Danny Phantom

Danny Fenton AU


Danny struggled with many things one being a teenage girl another whole nother problem being a ghost girl hiding her true self from her parents her besties Sam and Tucker.

But another horrible problem was the massive old perverted creep that has an obsession with her and her mother and in killing her father so he can swoop in and become her daddy and her mom's new Bo.

Then then there was this guy who looked like a boy version of her and technically he was he was her clone made by that creepy fucking pervert.

In a way he was her son and in some morbid degeneracy a part of her the same part that made her crush on Dash the Rash of all people.

Made her touch herself imagining her male clone naked and sweaty on top of her kissing her as he thrusts his big fat hard Fenton cock inside her tight little virgin Fenton cunny.

God her fantasies didn't even end there either she imagined him having his way with not only their sister Jazz but their mother, her best friend Samantha Manson a sexy little goth that needed a dose of Fenton cum straight into her womb.

Then there was Paulina, a sexy Latina bitch that Danny tried hard not to admit it but she'd happily eat her ass and scissor her brains out if given the chance.

Then Star, a sexy little blonde number that would look absolutely adorable on her knees sucking her male clone's balls dry and receiving thick facials of his potent half ghost cum.

And mmm Valerie, her first and only lesbian experience, God how she wanted to see her ex screaming his name, their name as he impregnated her.

Not counting how she'd happily capture and enslave all of her female ghost enemies and turn them into her male clone's sex slaves and cum dumpsters.

Just imagining the genie grant wishing bitch in chains as her absolutely sinful ghostly body was covered in her man's cum and swelling in pregnancy as the other ghostly sluts looked similar pushed her over edge to a squirting orgasm.

"Da-nn-y hel-p mee." Called out a voice so close to her's but male instead of feminine totally crushing her euphoria as she watched her male clone starting to turn into unstable ecto-plasmic energy.

"OHH MY GAWD DANNY, MOM DAD PLEASE I NEED HELP." She screamed at the top of her lungs. Maddie burst through the door first seeing her daughter naked with cum drenched thighs seeing the young man that looked like she always imagined her son would and instincts kicked in and she knew that boy was her son.

"How?" A gasp escaped Maddie Fenton's lips.

"Mom, I swear I'll explain everything but if you don't act fast my…he'll die." Pleaded Danny.

"I want to know everything, but first let's get him to the lab and into a containment container so I can run some tests and find a way to stabilize him.

Maddie was a genius and it didn't take long for her to find out her daughter's secret but she pretended like she didn't get the confirmation on their mother daughter camping trip/bonding time.

But this…this was the field she specialized in besides the ectoplasmic. This was her research, this was her magnum opus her…her blood sweat and tears…cloning.

She knew who did this by the time she entered the elevator to her private lab and she she was going to kill that mother fucker for not only his perversions of her life's work but also of her family this was to far she could accept him trying to kill her idiot husband it'd not like she hasn't wanted to before only not doing so for her daughter's.

Then there was him ghosting into her home and jerking off to her doing anything and everything even dropping a deuce even having his little minions steal her used panties.

Like she the greatest authority on all things ghostly wouldn't be able to detect the perverted fuck carrying out his perversions she only let it continue because she felt flattered.

Jack the big dumb idiot was charming at one time but after two kids countless broken hearted moments due to his obsession with extraordinary things all the forgotten anniversaries all the not even canceled dates because she wasn't even worth a thought to him.

She tried so so so very hard to be beside him throughout it all, helping him when his inventions were nothing more than bombs waiting to go off.

She neglected her daughter's, attempting to regain her husband's attention but after a while she got lost in her own research into ecto-tech and cloning.

She even created the GIW and received funding from all nations big enough to have a budget for paranormal defense and research.

All the personnel of the GIW were clones of the same two Caucasian and African American men that she cloned right here in this lab. In this lab she created weapons to hunt ghosts but they could easily be used to fight humans and other extraordinary threats.

Is this lab she would now save the life of a half ghost clone of her daughter that thought filled her with new life and purpose she would start being there for her daughters and her son or is it grandson from now on she vowed in her heart.


I honestly have no idea how I ended up in the world of Danny Phantom or why I had to be a clone created so far into the story but I knew I was dying.

Vlad, the main character's main big bad, was also the one that created this new body of mine and insisted that I call him dad or father. I was his pride and joy until my body started to destabilize.

He locked me away in the tank he created me in while he continued to make more of me. Some of them were girls, most were boys but they all fell apart faster than I did.

Turning into bubbling green goo one day there was a power outage in the lab I was kept both prisoner and on life support in.

I knew there was only one person who could save me and that was the mc of this world Danny Phantom.

I was shell shocked upon entering Amity Park when the protector of Amity Park fired a ghost ray at me hitting me in the chest sending me through a brick building.

"I don't have time for any more ghost fights today so just get into this thermos like a good boy so I can get to where I need to be." Growled a voice that sounded close to the one I heard in the cartoon but strikingly more feminine.

Looking up I let out a gasp at the absolutely gorgeous silver haired girl with c-cup breasts, a flat toned tummy and eerie glowing green eyes.

"Hhh-el-p mmmee pwe-ase V-v-lad." I struggled to speak as the hit I took had put me into a state of flux.

"Y-you l-look li-ke me." The teenage beauty stuttered.

That's when dear old dad's vulture lackeys swooped in attacking her and capturing me.

They gripped me harshly, their claws penetrating my body making me bleed my precious ecto-plasam. I reached out towards the genderbent Danny pleading with my eyes and cracking voice for her to save me.

But-but she looked at me with cold eyes and flew in the opposite direction for some reason my heart shattered.

And in that moment I swore to do anything to survive even if it meant killing Danny Fenton and whoever stood in my way of survival.

Vlad had taught me many things in my short time as his son from business management to engineering. But he also trained me harshly in using my ghost powers. even training me theoretically in a method of gaining more power through consuming ghosts.

All ghosts have a core he told me it's what allows them to reconstitute if destroy but say if someone were to truly destroy said core they could absorb the ecto-energy and soul that that ghost was made out of increasing their powers correspondingly to that of the ghost they killed if the ghost was much weaker than them the increase would be marginal at best.

'Maybe just maybe consuming these feather brained arse holes will help in stabilizing me until I can get the help I need.' I thought to myself.


Concentrating on activating the ecto-energy in my eyes I was able to pinpoint where the vulture ghosts cores were.

It just so happened to be the one thing all three of them had in common besides being big ugly green vultures that made up their cores.

The little hats on their heads was where their core rested or is what their core was physically represented by. I wasn't too sure because Vlad for all of his knowledge and skill didn't know either or if he did he didn't tell me or write it down anywhere where I could find it.

'This either works or I die trying.' I thought to myself as I charged up the mother of all ghost beams at least it was in my deteriorating state.

Unleashing the torrent of my hot thick ecto energy beam from my position as a trapped prey the beam fired up through the stomach chest and neck before exiting the skull and directly firing into the hat.

The vulture ghost didn't even get to let out a pained squawk as it dissipated. I started to fall towards the earth, my hand that fired the ghost ray turning to ecto goo.

