In Arrow with a Rick & Morty System PT2


"This thing is pretty dirty." Sara said as she ran her finger across the wall bringing it back black.

"It is, which is surprising since it should have been sealed all this time." I replied honestly as I pulled out my nine just in case and moved Thea behind me.

"Is something wrong Theo?" Sara asked as she gripped the back of my lab coat tightly and it really hit me this wasn't the bad ass sexpot assassin from the show but a scared teenager who'd just gone through a traumatic event.

"It's probably nothing, just stay close and if anything happens run to the boat." I told her softly as we moved through the submarine clearing it.

'Guess I overreacted for nothing.' I mentally sighed as I moved to put my nine away.

"Hey look there's a bunch of notes here but they are written in mandarin and I only learned simplified. I should be able to translate most of it for you if you want me too." Sara said while gently handling the yellowed papers while looking at me with an expression that begged to be able to please me in any way possible.

Smiling back at her running my fingers through her seen better days long blonde locks. "Thank you…Sara…that'd be a good way to help." I told her before leaning in for a kiss which Sara enthusiastically returned.

Pulling out of the kiss I noticed a very happy smile on Sara's lips as she seemed to be swaying her hips to a song only she could hear.

Coming up behind her pressing myself against her soft butt putting my hands on her hips swayed with her while kissing on her neck.

"If we don't get you some clothes soon, I'll never be able to concentrate on repairing this thing and getting us home." I whispered as my hands slid up her body cupping the underside of her breasts.

"Mmm-ahhhnn-I don't think I'd mind being stuck here alone with you forever." Sara confessed as she wiggled her ass against me.

"Those are dangerous words, little lady." I joked teasingly.

"Translate as much of these documents as you can…and type out what you come up with on this." I said to her as I set down a device similar to the Samsung note series phone but was a satellite phone in front of her, giving her nipples a quick pinch before walking off.

'No fair, you tease.' Sara thought to herself as she pouted while starting to translate the documents as best as she could.

Smirking to myself as I walked away. 'Can't let her get her way with my cock whenever she wants she'll start thinking she's in control.' I thought to myself even as I had to adjust my pants since they'd become a bit too tight in the groin area.

Starting my inspection of the submarine and its drive systems, I found four massive diesel engines that had two of them in the rear of the ship almost completely submerged in water.

"Well this will be fun." I said to myself as I rubbed my forehead pulling my multi tool out of my courier bag.

'Thank you Star Wars for inspiring me to invent this.' I sent a mental thank you to Star Wars and it's creators for inspiring me to make one mechanical tool to rule them all.

My tool included a torch cutter/welder, an electric spanner with an adjustable socket head that could fit bolt heads from .5mm to 250mm hexagonal bolt heads. while also including multiple driver bits in various sizes and could relatively fit in my hand comfortably all powered by a quantinium treated quartz crystal that could power a small city for a year.

Repurposing some fuel lines making a small motor and vacuum pump that should be able to clear out the gallons of water that had leaked inside the submarine.

Running the tubbing up through the loading hatch furthest from the engines to make the waters trip smoother and increase water pressure.

Lifting up the grated flooring panels revealed a crack or rather a gouge in the hall of the ship cutting off a thin strip of the grate pressing it against the wound in the ship I could see I welded it on.

Patching up a few inches at a time until all the water was evacuated and the gouge was repaired.

'People can shit on Chinese and Japanese metal but damn this is some high quality steel to last this long without rusting to dust.' I thought to myself while setting to work dismantling the two formerly submerged powerhouses.

"Yup, just as I thought these things are just big hunks of scrap metal at this point piston sleeves are completely rotted out along with the crank and piston bearings from the fuel and the sea water mixing together causing a chemical reaction." I said out loud to the engines and was surprised when Sara spoke up.

"You look so sexy like that, all sciencey and dirty with grease and oil." Sara said as she licked her lips hungrily.

"Thanks you look pretty sexy looking like that too." I replied pointing at her partially naked form. Making her put on a saucy smirk.

"Why don't you take a little break and show me how sexy I am…" Sara replied letting her robe slip off of her shoulders revealing that she finally ditched her worn out panties.

"I think I can do that." I replied as I stalked forward removing all but my shoes and socks as I did so pushing Sara up against the wall gripping her right ass cheek hard while my other hand came up behind her neck.

Moving my one hand down from her ass to the back of her thigh just below her ass raising her leg up which she happily wrapped around my ass moaning wantonly as I sheathed myself inside her warm sopping wet tight core.

"Ahhh yeashhh I love you Theo I always should have picked you." Moaned Sara as she gripped the back of my head initiating a passionate kiss as I started pounding her against the wall of the ship.

'What does she mean by that? She couldn't have been interested in me before that time in the ship could she have been?' I asked myself while moving the hand that was on the back of Sara's neck to her ass gripping her ass and thigh tightly holding nothing back pounding Sara's pussy as hard and fast as possible only slowing down when I filled her full of hot cum but still picking up right after at the same intense pace.

Laying down on a bunk with Sara on top of me in my arms, her semi-lucid kissing my chest lovingly as I ran my one hand along her back while the other combed her hair.

"I'm really happy I decided to take you up on your offer that night…" Sara said letting her voice trail off like she knew deep down that if we hadn't fucked that night there was a high chance I'd have left her there to die.

"Me too…I've always had a crush on you that was just as big as the one I had on Laurel…you know there were times I contemplated showing Laurel you're and Olly's affair and swooping in to be her hero." I replied while finally confessing something like that to someone other than Thea who I suddenly felt became depressed and scared all at once. I sent her reassuring feelings of love and warmth through our bond and felt a wealth spring of relief and happiness come back through it to me causing me to smile happily.

"Are you doing that twin thing with Thea? Oliver is so jealous of that and complains about it all the time." Sara said with an unsure smile on her lips.

"Yes, and Olly knows about it?" I replied and questioned curiously.

"Ohh yeah, he was wondering why you and Thea always seemed to know what the other was thinking and feeling…I don't think I've ever seen him read as much in his life as he did when he was trying to find out why." Sara replied with an amused tone of voice.

"He even roped Laurel into his research into it. And I had to hear about it from her." Sara continued talking about it.

"Sara, you should know if you plan on keeping this going once we get back home…I have." I started to tell Sara that I had other lovers back home.

"I know…I wasn't going to say anything but I saw you with Thea.." Sara replied while kissing my cheek.

"And you're." I said leaving it hanging in the air.

"Fine with it yeah…I mean it is a little weird but your twins right and you have that bond thing…it'd kinda be even weirder if you guys weren't like that with each other…plus Thea is gorgeous and you're hot living together like that if you were my twin brother, I'd want a taste too." Sara confessed naughtily as she started stroking my already hardening cock from her comment.

