In Arrow with a Rick & Morty System PT3


Taking a few syringes of Mirakuru and adding them to my safe in the dome house before moving the crate that housed the remaining syringes of Mirakuru to the cave with dead Japanese submarine crew members putting it between the skeletons while grabbing the hosen.

"There now my base shouldn't be discovered and I can work in peace." I said aloud to myself as I was leaving the cave.

Returning to the house finding Sara training which had become normal for her and she seemed to be getting a lot better than she was in the beginning.

'She really has a natural talent for fighting, it's really fucking hot.' I thought to myself as the Kevlar jumpsuit I made for her hugged her curves deliciously.

'Mmm yummy.' I thought when Sara was knocked to the ground giving me a perfect view of her jiggling cleavage through zipper in the front of her jumpsuit.

My visual appreciations were cut short as Sara did a flipping jump back up to her feet just in time to catch a kick to the stomach that had her bending at the middle throwing up her breakfast.

I walked over and started rubbing her back soothingly as I tried to save her hair from getting hit.

"(Cough cough cough) Thanks." Sara said while still hunched over trying to spit out as much of the stomach acid as she could.

"Your welcome babe." I replied with a soft smile.

"Ohh are we at the pet name stage now? I thought my pet name was slut." Sara replied with a teasing look in her eyes.

"Ohh, you are most definitely my personal slut my cum dump, but you're also more than that." I replied to her my smile becoming a bit sinister as I delivered a sharp slap to her rump loving the way it jiggled inside the Kevlar jumpsuit.

"EEE, You know exactly what to say to me hun." Sara replied with an honest smile while her eyes started to become lidded with lust.

"Nut-uh no kisses until you brush your teeth." I said quickly forestalling any kisses for now making Sara pout.

"A real boyfriend would kiss his girlfriend after she got sick to her tummy if he really loved her." Sara protested while moving to her knees in front of me.

"(Snort) Even if I love you, Thea and Moira there is no fucking way I'll kiss any of you after you just got done throwing up anywhere near your mouths. No fucking way, if I do I'll end up throwing up and I hate throwing up." I replied while rubbing the top of her head gently.

"(Mou) You don't wuv us enough." Sara pouted while talking cutely.

"Nope, not enough for that I don't." I replied while nodding my head up and down in confirmation.

"I do however love you enough to let you finish early for today…brush your teeth and meet me in the shower." I gave her a few raises of the eye brows before walking into the house giving her just enough of a view of me dropping my lab coat by the door way.

'Isn't this usually the woman's thing to do?' I suddenly found myself questioning my own actions.

'Ahh, it just means I'm in control.' I thought to myself as I finished removing the last of my clothes.

Sara felt like she really picked the right one to devote herself to; he kinda reminded her of her father.

Hard on her at times others very loving and considerate and even when he was hard on her it was out of concern for her safety. He was also funny and sweet to be around too.

Sara thought all of these things to herself as the thought of him denying her a kiss flashed through her mind making her pout maybe not sweet enough. She had that final thought as she made her way into the house throwing the clothes she got sick in in the molecular disintegrator.

Quickly brushing her teeth before slipping into the shower stealing the kiss she felt she was rightly owed.

"Mmmsshhmuph, ahh, hey babe." I greeted Sars after she greeted me with a kiss.

"Hey, yourself hun." Sara replied with a giggle as she wrapped her arms around the back of my neck before leaning into my chest.

"I love listening to the sound of your heartbeat." Sara said softly with her cheek resting against my chest.

"I love listening to yours too, it has a very calming effect knowing my girl has a strong and steady heart." I replied back as I rested my cheek on the top of her head while snaking my arm around her middle.

"I like it when you call me your girl." Sara sighed against my chest before planting some chaste kisses against me as she moved to kneeling in front of me.

"I love that you're my man." Sara said as she blushed cutely a little bit of unsureness and embarrassment shining through her eyes as she looked up at me from the ground while both of her hands wrapped around my now hard cock.

"Mmmhmm." I replied as I fisted my hand through her long blonde locks that thanks to the Lazarus pit water plants had returned to its former glory of long silky softness.

"Now be a good girl and use that skilled little mouth and throat of your's to make your man and your only love cum." I continued this time actually putting in some words as I moved her head so her pretty pink kissable lips were kissing the head of my cock before sliding her all the way down my length.

(Glughk cough cough)

"It seems I have to train my girls throat a bit more don't I baby." I smirked as I moved my hand from the back of Sara's head releasing the grip I had on her hair bringing my other hand down to the other side of her head holding her head in place as I started slowly fucking her face slowly picking up the pace using her mouth and throat like they were her pussy.

"Damn Sara I can't believe you still have a gag reflex, but can still move your throat muscles around so skillfully. Ughhh shit I'm getting close baby get ready to have your afternoon treat." I told her my voice came out somewhere between a moan, a sigh and a groan as my balls slapped harshly against Sara's chin giving them a pleasant shock and tingle with every thrust while looking down at Sara who's eyes were partially rolled back up into her head.

Pulling out of her mouth plastering her face with my cum making me even hornier as I felt Sara cum from being cummed on from her juices splattering against my feet and ankles.

Sara was looking up at me with a naughty expression on her face.

"Can we do that thing?" Sara asked naughtily.

"Which thing?" I asked Sara, having a suspicion of what it is she wants.

"Y-you know which one…I want you to pee on me pee on me daddy pee on your little slut." Sara begged sluttily.

"If you really want it I guess daddy can give his little girl what she wants." I replied with a smirk this was a rare roleplay for Sara the Daddy daughter thing that was.

Pointing the shower head downwards so it wouldn't be misting on Sara while she held my cock between her hands as I started letting out the contents of my bladder loving the way Sara orgasmicly moaned as my hot piss sprayed onto her face and then her tits.

"Ahh yeas daddy." Sara moaned as I drained the last dregs of my bladder onto Sara.

"You're such a freak sometimes you know that babe." I joked to Sara as I watched her rub my piss all over her body after she released my cock.

"Only for you Daddy. Mmmmmm." Sara moaned as I slapped my cock against her forehead.

"I have such a good bitch for a daughter too, get on all fours so daddy can inspect you properly." I told her Sara quickly spun around moving to her hands and knees and started to wiggle her ass at me.

"I'm ready for you Daddy." Sara said while looking over her shoulder at me getting down lower slowly feeding myself into her drooling quim after being all the way inside of her I started thrusting in and out furiously.

"Daddy DADDY DADDY YEASH FUCK ME HARDER DADDY." Sara yelled out as I took some of her hair into my hand and pulled on it while my other hand held onto her hip for leverage and support.

Grabbing a round shampoo bottle that was around the width of a baby's bottle slowly pushing it into her asshole.

"GAAAAAAAAAAA WADDDDDYYYYYY MY ASSSSSSSHHHHHH." Sara cried out as she started creaming and squirting around my cock as her walls did the best they could to milk my jizz out of me.

"Get ready baby girl daddy's gonna fill your tight little cunny full of hot cum." I told her softly as I slammed into as deep and hard as I could, releasing my load into her.

"WADDDYYY YEASHHH." Sara screamed and moaned as her orgasm was prolonged and she got filled with cream.

