Ghost Rider in TVD PT3


Returning back to the Donovan's residence I went to my borrowed bed and went to sleep only to get woken up an hour or so later by a naked Vicky cuddling up next to me. Ignoring her I quickly fell back to sleep only to wake with my alarm a few hours later Vicky was grinding herself against me in her sleep with one leg thrown over my thigh.

Pushing her off of me and wiped my leg off before getting dressed and exiting the house quietly. The directions Isabelle gave me led to a mausoleum inside Mystic Falls Cemetery. I didn't bother to knock. I just walked inside through the large iron door only to walk through a swirling blue portal that gave off an ethereal glow.

I couldn't see anything as I walked through and ended up tackling Isabelle to the floor by accident.

"This doesn't count as a win just so you know, now how long are you going to keep groping my ass and chest?." Asked Isabelle with a panting voice.

"Mmm more minutes." I replied back a little lost in enjoying Isabelle's considerable assets.

"Sorry about that Isabelle, but you're also to blame since you didn't give a heads up about how I would get here." I teased back as we both seemed to get lost in each other's eyes.

The world spun and I found myself looking up into those rich brown eyes. As her lips curled into a smirk.

"You're just mad I pulled one over on you ~hehehe.~" Replied Isabelle giggling at my plight.

"So are we just going to cuddle all day?." I asked back with an exasperated smile.

"Mmm, sounds good to me." Replied Isabelle with a bit of a purr in her voice.

Before she pushed off of me and offered me her hand.

"Well come on, we don't have all day." Said Isabelle teasingly.

After standing up Isabelle had me follow her to an area with a padded floor and a wall covered in training weapons.

"Heya." Shouted Isabelle as she flew at me with a flying kick.

I rolled to the right dodging her attack and throwing a spinning kick in her direction that she slid under and punched my inner thigh. Making me wince from the Phantom pain my nads felt while bringing my other knee around in a twist blasting her in the face hearing a crunch I moved back and saw blood running from her nose staining her nice top.

Instantly regret filled my heart at hurting her but she gave me what would have been a beaming smile if not for the blood staining her teeth giving her the image of a psychotic chick. Before I could say anything she launched herself at me and we engaged in a very hard-core sparring session with some hits connecting on both sides but for the most part we both blocked, countered and redirected each other's attacks.

I felt my blood boiling. I'd never had so much fun fighting someone before even if it was just practice and I noticed both of us were steadily improving as our movements both became fewer and subtler, each figuring out how to hide our body languages from each other. I got lucky with a leg sweep but Isabella kicked my supporting foot out from under me and I fell on top of her.

We both found ourselves panting heavily staring into each other's eyes, our heads slowly moving closer to each other. Our eye contact never broke even as our lips met and when they did both of us felt it. Besides the feeling of our soft lips against one another's or was like a surge of static electricity that flowed between both of us our kiss deepened our hands groped and explored.

Her soft yet strong hands slid underneath my shirt as one of mine slipped under hers while the other moved to her delicious thighs. I gripped her thicc yet firm ass just as my other hand grabbed her marshmallowy breast.

"Hehem hehem."

Isabelle and I jumped apart her top tearing a bit as her bra hooks snapped and my shirt buttons popped exposing my chiseled physique.


"Hey sis mom told us you were inviting a friend over to train and we thought we'd see if we could join but you too were so into kicking the shit out of each other and then trying to tear each other's tonsils out in a make out session Jace and I decided to wait until the perfect time to cock block the two of you." Said Alec while he and Jace wore shit eating grins.


I caught Isabelle's gaze and noticed how she was suddenly a bit self conscious. That's when I noticed her nose was a bit crooked from when I kneed her in the face. I was in front of her before I even realized I moved.

"Close your eyes Izzy, so I can fix and heal your nose."

It was shocking how meek Isabelle became all of a sudden where had that flirty, aggressive and confident young woman from before. A blue flame danced between my fingers as I reset Isabelle's nose and then healed it. I found it was really hard not to kiss those plump inviting red lips especially with the way she was softly biting her lower lip.

"There all better, you can't even tell it was broken. Do you have any pain anywhere else Izzy? If so, I should be able to heal it now."

'Ohh there's an ache somewheres I know you could fix but of course Alec and Jace just had to interrupt our moment together, ugh I hate my brother's sometimes though I guess it is a good thing they stopped us from going too far. Since I definitely don't want this to be easy for him like those sluts that are around him I want him to stay interested in me. Also I have to make him suffer for putting me in the friend zone but for some reason I feel like I'm going to be the one suffering the most.'

"Hey Izzy, Isabelle hey, Jeez did I give you a concussion or something fuck."

I rested both my hands on Isabelle's temples channeling my healing energy throughout her body healing torn muscles and overstretched ligaments and burning away the fatigue chemicals putting her back into a well rested shape.

My blue flames danced around both of our bodies and caused Isabelle's thick beautiful locks to dance as if they were in a strong wind. Both Alec and Jace held their weapons at the ready but their mouths were hanging open. Isabelle slowly opened her eyes and gasped admiring the dancing and caressing flames.

"They're beautiful and they feel warm but not hot."

"Thanks I think they're beautiful even though they have you as competition." I said in a voice so quiet only Isabelle and I could hear what I said.

"You seem to be flirting with me your Best-Frriend a lot today." Isabelle said in a teasing way but her eyes said she enjoyed my compliment.

I gave her an easy smile while removing my hands from her temple.

"So Izzy, are you going to introduce us to your "friend"?. Alec asked as he made air quotes.

"Yeah right sorry forgot you guys were here. Zac, meet my brother's Alec and Jace, Alec is the dark haired one with the bow and Jace is our adopted brother. He acts all broody and mysterious but don't let that fool you he's just bad at communicating with people."

