixer.

As Mom dispatched her attack dog I made a drone to attack the girls and shave their heads bald.


"Finally done!" I expressed my happiness excitedly as I perfected the formula of the chocolate.

[Ding: perfected a formula worth trillions of dollars. Buuurrrppp not bad…kid but not good enough. Unlocked level up system.]

[Rick & Morty level up system booting up…Buuurrrppp read some of Morty's webnovel's here's what I made.]

[Functions of the system are Status, Shop, Inventory, Missions. Future functions may be added depending on if the host requires them, System Shop currency is RP or Rick points. To view status, say status.]

'Status.' I thought to myself and was rewarded with a translucent swirling green vortex and a HUD display similar to that of Tony Stark's Ironman armor.

[Name: Theodore Queen

Class: Scientist

Health: 100%

Level: 1

[0/10 RP required to level up ]

Strength: 3

Agility: 6

Vitality: 10

Wisdom: 100

Intelligence: 1,000

Charm: 100

Stat Points: 0

RP: 00]

[You have a starter pack inventory would you like to open?]

'Yes.' I mentally answered.


1x white lab coat.

1x black long sleeve shirt.

1x black pair of pants.

1x black shoes.

1x belt with red buckle.

Items previously received like the Microverse Laboratory were part of the starter pack.]

'Sweet.' I thought to myself as I clicked on the labcoat.

[Reinforced Labcoat: labcoat made by Rick for his favorite adopted grandchild reinforced with Twaron and Vectran fibers with stable portal culture pockets for easy access to tools, weapons and materials kept inside Microverse Laboratory.

(Labcoat is resistant to high and low temperature, chemical damage and bullet resistant, labcoat is self repairing within a certain damage scope.)]

[Would you like to equip labcoat and set as outfit?]

'Yes, equip all clothing items given to me thru starter pack and set as outfit.' I gave the mental command.

[Confirmed all clothing items equipped would you like to activate shielding and over shielding properties of clothing items?]

'No only when my life is in danger I'd say chemical, temperature and extremely bullet resistant mesh clothing is enough protection at this moment plus energy fields may cause adverse effects on my experiments.' I replied to the system.

[Confirmed over shielding set to off.]

'Damn Rick…must really care about me and see me as his grandson…that's so awesome. Thank you grandpa Rick. I'll work on inventing my own portal gun and fluid now that I'll have a steady source of income from my chocolate formula.' I thought to myself while thanking grandpa Rick.

'So how do I earn Rick points?' I asked myself and the system answered.

[Do Rick like things.] The system replied simply leaving me dumb founded.

'That is a very very deep chasm to fall into.' I thought to myself as I called Moira on the phone and sent a text to Olly telling them both the formula is complete and safe for FDA testing.

Walking out of my bedroom laboratory in my new fly Rick stylized threads feelin fly as fuck as I strolled through the halls of the manor.

[+1 RP] Kept popping up on my hud to the point I had to turn it off.

Mom was sitting in the living room reading a book titled. "How to raise your little genius."

'Aww, isn't that cute.' I thought to myself as I glomped onto her from the back of the chair.

"Hahaha, sweetheart, what are you doing?" Laughingly asked Moira as I climbed over the edge rubbing my junk on her face as I got comfortablely adjusted to sit in her lap.

Leaning upwards so I could whisper in her ear as my other hand snaked up her loose shirt to her breasts.

"Mommy your little genius is feeling really thirsty for mommy's special milk." I whispered in her ear as my hand slipped under her bra pinching her left nipple.

"Ahh, sweetheart not now…your brother will be home soon and then we'll meet the lawyers to get the ball rolling on your FDA trials." Moira moaned softly before quickly controlling her voice and reminding me of my business meeting today.

"Fine…but tonight you're all mine mommy." I whispered in Moira's ear nipping her earlobe and tweaking her nipple again making her moan softly and body shudder.

"Mom." I heard Olly call from the mansion's entrance, making me reluctantly remove my hand from underneath her shirt, licking the milk residue off of my thumb and index fingers.

"Hi Oliver, where's Laurel I thought you were going out on a date together?" Moira asked curiously while I smirked knowing little Sarah was the one Olly went to see to get his dick wet.

'I wonder how that girl mom paid off to run away with my nephew is doing, now that I think about it I should put her under surveillance so I can help her if she needs it and then there's Emiko too got about six more years before she willingly let's Oliver and Robert sail to their deaths.' I thought to myself as I had a little fantasy about fucking my Asian beauty of a half-sister.

The day went on torturously slow as we met with the lawyers who I had to hand over all my research materials and notes along with samples for testing.

Between Mom, Olly and myself we had to sign a few hundred documents and then there were waivers that mom had to have dad sign. so I could get patents in my own name since my research into the chocolate also led to formulas for treating Diabetes more effectively and a weight loss drug for losing actual fat weight.

Though I noticed mom slipping the one lawyer a thick vanilla envelope and the documents were filed away anyways.

'Interesting.' I thought to myself as I also noticed mom took another legal size manila envelope divorce papers maybe I idly thought to myself.

Moira instinctively noticed me looking at the envelope and rubbed my head in a way she knew would make me purr like a content Tom cat laying in the shade on a hot sunny day.

"Don't worry about it sweetheart, it is insurance for your future." Moira said softly as she continued to massage my scalp.

"Mmmmkay mommy." I moaned softly as I fell asleep in her lap.

Getting a company started was childsplay making it successful was even easier. I made my first billion by seven years old though most of that money was reinvested into the company and then there's Oliver's share of the profits along with paying back Moira's initial investment and then her dividends from a permanent partnership I was sitting happy with 100 million in my bank account while many accounts.