"I think you've already had more than a taste." I said while smirking as I rolled us over putting Sara on her back.

"And I hope I can keep tasting it forever." Sara replied in a hot sigh as I slowly slid myself back into her.

"I'm not letting you go…even death won't keep us apart." I told her and then realized my statement could be misunderstood and taken as necrophilia when really I just meant I'd project Phoenix her phenomenal ass.

"(Cough cough) you need to work on your sweet talk a little." Sara fake coughed while mining something small between her index and thumb.

"Really…I-guess-that-means-I-should-take-this-elsewhere." I replied pulling my cock out of her and moving like I was going to get out of bed.

"Nooo I didn't mean it, come back." Sara cried out desperately.

"Hmm, maybe if you apologize." I replied teasingly as I rubbed the head of my cock against her needy folds.

"Ohh I'm sorry I'm sorry please fuck me baby." Sara moaningly apologized.

"I guess that's a good enough apology for now." I replied, giving her what she wanted more of.

… The morning after.

Sara was still asleep on the bunk and I took the opportunity to read what she'd managed to translate. The first notes looked like a journal of a top researcher.

The outsider named Darkh brought more of the water from Lazarus. We've been able to extend the effects of the water permanently at a slightly lesser degree.

If Darkh is to be taken at his word the spring of this water can return the dead to life but only temporarily increase their physical abilities.

I need more samples to make a better weapon against this war and future ones for the greatness of the empire. The crazy dogs that were injected with the earlier experiments have been put down due to hallucinations.

More tests needed: the commander has granted me a submarine and a small force or troops and research assistants to investigate a lead given to us by the outsider about a possible spring of Lazarus on what is known as Purgatory.

Our search has not been in vain. We have located a small cove of herbs and spices that have similar effects as water Lazarus and my Mirakuru.

'Sara even wrote down the coordinates for me…she's such a good girl.' I thought to myself with a smile on my face.

'I'll have to reward her thoroughly for it, even if I could have just scanned them and had them instantly translated.' I thought to myself as I grabbed my courier bag after putting my clothes on exiting the sub combing the area finding the herb garden along with the remains of a castle or monastery.

Taking out my micro-variable-scope shaped like a baseball pressing the top button dropping it on the ground as blue light flashed outwards from it and a 3-D map of the lower structure was shown through a holo-projection made by said smartwatch.

'There's a tunnel system down there at least fifty meter deep some of it natural some of it man made and then there's a large chamber here…

my scope can't reach any deeper than this for now not without shooting a probe down deeper into the dirt not too sure that's a great idea at this time.' I thought to myself as I looked for an entrance or an airduckt I could send some mini drones through to explore the tunnels.

"Found it." I exclamaimed happily as I pulled out my canister of fire fly drones from one of my portal cultured lab coat pockets setting the American football sized canister on the ground rotating the hand 180° degrees to the right while activating the drones through the watch and programming them to explore the tunnel systems and caves.

"Hahaha it's here there's a Lazarus pit here Hahaha. Ahh this opens up some new possibilities that don't require me to put in as much effort as I would have had to, to invent something." I said out loud.

'Now let's find a good place to put my house.' I thought to myself while looking around to find a decent enough place finding a good alcove with natural camouflage and good defensibility taking out my cube clicking the button on top before throwing it into the open area or clearing.

'I now have my island retreat.' I joked to myself as I stepped inside of the one story dome shaped house that had three additional dome shapes attached to it. One being an armory another a self-sustaining hydroponics/fish farm and the last one being a mix of emergency lab slash medbay.

The house was built with only two people in mind and that those people would be in an intimate relationship so there was only one large bed and a large full bathroom with a second half bath.

A decent sized living area with entertainment console, a large enough couch for cuddling for two. A fully functional kitchen with all the standard amenities. Along with the food resources to support two healthy appetite adults for six months while the farm would offer a fresh food option.

To think I started all of this when Thea wanted to run away from home together just the two of us a couple of years ago of course she changed her mind after Robert bought her a pony and a horse stable with staff.

Moira was beside herself in grief, fear and pain if she'd had known what Malcolm had planned to do she never would have told him about Robert's impending betrayal of their groups plans.

Even though their relationship wasn't great and Robert was seeking lovers that weren't her while she was getting love and attention from her son and God, sometimes she couldn't believe how depraved of a mother she could be.

But one thing was for sure no man had ever loved her with the all consuming passion, unconditional love and loyalty that her son gave her none left her feeling full, satisfied and complete like he does…did.

Moira started to weep in her bed again like she'd done almost every waking minute since finding out the Gambit went down and then her dive team told her there were signs of an explosion inside the engine room and two other structural points.

When she broke the news to her precious daughter before the news or the cruel girls of her boarding school could she watched as Thea shattered.

It didn't surprise her very much finding out your father, your brother's, your twin brother the love of your life died was going to break almost anyone.

And God did she know she should be comforting Thea. Losing your first love to a break up was hard enough but him dying along with your favorite parent and older siblings.

Moira knew she was a failure of a mother but she also wasn't just grieving the loss of a husband and two sons she was grieving over the loss of a lover like no other as well.

Moira was shocked when her bedroom door slammed open catching only a shock of brown hair as she received the rib cracking rocket that was her daughter Thea.

"He's alive mommy Theo's alive I can feel it we have to find him." Thea said looking up from her mother's chest into her eye with her own tear filled ones that were blazing with a fiery passion.

A part of Moira wanted to deny it and call it a desperate broken girl's cry for help. She knew about the connection between Thea and Theo; she'd been jealous of it since she realized it existed.

To ignore this would be like sending her son off to die with a smile for a second time.

"Can you sense his direction?" Moira asked, trying not to let the excitement and happiness start to take root in her heart at the thought of being reunited with her son. She never asked about how powerful their connection was but the twins almost always had an instinctive way of finding each other.

"I can feel him…but something is blocking me from feeling where he is…it was why when you told me all and with all I felt was that blockage I thought he was gone…but then he sent so many feelings to me through our bond I know he's alive." Thea replied looking down embarrassedly not wanting to reveal she could also feel the pleasure and lust her brother was feeling towards someone he was with.

"Does Theo have any type of contingency in place for finding him if he's lost?' Moira asked, her heart soaring that at least one of her missing son's could be confirmed alive by her daughter.

"Well…" Thea replied, letting it trail off.

"Thea tell me, this is important." Moira replied, grabbing her daughter's shoulders in a firm grip.

