Young Justice Symbiote Kryptonian

[Washington DC]

As three teens used a fire to infiltrate a secret laboratory underneath a front laboratory, in a room hidden behind a flesh-like wall of level 52 where they are investigating project Kr.

Two other projects were being stored there: projects Match and Venom. Project Match was identical to Project Kr, a clone of The Superman.

While Project Venom was a black tar like substance constantly pounding against its clear polyurethane cell.


Dammit how did I get here? I was watching Young Justice thinking it'd be awesome to be Venom, take over Match by performing a lobotomy on his brain and join the Team and Bang Artemis Crock and a few other hotties that pop up in the series.

Now I'm in this spherical clear prison as an ooze and I'm starving. I'm surrounded by what I think are cryo chambers from DC's young justice cartoon.

I can make out odd shapes but one or two of them seem to be rather vague but normal outlines of people; those must be Roy Harper and Match.

The whole building shuttered and I found myself falling to the floor. The spot in my prison that I constantly batterd myself against finally cracking in a combined effort of myself and the floor.

Pushing through the cracks I found myself free from my prison I went from genomorph to genomorph bonding with them gaining their genetic data and powers while consuming them to feed and heal myself.

I could bond with Roy Harper but he's too unstable in the beginning. The best bet would be Match perform, a lobotomy on him and take over completely.

Entering Match's cryopod killing the G-nomes.(G-nomes, small fat little chibi things with tiny horns on their head have telepathy.)

Bonding myself to the Superman clone performing the lobotomy. Taking full control of the still living body when I felt this burning heat throughout each cell as each of my cells bonded to the Kryptonian cells.

I could do nothing but scream out in pain as my symbiote body went through a forced rapid evolution.

Though instinctually I knew the Kryptonian D.N.A was corrupted and incomplete I didn't know how to fix it with so much of the base DNA missing I started using the genomorph DNA.

Filling in missing patches stabilizing my new cellular structure, my new body gained the additional abilities of Telekinesis, Telepathy and Electrokinesis while still retaining its kryptonian abilities.

I could hear the voices speaking from somewheres they sounded as if they were right next to me but looking around I didn't see anyone.

Until suddenly my view changed and I was able to see through everything like X-ray vision. I found Kid Flash, Robin, Aqua-lad all strapped into a chamber each with a spherical container underneath them with what looked like blood filling them.

Feeling the urge to go help them I crashed through fleshy wall after wall flying in the air entering the room just as Superboy frees Aqualad from his restraints.

"Aww man another one, is he gonna kick our asses too?." Questioned kid flash wearing his ugly mustard yellow with red pant super hero outfit.

I quickly put my hands up in a disarming fashion.

"WHoooo-whoooo I'm here to help. I think you guys accidentally freed me, before you were captured but it took a while for me to wake up." I said to them trying to remove any hostility between the five of us.

"You look like me." Challenged Superboy.

"Technically you look like me Kr since I was made first." I said looking into his eyes seeing him getting angrier by the second.

"But hey don't worry it's not like we're exact copies see black sclera not white red eyes not blue so just think of it like we're twins." I said again not receiving an answer from Superboy.

"We have to get out of here and report this to the league." Said Kaldur while still being supported by Superboy.

"Right, I'll find us a way out." Said Robin as he used a holographic computer interface on his wrist.

We were running down a hallway as G-trolls chased us until Superboy started giving us directions.

Leading us to an air vent that we all squashed ourselves into to try and escape.

'Why didn't I just fly out through the ceiling?' I asked myself while having to look down so I wouldn't be staring at Superboy's ass.

We came out of the air vent only to be surrounded by Genomorph's and the genomorph leader Dubbilex.

Dubbilex's eyes widened upon seeing me, a bit of fear in his eyes as I felt a spike trying to enter my brain. I sent one back, both I and Dubbilex were standing back in the room I escaped from.

"It seems your mind has become clear brother. I will give you the same choice as the Superboy. Escape or stay a prisoner." Asked Dubbilex.

"Escape." I said without a second thought.

"Goodluck brother." Replied Dubbilex.

And that's when Desmond Miles showed up.

"I will have order." He said channeling his inner Umbridge. Before turning into a humanoid boulder monster with red veins and his remaining skin from before his transformation hanging off all over his body.

SB charged at him, getting his ass handed to him and getting thrown into KF as Kaldur said something about a plan of attack.

While Robin threw out some robinrangs that had no effect on the blockbuster monster.