The next five years flew by quite quickly. Obviously it had its low and slow periods and I created my own portal gun but my portals were red and limited to the planet.

I had a lot of fun opening portals into Thea's school pulling pranks helping her cut classes making out with her older school mates.

And met Emiko and hired her as a CFO because her natural talent towards running a company is very high and she has been completely successful in doing so.

Though my decision to hire her led to many complications especially in my relationship with Robert Queen and even Mom was not happy with me but a few hours of milking and making Moira cum and she accepted my decision to include my older half-sister into the business.

Robert even went as far as ending our cooperation contract which only hurt his own company in the end and made them drop to the bottom rings of fortune five hundred companies.

In an attempt to blackmail me into firing her but my company had grown rapidly under our contract to Queen Consolidated to the point that I didn't need their name or connections any longer.

Plus me being a Queen with the Heir of Queen Consolidated as my business partner and older brother many people saw the opportunities that were now readily available since Robert Queen cut ties with his sons and like they say the future lies in the hands of the next generation.

Not to mention Moira's silent support of us that was no secret to the elite circles. And then there was my connection to the ninth circle thanks to Emiko and Dante who I sold all sorts of weapons to that I developed in secret underneath my main chocolat and health drug factory.

Anything I needed Emiko would have her ninth circle agent track down and recover or exploit for me. It also helped in growing our business to a world renowned one.

I was returning home after a long day of trying to perfect my portal technology and came to the realization that I was lacking one key ingredient.

'Of course portal tech would rely on a rare radioactive component that has such a limited quantity on earth. I could just buy it from the system shop but if I do I feel like Rick won't respect and it won't even truly be my own accomplishment.' I thought and sighed to myself as I sat down at the large dining room table for an awkward dinner.

"Hey Theo." Oliver and Laurel greeted happily Oliver throwing his arm over my shoulder and hugging me, the smell of sex pretty thick on him. Then Laurel gave me a quick hug.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of Olly or totally crushing on his girlfriend who is probably one of the biggest cuckees in all of the Arrow-verse.

"So Theo dad is taking me out on the Gambit and he wants you to come with us so we can all spend some time together and get over that stuff related to Twindustries." Olly said in his usual tone of voice he uses to express his excitement and happiness though Laurel looked like she just got shot in the heart with an arrow since she's trying to move their relationship forward and Olly's trying to run away from her.

'A part of me wants to show Laurel the affair between her sister and Olly, the other part of me is telling me not to get involved.' I thought to myself as my eyes scanned Laurel's sexy body only to receive a kick to the shin by the traitor.

Looking over at Thea I saw a dark jealous look on her pretty face with her arms crossed underneath her modest chest. and I couldn't help but think, damn she has really turned into a fine ass woman over the past few years to the point she looked exactly like Willa Holland in the flashbacks who at the time was four years older than her character.

I myself wasn't much different from her accelerated growth already being 6'1" broad shouldered with long spiky light blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. If you were to look at me you'd see my resemblance to both Oliver and Moira as they were my prominent looks.

Feeling through my twin connection with Thea that she was very jealous and envious of the way I looked at Laurel and it didn't help she caught me in the middle of fucking her best friend and roommate at her all girls academy in their dorm room.

Reaching under the table resting my hand on Thea's knee making her pout and look the other way but I could tell how happy the contact made her through our bond and the slight blush on her neck.

Flipping open the tiny keyboard on my smart watch quickly typing out an apology and an excuse.

{Sorry Thea, I'm just so horny lately I can't help myself because of puberty.} My text read Thea quickly read the text on her own smartwatch before giving me a look over her shoulder.

{Do you think I'm not just as horny, but instead of me you either see mom or your little Asian slut or you fuck one of my friends instead of me even though we still share the same room and sleep in the same bed.😡😡😡😡} Thea replied it was obvious she was hurt by me going to other women for relief and I realized I didn't know that she knew I had such a close relationship to Moira or Emiko though I shouldn't have been surprised with our bond being as strong as it is.

{Sorry Thea.} I sent back to her with a truly apologetic look on my face that made her melt as she looked at me.

{I can think of ways you can make it up to me. 😘😘} Thea replied while she started to blush fiercely.

'She's still so adorable even when she tries to be naughty.' I thought to myself as I felt her lust peak.

Moira and Robert walked in and it was obvious they had just had another fight over what I wasn't sure but instead of taking her usual seat at the head of the table on Robert's right she sat next to Thea and I at the end of the table right next to me.

"Hey mom." I greeted her happily.

"Hey Dad." I greeted Robert indifferently though Thea ran over and gave him a hug saying hi daddy.

I knew through our bond Thea didn't like the way Robert and I treated each other and did her best to keep our relationship civil and of course knowing how much effort she put into it I couldn't break her heart so I kept things the way they were from the start of our relationship.

"Hello Theo I heard about your cooperation with Star Labs on their particle accelerator project congratulations." Robert said, sounding genuinely happy for me which was surprising since I stole that contract right out from Queen Consolidated's applied sciences division.

"Thanks Dad, when Wells came to me with an offer of cooperation I just couldn't let the opportunity pass by me." I replied though I didn't actually give a shit about it since I could make a better particle accelerator in my sleep that would have the same effects and it could fit on a keychain.

Robert surprisingly nodded with a smile on his face as he sat down at the head of the table.