"Hehadtwackerssubderminalyimpwantedintoeveryfamilymemberthattrackvitalsamdlocations." Thea said so fastly anyone else would have heard a jumbled mess of gibberish.

But Moira understood how could she not? She was their mother and a part of her wanted to find her son and spank his ass red for putting a tracking device inside her body without her permission.

She knew she'd rather be the one getting spanked by his strong hands and held in his loving arms resting her head against his strong chest so she could hear his strong steady heartbeat.

"Where can we access the tracking devices from?" Moira all but begged Thea with a look in her eyes that bellied a fall into madness.

"I don't know…he has his password to the system set to change every twelve hours…especially after I went onto his system and covered everything in pictures of kitty cats and horses…" Thea replied while blushing wishing now that she hadn't been so stupid with the freedom her brother gave her with his stuff.

Moira could only sigh deeply, leave it to Thea to drive her brother crazy enough to make it so no one but he himself could use his computer.

"Then he's still lost to us." Moira finally voiced out loud the excitement and happiness she'd been feeling mere seconds ago turning back into depression.

"His Asian slut might know how to access the trackers." Thea suddenly said in a mix of butter excitement and a touch of venom in her voice.

"His Asian slut?" Moira asked before the mental image of one of Robert's affair children came to her and she remembered the fight she had with both Robert and Theo over Emiko Adachi.

"Yeah that bitch who runs the day to day of his company." Thea spat venomously, and god how it made Moira just want to pinch her daughter's cheeks at how obviously jealous.

Thea was over the relationship between Theo and his employee since Moira didn't count her as any of her children's siblings.

"Well then I believe it's time we visit Twindustries." Moira said with a smile that wasn't quite a smile on her face as she was showing all her teeth.

…1 hour later Twindustries main headquarters Starling city.

"Like I told you already I don't know how to access that system he never shared it with me. Ha and I quote this word for word

"Only I can know all of my family members' statuses and locations at any time…you're also my family big sis."

Before he showed me I had a tracker too and I don't even know when or how he put it in me." Emiko shouted back at Thea and Moira Queen doing her best to bite down the urge to pull out her knife and slit their pretty little throats.

"Then how do we find him?" Thea looked at Emiko pleadingly and that made Emiko's hatred towards them ebb just a little.

"Maybe the A.I. butler he was working on can track him…I can't…I also don't know where the A.I. is since he put the drive it was on inside his flying car." Emiko replied to Thea ignoring Moira to the best of her ability.

"Thank you Emiko." Thea replied before hugging her older sister that she didn't know was her sister and just thought her brother was being silly when he called Emiko big sis.

Emiko was not happy with the hug at all the only one she liked receiving hugs from besides her mother was Theo but she reluctantly returned before quickly pushing the Queen brat away from herself.

"Now if you don't mind I have a company to run." Emiko said coldly while motioning to the door.

"Thank you for your help Miss.Adichi." Moira replied as she got up from the chair she'd been sitting in looking as regal as a queen as she left the office.

Thea looked between her mother and Emiko for a second before giving Emiko a smile and following after her mother.

'I am going to train you so hard for putting me through this Theo.' Emiko thought as she pushed a button on her desk revealing a photo of her and Theo naked in bed within her office apartment after she gave her first time to him.

Her hand gently caressing the picture frame before bringing her hand back to her lips kissing her fingers before pressing it to the photo.

… Back on the Island with Theo.

I was carrying Sara to our little love nest when I felt a chill run down my spine and it felt like a hungry predator was stalking me from behind.

Scanning my surroundings I saw nothing that would give that feeling any justification so I shook it off as finally feeling the shock of my situation and how I got here.

As soon as I went to set Sara down on the medical cot in the emergency lab/Medbay she woke up and looked around stupefied.

"Where are we?" She finally asked, her voice sounding far away.

"We're in my emergency domicile, like it?" I asked her, receiving a stupified nod in return.

"It's nice…did you really bring this with you on the yacht?" Sara replied before asking.

"Mmmhmm, I always plan ahead in case of an emergency." I replied easily.

"Wow, you really are amazing…I mean I already knew that but to be able to carry a house around." Sara started to gush over me and how awesome I am.

"In my pocket." I added so she understood just how awesome I really am.

"You carried a house around in your pocket…why did we have to sleep in the dirty submarine if you had this place?" Sara replied genuinely curious without any confrontation in her voice.

"I had to find a place big enough and with some natural security before placing this thing. She's a one time use girl…I mean this house could probably last a hundred years or more but the carrying method or only a one time use." I replied to Sara while planning on improving my initial design so I could pick this place back up and take it with me wherever I go.

'Or I could just make my own microverse house like the lab grandpa Rick made for me as a baby.' I thought to myself while looking at the equipment I had on hand and saw I could easily modify a few things to make my own microverse.

"I think Thea's clothes should fit you. There's some inside the bedroom closet you'll have to go without a bra though Thea's tits are like a cup and a half smaller than yours." I told Sara while giving her breasts a quick squeeze making her moan softly.

"Are you sure you want me to get dressed?" Sara asked while pushing her breasts into my face.

Kissing them before nipping on her nipples and pulling away from her.

"Yes I'm going to go work on the submarine…and then go spelunking in an ancient cave system where a well of water with the ability to bring the dead back to life resides." I told Sara honestly.

"If you didn't want to have sex with me you could have just said so." Sara replied while pouting as she got off the cot and went into the main house.

'That was a bit out of character for her…I wonder if without being my living pocket pussy she feels worthless?' I wondered to myself as I thought about having one of my robots train her in combat and various weaponries so she could be my sexy bodyguard like how Lex Luther has Mercy.

'I'll have to run it by her but I think she'd be all too happy to accept it. Not only would it cement her place in my life but it would also give her purpose beyond making me cum. Which I'm sure she'll even come to appreciate after some time after all who solely wants to be desired for sex.' I thought to myself as I entered the bedroom and then the bathroom where Sara was showering.

'She sure did find her way around easy enough.' I thought to myself as I took off my clothes before entering the shower and started washing her back for her.

"Mmm." Sara sighed happily at the feeling of my hands roaming and rubbing the soap all over her back down her perfect butt down her long legs.

"Sara…I was wondering if you'd be interested in training to become my bodyguard?" I asked Sara as I stood up from the kneeling position I was in while scrubbing her feet clean of dirt and mud.

"M-me a bodyguard…I mean sure dad taught me to shoot and made me take self defense classes but…" Sara replied while trailing off both sounding like she wanted to hurriedly agree but was stopping herself so she could explain her lack of confidence in being one.