"Alec, Jace, meet Zachariah Blaze. The reason why I was assigned to investigate here is related to him, which we're not quite sure about yet."

Isabelle introduced me as we moved closer to the two shadowhunter's I shook hands with Alec and took Jace's hand and I felt something, a feeling like I was meeting a family member.

"You're different from them, purer somehow are you a nephilim or something?."

"What." Jace asked incredulously.

"Ahh, never mind, I must be imagining things. It just felt like there was a certain resonance between us when I took your hand similar to Alec's and Izzy's but much stronger as if we were related or something. It was probably just my imagination."

Alec when he heard this Zac's explanation started to feel jealous that this stranger felt a bond with his parapati and his first love.

'Hmm, even though I haven't known him for a long time but so far, whenever Zac has had a feeling it's been on point. Though I think this should stay between the three of us because I'm not sure how the council would react to Jace having a connection of some kind to a spirit of Vengeance. And who knows what Valentine did to Jace when he was a child. Maybe I should tell my mother, no she won't keep the secret in the family.' Thought Isabelle to herself.

Both Alec and Jace were wearing some sort of smart watch that started going off like crazy.

"Sorry, Izzy Zac, Jace and I have to go, demons are attacking Manhattan."

"Do you guys need help?." I asked, shocking all three shadowhunter's and myself.

"I don't thi." Started to reply Jace.

"Of course let's go help Jace and Alec send some Demons back to hell." Yelled Isabelle aesthetically.

"Ink that's a good idea. ~SIGH~." sighed Jace exasperatedly.

"Can my bike go through your portal thingy?."

"Yeah but why?." Asked Alec.

"It's not just my ride but a partner and a weapon." I said like they were stupid for not knowing.

"Hehehehe, I'll help you get your motorcycle while Alec and Jace get the portal ready." Giggled Isabelle at her brother's dumbfounded expressions.


Isabelle was flaring her hips doing a sexy catwalk as I followed behind her as we walked through the portal I'd entered through earlier like before I found myself falling over from the feeling of vertigo.

Isabelle caught me this time and we stayed standing while she stood and I leaned on her heavily. I felt a bit of annoyance at Isabelle's slightly condescending smirk but my annoyance evaporated as soon as she gave me a light kiss on the lips.

"Don't feel bad Zac it takes awhile to be able to use portals without feeling disoriented. Come on, I'll drive your bike through as you hold on to me."

A part of me wanted to put my foot down and say no but then I thought about dinging up my bike by laying it down when that dizziness hit. And kept quiet loving the way Isabelle's sexy ass was highlighted as she swung her long sexy leg over my bike mounting feeling my pants grow a bit tighter.

Isabelle gave me a saucy knowing smirk as I made an audible gulping sound. Still incredibly horny from our hot make out session earlier. I sat bitch behind her one hand on her hip the other on her abdomen enjoying the shudder that tore through her as she grinded her sexy ass against my lap.

I leaned forward and kissed her neck softly moving upwards nibbling and pulling on her earlobe gently while biting on it.

"You're a tease Izzy, and if you keep pushing I won't be held responsible for what happens." I whispered devilishly in her ear as the hand that was on her abdomen grabbed one of her breasts.

"Haa, you're the one that's a tease first friend zoning me and now assaulting me every chance you get." Replied Isabelle breathlessly.

"If you didn't like it you could easily put a stop to it my beautiful, and sexy Huntress."

"You're Huntress?. What about that cradle robber and that slutty Wiccan."

"Jenna is a good fuck, Bonnie is a passing fancy someone I want as a knotch on a belt. You on the other hand are someone I can see growing old with meeting our grandkids at a park, getting married traveling the world slaying monsters."

"What if it doesn't work out I'd lose the first real friend I could just sit back and talk ngh to."

"Who said I'd let you go, even if you wanted to. I'd lock you up and keep you in my basement having my way with you whenever I felt like it."

"Hehehe, no you wouldn't, you're not that kind of person." Isabelle said softly as she fully pressed herself up against me tilting her head backwards and upwards.

We shared a soft loving kiss with tongue as I moved my hand from her breast back to her midriff.

"We should probably get going, your brothers are probably getting upset, we're keeping them waiting."

"Ri-right, Zac?."

"Yeah Isabelle?."

"I don't want to rush things between us I, I started things with a Seely and I want to end them before we go any further. Also I want us to get to know each other better. There's also the high chance I'll be reassigned to the institute and we'll rarely if at all see each other."

"I understand Isabelle." I said softly, planting a kiss on her forehead.

Though I said I understood I didn't not really, I felt this pull towards her and it wasn't just some celebrity crush on Emeraude Toubia. No it was something deeper and magnetic almost like how in that Twilight movie how they show Jacob's imprinting leaving Bella and attaching to Renseme.

Not as all encompassing or whatever I knew that I could be her best friend, confidant and shoulder to cry. But I'd probably never be able to see her kiss another guy or give those smiles of hers to someone else which could be dangerous giving her flirty attitude.

Isabelle started my bike and drove through the portal. I felt myself unconsciously grip her tighter. I didn't see it but Isabelle smirked happily when I held her tighter. This time I didn't get hit as hard by the feeling of vertigo.

"About time you two, let's go keeping this portal open is costing the institute a lot of money you know how Magnus Bane is sis." Said Alec, annoyed especially at seeing the darkening hickey on Isabelle's neck.

"Uhuh, I sure do, he'd probably join us at the institute if you'd stop crushing on Jace and ask him out." Muttered Isabelle so that only I could hear what she said.

'Hahaha, ohh Izzy you have no idea how close to home you actually are.'