"Son Oliver has probably already told you this but. I have planned a cruise on the Gambit and I'd like you to join Oliver and I for some father son bonding. I know things between us haven't always been great and that I'm responsible for it but I'd like to start fixing things where I went wrong in the past." Robert confessed and looked so honest and heartfelt in his proclamation I found myself unable to coldly turn him down.

'I guess I do have some unresolved daddy issues.' I thought to myself as I felt Moira rub her leg against mine comfortingly. While Thea and I's bond was flooding me with happiness and excitement to the point I knew if I refused I'd damage our relationship that would take forever to repair and I'd also lose my only chance for reconciliation with my adopted father that did do more than he had to or should have for me over the years even if he did treat me with indifference most of the time.

"Sure dad I'd like that…maybe we could go fishing." I said while faking enthusiasm but even with that Thea was absolutely swooning in happiness and Moira though obviously happy was also slightly concerned about something.

Dinner was a mostly happy affair at Queen Manor which was a bit of a surprise since things had been very tense ever since I hired Emiko and refused to fire her.

I was stopping at Moira's bedroom, one separate from Robert opening the door. I saw the lights were off, turning them on I noticed she was nowhere in sight.

Activating the subdermal tracker I put in each of my family members after Thea was kidnapped a few years ago I saw she was down at the shipping yards Merlin Global own.

'So mom is still selling Robert out even though she knows I'll be going with Olly and Robert.' I thought to myself as I tried not letting the sting of her betrayal get to me and failed so miserably at it that Thea tracked me down in our secret base where I had my head in my lap crying.

"Theo…what's wrong?" Thea questioned in concern because no matter how bad things were I never cried.

"No-nothing." I replied as I hurriedly whipped away the tears and snot on my face.

"You can't lie to me Theo." Thea replied softly as she hugged me tightly.

"Does it have to do with dad? I know it's always hurt you, how he treated you, are you afraid it's some kind of prank?" Thea asked softly as she rubbed the back of my head like we always do for each other when we're sad.

'Fuck, Thea I hadn't even thought of that.' I thought to myself as a fresh wave of pain and betrayed feelings welled up.

"That's it isn't…don't worry dad wouldn't do that and Olly wouldn't let that happen." Thea comforted me.

Though my faith in Oliver had been reduced quite a bit over the years of being business partners between him blowing off important meetings or coming to them shit faced and with Tommy or some skank he was fucking around with on Laurel.

But he did always come when I called and always seemed to be there for me when I really needed him still so I took Thea's words to heart and put aside the thoughts of Moira.

"What would I do without the best little sister in the world." I teased as I hugged Thea tightly knowing that ever since she hit puberty calling her little sister was a no no even though it was still fine for her to act all cute and ask for things saying big brother.

"Don't call me little sister." Thea hissed as she reacted violently punching my shoulder as she stood up, spun around to show me her back and humphed loudly making me laugh my ass off.

"Yup…still my adorbs little sister." I teased again as I stood up and hugged her from behind.

"Thanks Thea…you always know how to make things better." I whispered softly as I rested my chin on top of her head.

"Of course I do, I'm the twin sister of a genius." Thea replied with pretend pretentiousness with her nose angling upwards.

"A silly twin sister." I joked softly as we continued to stand there together in an embrace.

"It's been forever since we came here." Thea said softly as she looked around at the secret base I built for us under the manor when we were four years old with the help of some drones.

"It has…ever since I graduated and you went to an all girls academy. I replied realizing how far we really had drifted apart since our inseparable days.

"Do you ever regret it? Leaving school so early I mean?" Thea questioned but I could feel she was really asking if I regretted abandoning her to the standard educational system alone.

"No…but I do regret not being able to spend the time we lost together by doing so." I replied easily, moving my head down instinctually to kiss her neck.

"I always wish that I was even half as smart as you so I could have done the same and joined you in building (giggle) Twindustries." Thea replied as she finally fell into my hold like her strings had been cut.

"I'm glad you're not as smart as me past a certain point. Intelligence can be a…curse, plus if we were both geniuses we'd both be emotionally stunted and would't have our well rounded twin to level us out." I replied to her as my hands made their way under her school uniform.

"(Hehehe) sometimes you are such an ass." Thea whispered as her one hand spanked and squeezed my ass.

"Mmmhmm" I replied as I ran my hand up Thea's soft tight tummy grazingly.

"Why did you choose Anna over me the other day?" Thea asked referring to her best friend she walked in on me fucking making me reflexively swallow.

"I wasn't sure if you wanted this." I partially lied knowing just how attracted to me Thea had been since we hit puberty but I also knew how unsure of herself she was especially when she compared herself to Moira, Emiko and especially Laurel.

"Liar." Thea protested softly.

"We should wait though until we're older…and not going through this phase…but we could help each other get off." I whispered in her ear before moving to kiss her neck some more.

"I don't want to wait any longer…Theo I want you to show me how much you love me like you do to mom." Thea replied, obviously not wanting to postpone things any longer, not that I could blame her even though we were technically twelve we had the bodies and raging hormones of sixteen year olds.

Her words almost snapped me out of my lustful state but the combination of her perky soft ass grinding against my clothed hardening member and the soft skin of her tight tummy against my fingertips was pulling me deeper and deeper into depravity.

The rest of the night was a blur of tearing fabric pained moans that turned sweet and filled with pleasure and love with a rush of emotions through our bond that didn't settle even when we were drenched in sweat and cuddling up in the too small of a bed in our secret base together.

"That hurt a lot less than I thought it would and felt way better than other girls said it would." Thea finally said as her breathing returned to normal and she came back from cloud nine.

"What can I say? I've practiced a lot to make sure I'd be able to make it special for you and better than the first time other girls have had." I lied mostly with a bit of a hidden truth in there.