Along with half of my chest, torso and neck. The pain was mind numbing but still I managed to grab hold of the cap.

Just in time to hear two angry squawks.

"What have you done? abomination, It'll take him decades to reform because of you." Angrily shouted the boss Vulture as he dove to intercept me only to be intercepted by a woman wearing a red skin tight outfit with a bunch of guns riding on a hoverboard.

Blasting away at the three of us without holding anything back. "Filthy ghosts, I'll kill all of you." The woman screamed out.

Watching as she clipped one of the vulture ghosts hard with a rocket she fired I charged up another powerful ghost ray that was probably only a quarter as powerful as the first one I used finishing off the ghost and retrieving its core.

Letting myself plummet towards the ground while closing my eyes desperately wanting to consume all the potent ecto-energy inside the caps.

Slowly I could feel the strength of the two ghosts flowing into me at a trickle of a pace but as more flowed into me my gooification stopped and started to regress.

I could hear the sounds of energy blasts and angry squawking getting further away from me and thought I was safe.

Sensing that I was about to hit the ground transforming into my ghost form halting my descent a few inches from the ground.

Seeing a run down warehouse flying towards it turning intangible going right through the cargo bay door powering down returning to human form sitting on the ground crossing my legs continuing my energy absorption.

Just as I finished absorbing all the energy in the hats they seemed to melt out of existence and I could have sworn I heard two screams of agony.

Before an explosion blew out part of the wall and the red Huntress flew inside looking pretty sexy as she pointed a big ass fucking gun at me.

"My benefactor wants you alive, but I want you dead, resist and you die." The woman in red all but growled.

"Please don't take me back to my father." I pretended to be terrified and pleaded with her.

I noticed her flinching at my pleading and my fear filled eyes. Her gun even lowered slightly but she quickly shook it off firing a net at me.

"I won't fall for that ghost boy." Replied the woman in red.

'He looks so much like that ghost girl that ruined my life and made me sacrifice my relationship with Danny so I could keep her safe from ghosts.' Thought the woman in red as she clenched her fist while grinding her teeth. But couldn't help but look at the boy again, finding him cute and handsome at the same time.

'He's cute and handsome and for some reason reminds me of Danny.'

'Even though I killed two of his pawns Vlad won't kill me right after all I was his favorite toy.' I questioned myself.

She started to fly off dragging me underneath her board while I rested inside the net.

'Wait can't I just phase through this? It's worth a shot either way.' Going intangible and invisible I slowly slipped out of the net flying off in the opposite direction that Valerie was flying in.

As I was flying I heard an angry shout.

"SO SHALL IT BE ! ! !" Roarded Desiree as she was once again forced to sexually please Johnny thirteen due to her infernal powers.

'Fucking scum bag.' I growled both inside my mind and in my throat.

Charging my fists with ecto-energy pouring on the speed delivering a devastating downwards blow on Johnny's head knocking him out.

Sensing his core was the skull amulet around his neck I ripped it off of him looking over at the beautiful wishing ghost who was shedding angry tears as she was unable to move.

"I wish you were freed from whatever spells Johnny thirteen made."

"So you have wished it, So shall it be." The genie said a vindictive smile gracing her lips.

"Thank you, for freeing me." Said Desiree as she slowly started to fade into purple mist.

"Wait." I shouted but it was too late she was already gone.

"I was going to ask her if she could make a wish for herself come true or not." I sighed as I looked up at the starry sky feeling heartbroken for her coming to realize what it truly meant for a beautiful female ghost to be forced to grant everyone's wish she hears of thousands of years.

"She's probably been forced by both men and women to perform those acts against her will for centuries. Such a horrible curse you bear." I muttered not knowing Desiree didn't truly leave and stayed when I asked her to wait.

"If we meet again I promise I'll try to free you from your curse and give you a moment's happiness. Before helping you get your revenge on all those who took advantage of your powerlessness." I whispered out loud.

Turning back to Johnny. "And you, your worthless piece of shit as much as it repulses me to consume your energy to sustain myself. I must do so." I all but growled and I repeatedly curb stomped his family jewels.

Absorbing the energy inside his core I could feel myself growing a lot stronger than when I absorbed the vulture ghosts essence.

A shadow rose from the ground, one that looked just like Johnny's. It kneeled to me while waving its other hand summoning a motorcycle from the shadows.

"Sweet a minion and a sick ride."I said out loud as Johnny's necklace faded from existence along with himself.

"Find me some ghosts to sustain myself on." I commanded the shadow as I turned human and mounted the motorcycle. The shadow gave a smile filled with shadowy fangs before melting into the darkness.

"Hmm, what's this switch here do?" I asked of my mostly empty surroundings of unlit industrial buildings.

Flicking the switch I watched as a swirling green portal opened up in front of me quickly turning it off letting out a deranged laugh.

"Kkkukukukukuku, now I have access to an all you can eat buffet, Muhahahaha. Even if it means becoming a mass murderer I will let myself turn into a bubbling puddle of ectoplasmic goo. This is your fault dear donor I came to you seeking aid and you turned your back on me. from here on out all those I slay to stay alive are on your hands." I exclaimed to the sky as tears started to slip from my eyes.

"I never wanted this, I never asked to be created with a defective body in a lab by a psycho halfa. Who has an unhealthy obsession with his former best friend's wife and kids.

I never asked to be thrown away once I proved to be defective, locked inside a cage while my father paraded his new son's and daughter's in front of me before they fell apart into goo just as I started too.

But this was the life I was given and I will damn well do whatever it takes to survive. Even if it means becoming a monster I despise to do so." Tears poured from my eyes as sobs wracked my chest.


Desiree watched the young ghost boy that had come to her rescue even as she heard his promise to help her when next crossed paths, even as he ate Johnny to sustain himself.

Her heart ached at his deranged pained laugh that sounded more like a cry for help than anything nefarious. Heard his vow and the pain it caused him to make.

Watched as he shed tears over his own cursed existence a part of her wanted to rush to him to tell him to wish himself better as a thank you for helping her.

But another part of her enjoyed seeing someone in pain because of all the pain she'd suffered both sides warring caused her to stay hidden and watch as he sobbed in emotional turmoil and agony.



Sam couldn't wait for Danny to pull her head out of her ass any longer ever since that little cousin of her's Dani. 'Actually a clone.' Died turning into a puddle of bubbling ectoplasm she'd taken a more relaxed approach to ghost fighting only going after those that actually affected her.

Sam had begged her best friend to the point of tears, to help her track down a serial rapist ghost that had been attacking women that lived and worked in the industrial area of Amity Park. But she has been brushing it off for the past month and almost thirty women had been raped by an offending ghost.

The reason she knew it was a ghost committing these heinous acts was because all the women that came forward or went to the hospital to have a rape kit performed had the same green ectoplasam inside and on their bodies.

Even Tuck brushed her off like she shouldn't take it as a personal affront that a ghost was rapping women right here in their own backyard in the very area they used to patrol nightly before that girl Dani died.

Tonight she was on her own; she'd already captured the box ghost and a few harmless mouse and squid ghosts. And she was riding along on her ecto energy powered scooter, her wrist blaster at the ready while her Fenton Peeler and Fentom thermos were hooked to her specter deflector that was wrapped around her waist.