"Don't worry babe I have ways of making you the ultimate sexy bodyguard in the world." I whispered in Sara's ear as I started hotdoging her ass with my hard cock.

"Yes…I'll do it, I want to be by your side forever." Sara moaned as she spun around pressing her suds covered front against my chest as she kissed me pushing her tongue into my mouth.

Exiting the kiss I looked at her flushed panting appearance with the wet hair the beads of water running down her creamy smooth skin.

"Good…I want you by my side forever too…Sara" I replied before kissing her and pressing her up against the wall where we made slow love filled sex that ended up with us in bed soaking wet making love then fucking like animals before making soft slow love to each other again and again completely losing ourselves in each other.

"So when do I start my training?" Sara asked as she slid herself down my body underneath the blanket before giving my cock a couple quick strokes before licking and taking it into her mouth.

"As soon as you get me off that amazing mouth of yours." I replied with a groan since Sara's oral skills had reached a level where she could compete with Moira's.

"Ughhh fuck you little slut get ready here comes your breakfast Urrggghhh." I groaned out as Sara made me cum with her mouth like a pro. I could hear her gulping down my fluid while her mouth eagerly sucked my balls dry while trying to at least.

After a quicky in the shower I put the finishing touches on the sentry robot turned training robot for Sara before making a VR full dive game.

That would force Sara to get what would seem like real world practice in protecting me with failures being rewarded with watching me die in very graphic ways to motivate her to be the best there ever was.

"Whatcha working on?" Sara asked as she brought me a mug of coffee while hugging me from behind.

"Making a virtual reality simulator for you to hone the skills the bot over there will teach you…though I have to warn you once you're in there you'll forget it's a simulation and everything will feel very real to you." I told Sara while my fingers blazed across the keyboard writing various algorithms and matrices.

"If it makes me able to protect you and us I'm okay with it." Sara replied with a slight edge of trepidation in her voice.

"I thought so that's why I'm making this in the first place." I replied while taking the mug from her.

"Mmm, honey and milk…my favorite, how did you know?" I asked Sara since I know I never shared that with her.

"Ialwayshadalittkecrushonyousoidasklaurelthethingsthatyoulike." Sara replied rapid fire but I understood what she was saying.

"You always had a crush on me?" I asked disbelievingly, making Sara nod against my back.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you're so smart and so successful but you're not a jerk or self-entitled like all the other rich kids and unlike them you're self made." Sara replied and I could hear the truth in her words but some of them sounded like they were somebody else's and if I had to guess who they were Quinten's words.

"Do you have a poster of me above your bed?" I asked in a joking manner.

"No…it'd be too embarrassing to have a poster of such a younger boy above my head. I keep a couple pictures of you in my diary." Sara replied and her blushing was so strong I could feel it through my lab coat and shirt.

"It's not too embarrassing having said younger boy ravish you whenever he wants?" I questioned in a teasing manner.

"When you say it like that." Sara replied while trailing off.

"Wish I found out sooner…I would have hit Olly with an impotency dart." I replied with a laugh.

"A what?" Sara asked curiously.

"I made a formula that makes it impossible for men to get hard no matter how much stimuli they experience…I used it on the principle at my old school that was eyeing up my mommy too much." I replied realizing I'd slipped up and said mommy out of habit.

"Aww, your mommy." Sara swooned at my use of the word mommy.

"Humph, tease me, see if I let you have any more of my cock for the rest of the week." I replied in my own teasing way.

"It's so worth it to hear you say mommy…my big brainy science bad boy is actually a mama's boy it's soo cute." Sara replied teasingly.

'Where did this bravery come from little girl you have no idea of the beast you are poking and if anything mommy is a son-con.' I thought to myself while changing the difficulty setting from variable to nightmare hell mode on both the training bot and the simulator.

'Humph, see if you tease me again after this Sara Lance.' I thought to myself spitefully.

"Thank you…for giving me a purpose." Sara said softly, sounding so honest and heartfelt it made me slightly regretful in my spiteful antics.

"You're welcome Sara, now get out of here so I can get to work." I replied, giving her a shoeing motion along with her training robot.

It wasn't even an hour later when a bloodied exhausted Sara was carried in by the robot.

"How was her performance sentry 123?" I asked the robot.

"Unsatisfactory." It replied mechanically in a voice of whirs and beeps.

"Take the training program down to beginner with various levels of increased difficulty throughout once she performs in what your program designates as satisfactory, increase base difficulty and vary intensity throughout training so she never becomes too compliant in her training." I commanded the robot.

"Confirmed." It replied mechanically in a voice of whirs and beeps.

Whipping up a healing tea using the Lazarus pit water grown plants while testing it to make sure there were no adverse effects before I slowly made her drink the entire cup.

Watching the almost instantaneous effects of the healing tea quickly taking blood samples watching the effects of it in real time.

"So it promotes rapid cellular regeneration but has a very short half life…I should have known that already…though…hmm this is interesting it looks like microbial life forms within the plants that don't belong there maybe something from the Lazarus pit water or maybe a mutation caused by it?" I voiced out loud, as I ran tests on the life forms and through simulations found that unless the life forms were eliminated.

They would attach themselves to the brain stem causing hallucinations and increased aggression in all subjects tested through simulators though in all tested subjects the life forms would die within 12-48 hours since the endocrine systems didn't produce enough Phenylethylamine and growth hormones to sustain them for prolonged periods of time.

The only exception for this is humans since the human body and the microbial life forms developed a parasitic bond.

'To think these little life forms can essentially resurrect the dead…hang on a minute these things aren't carbon based there also extraterrestrial in origin. It can't be there's no fucking way right?' I thought to myself at the almost insane idea that these creatures were brought to earth in the meteorites that led to the extinction of dinosaurs and the Lazarus Pits are nothing more than craters and underground aqueducts that are connected.

'This is a DC universe that would be the least insane thing that takes place here.' I thought to myself as I enjoyed Sara with a formula I made with the data collected through the models and simulations.

"There, that should keep my girl my girl." I said out loud softly as I placed a kiss on Sara's forehead before tucking her into a blanket.

Sara woke up feeling not great but better than she should have given her arm should be in a cast along with her leg but she was just sore.

"What's that?" Sara found herself asking Theo as she saw him tinkering with what looked like a high tech water gun with red liquid inside of it.

"It's my portal gun…it's not finished yet I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong…sigh." Theo replied to her while looking so depressed and she'd seen herself making that look before it was a look she made when she saw how disappointed her father was in her.

'It's probably something really simple he's overlooking…' Sara thought to herself as a delirious memory of being pushed through a swirling red portal flashed in her mind.

"Hey did you use that thing on me when we were on the Yacht?" Sara found herself asking.