"(Sigh) You just had to ruin the moment by reminding me you're a man whore." Thea sighed even as she tried to snuggle even more deeply into me.

"Man whore extraordinaire, a connoisseur of matters of the flesh, get it right." I joked only to receive a not too comfortable pinch on my waist.

"I love you…Thea you know that right?" I asked softly, making sure she didn't need sex to affirm that I loved her.

"Of course I know that sometimes you're such a smart dumb person." Thea sighed as she moved to stand up only to stop herself and cup between her thighs.

"It hurts." She said as she laid back down and squirmed into a hug.

"Sorry." I said while feeling satisfied with myself.

"Are not." Thea said with a groan making me laugh softly.

"Not even a little." I answered back this time honestly as I closed my eyes to go to sleep while making a list of things to complete before going to be stranded on an island for five years.

"Emiko." I called out to her as I stepped into her office.

"Hey Theo." Emiko greeted me happily.

"Emiko, I'm handing the company over to you for the foreseeable future…I'm going on a cruise with Oliver and Robert aboard the Gambit." I told her hoping she'd try and stop.

Emiko froze, dropping the mug she'd been previously lifting up to take a sip out of.

"You can't." Emiko said firmly not paying any mind to the hot tea she'd spilt on her light blouse.

"Emiko, I know you have a bad relationship with Robert but he's trying to make things right between him and I, a reconciliation of sorts I…" I sympathized through my tone while trying to explain it away only for Emiko to use her ninja-like skills to flip over her desk and dig into my biceps.

"You can't go." Emiko reinforced, with her tightening grip and serious face.

"Why can't I? Emiko you're hurting me." I replied while putting on a fake hurt expression.

"I'm sorry but promise me you won't get on that ship please…it's dangerous." Emiko said with a fearful expression on her face as she gently caressed my biceps.

"Emiko…everything will be fine I promise." I replied as I put one of my hands over hers.

"Plus if anything happens I know you'll take good care of my legacy." I continued as I brought her knuckles up, planting a chaste kiss on them.

"You don't understand something will happen. Emiko pulled me by the hand over to her desk where a picture of the Gambit's cross section was shown with places where bombs were planted.

"There's a hit out on Robert…I was going to ignore this since I know there's no love lost between the two of you but…" Emiko confessed letting her voice trail off.

"Emiko…I already knew about this…I just want a chance at reconciling with Robert before he dies. I promise I'll be fine and if by some chance I don't make it back here…I'm serious there's no one better to leave my legacy to than you." I confessed with heartfelt emotions making Emiko's face fall when she realized she couldn't talk me out of going.

"Theo." Emiko said with a lot of unrestrained emotions in her voice.

"Just look out for yourself, and always keep your guard up. I don't trust the ninth circle and neither should you even if you are in charge of it." I told her as I gave her a hug feeling happy that she told me the truth about what was going to happen.

"I will." Emiko replied softly as she returned my hug tightly.

I was about to leave but paused in my steps. "Emiko you should also…nevermind I'll set something up to handle it." I said as I exited her office while going down to my secret secret lab below the secret weapons lab.

Looking at the cylindrical tanks all with clone bodies of myself and Thea in various stages of development as I kept walking on towards my robotics workshop entering the room looking over at my bodyguard ninja robot that looks very similar to the robots in I-robot.

Uploading the robot with various martial styles and putting the finishing touches on the targeting and weapons systems before sending it through the synth-flesh printer making it look completely human giving it the looks of an average easily forgettable caucasian male before dispatching it to protect Emiko's mother while giving it an untraceable card to cement his cover.

'This…is…my…gift, to you big sis a change of fate.' I thought to myself as I looked around my robotics lab while I pulled out my failure of a portal gun since it could only open planetary portals.


Just finishing up, I packed my brown leather courier bag with a few cubes I designed to hold things like a living enclosure that was fully stocked with food and had a contained space while inside the cube that kept perishables as fresh as the day they were stored inside.

Besides the living enclosure that kind of looked like a capsule Corp house there was a life raft one.

'Why didn't I just make them capsules instead of cubes?' I questioned myself while looking at the small sugar cube sized cubes.

'Ehh, I can always whip some up some other time.' I thought to myself as I also tucked away a couple 9 gauge plasma pistols and a sniper rifle that looked similar to the Halo Battle Rifle but shot rounds of compressed plasma.

'There, that should be enough stuff to carry on my person while my inventory also has a lot of shit packed away in it…though I could imagine Rick locking out my inventory so I don't become too reliant on it.' I thought to myself while I pulled up my status screen.

[Name: Theodore Queen

Class: Scientist

Health: 100%

Level: 10

[160/1600 RP required to level up ]

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Vitality: 10

Wisdom: 100

Intelligence: 1,000

Charm: 100

Stat Points: 0

Inventory: 25/100%

RP: 100,000]

'It's not too bad for 6 years, it's not like I really rely on it too much.' I thought to myself while sending a quick mental command to close the status screen.

Throwing my bag over my shoulder typing in the command for my lab to go into standby mode until I return the lights epicly turning off in time with my stride.

'Yup I'm a cool super genius supervillain…lol. So much fucking worn out cleshays going on right now.' I thought to myself as I entered the elevator taking me back up into my office.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" I asked in surprise as I noticed Moira wearing a white and cream colored outfit with her white skirt ending just above her knees while her cream colored blouse gave a healthy view of her cleavage tied in with an unbotten power suit jacket with her long blonde locks having a fresh perm.

Sitting at my desk one leg crossed over the other sipping from one of my crystal glasses that was filled with bourbon that I made in my free time.