Removing the Shampoo bottle from Sara's ass immediately replacing it with my cock.

"MY ASS DADDY DADDY'S BREAKING MY ASSSHHH." Moaned Sara as I rammed her ass, my balls slapping against her along with my thighs as I reemed her asshole, her voice becoming slurred as I slid two fingers into the side of her mouth pulling on her cheek.

"That was fun." Sara said in a giggly voice as she walked a little bowlegged out of the shower wrapping a robe around her body.

"It was, Daddy's little slut." I teased jokingly as I smacked her ass through the robe.

"Hehehehe." Sara giggled as she jumped up and pretended to run out of the bathroom.

Taking my clothes from the cleaning robot that looked similar to the butter robot Rick built but three feet taller.

"Thanks cleaning bot." I said to it even though it didn't matter, it was just following its base programming.

Getting dressed before walking into the bedroom finding Sara splayed out with her robe covering her in just the right way that made you want to focus on her body.

"Like what you see?" Sara teasingly asked.

"Always." I replied honestly.

"Sara, I'm going to be going on a little adventure to another dimension soon, but I don't feel or think you are ready to accompany me yet…but I'll leave the decision on whether or not to join me up to you." I told her honestly while pulling up a chair turning it around so I could rest my arms on the back support.

A quick flash of hurt passed over Sara's face before she nodded in an understanding manner.

"I'm not ready yet…would you stay here until I am?" Sara questioned while looking at me imploringly.

A part of me wanted to say yes with the way she moved her legs and highlighted her breasts.

'Do not give into temptation.' I mentally told myself as I fought against my raging hormones.

"Sorry babe no can do." I replied as I stood up from the chair before slowly climbing on top of the bed stalking up it until i was over top of her leaning in peppering her with kisses along her neck and jawline which made her move, wrapping her arms and legs around me as she deepened the kiss.

"Where are you going?" Sara asked while cuddling against me.

"To a world similar to our own with a few key differences." I replied as I ran my fingers through her hair.

"I'll go make us something to eat." Sara said as she sat up on her elbow kissing me again before leaving the bed in nothing but her birthday suit.

After eating a nice breakfast with Sara I decided it was time to go. Pulling my courier bag over my shoulder that had some supplies and tools that I might need along with backup weapons and the Microverse Laboratory.

"Be safe honey, come home soon." Sara said as she looked at me and everything about her said she was dying to join me on my adventure.

"I will, love you babe." I replied as I opened a portal to TV-verse earth 16 also known as young justice verse.

Walking right into a fight between Black Canary and Cheshire ducking underneath Canary's kick and just sidestepping Chesire's Si thrust.

"Hey, watch it! I'm walkin here ! ! !." I shouted as I delivered a punch to Canary's stomach and a kick to Cheshire's leg pulling out both of my nines and pointing them at both skilled female combatants.

"Go on, give me a reason, make my day ladies." I said quoting a line I'd always liked from a Willis movie while tacking on the ladies part.

Cheshire threw up her hands in a disarming manner but I saw her make a finger gesture activating my over shield with a mental command to my system just in time for a high caliber bullet to bounce off.

Spotting the glare of light reflecting off of a rifle scope quickly swapping over to my battle rifle storing away my nines into my courier bag before getting the shooter in my sights shooting the sniper in both shoulders disabling the sniper.

"Now that your back-up is out of commission, why don't you ladies give me the 411 on this world? I'm new here after all." I said with a smile on my face revealing teeth as I did so.

Black Canary opened her mouth and fired a Canary cry in my direction but it just flowed around my shield.

"Look kid, I'm not sure what's going on but you interrupted my job, next time we meet you're dead." Cheshire said as she used Black Canary's attack on me as a chance to escape.

"Are you done yet you're giving me a headache." I told Black Canary even though I was completely fine as I took out a sonic dampener I made exactly for counteracting people with sonic abilities like her's.

"Wh-what?" Black Canary asked in shock as her cry was cut off.

"Sonic dampener." I replied holding up the little black sphere in my hand the had a glowing blue ring around the circumference of it.

"Judging by the cat mask chick's words you've either a vigilante or a body guard…judging by your blatant use of lingerie as a uniform you're more likely to be a vigilante…" I said as I put my battle rifle away and put my hands up in a disarming gesture.

"That guy up there is alive. I only hit him in the shoulders to prevent him from squeezing off anymore rounds…hey wait a second are you related to Sara or Laurel Lance by any chance?" I told her while gesturing to a roof behind us about 130 yards away before asking her a question.

"How do you know my daughter's names?" She asked defensively.

"Huh, so in this world Dinah, Sara and Laurel's mother is the black canary interesting." I mumbled to myself just loud enough for her to hear.

"Who are you?" Black Canary finally asked as she slowly let down her guard.

"Me ohh I'm Theodore Queen but I prefer Theo." I replied with a smile on my face.

Black Canary looked at me closely examining me under her crystal blue eyed gaze before her eyes widened in shock. "Come with me we should talk somewhere more private." She finally said before jumping off of the roof making me run to where she just was only to see her performing acrobatic feats of jumping between walls descending towards the ground.

'Damn a woman with skills is so fucking hot and those tits God I just want bury my face in them and motorboat them for the rest of the day.' I thought to myself as I popped a boner over an alternate version of my girlfriend's mother.

I was a little surprised when she pulled me into an abandoned phone booth when I reached the ground using the fire escape that she jumped next too instead.

Walking out into what looked like a Canary, Arrow weapons and costume cache that could also serve as an apartment with its basic amenities from the looks of it.

"I want to know everything before I contact the league." She finally said while looking at me seriously throwing me for a loop.

"While where to start I already told you my name. I was born January twenty first nineteen ninety five as the younger twin sibling of Thea Queen…my older brother is Oliver Queen who is currently undergoing his evolution into the Green Arrow.

I'm a genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist with my own fortune five hundred company, and a few hundred patents under my name. and one of my longest running projects that I've been working on since the cradle finally saw an advancement thanks in fact to your daughter by the way so now here I am on an alternate earth." I told her honestly, seeing no real reason to lie to her.

"You're fifteen and look like a fully grown man, are a playboy, billionaire, genius with his own company and are here because you had success in an experiment not only that you're Oliver Queen's brother." The Black Canary replied with a surprisingly strong amount of venom in her voice when saying Oliver's name.

"He cheated on you hauh? Yeah he does that to the Laurel of my world with multiple people but the worst one was his affair with Sara." I replied with a nod and what I hoped was a comforting/understanding look on my face.

The Black Canary suddenly pinched the bridge of her nose between index and thumb fingers while the other three rubbed her forehead.

"Let's not talk about Oliver anymore, let's talk about why you're here and what proof can you give me that any of what you said is true?" Asked The Black Canary seriously while her muscles tensed ready for a fight.

"Well, I mean you can have someone with a dimensional tuning device scan me and see that I resonate of a different frequency than anyone else on this earth…or you can take my hand and I will show you the world you live in is much smaller than you could ever believe." I replied while offering her my hand while opening a portal to Earth 12 also known as the Justice League and Teen Titan's universe, the good animated shows that are from the early 2000's.