Hearing the familiar rumble of a ghost motorcycle that belongs to her main suspect, the scumbag biker ghost Johnny thirteen. God she didn't understand why such a sweet girl like Kitty would stay with a guy like that or constantly return to him after they broke up but they say love is blind.

Activating her Fenton peeler being encased in antighost mech suit armor she prepared for a fight against the biker ghost. When the bike was in sight she fired an energy beam at him from her wrist beam only for him to lay down his bike dodging the shot.

"You'll pay for what you've done to all those girls Johnny thirteen, you scumbag." Yelled Sam.

"He already has." I replied back to the hot goth girl whose eyes widened comically.

"Danny?" Asked Sam as her armor deactivated.

"Yup, but not the one you're hoping for." I chuckled.

I stood up from the ground walking towards the goth girl once I was a foot or so from her taking all of her in from the black shirt with the purple oval on her chest that was pulled tight against her breasts as her top left part of her midriff exposed.

Her Amethyst colored eyes seemed to glow in the night as her black and green checkered skirt gently swayed in the night breeze along with her neck length black hair that was partially up in a goofy wolf tail.

"You know ghost hunting is dangerous, especially ghost hunting a suspected rapist while being a young beautiful woman. Is there no one you could have asked for help?" I asked as I truly felt concerned for the goth girl I had a crush on when I was like 10 when the series aired.

"I don't usually do this alone. It's usually me and my two best friends but they haven't really wanted anything to do with ghost hunting and me by association lately." Replied Sam, her head drooping down as a tear slid down her cheek.

"Hey, don't cry. I'm sure they're just going through a phase is all, everything will go back to normal soon enough." I tried to comfort her as I patted her on the shoulder.

"You really think so?." She asked while looking up at me with big tear filled eyes.

'I can use this to my advantage and have this girl capture ghosts for me to consume until I can get a permanent fix. She's also a good way to gain access to Fenton works and the ecto-dejeto or whatever it's called that Danny in the series uses to save Dani.' I thought to myself.

"Mmmhmm, but until then why don't we hunt ghosts together." I offered as I held out my hand to her.

"I'd like that, you're a clone of her like Dani was aren't you?." Asked Sam cautiously.

"I'am, does that bother you?." I asked, faking concern. She shook her head no rapidly.

"N-not at all. It's actually kind of a relief. It's like I get to meet my best friend for the first time all over again." Replied Sam blushing while looking down at the ground kicking it with her steel toed combat boots.

'How naive, and surprisingly adorable.' I thought to myself.

"For me you're my first friend, I hope I don't disappoint you." I said, adding some fake worry to my voice. Only to receive a bright smile in return.

"Don't worry you won't and even if you do I promise we'll always be best friends. Pinky promise." She proclaimed while offering me her pinky.

"Pinky promise it is." I flashed her a smile while joining our pinkies together and shaking our hands.


Desiree felt something nasty in her chest seeing her hero smile at that bitch that way it reminded her of when Robin Hood the emerald archer made her fall in love with him only to wish for riches so he could give the one he loved the best life possible and it turned out to be some blonde whore.

"All of them are the same." She hissed venomously.

Though her heart cried out it wasn't true as her mind played him valiantly coming to her rescue and making a wish solely for her.

'Maybe he's different.' A part of her relented.


In the ghost zone.

Kitty was sitting on the couch in the realm her and Johnny shared when a flood of memories and emotions hit her like a freight train.

She remembered how much she hated Johnny, how much she sickened and disgusted him, how many times she caught him with other women, ones that were willing and ones that weren't.

She wanted to hunt him down and banish him from reality for all eternity but then her connection with him snapped and sunk into someone completely different from Johnny.

Someone kind, loving and sweet she got to watch his entire life. He wasn't perfect, he'd made mistakes but he had a good heart and enjoyed helping people with their problems.

Kitty found herself wanting to learn more about him and the memories continued she found out he was reincarnated but his reincarnation was a bit screwy his soul was pushed into an unstable clone body of that ghost girl that protects Amity Park.

She felt her own heart shatter when he finally found the person he thought would be his hero only to have her look at him coldly and turn her back to him. She felt his pain and anguish over having to kill to survive.

That surprised her especially since the ghost girl and the other ghosts all teamed up to save Christmas together she knew the girl wasn't the type to turn her back on people nor their problems.

And just as she decided to seek her out and set her straight, Shadow rose out of the floor of her home right in front of her, swallowing her whole.

"Shadow, what are you doing, let me out." Kitty demanded while she floated in the darkness.

"Ahh it is Technus, the ghost master of science and technology, fear me." Spoke another ghost that was swallowed up by Shadow.

Hundreds of ghosts were disappearing into Shadows and dark corners all over the ghost zone even Sandy Poindexter and the ghost students weren't spared.


Tucker Foley was pissed he had been setting things up perfectly alienating Sam straining her relationship with Danny. while he went out and enjoyed taking some liberties with the fairer sex using his ghost powers. sometimes he and Johnny thirteen would bro out and fuck some bitches together.

Tonight was the night he was finally going to put that headstrong annoying rich bitch Sam in her place with Johnny's help and Desiree's powers but of course another clone of Danny just had to show up and shit all over his plans. just like that little cunt Dani did not too long ago by almost exposing his ghost powers resurfaced after she witnessed him possessing Paulina to get some tasty photo blackmail.

Tucker had never known what it was like to kill someone until the night he switched out the serum that would save Dani with his own jizz after injecting the ghost steroid into himself making him ten times stronger than he already was giving himself the power of full body shapeshifting which he used to turn himself into his goodie two shoes bitch of a best friend Danny Phantom.

Something he used to great effect to lower the women's guards he so graciously deemed fit to receive his attention whether they wanted it or not. Ohh it was laughably easy to tell some already scared teen or woman there's an evil ghost or some shady people about, tell her to turn down a dead end alley and bam she's getting the Tucker special hearing them scream in pleasure from it.

But something was different about this clone compared to Dani one being obvious it was a guy and two he was stronger even with him fighting off becoming a puddle of bubbling goo like she did.

Three he made Johnny disappear and somehow gained control over Johnny's Shadow and Motorcycle but worse yet he managed to let Desiree get away and this time she knew he was involved she'd sewn him and heard his plans for Sam.

Tucker flew back home wishing he'd just captured the Danny clone when he'd had the chance earlier tonight if he had Sam would be his right now underneath him begging for more of him. He thought as his eyes glowed red.

[Thoughts on this part Tucker never really seemed like a good guy and whenever he had power he turned pretty evil pretty quickly.]


I felt something dark and twisted as a chill ran down my spine while a cold blue mist escaped my mouth.

'Ghost sense. I better try and get this girl home just in case Johnny wasn't actually the one guilty of what Sam thinks he is. Also why didn't this go off before? Maybe because I was too weak or the shock of having a hero abandon me to die. I don't know. But these are all good points to think about after I get her home and find a place to stay.' I thought to myself as I noticed Sam shivering slightly.

"Hey Sam." I called her name questioningly.

"Yeah what's up Danny?" Asked Sam back, her eyes brimming with curiosity.