"Can't a mother come visit her son at work?" Moira asked with a demure expression on her face as she uncrossed and spread her legs widely in front of me.

"You can…I just thought you had a meeting at Queen Consolidated you had to attend today while Robert was at the Gambit getting ready for when we leave this afternoon." I replied easily as I got down on my knees in front of her pushing up her skirt to reveal she wasn't wearing anything below.

"The meeting is at four pm…I wanted to spend some time with my man before he sets off for the sea." Moira pretended to sigh dramatically.

"Mmm, I went to visit you last night mommy but you weren't home." I said as I started planting kisses along her soft jade white skin of her just right thighs.

"Ohh-Mommy's sorry baby, a business partner called an emergency meeting I had to attend." Moira moaned while lying to me making my stomach turn.

"It's okay Thea…was very…hmm…insistent in pursuing me last night anyways." I replied as I gave her already drooling folds a tentative lick.

"Ohh baby I've needed this so much the past few day…mmm" Moira replied in a moan.

"And…yes I saw Thea walking around with a limp this morning. I'm a little jealous of her now." Moira continued speaking as I slipped a finger inside curling it slightly so I could hit one of her spots that was just at the entrance of her depths.

"Did anyone else notice Thea's condition?" I asked concernedly since everyone at the manor and broader knew I was the only boy Thea interacted with.

"Ohh ohh only Barta…but she…doesn't mind it or judge like you already know." Moira moaned as she started to shake her hips in time with my thrusting finger.

"Mmm." I hummed as I started licking and sucking on her clit making Moira let out prolonged moans as her cunt gushed under my ministrations.

It wasn't long before Moira was cumming on my face as she held my head tightly against her groin while clenching my head between her thighs.

"Uhh baby you're so good at licking mommy's pussy." Moira expressed hotly as she leaned forward kissing me and licking her juices off my face.

"Had a lotta practice." I replied with a smirk in between our tongue battles and induced kisses.

"I think mommy should return the favor." Moira said while pushing back against my shoulder signifying for me to move.

I stood up only for Moira to show a surprising display of strength as she pushed me into my leather office chair.

"Mommy had such a good boy, always thinking about and taking care of her needs." Moira said with a lascivious smile on her lips as she undid my belt before moving to the button undoing it and the fly before pulling off my pants.

"What is mommy gonna do while her baby boy is away?" Moira asked while she pulled my boxers down double fisting my already hard cock while putting her lips against the tip.

Taking me into her mouth working her hands in tandem with her other hand and mouth as she stroked, twisted and sucked me off with the ability rivaling that of a pornstar.

"Come on baby cum for mommy…cum right in mommy's mouth." Moira moaned as she released my cock from it's warm wet vaccumish prison before slurping it back into her mouth.

"Fuck mom I'm about to cum." I groaned out as Moira was egged on giving an even more intense performance.

(Shhlurp shhlurp shhlurp.) Moira made slurping sounds as she drank down my shots of cum.

"Uggghhh, fuck mom you fucking slut drink it all." I groaned as Moira managed to suck a couple more extra shots out of my cock.

Moira pulled off of my cock licking some remaining cum off of her lips while scooping up some that had run down her chin licking it up erotically.

"Mmm baby I love the way your cum tastes and how you always have such big loads for mommy." Moira confessed lewdly.

Smirking as I stood pulling my clothes back on.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Moira asked in shock at me not continuing like I usually would.

"Nothing, just have to do some packing." I replied while I quickly put my computer into lockdown, closing out access to my weapons lab and secret lab below it.

"Ohh…would you like to ride home with me?" Moira asked hidden intent obvious as she unbuttoned a few buttons on her blouse.

"No, my car's on the roof." I replied referring to my spaceship/flying car on the roof that looked extremely similar to Rick's car that gets blown up in season six of Rick and Morty but obviously more life-like.

"What do you mean your car?" Moira asked instantly, turning from sexy mode to mom mode.

"Uhh…I don't know…" I looked away while slowly maneuvering towards my private elevator.

"THEODORE MALCOM QUEEN WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT DRIVING YOURSELF AROUND." Moira spoke loudly in her mom voice as she started waving her hands around in the air.

"MOM." I replied back submissively, stretching the word out as Moira grabbed the top of my ear harshly pulling me into the elevator behind her.

As soon as we were on the roof the A.I. I created to operate the car, weapons and flight system activated.

"Sir, activating the hostage counter measure." Replied a translucent blue hologram of Sir Michael Caine created from my memories from when he played Alfred in the Christian Bale Batman movies.

"Stand down Alfred, she's a non-hostile." I quickly said making my A.I. Butler stood down and disengaged the car's countermeasures.

"Affirmative Mr.Queen, would madam like a refreshment?" Asked the English butler as it opened one of the drink dispensers I installed on the vehicle.

"You made that?" Moira asked in amazement.

"Well…yeah…it's kinda a work in progress so far Alfred is limited to flying, driving the car and mixing drinks." I replied to Moira who took the gin and tonic with a mint leaf garnish from the robotic arm.

"This is actual gin…young man have you been drinking?" Moira asked, her voice became very soft and low as she asked, making me sweat a little.

"Nope, I'm just trying to make some of the worlds best alcohol for my next business venture Trinity Distilleries." I quickly lied like a pro but the arched told me she didn't quite believe it.

"Why Trinity Distilleries and not Twindustries?" Moira asked curiously.

"Because it's for us siblings Olly, Thea and me you know a trinity of siblings." I replied while running my hand through my hair embarrassedly.