The Canary looked cautiously at the swirling red portal but took my hand and we stepped through together.

"Is this your Earth?" She asked as we came through to see a fight between Green Arrow and Lenoard Snart.

"No this is Earth 12, in my world you aren't the Black Canary just the mother of two daughters that will eventually create and carry that mantle." I told her honestly as we suddenly saw Black Canary arrive on scene leg sweeping Snart bringing him down to the pavement where Oliver used a foam arrow to hold him in place.

"There are an infinite number of worlds of dimensions, universes, omni-verses realities and so many more, so many more names haven't even been created yet for them. My invention allows me to traverse any one of them as long as I have coordinates for them." I told her as I opened a portal below our feet depositing us on the couch that was in the cache we were previously at.

"I've seen a lot of crazy things in my time as a hero both with and without the league but you are able to travel to alternate dimensions so easily with such a small apparatus is one of the craziest." The Black Canary said while eyeing me cautiously.

"Can I take some D.N.A to have it tested?" The Black Canary asked and I could tell if I said no she'd drop it.

"Of course, what kind of sample would you like?" I asked seriously.

"Just a strand of hair is enough." The Black Canary replied as she took the strands of hair I pulled out to her.

"Thank you, Theo, wait here and please don't touch anything." She said as she walked over to some high-end scanning equipment, one that was obviously a dna analysis device.

"Definitely Oliver's sibling." I heard Black Canary mutter as she moved over to another keyboard.

'Better send this to the League and call an emergency meeting.' Black Canary thought to herself as she also checked on the status of the sniper the police had recovered and saw that he was alive and read the medical report that stated he would make a partial recovery but would no longer be able to lift his arms over his head.

'Hmm.' Black Canary thought to herself as she looked at him through a mirror while an idea of taking him as her protégé flighted about. When suddenly the Bat symbol appeared on all the screens inside the cache while the zeta tube came to life before Batman's face appeared on the screen.

"Calling in all League members this is a priority Alpha threat, Wotan is about to succeed in using the Egyptian amulet of Aten to blot out the sun he currently has control of the temple of sun's guardian's with the sun being blotted out Superman is fading fast while Wonder Woman, Aquaman and myself are being overrun by the temple Guardians…pshh" Transmission of Batman was cut short by a large fist smashing into whatever the Batman was using to call for help.

"I have to go, stay here please." Black Canary said as she moved towards the Zeta tube but I grabbed her wrist and quickly let go when she went to twist the opposing limb in a grip.

"Look, this isn't my world and I know technically you're not my Sara's mother but in a way you are so that means you're my mother in law and I'm coming with whether you like it or not." I told her to walk through the Zeta tube first only for it to shut down on me.

[Unregistered user activating safety shutdown.]

"Bypass Canary's cry." Black Canary said while sighing looking over to her I saw her rubbing her forehead while her forehead was scrunched up.

"Well let's go then." Black Canary said as she took the lead which I didn't mind at all since there was a nice view to watch while I took out my nines and turned my overshielding back on as I started down the glowing tunnel.

'My portal tech is way better.' I thought to myself while feeling disgusted by my using such inferior portal technology.

Coming out the back of a cargo van right into a warzone quickly firing multiple shots into a creature that looked eerily similar to Ma Puch and Aztec god from Ben 10 original series.

The beast in front of me was around ten feet tall with gray skin with two large saber-like teeth in the front of its mouth and sharp talons on each of its three fingers, hands and feet.

Currently Black Canary was using her limbs like the were stripper poles moving out of the way of hits that would probably turn her to paste if they landed.

Bringing my nines up firing multiple shots into the head of the monster watching as it crumbled to dust.

Only for that dust to turn into two more monsters.

"Ohh you wanna play games you ugly Saturday morning cartoon reject. We'll play some fucking games." I said as I swapped one of my nines for my portal gun and opened a portal to the blender dimension. sending both five foot tall monsters into it only took see all the greats struggling with at least five to ten of the things in varying sizes, the smallest being 6 inches tall the largest over fifty.

"Thanks." Black Canary said as she took up a position beside me as we moved through the battlefield assisting the weaker members of the league when the stronger ones caught sight of my portal and monsters disappearing through it.

When the Dark knight landed in front of us trying to give me a menacing glare.

"Can you open a path for us to reach Wotan with that?" The dark knight finally asked in his knightly voice.

"I can do one better." I replied with a smirk as I opened a portal right behind Wotan and could have sworn I saw the Batman smile as I reached through the portal and pulled the amulet back through making the monsters stop attacking us and just stand there waiting for orders.

"Could you have done that the whole time?" A voice that sounded like Oliver's but older asked as a guy in a gaudy green tight outfit walked over.

"Yes, but nobody asked and I didn't want to step on anyone's toes." I replied easily as I dropped the amulet on the ground before pulling out a molecular disintegrator ray gun shooting the amulet making it disappear from sight while all the monsters let out a scream as they melted into ash.

'That was an odd image to watch.' I thought to myself just as I was hit with something from behind looking down I noticed a thin two sided sword bursting from my stomach.

"OHH FUCK ME, how does a sword by pass my shields and go through a multiweave of Kevlar, Twaron and Vectran fibers.

Can one of you pull this fucking thing out of me already instead of just standing there and you, you stupid blue fucking asshole I'm going to shove this sword so far up your ass you'll be able to hear the radio in your brain." I asked the leaguers while telling Wotan who was just standing there behind me as I shot him with a nine in the chest.

"We have to get you to the tower to get that fixed." Wonder Woman suddenly said as she landed in front of me.

'Jesus christ she's hot.' I thought to myself as I tried not to stare at the tits that were highlighted by her red and blue outfit that was featured in season four of young justice.

"Oye." I said as I gripped the guard of the sword and started to pull it out as Zatara was helping Captain Atom restrain Wotan who was gagged with what looked like a white handkerchief.

Walking over to a piece of debris and using it to help me push the sword out of my body.

"Stop." Suddenly a strong and caring male voice said as a massive hand landed on my shoulder.

"Ohh for fuck's sake will somebody help take this fucking thing out of me so I can heal." I growled out fed up with these supers when Oliver came over and ripped the thing out of me.

"Thanks big brother." I said and then flinched right afterwards and wanted to palm smack my forehead as my wound slowly closed up and the blood that had been spraying out of my body stopped.

"What?" Oliver and many others said before Batman got an alert and Superman heard something.

"The kids are in trouble," Batman said and all the Leaguers were either hitching rides with the flyers or running to a Zeta tube except Oliver and Black Canary.

"He's your brother from an alternate earth." Black Canary told Oliver with her arms crossed underneath her breasts drawing both of our eyes to her chest.

"Great more alternate earth shit." Oliver sighed a cuss as he looked at me and seemed to find some of me in himself.

"So…what's your name?" Oliver finally asked as I was getting fed up with him looking at me.

"Theo." I replied.

"Want to get a beer or something?" Oliver asked while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Sure." I replied back and noticed Black Canary looking at us with her hands on her hip and arched eyebrows.

'Fuck so sexy I'm so making Sara dress up like this for our next role play session.' I thought to myself.