"Yea…I thought someone was coming to the room and didn't think you'd want to get caught screwing around with me so I sent you back to Olly's room…if I knew the Gambit was going down I would have kept you with me so I could have kept you safe." Theo replied and it made my heart soar at how considerate he could be towards others.

"So tell me what's wrong with your portal gun it seems like it works fine to me." Sara found herself saying to Theo genuinely curious to hear him talk about his sciencey stuff.

"Well you see it's supposed to allow me to open portals to other dimensions, worlds, even universes…but so far I've only been able to open portals on this planet only." I sighed as I frustratedly set my portal gun down on my workbench.

"Umm…maybe you need the coordinates like a gps." Sara replied unsurely, making me palm smack my forehead at my own stupidity since tuning into other dimensions, world and universes should be much simpler than opening a portal all I have to do is find the right…

"Frequency…I have to find the frequency or the signature of the place I want to go to." I said out loud as I opened a portal next Sara and one next to myself putting my head through kissing her on the cheek before pulling my head back through and closing them.

"You're a genius Sara." I said to her in my excitement before I grabbed out a large quartz crystal and an old cb radio creating a multi-dimensional scanner.

Hundreds of new frequencies or locations started being uploaded into my portal guns memory banks.

"Sara I mean it you are fucking brilliant." I said as I walked over sweeping her off the cot and into my arms spinning around with her in my arms making her giggle.

"I'm not but thank you." Sara replied with a big happy smile on her face as she gave me a sweet kiss.

"Hey umm couldn't you just open a portal home for us?" Sara suddenly asked while she had her arms wrapped around the back of my neck and her legs around my waist.

"I could, but…it'd raise a lot of uncomfortable questions and would lead to me probably becoming a slave to the American government or an assassination target for all other nations…" I replied honestly and an angry yet fearful look made it onto Sara's face.

"I understand the portal gun has to be kept secret." Sara nodded her head with a serious look on her face.

"It does thank you…for being so understanding Sara."I replied softly before kissing her lips with a quick peck on the lips.

"Of course." Sara replied like her understanding should be the most sure thing in the world.

Smacking her butt making her drop her legs from around my waist. "It's time for your training session lover." I told her while rubbing the butt I'd just smacked.

"What kind of training…Mama's boy?" Sara teased with a dirty smile as she rubbed my cock through my pants with her right hand as her left was still around the back of my neck.

"Hahaha, down girl. You got bodyguard training to do if you do a good job I'll reward…you." I laughed before moving towards her ear and talking softly while giving her ass a few playful slaps and squeezes.

"(Mou) meany you're no fun." Sara joked teasingly as she gave me a kiss before meeting the training droid outside.


"Time to test her out." I said aloud as I picked up my portal gun, opening a portal only for tentacles to come out and try wrapping around me to pull me in.

"Nope." I said as I quickly closed the portal after shooting some of the tentacles that got too close.

'Naming that place hentai tentacle portal.' I thought to myself as I typed in the name and new ID number for the dimension.

Opening another portal having a robot walk into only to watch as it looked like it was thrown into a blender.

'Okay, I got a blender dimension…let's see what else is next…' I thought to myself as I continuously opened and portals sent through a robot tested the atmosphere and environment while making ID tags for each dimension and naming them even coming across places like Earth 2 and many many more like the one that would become the young justice dimension or Earth 16.

I wasn't limited to DC either, there were other CW worlds and many many more some I couldn't even make a media connection with.

'I think I'll stay here for a bit longer at least in this world…maybe it would have been better to be reborn as an orphan…I wouldn't feel so tied to this world.' I thought to myself as images of Thea, Moira, Emiko, Sara and Oliver played throughout my mind.

'And did I really let something so simple pass by me or did I unconsciously hold myself back because of my connections to people here.' I thought to myself as I sat on the stool in front of my work bench as I started printing the frame for a second portal gun on my 3-D printer.

"Hahahahahahaha, I've finally done it. I've finally unlocked the secrets to portal travel, hahahahahahaha." I laughed aloud and through that laughter I spoke sounding more than a little deranged.

Thea wasn't sure what happened but her brother's emotions were all over the place she'd felt something similar to this before but never to this extreme.

'What did you do now big brother?' Thea wondered in her mind as she ached to be reunited with her twin again.


I was just putting the finishing touches on my second portal gun when Alfred sent an alert to my smartphone and watch informing me that Thea and Moira had activated him to try and find me.

Sighing to myself as I made Oliver's tag show as a flatline on the screen as I allowed them access to the tracking system which showed my location on Lian Yu while also authorizing both of them to use the flying car and to give Alfred commands.

'They'll be here in a few hours minutes if they fly up into the atmosphere and then fly back down…they are gonna ask questions like why didn't you call so we wouldn't worry and blah blah blah blah.' I thought to myself as I opened a portal to my underground robotics lab having my constructicons come through.

'And yes for those of you reading this or watching this in your respective dimension and or universes I'm talking about G1 Transformers constructicons. Bet you're feeling all sorts of mind fucked right how aren't you ? You perverted fucks.' I said in my mind fucking the forth wall like she was a Korean hooker that costed five dollars a night,

My constructicons came in various sizes while there were multiple dupes of the alt mode for each constructicon and if need be they could combine into multiple Devastators of various sizes.

Having them come through the portal into the front yard of my home with various resources they would need for my new project of excavating the Lazarus pit while also building a research base above it.

A pump house to pump the water through the grow house that would be inside the research base for a hydroponics farm.

Sending the bots to get to work while I found Sara again a beaten and bloody mess on the medical cot after healing her up.

Giving her a few hours where I was the one completely pleasing her, making a fire shine in her eyes as I told her.

"If you do a good job Sara I'll go down on you more often. but if you keep coming in like this I'm going to stop your training because it's obvious you're not really motivated to become more than a hole to stick my cock in." I told her letting a bit of faked arrogance into my voice as I looked at her indifferently.

'That was a bit assholish but I plan on going to dangerous places and if Sara wants to be by my side for all of that I need to know she can protect herself and me if need be.' I thought to myself as I tried very hard not to comfort her as I saw a few years in her eyes as she stood up, put on the bloody clothes from earlier and had the robot start her training again.

Again and again I watched Sara come in bloody and beaten and I was about ready to put an end to this since it did hurt me to see her hurt like that.

But when Sara looked at me with that fire in her eyes I just supported her and kept healing her though I made her go to bed and get some rest after the seventh time she came into my lab/medbay.

"It's been awhile since I followed Emiko's regiment." I thought to myself as I went outside and started doing various real world exercises similar to Oliver's training regiment.