Izzy drove through the second portal causing me to nearly vomit. I didn't like the looks I was getting from some of the Shadowhunters standing sentinel of the portal room or whatever it was, maybe it was just my motorcycle they didn't like.

A thicc curvy woman that looked like an older version of Isabelle walked into an atrium like area with her hands on her hips looking incredibly sexy making my pants grow even tighter.

"Isabelle Sophia Lightwood, what do you think you're doing driving that thing through the institute." Isabelle's mother Maryse Lightwood.

"Oooo somebody's in twouble." I whispered in Isabelle's ear.

I could see Isabelle's shoulders trembling trying to contain her laughter, something not lost on her mother. Whose face went from upset and judgey to angry as fuck.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I asked Isabelle to bring it with us when I offered to help fight against the demons attacking New York. Please don't take your anger out on her for something that I caused."

Isabelle's mother seemed to deflate after hearing my statement. She had a disappointed look on her face though but I thought I caught a bit of a glimmer in her eyes when she noticed how closely Isabelle and I were pressed against each other.


Isabelle's father walked out of his office and gave a welcoming smile.

"Hello Mr.Blaze, I hear you were instrumental in dealing with Esmerelda the witch of plague and also we'd have one less comrade in this world you have my thanks. And if you wouldn't mind turning off your motorcycle it's not healthy to breathe in the exhaust."

"Yeah I'd be more than happy to but Isabelle here is actually the one driving. I honestly don't think I can stand up yet without losing the contents of my stomach. Those portals are uncomfortable."

"Haha, I understand, Isabelle if you wouldn't mind."

"Yes, father."

"~Squealing sounds~, BIG BROTHER, BONEMAN."

I quickly turned in the direction of the squealing noise. Luckily I moved fast enough because there was a solid thump almost at the same time I heard Mikeala's words.

"Hey there little one how are you?. Is your mom doing alright?."

"Mmm." Replied Makeala.

I didn't even know I was smiling as I tousled her hair and gave her a one armed hug.

"Makeala, I told you not to run off in the institute especially while they're mobilizing forces to counter the demons attacking New York."

"But mommy, big brother Boneman is here."

"Hey didn't I tell you my name, you silly girl."

"Hehehe, maybe but Boneman is way cooler than Zac. Hehehe."

"Little stinker, you better get back to your mom, okay big brothers gonna go turn some Demons into ash."

"Okay, but you better come visit me when you get done turning the bad demons to ash."

"Aright, pinky promise I'll come visit you when I'm done with the demons."

"Hehehe, okay pinky promise, see you later big brother."

I noticed Isabelle looking at me with an unreadable expression while her mother's eyes seemed to sparkle.

"Aright, if you're done wasting time with your boyfriend Izzy we should mobilize." Said Jace irritated.

"Right, just let me get some gear." Said Isabelle as she ran to the armory.

She came back a few minutes later in a leather bodice and pants making my mouth fall open. And from the smirk on her face she was quite pleased with my reaction.

'Damn gotta get some street cred I'm looking like a love sick Foo.'

Pulling a Johnny Blaze.

"Let's Ride." (Possh hell bike transforming while a flaming skeleton sits on his motorcycle.)

Isabelle gingerly sat behind me wrapping her arms around my stomach. I smelled a few sinners amongst the shadowhunter's I looked at Hodge Starkweather and my hand raised instinctively.

"Kin slayer, your sins shall be punished. But first the Hell spawn." I said in a voice that made many feel their blood run cold. Maniacal laughter left my throat as I left a trail of burning flames behind me.

"He's rather theatrical isn't he?." Said Isabelle's mother to his father.

"He does have style and it seems like he's gotten something even more precious such as our little girl's heart." Smilled Isabelle's father.

Jace and Alec activated their Runes and ran after the ghost rider and their sister.

'I'll have to talk to him about Hodge, I know what he's done but he's an invaluable asset to the institute with his experience and expertise. But for now I'm just going to enjoy his warmth, also I think I should tell him his whole let's ride thing is just way too corny. It's like that guy in that movie that yells flame on. Sigh, he's going to require some work but I think he's worth it.' Thought Isabelle.

While this is happening a little girl is fascinated thinking her big brother is the coolest guy in the world while a certain mother is still thinking about how the extremely handsome young man interacted with her little girl.

And was hoping to develop a closer relationship with him of course for her little girl and not herself though she had to admit her panties did get a little wet at his show he put on probably for her little girl in the first place.

Even though being a skeleton I shouldn't have been able to feel Isabelle's bountiful chest pressed against my back but I could. It was like my flames formed a spectral skin that I could feel through.

'Or maybe she's my kryptonite, wouldn't that be some cockamaime bullshit that an author like me would concoct.' 🤔 😉.

We arrived at the place where the demons were attacking. Within a minute of leaving the institute I grabbed my shotgun and started blasting Shax demons. While the ones I didn't shoot I noticed an arrow sinking into their skulls or Izzy whipping around a razor whip.

I noticed a big ass draconic gargoyle like-demon grabbing a little girl and conjuring a spade ended hellfire chain that burst through the demon's chest turning it to ash as my chains gently cradled the little girl and lowered her to the ground.

More Demons just seemed to be appearing out of thin air. I saw that Izzy, Jace and Alec looked ready to drop and felt my own flames waning. While also feeling something deeper that was offering strength eagerly like a Labrador puppy hoping to play fetch with its human.

But there was something malevolent about this second energy and it felt like it would devour everything in its path. I looked over at Izzy worried that if u called out to her and distracted her that she would get hurt if not killed. So I commanded my blue flames to wrap Izzy and her brothers in armor and moved off the battlefield as my blue flames darkened and turned to black that became dominated by red.