"It's pretty late and cold out. I was wondering if you'd let me drive you home so I know you got there safely. Ghosts aren't the only things to worry about at this time of night." I said wearing a concerned but friendly smile to which Sam blushed as she started rubbing her right arm with her left hand while moving her waist back and forth softly.

"Sorry, if I'm pushing too far we did just meet after all." I said realizing I might have come off too strongly.

"Na-na-na-nno aa-actualy I-I was wo-wondering I-if we could Fa-fa-fly." Sam stuttered cutely. While I sighed showing my regretfulness.

"If I was stronger and didn't think it'd cause me to start gooificatining again I'd love to fly you home." I said honestly resting my hand against my chest looking down at the ground conveying sadness since even though I didn't do it for long I fell in love with flying outside of Vlad's training.

"Oh-oh God I'm so sorry, how could I forget." Sam said as she jumped forward throwing her arms around my neck hugging me.

"It's Alright no harm done. But about that ride?" I comforted while bringing up the ride again.

"I'd love the ride home." She replied while looking down kicking the remains of a Fenton scooter.

"I kind of forgot to get off of it when I activated the Fenton Peeler." She said while blushing and pulling away from the hug.

"Hahahahaha." I let out a deep laugh. Only to receive a punch on the arm while she crossed her arms under her breasts while giving me an angry pout.

'Fuck this girl just looks too sexy and adorable right now. I'm so glad Vlad had me learn the age of consent. The age in this world in this America starts at thirteen since the people here mature faster emotionally and physically compared to my old one. while still keeping their youthful appearances.' I thought to myself as it took a force of will not to stare at Sam's tits as they were being pushed up and put on prominent display.

"Come on, let's get going." I said as the motorcycle righted itself as I walked to it, swinging my leg over it mounting the bike in one fluid motion.

Sam walked over surprisingly in a shy manner.

"I've never ridden on a motorcycle before." She said in a soft voice.

"Hmm, well here's a few tips about riding on one." I said as I started pointing out places on a motorcycle for passengers.

"See these foot pegs up here that's where you have to keep your feet one so they don't get in the way when I shift gears. Two so you don't burn those nice legs of yours on the exhaust pipes." I said not realizing I'd slipped a compliment about her legs into my teaching moment until I noticed her crossing her legs while standing.

"You th-think I have na-nice legs Tu-Tucker says they look like toothpicks." Sam asked embarrassed.

"Hahaha. Yes I think you have nice legs there, nice and long they have a good muscle definition while you also have a very fair complexion." I replied not hiding that I found her attractive.

"Th-thank you." Sam stuttered a reply while also punching my shoulder while spinning around making her skirt fly up making me catch a glimpse of her bubble butt and small little pink thong,

"No problem it's easy to compliment pretty girls when any moment could be your last." I said without thinking.

"Ha-have you complimented a lot of girls?" Questioned Sam still with her back to me.

"Nope, besides you the few seconds with Phantom and the wishing ghost Desiree pretty much all my female interactions were with an A.I. my creator. created named Maddie, she was pretty much the closest thing I had to a friend and a mom." I sighed sadly.

"You sound sad, did something happen to her?" Asked Sam concernedly.

"I'd rather not talk about it right now, it's a really painful memory. But maybe in the future I can talk about it with my best friend." I teased softly, changing the subject.

Sam turned around and nodded with a determined look in her eyes. "Whenever you're ready we can talk about anything." She declared passionately while fist pumping the air.

'Would you still say that if you knew I killed Johnny to live? Or that I'm going to keep killing and feeding off ghosts to live?' I asked in my mind.

"Thanks Sam, you're the best." I said with a genuine smile.

"Of course I'am." Replied the goth with a bright smile.

"Easy there, wouldn't want your ego to get so big you wouldn't be able to fit on my bike." I teased receiving another punch for it.

"Okay Okay enough teasing now this is probably the most important thing you can do as a passenger on a motorcycle besides leaning with me when I lean to turn.

Is keep your eyes open and head on a swivel if you see something or someone like another car closing in fast say something because a lot of people in cars overlook motorcyclists and hit them because they blend in with the scenery since people's eyes are trained to look at the back ends of cars and trucks.

It's kinda like how someone can drive into the back of a dump truck or school bus and claim they never saw it because chances are their eyes did see it but their brain didn't register it in time." I told her seriously.

"Got it." Sam squeaked a little in reply.

"Good. Okay now get on and tell me what turns to make." I said, giving her a reassuring grin.

Sam climbed on the back of the bike but needed help getting her feet on the foot pegs due to the clunky combat boots. Once I got her situated and revved the bike to life her arms found their way around my waist holding onto me tightly.

'If this wasn't her first time on a bike I'd tell her how dangerous it can be to hold on like this and recommend she only rest her hands on my hip and tighten her grip when necessary but just this once I'll let her cling to me like this also her big tits pressed against my back through our thin clothing feels good.' I thought to myself as I slowly got us rolling.


It took us twenty minutes or so to get into the higher class neighborhood where Sam's family's estate is located.

I felt Sam's hands subtly rubbing my abs. Before she leaned up and started talking into my ear.

"Can you stop here, I snuck out and I don't want any of the maids or the butlers catching us because of the motorcycle noise." Sam asked.

"Sure." I hollered over the roar of the engine and the whipping of the wind.

Both Sam and I got off the bike and I pushed it the rest of the way down the block as she walked on the sidewalk next to me.

"Danny, god we need to come up with a new nickname for one of you. This will be so confusing when you guys meet." Sighed Sam.

"You can call me Daniel or Dan." I replied back to her.

"No Daniel feels too Mehh. And Dan iz okay perse but it still feels a little too impersonal for my best friend, maybe Dandan." Sam asked embarrassed and a little expectant.

"Hahaha, Dandan is fine Sam or maybe I should call you Sammy." I laughed while teasing her back for her assumed embarrassment at thinking up a nickname for me.

"Please no, it makes me sound like a boy." Replied Sam as she smacked herself on the forehead.

"Aright Aright just Sam then. What were you going to ask earlier?" I relented on giving her a new nickname while trying to find out what she was going to ask me before she got distracted by the whole name thing.

"Well you're a runaway, and I don't mean to pry but you probably don't have any money or a place to stay right?" Asked Sam already knowing the answer.

"Yes…" I replied letting it trail off to see where she was going with this.

"Well, we have a big house and a lot of guest rooms…even if it means getting caught for sneaking out I wouldn't mind it if it was for you so you had a place to sleep. Or I could loan you some money until you figure something out." Sam offered the girls kindheartedness shining through that dark Gothic exterior.

"I couldn't, I'm being." I tried to explain I was being hunted by Vlad and his allies.

(Punch punch Smack upside the head.)

"You can and you will. (Humph)" huffed Sam as she blew a loose strand of her hair out of her face after punching me not once but twice even throwing in a back of the head smack for good measure.

'I take that back, only more goth is shining through that gothic exterior.' As I put the kickstand of the bike down before jumping over to the other side coming up behind San tickling her sides.

"Hahahaha haaa st-stop Pwease mercy mercy." Laughingly, Sam cried out.