SB got up again and charged at Blockbuster getting in a good few hits before being thrown into a wall.

"Hey are you just gonna float there or help?." Asked Robin.

"(Snort) Watch, this is almost as good as America's funniest home videos." I replied but still leapt into action landing a gut punch on Blockbuster launching him up through the ceiling into Cadmus's front laboratory.

Floating up through the multiple holes made by Blockbuster as he made. I was able to track his rocket-like accent all the way up to the mesosphere.

Before his descent started fire was building up around his body like a meteor on entry to the atmosphere.

Just as he was about to impact the ground I caught him by the ankle feeling a slight sizzle from my hand as my flesh burned slightly from the heat.

There was a slight itch before the dull throb of burnt flesh subsided. The force of the catch and the G-forces from his descent seemed to have knocked Blockbuster unconscious as he or it wasn't struggling to break free from my grasp.

I looked over and saw Superboy looking at me with almost adoring eyes.

While Kid Flash was gaping with wide-eyes while Aqua-lad and Robin kept their composure and stayed in state of readiness in case I turned hostile towards them.

"Man that was so awesome, so you're another Superman clone. That's cool. You, ugh, mind putting him down so Rob and I can make sure he's still alive." Spoke Kid Flash 500 miles a second.

"It's still alive, I can hear its heartbeat and breathing." I replied as I dropped Blockbuster to the ground while still a few feet above the roof of the Cadmus building.

Landing in front of Superboy.

"Hello little brother, the moon is beautiful isn't it? Much better than the images and simulations that we were subjected to." I spoke to Superboy softly so as not to startle him or trigger his rage-side.

He nodded, not taking his eyes off of the moon. We both saw big boy blue appearing in front of the moon. Soon we were surrounded by members of the league that could fly on their own.

I didn't really pay attention to what was said as I was too entranced by Black Canary in her one piece bodice leotard with blue Jean jacket.

"Can I help you?." Asked Black Canary asked a little exasperatedly.

"Huh?" I asked while blinking rapidly trying to clear out the spell she had over me.

"You've been staring at me for a few minutes now, is there something wrong?" Black Canary asked, slightly concerned by my lost look.

"Ahh, sorry I was lost in thought." I replied, giving her a soft smile.

"Who are you?." Asked a mistrustful voice, its owner was glowering at me in his black and gray outfit with his bat cowl and glowing white eyes.

"I'am project Match, I was created from Superman's D.N.A to replace Superman should he parish, or kill him should he turn from the light." I replied in a mechanical robotic voice devoid of any human emotions.

"Why are there two of you?." Wonder Woman asked curiously.

"I was deemed a failure due to my defects, and Project Kr was initiated once Project Kr was deemed as a more suitable replacement. I was removed from the program and put into a deep freeze in preparation for disposal.

The incurring battle between Project Kr, Robin, Aqualad and Kid Flash managed to affect my cryo-chamber and cause a failure allowing me to escape.

Upon escaping from my frosty prison I heard these three asking for help and went to assist as my base programming dictates.

Wherein the five of us tried escaping from project Cadmus only to be waylaid by head researcher Desmond Miles who injected himself with a neon blue serum which led to the five of us combating a mutated Desmond Miles." I replied in the same emotionless robotic mechanical voice as before.

Aqua-lad stepped forward and in front of me in a semi-protective way. Putting himself between me the heavy hitters and founding members of the league even his mentor and king Aquaman.

Kid Flash moved to the side of Kaldur'ahm (Aqualad) while still standing behind him right next to me, giving me a smile and a thumbs up.

While Robin moved in the same way but giving two thumbs up while my brother moved right next to me while staring at our unwilling sperm-donor angrily.

I kind of zoned out again as I looked at the rest of the league members, my eyes lingering on wonder woman and hawkwoman a bit longer than was probably acceptable.

Especially if hawkman's stare was anything to go by but I couldn't care less about him. I turned away from the leaguers looking up at the moon, losing myself.

'Am I dead in that world? How will my family feel about me dying? What about my friends? while friend. (Sigh) what does it even matter? It's not like there's a way for me to go back.'

"Hey man are you alright?." Kid Flash asked concernedly.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about how beautiful it is, and worrying about being locked away again." I said melancholically as I pointed at the full moon in the sky.

"Hey man don't worry about it, nobody's letting you be locked away again we're a team the five of us, and Speedy if he, ahh never mind. So you want to stay with me like Superboy?." Wally West asked 500 miles a second.