"Skreee." The demons all seemed to intone in fear and tried to retreat but I roared and a raging inferno like dragon's breath turned all of the demons into floating green orbs the size of a copper penny while also melting brick buildings and turning the street into a bubbling mess.


I heard a scream behind me and turned to see Isabelle being lifted up into the air on long taloned claws that had skewered through her midriff by a giant draconic demon.

"ISABELLE." A pained scream tore from my own throat.

On instinct I breathed in and all those glowing green wisps funneled into my mouth satisfying my hunger and pushing me a new plateau of power unlocking previous abilities locked due to my frail soul and body that needed and still need nourishment before I can truly become the spirit of Justice & Vengeance.

My flames turned from red and black to pure darkness dancing in their air like smoke from a fire. A circular inferno opened beneath my feet and my viewpoint changed. I was now taller than the demon and standing behind it menicaningly.

'My Izzy nobody hurts my Isabelle.' I irrationally thought to myself.

As my fingers became claws even more vicious than what were currently holding Isabelle up in the air like a morbid trophy slid through the back of the demon causing it to scream in agony and drop Izzy.

I moved faster than I could actually perceive and plucked Izzy out of the air, making her cry out in agony once more before her eyes rolled back up into her head. My form quickly changed back to its Holy form, my thorn crown, horns and black flame melting away as I poured everything I had into saving Isabelle's life.

In my haste to save Izzy I didn't notice the demon I had stabbed moving to get its revenge at being wounded nor did I notice my quickly fading transformation. I didn't even notice it stabbing its claws through my back until I coughed up blood onto Isabelle's fave who was rapidly recovering.

Everything became muted. I could hear my heartbeat pounding in my head but it was steadily slowing down until I saw nothing but darkness.


I woke up in a rather comfortable bed but I was surprisingly completely naked without even a sheet covering me. Looking around the room I saw Isabelle's mother Maryse sleeping in a chair next to the bed I was laying in.

'Izzy I have to find Izzy and make sure she's okay.'

I tried to stand up but immediately fell to the floor making a loud enough sound to make Maryse jump to her feet holding a sword in her hand scanning the room.

She looked down at me on the floor and what I believe to be a giggle left her lips as she picked me up like a naughty baby that escaped his crib.

'Damn she has such a nice sexy body just like Isabelle.'

As if reading my mind she gave a smirk that I knew instantly that her daughter learned from her. It made my cock stand up at attention causing Maryse's eyes to widen with an undisguisable look of longing and lust.

That made me swallow hard.

"We weren't sure if you were going to pull through. Thank you for saving my daughter Zachariah Blaze. I'm forever in your debt." She said as her hand softly wrapped around my shaft and started pumping up and down while a few soft moans left my throat.

"You know it's been so long since I've had the attention of a handsome young man with a big fat cock. I can see why I have to practically beat my daughter away with a stick just to keep her away from you while you rested this past month." Smilled Maryse pervertedly

"I don't think we should do this. I really care for Isabelle and don't want to hurt her by."

"By screwing her mother?." Smirked Maryse.


Only for her to smile as if that turned her on even more.

"For a playboy you sure are pretty loyal to a girl you haven't even slept with yet." As she laid on the bed between my thighs and took me into her mouth.

"Uhhhggghh, that feels so good." I groaned in pleasure from the mature beauty's experience in bringing pleasure.

"You know I've always been loyal to my husband, muah, even after his affairs this last time though I demanded a child and he was repulsed by my very touch, by the stretch marks I gained bringing his children into this world." As she continued to lick, sick and stroke my shaft and balls.

"He's an idiot then, because you're one of the most gorgeous women I've ever met. And I hope to be able to see Isabelle flourish as well as you have."

This made Maryse pause in her actions looking up into my eyes searching for something maybe deceit I couldn't tell but either she found what she wanted or she didn't find what she was anticipating. As she quickly gave me that smile that she shared with Isabelle as just before she started deep throating me bobbing her head up and down as my thighs became wet with her drool.

"Fuck, baby I'm going to cum."

At my words Maryse doubled down on her efforts bobbing her head up and down while turning it side to side. While her hands massaged my balls.


I pumped thick shot after shot down her hungry throat right into her gullet making the mature woman's eyes roll back in her head as she experienced an orgasm from my cum being pumped inside of her.

'Damn I'm in really bad shape, I feel like I just ran a marathon.'

Maryse released my cock with a pop sound.

"You must really find me attractive, you're still rock hard after cumming so much."

"Yes, this may sound insensitive but you're the milf version of Isabelle and I find that very attractive."

"What does Milf mean?."

"It means you're a mother I'd love to fuck." I said feeling slightly embarrassed at saying it outloud.

But Maryse's eyes glittered with amusement at my suddenly embarrassed expression.

>------unsure about convo?------<

"I was wrong it's not just your cock my daughter is in love with it's you as a person. You're incredibly dense, endearing and cute."

"Thanks I think."

"You're welcome, Ara Ara. I seem to remember you calling me baby."

"Yeah, sorry if that bothered you it was a."

"I liked it, I don't remember the last time I felt so much affection from someone other than my kids." Maryse smiled sadly.

I didn't like that sad smile on her face. I cupped her cheek with my hand while applying enough pressure so she'd know I want her to move closer. She moved closer accommodatingly knowing I was too weak to exert any more force then what I had already done. She'd become surprisingly more self conscious the closer her face moved towards my own.

Her head down covered by her long curls I felt a few drops of moisture drop onto my chest. As I brushed her hair out of her face putting some pressure at the back of her head her face moved closer to my own. We kissed softly at first with slowly increasing passion Maryse pulled back throwing her blouse towards the chair she was sitting in earlier then removing her dark blue bra.