"Aww, that's so sweet sweetheart." Moira said as she hugged me tightly.

"Would you like to join the 10,000 mile high club?" I asked her as I slipped my hands up her skirt gripping her shapely ass.

"Ahh…Theo someone might see." Moira gasped as her free hand slipped to the back of my head, threading her fingers through my hair.

"Mmm mmm mahhmmphh." We kissed as we entered the ship.

"Take us up Alfred." I managed to get out before Moira shoved her tongue back down my throat as we took off going up into outer space.

"Of course Mr.Queen, would you like a condom sir?" Alfred asked while he opened the condom dispenser that was on the side of each seat.

But Moira was already sliding herself down my length when I hadn't even realized she'd gotten that far yet.

"Ahhh yeas." Moaned Moira as I bottomed out inside her.

… 4 hours later.

"I can't believe we just had sex in outer space." Moira confessed as we floated entwined with one another in the zero gravity environment.

"Yeah it was pretty awesome." I replied easily looking down at the earth that was even during the day time lit up like a Christmas tree.

"It's time to head back…departure time is in an hour." I said softly looking at the hud where the manual controls are stored away.

"Just a few more minutes." Moira pleaded in a way I'd never seen before.

"Okay…you know you can use this car any time you want to come up here." I said softly.

"Alfred, take us back to the Manor." I ordered the digital butler.

"Yes Sir." Alfred replied as the ship started to slowly slip through space.

Parking the car in the hanger on the Manor grounds while Moira called for her driver to drive me to the docks. Getting into the stretch limo I was surprised when I got hugged by Thea.

"Thank you for going to make good with Dad…even though you don't really want to." Thea said in a whisper as she snuggled into my neck but then she sniffed and pulled back.

"You were with mom again I thought…After we…you were going to stop." Thea said as she turned her back to me.

"Thea…I wouldn't be me if I turned my back on her would I?" I asked softly as Thea shook her head no.

"No…I'm just being dumb…" Thea replied putting herself down.

"You're not, I should have told you." I started to say but was cut off.

"You didn't have too, I can feel how much you love us…you're even willing to make things better with Dad to make me happy." Thea replied with a watery smile.

"Always anything for you Thea." I whispered as i cupped her chin rubbing her cheek with my thumb.

"(Giggle) you're so cheesy sometimes…you'd think being a genius you'd be better at these kinds of things." Thea teased with a smile on her lips as she leaned forward kissing mine which made me kiss her back within seconds our hands were going underneath each other clothes pawing and grouping just feeling each other.

We were both half undressed, our hair a mess as the limo pulled up where the ship was marred.

"Better not come out Thea it looks like we just got done fucking." I teased making Thea groan and put her hand over her snatch.

"Noo I'm still sore." Thea replied in opposition.

"Bye Thea…I love you." I whispered softly as I planted a kiss on Thea's forehead.

"Don't say bye…it feels wrong…say see you later. Love you more." Thea replied while pouting cutely.

" You're right see you later Thea, love you." I replied to her as I rubbed the top of her head like I do when she gets a headache or cramps.

"Love you too." I heard her reply softly as I shut the door of the limo.

Walking along the dock I was hugged from behind by a woman with a nice set of tits on her if the marshmallowy softness I felt pressed against me was any indication.

"Hey Theo." Sarah Lance greeted happily.

"Hi Sarah." I replied back easily.

'If there was any girl I crushed on in almost equal intensity to Laurel it'd be her younger sister Sarah.' I thought to myself while feeling jealous towards Olly for getting to bang both of them.

'Even if I thought her screwing her sister's boyfriend behind her back for years was detestable. I've wanted to tell Laurel so many times but just couldn't bring myself to hurt her like that.' I continued thinking to myself, noticing Olly running down the boarding ramp of the ship to greet his girlfriend's sister.

Only for another car to pull up.

"It's Laurel, quick hide Sarah." Olly said as Sarah quickly pulled me behind some large crates and lockers while putting a finger to her lips in a be quiet gesture over her shoulder even as her perky pear shaped ass pressed against my groin.

'Ugh, why do I need to be quiet? I'm the one that's supposed to be here.' I thought to myself as my still pubescent body still hyped up from my make out petting session with Thea reacted to Sarah's pressing against me.

I felt Sarah instinctually wiggle her butt against my hardening cock making me grip her hips tightly.

"Don't do that." I whispered in her ear softly making her flinch as if she hadn't even realized she'd been grinding her ass against me.

Having my hands on her hips I found myself starting to explore her body against my own better judgment and Sarah made no move to stop me from doing so.

I was groping her breasts when Olly and Laurel finally finished saying their goodbyes while Sarah had non stop grinded her ass against me covering her mouth with her hand to hide her moans.

"Come to my room tonight and I'll make you cum in ways Olly could only dream of doing." I whispered in Sarah's right ear letting go of her chest pulling my hands out from underneath her shirt and bra gently pushing her away from me while I walked the few steps to the ramp and boarded the ship only to be hugged by Robert which was surprisingly not as strange or foreign feeling as I thought it would be.

"I'm glad you actually came son…though I'm sorry to say with Olly bringing Sarah there's not a whole lot of Father, brother and son bonding going to be going on." Robert said, sounding genuinely regretful at the words he was speaking.

"It's alright Dad, I figured Olly would pull something like this you and I can spend some time together…that is if you still want to I can always call from a car to come back to get me if not…" I replied, feeling awkward because I was mostly doing this for my adorable Thea but I also wanted some reconciliation and closure between Robert and I before he dies on this trip.