I shrugged non-committedly "Sur, ain't got nothing else to do." I replied.

"Sweet, the three of us are going to have so much fun." Replied Wally excitedly.

Before I could go to follow Wally and Superboy I felt a hand fall on my shoulder.

Reacting on instant I grabbed the hand twisted it turning myself and the person around about to put them in an arm bar.

When my world flipped upside down standing above me was the bat. Starting to see red as my eyes heated up I quickly moved my hand in front of my eyes so I wouldn't add two new holes in Batman.

Through my symbiote visual abilities I saw the bat relax slightly and remove his hand from the infamous tool belt around his waist.

"Sorry, bout that." I said not feeling sorry at all as I cut off my heat vision and started to float up off the ground in an upright position.

Only receiving a nod in return from the Bat as he held a black card out to me with a bat insignia on it like the one on his chest.

"For clothes, food and other necessities, I've already given one to Superboy for himself." Said Bruce the Orphan-con.

"Thanks Batsie." I said in return before flying towards Wally and Superboy.

[2] The West's

Flash accompanied us to a Zeta tube tunnel that was hidden inside a phone booth where he programmed Superboy and I into the system.

A mechanical voice sounded as Kid Flash walked through the glowing orangeish-yellow tunnel B-O3 Kid Flash B-04 Superboy B-05 Match destination Central City.

"How'd you guys like your first Zeta tube experience, pretty cool right?." Asked Wally wearing his trademarked grin.

"Yeah it's pretty awesome we just traveled three to four hundred miles in twelve steps." I replied back with my own smile.

Superboy was angrily staring at the ground as if it was the grounds fault Superman ignored our existence.

"Don't be too harsh on him, little brother. I'm sure it's quite a lot for him to take in that he has two sons of himself with his looks running around.

Just try and be patient. He'll come to us when he's ready." I tried to reassure Superboy

"I don't care, I don't need anything from him." Replied Superboy angrily, all his anger now directed at me.

"Yup, you're right you don't, but you want his acknowledgement and his affection anyways right?." I asked a bit condescendingly.

"RAAAAAA." Superboy roared angrily as he started to punch towards me.

Catching his fist with my hand caused a sonic boom and a wave of force that caused the ground below our feet to crack.

Superboy tried to punch out with his other hand only to find himself receiving a gut punch in return from me.

"Look Kr, we could do this all damn day if we wanted but I don't want to and I doubt you want to either.

"RAAAAAAA ! ! !." Superboy replied, pissing me off to the point I sent a telepathic spile into his mind knocking him unconscious as I slung him over my shoulder.

'Great, another on the spectrum little brother.' I thought to myself as Wally looked at me with his mouth hanging open.

"What? I didn't want to spend all night putting up with his temper tantrum. Also I don't think the league would appreciate having to replace their Zeta tube device and the surrounding buildings that would have been destroyed in a confrontation between us." I replied to the questions I could already see forming on his lips.

Wally quickly nodded. "Ahh, makes sense. So follow me. I'll go slowly so you can keep up." Wally said as he took off down the street at probably half of his full speed.

I easily kept pace with Wally, making him smile towards me and give me two thumbs up to which I smiled robotically and nodded in reply to. He ramped up his speed at seeing that I was able to easily match.

"That was fun man Flash almost always leaves me behind. Maybe we can team up or just hang out with you and I at times. S-sorry you just got out a." Wally somewhat complained about his mentor, before sounding desperate for a friend he can easily be himself around and hang out with before starting to babble and apologize which I silenced by resting a hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay man, having a friend would be nice." I replied to him with a less robotic, but still an unnatural smile on my face. Wally's face lit up and he reached to open the door to his home only for his mother to open the door and pull him inside hugging him tightly

'Slightly plump, with generous and attractive curves, nice green eyes and short curly red hair. Definitely bangable.' I thought to myself as she pushed her son out at arms length and started inspecting him and patting him down looking for injuries. While Wally kept trying and failing to get out of her hold like she was the Speedster instead of Wally, as he kept babbling about me and Superboy to which Wally's mother finally let go of him and hugged me.

"You're welcome to stay here as long as you need you and your brother. My name is Mary Allen. Please come to me if you need anything, anything at all." Mary Wally's mother said to me as her hands ran over my biceps.