"Want to join us Di…" Oliver started to ask but was quickly shut up with a look from her.

"Actually Theo is sixteen…and since you've proven you can't handle looking after a kid. He's coming with me." Black Canary suddenly said as she threaded her arm through mine and pulled me along with her looking over my shoulder I shrugged at him and he waved goodbye.

When Black Canary and I were alone she let out a pained whimper and a sigh as she removed her right hooker boot revealing a swelling black and purple mess of a leg.

"Look Theo…I don't know what you're Oliver is like but this one isn't trustworthy and will stab you in the back…he didn't just cheat on me he betrayed me we were on mission and I made a hard choice to save an entire nation and when it came time for my League review he lied and threw me under the bus. I don't want you to get hurt by him because you trusted him." Black Canary sighed before hissing in pain as she tried to stand on her injured leg but I stopped her pulling out a syringe with my improved SS serum.

I looked up into her eyes.

"Do you trust me?" I asked and within five seconds of her looking into my eyes and losing myself in those blue pools she nodded, breaking me out of my trance.

"Yes." She finally said while smiling at me.

"Good." I replied back with a cheesy smile.

"This is a serum I made that will work with your active metagene and not only give you a healing factor but will elevate you to superhuman status." I told her as I pushed the needle into a vein of her arm injecting her with the contents of the syringe causing her to experience a fit of seizures.


After thirty minutes of Black Canary having a severe seizure she let out a groan as her eyes fluttered open.

"That sucked." She sighed as she stood up without a hitch.

"Maybe it wasn't so bad." She whispered, stunned.

"Sorry about the seizure…it's one side effect I haven't been able to remove yet, here drink this it'll stabilize the changes in your body by supporting your new muscle growth with nutrients they need so your body doesn't start to cannibalize itself." I told her as I handed her what looked like a protein shake cup and was partially correct but was actually an invention of my own making that any food put inside it was turned into something the human body could fully digest with minimal waste and maximum nutrition absorption.

"Shouldn't you have given me this first?" Black Canary asked speculatively while putting a hand on her hip where her fishnets were torn and had to stifle an erotic moan.

"You're body wouldn't have been able to process all of the nutrients inside that cup previously you would have ended up with a severe case of dysentery. You had to complete the process beforehand to be able to properly process the nutrients." I told her as I noticed her bustier becoming wet at her nipples.

'Unknown side effects increased sensitivity and a high probability of increased libido, lactation though that could be a side effect for mother's only more testing needed.' I thought to myself, making mental notes as Canary took the cup from my hand, a red hue on her breast and neck as our hands touched her breathing slightly increasing.

I suddenly found myself becoming hard while looking at the way her throat muscles moved as she chugged down the contents in an unlady like manner as she rubbed her thighs together.

'Increased sex pheromone production causing an immediate reaction to take effect on me, an also enhanced human that was enhanced through an earlier version of serum mostly probably to do with my serum enhanced senses.' I thought to myself as my pants became uncomfortably tight.

Black Canary finished drinking the contents of the cup, handing it back to before pulling down her bustier exposing her milk leaking nipples to me without a second thought.

"And this it's been five years since I gave birth to Sara and I haven't produced a drop of milk in four?" Black Canary questioned a bit of heat in her voice while I was mesmerized by the sight of her pale pink nipples leaking the white nectar produced by her impressive mammaries unconsciously gulping audibly.

Moving on instinct I latched onto one of her nipples and started taking deep heavy drafts of her warm nectar.

"Ahhhnnn fuck you're sucking it so good, no stop this is wrong you're too young." Moaned out Black Canary even as she held my head tighter against her breast with both hands.

My one hand found her ass gripping it tightly through her Bustier and Leotard while my other hand went between her thighs and started rubbing her horny quim through the already soaked material of her hero outfit.

'I should stop…I need to stop…but I don't want to. If she wasn't enjoying this she could easily kick my ass so push it as far as you can and ask for forgiveness afterwards.' I thought to myself as I moved the thin piece of Kevlar and micro carbon tubed fabric that covered her slit to the side while ripping a hole in her nano carbon fiber weave.

That I used to directly rub her oozing with arousal quim lips and clit before slipping my middle and ring finger into her sex while grinding her clit against my palm feeling her explode against my ministrations.

"FUCK YOU'RE MAKING ME CUM ! ! !" Black Canary yelled and let out a Canary cry as she splattered my wrist and palm with her juice as my fingers became coated in her thick milky cum that I brought up to eye level to show her only for her to grab my wrist and start licking my hand clean while taking each offending finger into her mouth and sucking her girl cum clean off them moaning the entire time she did so.

I soon found myself being pushed back into a chair as Black Canary shrugged off her Bustier while ripping off her leotard standing there in one hooker boot looking like a bitch in heat with ripped fishnets as I undid my fly and freed my cock which she immediately jumped on my hard length as slid herself down.

"Ahh ahh ahh yeas your cock is so much ngh bigger than haa haa you're brothers." Moaned Black Canary making me swell with pride while also activating the sonic dampener and removing it from my outside pocket letting it drop to the floor since even though I was pretty distracted and partially defended I was pretty sure I heard the sounds of glass shattering and electricity arcing after her earlier orgasm.

'Sara said the same thing but for some reason it coming from her milf alternate earth mother means so much more.' I thought to myself as her walls hugged my cock in just the right way, not too tight, not too loose while her wall muscles constantly flexed and twitched giving me maximum pleasure.

As Black Canary's big milk leaking breasts bounced rhythmically in front of my face before I grabbed hold of both of them switching between sucking on each nipple every handful of second driving the Canary wild with lust as she creamed herself on my cock again.

'Shit I'm going to cum.' I thought to myself as I removed my hands from Canary's bouncing breasts while still keeping one nipple in my mouth as my hands came down hard on her ass pulling her down onto me as deeply as possible and being a cartoon and almost anime girl I could feel myself breaking into her womb as she screamed and squirted as I started shooting load after load of my hot cum directly inside of her baby maker.

Suddenly pieces of ceiling started raining down on us making me open a portal out of them, both of us ending up in a wooden area my cock still buried in Canary's deepest reaches.

"So she can overpower my sonic dampener to know better make a beefier one for the future Incase I run into anyone else with stronger sonic manipulation powers." I said out loud to myself as I felt Black Canary starting to grind her hips.

Rolling over putting her on her back looking into her heavily lidded and lust clouded blue eyes as I leaned down kissing her lips pushing my tongue into her mouth as I started gyrating my hips at a superhuman rate.

…the sun rose and set as Black Canary and I continued our fuck fest every load deposited inside of her after a certain point reduced her primal animalistic like heat stage to where she finally pushed us apart my cum powering out from between her thighs like a waterfall as she sank to the ground resting her back against a tree.

"That can't happen ever again, it was a mistake, an accident." Black Canary said while looking at the ground and yeah it may have started that way but after a certain point we both knew that we were under our own volition and that the serum's side effects had long worn off.

"Yeah it was all caused by side effects of the serum, sorry I never thought those things would be factors. I assumed my naturally higher libido was due to puberty." I replied placatingly and putting all the blame on myself and the serum to alleviate Black Canary's self-disparaging thoughts that I was certain were going through the superheroines head.