I spun her around as she was facing me but I was thrown for a loop seeing her flushed panting face, her watery eyes, her hard nipples poking through her tight top as my hands rested at her hips.

My mouth and throat became dryer than a desert experiencing a three year long drought as my belly started filling with warmth as my heart started to beat faster. I found myself leaning forward moving closer to Sam's kissable purple lipstick stained lips as she moved closer herself.

Sam's hands rested against my chest, balling up into my shirt as she started to rise up on her toes. We were less than an inch away from kissing when an age-wissened voice broke us out of our enchantment with one another.

"Who's this Bubeleh? And where are your friends Danny and Tucker?" Asked Sam's grandmother Ida, saying Tucker's name with disdain in her voice.

"Gra-grandma wh-what are you doing out here?." Sam shouted embarrassed as she pushed me away from her.

"Hahaha, making sure my Bubeleh gets home safely after her and her friends protect the town." The woman said not hiding that she knows that Sam, Danny and Tucker hunt ghosts just about every night.

"But I must say I'm surprised, usually Danny flys you home and right into your room. Did something happen between you two? And who is this strapping young lad? He looks familiar but I can't quite place why." The woman smacked Sam with the fact she knows Danny is the ghost girl before probing to find out if there were problems between the two friends before trying to get the scoop on me.

"I" Sam started to say but her grandmother raised her hand up to stall the tide of half baked lies and excuses.

"Samantha, my Bubeleh, I have kept your secret and that of your friend for months and I had planned to keep on keeping them but you went out tonight alone just like you have for the past couple of weeks. I want the truth from you." Spoke Ida leaving no room for argument and I could see where Sam got her fire from even though the woman was old and relied on a scooter to get around she had a strong presence of self.

"Well you see." I also started to weave a story but the look the woman gave me before holding up her hand made me stop dead in my tracks.

"You may be a handsome young man and have reassured me that my Bubeleh isn't a lesbian. But don't you dare lie to me or else." The woman who felt like she was ten feet tall said in a stern voice.

"GRA-GRANDMA ! ! !." Sam yelled in embarrassment while burying her face in her hands while letting out what sounded like a death rattle.

I found myself gently patting Sam's back as she hunched down towards the sidewalk before looking up at the spitfire of an old woman.

"It would probably be best if we went inside to somewheres private if you want to know everything Ma'am." I replied honestly seeing no real reason to lie to the old woman that reminded me a bit of my own Irish catholic grandmother from my past life.

Getting a nod from her before she waved her cane I hadn't even noticed before that seemed to have glowing green circuitry built into it making my eyes widen upon seeing it.

'Sam's grandmother is a ghost hunter.' I thought to myself before looking over at Sam who didn't seem to notice it at all.


Vlad was sitting inside his office inside his castle in Wisconsin. Sitting behind his large mahogany desk in an expensive high back leather chair fit for a king. While he swirled an expensive red wine in an expensive glass while he wore a proud smirk.

"My son, my little honey badger, you've made me so proud to be a father even if you have dallied a little in heroics and wept like a child after taking your first human-esque life." Vlad said before taking a delicate sip of wine.

"Ahh such a pleasant vintage with a nice sweet taste and a robust bouquet." Vlad complimented the wine he was drinking.

"Though I am remiss to admit it, he did cost me my most capable lackeys." Sighed Vlad as he held the remaining representation of the vulture that returned to him demanding vengeance against his son before it slowly melted from existence.

"You make me proud to be a father Daniel. I just wish I knew how to stabilize you since the mid-shift D.N.A that Dani managed to acquire through emotionally manipulating Dannielle Fenton didn't work the way I theorized it would. HAAAaaa." Vlad sighed after admitting his shortcomings.


"So you're a clone of Dannielle who's slowly dying because you're D.N.A is unstable?" Ida Manson asked.

"Yup, that's the gist of it." I replied.

"Your father, creator or whatever you want to call it is Vlad Masters, one of the richest, most influential men in North America and the world but has been unable to find a cure for your defective state?" Asked Ida a bit of doubt creeping into her voice.

"Yeah, he had a theory of a possible cure but it didn't pan out if the death of the other clone like me named Dani that Danny claimed was her cousin.

Died even after the treatment he thought would work using untainted samples of Dannielle's D.N.A from human mid-ghost to ghost. So as far as I know I'm living on a very short clock." I said anger leaking into my voice as I dug my fingers into my knees.

"You flew all the way here from Wisconsin, you must have had some hope that there was a way to save yourself." Ida said calculatively.

"I-I didn't really know if there was. I just heard how she was a hero and heroes always do everything they can to save someone.

I-I thought…I hoped she'd do the same for me b-but then The Bitch shot me ignored my plea for help and watched coldly as I was being taken by Vlad's lackeys so I could spend the rest of my life in that damned forsaken tank he cooked me up in." I couldn't hold back the hate I felt towards Danny or the venom my words were laced with when I referred to her as the bitch.

I could feel blood running down my legs from where I had dug my fingers into them along with the hot tears sliding down my face as my head fell against my chest.

"Dan, stop it, you're hurting yourself." Sam yelled as she tried to pull my hands off of my legs.

"I know you are scared and hurting Daniel. But I believe you should approach Ms.Fenton tomorrow in person or at least Madeline Fenton.

She knows about her daughter's secret just as I do she even made this cane for me that has some handy ghost hunting tools built into it." Ida spoke calmly in an experienced way that made it hard to argue with her.

"But, enough of this talk tonight, I'll show you the room you'll be staying in until you figure things out." Ida said softly while driving her scooter out of Sam's bedroom.

We walked down the hall a ways in companionable silence. Until we reached a door that she opened before driving inside.

"I know your time may be short Daniel but I hope you won't break my Bubeleh's heart." She said while turning to look me in the eyes while resting a comforting hand on my forearm.

"No matter what it takes. Don't look so surprised. I know that look son, Samantha doesn't know this but I was in Auschwitz, I did what I had to do to survive too and I have had to live with that pain in my heart for the past sixty-six years." Ida said as she she'd a few tears and I found myself leaning forward and hugging the woman gently.

She gently patted my chest and I released her from my hug.

"You're a sweet young man and I'd be happy to have you as a member of my family. just promise me you won't lose yourself in the darkness like I almost did." She sighed softly as she patted my hand before driving out of the room stopping just as she got through the door.

"Goodnight dear, never give up hope or love, they will guide you through the darkest of times." With those final words she disappeared down the hallway back towards Sam's bedroom if it can even really be called that it was like she had her own house inside this house.

Closing the door kicking off my clothes until I was in a pair of boxer briefs. Jumping onto the Alaskan king bed enjoying the way I bounced back up into the air slightly letting out a tired sigh as I slowly sunk into my own mind.

'Ida knows or suspects I'm a killer out of necessity and she comforts me instead of demanding that I leave. I honestly don't know what to think about the woman other than that she's probably the sweetest craziest granny in this world.

That pain in her voice in her eyes though that was definitely real. Enough about that if I don't figure out a permanent solution to my problem soon it won't matter who knows what.

Here's a few options I can think of off the top of my head: one Sinistra's powers of feeding off of negative energy to sustain herself, a plausible way to keep my own body stable. Actually Sinistra might just be able to save me herself.