"Thank you Mary, I'm not sure how long Kr and I will be here but we appreciate your and your families kindness." I replied putting on my most charming smile while increasing the amount of sex pheromones my body produced to improve her opinion of me.

"Come on Match, let's go to my room and put Superboy on the spare bed in there and then we'll clean out the spare bedroom so you have a place to sleep." Wally said as he seemed to sense something passing between his mother and I as she continued to feel up my biceps. While he put his arm at his mother's lower back and sped her away probably to start cleaning out the guest bedroom as I returned my sex pheromone production to normal levels.

'I don't plan on staying here for long, in fact the Bat probably put at least a 100k on each of our cards. Should go empty them out at ATM's and then make off with the cash.' I thought to myself as I took Kr's out of the little pocket located on the right leg of his solar suit. Sorry little bro, but big bro will put this to better use than you ever will.' I thought to myself as I set Superboy on the West's living room couch.

Quickly speeding off hitting an ATM finding that each of our cards had a million dollars loaded onto them.

Withdrawing a thousand off of both cards then going and buying a pair of blue jean steel toe boots and a black t-shirt with a red House of El symbol on it, and then buying additional pairs after putting the clothes on over top of my sunsuit.

Getting a dozen large duffle bags filling four of them with the clothes for both Kr and I to wear.

Going all over Central City, I found some ATM's with 5,000 dollar withdrawal limits but those were very few, still I managed to drain the card of the 2 million dollars and ended up with a little less than 2 mil due to ATM fees.

Splitting up the money between three duffle bags before going to an electronics store buying multiple burner phones of the high end touch screen variety of the flagship range.

Which would probably be equivalent to Iphone XR and Samsung whatever in my old world and a bunch of prepaid plan cards and a laptop.

Then going through and buying a bunch of prepaid loadable cards that luckily had a max of 10k load limits, but stopping at 9k each time so it wouldn't be reported to the IRS converting my three duffle bags of money to one of plastic.

'I'm kinda surprised that the Bat hasn't shown up yet and put an end to my shopping spree, or that no one has called the cops to report a speedster going all over the city using ATMs and then converting cash to prepaid cards. Heck you'd think the Flash would have shown up by now to put a stop to what I was doing.' I thought to myself as I programmed a phone for Kr while adding a bunch of prepaid cards and programmed the phone to the duffle bags with his clothes in them for him.

"Sorry little brother, I know I should stick around and be the big brother you deserve, but I'm scared the League will lock me away someplace dark and cold again. I'm afraid I'll never get to see and experience the outside world again. After all, I'm a failure, a monster, a reject." I thought to myself and was scared shitless when I felt a strong but familiar grip on my shoulder but didn't react violently like the time before.

"I was wondering when you'd show up." I said to the dark knight who had his hand on my shoulder.

"You don't have to run." Bruce said to me in a compassionate voice before jumping over the bench and sitting down next to me.

"Not a bad strategy, posing as a speedster in a city that is used to them, legally obtaining everything you and your brother need. Before going on the run alone even leaving behind 200 grand for him to use.

I won't stop you from running if that's what you really want. But the league has decided to form a team of young heroes to work covertly for us. I think you'd be a good fit for the team and would be able to make friends and stay with your brother." Bruce Wayne the Dark Knight said to me and he sounded much more caring about me then I'd ever heard him portrayed in any media before.

"Thanks Batsie, I'll think about it. But there's so much I want to see and do that isn't a simulation of combat or sex and so many other things. I'll probably come back to join your junior justice league in the future but for now I need to discover who I am. And by that I don't mean Project Match but as a half Kryptonian, half human that's spent all his life in a pod and simulations created by little chibi nightmare inducers." I replied to him and he nodded as if he already expected my response, which he probably did since he's the Batman.

"I had these prepared for you." Batman said as he handed me a thick manilla envelope. Opening it I could see all forms of I.D. I might need, including a passport and driver's license.

"Thank you, Batman." I replied to him as I stood up from the bench after scanning everything with variable spectrum vision to make sure there weren't any embedded trackers while sending a current through my body to fry any he might have placed on me before flying away from him.

Still sitting on the bench Bruce smiled as he watched his best friend's clone/son disappear from his eyesight.

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[3] Adventure start!

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It'd been a couple days since I dropped off the duffles for Kr and the burner for Wally, who texted me non-stop to the point I almost threw my phone into a lake to have some peace from him.