She lifted up her skirt and pulled her thong to the side lining up my cock to her nectar leaking lips sliding down my shaft screaming her pleasure. As her almost virgin-like folds fit me like a glove massaging my length in amazing ways.

She rested her weight against me while her hips started rapidly moving up and down as she fucked herself on top of me.

"So gooooodddD You're stretching me out sho good."

"Fuck, baby your pussy feels so tight like you're a virgin but it's doing amazing things."

"Ahhh, you're hitting places my husband never could."

"If you keep moving like this I'm going to cum."

"Ngh goood do it inside knock me uuup. Breed me just like you're going to breed my daughter."

Maryse's tits were bouncing in mesmerizing ways like a snake's dance. As her moans, screams and grunts echoed throughout the room. But something changed in the room. It was almost impossible to take my eyes off of the intoxicating sight of Maryse in a state of animal passion.


Isabelle was laying in her bed trying to fall asleep when she felt like she scraped her knee and then she was assaulted by waves of pleasure.

When finally an earth shattering orgasm rocketed through her making her scream out in ecstasy as her bedsheets and sleepwear became soaked.

The waves of pleasure stopped for a moment letting her gather her strength. She quickly took off her panties and wiped herself off and changed her bedsheets. But was quickly being assuaged by pleasure once more she felt drawn to the source of her pleasure.

She lightly pushed against the door to the bedroom she knew Zac was in with her mother watching over him. A pit formed in her stomach as she heard her mother's moaning voice.

She pushed open the door and had to admit to herself her mother and Zac looked amazing together.

'They look so good together, why why why, why do they look so good together, why my mother and not me. I want to be the one riding his cock making those slutty expressions. I want to be the one he gets pregnant. I want to have his babies… I want to have his babies. I want to be with Zac.'

"I won't let you win my man, mother." Whispered Isabelle dangerously as she threw open the door and sauntered in.


Isabelle & Maryse X Zax?



Or Occasionally


"Hello Mother, now I see why you were chasing me off, you wanted my Zachariah all to yourself." Isabelle nearly snarled as she spanked her mother's ass.

"Aghhh, yes spank me Isa."

Seeing Isabelle smack her own mother's thicc ass and feeling the way Maryes velvety folds clenched me like a vice pushed me over the edge in a show of force.

I didn't know I was capable of in my current state my hands sunk into Maryse's phat booty pulling her down so the head of my cock breached her womb as I shot my load deep inside her.

"Sho hot Ahhhhhhh, you're filling me so full."

I was pumping so much cum into Maryse that the seal her cunt had around my shaft blew and my cum and her juices burst from our connection as she squirted.

From Isabelle's dumbfounded expressions I could tell she'd never experienced it. An orgasm like that or at least never thought she'd see her mother's face morph into something she'd only ever seen in a hentai.

'Ohh my god mom looks so erotic like in one of those Hentai comics and videos. I I can't believe this but I want to see her make that face again and I want to be a part of it.

But Zac still needs to recover. I don't know why or how but I can feel what he feels. He feels exhausted and hungry, no hungry isn't the right word ravenous yes that's it he's ravenous but he's putting on a strong front. How long has my mine suffered like this?. I'm glad I went and got that stone.

I saw a picture of it in my mind. I know it can help him so I don't care that I robbed a museum for the man I love is nothing, the man that was willing to die to save my life.

Love I thought I loved Meliorn but I know now that that was just a phase an infatuation I know what love is now but. I need to make Zac suffer a bit for him having sex with my mother before me.

Wait, that doesn't sound right, It should have been me and not her. But I also know he has needs, and if I have to relocate back here to the institute he'll have to have other female companions.'

I found myself caressing mom's sweat drenched hair as it stuck to her head. I saw Zac's questioning and worried look. He looked cute like that. I found myself leaning down and kissing his forehead.

"You're not mad?." He asked with his eyes looking so hopeful I decided to crush him as some payback for making me worry so much.


"Izzy I'm."


"Don't you dare call me Izzy."

I felt waves of guilt and physical pain hit besides the emotional pain caused by the devastated look in his eyes.

'Maybe I went too far. No, we need this. I don't know why but I know that we do.'

I felt my eyes start to prickle as I grabbed the Phoenix Stone off the nightstand by his bed and slammed it down next to my mother's head. She didn't even flinch. She was unconscious. I felt another spike of jealousy towards my mother at that realization.

"Use that to get better and then leave." I said trying to hold back the tears I knew were going to burst out of me any second.

I slowly walked to the door acting like I was fine even pumping my hips to make him realize what he's lost. While he thinks he's lost, what I did not expect was a small little column of blue flames trying to stop me from leaving the room.

"Isabelle, wa-cough-it."

'This is not going how I thought it would.'

"No, get some rest Zachariah and then go home. I don't want to talk to you."


I put everything I had into trying to stop Isabelle from leaving. I could feel her emotions somehow and they were all over the place.

Puffs of gray-black smoke as I tried to transform with some success. I held the phoenix stone in hand and swallowed it, my body was infused with new strength and my control increased. I wreathed Isabelle in the cobalt flames and brought her to me.

I could see tears threatening to burst from her eyes. I let my transformation slip and I pulled Isabelle on to the bed as I pulled her against me.



A massive plume of green flame left my body as I belched but it didn't seem to affect the room or anything inside of it.

I just laid there blinking rapidly.

'Did the ghost rider just burp?.'

"Hehehehe, HAHAHAHAHA. Wha hahaha was that a burp." Asked Isabelle holding her stomach as she laughed.

"Yeah I think so."


"Isabelle, I'm sorry for hurting you, I hope you can understand I never wanted to do that. But your mom is practically undeniable to me, in part because she just looks like a slightly older curver version of you.

But I can't lose you even if I have to tie you up and run away with you, against your will."