After doing my exercises climbing trees swinging from one to the other jumping from branch to branch practicing silent walking without my Sneakers on.

Since I designed my sneakers with sound absorbing properties through a special sonics absorbing rubber compound I made.

Then it was combat training with the robot and I realized I might have been a little too harsh on Sara about coming in bloody and broken.

Since the robot may not have been punching, kicking, jabbing, kneeing and elbowing at its full potential but it was definitely at a peak human level and with its mostly metal construction without any padding.

"You don't even need me." Sara said from behind me I'd been so focused on training with the bot I forgot one of Emiko's main lessons: always concentrate on your surroundings.

"I do need you…" I said while looking over to Sara.

"How can I protect myself if I have to build something in the middle of a combat zone? How can I constantly scan my surroundings without a mistake? I need someone I can put my life into their hands and know they'll keep me alive…

Sara, that someone is you. I know I was a little hard on you but that's because I know how much potential you have." I told her as I took a kick in the back from the robot which made Sara launch herself forward and start protecting me and she held out for a couple seconds before she was done and I shut down the robot through my watch.

"See right there Sara you just bought me enough time to save us…in the future we will be in those situations where it's not one of my robots but a relentless bloodthirsty enemy…

I need you to be able to do that at all times in the future but to win and not die. That's why I was so hard on you earlier or was it yesterday?" I continued speaking to her only for Sara to shut me up with a kiss that quickly turned into a makeout session.

Sara and I were fighting with our clothes as we rolled around on the forest floor grinding against one another before we ended in a 69 position with Sara on top who quickly took my cock into her mouth stalling out little naughty wrestling while her pink dripping lips were presented to be.

Grabbing Sara's ass pulling her down onto me as I dove into her sweet yet sharp tasting pussy licking a slow circle around her tight folds.

'I should start enhancing myself with cybernetics think if I had a tongue like that assassincon in transformers that almost literally tongue fucked Sam's throat.' I thought to myself while mentally drowning up blueprints for all my future cybernetic mods.

'Or I could go to Young Justice, get some of M'gaan M'orzz's D.N.A and make myself a hybrid body with all the benefits of Martian biology.' I thought to myself as well and then had the thought that I could always switch bodies whenever I felt like it.

'Some dumbasses might ask why M'gann and it's simple really when J'onn J'onzz say's it himself that M'gann is much stronger than himself and J'onn is one of the most prominent Hunters of Mars that means he is literally one of the strongest Martians ever and yet M'gann is stronger than him seems like a better person to take genetic samples from to me.' I thought to myself as I felt Sara's walls trying to tighten around my tongue signaling she was close to climaxing while I felt that tingle in my balls warning me that I was close as well.

"(He-hem)" I heard someone trying to get our attention as I shot my loads into Sara's mouth and she coated my tongue and face in her cum.

Pushing on Sara's ass so I could see who it was I was only slightly surprised to see Moira standing there with her arms crossed underneath her breasts and Thea standing there rubbing her forehead.

'Guess I was a little too involved in eating Sara out…I didn't even register Thea's emotions.' I thought to myself as I smiled at Moira and Thea.

"Hey Thea…mom I missed you guys." I said with a smile on my face and a sincere voice but the girl cum on my face probably reduced the effects of my sincerity.

"Yeah it looks like it." Thea said with some heat in her voice as she turned away and stormed into the dome house.

Moira, much like her daughter, massaged her forehead while letting out a tired and relieved sigh.

"Couldn't you have called and let us know you were alright?" Moira asked finally while looking away from my cock that Sara had never stopped worshiping.

"I only just got done repairing my communication equipment…I kind of forgot to add a phone to the house and it's on a closed system…

I figured that Thea would inform you about the trackers and you'd think to use Alfred to find me so…I put my attention to other things since I had faith you both would find me." I replied, mixing some white lies and half truths together.

"You still should have at least tried to contact us instead of having faith that we'd find you.

Do you have any idea how much it hurt both of us to think you were dead like (voice breaking and tears) Ol-i-ver and Ro-bert." Moira replied as she started crying and as I was about to push Sara off to go comfort my mommy she was already getting off of me and Moira was sliding across the forest floor as I was just getting up onto my knees to stand up.

"I'm sorry mommy…I should have been more considerate of you and Thea." I said softly as I rubbed Moira's back and ran my one hand through her hair.

Moira shook her head against the crook of my neck. "No…I should apologize. I'm the reason this happened in the first place when I couldn't convince Robert not to betray the undertaking I went to Malcolm I should have known he'd do something like this…

I'm sorry baby mommy's so sorry…I spent every minute since I found out about the explosions that I killed you that I killed my sons and my husband." Moira sobbed against my neck.

"It's not your fault mom…it's his we'll have our revenge for what he took from us." I told Moira firmly as I held her tightly against my body.

"N-no he's too dangerous you have to promise me you won't try to go after him I can't bear to lose anyone else." Moira all but begged me not to do something stupid and reckless that would put her and Thea in Malcolm's bow sights.

"Okay mom…I'll behave." I lied.

'I'll take everything from Malcolm piece by piece until all he has left is his League training and his caches and then when the time is right I'll take his hands and his legs before throwing him in a deep dark hole he'll never get out of.' I thought to myself still salty over the first time I met him in person alone after Robert and I had a fight about something stupid when I went to tell him I was his son.

"I have no time to waste on kids and their idiotic ideas." He told me coldly while having security remove me from his office. He didn't even let me finish talking before he had me thrown out.

'Getting revenge for Robert isn't even a second priority…it's getting revenge for his snuffing me and throwing me away like I was some common beggar. He didn't even have the decency to come grovel to me when I became a billionaire.' I thought to myself as Moira pulled back from the hug and started rubbing her hands all over me and my face making sure I wasn't hurt anywhere before leaning in and initiating a deep loving kiss with Sara as our witness to our incestuous love.

Pushing Moira onto her back making her wrap her legs around my waist as her hands went up under my shirt fingers digging into my back.

"You wore the skirt…good mommy." I told Moira as I pulled her panties to the side sliding myself into her wet pussy slowly loving the way her folds wrapped around me while Moira even flexed her inner walls to increase my pleasure.

'YES YES BABY FUCK ME FUCK MOMMY, MOMMY'S BEEN SO LONELY WITHOUT HER LITTLE MAN." Moira moaned loudly as I heard Sara mutter god that's so fucking hit as I heard her fingers working away at her pussy.

Ripping open Moira's blouse, unhooking her front hooking bra latching onto her nipple being rewarded with her sweet milk warm milk flowing into my mouth.