'Did I take my sterility booster?' I questioned myself while I looked at the evidence of my multiple seedings of the Black Canary that had stained the forest as much as it had her.

"Right it was just unintended side effects of you helping me. There's no reason to feel awkward or have any awkwardness between us…if I give you the coordinates to my apartment can you take us there we both need a shower and I'm sure the League is looking for." Black Canary said as she stood to her feet a little unsteadily.

"Of course." I replied and then proceeded to open a portal to the coordinates she gave me which then through my few implants I was able to open said portal into her living room with some basic information on the layout of her apartment by use of complex equations.

Walking through the portal into her apartment noticing the lack of toys are kiddy art that usually decorated a mother's home single or not I was able to come to the conclusion that this Dinah was uninvolved with her children probably mainly due to her endeavors as a hero.

"Uhh, you can have a seat over there while I take my shower and then you can grab one." She said absently as she looked between me and her bathroom door and I could tell she was trying not to invite me to join her in the shower.

Making it easier for her I nodded. "Sure thing, you got a paper bay or something I can put on the chair so I don't get it dirty?" I asked, showing consideration for her and her things.

"It's fine they look expensive but there just cheap Aeki furniture so go ahead and sit on them normally." She replied and I could tell she was pleased but also somewhat put off by me not doing the playboy thing and shamelessly saying something along the lines of let's save some water and shower together.

While my whole attitude towards having sex with her and it not really mattering to me or being something important like it was just another day.

Was definitely getting to her though as she did well hiding but some of the signs were there like how she was always moving her body to show off her curves unconsciously to draw my attention.

An hour later Dinah walked out of the bathroom drying her hair with a white towel while a beige one was wrapped around her body.

"Showers all your's." She said as she was about to enter her bedroom but stopped.

"Oliver still has some of his beauty care products here and there's some of his clothes in my closet still if you need a change." She said as she continued to stand in the doorway of her bedroom.

"I'm fine my clothes are self cleaning." I explained simply to her not wanting to get into how there were nanoscopic robots that broke down any and all wastes as they touched the clothing except for blood unless they were told to.

Taking a long shower just unwinding from the last couple of days, enjoying the way the hot water felt against my skin, even the stinging sensations from where Canary dug her fingers into my flesh.

(Knock knock knock)

"Are you okay in there? There's food out here if you're hungry." Dinah said through the door making me holler back to her.

"Yeah! Sorry I sometimes zone out in the shower." I said as I shut off the water and got out grabbing the brown towel quickly drying off before putting my clothes back on and exiting the bathroom only for Dinah to almost fall into my as I opened the door.

"Sorry." I said to her noticing she looked somewhat embarrassed at being caught hanging out outside the bathroom door.

"No I should apologize I was standing in front of the door…I'm not the best cook but there are some waffles and breakfast sausage on the table for you." She said while crossing her arms underneath her light blue t-shirt covered breasts.

"Thanks… never told me you're name." I said as I awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck.

"Hahaha, well you called my name out earlier so I just thought you knew it already." She replied with a laugh and a light smile.

"Hahahaha, well Dinah is also the name of Sara and Laurel Lance of my world…so I just kinda assumed out of high probability it was also your name." I replied honestly as I made my way over to the sparsely decorticated kitchen sitting down at the table in front of the full plate of food.

"So…tell me about yourself, where did you learn to shoot and fight like that?" Dinah finally asked as she sat across from me eating her own breakfast.

"Well…you see I have this older sister Emiko Adachi-Queen who is an assassin of an organization.

After our father Robert neglected and abandoned her I stepped in and hired her at my company since I believe family is everything without family you're nothing no matter how much money and power you might have it's nothing without people you can trust and share it with.

So even though it damaged mine and Robert's already cold relationship I built a bridge to her by hiring her at my company and then from there established a relationship with her.

Due to that relationship I found out about her earlier life and how the organization helped support her and her mother while training her to be their killer and all that one thing led to another.

After I was kidnapped and held at ransom she rescued me and then I asked her to train me so I wouldn't be in such a position of weakness ever again." I replied truthfully seeing no reason to lie to her out of everyone in this universe Dinah Lance is probably the most honest, caring and trustworthy even compared to M'gann who only really lied out of insecurity for her skin color though I could just be biased in my thoughts since she's the Black Canary and I'm projecting on her.

"I noticed you and Oliver are only half siblings. Is your strained relationship with Robert due to that?" Asked Dinaf in her therapist mode I could even see her unconsciously moving her wrist as if she was taking notes.

"It might be that or I made him feel inadequate somehow…but my twin sister Thea is the apple of his eye and he absolutely adores her well did he died not long ago by suicide on the life raft to the island." I replied letting some of the pain I felt over his death leak into my voice.

"And how do you feel about that?" She asked while going full shrink mode.

"Well it's kind of hard to describe…I hate that he killed himself I also respect that he did so Oliver would survive…I feel sad that we'll never have the chance to connect or fix find at least some sort of reconciliation with one another now…I want to kill the people responsible for sinking the Gambit…there's just so much I'm feeling and thinking I know I should just compartmentalize everything and deal with it slowly over time but just because I'm smart enough to know that doesn't mean I can put it into practice." I replied to her as I took a bite of the fluffy almost perfect Belgium style waffles.

"Mmmmmm, thesha are wicious." I said through a full mouth as I scarfed down the waffles feeling ravenous all of a sudden.

"Hahaha, thank you try not to speak with your mouth full." Dinah said in a very maternal tone while laughing softly.

"If you're still hungry I can make you more." Dinah offered making me nod my head rapidly as I shoveled some sausage in a long with a piece of waffle.

"Yeash pleashhh." I replied to her while swallowing giving her a sheepish smile after I swallowed everything in my mouth.

"Sorry." I apologized for the lack of manners.

"It's alright in fact it's kind of flattering you're the only person that likes my cooking." Dinah replied, looking a little down at that.

"Ehh, they don't know what their missing a meal cooked by a beautiful woman with tender care will always top anything else." I told her as I took a sip of water from the glass on the table in front of me off to the right.

I caught her blushing slightly at my praise and found the reaction rather cute for such a mature woman to make.

"He-hem, while I appreciate the compliments both of them I do…you shouldn't think that way about me there's a fifteen year age difference between us." Dinah said and it sounded like she was trying to convince herself of that as much as she was trying to convince me.

"Sorry I didn't mean to upset you…sometimes I lack a filter and say what I'm thinking without considering how it might affect someone else. My sister likes to bust my chops and say I'm a brilliant idiot." I replied, apologizing and making a self-deprecating joke at Thea's expense.

"Haha, you and your twin sister are quite close. I can tell by how fondly you talk of her and how your eyes brighten up when you talk of her." Dinah replied with a soft smile on her lips as she started asking me a battery of questions to establish a psych profile.

"Do you plan on staying here long term in this world I mean?" Dinah finally asked.

"I do…I need to spend time away from home so I don't do anything stupid to the people that caused my family such suffering." I replied with a partial truth, making Dinah give a soft smile.

"I have to go report to the league and brief them on your situation…would he be interested in working with the League or a league member in a mentor mentee relationship?" Dinah asked as she made to stand up from the table.