(Badump badump badump.)

(Yandere mc lol jk but maybe.)

"What about my mom? Do you plan on tying her up and kidnapping her?." Isabelle asked with a little bit of heat in her words.

"I don't think I'd have to, I think she'd help me kidnap you. Wait, is it kidnapping if she ran away with me and helped bring you with us slightly against your will." I teased playing dumb.

"You're such an Ass." Isabelle said softly.

"I know, I'm an asshole and many other unflattering things. But I do love you Isabelle."

"I know I can feel it." Isabelle whispered softly.

"You, what?."

"I, I'm not really sure but since you saved me I can feel you and most of what you're feeling and sense your location. It kinda of sounds like how Alec explains what his parapati bond with Jacr feels like."


"Also there's a little flaming skull tattoo on my lower back like a tramp stamp that says Izzy belongs to Zac."

"You're fucking with me, aren't you?."

"Mmm-aaa-yyy-beeee. Hehehe."

I could feel Isabelle's amusement and mischievousness through whatever this new connection between us was.


"Yeah, Isabelle, what is it?."

"I thought it was really fucking hot watching you cum inside my mom and I felt, feel really jealous that it was her and not me I'm sorry I slapped you and said those things."

"I deserved them Isabelle, I had just literally busted a nut inside your mom after all. And then asked a really dumbassed question. Zac I don't think my mom is on anything to prevent pregnancy."

"This probably won't make you feel any better but how do you feel about a little sister?."


"Izzy, I knew what I was doing when I held your mom down as I came inside her. I wouldn't mind if you're mom ended up being pregnant with my child, in fact I find it strangely hot like I want to roll over right now and continue fucking a baby into the beautiful woman. While you watch me do it."

Isabelle audibly gulped at my confession.


"I also want to press you up against the wall and fuck you senseless Isabelle. I want to watch you lick my deposit out of your mom's snatch as I take you from the back.

I want to watch as you and your mother 69 each other to an orgasm. Then whoever cums first has to watch as I fuck the loser."


'Ahh, what do I do, what do I say, if I give in now he'll hold all the cards in our relationship, which doesn't really sound all that bad buuuttttt.'

"Zac I meant what I said you should heal and leave. I'm not ready to go further with you now."

"Lier." I whispered softly. I also felt a little snort against my chest.

"What was that?." Asked Isabelle irritatedly.

"I simply called it as I see it. My sexy Huntress."

"Humph, goodnight Zac, I'm glad you're okay I was scared I was going to lose you." Said Isabelle as she left the room this time without interference as she swayed her hips.

"Why did you let her leave? You could have easily kept her here just by saying so."

"I don't want to start a relationship with her where I hold all the power in the relationship also. Even though there was a spark between us before, I don't want her to rush into something because she feels indebted to me for saving her life." I replied to Maryse.

"And me?." Asked Maryse self-consciously.

"That would be up to you beautiful. You're still married I'd say for political reasons since it's obvious he isn't taking care of you emotionally or physically.

I'd be more than happy to develop something with you, maybe we'd even come to love one another.

But that also depends on Isabelle as well Maryse if it's going to endanger your relationship with your daughter I don't want that. We could be friends with benefits or try a three way relationship but I think you and Isabelle should talk things out between each other."

"~snort~ I know my daughter Zac, ahhhnnghhh." Maryse moaned as she started moving up and down my shaft again.

"She loved watching me ride your cock, Haa, just like I'm sure I'll love watching you fuck her up against a wall, gawd your cock feels so good inside me."


Jenna didn't know what to do. She'd been trying to get ahold of Zachariah for the past three weeks. She was sitting in her car holding her hand against her abdomen while dialing his number for like the thousandth time.



"Jenna?, Are you okay?, sorry I lost my cell and just got a replacement."


"Is it mine?."

"What was that?."

"I asked if it was mine."


"Had to ask, it's not like we know each other all that much. So do you want to have it?. Or."

"I DON'T KNOW, that's why I've been trying to find you." Jenna started to cry.

"Hey hey, it's alright Jenna everything's going to be alright I'll be back in Mystic Falls tomorrow. We can meet somewheres and figure things out, okay, Jenna you're not alone."

"Do you mean that?."

"Of course, Jenna. Well I got to hang up now but I'll call you later okay."


'I got Jenna Sommers pregnant. Damn boiz that's world star level shhhiiiiiittttttt.'

Getting dressed admiring Maryse's thicc ass as she slept in the bed smirking to myself seeing my seed staining her light tan skin as a thick stream of it flowed out of her lower lips.

Leaning over I planted a kiss on her forehead leaving the room carefully not to make too much noise since we'd only finished fucking a couple of hours ago.

Isabelle met me in the hallway trying to glare angrily but her flushed body, messy hair and strong womanly scent ruined it for her.

I pretended as if I was going to pass by her like I didn't notice but I saw her face start to twist in a hurt expression.

I quickly grabbed her hips, pulled her against me making her moan, kissed her cheek before letting go and continuing on my way.

Before going to collect my bike I went and tried to visit Makaela but she and her mother had returned home already.

"I'll have to stop to see her. I wouldn't want to break a promise to my new little sister.'

"Hey Zac can we talk to you for a second."

I looked over my shoulder spotting Jace and Alec.


They led me to a mess hall where the three of us sat in a hidden alcove, before I could sit down Jace and Alec hugged me I thought I almost saw tears in Jace's eyes.

"Thank you for saving Izzy we thought we'd lost her when we saw that asmodius demon." Alec's voice cracked while Jace nodded.

"Ha ha ha, yeah I didn't even have to think about it, Izzy is well you both know how great Izzy is. Well I better get going. I've missed a month of school. I'll end up having to repeat a year."