"YEASSSSSSS baby." Moira moaned out at me drinking her milk as she held my face tightly against her breast as I started picking up my pace….

Pulling out of Moira I grabbed Sara by her hair and forced her face between my mother's legs.

"Be a good daughter in law and lick your new mommy clean." I told Sara while delivering a hard smack to her ass before grabbing a hold of her hips pounding into her as she ate my cum out of mother's cunt out.

Thea walked out of the dome house her arms crossed over the other stomping her way over looking the most pissed off I'd ever seen her before but I could feel through our bond she was mostly horny and only a little mad.

Getting an evil thought while listening to Moira moan as she was cumming on Sara's face while I flooded Sara's womb with my cum.

"Hey sis." I greeted Thea while pulling out of Sara's tight little cunt shooting a few ropes onto Sara's ass before pulling her face out from between my mother's thighs.

"You're all done now, start training with robot again." I told Sara as I plucked Moira up off the forest floor, throwing her over my shoulder making her giggle dazedly.

Before walking over to Thea making her squeal as I picked her up and threw her over my other shoulder.

Sara was left pouting in the woods with a mixture of Theo's and Moira's cum on her face with Theo's cum slowly sliding down her ass and betwixt her thighs naked with only a robot and her discarded clothes.

The robot suddenly sprung to life and started to attack her making Sara growl in righteous anger as she fought against the robot lasting longer than she ever had before.

Sara woke up to an I.V. in her arm, a note on the bag that read prepared this for you…try not to get too banged up I'll be busy making up with my Mom and Thea. Luv ya.

Sara internally gushed over how sweet he was. Anyone else who saw that, who wasn't emotionally and mentally damaged from almost dying would definitely not gush over their lover choosing his mother and sister over her especially knowing their situation.

But Sara was damaged goods, then again if fucking you're sister's boyfriend behind her back wasn't hint enough that there was something fundamentally wrong with her to begin with.

Laying in bed with Moira on my right and Thea on my left when Sara limped in covered in bruises with an almost manic look in her eyes looking slightly terrifying and sexy as fuck.

"It's my turn…you two can stay or go but he's mine for the rest of the night." Sara said menacingly just as she crawled up underneath the blanket.

I heard Moira snicker to herself before getting out of bed grabbing Thea who looked like she was trying to decide whether or not she wanted to kill Sara or start calling her sister.

"We'll let you two have some alone time." Moira said with a smile in her voice as she pulled Thea out of the bedroom behind her.

'I guess it's a good thing Thea and Moira know I'm a bit of a whore…and Sara will make a good cover girl.' I thought to myself as Sara slowly slid herself down my length grabbing my hand putting it to her breast.

"Ahh ahh ahh, it was so hot watching you and MMM-Moira and then forcing me to eat her pussy ahh ahh ahh." Sara moaned and confessed as she squeezed my hand against her breast.

"Sara, that cut is bad, you're bleeding quite a bit." I said in concern.

"It's fine, I have to get stronger to stay by your side. A little bit of blood is nothing." She replied before passing out.

"Dumb girl." I sighed as I quickly moved her to the medbay using a laser to seal the wound before hooking her up to an I.V. again while using a mortar and pestle to grind up the healing herbs into a paste before running through a distillation process which I injected into the I.V. bag for a slow drip healing effect.

Rubbing my temples as I looked at Sara. 'Did I push you too hard Sara?' I asked myself while looking over Sara while grabbing out a washcloth and a filled a large bowl with lukewarm water.

Wiping away the blood dry and not so dry from Sara's skin revealing almost flawless skin watching the way the cuts that should have scared slowly disappeared from her skin leaving her unblemished.

"You really care about her." I heard Thea say from behind me startling me a little bit.

"I do…but you'll always be my number one girl Thea." I replied, giving her a smile over my shoulder making Thea smile back at me.

"I know..even though sometimes I find it hard to believe." Thea replied as she walked over and hugged me from behind resting her head against my shoulder.

"I missed you big brother." Thea whispered into my shoulder blade.

"I missed you too Little Sis." I replied back, playing on the inside joke between us.

"So how did she end up here with you? Isn't she Laurel's sister?" Thea asked curiously.

"She was banging Olly behind Laurel's back. Laurel showed up at the docks right after Sara got dropped off by her mother and she pulled me behind the big cabinets and crates.

Needless to say we had a bit of a hot moment between each other where I challenged her to come to my room that night and that I'd rock her world in ways Olly wouldn't.

And then I ended up saving her when Olly and Dad abandoned both of us on the Gambit when they took off on the life raft." I replied to Thea without thinking all that much about my reply.

"Olly and Dad made it off the boat, how did they die?" Thea suddenly perked up and questioned.

"I don't know. I looked over the data and there was a large spike in Robert's heart beat rate before it quickly plummeted and stopped altogether.

Olly still continued for a week afterwards but then his vitals hard lined as well." I haven't gone looking for their remains. I honestly don't want to find them. I like to pretend they both made it to an island and that they'll find their way back home in the future.

"I like that too, let's keep it that way." Moira said while she leaned against the door frame of the lab.

"Me too." Thea replied as I felt a few tears hit the bare skin of my back as my bond with Thea flared with grieving emotions.

"Thea." I said softly as I spun around and held Thea like I did Moira earlier comforting her.

"I miss them so much." Thea sobbed against my chest.

"Me too." I partially lied since I mostly missed Oliver.

"So you're not coming home because you found a radiated water spring with a microbial life form that promotes cellular regeneration and can temporarily give a person superhuman abilities…even though you've already created a serum with similar effects and that you also want to study a super soldier serum made in world War two to see if you can make improvements to your own based on it?" Moira asked, sounding like she was ready to choke the life outta me.

"Yesss." I replied with uncertainty and caution.

"My research will make it so you can stay young and beautiful forever. Plus I promise to visit you and Thea often. It'll just have to be in Thea's and my secret base underneath the manor so people don't know I'm alive until I want them too." I continued talking to Moira trying to make her understand why I was staying.

"You're doing this for us." Moira finally sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose while I nodded in confirmation of her statement.

"I don't know whether to feel flattered or furious with you." Moira said honestly.

"Flattered is much better than furious." I replied, nodding my head agreeing with myself.

"Of course you'd say that." Thea sighed as she sat on my lap slinging her arms around my shoulders tickling my neck with a grazing touch.

"You promise to visit at least three times a week and let us use your portal thingy to come visit whenever we want." Thea continued and I could tell it wasn't a request she was putting down the laws as a twin sister.

"I already made one for you and Mom to use but you have to be extremely careful when doing so we can't risk someone outside of the family discovering my portal technology." I told the both of them seriously even as I wrapped my arms around Thea's middle.