"Yes, anyone but Oliver though he's not my Olly and I'm not sure I can properly separate them even with the age difference between the two." I replied honestly, making her nod with an understanding expression.

"I'll be back later please make yourself at home and help yourself to any of the food in the house there's not much I usually eat at the watchtower." She replied quickly as she put on a pair of yoga pants that had been resting on the back of her chair covering up the powder blue thong she was wearing before she left the apartment.

"Damn she didn't make me anymore waffles." I sighed aloud looking down at my empty plate then across the table at her half eaten meal shrugging I slid her plate in front of me and finished her food before getting up and washing the dishes and cooking utensils for her.

'It's only proper guest etiquette to wash up after yourself.' I hummed to myself as I put the cleaned dishes in the drying rack.

Looking through the cupboards, Dinah really didn't have much in the place besides some egg noodles, canned tuna and cream of mushroom soup while her fridge had old Chinese food boxes, boxed wine and expensive craft beers.

Grabbing a bear out for myself while I started to make a tuna noodle casserole for her in thanks for letting me stay at her place though I knew it was so I could be easily located if the League decided to move on a possible threat.

Whipping up a casserole backing it off while drinking a couple beers and watching some parodies of the MCU that was reminiscent of Kick-ass.

I must have fallen asleep on her couch at some point since I woke up to someone covering me with a blanket and taking the beer bottle out of my hand but I ignored it and snuggled into the couch returning to sleep.


Dinah found herself moving some hair out of Theo's face after taking the beer out of his hand and covering him up with a blanket.

'Whatever you gave me put me on nearly the same level as Diana and gave me a healing factor.' Dinah thought to herself as the young man sleeping on her couch looked incredibly adorable as he snuggled into her favorite blanket and softly snored.

'Gid Dinah what are you doing he's just a kid and you're acting like he's the love of your life.' She chastised herself as she walked away from the couch before she made another mistake.

When she saw a note on the fridge that read made dinner Tuna noodle casserole hope that's okay…hope the league doesn't want to lock me up or kick me out of the world.

Dinah's heart swam at the thought he put into making her dinner while opening the fridge, finding the casserole dish she'd never used covered with aluminum foil.

Making a plate the fragrance of the food made her stomach rumble since it smelled just that good eating a spoonful of it moaning at how delicious it was.

"God damn I'm glad the League decided to make me and Diana his mentors. Now his lack of respect for male authority would have caused problems but now I have a cook if this food is anything to go by how does a rich boy get do good at cooking," she vocalized all of these thoughts as she slipped into her bedroom on silent feet carrying the whole casserole dish she managed to warm up.

I woke up in the morning to the smell and sound of food sizzling greeting Dinah with a good morning as I had to adjust my pants since I got rock hard seeing her swaying her hips while cooking wearing a sports bra and lacy black thong and an apron as she cooked.

Sitting down to breakfast with her she explained that she and Wonder Woman who I'd meet later would be my mentors and trainers while I'd also be put with a team made up of my peers until I decided to leave for my earth and as long as I want to be a hero in this world that is.

"Come on, we're going to spar so I can see where you're at and what you need to work on." Dinah said as I followed her out of the apartment putting my shoes that'd I'd kicked off my by the door back on.

"Sure thing." I replied even though my already getting ready was evident enough that I was ready and willing.

We walked down the stairs into the basement that had a matted floor and some exercise equipment along with some gymnastics training equipment.

Suddenly a swinging kick was on a flight path to my face making me dodge it by leaning backwards only for a leg sweep to come my way which I jumped over and sent a flying kick back in report.

"You're good at dodging but can you dish it out?" She asked as she stopped her onslaught of kicks and jabs.

Moving in tight about to deal some body blows when she suddenly hit me with a Canary cry launching me back into a wall.

"Come on, is this all your sister taught you?" Dinah asked in a self confident way that hit one of my buttons.

As I threw myself back into the fight falling into the rhythm of dodging, weaving sidestepping that Emiko taught me this didn't feel like a real fight it felt like a dance.

Fights were dirty and bloody, this wasn't even as I kicked Dinah in the midriff sending her off the mat.

"Not bad but it seems your sister taught you to stay on the defensive. We'll have to break you out of that habit." A second voice said as Wonder Woman stepped out of the shadows like an assassin.

'Wondet Woman, don't simp don't simp.' I had to mentally tell myself.

Dinah immediately noticed how Theo was looking at Diana and immediately felt a wave of jealousy from it even though she knew she shouldn't heck she'd even caught herself ogling the demi goddess on more than one occasion especially in the showers in the watchtower.

"Haha, Yeah she pretty much told me she'd only teach me to protect myself and that I probably wouldn't even need to know how to since she'd be coming to rescue her precious little brother." I replied partially joking since it was mostly true. Emiko made me promise not to dirty my hands with blood once she started working since if anyone needed to be killed she'd do the killing.

"You seem to love and respect your sisters greatly, a surprise for a man." Diana said as she walked further into the light with a bit of swagger.

"Is it?" I asked while arching a brow.

"I respect many women related to me or not…honestly though if this is the kind of attitude you have I'd rather not work with a self important self entitled princess who plays at being a hero and a warrior.

I know there are plenty of women in this world and mine I could learn a lot from without this Amazonian attitude you got going on." I said leaving the Amazonian woman with a stunned look on her face while Dinah also had one as well.

'God, why did I react like that…maybe because I was expecting a Gal Gadot type Wonder Woman and got this conceited bitch instead?' I asked myself wondering if she'd run my thru with the sword she had on her hip.


Suddenly Wonder Woman shot forward like a bullet from a gun and if it wasn't for my superhuman reflexes I'd probably be dead but I just slipped past the hand that would have enclosed around my throat as my emergency nines dropped from my coat sleeves into my hands one I put underneath the Amazonian's jaw the other at her stomach.

"My grandfather's guns have killed gods…he taught me everything I know mine will definitely kill you princess." I told her even though my fingers weren't actually on the triggers.

"Tell me, how do you really feel about me? Diana asked with a smirk on her face.

"I think you're physically attractive but your personality so far is disgusting." I replied honestly, making her face take on an expression of hurt that quickly steeled.

'Is this Wonder Woman fresh off the island or something?' I wondered as I saw Diana wrapping up her lasso.

Diana turned around and walked up to a brick wall pressed her hand against it making the wall split in half revealing a Zeta tube machine.

[Scanned Wonder Woman 007, recognized destination Themyscira.]

"Come with me Warrior Clark…I'm going to be introducing you to your sparring partner my Sister Donna Troy." Wonder Woman said to me and something about her voice told me she was deeply hurt about my comment on her personality but I didn't care she still had that shitty outlook that all men thought of and treated women the same way men did during ancient times in Greece and Rome.

'You'd think by now working with the big guy and Batman that she'd have a different opinion of men in general…

But then again I could see supes inadvertently being sexist and misogynistic because of his upbringing in Smallville…

Bruce, well he's the Batman that's enough said right there so her two romantically inclined teammates have most likely only slightly improved her outlook but mostly for them while people like Oliver have probably worsened it.' I thought to myself while probably overanalyzing what in truth is just a bitch with a rockin body and a pretty face.