"Aren't you hungry? you should probably eat first, you've been out for a long time." Said Jace.

"Actually I ate last night when I woke up, your mother brought me a big meal." 😉 😜

"Ohhh alright then." Replied Alec.


'Woo, glad to be out of that place.'

I went through the portal on my bike and ended up in the cemetery outside the crypt I went to to train with Isabelle.

Putting on some Eminem through the Bluetooth helmet started cruising, enjoying the view of the forest and the tunes.

I decided to go get my RV before going to see the Donovan's and Jenna. Picking up my RV was quick and hassle free.

I stored my bike into the built-in storage compartment. It was a bit of a tight fit but I got it in there.

The Donovan's house was predictably empty so I quickly went in grabbed my ill gotten goods and clothes transferring my stuff over to the RV.

I sent Jenna a quick text.

[Hey I'm back umm should I come to your house or is there a neutral place you'd like to meet at?.]

[I'm at the doctor's getting prenatal care and bloodwork done. There's quite a bit of paperwork you have to fill out like medical info, income, residency paperwork and many more just in case we decide to give up the baby for adoption.]

'Give up my child, this bitch must be crazy. I'll be a single parent before I ever give away my kid even if it is a lot of work and stress to raise a brat.' I thought angrily.

[Sure do you want me to come to the doctor's office?.]

[No meet me at my place in an hour.]

[Kay, be there.]

Pulling up outside the Gilbert resistance parking in front of the house getting some strange looks from the neighbors though as soon as I looked in their direction they turned away.

'Hmm, sure this rig might be new and shiny, but it definitely doesn't merit all those stares.' I thought to myself.

Locking the parking brakes while entering the cabin of the RV turned on the TV which was remarkably Dish satellite TV seeing a yellow sticky note on the center console of the couch where there are cup holders.

[Thank you for your purchase as a bonus for buying such a high value mobile home we have included a twelve month all access Dish network package yes even the adult channels wink wink and fully stocked the fridge and pantry. With sincere gratitude Sarah.]

'Damn she even paid for the porno channels, what an awesome woman, not that I really need them but still. I should do something nice for her in return, maybe a gift basket.' I thought to myself.

[In an RV out front of your place doors open if you want to have…the talk in here. Hope everything's going well at the doctor's.]


"Ugggggghhhhhhhhh, this place sucks Saint balls. The corvette is not enough for this Lucifer better throw me an orgy when I get back to Lux." The sexy leather clad demoness complained.

"(Sniff…sniff…sniff) Hellfire…burning…flesh…punished sinners mmmmmm-fff-uuu-ccc-kkk I'm feeling so horny. It must be the one Lucifer sent me to find fuck just finding and watching over him for Lucifer. I'm going to find him now so he can fuck my tight little demon pussy." Moaned the leather clad sexy demoness.


While waiting for Jenna I decided to see what there was to make for food in the fridge and cupboards. Finding a bunch of frozen meats in the full size freezer along with other frozen foods and meals.

The fridge had multiple dairy products and even came fully stocked with beer fresh foods. The cupboards were filled with the escentials chips, cookies, crackers and various pastas and sauces.

grabbing a Heiniken and a party size bag of lays salt & vinegar chips reclining on the couch, putting the tv on cartoon network watching as Ben Tennyson was fighting Animo as Ditto.

"Cool ride man, what are you doing here though? Is that B-Ten sweet mind if I hang?." Jeremy Gilbert asked while being blazed out of his mind. as his eyes lit up at the sight of my bag of chips.

"Normally I wouldn't mind but I'm waiting for your aunt, she and I have some things we need to talk about and it'd probably be better if you weren't here when she gets here. Sorry bro." I replied while taking a swig of my beer.

"It's cool, let me know when we can hang, I'll bring the bud man." Said Jeremy as he left the trailer with his head down I could only picture a puppy that got yelled at walking away with his tail between his legs.

'Poor kid, just needs a friend.' I sighed as I turned back towards the TV.

After half an hour three beers down and a bag of chips the door to the RV opened and in stepped Jenna Sommers.

'Damn, she's glowing.'

Her long honey blonde hair slightly curly danced in the breeze made by her own momentum.

Wearing a cream colored pair with a black loose skirt that rested just above her knees that had various pink and dark pink flowers on it tied in with strappy black heels.

"You look gorgeous Jenna."

Jenna froze for a second before shooting a smile that wasn't quite a smile while glaring.

But her eyes softened before she gave me a real smile.

"Don't think that just because you compliment me means I'm going to let it slide that you knocked me up and the ghosted me only to answer my call when you're fucking someone else." Replied Jenna looking slightly annoyed.

"The thought never crossed my mind. I merely spoke what I felt when I saw you enter my humble abode." I replied back smiling.

"(Snort) whatever so I brought these forms with me that I need you to fill out." Jenna started saying as she set down six or seven thick manilla folders stuffed to the brim.

"Hold on a moment Jenna, I want to make something clear to you here and now.

I understand that guardianship was recently thrust upon due to a tragic twist of fate.

So even though I can't completely understand what you're going through I can understand how daunting the idea of adding a newborn to that mix for you is.

Especially after being recently orphaned myself. With that point in mind I can't stress this enough though if you don't want any part in raising this child after birth I will take sole custody and responsibility of him or her.

There is no way I'll allow my child to be raised by strangers or be put into the system."

Jenna froze her hand hovering in mid air over the table while gripping another folder in her hand she'd just pulled from her large purse.

I found my eyes looked with her hazel ones a storm raging inside her own as I hoped mine projected the calm confidence I was feeling.

Finally she nodded.

"You might feel that way now but a lot can change in 8 months so until then fill these forms out for me for now."