"And Mom, I need you to take over Queen Consolidated and make a full partnership with Twindustries…I'll meet with Emiko in secret and arrange everything." I told Moira while looking at her with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine I'll do it…but are you sure you want her knowing you're alive?" Moira asked while she started to pace back and forth.

"Yes…I trust Emiko fully. I wouldn't have left my company to her if I didn't." I replied honestly.

"We're heading home now. Would you like us to leave your car behind for you?" Thea and Moira asked together.

"No…Sara and I will return to civilization in a ww two Japanese submarine." I replied with a wide smile on my face.

"That is." Thea started to say but I quickly cut her off.

"Awesome I know right." I replied with a confident smile and a nod.

"Sure, awesome." Thea replied while making air quotes, totally saying how not awesome it was.

"(Humph) Girls just can't appreciate awesomeness." I replied while shrugging, putting my nose up in the air pretentiously.

"Boys are just stupid." Thea replied while stomping a foot and crossing her arms over her chest as she let out a humph and gave me her back.

"Nut-uh girls as stupid." I replied back unintelligently to play with Thea as I saw her shoulders start to tremble knowing she was trying very hard not to giggle.

"Nut-uh boy are." Thea replied back with a giggly voice.

"Children." Moira sighed while pinching the bridge of her nose while sighing making Sara who just woke up giggle as well.

"And you miss.Lance take good care of my son or else…you'll wish you died on that stupid boat." Moira said venomously as she entered the car while Thea opened a portal to the hanger with the portal gun I gave her to use.

Making it programmed to follow voice commands like open a portal to said place inside Queen manor or open portal to Theo Queen's location.

"I will Mrs.Queen…Thea I'll protect Theo with my life." Sara vowed as both women flew through the portal and Sara tried to rip out her I.V. to go train some more but I stopped her.

"Nope you have blood to replenish before you go do anything else just relax here read a book or something." I told her as I handed her one of my inventions that was a rolling tablet that came out of an eight inch cylinder that produced a standard eight inch viewing screen.

"Bu-but." Sara went to protest but I quickly shut her up with a kiss.

"Doctor's orders Sara…do as you're told, I wouldn't want to have to punish a naughty girl later." I replied by the end of it wearing a lecherous grin on my face.

"O-okay." Sara replied while blushing as she wiggled her butt against the medical cot.

"Unless my little Sara wants to be punished again?" I asked teasingly, making Sara stop wiggling her butt into the cot and bring up the tablet to hide her face.

"(Snort) Get some rest Sara and relax for a little bit enjoy the breaks when I give them to you." I told her gently as I made to move from my stool only for Sara to grab my hand and look at my lips pleadingly.

Leaning in, giving her a quick kiss before I left the dome house to check on the progress my constructicons had made so far.

'Good progress they already have everything excavated and are putting down the foundations now. It's kind of surprising none of the fryers' men have found us yet, maybe they don't actually patrol the entire island.' I thought to myself as I activated the feed from the drone I activated to follow Olly so if he was ever close to dying I could rescue him.

'Seems he's still hiding in that Chinese guy's cave…haha he's telling Olly to kill the grouse. Ahhh, Olly getting his hands dirty for the first time isn't that cute.' I thought to myself while shutting down the feed.

Thinking about all the dark deeds I had to do behind Olly's back to get our company off the ground and establish itself.

Everything from blackmail to murder even selling weapons to a terrorist organization like the ninth circle.

'Will I be on your list Olly? Will you come to me and say "You have failed this city." Will you turn my chest into an arrow quiver?" I started asking myself all sorts of pointless questions as Olly started down his killer path.

'No point in worrying about it, not like little arrows can kill me anyways only full on decapitation will." I thought to myself as I took an elevator down to the Lazarus pit.

"Okay this one looks a lot cooler in real life then the one shown on the cw." I said out loud as it actually looked like a crater impact that someone or someones spent the time polishing it up to make it presentable along with carving steps up into the mouth of the spring and down into it.

"This could have been done by the first demon's head." I said aloud as I ran my hand over the stone that should have felt rough but was actually smooth.

Having a constructicon that was building the piping system for the pump house and Hydroponics farm, retrieve for me a few liters worth of Lazarus pit water for research purposes.

Which it then filled into sealable glass beakers. Taking the glass beakers from it before ordering it to get back to work.

Running a deep spectral analysis on the water found more microbial life forms than what were in the plants along with what seemed to be nanoscopic metal particles that also were extraterrestrial in nature.

'Could it be nth-metal? Wait no Arrow-verse nth-metal is a joke…maybe a shard of the world forge? There's no point in guessing it could be any number of things with this being a DC-universe.' I thought to myself as I isolated more and more of the metal particles so I could study them separately.

"These metal particles do hold similar properties to the nth-metal that was shown in say Smallville and justice league animated.

I wonder if these are the remains of smaller meteorites that broke off of a larger one, that of which is the one that Vandal Savage slept close to which caused his metagene to activate along with making him evolve with an enhanced human physiology and intelligence." I said aloud as I was so focused on my work I didn't notice Sara or the multiple notifications on my system HUD.

"If there's a chunk of this stuff at the bottom of the Lazarus pit I need it." I finally said as I set to work making multiple aquatic drones to retrieve an ingot if there even was one.

'I could probably just synthesize this element myself but it'd probably take years to do when I can make a few hundred drones in less than a day to look for me down there.' I thought to myself with a bit of arrogance.

'Might as well examine the Mirakuru and see if there's any improvements I can make to my serum based off of it.' I thought to myself as I put my Lazarus pit research to the side as I handed one of my sentry robots a box of drones to dump into the Lazarus pit.

Wow just wow who ever made this shit was either a genius like almost my level of genius or just lucky as fuck they way they get the proteins to bond.

And then they managed to make more of these microbial life forms but with a mutation that makes them feed on the proteins in your body instead of the other one that are basically knock off symbiotes.

The Mirakuru has a faster healing factor which acts more like Wolverines instead of the OG Deathstrokes.

That's strange it looks like there's even a metagene overriding amino acids block that would activate a person's metagene and then turn them into a version of a supersoldier with a high grade healing factor.

"There's no way the Japanese came up with this during world war two. This has to be a time traveler meddling with time and the only reason they didn't succeed was the time masters." I voiced my inner thoughts aloud.

(Just putting this out there I'm not a biologist or anything even remotely intelligent I went to a vocational college for continued learning…I'm just making this shit up from what I remember from biology class and chemistry so if you got complaints about the science shit shove it up your ass's)