"Won't I be captured and turned into a breeding slave while also functioning as gladiatorial entertainment for your and your sister's entertainment, if I step onto Themyscira without the consent of either the goddess Hera or Hippolyta the queen of the amazons?" I asked while putting myself back on the defensive knowing full well Wonder Woman could have easily killed me earlier and could do so now.

"You seem to have a low opinion of us Amazons." Spoke a new regal sounding voice making me look from Diana who had her arms crossed over her chest in an angry expression while a blonde woman who looked like she would over shine a party of lingerie models in lingerie.

With her long flowing blonde locks abdomen that had the bare hints of a six pack shining through the thin layer of fat while her skin was a healthy white color that just exudes life and vitality her breasts a moderate c-cup as she wore a white toga almost that left nothing to the imagination even the curtains match the drapes.

"Nah, I just know the stories not only from my world but multiple other's that show how Amazon's really are. Y'all once preached equality and fairness when it came to the different sexes.

But when you're husband was killed you went full psycho and started enslaving, raping men and making them kill each other in an arena for your entertainment.

FUCK Hera the goddess of marriage had to intervene since you were throwing the world into chaos and awakening.

Cronus from his death slumber and would have caused the death of mankind and the gods if she'd not intervened and sent you to live on Themyscira." I said while preparing to fight for my life and hoping I got my calculations right so that I would be sent back into one of my clone bodies.

'Actually I know I got the math right, it's me how could I not get it right. I should be worried about something interfering with the process.' I thought to myself.

"That is an oversimplification of things that happened long ago. I and the Amazons are different people now." Hippolyta said calmly, her eyes getting a distant look in them as she probably reminisced fondly at her times as the tyrant queen of Greece.

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but I definitely won't go anywhere without either of you unless you take an ancient oath as the Queen of Themyscira and the mother of the demigoddess of Zeus.

That no Amazon will harm me in any way outside of training and that I am free to leave and return to Themyscira at any time while keeping my life and soul intact and unharmed." I replied back to her not like I couldn't ensure these things for myself and probably easily escape or conquer the Amazons and turn them into my pets but it sounded like too much work.

"Very well you have my oath as the Queen of the Amazons and the Mother of the Demigoddess Diana.

That no Amazon shall harm you while on Themyscira outside of training and that you may leave and return to the island of Themyscira at any time you wish it to be so." Hippolyta vowed and I could feel a connection between us as the gods approved the vow and would punish Hippolyta if she broke her vow or should at least there were never any guarantees when dealing with humans and gods.

"Mother, why?" Diana asked her mother in shock.

"It is time we evolved further, my daughter. You showed me that with your connections with the heroes of this age." Hippolyta replied to her daughter with a fond smile on her lips.

"Come Donna has been waiting long enough to be introduced to a man." Hippolyta continued while eyeing me up and down while giving a nod like I was good enough for something.

"(Snort) Yeah evolution is pretty slow." I said loud enough for everyone to hear me before giving a whistle and muttering

"come here boy come here good boy do you want a treat?" I joked pretending I was a dog being called by the Amazon Queen.

It got a laugh out of Dinah so I marked it as a win while Wonder Woman clenched her fists while her one clenched hand moved closer to her sword.

But I think everyone was left a bit stunned when Hippolyta herself let out a soft musical laugh.

"Yes, well maybe it's been being a Queen for so long I've forgotten how to request someone to follow me that doesn't worship the very ground I walk on." Hippolyta said in an amused voice as she walked through the Zeta tube without a hint of an apology but I shrugged it off since I really didn't need one.

Diana followed her mother through the Zeta tube like a lost little puppy.

In a moment of privacy she looked at her daughter and smiled while thinking of the young man she'd just met. He reminded her a lot of her long lost Husband and hoped Diana and he could have a better relationship between them in the future.

"What is it mother?" Diana asked curiously with an upset from still on her lips.

"Ohh nothing I was just wondering which of my daughters would end up falling for my future son in law first." Hippolyta teased with a smile making her daughter Diana's mouth gape open in shock.

"M-mother, how could you say such a thing?" Diana questioned her mother in shock.

"Experience Diana…a lot of experience." Hippolyta sighed as she moved to return to her duties as Queen while wondering why the gods were so adamant about making an amicable relationship with him.


On Olympus many gods, goddesses and monsters of Greek mythology let out sighs of relief. Since they wouldn't have to worry about getting eliminated by the devil in a white coat like many other pantheons had in other realities, dimensions and universes now unless one of Zeus's daughters messed up.


I saw Donna Troy sparring against two Amazons in bronze Greek armor and she was handling them like they were inexperienced children.

As for Donna's looks she looked like Diana but maybe a six inches shorter with the same bust and ass with the same long raven black hair but her outfit was different it was in black and silver as opposed to Diana's red and blue.

I was honestly mesmerized by the way she moved. It was like watching Alexandra Dedario as Athena's daughter in the Percy Jackson movie, her hair dancing in the wind shield blocking sword, sword intercepting sword while a kick or an elbow jab would make the other fighters back off.

'She's beautiful.' I thought to myself completely forgetting the fact she probably has the same Amazon mindset her older sister has.

'I wonder which version of Donna Troy she is? Is it the Orphan girl rescued from a burning building brought to Themyscira by Wonder Woman and imbued with her essence making her a pseudo Demigod,

Or is it the Donna from another universe raised on new Cronos and sent to gain Diana's trust and then kill her?

Or truly another daughter of Zeus who was raised on Themyscira her whole life and had that whole feminism in overdrive bullshit?

Or some combination of other factors?' I asked myself a mental round of questions but came up with all zeros for answers.

Pulling up my status screen, scrolling through notifications quickly, seeing I'd earned a lot of points for finally figuring out how to travel to other places than just on my earth.

But I paused seeing a video clip from Rick. Mentally clicking play.

[Buuurrrppp haaa bleghh, he-hey there grandson burp I see you finally stopped being a loser and learned how to open real burp glug glug glug real burrrpppp portals.

Good job being below doofus Rick intelligence start using burrrpppp this fucking system it's why I made it for yuuurrrpppp you.] The video message played making me kinda sorta want to go blow up Dick's I mean Rick's car.

Looking over my status trying very hard not to make any outwards appearance at my shock when I read how much rp I'd earned.

[Name: Theodore Queen

Class: Scientist

Health: 100%

Level: 10

[160/1600 RP required to level up ]

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Vitality: 10

Wisdom: 100

Intelligence: 1,001

Charm: 100

Stat Points: 0

Inventory: 25/100%

RP: 1,001,734]

Leveling myself up by nine levels. And was a little surprised by the increase in stat points earned per level after level ten but even more surprising was now there was a tab that said body modifications in my HUD through the status screen.

[Name: Theodore Queen

Class: Scientist

Health: 100%

Level: 10

[0/1,638,400 RP required to level up ]

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Vitality: 10

Wisdom: 100

Intelligence: 1,001

Charm: 100

Stat Points: 90

Inventory: 25/100%

RP: 182,534]

Clicking on that tab I was slightly overwhelmed. Every organ, every muscle group. had a drop down tag next to it while there were even profile tabs of modification set Rick has done to his body.