Two Desiree and her wishing powers. Three the Fenton's, four the reality gauntlet and stones but going against its guardians might kill me faster than any of the other options.

Five Timmy Turner and his fairly odd parents. Six I keep doing what I've been doing and bring unwanted attention to myself.

"Shadow I'm feeling a bit peckish, show me what you got, keep them restrained and silent for me though." I commanded the Shadow that rose up from the floor.

A few hundred cannon fodder ghosts flickered by me before Sandy Poindexter, Kitty the sexy biker girl and of all people who could be useful for my ideas on how to raise money and advance this world's tech Technus.

When my eyes met Kitty's I felt this strange connection snapping into place and a rush of memories and emotions and saw just how much of a scumbag Johnny really was and how great of a gal Kitty was from her life to her unlife I felt like I knew her better than myself.

"Shadow release Kitty, keep Technus and Poindexter bound, test whether or not I can consume those cannon fodders through you." I commanded and Shadow instantly complied, ejecting Kitty onto the ground.

"Wait Daniel, you don't have to do this." Kitty said compassionately.

"I do or else I'll die." I replied back.

I felt arms wrap around my waist as soft lips kissed my neck. "Mason, trust me you don't have to do this. I know how much this is killing you." Kitty whispered in my ear calling me by my middle name.

"You-you kn-know." I asked, feeling afraid.

"Shh, you don't have to be afraid your secrets are safe with me. 'My love.' She added in her mind as she rested her chin against my naked shoulder as her hands traveled my bare abs.

"I don't want to die. I need power, their powers to stay alive until I can get a permanent solution." I replied back trying not to sound as broken and as powerless as I felt.

"You don't need all those ghosts inside Shadow and Poindexter is one of the good ones if you're going to do this we will do this together. I'll help you get the bad ones to feed off of I know it will still hurt but it will hurt at least a little less." Kitty spoke softly.

"Thank you Kitty." I replied softly but genuinely as I removed her hands from my body walking towards Technus looking over at Poindexter.

"Thank her she's the only reason you'll leave here alive." I told him coldly as I put my hand on Technus's head and started squeezing it until I heard a it crunch and fall apart revealing a brain that looked like it was made of circuitry.

I felt like throwing up as he struggled and screamed through his bonds but his body became still when I removed the brain from the remainder of his head.

I turned to look at Kitty expecting fear, disgust, hate and any other negative emotion but all I found was unfathomable love and understanding in her warm gaze and that made me feel even worse.

Since it felt like I was corrupting her, ruining her, tainting her with my filth. She seemed to instantly realize what I was thinking and her face was marked by an unhappy frown as she stomped towards me.

"Don't you dare think that way about yourself. You're not ruining me, you're not tainting me. You're my savior, my hero, my light at the end of a very long dark tunnel. I love you. I know we just met in person a few minutes ago but I experienced your life both of them just as I'm sure you experienced mine and there is no one I'd rather be with than you." She proclaimed as she wrapped one arm around my neck taking a big handful of my hair while the other rested over my heart just as her lips took mine by a gentle loving force.

She pulled away from our kiss leaving me gasping for breath as my lips tingled letting me know they were most likely bruised.

"Finish up with that and come to bed. We have a lot of lost time to make up for my love." She said giving me the come hither look as she stripped off her leather jacket slowly.


Desiree knew she should stop stalking him that she had overhead something she shouldn't have between Kitty and Daniel or was it Mason and Kitty?

Though a part of it was loath to admit it Daniel had a special place in her heart he was the first person to save her and not just kill the other person and take her for him or herself.

He even claims to want to help her further by wishing for something she wants granted no matter how much that logical part of her brain cries out it is a trap her heart even with as jaded and broken as it is believes him with all its pieces.

And then there was Kitty, a person she thought of as a friend even if she had lightly taken advantage of her powers to wish for some new and sexy clothes once and awhile.

But besides that she always treated her kindly and tried to protect her from Johnny but Johnny was always faster wishing for her to forget what she's seen or that she'd join in and Johnny was always so damned specific she couldn't even wiggle or twist her way out of granting his wish incorrectly.

A part of Desiree was telling her to leave the second Kitty started stripping off her clothes while rocking her body back and forth but she was entranced and wanted to see what kind of lover Daniel was.



As I was absorbing Technus's Brian core thingy I was slowly feeling my mind expand along with the way I processed thoughts.

I was slowly being pulled into my own mind and instead of little bubbles with memories playing inside there was a holo-graphix screen with various folders on it labeled from age 1-5 and so on and so forth until the age that I originally died at.

With a new folder tab that said AF for what I assumed ment after reincarnation after clicking on it my assumption was proved right.

But there were various other tabs as well like media after clicking that drop down tag there were more folders Music, Movies, TV shows, Books, Comics even though I never read very many of them to begin with and a separate folder for porn.

Looking through everything I saw that everything I had ever watched, listened to and read were preserved in perfect quality.

Then there were my memories and I was able to see things I'd long forgotten about from my previous life. But instead of perfect quality these memories were a bit grainy like watching something on an old tube TV instead of in 1080p or 4k like the media was preserved in.

Closing the drop down tags I noticed another few interfaces like backup and clone not knowing what those two functions do. I left them alone while pulling out of the depths of my mind.

And was greeted by the sight of Kitty in nothing but her fishnets laying missionary her legs up in a triangle with one hand between her thighs spreading her pussy lips.

While wearing the sexiest of smirks that just drove me wild while pointing her one finger at me while curling it towards herself.

Her light green skin flushed a darker hue of green as her usually done up hair was spread out across the pillows, her D-cup breasts heaving slightly as her dark green nipples pointed up into the sky like spires on a castle.

"Are you just going to stand there all day lover or are you going to come fuck me?" Asked Kitty in a mix of teasingly aggressive.

"I'm just admiring a work of art." I replied back.

"While then come admire me up close." Kitty wore a genuine smile on her face, losing the perverted one she'd had before.

Her lips suddenly glowed blue as she blew me a kiss but I wasn't afraid since I knew she could control what she banished with that deadly kiss of hers.

I felt where the warm soft material of my underwear was replaced with the slightly chilled feeling from the cool air that was circulating inside the room.

My hard cock slapped against my stomach as it was finally released from its silk prison.

"Hey, those were silk and my only pair. Hahaha" I complained while laughing but I didn't get any reply besides a strangled gasp.

"It's massive." Kitty said with wide eyes.

"Thank you, Vlad at least did something right when he grew me in a test tube." I joked.

"Don't talk about any man when we're like this honey, it's a turn off. But yea he did something alright." Replied Kitty.

"Do you not like it?" I asked somewhat self-consciously since even though this wasn't technically my first time it was my first time in this body in this world.

"Like it? I love it honey, and I want it inside me now so that big fat cock over here this instant and reshape my tight little pussy for only you." Kitty said, wearing a saucy grin while letting out a wanton moan.

I wasn't some virgin even if my body of a hormonal fourteen year old kept screaming otherwise and wanted to jump Kitty and bury my cock inside her as deep as it could and shoot my spunk inside her.