But I still found myself replying to every text with a smirk on my face, most recently having sent him a selfie of me laying in bed with two sleeping beauties on each arm, one a blonde the other a brunette.

'Konor, is really mad at me and thinks I abandoned him. He's not completely wrong though since I kinda did, do just that.' I thought to myself as I slipped out from between the two college dorm mates that had invited me back to their room last night after I saved them from a group of drunk posers.

'I'm so glad I was able to train at using my symbiote abilities and discovered that I have my own subspace to store things in along with additional biomass, I even learned how to make clothes out of myself as my symbiote cells camouflage themselves into the stereotypical Superboy outfit.' I thought to myself while watching my reflection in a body length mirror with an effect similar to when Mystique shape-shifts in the movies washed over my skin except where her visual effect was blue while mine was black.

Opening the large window of the two's dorm room, flying out of it and shutting the window behind me as I flew back to my room at the motel, opening the door hearing another heartbeat from inside near where the chair and desk were located.

"You've been busy." Bruce said to me from where he was sitting.

"Not really, so are you here to take me in?" I asked him as my muscles filled with tension at the thought of a fight, my tension increased as the situation became more tense feeling when I heard two footfalls from outside.

"Let's wait for the others they should be getting here any second now." Bruce replied as I walked over to the mini fridge and pulled out a can of coke.

I didn't even have to open the door as Martin Manhunter and his niece phased through the door.

"Hello Match, I'am J'onn j'onzz and this is my niece M'gann M'orzz." The martian manhunter greeted me while offering me his hand to shake, shaking it in return as the excitable young miss martian took my hand as he released it.

"Hi I'm Megan." M'gann greeted me with her amber eyes glowing in happiness as she took my hand and shook it awkwardly in greeting.

"Hi Megan, it's nice to meet you, Manhunter nice to see you again, I hope you can forgive me for that little incident but you were going to get me thrown out of my merc group." I greeted Megan keeping eye contact with her while apologizing to J'onn for using a flame thrower on him.

"It is alright Match, I felt your intentions as well as your telekinetic shield that protected me from the heat of the flames." J'onn replied with a lip smile.

"I brought Megan here because, the League and I thought that you." J'onn started to say but I raised my hand up to stop him.

"Look, I'm not your guy's enemy, but I'm not your babysitter/earth guide either I'm adjusting to life outside of a simulation still, no offense Megan you're a beautiful girl, and you seem to have a great personality, but I'm the last person...thing, you should be hanging around right now. especially if you want the whole human experience." I replied to J'onn while looking apologetically to Megan who'd lost a bit of the glow in her eyes.

"You haven't heard our offer yet." Batman interjected with a smirk in his voice while his face was expressionless.

"No offense Bats, but I already liberated enough of your cash and have earned triple that in the time since we last spoke." I replied to him as I sped around the room at a speed that would make Kid Flash Keel over in envy grabbing my go bag and crypto wallet.

"We're here to offer you a home and a purpose." Bruce said as his hand touched my forearm as I came to a stop in my earlier position.

Seeing Megan looking at me with hope filled eyes I almost gave in just for a chance to get closer to her and get some Martian tang.

"Thanks but no thanks, I'm not a joiner. but if you ever need some help gorgeous, you can give me a ring through this." I replied to Bruce while looking at Megan pulling out a knock off of the Titan's communicator but with an M on it.

M'gann looked sad as her shoulders slumped but then smiled brightly and took the communicator.

'Don't worry I won't tell them your secret...but can we talk like this often? Uncle J'onn, told me I can't talk to the humans telepathically.' M'gann asked me using her telepathy.

'Sure thing babe...becareful though when connecting with my telepathically, though. if I wasn't consciously lowering my guard my natural defenses would have hurt you, also you might walk in on me in precarious situations.' I replied to her and watched as she flushed slightly when I called her babe.

"O-okay... I'll be careful next time...M-Match." M'gann replied while cupping a hand to her chest looking the epitome of schoolgirl with a crush.

I gave her a smirking smile just before blurring away.

"You didn't inform him, that his genetic structure is deteriorating." J'onn said while looking at Batman dryly while crossing his arms in front of his chest seemingly angry with his bat themed friend.

Only for Batman to smirk and vanish in a puff of smoke.

"Uncle J'onn...does he think we can't sense his mind?" M'gann mentally communicated with her uncle.

"... Batman uses these methods to protect himself from showing how much he cares for his friends...he has many issues." J'onn replied to M'gann before flying through the door.