There were just so many cybernetic body build profiles and synthetic organ combinations I was giving myself a headache.

While also realizing just how far from Rick's level of intelligence and experience I really was shattered was my arrogance that I was one of the most intelligent people in any universe it almost made me want to go crawl in a hole and die…

But there was something else, something stronger, a drive to improve to be better to become Rick's equal. It might not be a goal many would want to have but I wanted to show Rick he was right in choosing me and I wasn't a failure like Morty.

Looking at one specific image that reminded me of a oc evil Rick character made by a person back on my old earth but I found I could change the metals used from titanium to all sorts of different metals even the stuff cyborg is made out of Promethium.

I had been so distracted by my own body modification set that I never noticed Donna finishing her spar or coming to greet her sister and I until I was being punched in the gut and launched into the air by her.

I was up in the air closing out of my status screen when I saw Donna appear next to me in the sky and was about to deliver a kick that would send me plummeting back into the sandy beach of Themyscira.

Activating my shoes flight system that resembled Cad Banes from Star Wars the clone wars and Rick's when he unenthusiastically waged a one man war on either the federation or citadel of Rick's I can't remember which.

Moving out of the way of her kick letting my emergency nines drop back into my hands from my lab coat sleeves I'd only put back earlier firing ather joints not wanting to kill her but she managed to block all of my shots with her wrist cuffs.

'Damn those are some powerful bands if they can block supercharged plasma rounds.' I thought to myself just barely avoiding getting a sword through my stomach that Donna threw at me.

For half a nano second I looked down and saw a large crowd of Amazons watching us fight one another and in that moment of distraction Donna got a hold of me put me in an upside down hold ripped off my ankle repulsors before dropping to the ground with my head and her feet on a imminent course to the ground.

'I don't think my healing factor will save me if my head's shattered and imploded to a billion pieces. I thought to myself as I did the only thing I could think of to break free and at least maneuver myself so my head wasn't the first thing to hit the ground.

Kicking Donna in the face without any effect while I punched her cunny and slipped a finger by her thin piece of material between her thighs shoving my middle finger as deep into her virgin cunny as I could.

Which made her release me with a startled gasp and a pleasured moan smirking to myself. Well, I pulled out a cube from my pocket that had one of those big air mattresses like firefighters have nowadays that threw with all the force I could muster ahead of me.

Once it hit the ground it opened up and inflated allowing me a soft cushy landing only for Donna to land on top of me with a raging blush and a dagger in her hand that she pressed to my throat.

"You'll pay with your life for that, you filthy bastard." She growled but there was something in her eyes that told me she'd enjoyed what I did to her.

"Sure I'll take you out to dinner and a movie or something." I joked trying to disarm the situation, enjoying the way lightning seemed to flash in her eyes as my words registered to her.

"You-you don't care if I kill you." Donna replied, sounding shocked and more than a little aroused if the slight smokiness in her voice was actually there and not something I imagined.

"Only this body will die. I'll just get a new one…my sister probably won't like it though." I replied while staring into her electric blue eyes.

"Are you some kind of wizard?" She asked with almost a bit of trepidation leaking into her voice.

"No…even better I'm one of the most 'non-Rick' intelligent guys in any universe. I'll just be uploaded into one of the clone bodies I created for myself in case my birth body died from some factor or another." I replied while putting on a slightly arrogant tone.

"I have no reason to fear death. It is naught but a moment of pain and silence before I will be reborn in this form again fresh to the world…if you want my life Donna Troy then take it." I whispered I said in a voice low enough only the closests Amazon could hear it.

"Or if taking my life isn't what you really want but you want to feel more of what you did earlier…I'd be willing to help you explore yourself." I said softly as I rolled us over pinning Donna on to her back hands above her head.

My knee pressed tightly against her barely clothed sex while my body was barely off of her as I brought my lips in close to her ears so I was sure only she would hear my offer.

'I really hope my whole I have no reason to fear death wasn't as cringe sounding out loud to everyone else as it was to my own ears.' I thought to myself as Donna flipped us over and straddled my lower abdomen, her dagger long since gone from her hand.

(Clapping sounds started all around us as I laid on my back quite okay where I was)

"You and Donna will make good sparring partners for one another." Diana said as she watched us with an uncertain look in her eyes as Donna continued to sit on top of me making no move to vacate her spot.

"Sean, I believe you should return to Dinah's residence Donna and I have our duties to attend to as Royalty of Themyscira." Diana said, making Donna let out an irritated huff as she got off me and offered me her hand to help me up. I took it without a second thought.

Returning back to Dinah's basement finding it empty I went upstairs to her apartment not sure why the other apartments were empty or if Dinah actually owned the building.

Opening the unlocked front door looking around not spotting her but noticing her bedroom door closed I moved towards it. I was just about to turn the handle when I heard her moaning voice through the door and the telltale sound of fingers working a cunt with great enthusiasm.

"Ahh ahh ahh yes Sean fuck me fuck you're little song bird slut." I heard her moaning through the door and remembered after however many Canary cried she cried out when we were fucking in the woods I called her my little song bird and told her to sing for me a few times as I creampied her.

Biting back the urge to go in there and make her sing for me again and again before I reluctantly forced myself away from her bedroom door. and made myself go get in the shower washing off the sweat and grime from sparring against both Donna and Dinah opening a portal to where Sara was sticking my hard cock threw right into her pussy.

"AHHHHHH FUCKKK ! ! !" I heard Sara cry out in shock and thought hey it's her fault for bending over naked in the shower explosing her pussy like this as I fucked her through my portal depositing a load into her pussy before sticking my head through giving her a kiss on the small of her back.

"Love you babe." I said before pulling back and closing the portal before getting out of the shower.

Exiting the bathroom, going to the kitchen, finding it now stocked with all kinds of foods I decided to make a chicken Alfredo fettuccine sauce with noodles for both of us to eat.

Dinah smelling the food exited her bedroom looking like she just went twelve rounds against Cheshire with her hair all messed up a thick layer of sweat on her body soaking her sports bra and thong while the heavy scent on woman's musk wafted off of her and out of her bedroom door.

"Rough day?" I asked pretending not to know that all of that was from masturbating to the fantasy of me fucking her again.

"You could say that. How was meeting Donna?" Dinah asked and I could hear a bit of jealousy in her voice that Donna got to spend time with me and she didn't though that could be my arrogance coming into play.

"Ohh, it was great Donna is so beautiful and has such a tight snug little cunny." I replied adding on that last part as a test and I could see it in Dinah's body language.

She did not want to share me but also didn't want to give into her own urges with me probably due to the common consensus of people's opinions on age gap relationships and her position as a shrink.

"I-I'm happy you had such an enjoyable time." Dinah lied through her teeth as she unconsciously frowned and crossed her arms underneath her chest before stomping her way over to her kitchen table sitting down angrily in a chair.

Trying very hard not to smirk as I thought to myself 'You are so mine Dinah Lance don't worry I'll have you completely throwing away your hesitance to be with me and I'll even have you licking my cum out of your alternate Eath's daughter's freshly fucked and filled pussy eventually.'