"Yeah, you mind helping me out with these, that is if you don't have more important things to do."

"Sure, I can stay for awhile and help with them."

We sat down together at the booth table with Jenna pointing to the places I needed to fill in and the ones I didn't.

I noticed her rubbing her neck and shoulders so turning in my seat I started massaging her neck muscles and shoulders.

"Mmm-ahh-nnnooo-we shoummmld be consssentrating on this paaaperwork."

"Shh, let me take care of my baby momma." I whispered softly in her ear kissing behind her ear and down her neck.



"Mmm, you're…soo…nghhh… good at this…mmm."

"Had a lot of practice, though you're my most beautiful recipient." I said softly.

"Mmm…this doesn't…OOOHHH right there YEssssss that's the spot mmmm this doesn't mean we're having sex to-mmm-night."

"Shh, don't think too much this is just a massage. Let's move to the bed so I can massage your back."

"Mmm…no sex thoungghh."

"Of course, no sex just a massage. That's all, I have to take good care of my baby mama after all."


"Take off your blouse and lay down on your stomach Jenna."

Jenna turned around and glared at me, her eyebrows and nose crinkleing cutely. I put my hands up in a disarming manner.

"Hey, what's that look for? I'm only asking so I can give you a better back rub."

"(Snort) that better be all that's on your mind."

"Of course it is."

I saw a flicker of disappointment flash in Jenna's eyes before she turned away from me unbuttoning her to and throwing it at me over her shoulder.

Opening the closet door, hanging up her shirt as she laid down on the bed moving forward removing her heels.

Enjoying the way she shimmied further up the mattress her skirt riding up showing a light blue thong.

My cock twitched as I was enjoying the nice view. Kicking off my boots, mounting her upper thighs resting my butt lightly against her thighs just behind her shapely ass.

Leaning forward pressing my groin against her firm but soft ass feeling her subtly grind her ass against my jeans making me smirk on the inside.

"Wow, you're so tense Jenna. I'm sorry for stressing you out so much, hope you can forgive me for it in the future."

"Mmmmm right there that's the spot mmmm, if you keep doing things like this I'll forgive you, for putting me through so much stress."

"Hahahaha, okay then, I guess I'll be your exclusive masseur from now on."


Moaned Jenna as she started grinding her ass against my hardening cock faster, not even trying to act stealthy anymore.

Unhooking Jenna's bra made it easier to massage her upper mid back enjoying the shudder that ran through her body.

'No sex, yeah right, bet you're dying to have your needy cunny stretched and stuffed with my cock again. To think a drunken one night stand led to this.'

Continuing with the massage, noticing how Jenna's ass had completely stopped grinding against me and her moans had become so light they were nearly inaudible.

Getting off her I noticed she was asleep gently moving her around covering her with a blanket after removing her bra the rest of the way.

'Fucking cock tease getting me hard an then falling asleep. You're lucky I'm not an ass or else I'd definitely have my way with you.'

Taking off my clothes entering under the covers with Jenna and like a heat seeking missile she latched herself onto me and snuggled in.

'(Snort) I'm not a fucking body pillow, god why do women always end up doing this.'

If anyone else was there to see it they'd have seen a gentle smile on Zac's face as he hugged the sleeping woman closer to him before dozing off himself.

Jenna sneakily opened one eye after a few minutes of feeling Zac's breathing leveling out as a smirk lit up her face.

'I told you no sex, you just didn't believe me (humph) this is your punishment for not answering my calls when I needed you because you were busy fucking someone else.' Jenna thought to herself as she snuggled deeper into her baby Daddy's warmth.

'His declaration earlier was so hot though about he'll raise our baby on his own if I didn't want anything to do with it.

Also the massage was sweet and felt amazing for what can really only be chopped up to a drunken mistake. He's quite a catch even if he is a slut.

Jesus Jenna what are you even saying there's almost a decade between us, you're a fucking craddle robber.' Jenna thought before falling asleep for real this time.

I woke up to a pleasant feeling of a warm wet mouth sucking on my cock while clearing out the cobwebs. A lewd song I was familiar with was playing.

(Glugh Pfft Glugh shlick Glugh Pfft Glugh shlick)

Looking down I watched as the blanket went up down up down as my thighs felt wet and slimy.

Throwing the blanket off the bobbing head I was stunned when it wasn't the blonde locks I was expecting but black locks.

Light tan skin and brown eyes that looked up at me reverently. It was none other than Mazikeen Lucifer's lieutenant Hell's most skilled and brutal torturer.

"You're not who I was expecting…to wake up too."

Maze released my cock with a pop as both her hands worked in tandem to keep stroking it.

Looking up at me with a saucy smirk. "I came in when the blonde left. I had hoped she'd stay for a little three-way fun." Said Maze before she went back to worshiping my cock with her mouth.

'It's kind of odd I know for a fact that Maze has sinned but there's no drive to punish her. There's almost this feeling that I have to reward her for her sins.'

"Swing that ass around." I commanded.

Maze didn't waste a second not even letting my cock slip from her mouth as I was greeted by a leaking cunt that smelled smoky and sweet.

Diving into her pussy, shoving my tongue up into her insides that felt sweltering as if I was standing next to a raging fire.

As far as it could reach as my hands sunk into her ass as I pulled her down tighter onto my face.

Loving the way her moans vibrated my cock as she deep throated me. While her throat muscles twitched and massaged me.

'God damn, who knew devil pussy tasted soo fucking good. Her juices even have a pleasant burn like a good brandy."

That ache in my balls started warning me I was about to cum as Maze's insides started to move erratically, strangling my tongue.

As I sprayed my cum down her throat she squirted all over my face and in my mouth I happily drank her girl cum as it tasted devilishly divine.