"No stay, it can just be you and I…I even took your request for deep sea fishing seriously and had the staff buy all the equipment we'd need." Robert replied and confessed with a genuine smile on his face while his eyes took on a regretful look as he patted my shoulder with his hand.

"Thanks Dad, it sounds fun." I replied with a smile even though I wanted to push his hand off of me.

"I also hired some escorts if you want to have some fun with them." Robert tacked on as he started to move towards his office on the Gambit.

"There in the family area." He continued while waving over his shoulder lazily.

'This scumbag, how could he cheat on mom like this and so happily show it off to me.' I thought to myself ignoring my own hypocrisy or the fact that Thea and I are affair babies.

Moving to my room I layed down on the large bed making sure my courier bag was within easy reaching distance as I closed my eyes to get some sleep since I was pretty tired from mine and Moira's spacesex.

I was woken up some time later by a wet feeling on my lower body. That made me snap wide awake thinking I slept through the explosion but instead it was Sarah Lance bobbing her head up and down the length of my cock.

"Shouldn't you be doing this for your sister's boyfriend?" I asked somewhat irritatedly from the jump scare she'd given me.

Releasing my cock from her mouth with a pop. "Olly's asleep wore him out too much…thought I'd take you up on your offer…unless I missed my chance…" Sarah replied showing off her creamy colored cleavage contained by her white bra.

"Nah there's plenty of gas in the tank." I replied with a smirk as I fisted my hand in Sarah's long blonde hair and guided her lips back to my cock.

Once her lips made contact in a kiss I forced her head all the way down it making my cock hit the back of her throat making her gag and splutter on it. as I held her there for over a second before bringing her up enough to give her a chance at taking a gasping breath before doing it to her again and again until I was shooting a load down her throat and on her face.

"(Cough cough cough.) You're an asshole, your brother never treats me like that." Sarah protested with a hoarse voice.

Pulling Sarah up by her hair making her let out a startled cry while also digging my middle and index finger into her cunt through her panties.

"I bet Olly's never made you this fucking wet either has he you little sister's boyfriend fucking slut." I disparaged her as I rubbed her clit through her thin drenched panties that were once pure white but had become discolored now.

"Nooo." Sarah moaned as I slid her panties to the side so I could finger band her without the panties getting in the way while thumbing her clit. as she half laid on top of me moving my hand from her hair to her throat gripping the sides around the esophagus in pleasure grip instead of what inexperienced idiots do by pressing down on the esophagus.

"You're such a dirty little whore Sarah, I wonder what Olly would say if he knew you were so wet for his little bro." I whispered in Sarah's ear before biting her ear lobe.

"Ahh-ahh-do-n't tell him PWEASE I'll do haa haa anything you want." Moaned and panted Sarah through her restricted breathing.

"Anything hmm, make me cum inside that slutty little cunt of yours and I'll think about it." I told her just as I found another one of her g-spots along her fleshy tunnel making her fun from my fingers.

"AHHHH CUMMING." Sarah moaned as I released her throat.

"Haa haa haa how are you so good at this you're like twelve." Sarah panted as she lifted her hips to spear herself on my cock.

"Practice makes perfect." I replied with a snicker.

"Ohh God you're so big it's stretching me out." Moaned Sarah as she only had the tip and an inch worth of my genetically enhanced phallus within her.

I couldn't help but smirk proudly at her hot moan and words as it had taken me a few weeks to come up with a permanent enhancer that had all the positive effects of Mirakuru but without the side effects of constant hallucinations that made you want to murder everyone around you.

"Come on slut ride my cock or else I'ma fuck you silly until you can't even walk afterwards for a week." I told Sarah as I smacked her ass hard.

"Ye-yes treat me like a filthy slut I love it ahh you're so big you're breaking me." Moaned Sarah as she slammed herself all the way down my length, the head of my cock knocking against her cervix in greeting.

Ripping her bra off taking a nipple into my mouth as I played with both of her soft medium sized tits gently nibbling on each nipple sometimes pulling on them between my teeth which drove Sarah absolutely wild and had her cumming on my cock within 5-10 minutes of her mounting me.

Just as I was approaching my climax I felt the ship shudder and the sounds of metal against metal grabbing Sarah's ass and pulling her down as deep onto my cock as she could physically go before pumping her full of my hot cum.

Grabbing my portal gun that looked almost like a high tech squirt gun as Sarah's eyes were rolled back up into her head as her cunt was gushing as my own cum burst out around our connection.

Opening a portal to Olly's bedroom onboard the Gambit and pushing her through it as I sprayed the last few spurts of cum onto her tummy as a deluge of cum ran down her thighs as she disappeared through the portal.

Pulling up the pants and boxers that were around my ankles thanks to Sarah's administrations while pulling my shirt on over my head and my lab coat over that before putting my portal gun back in it's coat pocket holster and slinging my courier bag over my shoulder just as one of Robert's body guards burst through my bedroom door.

"We have to go Mr.Queen." The bodyguard whose name I didn't even know used his body to shield mine as we moved to the part of the ship that had a life raft in it.

Which turned out to be my lucky break as a supporting beam came down on him, pulverizing his left side and slamming us into the wall of the Gambit's corridor.

As he was coughing up blood he looked at me with pleading eyes that said don't abandon me please.

Feeling bad for the guy knowing even if I did get him off of the ship he'd end up dying within a few minutes anyways so I did what any humanitarian would do. I took out my nine gauge plasma pistols and shot him between his eyes putting him out of his misery and giving him a quick death.