Walking towards her with measured steps enjoying the way she bit her bottom lip as her thumb toyed with her cute little dark green pleasure bean.

The closer I got to her the harder it was for me to control myself and hold back the second I climbed into the bed and was hit with the sweet smoky tangy scent of her sex.

I nearly said fuck it with making our first time together special for both of us and rutted her like an animal.

Grabbing her small green foot that was encased by her fishnets massaging it with both hands as I planted a kiss on her ankle.

"Mmm baby that feels so good but I want your cock inside of me not a foot rub.' Kitty complained and moaned at the same time.

"This is our first time Kitty and my first time like this…this may end up being our first and last time together…I want to make it special for both of us and not just slam my cock into you and give you the best dicking of your life or unlife." I replied softly while putting my whole heart into my words so she'd understand how important this was to me.

"OOH, baby I love you so much, ahh you are so good at giving massages too." Kitty moaned.

I smirked at that while thinking. 'You ain't seen nothin yet.' To myself.

Moving up from her foot massaging her calf while placing kisses along it.

'I wish I could use my abilities to their fullest while running the risk of gooificatining. If I could I'd have four arms right now so I could massage both her legs at once.' I thought to myself.

"Haa haa haa, this is almost as good as sex." Kitty moaned softly.

"Hahaha, I have to pamper my girl." I said softly.

"That's ngh right, I'm your girl, all yours mmm." Kitty moaned while slowly fingering herself and toying with her slit while her other hand teased her right breast and played with her erect nipple.


Sam didn't know what to think after everything she's heard and seen between Daniel and Kitty to him telling Poindexter he's sparing his life, seemingly killing Technus too.

An-and now he's massaging an almost completely naked Kitty except for her being in fishnet stockings.

Sam was feeling jealous as she slowly pushed down her sexy pink thong, the only thing pink her mother buys her that she actually wears.

Letting out a hot moan as she pushed a finger inside her wet dripping sex wishing she was in Kitty's place right now.


Desiree was watching the intimate moment between Kitty and Daniel her face twisted in jealousy as she watched the way he treated her as a queen the way she should have been treated and wondered if he'd take her as his as well she's fine with sharing a man with another woman after all that was just the way things worked in her time.

As she gripped her breasts while conjuring a vibrator masturbating to the delicious but jealousy inducing love making going on below her.


Ida was watching everything that was happening in her home through her security system she had Madeline Fenton install months ago.

That could see ghosts even when they were invisible though they were more of a vague silhouette then a true image of them but she could tell it was a female ghost and a busty one at that.

She could see her son in law cheating on her daughter with a young flavor of the month maid while her daughter quietly sobbed in bed.

To her Bubeleh fingering herself while peeping on that young stud that if she was twenty years younger she'd be teaching a few things too.

As she had him on the main screen making love because that's what it was, it wasn't just sex she could see that much the way he was nearly worshiping her body as he massaged her legs and thighs planting kisses all the way.

As he dove into her sex tasting it, feasting on it, worshiping it with his tongue, God how she wanted to trade places with the little harlot to be treated in such a way.

But she knew she was too old for such things and had to settle for hoping her Bubeleh would have a place in the young man's heart as she called her team of lawyers.

"Mrs.Manson, how can I help you?" Asked a voice that dripped with sleaze.

"Brennan I want you to draw up adoption papers and name change papers for one Daniel Masters. Yes, as in Vlad Masters mysterious heir send. him a letter informing him that "I am taking the boy in as my own and that if he even thinks of resistance I will destroy him." Ida coldly commanded her lawyer.

"Hahaha, I love working for you miss Ida." The man's voice sounded more honest than she's ever heard before.

"Do you have a new name in mind, Miss Ida? The man on the other end of the line asked.

'The boy has suffered hell and is still suffering through it but making it his own. I believe Dante would be a good name for him and as for a middle name, how about Mason.

"Yes, his new name will be Dante Mason Manson." Ida said a sweetness in her voice that the man had only heard when her Bubeleh was mentioned.

"I'll have the papers to you by the end of the week Ma'am congratulations on having a son." The man said in fake sincerity as the line clicked off.

"A son at almost 90 hahahaha. Ahh that's a laugh and a half." Laughed Ida as she touched the left side of her chest that still burned to this day.

"At least I'll be able to provide him a loving home for as long as I have left." She whispered softly, her hand clenching in her shirt over her left breast as the tattoo there seemed to feel like red hot iron was being pressed against her skin as she was pulled back into her past.


Moving to Kitty's opposite leg repeating the same process as the previous leg methodically enjoying the hot sighs, gentle moans and mewls that Kitty was making while the soft wet squelching sounds of Kitty fingering herself tied them together in a symphony.

'Ahh ahh ah, I can feel it, I can feel it all, all the love he's giving me. It's so warm, so pure, so filling.' Kitty moaned inside her mind as her heart and soul finally felt free as she finally felt safe and fulfilled.

"Ohh OOh you're tongue it fweels amazing baby ahh ah ah I'm gonna cum I'm gonna fucking cum all over your face." Cried out Kitty as her thighs clamped around my head as her hands took handfuls of my hair trying to pull me deeper into her hot convulsing sex as her back arched off the bed and she tried to grind herself against my face all at once before a powerful orgasm rocked her body.

Thick milky girl cum coated my tongue slowly sliding down my throat as her cunny started gushing her nectar splattering my face and chest washing her cum down my throat her taste was like no woman I had ever tasted before the closest thing to it was an expensive sangria fruit wine I'd dunk from Vlad's massive store of extrobientently priced wines.

"AHHHHHH FUCKING HELL IM CREANING ALL OVER YOUR FACE ! ! !" Kitty screamed before her words turned into an indecipherable gargle as I continued feasting on her gushing cunny prolonging her orgasm gulping down her nectar as fast as I could.


Sam was fingering herself harshly while leaning against the doorframe as her other hand was pinching, pulling and rubbing her clit.

When Kitty had her organs Sam experienced her too like they were in a perfect sink with one another.

Sam slowly sank to the floor, her entire body vibrating as she continued to feel aftershocks of her best orgasm to date.

Her skirt was drenched, the hardwood floor underneath had a standing puddle of the juices that shot out of her.

Her pink thong was completely water logged and even in her hazy mind all Sam wanted to do was burst into that room and demand that her Dandan gives her the same treatment as Kitty even as she slowly started fingering herself again.

As Daniel's head came out from between Kitty's thighs Kitty who was barely breathing even as her chest heaved whose eyes had rolled back up into her head whose tongue stuck out of her mouth as drool ran down the corners of it and tears ran down her cheeks.

Daniel kissed his way up from Kitty's pussy taking special care to lick the ghost biker babes belly button before moving further up licking her breasts and underboob sucking and playing with each of her hard nipples as he teasingly pressed the big fat head of his hard cock to her tight little pussy lips spreading them just enough to encase the very tip of his penis before he pulled away.

"Pwease pwease put it in me." Kitty was begging out as she moaned and Sam was begging pleading for him to do the same.

Desiree was cumming like crazy; everything her hero was doing to Kitty was everything she'd ever dreamed and hoped a man would do to her.

After the third orgasm she'd decided she'd approach him and give him a chance to prove he was different from everybody else.

She knew nobody would understand why seeing the way he had sex reassured her he was a kind loving person but when you spend over five thousand years as a sexual object you realize men and women are at their most honest when they are intimate with each other.

Even if she did notice how he was holding himself back at first from rutting her like a beast she saw he equally got into this kind of love making after hearing Kitty's first moan.


I was going to continue teasing Kitty when I found myself on my back looking up at her ruby red eyes as she wore an almost evil smirk.

"If I wasn't so horny from all your teasing, I would so be getting you back right." Kitty moaned as she slowly slid herself down my cock making me hit her deepest depths.

"OOH Fuck your hitting all my spots you'll break into NY womb of I take you any deeper." Kitty moaned in agonizing ecstasy.

"Fuck Kitty you're so tight and warm. I feel like cumming and you only just took me in." I moaned in reply.

"Fuck do it baby cum in me I want my womb to know you own it forever and ever." Kitty moaned out as she started grinding her hips as she bottomed out on my dick.

"Fuck." I grunted as I started shooting thick ropes of my cum right into her baby maker. As she started convulsing on my cock falling onto my chest like a puppet that had its strings cut.

"Ishoo hwot shomuch is fwooding inshide me." Kitty said somewhere between a whisper and a scream as her face looked that of someone who was just fucked silly and not just cummed inside of from insertion.

Our mutual orgasm lasted at least half a minute with my cock continuously shooting ropes even at a lessening degree the entire time.

"That was." I started to say.

"Amazing, I've never felt so full and satisfied before. Do you want to keep going? you're still rock hard inside of me." Kitty asked softly.

I put both my hands on Kitty's hips sliding them down to her plump pear shaped ass giving her buns a squeeze and a slap.

(Smack) "Ahhnnn" Moaned Kitty at having her ass smacked and muled by my hands.

"You have such a nice ass baby." I said as I molded it with my hands my fingers sinking into her soft ass flesh.

"Do do you want to fuck my sexy ass?" Kitty asked somewhat shyly.

"Yes but not right now I want to enjoy this and the feeling of your pussy still trying milk more cum from my balls." I replied honestly while giving her a wink.

"Naughty boy." Kitty teased while letting out a musical laugh.

"Kitty." I called her name out seriously.

"What's wrong? You're not regretting this us are you?" Kitty asked fear creeping into her voice as her body started to tremble and not in a pleasant way.

"No, never why would you even think that?" I asked concerned while I moved one on my hands to her back rubbing it in soft slow circles.

In a small weak voice. "Because I'm dirty." Kitty replied her words carrying so much pain and heartbreak.

"You're not." I said softly while Kitty rapidly shook her head the hand that was rubbing her back slid up her body until I reached her hair taking a firm handful lifting her head upwards.

"You're not dirty, you're a survivor a fighter and a drop dead gorgeous on at that." I told her my voice stern and steely.

Kitty's eyes filled with tears as I relaxed the grip I had on her hair like a viper she struck forward kissing me passionately her tongue forcing its way into my mouth tangling around my own tongue sighing into my mouth as she sucked on my tongue.

Her hips started moving as she started fucking herself on me our kisses broken up by our moans and sighs our hot breaths mingling and dancing together.

"Ahh ahh ahh mmm I love riding your cock." Moaned Kitty.

"I love having you ride me beautiful." I replied, right as I rolled us over so she was the one on her back her legs instinctively came up and wrapped around me as I pistoned into her planting kisses along her neck and collarbone.

My one hand drifted to just below her ass sinking into her soft flesh there giving me a bit of leverage while I wrapped my hand up in her hair. Her nails dug into my back as she bit onto my shoulder.

"Fuck you're going to fucking break me in half baby fuck fuck fuck I'm cumming on your cock again." Kitty cried out as her nails dug new trails down my back pushing me over the edge making me cum ropes inside of her again cum burst from around the tight seal her pussy made around my cock.

"Ahhhhhhhh I'm going to explode if you pump anymore into me." Kitty cried out.

I smirked as I pried her legs open while leaning backwards flipping her over onto her stomach without slipping free of her gripping depths. Smacking her nice pear shaped ass a few times loving the way it juggled and gained a dark green hue.

(Smack Smack Smack)

"NghhHAAA spank me daddy." Kitty cried out.

"Daddy?" I questioned.

"Too far?" Asked Kitty. (Is it ?)

'Is it ?' I asked myself.

"It's cool once an awhile." I shot back.

"Goo-good daddy please fuck my tight little pussy nice and hard." Kitty said in a teasing tone as she wiggled her ass a little making it jiggle.

Bringing my middle finger up to my mouth getting it nice and wet with saliva as she brought her knees up underneath herself using my other hand spreading her ass cheeks and her apple green twitch spicnchter.

"Wh-what are you do-doing?" Questioned Kitty nervously.

"I think you know exactly what I'm doing, I'm getting your asshole ready to take my cock." I told her.

"Bu-but I haven't cleaned it for you yet." Kitty replied with a little stutter.

"Do ghosts even have use the bathroom?" I asked genuinely curious.

The way she looked at me over her shoulder told me I was a dumbass. I turned away from her gaze feeling embarrassed as all hell.

'Aww, he looks soooo cuuuutttteeeee when he's embarrassed. Mmm just having his cock in me like this makes me feel so full and happy.' Thought Kittty to herself unknown to her three others had similar thoughts about him looking absolutely adorable with such an innocent embarrassed look and blush on his face and cheeks.

Spitting on her asshole before rubbing the spit around her pucker hole before forcing my finger into the bone crushing tightness as I started slowly pulling out before slamming back home inside of her deepest reaches.

Enjoying the way her vaginal walls massaged and twitched around me as her sphincter tried force my finger out of her.

"FUCK YOU FUCKER YOUR FINGERS IN MY ASS." Kitty yelled even as her folds clenched down around me as I started rocking my finger back and forth in time with my hips.

(Samck Smack Smack Smack Smack)

My balls were smacking against her clit just as my hips were her ass as my other hand held her hip tightly.

"You love my finger in your ass admit it slut or I'll stop fucking." I fake growled.

"Ohh God fuck yes I love the way you're fingering my ass while fucking my pussy Ahh Ahhn ohh ohh fuck daddy I've been such a bad girl you have to fuck the it out of me." Moaned Kitty as she started pushing back into my thrusts.

Moving my hand from her hip wrapping it in her hair pulling back on it slightly I went all out hard and fast at an unforgiving pace. The sounds of our bodies smacking together as Kitty's cunny made wet slippery sounds.


"FUCK BABY FUCK FUCK FUCK FFFUUUCCCKKK." Kitty screamed as she squirted me with her fluids her tongue lolling out of her mouth as her face layed in a puddle of drool her eyes drooping as she slowly passed out.

Pulling my cock out of Kitty's gushing cunt only to be rewarded with it gushing out our hot cums from it splattering my thighs and lower abdomen creating a huge puddle on the mattress.

Falling down on the the mattress beside her feeling exhausted pulling her closer to myself and out of the mess we'd made together on the bed even in her state she snuggled into my warmth my eyes grew heavy as my heart felt lite.