"Thanks for taking that hit man…not that I wouldn't have survived it anyways but when I get home if you have a family I'll look after them." I said to the corpse of the man I'd just mercy killed while closing his eye lids so he could start his journey in the afterlife if you believe in that sort of thing that is.

As I heard water rushing up behind making me run as fast as I could in the right confines of the ship until I reached a sea facing wall putting one of my gadgets I'd invented that worked similar to the tech the vulture used in Homecoming but made a controlled phase area that allowed me to walk through but didn't actually cut a whole through the ships hull.

Through the hole in the hull I could see Olly's and Robert's life craft in the distance.

'Fucking dickhead leaving me for dead and only going after your heir. And here I actually wanted to make our relationship better between us.' I thought to myself as I pressed the button on my cube that would turn it into a life raft.

A song playing in my head called Mona Lisa and it was hitting the lyrics "can't trust a bitch".

I looked around as I was on my life raft and saw Sarah struggling to get onto a piece of wreckage before lying on her back and falling asleep.

"Should I save her…or will it mess up the canon storyline too much?" I asked myself while the thought of having a personal sex pet on the island made me want to say fuck the storyline.

I saw a notification on my hub saying I got a thousand points for being prepared for any situation and an impressive display of using gadgets.

'Didn't really think it was all that impressive.' I thought to myself but was happy to receive points anyways.

Piloting my little life raft over I pulled Sarah in with me who was shivering cold making me take off my lab coat and cover her in it since it had thermal properties that kept you comfortably warm even in the cold vacuum of space and cool when standing inside a volcano.

'Man Rick really pulled out all the stops for my clothes when he made them.' I thought to myself as I followed Olly's tacker.

'Why am I going through all of this again when I could just open up a portal to Starling city and be cuddled in Thea and Moira's arms again?' I asked myself while looking down at Sara who was still sleeping soundly even with the hard seas we were on.

'Right because I wanted to train with Slade, bang Shadow and keep an eye on Olly.' I thought to myself was the real reason why I didn't just open a portal back home and not an island that had so many mysteries hidden on from a spiritual retreat for the league of assassins to an ancient idol that granted superpower to magical herbs that seemed to cure anything from fatal wounds to drug overdoses and even diseases.

Not to mention it being a pivotal location in various stages of Oliver's and other future heros lives and for fuck sakes the world's.

If someone were to ask me why I'd want to go there I could easily ask them why they wouldn't since Liam Yu held a bounty of things that I wanted to get my hands on to study.

Looking back down at Sara I couldn't help but feel like I was doing her a disservice by intervening here the chances of her joining the league and then later Oliver and then the Legends became slim to none.

I noticed her eyelids start to flutter while looking at her. "Ahhh." Sarah screamed as she sat up in the raft.

"It wasn't a dream. Calm down Sara, I saved you. everything will be alright." I comforted and calmed Sarah down who clung tightly to me, my lab coat falling off of her, the robe she was wearing falling down to her lower back while her bra was gone so her bare breasts were crushing up against my chest making me want to do an encore of our duet aboard the Gambit.

"Thank you thank you thank you for saving me I was so scared you're my hero." Sara thanked while proclaiming before kissing my lips with a fiery passion.

"You're welcome Sara." I replied with an easy smile, even if I did fuck up the timeline beyond recognition seeing Sara's tear streaked face and look of absolute and utter devotion made it absolutely worth it.

And I'm sure if she's that important the time masters will do something to correct the time stream.

'Though then again maybe in this timeline since I exist Sara was never meant to become an assassin, the white Canary or the black canary.' I idly thought to myself as I felt Sara freeing my cock from my pants and worshiping it like I was her god.

'Not gonna complain and they do say everyone copes with these types of things differently. If my cock is her coping mechanism she can use it as much as she wants.' I thought to myself as I enjoyed Sara's exuberant oral ministrations.

We were lost at sea for almost two weeks and during those two weeks Sara did everything she physically could to show how grateful she was to me and how devoted she was.

When Olly landed on the island I moved us away from him since I didn't want to interfere with his origins too much and went to find the Mirakuru submarine.

Which I would repair and use as home base for the foreseeable future. I also wanted to see how close I was to the actual Mirakuru and if my own serum could be improved by it before I injected Thea with it.

"Why don't you want to see Olly?" Sara asked as she removed her mouth from her favorite drink dispenser that was my cock.

"Olly has his own path to follow, why do you want to run back to Olly? who let you die and didn't even give it a second thought when he could have turned around to save you?" I asked a bit of disdain towards her working its way into my voice.

"N-no I love you and only want to be with you…I just thought you'd want to be with your big brother since you're both so close to one another." Sara said timidly as she slid her threadbare panties off of her thighs and slid herself down my cock while offering up her breasts to me knowing how much I love sucking on them.

Using one of my many private and secret satellites. Quickly finding the old Japanese submarine that was literally just out in the open and only hidden by high tide. Why Ivo struggled to find it I didn't understand and had to chalk it up to plot.

"This will be our home for awhile Sara." I said gesturing to the sub as Sara reluctantly got off my cock only for a large amount of my seed to run down her thighs which had become a common occurrence over the past two weeks making me glad I gave myself a special chemical formula that makes my cum impotent but didn't effect load size or penis effectiveness.

'Right I should sell my cures to various stds when I return home.' I thought to myself while watching how Sara looked flabbergasted at the fact a submarine was going to be her home.

"Can't we just sail back to Starling city inside that thing?" Sara inquired inquisitively.

"We could…but I wouldn't exactly trust a seventy year old submarine that hasn't been maintained, to travel the few thousand miles it would need to to get us home at least until I'm done working on it." I replied while grabbing out a bag of banana chips.